Will Robinson is a main character of the original 1965 television series Lost in Space. Out of the Robinson Family, he is the most prominent of the Robinson Family and serves as the main hero of the show as opposed to anti hero like Dr.Smith who he interacts with the most out of his family. He is the closest of his family to The Robot, which ends up putting the trio in a lot of adventures especially as the series went on at the expense of the other Robinsons.
Will Robinson is a "the little genius." On Earth, Will's extraordinary intelligence made him something of a misfit. and he isn't understood. He tries to take on more adult responsibilities but adults aren't able to take him seriously. Will's attempts to make adult decision caused trouble for his family and he has a tendency to endanger himself by going on his own. That being said his intelligence and common sense saved his family and Dr. Smith, with whom he has developed a deep friendship, on many occasions.
He is also has an intense curiosity which is matched by his loyalty even to someone like Dr.Smith, Will is very devoted to the Robinsons' B-9 environmental control robot, even though it once tried to kill him, and has used his skill with electronics to keep the Robot functioning at a high level. He also displays sarcasm but is still polite and was able to adapt better to life in space above the rest of his family.
Best Friends: Lincoln Loud, Lydia Lopez, The Robot
Other Close Friends: Hilda, Wednesday Addams, Professor Membrane, Blinky
Friends: The Robot, Lincoln Loud, Lydia Lopez, Penny Robinson, Hilda, Wednesday Addams, Hobie Brown, Eleven, Peacemaker, Blinky, Erica Wang, Nate Wright, Jake, Amy, George, Harold, Jim Lake Jones, Claire Nuez, Dustin, Mike, Max, Lucas, Will Byers, Jim Hopper, Steve Harrington, Cuphead and friends, Boss Baby, Mrs.Frizzle, Trevor Belmont, Professor Membrane, Rave, Astrid, Enid Sinclair
Enemies: Frank Underwood, The Spot, N.Tropy and his alternate counterpart, The Robotoid, The Underwood Cabinet, N.Tropy's associates
Moral Ranking: Pure Good
The Robot[]
Penny Robinson[]
Lincoln Loud[]
Lydia Lopez[]
Wednesday Addams[]

Will with The Robot
War of The Streams[]
Will and his sister Penny got in contact with The Streaming Resistance respectfully and allied up with them while taking the place of their more modern verisons which were killed by an mad man scientist with blue skin and an infinity for clocks and time puns.

He works with the Resistance to find their killer respectfully as they feel they can help the kid find his alternate murder and to find his parents as well. He and Penny manage to help Peacemaker defeat Underwood and the cartel.

He learns The Spot managed to escape and assists Peacemaker in trying to find him. He does start to detect some unsual power sources for a few seconds which came from Alternate N.Tropy using the Super Collider on Spot.
Will reappears here as one of the main characters of Streamverse alongside Lincoln, Lydia, Peacemaker, Eleven, Wednesday, Hilda, Hobie Brown, The Spot and The N.Trophies. Will is one of the traigonists and is the central one as he has the most development and screen time of the cast other than Hilda, Lincoln and Lydia.
Will spies on Spot and learned he was after Lincoln and Lydia like he suspected. He is thankful Nate told him about Lincoln not being at Royal Woods at the moment and Lydia using the stones to go somewhere. When Peacemaker claims they aren't exactly worth material to help against The Spot. Will and Hobie both assure them they are because they killed/defeated the greatest threat to the Streamverse Vecna.
Overhearing what Spot and his allies are up to, he works on a way to prevent the device that N.Tropy is planning to use on the heroes to strand or kill Lincoln and Lydia. He and his sister team up with The Party to do so as he overhears Peacemaker put the cops on the two incase it does happen. WIll theorizes Peacemaker may not think the two are capable but he doesn't want them killed hence the decision. Will then sees some tapes he found that belong to the Jupiter 2 and keeps them to himself so he can play them when he's ready.
Chapter 1[]
Will is busy playing his guitar to Sloopy John B with his friends when he gets a page from Holt, Hopper, Jake and Amy and is told that they have Lincoln and Lydia at the station for them to get. Will takes control of the Jupiter and sales it there to get them.
Part 2[]
Will and the Resistance that worked with him managed to get the power back on but also note that the presence of the Spot had wrecked the police station and has caused damage to the Brooklyn 99 Verse through his presence this he reports to The cops.
With the rest of the crew, Will puts together that The Spot's nature as cosmic flaw in the multiverse and that he may be after the Streamverse as well as revenge on Peacemaker and the Streaming Resistance. Due to his age and diplomacy, Will is who gets Lydia and Lincoln to work with the team, and explains to them their reasons for joining the resistance and revealing the alternate verse to them as his and Penny's family were killed by some blue skinned being with a time emphasis and discovered an alternate verison of themselves was also done in by him as they went through an alternate verse with a similar ship and name by accident before returning to their original verse.
Will and Penny are taken to the Magic School Bus so they head to the Hissuan Region as Will helps Dustin, Blinky and Economos set up transfer from the other regions so Lincoln and Lydia can gather a Pokemon Team respectively.
Part 3[]
The Magic School Bus arrives in the Hissuan Region with Peacemaker, Vigilante, Emila, Blinky, Amy and Jake all seeing this region as Jake and Amy are driving the Bus respectively.
Vigilainte wakes up Lydia, Lincoln, Penny, Will and Nate respectfully with the former two all snuggled. And tells them it's breakfast time as Jake was at work mostly with him and Amy.
Lincoln, Lydia, Nate, Wednesay, Eleven, Blinky, Peacemaker and Will all go to the site before hand and the group sees Lincoln and Lydia get their teams respectfully. They hand access pokeballs to some of the others as Lincoln knows it's unlike the Sinnoh Region
All the others have a meeting and upon recongizing the vast region they decide to split up respectively. To do the job, Blinky, Eleven, Wendesday, Lincoln and Lydia decide to take charge on one side while Peacemaker, Will and the others decide to lead the others.
Peacemaker, Will and the others learn about the info on Noble Pokemon and other Hissuan stuff from the the other group. Will, Penny, Jake, Amy, George, Harold and Erika try to get a handle on the Pokemon given to them so they can have a better time using them for the mission
The Party head off to the woods to queil the situation respectfully and find afoul into a group of Kleavors. The first of the noble pokemon, Will, Penny, Jake and Peacemaker decide to go calm them respectfully. Will having made his own pokedex from observing Lincoln and Lydia's pokemon work advies what is the best choice and the former three send their respective pokemon. While Peacemaker simply tries to bring them down like any hostile creature. Geroge and Harold realize that it needs to be calmed as well and Peacemaker considers this as he puts himself in harm's way to insure the kids aren't hurt. Will tells Lincoln and Lydia that they quelled the first of them and Lydia tells Will that she herself owns a Kleavor. Since she loves Bug Types.
The next part of their side takes them through the Solceanon Ruins Jake, Amy, Peacemaker and Will lead the investgiation and Will explains how this is where the Unown orginated from and that they have branches in the Sevil Islands and Johto. Peacemaker considers the whole idea just too absurd and asks Will how he knows this. Will explains that Lincoln and Lydia told him about the Unowns as they dealt with this before with their king and again in Present Sinnoh. Peacemaker rolls his eyes at the nerd like fantasyies that they are in, but accepts it as it's a better answer than nothing
Arriving at the Beachside Camp they learn of the 2nd noble pokemon frenzy and take actions. However they are attacked by A Dusclops, which Will steps in with Geroge and Harold with the Sinnoh Teams and manage to capture it.
The heroes all go to Firespit Island and find out what's going on after a few more pokemon battles with Will, Emila, Peacemaker and Vilgiante taking charge. The group heads to Coronet Highlands to deal next with the Electrode's frenzy as that is what next happened in the script respectively as Lincoln tells them. This is simpler for Peacemaker and his guys but a struggle for Geroge, Harold, Erica, Will and Penny due to them being kids and all. Will does manage to think of something and tames a Sneaseler to help the group get up there. Peacemaker asks Will about Coronet Highlands and learns that it's the center of Sinnoh respectively according to them.
The Electrode goes on the frenzy which Boss Baby takes care of with Peacemaker and co feeling Pokemon won't do the trick even though Will and Penny point out the obvious ground type advantage. Under their instuction they head to Alabaster Icelands and quell Avalugg with Geroge, Harold and Erica being the ones to do with Will and Penny since they are more willing to follow through with the others's words. Jake and Amy also help by defending them from it's attacks and with their Arcanines
Peacemaker and the others decide to make the first visit to Lake Verity and they dont see Mespirit like stated, insead they are attacked by a Goodra which the others fight back and take the measure. They tell the others about this incase they think will see Azelf or Uxie. Peacemaker, Will, Jake, Amy and the others all learn about the plates, and learn that they are 2 other ones around and learn the Snow Point Temple is a place, which they go exploring and find Regigigas. Will, George, Harold and Erica manage to detain and capture it respectfully keeping out of Volo's hands while getting the Blank Plate
The Group all manages to get the rest of the plates and meet back up with the team
When everyone gets back together, this is when Volo ambushes the heroes and steals the plates with The Spot in tangent where the anti matter riff is once again there and Hissuan Region begins to collapse by using Giratina
- Lincoln and Lydia realize he enslaved Girtaina and the heroes all need to go after them to the Celestica Ruins. Which they all do and try to repair all the holes in the area as some of the heroes go after Spot and Volo with Eleven and Peacemaker's posse going to stop this

Lydia challenges Volo to a battle with Will, Erica, Geroge, Harold and the others, Volo decides to summon Giratina to kill her. Lincoln stops this and decides to face Girtaina with Wednesday, Nate and others.
Lydia defeats Volo while Will and the others find themselves dealing with a 2nd Giratina respectively that Volo and N.Tropy made respectively. Volo tries to have Lydia killed by Giratina in turn but Lydia keeps Girtaina in check with heiestance with the stones while Will and the others fight it off. Lincoln, Wednesday and the others manage to defeat Giratina Orgin Form and Lincoln manages to rescue his gang from the collpasing temple
Nate decides to return his pokemon to the base as Lydia and Lincoln made a pc box for him. Jake and Amy lead the others back to a new base for travel respectfully so they can all take a rest after their mission and just goof off til the next anomality emerges
As the heroes all rest up, Lincoln and Lydia discuss their own situation respectfully and how it all felt. The two consider taking a slight detour to Galar so they can capture some more legendaries for themsmelves. Blinky and Will decide to help out with this if needed
Chapter 2[]
Will, Lincoln and Lydia pack up their own gear to use for the latter two's decision to get other legendary pokemon to keep out of Volo's Hands. Blinky informs them about the Split Decision Ruins being where they are located after reading the Galar Guide. Upon being informed of the need of the other Regis which the two already have, they each decide to take one Regi. Will is given Regice due to Lincoln and Lydia having Regirock and Registeel
Upon arriving to Split Decision Ruins, Will notes to them about acquring Regieleki and Regidrago and the method to find them. He and Blinky warn the two that only one can be found respectively due to what Blinky read them. Lydia states to Will, they have a loophole involved in the deal to acquire the other two. Lincoln and Lydia both make patterns to acquire the new 2 Regis, Will assists both of them in capturing them with Regice before they return to base.
Will gives them back Regice to put back in the PC Box as he and the other 3 get back. Will finds Hobie and Luna. He questions why it took so long to find them. Hobie explains to Will that he was a bit distracted and he was aiding someone he was keeping an eye on for a while, before coming to find the other 2 kids, he's keeping tabs on.
He is brought with the others to Wednesday's meeting about Nevermore their situation and what they need to do respectively in their time there. Will and Peacemaker both get their hands on their weapons to use for Spot and his forces as Will looks into how it happened with Dustin as he learned from Steve, Encomos and Dustin's girlfriend. Will and his friends arrive to talk to Enid about her investigation of the remergance of Thornhill and Tyler. Will is a bit out of his element regarding what is mentioned, but he also is a bit lost in out how he and Penny lost their family and don't know where the Robot is. He also came to think about his alternate counterpart, Penny's and other counterparts of their family killed in an another Lost in Space verse. He feels the idea of the multiverse having alternate counterparts was lazy, despite the fact he has witnesses Lincoln and Lydia having a counterpart of their own
After the briefing, Will is brought back to earth, and he joins Lincoln, Lydia, Peacemaker, Nate, Erica, Hobie, Blinky and Boss Baby to head to the Addams Family.
Part 2[]
Lincoln, Lydia, Peacemaker, Hobie, Blinky, Boss Baby, Erica Wang, Nate Wright and Will Robinson all arrive to the Addams Home and begin to do some investigating about the weirditys in the universe
Will joins with Boss Baby, Erica and Nate to look into some details in the mansion respectfully. Will figures out that Joesph Crackstone has being around here and is part of why the mansion is so empty. Will is mentioned to not have believed in alternate multiverses like Lincoln or Lydia until he had that faithful encounter with his alternate selves' corpses. Will find Lincoln, Lydia and Hobie and learns what they have discovered as well and realize that the gambit being set up is being done part by Marlyin and Tyler.
At that point Tyler in his Hyde Form, Chandler and The Spider Frog arrive on them and Will decides to deal with The Hyde alongside Hobie who he has help in detaining during the fight. Will manages to get some of the monster's DNA and uses it track down exactly what happened. Will and Hobie both arrive back to the others and what they figure out, They leave the mansion so they can go after what Spot and the others are planning with Crackstone
Everyone meets back up back together and are in the woods and this is where everyone comes. Will notes the work that Crackstone has done as well as the necormancy and fights off the undead with the others to insure Crackstone can't come back further. He notes Hobie left and learns he was evacuating the school so no one would die, relieving Will though they were unable to prevent the academy from being burned down.
All the others meet back up with the cops respectfully and inform of everything that had happened as a result of their own activities respectfully in Nevermore and chicken farms respectfully. Lincoln, Lydia, Nate, Will and Erica ask about Will Byers the Spider Frog and the Upside Down. Will mentions how he was nearly eaten and how he noticed a man was also caught in there who he describes to them has Hilda's dad description which Lydia and Lincoln realize.
Lydia and Lincoln ask Will about his alternate multiverse knowledge. Will believes more now as he was recultant to believe this but he does tell them that things are different in one multiverse to the other respectfully as he refers to what he learned about his alternate self and his own history. Will is given some free time respectfully with the others and hangs out with Lydia, Lincoln, Nate, Mike, Lucas, Dustin and Byers to play D&D respectfully, then they have ice cream with Erica while going to 80s movies together. He also gets his guitar out for a jam session with his friends to relax,
Part 3[]
Will with Lincoln, Lydia and Dustin managed to get some contact from the others with help from Suzie before Amy shows up to pick them up about their next mission
He learns of the next attack and decides to get a ray gun from Professor Membrane to deal with the next threats being summoned by Melvin Borg. Erica, George and Harold decide to lead the operation thankfully. Will Robinson and his allies arrive in the Captain Underpants Universe to see everything run amuck from the comic books. Will with George and Harold theorizes that is why Spot took the comic so they can use their creations to make reality true.After the heroes split the work. Will and Penny both realize the Cupheads aren't here yet and they decide to try and find what happened to them using the school as a beacon. The two use their wits and weapons to get around some of the Zombie Nerds but also find something Will finds fasciating
Will, Penny and Blinky manage to get a hold of Allen as well as Mrs.Frizzle throught their beacon. Lincoln, Lydia, John Ecnonoms and Nate are all end up joining them respectfully to head to Thandus on Allen's behalf
Will learns of Allen's orgins even though they have already meet for a time when Allen arrived in the past due to time agents work. However Kregg and his forces attack them and while the others got to find Frizzle, Will with Lincoln, Lydia and Allen go after Kregg and his forces respectfully in their own fights where he takes on his army himself. Upon arrival to the Colation, Will Robinson and his party end up meeting Allen's mentor Thandus who has taken his own interest in the Robinsons like he has with Lincoln and Lydia. Penny and Will come face to face with Thandus who explains what he and his colation have found on Spot. He and Allen have faith in the kids and explain to Penny and Will what happened that faithful day was caused by dark matter combined with minor time cracks that were caused by chronoton denatntors due to the events that Allen scouted out when he was with Neo Vought International with his other friends.
Will confides to Lincoln and Lydia like his sister about that event and he feels a bit sad he never really connected with his mother or his eldest sister the way he did with the other members of the family. Will felt he deserved this because he got too curious and this indirectly caused his folks death. Upon arrival back to the others, they learn that Hawkins is next on the list due to the actions of The Spot's anomalty status.
Chapter 3[]
On the road to Hawkins, Will hangs out with Lydia, Lincoln, Wednesday and Peacemaker respectfully. He is playing Operation with the girls respectively due to Wednesday's curiosity. Amy had told him and others about Lincoln's plans to divorce his famiy and to strive more independence. When Lincoln finishes his first explanation he curiously asks Lydia about her thoughts on this as Will can tell Lincoln has informed her of it.
Upon hearing of Wednesday's visions of the N.Trophies, he recongizes a sense of familarity regarding the N.Trophies as he did note his family was killed by someone like that. He gets more curious upon learning Lincoln and Lydia did hear of someone similar when they watch Dr.Brenner get killed respectfully. Will can sense some connection to all this Will Robinson notices the arrival to the Hawkins area, and he notes the juice that Penny takes interest in. Will also eavesdrops on Nate using the PATSY 2000 and learns Nate did find some inspiration in that whole Captain Underpants Universe.
Will take charge with Peacemaker and the others and decide to deal with the upcoming threats going their way. He manages to put down the rest of the creatures succesfully. Though Will Byers ends coming down with something which leads to him, Peacemaker, Vigilante and Boss Baby pursuuing the source. Will also detects the Spot is around respectively
After dealing with many Upside Down creatures, Will Robinson is proven right about THe Spot being around. He and Boss Baby decide to work to shut the gates down and act on Blinky's words as he keeps in contact with them. Will Robinson and Boss Baby succeed and they get back to the others and learn that Will Byers is succumbing to something bad. Will Robinson heads about the Trolberg incident and decides to tag along with Lydia, Lincoln, Peacemaker, Wendesday and Eleven. He also lets Penny come with him.
Part 2[]
Will manages to get a beat on what is going and tells the others it's coming from the Bell Tower where dark matter is being used by Spot respectfully. Before they can get there, Crocker and the Manis arrive to go after the team. Will knowing his scicence manages to have the others deal with Manis, while Robinson goes after Mr.Crocker and manages to allow the others to finish off Crocker
With him out of the way, Will with Lincoln, Lydia, Peacemaker and Eleven head to the bell tower to stop The Spot from deontating Trolberg. They reach the top and find The Spot with Eleven and Peacemaker as Lydia uses her hair bands to fly to the top with Lincoln. Will Robinson and Peacemaker proceed to have round 2 with Spot, though Spot ignores him mostly to deal with Peacemaker. He decides to try to rig and disable the choronton dentator respectfully. Though he learns that if he moves it it'll blow up and it's rigged. He tries to destory it from the inside, but this causes a spark out for him, Lincoln, Lydia and The Spot causing a vision of events to come for the latter 3
Spot holes him out of the bell tower and then the detonator goes off and explodes as Will runs into the woods with Lincoln, Lydia, Eleven, Peacemaker while rejoining Wednesday, Penny and Blinky. The 8 try to find somewhere to punk down after this event when they find the cabin that belonged to Hilda's mom. Will asks if Lydia and Lincoln have the PATSY 2000 and they confirm tehy do. So Will uses it to bring some materials to 3rd and rebuilds the cabin in time before the fallout effects them
Will and his posse learn that they will take in quarrintine in the cabin as the black hole emerges unless they have gas masks and hazamat suits. Peacemaker decides to use the Infinite Stones to at least make at relaxing for the time. As he and Penny head to bed, the two discuss this event and how it may have happened to their own verse respectfully and if the team should go investigate the event. Will wants to be able to figure out to ultimately how to insure a way to fix the universes The Spot had infected.
Chapter 4[]
Will and the others are given instructions what to do in regards to quarantine and how they will all investigate with their Hazmat suits and Gas masks. He is paired with Lydia for the 3rd investigation. He spends his first 5 days fiddling away with his gadgeteers work, doing geology and playing chess respectively.
When it's his day, he and Lydia decide to go investigate the Bell Tower as the main scene of the crime. The two find more mutated wolfs like Blinky and Eleven, but avoid them and Will feels that it's kinda crazy how much damage was caused by the detonator. He learns Lydia snuck out two days ago with Lincoln and sat on the Raven Statue is why she decided to check here.
As Will looks through the debris, he finds something he recognizes, The Robot from the Jupiter 2 and from his universe and he calls Lydia to see it. The two decide to bring it back, though Will cleans it off of fallout and Lydia grabs it and flies back with Robinson. Will presents The Robot to Penny and Lincoln and they look into it deciding to repair it respectfully alongside Lydia
On Day 10, at the breakfast table. Will having a bowl of cereal learns what Blinky and Peacemaker had set in mind and them meeting a new member of the group and what the other kids have been doing respectfully. Peacemaker has him stay with Lincoln and Lydia during their own investigation. Will has Lincoln and Lydia's help in ultimately bring The Robot back to function and he introduces them to it respectfully as it comes from his universe.
Joining the two and Robot, he finds Hilda enter and Robot warns them that she has radiation poisoning. Will and The Robot help contain HIlda so they could on ways to help out, all the while meeting Hobie back up who was tailing her and is immune to the radiation problems. Will realizes blood transfusions are key to helping in her current state. Will also notes he has the same blood type of her and he has the others help donating his blood through transfusion to help Hilda.
He decides to help HIlda, Lincoln, Lydia, The Robot and Hobie go looking for the Fairy Mound as he is curious about this. In Toftoken, Will learns about Hobie's real origins from an alternate multiverse and why he has his eyes on Lincoln, Lydia and Hilda as he knew from alternate mutliverses and is trying to insure Hilda's own safety here. He also decides to let the others in the know with Lydia and Lincoln though just gets Wednesday.
The 5 manage to find the Fairy Mound and meets Hilda's grandparents and Will looks into it's investigations of it's origins. Will Robinson discovers that Hilda was supposed to die at Vecna's hands and when Lincoln and Lydia stopped it with Jaune and Johanna to an extent, the fixed point got damaged and changed. Will believes destiny can be stopped and there is no such thing as fixed points. Crocker and The Spider Frogs arrive and go after Hilda's grandparents which Will take on respectively to protect the others. Though he tries Crocker manages to kidnap Hilda's grand parents and he spies on Jaune Arc, Mulder and Scully discussing what has happned to HIlda, Lydia and Lincoln
Upon leaving, He and the others manage to get The Robotoid out as well as it tries to go after them too as they head back with Jake, Amy, Peacemaker, Penny, Bilinky, Eleven and Wednesday. Blinky and Penny both note how quick he took to Hilda and WIll denies anything going on and that he's glad he made another friend outside of the Resistance. With Peacemaker's universe respectfully being next on the chopping block to The Spot. He joins his team in heading there
Part 2[]
Will Robinson and his group arrive in The Peacemaker Universse and go take a look for where The Spot is located and he advises the group to go looking through the houses of the cast that live there.. This is what they do to no success with The Spot eventually arriving on cue and with White Dragon and Kregg. Will helps Eleven try to deal with Kregg and The Virtumites despite how overpowered they are.
WIll, Eleven and Wednesday notice another attack is underway in the Boss Baby Universe and tell Boss Baby who they join with some of their allies respectfully. This is where Francis, Marlyin and Tyler are respectfully. Will decides to deal with Marliyn and Tyler so Boss Baby and others can go after Francis respectfully and Wednesday proceeds to go puruse Chandler.
Will manages to stop their own plans and save Boss Baby inhabitants from the two as Francis is killed by Boss Baby and his group. Heading back to the Peacemaker Universe , Will Robinson and the group learn what happened and find the Time Agents that arrived to help with Kregg
Will, Penny and The Robot decide to join Lincoln, Lydia, Eleven and Wednesday respectfully in going with Grace Wain to find the latter's boss respectfully. Will is told he may get closer to his case being solved this way like Lincoln and Lydia.
Chapter 5[]
Will and his friends all arrive at the Time Bureau and they meet up with the time agents who was lead by Loki who managed to reform and take control of the time bureau after everything that happened. As Will finds out, it came back to Kang's attempt at a dynasty which Mulder and Scully were involved in.
Will also learns about the how the whole thing works, not just about Hilda's anomalty status but how it all works with Erica knowing Lincoln and Lydia for 14 whole years and working alongside them respectively. When The Robot finds something, he warns him and Penny not to go looking for what he has found. Will goes ahead anyway and finds out that his family's corpses are all placed there and also sees his 1998 and 2018 counterparts there as well. He goes looking for any clues that he can respectively
As He, Penny and The Robot get away from that, they also note Lincoln, Lydia, Hobie and Eleven have also seen something to do and the former two try to calm Lydia down from what she had to see as well. The Robot detects some danger and it's Melvin Borg and The Robotoid with robot soliders respectfully. He and Erica encourage Lincoln and Lydia to chase down The Robotdroid for answers while they take care of things
Will helps hold off the others and help Dustin, Mike and the others try and get in contact with the others. Will Robinson and the others successfully drive off the N.Trophies's robot mooks and ensure the safety respectfully.
Fully trusting Hobie to find Lincoln and Lydia, Will decides to head back to Flying Rhino Junior High with the rest to protect the others and to get Spot's allies out of commission. When they arrive, Will Robinson equips a laser gun and joins the poose in going to the Boiler Room and saving the others. Hilda is overjoyed he is and introduces her mom to Will Robinson and the streaming resistance
Hobie, Lincoln and Lydia catch up to the crew and Will is relieved that Hobie found them and he didn't lose faith in Hobie. This is when he hears The Spot has arrived and Will decides to take action against him with his friends. Will uses what Membrane gave them to use against Spot resepctfully and manage to patch the holes Spot has and this leads to his defeat even with the help of Jaune, Mulder, Scully and Jaune though it's a tough battle
Will decides to overhear Spot and learns what is really going on and witnesses the real horror N.Tropy is planning to unleash respectively.
Chapter 6[]
Will and the others make gang way to escape the monster, he joins Lincoln, Lydia, Mulder and Scully to escape with his sister, The Robot and Spot. WIll learns of what The Spot is trying to stop and the benefactor he has at working with him. Will can identify him as the being who killed his family but he doesn't who he is
Upon realzing that they need to reserve the monster's energy Will decides to help and do so with his scientfic knowledge. As the entire team arrives what's left. Will, Lincoln, Lydia and The Spot join the rest of the group and head off to destroy the False Groudon from within
Will, Lydia, Lincoln and The Spot arrive at the lab room where the others do their own work and distract it. As the Time Agents help out. When The Spot is trapped by N.Tropy's contigency, he holes the three with his remaining power to the switch and activate the machine. The trio manage to do so and this manages to destroy The False Groudon.
Though they destory it, Spot dies as a result of this upsetting Will, Lydia and Lincoln despite things. As the rest of the team regroup and decide what to do next. Will is asked what will he do afterwards. Will decides he'll find something and he knows Lydia had asked Lincoln to Sadie Hawkins with the latter's permission to do so

Will and his sister Penny decide to go up to space once more deciding to wait for The Robot to finish the repairs to Hilda's house and he finds out there is a communcation from The Robot. The Robot tells Will that he's invited to Jaune and Johanna's wedding on Hilda's personal behalf. Penny teases of course Hilda would invite him, Will decides to have Penny be his +1 to it.
Will moves into Royal Woods with Penny, The Robot and Wednesday as he was given the call from Lincoln and Lydia about this. He happy puts his bags down as he was always the closest of the team to the two. He knows Wednesday will only be staying until the universe is fixed, he happily accepts Wednesday's presence and helps The Robot with the role of being the offical to Johanna and Jaune Arc.
Will makes his way to the cabin with The Robot and Penny, It is mentioned how he is not dressed up which Will didn't see why he had to but more to the point he didn't have any fancy clothes. Astrid places Will as assistant usher as the two help get everyone into the their spots, He finds the ring Jaune gave to Johanna and tells Hilda and David to keep their eye on it as Hilda asks how she looks to the two boys
Will meets up with Lincoln, Lydia, Erica, Nate and Pippi and he is asked how the apartment is for him and Wednesday. Will likes it as he was getting tired of the constant space travels. Will sits down as he and Astrid finish their job respectfully and wait as The Robot does his the sermons and officaling
He winches a bit as he watches Jaune get wacked by his mom by a frying plan along the others and has The Robot stop his mom which it does. As Hilda pulls a chair to her table for Will to sit with them. Will, Lincoln and Lydia hang out during this and dicuss what they have all dealt with.
Book 1: Overture[]
Chapter 1[]
Part 1[]
Lincoln, Lydia, Will, Penny and The Robot all come in to see Wednesday in the Robinsons's apartment.
Will sees that he has a invite to camp in the mail, Penny is a bit jealous about why Will got an invite but not her. Wednesday comments on camp is pointless and that it's just a painful bonding activity that doesn't last for companionship. Lincoln says he got one as did Lydia, As well as their friends Clyde and Truman.
Will, Lydia and Lincoln all show some exictement to spent summer together again, The Latter two also seem eager that the last day is year book signing and they're off. Lydia doesn't really care, which Wednesday happiliy points out makes sense.
As Will, Lydia and Lincoln leave off, Penny asks The Robot to keep an eye on Will, Robot tells Penny he was always going to with Will and that he wants to check out this camp himself. Penny being upbeat decides to ask Wednesday if she wants to hang out for summer, Wednesday asks if they will be outside, she's allergric to the sun. Penny says she can bring her umbrella when they do. Missing Enid, she agrees to this.
Will was told by Lydia and Lincoln about what has happened about what Ford found out from Dawn before seeing him.
It turns out Will also decided to come road camping with them and he was joined by The Robot, Rave, Dustin, Erica and Nate as well. Lincoln and Lydia are suprised to see Will, The Robot, Rave and Dustin here too regarding their circumstances. Will was curious himself of their idea and decided to come too and he brought The Robot as he's like a brother to him.
Afterwards Victoria Neuman arrives and informs them all that she is the offical head of this camp and that it's on a road camp for them all as they all have something very special about them hence why she accepted all of their requests to do so.
So the entire party consisting of Lydia, Lincoln, Truman, Clyde, David, Will Robinson, Erica, Nate, The Robot, Dustin, Rave and Dee Dee all end setting their tents as Larke and Troy accompany Victoria back to her cabin.
Part 2[]
Will Robinson and Erica decided to bung together as Will has The Robot guard the tent. Erica and Will both set their stuff up as the two catch up with Erica asking how Will took to living in Royal Woods. Will admits it's been nice though weird that he hasn't liven in space with Penny, The Robot and Wednesday, at least being around Lincoln and Lydia helps. Erica asks about Penny and Wednesday, The Robot enters and explains that Penny decided to stay with the others when it comes to their investigation with Jake Perlaita as they are looking into that Streamverse case. Amy Santiago pops up saying she has already caught up with Dustin and Rave and now she has caught with them. Erica and Will both feel she is here to look into things like Rave, which she confirms.
The Others all just sit at the fire waiting with Will and Truman both getting on with each other using what similarities they do have to be friends. Clyde admits he got over it quickingly. Amy and Rave both decide that they need an opening to investigate why they're here as Pop Pop and Myrtle lead the others with the ususal campfire activity.
Lincoln sees Will and asks how Zoey is and Will states she's fine but can sense something off about her, but he won't hurt her with it this relives Lydia and Lincoln.
Will, Lincoln, Lydia, Troy and Amy play with Zoey some UNO. The 6 of the group are bust playing their UNO, with Amy basically winning and she celebrates celebatroy style with the others watching. Lincoln can see why Lydia wants to emulate some of Amy's ideas, Will curious asks about this, and Lydia explains to him that she wants to have a career like Amy. Amy, Lincoln, Will and Lydia then all notice themselves surrounded by mirror agents. Lincoln remembers them as they are the agents that tried to kill them ago. Will and Amy having both heard of these mirror agents are a bit baffled at this, Lydia knows they are made of mirror so hitting them won't work. Shieve tries to harm them and even Neuman's daughter despite being on the same side, Troy gets in-between them and tells the others to make their way
Lincoln, Lydia, Will, Amy all proceed to manage to elude Mace through a maze through the back of a train when the 4 meet back up. Amy is aware Mace will find them, so she hands 3 pistols to Lincoln, Lydia and Will asking them to come her. She wouldn't have done this if she wants to see what Mace, Amy takes Zoey with her so they can keep her out of danger. Mace has his sanders out and he ruthlessly uses them to find his targets
Lydia and Lincoln both hold their pistols as they wait for something. This is When Mace makes his move and decides to draw out his sanders and has them in a corner, Lincoln calls up Will and Amy to tell them that they have been found. Lydia holds out Amy's hand gun and takes firing shots at Mace which do manage to hurt Mace, despite his coming at her and Lincoln, though she runs out of bullets and tosses the gun as Mace drives into the two ready to Sander them that he will see them in hell. While scared, Lincoln notices the narrowness of the sandering and tells Amy and Will to take the rest of it from here and both of them fire at Mace's sides which cause him to stumble, though he gets away. Will goes with Clyde and David and finds The Robot who he reactivates, and The Robot indicates he saw the agents sneak up behind him and the others during the dining cart, and how he was deactivated when he tried to attack them. Clyde asks for an analysis, The Robot does his analysis and that the Mirror agents are enforcers of a mirror world and that they can travel through any mirrors and that they must destroy all them to prevent this from happening. Lincoln and Lydia join Will, Clyde and David on this and they decide to help The Robot break the windows. Lincoln decides to just break them which he does which puts shock in Clyde and David that he is not only willing to, but is actually able to. Will and The Robot both acquire spray paint and give to Clyde, David and Lydia . He is then seen with David, Clyde and The Robot are checking on Neuman's daughter
The Robot and Will look to investigate Bizarrovile with Erica as the three begin running any potential detects on anything going on as Will is supsicous that something recently is going on with the latest attack. David notices Will, Robot and Erica and follows with them as they use the Robot to try and find anything unsual. Will sees this as a way to repair The Robot as something is still needed to repair and with Erica and David gets their help to do just that and David is walked through this repair process as Will understands David wants to be special especially when being around Hilda and Frida, like he saw with Lincoln. David curious asks about Will's thoughts on Hilda and Will doesn't answer which makes David suspect he has a crush on Hilda. Erica just rolls her eyes as she follows The Robot's instructions on repair.
Part 3[]
Will asks what is with the noise and Amy says she's putting them both to their tests. Lincoln says he wants to be a cool investigator and Lydia wanting to be a special agent. Will can tell the latter has all that andrealine within her. Lydia is surpised Will knows this, Will explains that The Robot monitored her vital signs and noticed this. Lincoln isn't really into the obstacle course, but Amy tells Lincoln to try at least, Lydia is taking both. Lincoln decides not to let Amy boss him around, he'll make his own choices.
Amy has Will help with teaching Lincoln and Lydia with learning the investigation side. Lydia has this feelings that she has dealt with this kind of thing at times as she writes this down. Lincoln though is very getting into it as he has this kind of knack to him. As Will reads what Amy has wrotten down. Amy then afterwards, decide to use the obstacle course ready. she has a starter's gun ready as Lincoln and Lydia both their hands down and Will holds the flag. He throws the flag up and Amy shoots it causing the two to begin their dash.
Afterwards, they investigate and get trapped in Dabble's manison and must find fuses to lower the security. Lincoln, Lydia, Will, The Robot and Amy Santiago all then head to the kitchen and Dabble shrinks them and they all find themselves stuck on rails to get plenty of food. randomly. The Robot manages to lead the way by helping the 4 get them to their location before getting another fuse.
Upon reaching a further part of the mansion, There is a dresser where they must use their mathmathics to their advantages. Larke takes advantage to dress up which Amy and Dee Dee decide to join up with this. All the While Lydia and Erica both roll their eyes at this and decide to head to the radio system. Joined by Lincoln, Nate, Truman, Will and Rave, The Seven to build high sums in equation to get another fuse. Lincoln looks asking what this has to do with math with all this, Lydia says it's writer decision. Will and Truman gather the fuses with Rave to help deal with it and are joined by Dustin who uses his own math knowledge to shut the security in the castle.
Afterwards Amy is putting some targets up and some wood up intend to have Lydia as well as Lincoln shoot or chop them with Will, The Robot and Erica helping
Back at Rave's House, the rest of the team is all there pondering about what had justing happened and what occured with Dabble.
Will, Amy and David are waiting all outside as David studies rocks with Will as they wait for the others and this is when Victoria and The Robot both arrive. Victoria asks Will and David to her a favor and keep a eye on her daughter as she talks to Amy. Will, David and The Robot agree and decide to continue rocks with her daughter, She has something she has to do at the moment.
Will, David, The Robot and Victoria's daughter continue their own perosnal rock colleciton when they see all of a sudden Bruce Wayne. Who arrives on cue, The 3 of them get the others about Bruce Wayne showing up. Larke, Lincoln, Lydia, Troy, Truman and Clyde are relieved to see Bruce, as it's been a while since they seen him.
Will, The Robot, Nate, Erica, Dustin, Dee Dee and Rave all have awaited their morse code results. This is when Neuman's daughter asks if Will wants to play with her, and Will agrees to asking the others to do which The Robot confirms it will. Dustin and Nate both are curious about what Dee Dee was getting to when it came to reaction regarding Lydia and Lincoln's friends mentioning Mexico. Dee Dee tells the two not to press it, as what happened there is something she has no interest in saying due to some rather uncomfortable things happening there, She tells Nate not to even conisder going to her parents, on this. Nate asks if this is her being a drama queen again, Dee admits to Nate that while she is one, in this case she ISN"T, Sending concern to Nate's way
Amy finds Will and Neuman's daughter and sends the latter to the magic school bus. Amy and Will both get Dee Dee to join them back with the two discussing what Bruce and Selina have suspected about Neuman. Amy heard Lydia does have her own suspcions but is waiting for her to make too sketchy a move and how Lincoln still wants to consider her an affable person. Will believes both of them, he knows how Neuman is a mother so Lincoln is right and admits to Lydia being smart to it. Amy says Mrs.Frizzle came around and is takeing them to their next location in the Magic School Bus and how the investigatio is coming around and how they are dealing with Spot's former associates. She asks if Will wants to join Lydia and Lincoln with their little thing, Will isn't interested but he still wants to help Amy, Lincoln and Lydia. Dee Dee spies on them and asks what are the two discussing, Amy tells her to get to the sub where Frizzle is waiting as she will cover them in case. Will tells Dee Dee that Lincoln and Lydia both have some interest in the detective work and Amy is helping them accomplish this.
Will Robinson and Amy Santiago manage to put Neuman's kid to sleep and the two decide to ask how Lydia and Lincoln are going with what Amy is putting them up to. Amy admits that she may have gotten a bit too quick with the gun part. Will asks what does have in mind next, Amy looks at how she was trained in her field of work. She considers going undercover could be a good idea for them or even using anything other than a gun to use as a way to catch people using a sash one time to catch someone. Will notes that Lydia is the more serious of the two for this and yet Amy is giving both equal time and expertise instead of focusing on her solely and correctly assumes it has to do with her family and favoritsm. Amy asks for Will's help to decide on what they all should do next.
Upon Arriving in Bikini Bottom, Will, Lydia and Dee Dee all take a curious loo and notice a kraken but also a mermaid which is point to the others and when The Robot takes a closer look it is analyzed to be Ruby and Chelesa.
Lincoln, Lydia, Will, Nate and Erica all holler to them and Ruby is glad to see the others again asking how was the wedding for Jaune and Johanna. Lydia comments it was something most unsual and not to forget for them as she, Lincoln and Will remember the events of the wedding of seeing Death, The frying pan incident and apparently other mishaps that occured around the time and after wards. Nate gets Amy, Dustin, Clyde, David and Rave to see this for themselves as Truman, Larke, Troy, Bruce and Selina are a bit confused at all this. Lincoln introduces them to Ruby Gillman someone they met during the Freak Show events and that this is Chelesa the mermaid that they once fought but now are something of friends.
Ruby takes in charge of the kids and brings them to Jellyfish Fields and Sand Mountain to catch jellyfish and to go sand boarding she advises them not to kill or overmilk the jellyfish they catch. Lincoln, Lydia, Will, Truman, Clyde, David, Dustin, Erica, Nate, Dee Dee and Rave all agree and go to catch some jellyfish treating like capturing butterfiles.
Lydia, Lincoln and Will Robinson then all head to the carnival to join Victoria and Amy. The former feels that the three should do what Amy tells her is Lydia and Lincoln's objective the right way. Neuman says she'll explain later, but first to spend more time at the carival for them all. She watches them and sighs feeling conflicted to follow N.Tropy's plan to size up Lydia., Lincoln and the others or to do things her own way. She still does have to deal with the others going after her as well.
Chapter 2[]
Part 4[]
Chaos Bots as well as Jelly minions attack The Pier and Glove World where Lincoln, Lydia, Will, Truman, Erica, Will and Amy all take on with their abilities as they handle the chaos bots. While Nate, Dee Dee, Ruby, David and Clyde all do so as well using their own skills against the jelly creatures to defend the amusement areas. Being quipped with his ray gun, Will is able to vaproize the chaos bots which he does with Truman and Amy who have their own fire arms.
The Gang does their aftermath investigations on what happened with Bruce revealing he tracked Dr.Dabble and what is going and Selina and Robot mentioning Madame Kassandra. With the chaos bots and goop creatures from the spies Lincoln thought were dealt with. Larke has to get some care for Troy due to his injuries. Will, Lincoln and Lydia discuss the aftermath together of the situation where Vicky thanks them for saving her daughter from the Dupus and showing no judgement towards her over what they learned about her
He reloads his raygun and helps Amy practice using fire arms with Lincoln and Lydia as fire at targets Will pulls them for them to shoot at, he does load them with blanks/pellets and uses pellet guns for them not to hurt themselves. He overhears Lincoln confide in Lydia about the Dupus and decides to have Myrtle know of it by setting some connections with Mrs.Frizzle to the Resistance to discuss the return of the Dupus.
Mrs.Frizzle, The Robot, WIll and Truman are able to get some intel conncetion to Pop Pop, Myrtle, Sterling, Beckett and Betty for Lincoln, Lydia, Clyde and Larke. They also get an connection to Peacemaker, Wednesay, Eleven, Jake, and Penny for Lydia, Lincoln, Will, Amy and The Robot where some info is traded about everything. He shows concern that Hilda may have lost her home or connections which confirms to David and Penny, where his feelings stand with her.With Pop Pop and Myrtle agreeing to check up on the Dupus or their allies and Will's teammates deciding to help investigate The Woods with Lincoln, Lydia, Himself and Amy as they learned that the former two's friend was killed there.
Before heading off, Selina approachs him and Amy about where the other two are, with them covering for Lydia and Lincoln as they're just enjoying a movie together. He does take a swap of the jelly Selina found as he intends to see what it could actually do to assist the others on this plan.
The 4 man band of Amy, Lincoln, Lydia and Will proceed to make their way to the Woods as they discuss matters and other matters of importance. Will waits for the other members of the group to arrive of the Resistance so they can all look into the Woods as The Streaming Resistance is still trying to help their friends find out about the Team Free Will Massacre.
Part 5[]
Will and Amy see Lincoln, Lydia and Dawn come back and ask if they found what they needed to know and they do confirm this. At Breakfast, the 4 eat out and as Amy goes to the bathroom, Will meets Anti Cosmo and Bender who arrive too and exchange what they did with the other 3. Penny, Enid and the others all arrive with Amy, where they notice Enid changed herself to take this investigation seriously. The Big Gang all arrive at the woods and begin inspecting it
He goes with Penny to look into what happened with James Rogers, though he doesn't find any evidence, the two are able to discover something notes on the Shetty Virus and envidence of what happened to cause it's creation. Will learns of Professor Membrane's involvement and he is suprised why his friend would make something like this, he does feel Membrane has a good reason but it can be used for such ill effects. Will and Penny are ambushed by Ham Hand and Sam who were sent to deal with them, Will has his ray gun ready and he fires at them both as he makes quick moves to get away, Ham Hand is big but he is registiering the hit, while Sam is just seen taking them which WIll can tell he's a supe through this. He does manage to trick Ham Hand after he threatens Penny and is then saved by Penny, though who pushes a water bucket on him and somehow it burns him. Will and Penny hold their info and takes some more photos of the lab as they run and are brought to safety by Sterling and Myrtle who are looking for Lincoln which WIll tells her where to find him.
As they all escape, Will learns that what happened with Rackleft and they all head to the junction point to find the others. Will hands what he found to Bender and Anti Cosmo in that it maybe could help them with their own work. In turn Bender and Anti Cosmo hand William something that the former found through an ally about his family.
Part 6[]
With his file in hand, Will asks Dustin, Rave and Mrs.Frizzle what did he miss and learns about the destruction of Nate's Universe and the cause and efffect of it though again no one really has an idea what went down with that. Steeling himself, Will reads the file provided by Bender and discovers how his family came close to getting home from their long trial in Space for years. He even notes how no one really aged at that point. Will also finds out that His other parental figures were killed due to discovering some of the keys to true time and space travel and that it couldn't be exposed with his dad perishing due to the bargain he made with Chronos for some of years of his life. What happened with Will was indeed the truth of finding alternate verisons of himself considering it was in the journal kept by his father. Lincoln and Lydia observe this and Lydia takes matters in her hands to comfort Will on this as she can relate with what happened with her and what Creel did to her and that family isn't just blood, it's also choice and Will may have the Robot like his brother and Penny is his sister, his teammates could be like his family. Will agrees seeing her and Lincoln like family as well as his allies and Hilda this way.
All of a sudden, the Magic School Bus is sabotaged and is send on crash course where Will and Mrs.Frizzle try their darnest to steer the bus to safety. They arrive in all places, Nevermore Academt which is a suprise to all of them as they fought it was basically quarantined due to Spot's spots. On top of that it seems habitable, which Will and the others question how did this happen to begin with. When Amy decides to take Lydia and Lincoln with her when it comes to her occupation to help Lydia and Lincoln if he wants with career paths. Will decides to stay despite Amy inviting him as he feels he must look into why this all went the way and he and The Robot go to investigate the situation at hand.
Mrs. Frizzle drives the Streaming Resistance to Nevermore Academy to get some answers . They run into Eugene, who Wednesday has been keeping in contact during her time in Royal Woods, and he has been trying to tell her and Enid that Nevermore is habitable again. He has been suspicious of this himself as he admits to the Streaming Resisistance, even discovering the effects of the spots that came from Spot due to his super collider. It wasn't just anomalties it broke the timeline as well which Eugene suspected which Will feels it too connected due to his family and someone or something was hindering his ability to tell them
Peacemaker, Eleven, Wedesday, Jake and Enid talk to Will and The Robot and they learn of the return of Nevermore which means Wednesday will likely look move back there and that she is informed of Eugene's safety. The Pruning is also revealed by Will and The Robot which has Wednesday and Jake suspicious on all this.
The Robot, Erica, Will and Dustin investigate the Magic School Bus and they manage to figure out what caused the sabotage on the bus by discovering a blow out that was caused by Fifi Dufus who did something with the gas. After, Lydia, Lincoln, Amy, Truman, Larke and Bruce all return to Nevermore as they discuss what the former two have engaged them selves in and the double life lifestyle Nate, Dee Dee, Erica, Will, Eugene and Neuman approach the returning 6 about what they found out about Nevermore in that The Spot's holes were the cause of quarantine through anomality and time ripples but also was about to be destroyed as a safricial universe at the hands of a rouge time agent.
Chapter 3[]
Part 7[]
After The heroes all returned they all discuss the unusualness of Nevermore's Recovery as an universe this is a bit of a unusuality especially for Will and The Robot who are a little saddened to see that Wednesday can just move back to the universe as they legitimately liked having her with them and this is agreed by Lincoln and Lydia who also took the time to really get to know her.
Eugene tells the heroes that he can stay while they go to figure out the rest of the situation and he can help some help with Wednesday and Enid. Amy, Lincoln, Will and Lydia discuss the situation with Cobra Kai among themselves and considering how they were affected, being they will have to go where zombies are envident. Lincoln and Lydia immediatly have an idea and discuss this with Neuman, Dustin, Bruce and Selina as they have some idea of this on this themselves especially Dustin
Lydia and Lincoln watch Neuman, Dustin, Bruce and Selina discuss the zombie situation with Amy who does believe what they saw and did so herself as she and Will believe the two. When The effects take their toll on Troy, Will asks if Lincoln and Lydia want a sample of Troy's DNA, to check as he suspects something too.
Larke asks about what they think and WIll says that the two of them want to study Troy's DNA and have suspcion about this. Larke hears out Will and decides to help the two and even teasing how she saw Lydia and Lincoln pratice karate/fighting and though it was cute. Lincoln admits that he and her have a different approach to their relationship that her and Troy as well as Johanna and Jaune. Will asks if the two and him can talk on that.
Will, David, Lincoln and Lydia all discuss matters about what happened with Hilda, Johanna, Jaune Arc and their family as what they learned from The Streaming Resistance as The Robot can confirm that they are petrified at the hands of a kind of magic used by a trolls. David has no idea what could have done it, and the other 3 don't either not recalling what could have been done to do so.
Lydia says that Enid is looking into it and so is Mulder and Scully and that is happened in Arcadia. Will asks if maybe she could have asked Jim, Claire or Blinky about this. Lincoln says that didn't come at the time when they talked so it didn't reach him, but he does need to take it one step at a time. As first he feels that have to go to that universe he and Lyds had in mind. The Robot has a knowledge on where they are going and where the two have in mind and it's a unhabitable place to what he knows. Will asks what he knows, The Robot says that he has figured that from knowing multiverses though not much on this universe in particular.
Lincoln, Lydia, Truman, Larke, Troy, Clyde, Will, Amy, The Robot, David all return to the others and note how they are all been talking on the matters. As Frizzle gets the magic school bus ready as she has everyone take a seat and she has Lincoln and Lydia tell them where to go and Mrs.Frizzle is able to travel into the dimension to land in The Last Kids on Earth Universe
Lincoln and Lydia both sneak off to see if they can find Jack Sullivan, Amy and Will go after them saying they are not going alone here and are also joined by The Robot, Erica and Truman who won't let them try to sneak off alone.
Lincoln, Lydia Amy, Will, The Robot, Erica and Truman don't seem to have any luck in finding Sullvian even though the former two knows he lives here with his other friends. Truman does find some letter flying down and it pinches him and Truman hands it to the three of them and they read it together it's a invite to Vernon Manor which has the three supscious.
Will looks at the invite and is able to figure Vernon Manor has connection to VernonCorp which owns and manages many private prisons. Will tells his friends about the connections to VeronCorp which owns many private prisons and this causes the group to think on this. Amy and The Robot having used their deductions that this belongs to Tek Knight thanks to the Robot and Amy's deductions.
Penny, Mike, Max, Lucas and Jake receive a call from Amy who is with Will as they are looking for a Mr. Sullivian in the universe as he had gone missing and Lincoln and Lydia both feel that they could get his help with this. Jake decides he can try to run a look on where Jack is for the two, Will says that doesn't Jake not know who he is, Jake can look into by going in the multiverse files and when Daniel is mentioned. Eleven offers that she and the party can go looking for him too as Lucas tends to Max who did take some blows at the hands of Angor Rot.
The kids decide to go attend with Larke to check in on Troy, apart from Lydia, Lincoln, Amy and The Robot.
Part 8[]
Will finds out that Troy has been bestowed by Compound V and Temp Compund V which explains the transformation in Tory, which Larke and the others all have some supscions about this thanks to what he has been informed about by Anti Cosmo and Bender earlier due to their own encounter with such universe. Cobra Kai Zombies and The Gumms Gumms attack the heroes and WIll takes action with his ray gun and slingshot which he uses to great effect against the heroes.
Though he is eventually afflicted with the fear plague Angor Rot uses on him which has him live his worst fear of losing his remaining family and his friends. Will also figures out that through Angor Rot that he was behind Hilda, Johanna and Jaune's petrifcation with his blade and it takes his friends to break him out and Lydia nearly getting killed by him for Will to break out of his trance and helps drive Angor Rot and The Gumms Gumms to flee.
When Neuman returns, Will questions her disappearance and Neuman said she had other things to do as well and that she apologizes about not being there to deal with the forces of The Dufuses. Daniel also confirms that this isn't just him that dealt with, THe Streaming Resistance also dealt with this to at Angor Rot's actions. Will asks if Daniel could assist in providing a way to help Troy with the Compound V and Temp V doses in him though Troy admits he wants this as now he is strong enough to protect his friends, Though Will as well as Larke feel he may not be able to handle the consequences.
Heading to Camp Mastodon, Will decides for once to just take it easy as he has to prepare to deal with Angor Rot to save Hilda again so he doesn't lose her which David does question if it's just a friend or if he likes likes her. Will admits to David he does like Hilda and he can tell she does like him and he is doing this to help her family against the trolls and Jaune due to what he does know about Jaune Arc. He also learns about what Penny and her friends uncovered and that some of them dealt with Anger Rot as well with Enid, Mulder and Scully are on this too. Later, he finds Bender, Anti Cosmo, Toby and AAAGGURRH who join up with the rest of the team for the part of Tek Manor's investigation.
Part 9[]
Will stays with Lincoln, Lydia, Amy, Toby, Bender, Anti Cosmo and AAAGURRHH who discuss what they can detect on Neuman and what she has said and where they are heading. Will is having Erica and The Robot give what they have to say on Neuman and why they were suspicious to begin with. He dimisses Bender and AC's decision to just expose Neuman and deal with her if she does anything, he packs a slingshot and a ray gun in his pocket ready to take action against Neuman and her allies.
Mulder and Scully both call the group up and inform of the progress they have been having with Hilda and her friends. Will figures out from them that N.Tropy's associates have been killing off those he dealt with when he faced The Spot. He is also told of his sister joining Peacemaker and the group to find them and to assist them with Tek Knight. Dressing up, Will joins his team in going after the group in the Manor.
Will joins up with Toby, Amy, Penny, Peacemaker and Jake to keep a close eye on things. He is holding on what Anti Cosmo and Bender did give him as he isn't against their plan completely. He just wants to wait. He is also stressing a bit if Mulder and Scully are able to find a way to help Frida, Hilda and the latter's family. Before Neuman can reveal what she knows on Bender's clash on Solider Boy as well as what she has been saying to the guests. This is when she is exposed as a supe, Will looks at Bender and AC who are just as confused as he is.
Things go hectic when Penny's powers fully develop and she becomes a mermaid due to Chelsea's medding and he decidse to go defend and keep her safe despite her having powers due to shock. He asks Toby where Lincoln and Lydia are, he learns They are tagging with Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo to get what they really need to find on Neuman and her associates. After getting the heroes out and consoling Larke about Troy. Will then joins up with Lincoln, Lydia, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Hughie, Amy and Toby to inttegroate Victoria Neuman on everything and he hooks her into a lie detector so they can learn what she is saying.
Will looks at what the readings say and shows them to the group as he is trying to figure who Neuman is serving, suspecting that her boss is connected to who killed his family. He is though warned he is great danger like his team and upon learning of Mexico being the place of trouble. Upon returning with Lincoln, Lydia, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Amy, Toby, AAAARRRGGHH!! and Steve from what Tom has to tell them. Will with Lincoln, Lydia, Amy, Jake and Peacemaker tell Wednesday and Eleven of this warning that Tom informed of them and what Jack Sullivan has to tell them.
He joins up with Lydia, Lincoln, Amy and The Robot to go deal with the situation which they know of.
Chapter 4[]
Will and Amy agree to hold things off with Lincoln and Lydia aiding Carmen, Juni and the others resulting in some clashes with Richfield and other of N.Tropy's associates. Will ends up discovering that the past is returning to appear on them as he discovers the connection of the Dufuses connection to The Zebron Brotherhood who he remembers as they were the ones who attacked The Robinson Family. The others question him on why he said nothing earlier, Will admits he didn't remember until that time.
He discovers that Ford is trying to get in contact with the team and he allows this as Lydia and Lincoln tell him to let it go. Will relates to their situation as well since he gets it from them as does Amy and the Spies.
Chapter 5[]
Heading down to Mexico, Will and the others try to stop the clock from ticking against the heroes. IN their time here, Will and the others manage to get a hold of Neuman and interrogate her again and discover that she herself is trying to warn them about this. Will, Lincoln and Lydia agree to do so and convince Amy to do so too who as a cop would show more suspicious. The 4 decide to allow Neuman to help them and this is something they tell Hughie, Bender and Slade upon their own arrival to help. Though the end is beginning with Ucrumuu rising on them and Butcher being possessed by the demon.
Chapter 6[]
Will strageizes to have him and his team work with Team Free Will to deal with Ucrumuu while Bender, Slade and The Boys handle Butcher. He is able to help kill and put the rest of the demon and his followers back into place. Afterwards, Will and The Streaming Resistance get Bender, Anti Cosmo, Ford, Lincoln, Lydia and Sid to the hopsital and discover what Neuman knows and Will listens to this as they are all now on the same page trying to figure what happened though not so much with Ford and Sid.
As he and Penny have Wednesday depart as a result of the restoration of her universe, he and Penny recieve an invite to knighting with the Streaming Resistance and he informs Lydia and Lincoln of it. Through this, Will establishes an alliance with Ford and Team Free Will.