Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Xibalba is the central antagonist of the 2014 computer-animated film The Book of Life.

He is the dark and cunning ruler of the Land of the Forgotten, and enters the plot upon making a wager with his estranged wife and fellow deity, La Muerte. He is voiced by Ron Perlman.

He is Sartana of The Dead's Father and one of the brothers of Lord Mictlan

Double Life Emerged[]

Act 1[]

Episode 4[]

Xibalba arrives in the nick of time to stop Maria's insanity with the glove before Speedy Gonzales is able to and helps deal with the bandits under Nasty. Xibalba is aware that the ever lasting life medallion was being targeted by them hence why he took action. Also he is aware of the connection Maria has with the tale he has been telling with his wife as well

As his wife taking Lydia, Lincoln and 16, he decides to play security guard to the others as they discuss what they have found out and dealt with the multiverse Cartel in part to Speedy and Daffy's findings.

Episode 5[]

He arrives in Ancient Mexico with his wife as Lydia and 16 accompany Lincoln there as part of their wager and to help Lincoln with creativity. Xibalba knows of this place and explains the events of Maya and The Three to them and his own brother Lord Mictian betrayed and killied his delities and how he had to take his snake form. He admits that his legacy is one as old as time when asked as the kids have their own questions. When told of why Lincoln wanted to come here, he is amused that he did this over a wager with Lydia as both him and La Muerte seem to do that, he does tease Lydia about being a cheater in a light way.

Act 4[]

Episode 24[]

Xilbalba pays a visit to Bender, Slade, Harrison, Anti Cosmo and Luan alongside his wife to explain that those Cartel Members have been forgotten for those who died and that Midas will be a thing of the past. Bender admits that what Midas did is something he can't forget

He later pays a visit to Lincoln and Lydia to explain when went down on their end as well with 16 potentially joining the forgotten
