Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Zedekiah (also known as Zed) and Maynard are the secondary antagonists of Quentin Tarantino's 1994 crime thriller film Pulp Fiction, serving as the main antagonists of the chapter "The Gold Watch".

They are a pair of brothers who run a pawn shop, which they use as a front to kidnap, torture, and violate men in Los Angeles, one of whom is crime boss Marcellus Wallace and the other one is underground boxer Butch.

Double Life Emergence[]

Act 3[]

Episode 18[]

Milton Midas brought them in for their services to use as a way to torture and kill Darkwing Duck, Launch Pad and Ada Wong as all part of his plans to take revenge on Bender for getting as involved as he is in Midas's operation, this MIdas happily shows to Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo to taunt them after what Midas did to the other members of M.O.D.A.B

Act 4[]

Episode 20[]

The two have Darkwing and Launchpad brutally beaten by flails and attempt to sodomize them with Ada and Jimmy being excessively tortured by them with the intent to have them murdered. However the two are put in their place by Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Bean and Captain Hero who attack them and they get tortured and killed by Bender, Captain Hero, Bean and Slade while Anti Cosmo and Luan free up Darkwing Duck, Launchpad, Gosalyn Jimmy Neutron and Ada Wong who are blindfolded by them as well.
