Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Wednesday Friday Addams is the main protagonist of Tim Burton's original Netflix series Wednesday. She is portrayed by Jenna Ortega, who also portrayed as Tara Carpenter from Scream , Gabriella on Big City Greens and the daughter of Lydia Deetz in the upcoming Beetlejuice 2

Wednesday is fascinated with dark and macabre subjects. She is intelligent and interested in mysteries, being very skilled at solving them.She has a vengeful, chaotic, unsociable and brutally honest personality. However she does have a compassionate side that she only shows to those she cares about.

Moral Ranking: Inconsistency Admirable

War of The Streams[]

Wednesday had become part of the Streaming Resistance and took a major role working with it, assisting in taking out threats to the Streamverse. Unlike most of the others, she is more aloof then her allies and only really shows care for those she likes. She was also suscipious of Underwood's true intentions and expected his betrayal of the team.

The Addams Girl decides to go after Underwood with Eleven and Peacemaker and works with The Streaming Resistance to take their former ally. Having dealt with traitors before in Tyler as well as Marlyn, she knows what to do and this gets more eerly learning of the latter's alliance with Underwood.

She confides in Enid at Nevermore Academy about the situation and works more aloof from the Resistance and leads an investgiation of her own but due to actually liking Eleven and Peacemaker does keep in contact with them as she and Enid do their own thing.

Discovering What is really going on, she arrives in time to save Bean, her friends and Slade's Empire from Cartel enforcers and Cabinet allies. Wednesday admits she was passing through and just needed some help dealing with Underwood and getting in contact with Erica leads them to the resistance where they take on The Spot and Underwood resepctfully

She heads back to Nevermore Academy after The Cabinet's fall and has begun to look into the multiverse overall.


Wednesday returnes to help Eleven, Peacemaker and her teammates deal with the return of The Spot and the emerging of N.Tropy's alternate self. She also meets up with Lydia and Lincoln and teams up on request of Hobie Brown who was looking into them.



Wednesday spied on Spot with her friends and learned of his target plans for them as well as Lydia and Lincoln. She has a vision of Lincoln and Lydia getting poltergesited and realizes Spot is out to trap them for someone but she can't identify who. Eleven listens to this and tells her friends to prepare a plan to insure of this. She is fascinated by Lincoln in part to his sister being a kindred spirit to her.

Wednesday, Peacemaker and the others get a track on Spot and Victoria Von Gale and report this to the rest of their allies respectively as they decide to look into what Spot is up to with Von Gale. Wendedsay has a vision that a trap is being set for those kids and it's a most ghostic one she would do see and informs Eleven, Will, Hobie and the others about it

Chapter 1[]

Wednesday rescues George from some of Spot's group and engages against Spot's forces and learns from her own visions that Marlyn and Tyler are involved with Spot as well. She isn't suprised to learn they are alive.

After Peacemaker comes back to them, Wednesday sends her findings to Nevermore so she can get them later. Wednesday, Geroge and Harold then consult what they think is the right play by analyzing What Spot stole from Alchmax figuring he has something big in mind.

Wednesday is informed by the cops of them getting Lydia and Lincoln as well as Will Robinson. She forsees something is going to happen there and decides to take a direction action with Peacemaker and the others.

Part 2[]

Wednesday with Will and the others return to the cops and inform of Von Gale and the others this is something Lincoln picks up on saying Von Gale comes from Trolberg. Which Wednesday knows about as that is on the tip of the Streamverse and could very well be in danger as her vision indicates at the hands of Spot. She considers Lincoln may of some use to them as she is neutral with him and Lydia unlike Eleven who is more open to work with them and Peacemaker who shows doubt.

As Will and Penny inform Lydia and Lincoln of their own predicament, Wednesday adds that she has seen multiple verses of her own family and herself and not really being impressed by most of them, all the while dismissing the idea for the most part of multiverses

When her allies state the Hissuan Region has been affected by Spot's presence at some point, Wednesday confirms this as she felt this before when She was helping Peacemaker track Spot and tells the kids they can come, just no touching her and other things she is uncomfortable with As they head to the Magic School Bus to travel there, Wednesday looks at some of the files that Jake, Amy and the cops had and trying to build a case to how Spot got his transhuman cosmic flaw like powers as she does recall he wasn't that powerful before.

Part 3[]

The Magic School Bus arrives in the Hissuan Region with Peacemaker, Vigilante, Emila, Blinky, Amy and Jake all seeing this region as Jake and Amy are driving the Bus respectively. Peacemaker, Emila and Vigilante learn from Economos that the Hissu Region is the past of the Sinnoh Region, and what is was once called

Emila wakes up The Party, Wednesday, George, Harold, Erica, Boss Baby respectfully and tells them they have arrived and breakfast has been made for them since Amy and Jake were at work

Lincoln, Lydia, Nate, Wednesay, Eleven, Blinky, Peacemaker and Will all go to the site before hand and the group sees Lincoln and Lydia get their teams respectfully. They hand access pokeballs to some of the others as Lincoln knows it's unlike the Sinnoh Region

All the others have a meeting and upon recongizing the vast region they decide to split up respectively. To do the job,  Blinky, Eleven, Wendesday, Lincoln and Lydia decide to take charge on one side while Peacemaker, Will and the others decide to lead the others.

Wednesday and the Stranger Things cast begin looking into the region, and learn of the upsets of the timeline here as well. This was picked up by Dustin and Wednesday who looked very much into the history as advised. Mike, Max, Will and Lucas do some filed work and learn of the legendaries Dialga and Palkia respectively. Wednesday detects some anti matter in the air as does Mike feeling something is up

The team decide to get to work on research tasks, afterwards and discover thanks to Wednesdsay's visions that the anti matter is coming from some pokemon as is Mike who felt earlier. Lydia and Lincoln know exactly what it is and it's Giratina but they can't detect his presence as Will and Eleven can't despite. Nate questions how they can even do and Eleven like Will had some conncetion to the Upside Down and beings like it due to experimentation and Will being trapped in the Upside Down. Mike doesn't want to bring it due to the senstivity.

Nate, Wednedsay, Eleven and the others come back with their success and are told of the situation they learned and where to head next. Happy that what they learned is working they go off.

They then head to Lake Aculity and bundle up due to the cold and Lincoln decides to lead the way into the cave and is ambushed by a Zoroark. With Nate and Wednesday, Lincoln uses his pokemon to capture and they  leave after completeting the three trials.

Lincoln, Lydia, Nate, and the rest of the team decide to head up to Mt.Coronet and they go on their way to learn some truths. This is when discover that they have been picking up plates yet again which Cuphead and the others were doing respectively. Lincoln, Lydia, Nate, Eleven and Wednesday discover there are still plates to find with Dustin putting a track on the location respectively for them in regards to the Lakes, Firespit Island and Moon view Arena. They tell Will and Peacemaker this who decide to take their own mission

Eleven, The Party and Wednesday decide to look on Firespit Island for a second plate, and remembering what Peacemaker said that look where they found the Arcanine. They manage to find Heatran. Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Max and Will were also lended some pokemon which they use to capture Heatran, Which Volo also saw happen.  They get their hands on the Iron Plate as well

Cuphead, Mugman and Miss Chalice return to Coronet to find another plate and find Cresceilla. Cuphead reports this to Lincoln, Lydia, Blinky, Eleven, Wednesday and Peacemaker and acquire the Dread Plate.

When everyone gets back together, this is when Volo ambushes the heroes and steals the plates with The Spot in tangent where the anti matter riff is once again there and Hissuan Region begins to collapse by using Giratina

Lydia challenges Volo to a battle with Will, Erica, Geroge, Harold and the others, Volo decides to summon Giratina to kill her. Lincoln stops this and decides to face Girtaina with Wednesday, Nate and others. Lincoln, Wednesday and the others manage to defeat Giratina Orgin Form and Lincoln manages to rescue his gang from the collpasing temple

Nate decides to return his pokemon to the base as Lydia and Lincoln made a pc box for him. Jake and Amy lead the others back to a new base for travel respectfully so they can all take a rest after their mission and just goof off til the next anomality emerges

Eleven and Wednesday and the others talk their mission and Wednesday concedes the two are trust worthy and really are who Blinky states they are. Through Will, Mike, Eleven, Dustin, Geroge, Harold, Erica, Wednesday all discover that the Spider Frog is around and is part of the Upside Down as they were informed by Hobie and that he is coming along with his protege to help them respectively

Chapter 2[]

Wednesday spies on Peacemaker and the others talking with The Cops respectfully and manages to learn that Nevermore is the next location where they are going due to Spot causing anomalites there. She admits how she doesn't usually care about them but Wednesday is concerned that Enid might be in danger. She even has a vision of something happening to her family which she decides to try and avert.

Peacemaker, Geroge, Harold, Nate, Erica, Amy and Jake go to Wednesday who infroms of the situation she has foreseen about being told of Nevermore being the next location Spot had damaged due to cosmic flaw status. Wednesday calls a meeting with the rest of the cast and explains what is going to them and their case in Nevermore as well as her investigation she has her friend Enid Sinclair on. Where she also voices the past and her concerns of resurfacing Tyler who hurt her and Marliyn who masterminded this. Wednesday puts her in self charge of the mystery as well.

Wednesday arrives at Nevermore to greet Enid who she was working with in their own investigations regarding The Spot and his actions. Heading to the dorm, Wednesday and Enid explain everything they have looked into as well explaining to Lincoln, Lydia, Nate, Luna and the more unfamiliar about her history here. Afterwards, Wednesday decides to take charge of a group with Enid to go after Laurel Thornhill, she delegates tasks with Peacemaker to scout and analyze the areas due to her knowing Tyler, her former love interest is around and her theories on Joesph Crackstone resurfacing.

Part 2[]

Wednesday, Enid, Luna Loud, Cuphead, Mugman, Miss.Chalice, George Beard, Harold Hutchins and Penny Robinson all start their own investigation about has gone on at Nevermore. She discovers the attacks and has visions that Marliyn has Tyler attack multiple people as the Hyde to get Wednesday's attention respectfully and that The Spot is here as well but just doesn't know where he is. Enid and Wednesday both break into the office of the academy to see if they can find anything else

Marliyn arrives with a gun and tries to shoot both of them, Wednesday admits it's the smartest thing that she has done. Marlyin attempts to shoot Enid more due to her werewolf genetics and Enid distracts her while Wednesday goes looking for more clues. She figures out that her family has gone missing and sees that Crackstone is being ressurected by Spot's actions and this gives her time to go looking for her family and Crackstone. Though she decides to have Enid tell the others so she can get a head start.

Wednesday goes deep into the forest and finds her family and Crackstone. Crackstone has every intent of bunring her family to the stake like any outcast he wants to slaughter. Considering Wednesday the most threatening of them all, he decides to straight kill her in front of her family. Wednesday duels Crackstone and finds him a truly tough foe to his own telekensis powers and powers putting her on edge respectfully. She is nearly killed by a stabbing though the others all arrive on time. Wednesday decides to instruct the others to take actions respectfully if it means accepting help. Wednesday with the help of her friends manage to gain the upperhand back and stabs him in his black heart.

Wednesday is picked up by the others respectively so they can head back to base by the cops. She and Enid decide to continue their investigation respectfully in turn. After hearing about what had happened with  the chickens that the cops all came across. Wednesday is given time to relax respectfully. She acts alone mostly continuing to write gothic mystery novels on her typewriter, but when being invited to a jam session, she is eager and joins with her cello respectfully.

Part 3[]

Wednesday finishes her type writing for the night and ends up spying on Erica who learns of her talking about Lincoln and Lydia to her future self. Wednesday confronts Erica on hiding the future from Lincoln and Lydia  and questions when she'll tell them and learns soon which she wonders when will be soon

Wednesday gets back to the others and learns of Spot's next anomalty attack at Jerome Elementary School and how it's already started with Melvin Borg and his actions as Erica reveals to her.

The Streaming Resistance arrives in the Captain Underpants Universe and see everything being ran amuck due to Melvin Borg respectfully and his work respectfully. She senses after an feel that Melvin Borg managed to use the lame tradition of meta and 4th wall breaking to make an army. Wednesday decides to work with Lincoln, Lydia, Nate, George, Harold and Erica to deal with the Toilets, The Zombie Nerd and the Dandillion. She finds the whole thing ridiculous respectfully, though goes along in regards to the anomalty being caused.

They then find Melvin Borg and Chandler, disgusted with the work Chandler decides to do respectfully to get to Lincoln and Lydia. Wednesday takes a personal offense at watching Chandler bullying Lincoln and helps them and Nate deal with Sir.Stinker who they call Chandler. Wednesday and Erica manage to help George and Harold respectfully and then allies up with the returning Peacemaker and Eleven to deal with the rest of the threats before having to quarratine the universe respectfully

Wednesday inspects the devices respectfully and gets a psychic feel that Melvin Borg was working with two blue skinned humans with a obsession with anything time related. Wednesday ponders if this could possibly be true due to how weird it all comes off. Then when Hawkins is under attack by the Spot's presence she heads off to deal with it.

Chapter 3[]

While on their detour trip to Hawkins, Wednesday hangs with Lincoln, Lydia, Wednesday and Peacemaker and decides to play Operation out of morbid curiousity with Lydia and Will Robinson. She is aware of Lincoln's parental issues due to Amy informing them, and she explains overhears Lincoln admit to how he feels the way he does. Wednesday admits her family is embrassing due to her parents's lovey doey nature and she does torment her brother. But only she gets to do, she got expelled for taking revenge for him from her school.

Wednesday does seem to respect Lincoln's strive to be independent though as she makes obvious. She also informs the boys of her visions regarding what she saw with The N.Trophies. While not knowing who they really are and deciding to investigate anyone of this profile. As she writes down her notes respectfully

Wednesday takes down the knowledge that Lydia and Lincoln were told about said threat by Brenner. Wednesday relays the info to Eleven upon finding her and infroms her what the two told her in turn as they make their stop. Wednesday teams up with Dustin, Nate, and Penny to find Enid and Steve so they investigate some unusual situations

Through some investigation and dealing with many of the Upside Down Threats, Wednesday and the others discover The Upside Down was eseential to Spot's plans due to what the Russians attempted with the Upside Down. Wendesday discovers that the invasion of the Upside Down was partially due to Spot managing to recover the data from the lab to get a Soivet Demogrogon back when they were acting under a shady figure playing both sides.

Enid with Dustin, Nate and Wednesday note said shady figure had ties to the Streamverse as well through some associates. She and Enid then defend the other from the Demogorgeons that attack them are on site with Nate and Dustin going to get back to the others with Steve defending them with his bat respectfully. Upon everyone returning together with their news, Wednesday tells Eleven, Lydia and Lincoln about what she found and Wednesday mentions the shady figure and the latter two identify The Smoking Man to her. Lincoln and Lydia explain he's Mulder's father and debately the adopted grandfather to Lydia. Lincoln informs Wednesday, he tore the family apart with his actions and it took a lot of work to get them back. He tells her this may have also been why he has considered legal emaciation

Wednesday decides to help Lydia and Lincoln with Peacemaker, Eleven, WIll and Penny in heading to Trolberg so they can deal with the latter two were warned of by Tildy.

Part 2[]

Wednesday arrives in Trolberg with the rest of the team respectfully and they go looking for The Spot knowing he is here. Will Robinson figures out he is at the bell tower respectfully and has the device they were warned about Before the 8 could have done anything, Crocker arrives with the Manis cloned by Sampson and decides to use to stop them or worse change them into Manis

Wednesday though makes them spooked of her with her cold dead stare and fights them off, scaring the spirits themselves. After Will manages to get Crocker, Wednesday beats up Crocker with the others and gets him to stand down. Realizing the threat, She decides to evacuate the town with Penny and Blinky as the other 5 go to get Spot

Even though people are freaking in part to him being a troll respectively, Blinky doesn't hesitate to help with Penny standing up for him. Wednesday also has she knows he's an outcast like them and accepts this. Blinky with Wednesday and Penny manage to note something is happening with Spot as the bells bang on the bell tower, yet he doesn't react either to that. As Blinky is another kind of troll. Wednesday has a vision that the clocked theme blue skinned foe was behind this and rushes to get the 5 out of trouble

To her Surprise the 5 meet back with her in no time and as the detonator and blackhole effects start to destroy Trolberg, The party all head into the wilderness and forest to get away and find somewhere to get to safety and rest. Wednesday and the crew manage to find the remains of Johanna's cabin which Will, Lydia and Lincoln all work to make and they enter. Wednesday ponders on this.

Upon learning of them having to quarantine, Wednesday feels she will go nuts with these guys around them. She looks forward to it as Peacemaker tries to use the infinity stones to make it relaxing. Wednesday heads to bed with Eleven right afterwards and they both fall asleep like a rock. As Wednesday ponders about how this likely happened to her world too.

Chapter 4[]

Wednesday contains herself away from the others as she is trying to figure how her seeing N.Tropy in the visions makes any sense. Wednesday is then told by Peacemaker that they will be spltiing into teams of two every two days to cover some of the fallout that occurs. She is paired up with Lincoln respectively to go looking into it

She decides to spend her first 3 days, trying to draw a description of N.Tropy  and using her typewriter to write another novel. When Day 4 comes, she and Lincoln head out in the hazmat suits and gas masks and go to Hilda's house in Trolberg. While there, Wednesday and Lincoln both look around the fallen debris and she gets another vision in regards to what happened to the pets and Hilda's siblings respectfully and informs Lincoln of them.

Lincoln finds Twig's body and Wednesday advises him how to take care of it, Lincoln remembers casusalities of the Protect and Surivive and he follows it's instructions. Upon Returning to the cabin, Wednesday decides to take the pictures, and uses them to build a profile on N.Tropy

On the 10th day, Wednesday learns of what the others have been up and Peacemaker puts her and most of the crew up to an another investigation in a direct way. Eleven, Wednesday, Peacemaker, Penny and Blinky all manage to get a good look around as they manage to get a look around to all of the rest of Trolberg and this is when they notice more and more of Trolberg is getting sucked away into the black hole respectively. Wednesday, Penny and Blinky try to return to the tower and Wednesday tries to find out more indications of N.Tropy being around and involved with The Spot. She eventually finds that Lydia, Lincoln and Will are looking for the others and inform Wednesday what they have being doing currently. She rolls her eyes for them doing so and over course the 3 curious kids would do this..

Wednesday tells the others this too as well as Jake and Amy about what Lincoln, Lydia and Will Robinson decided to do respectfully.  She also meets Trevor Belmont as well. She and the others learn from Professor Membrane that the Hildaverse is imment to be sucked into the black hole with Boss Baby so they need to get the others all back before it's too late. Wednesday and her friends get back to the cabin and notice where Lincoln and the others went off to and they head in Toftoken respectfully going to find the Fairy Mound.

The group doesn't see the Fairy Mound, but do see The Robotoid respectfully after Lincoln, Lydia, Will and The Robot. Which they help get rid of for the time as the others get back from Crocker's abduction of Hilda's grandparents. The party of 10 escape Hilda's collapsing universe and get back to base where Enid is glad to see her again. Wednesday asks Enid to look into people with blue clock like descriptions as she is may have another idea on why all of this is happening. As they head off to The Peacemaker Universe

Part 2[]

Wednesday and her friends all arrive respectfully in the Peacemaker Universe, she uses her visions to try and see if N.Tropy is here and she finds Spot is here and not N.Tropy but isn't sure where she is respectfully. The group eventually manages to find Spot, but he also has Kregg and White Dragon backing him and Wednesday decides to take the first strike against the villains and fights off the Virutmites Kregg has despite being a normal girl.

When Eleven notes something, She and WIll Robinson join the rest of the cast in the Boss Baby Universe to go after what is going on here. Her Enemies Marliyn and Tyler Gapin are there as well and are helping Francis respectfully with his own plans. The group work together respectfully and she finds Chandler assisting this and she huts him down like an animal trying to get answers.

Eventually she corners Chandler and interrogates him on what he knows about the blue clock guy. Chandler refuses to submit to her, until Wednesday decides to torture him with her own tools to get some info out of him. Chandler eventually confesses that time agents are part of this, his ally Melvin Borg is part of the opposing ones and one of the groups's associates that does know. Wednesday then decides to have use piranhas to gnaw his groin for bullying Lincoln and being mean to Lydia as she hates  bullies

Wednesday gets back to her friends and head back to the Peacemaker Universe to give their results respectfully. With The Time Agents's arrival, Wednesday comes along with the others and time agents to see Grace Wain's boss. Though Wednesday comes with the intentions to investigate what she has seen as well as what Chandler told her comparing notes with Grace Wain

Chapter 5[]

Wednesday arrives with her friends and they meet the Time Bureau and spefically Loki who took charge of the Time Bureau respectivefully. As she finds out she learns the history of the Bureau now that Loki runs and what Kang was up to before he was betrayed and the history respectfully. Wednesday and Erica both go to see Grace Wain about the former's visions and they decide to see into her visions respectfully. Wednesday lets them run something to into her heads and she manages to discover that this person she is sensing with visions has ties to Kang and must have been putting a target on Lydia and to a lesser extent Lincoln.

She is also brought to some awareness of her other counterparts of herself that exist in multiple universes. Wednesday, Grace and Erica all get back to the others and are about to anounce what they saw when N.Tropy's robot forces under The Robotoid and Melvin Borg  decide to attack respectfully and everyone must hold them off.

Wednesday have driving the rest of the robots off decides to rejoin the others in going back to Flying Rhino. She also gets a vision something is going down there and sends a message to Jake and Amy to look into it

Wednesday and the others arrive in the universe and Wednesday goes to pursue her enemies and kills up Marliyn and Tyler during their fight out of revenge for the hell they inflicted on her. She also reunites with Enid as well  in turn. Wednesday learns that Spot is right out their door and she joins the main characters to fight Spot in a very long prolonged fight even with help from the adults

As Peacemaker as well as Jaune and Johanna want to kill or intergorate Spot, Wednesday admits she would like to do it, but she feels that Spot should give answers in regards to her visions which they all agree on. When hearing of benefactors, Wednesday states they are here and are unleashing something which she is proven right about when Mulder, Scully, Jake and Amy all confirm this and the False Groudon emerges,

Chapter 6[]

Wednesday and Peacemaker join Frizzle as they make their aerial dodges respectfully from the monster. They manage to find with the others where the lab is and head on their way. Once they get there, Wednesday joins Lincoln, Lydia, Hilda, Eleven, The Spot, Hobie and Will Robinson trying to reverse the polarity.

With the problem becoming apparent, Wednesday, Eleven , Peacemaker, Hilda and Hobie go to distract False Groudon with other time agents, as the rest go to the machine. The crew is able to distract it long enough for the trio and Spot to finish the job and destroy the monster. As they leave and Wendesday touches the dome, she recongizes N.Tropy set this up against Spot after his power and hands this as a note to look

With everyone all back and safe sound. Wednesday is asked what she will do with her universe still being in quarrintine. She learns Enid is heading to live in Trolberg so she must put some thought into her own decision



Wednesday decided when it came to waiting for her universe to unquarrintied to stay in Royal Woods unknown to Lincoln or Lydia in turn. So she can be away from all the preying eyes in regards to herself and to join the Moritcan's club. She is called up by Enid and is told that she was invited to Jaune and Johanna's Wedding and is calling her to have her be her +1.

Wednesday joins The Robinsons with her stuff, as she decided to take up Lincoln's offer to live here for the time being. She kept it to herself she was just intending to stay there anyway but until her universe was built. Wednesday also has with her stuff, the files she had made and taken about the N.Trophies intend to figure out their role here, their names and everything so she can bring them down.

Wednesday arrives with Enid to the cabin and she points out it looks exactly like it did when she was here with the others. When Lincoln and the others do arrive and is asked about the complex, Wednesday admits it's decent enough to live in. She and Enid are given the flowers by Hilda's grandparents to throw when they come down, Wednesday would perfer to just burn them as that is just how she thinks.

She takes her own seat with Enid after this and watches Jaune and Johanna be wed by The Robot. Afterwards when Jaune's mom begins wacking Jaune with a frying pan over not telling her. Wednesday snarks and levels it down to typical insanity by a wetch which gets a look from Jaune over this Wednesday then observes all the other heroes with their own activity, as she holds her notes intend to dig around more intending to find out about N.Tropy's plans similar to others.


Book 1: Overture[]

Chapter 1[]

Part 1[]

Wednesday is in Royal Woods keeping to herself, as she isn't for the people of Royal Woods High School as the school year comes to a close. Lincoln, Lydia, Will, Penny and The Robot all come in to her and the Robinsons's apartment. Asking how home schooling when, Wednesday gives a snide comment about dealing with people beaten down by the system. The Robot explains it doesn't not compute.

Will sees that he has a invite to camp in the mail, Penny is a bit jealous about why Will got an invite but not her. Wednesday comments on camp is pointless and that it's just a painful bonding activity that doesn't last for companionship. Lydia asks about Enid, Wednesday admits Enid came around to her as did them, but they're the exceptions. As for her, she is doing find with Anders and that werewolf hunter guy who Lincoln tells her is Jaune Arc, Wednesday says he doesn't look who he was named after.

Will, Lydia and Lincoln all show some excitement to spent summer together again, The Latter two also seem eager that the last day is year book signing and they're off. Lydia doesn't really care, which Wednesday happily points out makes sense.

As Will, Lydia and Lincoln leave off, Penny asks The Robot to keep an eye on Will, Robot tells Penny he was always going to with Will and that he wants to check out this camp himself. Penny being upbeat decides to ask Wednesday if she wants to hang out for summer, Wednesday asks if they will be outside, she's allergic to the sun. Penny says she can bring her umbrella when they do. Missing Enid, she agrees to this.

Peacemaker and Jake have called a meeting with his guys, and sees that Eleven and her friends, Penny, Wednesday, Jim, Claire, Frizzle and Blinky have arrived. John Economos asks about the others and their locations or why they're not here. Mike tells Peacemaker and Jake that Dustin went to road camp and Penny is suprised Dustin went there. When Max asks her why, Penny explains because Will, Erica and Nate also are going. Jake says that so did Rave. Wednesday puts it through that it's the smart ones that pretty much went to camp which Peacemaker doesn't get.

Wednesday adds in that Jake, Amy and Rave were targeted in part and reasonably thar They are getting close to figuring the truth and thus were attacked because they were going to figure something major out. It's what she would do after all. Emilia quesitons then why attack Peacemaker and them if they weren't investigating. John Economos says that Membrane told them he was going to be late and how Enid didn't reply. Wednesday finds this a little odd and decides to go investigate to Trolberg. Penny offers to come alongside her to find her on account of needing accompany and knowing animals. Wednesday says she's a lone wolf and she can do this herself. Penny tells Wednesday she's coming regardless and Wednesday isn't stopped her. Having a slight sense of admiration for this, she agrees.

Wednesday and Penny have both arrived in Trolberg and Wednesday is looking at the directions to find Anders's apartment. Penny asks about Anders to her and Wednesday explains how  he is Hilda's biologcial father , though she can't see the resemblance to her and she even admits how are Johanna and Anders Hilda's actual parents when they look nothing like her. Penny changes the subject and asks about Nevermore and her universe

Wednesday says it's still under quarrintine, though things have gotten better, She admits to admiring the abomination that was what Spot did to it with powers. Penny looks a bit peturbed by her liking of the macawbre.

Penny and Wendesday reach Anders's apartment and ring the door bell. Enid does answer and per her usual ways hugs Wednesday. Penny asks if Anders is here, Enid says he's out on some kind of assignment regarding super natural stuff that Lydia's legal guardians found out and when after. Though he is doing some of his own work. Wednesday decides to cut to the chase and tells Enid that they have a problem, another wacko is going after them.

Wednesday presents what Peacemaker and Jake had to deal with and tells Enid of how this occured and her theories. Enid agrees with Jake feeling that that Jake, Amy and Rave are getting close to unraveling a huge truth hence why Ham Hand was sent to send a message. Penny then says that if this is true, then they all could be in real trouble and that Enid has to come along before she becomes a causality. Enid goes into her room and writes a letter to Anders about where she will be and that she'll be back.

Wednesday, Enid and Penny all manage to arrive back to base with John, Vigilante and Emila and announce that they have gotten back. Emila inquires what took them so long, Wednesday and Penny were getting into a disagreement about directions and gathering evidence for the case. Enid explains that the two wanted to make their own investigation on what was going on to help their friends and Penny's brother. John Ecnomos asks if anyone followed them, Wednesday admits no one did, anyone who did would be foolish. Vigilante inspects the three and confirms there are no bugs on them. Penny and Enid also wanted to get Hilda and her friends involved but Wednesday declined this. Emila agrees with Wednesday on this suprising the other two.

Wednesday is asked about what she saw, and she saw nothing, no one tracked her and they got Enid back who was staying in Trolberg. She does admit it's suspicious the Captain Underpants Universe was not in quarantine. Professor Membrane and Blinky both think so too, why is Nevermore still quarantined, but not that universe. Doug and Jake both think and come to an agreement, at the same time. They recalled that Spot has some associates that are still alive and maybe that the gang can go see all of the ones still alive and trackable and get some info. Wednesday, Eleven and Peacemaker all agree with this idea that they will do this and will get a beat on each location.

Wednesday, Jake and Professor Membrane work on a leak in to see who they need to see who still has ties to Spot and whoever his benefactor. As it turns out Wednesday has been in secret trying to look into who Spot's backer for a while as she snarks after  the wedding of fairies and the huntsman. She had an inkling that he would like to find who Spot's Backer though he was busy being lovey dovery with his wife.

Jake says Wednesday should be nice, they're on a honeymoon. Professor Membrane calms them and explains that he had his own work done with Vought that he needs to have claimed from a business rival of his. He has contacted the services of an old friend  of his son to assist and aquire his biological project. Jake asks why would he do that, Membrane explains to keep the Supes under control and to help man kind.  

Part 2[]

With the gang, all basically in agreement that the group must go looking for Spot's remaining allies, former and not. Wednesday, John Ecnomos, Emila, Viglante and Jake look into who is still alive as the others discuss the idea

Wednesday, Jake, Vigilante, Emila and Economos pull out who they have assessed on The Spot and they have managed to seek out of the cells. The party of 5 explain that B.P Richfeild, Chelsea Van Der Zee, Chandler Mcc Cain, Mr.Crocker, Polly Spark and Victoria Van Gale are all still alive and worked with The Spot and thus may know anything about the massacre or who Spot worked with. Jake does add that Crocker, Van Gale, and Chelesa are not in prison while the others are put away so he will be needed to assess Chandler, B.P and Polly or at least get the go ahead. The latter three ask about Chelesa, Crocker and Van Gale, Wednesday insturcts Peacemaker's allies to see if they can find them since she does know Crocker is an asylum. Economos confirms this it's just he has no idea about the ladies. Emila corrects that Chelesa could be easier, it's Van Gale who might be tough and she has to been trying to reach to anyone who knows about Van Gale.

After everything is set in stone. the others get back to the ones in charge. Mike tells Peacemaker, Wednesday, Jake, Eleven, Blinky and Professor Membrane that they have attempted to tell the others about what had occured but they havn't gotten any calls. Emilia and John are a bit concerned that someone must have been tracking the others too and must have known about this.

Peacemaker, Wednesday and Eleven all begin to brainstorm a possible way around all this or a way to at least help this. Each of them come to a certain thought process, Peacemaker considers getting Professor Membrane to find some way to travel without using the school bus to find their friends if they are in real danger, Eleven adds to this that she can be blindfolded to find where Dustin and the others are or what danger. Wednesday finishes with using any possible shortcoming of whoever they will deal outside those little spies.

Wednesday and Penny Robinson decide to work together to find Chelesa.

Peacemaker, Eleven, Wednesday and Jake ask Professor Membrane about that with Vicky Neuman and Professor Membrane informs them that it was Victoria Neuman, the adopted daughter of one of the former heads of Vought, before Homelander took over. Peacemaker has some knowledge on him and knows about the screwed up things he has done and his orgins as well as what happened to Homelander and the rest of those who followed him

Wednesday immediatly knows Professor Membrane was involved as she did a check on him when he joined the Resistance with Jake and Amy. Jake feels that they are in a stale mate regarding Neuman, as he tapped Membrane's phone and in a situation known as M.A.D. Peacemaker, Wendesday and Jake  discuss this among themselves and they know that Homelander worked with The Smoking Man who went after Lincoln and his friends which Jake admits he knew already before meeting them as he was after Team Free Will. Peacemaker rules him out as the culprit of the Team Free Will Massacre, though Wednesday considers looking into the actions of this group known as M.A.L.I.C.E as well. Jake nods at this

Wednesday and Penny both head out to the ocean with Wednesday holding a kind of bait out to attract mermaids so they can see Chelsea and get info. Penny tells Wednesday not to intterograte Chelsea or torture her they need info from her and she won't tell them if they do. Wednesday says if needed she will interograte her, considering she did try to go after them before.

Wednesday drops the mermaid bait and they wait, Chelesa does notice this and she takes the bait and goes into her human form to meet the two who were waiting for her. Wednesday admits she must be stupider than she thought, Though Penny is happy to see Chelesa.

Chelesa asks what's up to them and why she is here, Wednesday tells the mermiad she is on business and that the mermaid is going to answer this or she'll lose a finger or a tail. Chelesa rolls her eyes knowing Wednesday is still her. Penny takes the stage and asks if Chelesa knew anything about Spot's benefactor and backer as they are trying to find the Team Free Will Massacre culprit.

Chelesa explains that she has some idea, she does know that provided the way of trapping them in The Streamverse and had other designs spefically against both Lydia and Lincoln. Her bosses tried to trap there to kill them, they made other measures to go after the rest of Team Free Will. Wednesday asks who, Chelsea says two clock obsessed blue skinned brits and that one of them, the orginial dimension had an hand in even bigger actions than she knew

Wednesday decides to head out, asking Penny if she wants to talk go ahead, she will inform the others.

Peacemaker, Eleven, Wednesday, Jake, Professor Membrane, Jim, Claire, Blinky, Penny, Vigilante, Emila Hardcourt, John Ecnomos, Mrs.Frizzle, Mike, Lucas, Max, Doug Judy and Enid Sinclair all return and explain what everyone has found out. As Peacemaker's posse tells the others that most of the others were co-operative, though Chandler and Richfield were rather uncompromisnig with Richfield trying to kill the Professor.

Eleven asks about Von Gale, they still havn't found her. John Econmos admits he hasn't found anything on Von Gale. Enid, Penny and Wednesday do admit they were in Trolberg and maybe Van Gale was around there even if Economos couldn't find her. Mrs. Frizzle decides to set a location to Trolberg for the crew so they can get all go looking for Victoria Van Gale.

Professor Membrane is placing a wire on Doug Judy alongside Jake as they prepare to make another counterplay against Vicky. Peacemaker, Eleven and Wednesday all arrive asking what are the two doing.

Judy doesn't have a problem with this as he tells Eleven, he is aware of the danger and knows what he has to do. Jake and Wednesday finish putting on the wire and Wednesday tests it for communcation. Jake explains that his logic with this is that eventually someone could slip up and reveal what they knew about the events that occured they're looking into. Wednesday, Jake and Professor Membrane head back to the bus and get the audio tape prepared in the back.

Part 3[]

The Streaming Resisitance has arrived in Trolberg,and they go around trying to find Van Gale with each of them giving a try of finding her.

Wednesday, Penny, Enid, Jake and Professor Membrane all decided to take another way all together. Wednesday snuck her away on to the Tofuken Train so they can down there as she has a hunch as do the other 4. Though Penny does ask why Wendesday brought them down here, she says she was here before when she, Eleven and Peacemaker came down here to get her brother, Lincoln, Lydia, Hobie and The Robot out of trouble when they went with Hilda to find her grandparents. They're fairies or whatever the sacchrine term for mystical creature is. Enid says it is a fairy to her and for some reason they don't take well to Robots.

Professor Membrane and Jake both go around and ask about fairies go to get slammed on at every opporunity. Enid points how rude they are and that they'll look themselves and she knows where. Wenesday follows suit with Penny as the three end up finding a fairy mound. Professor Membrane and Jake catch up to them and ask what the trio found, Enid informs them that she has a feeling Van Gale might be here as she did recall she was fasicinated by the fairy mound or whatever it's called. Wednesday does a feel on the mound and gets another vision  of something arriving on them, she explains this to Penny. Penny believes Wednesday and that they'll wait to see if it happens.

The Streaming Reisstance has managed to arrive at the fairy Mound and a good deal of the group wander how to ulimately get in there. Peacemaker, Eleven and Wednesday themselves are baffled how are they even able to have gotten in there to begin with to find the others.

Penny though does manage to find a secret way using her own deduction skills alongisde Enid in part to their time they spent with Jaune and Hilda's family. They  ask Claire if she can use her magic to do so and she does and the 3 girls manage to get into Fairy Country

Jake, Eleven, Wednesday, Peacemaker and Professor Membrane all having aquired a sample of hair from Van Gale use to find her location. Max is baffled how they got a hair of hers for that long, Jake explains it's a way to get a sense of someone's dna and Membrane adds it can be used for cloning or any other great science work. Everyone give Membrane a look which he looks a bit embrassed to have said.

Blinky gets a wiff of the Nesse and leads the others to it. Peacemaker's crew follows closely behind with Wednesday and Enid not to far behind them. As Eleven and her friends as is the Troll Hunters, Membrane and Jake just follow suit. Just like that they all find Victoria Van Gale.

Van Gale is suprised to see The Streaming Resistance again and is more impressed how they got into. Peacemaker says they need to ask questions about her former employer, Van Gale wonders if it's about Spot, Wednesday shakes her head and tells Van Gale it's about her true employer  and the Dalmatian's backer.

Van Gale finishes explaining exactly what had gone down to the parties involved. Peacemaker, Eleven and Wednesday all find this interesting that Van Gale was found in the hole she was stuck in by not one  but two of them, and was brought on the plan to help them under pretenses of doing good for man kind. Only to them to be used for a revenge plan against both Lydia and Lincoln. Wednesday adds how they still didn't get the names, Eleven and Peacemaker feel that she didn't know the names as much as the others didn't. As least they have something,

Rodrigo and Angstorm Levy have arrived with the mini Chaos Bots and have arrived to kill Van Gale for saying too much. Van Gale looks terrified of them, spefically the former as she does know her boss did have ties to him. Redneb holds up a pistol and tries to shoot her immediately as he sends the chaos bots to do their stuff. The Rest of the Resistance fights back against them with Peacemaker and his team going after Levy with Eleven and her friends as Wednesday and  her comrades taking on the chaos bots. Wednesday, Jake and Professor Membrane find what Rodrigo is doing and tries to stop him. Redneb holds his omega Cannon and coereces off Jake with it though the other two go at him anyway, Redneb decides to just leave which Wednesday and Membrane decide to remember his look.

With the return of the other 4, they inform of Van Gale's condition and also of what Doug told them. Penny, Enid and Max gather that whoever was behind Spot is clearly even more insane that he ever was. Peacemaker decides on following Wednesday's ideas and intterograte Angstorm Levy.

Eleven inquires about Mrs.Frizzle and John reveals that she went off to get the co-ordinates to what The Robot did. Emila says if anything is assured then they find Will and thus find Lincoln and Lydia. Penny hopes Will is okay as does Eleven.

Peacemaker, Wednesday and Vigilante decide on that they need a place to interrogate Levy that is safe. Enid decides they could go to Anders's apartment to do so, Mike asks why there. Enid feels that if they did at Johanna's house then she would question them more likely than if Anders did so. Blinky doesn't want any part of the interrogation which Peacemaker allows, Lucas decides to join Blinky on this as he isn't too comfortable.

Chapter 2[]

Part 4[]

Joining with her main allies, Wednesday takes part in getting info out of Angstorm Levy, Like Vigilante she shows a high amount of brutality even going so far to try and severe fingers if Levy doesn't talk which requires Eleven to hold her back at times. Wednesday discovers Levy is after Mark and that he has powers that are multiversal which she calls out for him using it for such sloppy vengeful purposes while she is more pratical about it. SHe and Eleven decide to probe more info from him until Rodrigo shows up and makes quick work of them though Wednesday lasts longer than most of the team against him to free Angstorm.

She gathers what they received and just seems fine that they even got anything to begin with. Wednesday is contacted by Lydia, Lincoln, Will, Amy and The Robot, about what they have been finding and discovering what the crew is up to with what happened with Angstorm Levy, and the actions in Trolberg. Wednesday, Peacemaker, Wednesay, Eleven, Jake, and Penny decide to help Lincoln, Lydia, Amy and Will when it comes to their investigation in the Woods.

Part 5[]

Wednesday and her allies are waiting for Will, Amy, Lincoln and Lydia patiently as Amy discovers to look into the woods. When Will, Lincoln, Lydia, Dawn, Bender and Anti Cosmo arrive to help out. Wednesday dimisses how a robot can help them with the Massacre and why he is so crucial to include when Lincoln and Lydia explain that he is the multiversal investigator P.I Anglesmith. Wednesday decides to see if he is really worth of that claim.

Arriving at the university, They all find the entrance to the Woods, and she goes with her allies to investigate. Wednesday is clearly not flinching like her allies, but does admit to herself that this looks like something out of Crackstone and Thornhill's agenda expect replace misfits with supes. Wednesday asks if Lydia and Lincoln undercovered something or Jake and Amy while at, and discovers the Supe Killing Virus which she compares it to animals trying to control one another with biological welfare

She is attacked by Ham Hand's henchmen as the others deal with their own threats, this Wednesday decides to go up against and unleash her own kung fu skills. She does though see a vision of a supe dying through the virus and the creator of it which she decides to report, as well as Professor Membrane claiming it away to find a way to use it for benevolent purposes for super villains. Something Enid also discovered with Lydia, Lincoln, Bender and Anti Cosmo

Sterling and Myrtle had them escape so Fifi doesn't burn them all down in the Woods. Wednesday decides to just fuel the fire as she feels this place should be destroyed considering what she saw in the vision and tries to burn Fifi alive in it as well. At the debriefing, Wednesday tells Enid of this vision and that they must tell Professor Membrane and question him on this.

The other six return to them and inform of what they found in The virus Professor Membrane had stowaway with and the file of what happened to the Robinsons. Enid, Wendesday, Jake and Eleven are also brought to light by Max, Blinky, Jim, Claire, Mike and Lucas about what they had found in their brief investigation of Arcadia.

Part 6[]

The Portal Gun is ready for useage as Professor Membrane explains to the team as he managed to get his hands and given to them by Penny, Mike and Lucas. Peacemaker, Eleven, Jake and Wednesday decide to ask for the portal gun so they are able to go deal with the troll problem head up. Though As Professor Membrane points out, Enid has already made way into troll market which Wednesday decides she need to potentially rescue her friend if needed.

Peacemaker, Eleven, Wednesday, Jake, Professor Membrane, Jim and Claire enter Troll Market and find that Queen Usurna is on the warpath to find Enid Sinclair meaning that something has been found on them. The Gumms Gumms have also found them and go after the 7 of them as N.Tropy did warn Queen Usurna all things

Wendesday teams up with Professor Membrane to end up finding more about the Gumms Gumms as they fight them and decide to steal anything from him if they can really and Wendesday instructs the others to go find Enid while they do so.

Peacemaker, Eleven, Wedesday, Jake and Enid talk to Will and The Robot and they learn of the return of Nevermore which means Wednesday will likely look move back there and that she is informed of Eugene's safety. The Pruning is also revealed by Will and The Robot which has Wednesday and Jake suspicous. Wednesday questions the very mean of pruning timelines for some whatever reasons and questions how Spot did leave this one in the spot it was and who was trying to attack her universe

Wednesday with Eleven, Peacemaker, Emilia, Vigilante and Max end keep Lincoln, Lydia and Amy in the know about has gone down in Arcadia and the whereabouts of Hilda they have no idea on while becoming aware of what happened to Nate Wright's own universe. Eleven and Wednedsay who infrom them of the portal gun that Membrane was working on from that robot gave him. Lincoln and Lydia remember from the Fearmid with Toffee and Bill Cipher and how Rick gave his life to protect them

- It is decided with what the heroes acquired at Troll Market that a close look into it will be needed and that Professor Membrane has a lab back at home he can use to his advantage so he takes decideds to take his team there. Betty joins the group with Penny explaining what has gone on on her end to them as Gumm Gumm Research is dead ahead.

Chapter 3[]

Part 7[]

The Entire Group has arrived at the Membrane Household and Professor Membrane has informed the others about His son not being here so he and his own friends won't have to worry as they're at the Utonium House.

Peacemaker, Jake, Eleven, Wednesday overhear that Daniel will be in touch with them at some point. Though they are told, he might meet up with the others first before and and that it will be Daniel who decides this as Lydia and Lincoln inform them as they head to the Last Kids On Earth Universe. Peacemaker and Jake both think on anything that could be happening here as the trio did come before to this universe and are questioning how they are going to make only to learn that the duo had the Magic School Bus repaired and have Mr.Fusion on it so they can use garbage as fuel.

John Economos finds the idea ridiculous that Frizzle was able to do that, Emilia admits it does feel kind of ridiculous the concept of it. Wednesday and Professor Membrane though find the idea has potential with Wendesday saying she could dispose bodies in this matter.

Wednesday, Professor Membrane, Enid, Blinky, Penny, Mike, Lucas, Emilia and John all end discovering some answers about Hilda's petrfication with her family. Enid, Mike, Penny and Lucas manage to get something important with their research and that Hilda, Jaune and her family were ambushed by Angor Rot who was acting on orders of Queen Ushurna in troll Market, and he somehow managed to turn them into stone. Professor Membrane has an idea to use some chemistry to make a vital to cure petrifycation, he made one before when it came to aging so he can make one for this. Blinky does address he does know a way to do it without having to fetch things like that, as he has cured his best troll bud before. Professor Membrane, Enid and Wednesday though want to do this themselves in the case of Membrane and Wendesday, while Enid wants to help Mulder and Scully with this.

Until Professor Membrane and Wednesday manage to arrive and help turn the table againat Zib and Angor Rot and realize Zib is controlling Rot and Membrane can tell as he can see how Zib is controlling the Gumms Gumms and the others all get back to base at Membrane's house. Professor Membrane, Wednesday, Jake, Peacemaker and Eleven all check what Professor Membrane and Wednesday found and that Zib and Ushurna are controlling him with a ring that controls the troll hunter slayer

The Streaming Resistance find an invite in Professor Membrane's mailbox and it's an invite to Vernon Manor which has Peacemaker, Eleven, Jake and Wednesday look into this and show supscion at all this with the others to make a plan to deal with this.

Part 8[]

The Heroes discuss the Shetty Virus under Professor Membrane as he has been in contact with Lisa about and that Bender and his friends gave it to her. As well the plan to infilitrate the Tek Knight Manor. The Group also meets up Daniel when it comes to what the heroes said would come. Wendesday is of course pointing out why lesser the harm to it, when she herself would like a way to torture someone like that. Though as Professor Membrane explains it would be in his best interest to do so.

The Group makes their arrangements when it comes to what they need to do for the Tek Knight situation and the whole thing with Angor Rot comes out as well with some of the heroes due to their encounter with him and Zib which happened with Enid. Wednesday recongizes that Angor Rot used some kind of thing to trigger fear into others.

Tek Knight does arrive on cue from Neuman to see if he fork out the info of the Shetty Virus and interrogates The Peacemaker Team, Jake Perlaita, Penny Robinson, Blinky and Professor Membrane. Though Wednesday and Betty eventually do drive him out as do Jim Jones as Wednesday and The Troll Hunters found Betty who was on her way to find them and learns that Tek Knight is now privy to the Shetty Virus and there was no way to hide it from the guy.

Doug Judy returns with his own intel and tells of where Enid is and he leads most of the group to go find her as some of the others stay around with Professor Membrane staying with Wendesday following right behind Doug Judy.

Wednesday, Doug Judy, Jim and Claire manage to find Enid as well as Mulder, Scully, Anders and Eugene with Daniel's help and she sees that Toby is with them who Wednesday doesn't have an high opinion on due to his obnixousness to him which she echos to Jim and Claire upon finding them. She tells Enid that she was worried about her as well as Eugene when it came to the trolls, Wendesday decides to aid Mulder and Scully in trying to help Jaune Arc and Hilda from their petrifaction when it comes to Angor Rot before leaving.

Part 9[]

With Enid, Doug and the Troll Hunters, she joins Anders, Eugene, Mulder and Scully in Arcadia to investigate and look into how they can help out the family. She doesn't approve of Anders's distrust of changlings and tells Eugene that it will be in their best to just get a deal with the Janus Order like what Jim and Claire would have done. Wednesday then gets Eleven to know what is going on and has her go to Trolberg to find more clues on the state that is their situation. Once a cure is found, this is when the Gumms Gumms Arrive on them and she takes on Angor Rot deciding she is fascinated by this thing and to test her own skills. She has a long duel with Angor Rot and finds herself fighting off what tricks Rot has up his sleeve and then decides to stop her fight to help her friends deal with the rest of the Gumms Gumms and prevent The Changlings in Gunmar's order from taking Hilda's grandparents.

Later she discovers what happened with Frida through Eleven and Mike, which she informs Mulder, Scully and Anders. Then she and Eleven are warned about the danger they are in by Lincoln, Lydia, Will, Amy, Jake and Peacemaker and though she is desiring to deal with the death god of the underworld, N.Tropy intends to use. She accompanies the agents and Anders to help start finding a way to save Jaune and Enid's friends as Eugene provided a list of what they will need.

Chapter 4[]

Wednesday discovers N.Tropy has instilled Tek Knight in Neuman's place and that she has gone missing and Wednesday decides to invoke a look into finding her. It does lead into a struggle some situation with Richfield and Gunmar. She does also discover the thieving of a reality device and that it will be in use somewhere soon. Wednesday already has a feeling it's in Mexico and decides to help find Lincoln, Lydia, Will, Amy and her team to help deal with this reality. She is also informed of Judge Holden pursuing Team Free Will and agrees to help find Ford too.

Chapter 5[]

She returns to Mulder, Scully, Anders and the other teammates she had and they arrive in Mexico. Wednesday is able to get there in time with to help save Team Free Will from Judge Holden. She is familar with him as Toby and AAARRRGGHH!! told her and the others about this deal inforcing further Lincoln and Lydia's ties to the resistance. Bender, Slade and Hughie arrive as well ready to help Her, Eleven, Peacemaker, Bender, Lincoln, Lydia and Slade deal with the potential end of the world.

At that moment that is when Ucrumuu is brought back by the N.Trophies to finish the job

Chapter 6[]

Wednesday joins hands with the rest of The Streaming Resistance and Team Free Will to fight the demon as Bender, Slade and Hughie's group go to deal with the possessed Billy Butcher who Urcumuu goes his clutches on. Eventually she is able to help bring down the demon and kill him for good with help from Lydia, Lincoln, Ford, Sid, Anne, Eleven, Peacemaker, Jake, Amy and later Anti Cosmo and Bender who aided them.

Joining the main members of Team Free Will, Bender and Anti Cosmo, Wendesday discovers what Neuman knows on her deals with N.Tropy and uses it as a way to get closer to the truth of what happened with Team Free Will. With Eugene and Enid, she gets the cure to what Anders was seeking to David, Mulder and Scully to bring Jaune, Johanna, Hilda and Frida to the living.

After being knighted with the rest of the team, Wednesday joins forces with Team Free Will like the rest of the group.

Book 2: Interlude[]
