Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Story takes place after the third season and before beast machines

The Maximals are returning to their home planet of cybertron going into Transwarp space but Megatron escapes the shuttle

However, the Maximals saw megatron was sucked into the portal, but they have to find Megatron in a different time

The story starts at 6 AM. Uriko wakes up in her bed.I’m late said Uriko sees her her mother, mitsuko and her sister Alice Alice is a newspaper of zoanthrope sightings

Uriko arrives in high school Uriko there you are saki said I heard there some people getting killed by an unknown zoanthrope didn’t you read the newspaper? No Uriko answered

There some mysterious thing just attacked someone I know uriko said to saki

After all this could chimera like the hyper beast form tylon gave me when they captured me or a griffin Uriko asked

She could be seeing Kenji ogami Bakuryu the man she loved, and she sees him reading a book of his self teaching, ninjutsu hi kenji Uriko asked

I wonder that tomorrow would be our date ok

Ok uriko yells transforms into beast mode the students began to scream and terrify of her beast form

Meanwhile, a golden shuttle land in the woods

A young robot in an orange metal starts shouting. Any sign of Megatron big bot.

No cheetor A metal bucktooth guy in a Brooklyn accent starts saying OK, you start Looking for mega mouth I guess I always seed some they were a group of the scientists, a combination of shadow law from streetfighter and weapon X, from the X-Men on world domination to wipe out humanity. They were known as Tylon Megatron he’s alive cheetor saw Megatron however, a humanoid animals start attacking silver, bolt and black Arachnia. I’ll protect you from these ugly creatures. One of them turned out to be a were fox named Hans A tongue lashes out on Optimus claws of bird, and a tiger, which was the basis for the elder killer from the Tekken series

Go right on cheetor and Rhinox   Megatron was fixed at last. I’m free and fixed.

Megatron Optimus saw his arch nemesis, returning from his defeat from the prehistoric times the last time they fought(Notes watch nemesis part two) surprised to see your old nemesis Optimus primal Tylon‘s CEO was named hashiba

He was responsible for capturing Uriko. He was responsible for capturing children and upgrading their beast modes, and he was responsible for turning ordinary people into Zoanthropes and he was also kidnapping brainwashing people. He also appeared in the fang a comic book, or manga, which never released in Japan.

was the last time the beast wars they are over you lost we won you lost

Megatron we thought we beat him to traitor black Arachnia, the treacherous, silver bolt, the green goliath Rhinox The coward rat trap in the Young cheetor you remember me and these guys, they have the beast mode like us. They are organic transformers their human. They also animals. The chameleon turned out to be a green haired scientist busuzima becoming the new chief scientist for Megatron, he had the idea to remove their beast modes and drain their cybertronian physiologies, and turn them into ordinary organic human beings no, no Megatron Optimus yelled at his nemesis

Meanwhile above a guy with a, Scarface, and who bears strikingly similar to Mark/Ken from battle of the planets and wears a 2000s clothing breaks a out of his motorcycle

Alice meets her boyfriend hi yugo shouted Alice both the couple are seeing watching the moon together how are Kenji and uriko doing? Oh no The phone begins to ring Kenji respond. Excuse me lovebirds my date is postponed. There’s a familiar face forming with some Unknown threat.

The maximals wake up not being robots, but being different what happened? Said cheetor what in the name of mozzarella? Yelled rat trap where we’re humans Optimus explained that they look organic

Cheetor had blonde hair

It looks like the main character from Zoids chaotic century

black Arachnia had black hair and looks very similar to Vampirella

Rat trap has brown hair and has buck teeth as a human

Optimus has a beard and black hair resembling Iron Man

The silver bolt has a mullet and looks very Native American

And rhinos is African-American, who is also pudgy

They must’ve drained our beast modes, but how Tylon drained them we have find a way out of here

The maximals escaped the Tylon headquarters man wish dinobots clone were here no cheetor his clone sacrificed himself beast mode are beast modes we can’t transform Optimus was worried that their beast modes were drained by Tylon to create new experiments that Megatron survived

The maximals going into the city, Optimus the humans look different than the ones we saw on prehistoric earth eh what do you call this it’s called evolving, rat trap, the humans evolve into more intelligent being my love, it looks very unique and full of technology, and I thought nature was better however, a gang of unnamed people decided to attack or Raven haired black Arachnia Rhinox implies Silver, bolt and black Arachnia are gone. Gone where somewhere

Hey pretty lady off me, you perv, black Arachnia talk angrily however, these street gangsters turned out to be a nonhuman gang called the strays the strays were assembled, discriminating human gangs Silverbolt black Arachnia we’re coming we’ll take care of these strange looking anthropoids however, a half man, half mole punches and knocks out the strays and uses ninja attacks i’ve never seen a human done like that. It’s not human cheetor it’s a beast. however, the mold man changes back into a human form rat trap implies a transformer who changes from man to beast Transformers aren’t just cybertronian rat trap thanks for saving our friends. What’s your name? My name is Kenji Kenji Ogami, but you can call me Bakuryu

Meanwhile at Tylon HQ

All of my predacon are gone, except for that idiot waspinator

Megatron said all the predacons are gone except for him they left him in prehistoric earth being worshiped as a god Busuzima do you have anything to find a new predacons? Yes, I have something to format from your from combining trans tech and our tech as well excellent hashiba looked at Megatron of their plan would be a success. Their goal was to wipe out humanity.that Zoanthropes and Cybertronian beastials Would rule the world

Meanwhile, back in the back alleys

So you have a beast mode?

So what are you? Are you superhero like those comic books back in my when I read back issues where are you character from a parallel universe? I’m a Zoanthrope.

What’s a Zoanthrope?

Zoanthropes they were used in mythology

Fairytales Their origins were unknown some Zoanthropes are made many are born

But I was born with a beast form my mentor worked for Tylon they upgraded mine, making it stronger and faster

My brother, my adopted brother inherited his beast form from his father and the father I never knew we got our beast forms from scanning, but we don’t have them

And who are you and where did you come from? I am Optimus, primal leader of the maximals this is Cheetor rat trap, Rhinox , silver bolt and black Arachnia

We are the descendants of the autobots during the great war, the auto bots and Decepticons were once civilians and harbingers of war, but they’ve turned against each other, and declared war our ancestors later fought on earth in the 80s and then the year 2006 after the great war The subgroup known as the Predacons began to evolve into a new type of group we were evolved. From the primitive versions of the auto bots we lived in peace with the Predacons however, we were wrong A rogue Predacon known as galavar now called Megatron, in honor of his ancestor, stole the golden disc to declare a new war, and travel back in time to alter history that auto bots and maximals would never exist we chased him and his group of rogues

We fight him in the beast wars we also have beat him and save the history of our ancestors and our faction, and now he’s back and working with Tylon

Meanwhile, at Tylon headquarters

Megatron is planning to create new Predacons with transmetal technology

Busuzima do you have The Transmetal technology Megatron answered yes Busuzima asked they decided to use Proto forms, scanning for life forms

The first scanned the form of a Japanese flying squirrel The second took the form of a Japanese tree frog. The third took the form of a skunk The fourth took the form of a great white shark The fifth took the form of a centipede and the last one scanned the form of an extinct sabertooth tiger at the museum

Finally arise my new Predacons


The maximals as humans are their objectives, even as humans

Optimus replied to cheetor here are the rules even though we are human your disguise rule number one no maximal names rule number two no fighting skills rule number three don’t talk about your cybertronian physiology rat trap replied what about us? Silverbolt blackarachnia you go, investigating Optimus, found a card of this group of rebels Rhinox rat trap, and I will find these group of whoever they are

Cheetor dressed in uniform as a student

Why does big bot have to tell me I have to pose as a student he bumps into a brown haired girl in a black school uniform  with short hair hi uriko replies hi cheetor replies Uriko is boy Crazy at the blonde haired new guy he’s so handsome what’s your name? Remember, no maximal names Chester Chester Torres my name is Uriko Uriko nonomura

Optimus rattrap and Rhinox look for the The group they’ve never heard of

So what is this group they’re called the group is called woc World of coexistence they are trying to make peace between beast people and ordinary people are we like them? We are, but we’re robots except Megatron removed our physiology.Optimus meets a with a Scarface and shorts and a white shirt

Have we met? The stranger replied have you met this guy rat trap implied? Allow me to talk to him my name is Optimus, primal leader of the maximals Nice to meet you my name is Yugo Yugo ogami

So what language is that? Is that German

No its Japanese

Rattrap stares at a busty girl with dark brown hair, and White clothes and flirts at her hi, my name is Randy Randy trap Alice gets a little worried about this strange man sorry but I have a boyfriend

Rattrap let her go Rhinox said

So you’re kenjis brother and guardian yes Yugo asked you’re a zoanthrope

Yes, I have the same jeans as my father my father has the trigger the trigger is what gives us our beast forms years ago he disappeared. He was presumed dead, but he’s alive, but he went missing ever since and tell me who are Tylon

Tylen are greedy scientific company that kidnap ordinary children, turning them into Zoanthropes and organic ones brainwashing them and upgrading them giving new beast forms and new powers and temporary ones draining their level one beast forms, their A long time ago they were founded by Charles Tylon he founded the company for ordinary humans and beast people alike. He passed away and passed on to his ward.hashiba The known scientist to work there were Hiroshi nonomura hajime Busuzima and Stephen Goldberg

However, they decided to put an end to mankind instead, and create soldiers to declare war on the human race. My father was a mercenary.His name was yuji ogami he worked with Alan Gado both of them were organic he turns into a werewolf and his beast form is a werecat a lion rat trap interrupts like spots kind of

His opportunity was to stop Tyron for wiping out the human race and kidnapping young Zoanthropes to give them new powers and abilities, and they discovered the trigger he was captured, and they tried to brainwash him to use them as their weapons he freed himself, but he sacrificed his life and his body was never found years ago my girlfriend, her adopted mother and Gado defeated Tylon but we thought they were gone

And now they’re back and pledging their loyalty to Megatron Optimus thinks quickly

Meanwhile, silver, bolt and black Arachnia are patrolling in the streets

How are we supposed to investigate this mysterious organization? As soon as we find who is behind us i’ll leave it to me I’ve bought temporary weapons even as a human Black Arachnia has used a grappling hook after Tylon drained her cybertronian physiology she goes into the Thailand headquarters and sees the files of the deceased employees One of them turned out to be Uriko‘s father

Suddenly, silver bolt is ambushed by New Predacons

Gas, skunk, terrorize

Dark scream, terrorize

Slapper terrorize

Lug nut terrorize

Roadkill terrorize

Gas skunk

Is a Black and gold robot with a red mask looking like straight out of it 70s or 80s anime

Dark scream looks like incredibly like a cross between Rocky, the flying squirrel and Batman from Batman

Slapper is like a red version of the unused, maximal diver or the unused, proton spittor

Lugnut is a robot with one eye has whips that look like something out of soulcalibur and Mortal Kombat

And roadkill looks like a recolor of Cheetor, but looking all green and purple

Well, well well any words Sir, you’re about to feel my theory instead of using his spears, silver bolt had temporarily used size as weapons as a human

Silver bolt I found Information on what on The scientist who he was on the project it was known as the Uranus project  however, the Uranus project failed, but they had to create a clone so

I think he has a daughter, a daughter, enough talk, gas, skunk, uses his stink rays on silver bolt. Meanwhile, a familiar punch and kick. It was none other than. Bakuryu The new predacons transformed back into their beast modes are you OK?

I’m hurt you know you and I aren’t so different after all we both have a coat of honor we are were both pawns and do you have a girlfriend I do


Nice of meeting Chester hey uh so where do you? let’s go to my house

Mom I’m home hi hon huh did you bring a boy no mom he’s a friend where have you met him? On Facenook Uriko shows human Cheetor her room you have yep there the zodiac squadron i had these when I was 10 you know Chet yeah I’m never telling mom and my big sister and they kissed

Kenji looks jealous of beloved with a new guy

Meanwhile Rhinox have you checked on our physiology according to my calculations we are getting fleshier and fleshier as we lose our Cybertonian physiology what’s happening to us? We’ve been in human mode too long.

I’m a robot, trapped in a human body and a human is taking over we must fight it we know someone who could do it Yugo he has a beast mode I sent a message by texting Alice The government doesn’t know our vigilante activities, but Gado worked for the United Nations to keep our species and humanity to live in peace yes he must be associated with the UN my ancestor, Optimus prime was affiliated with the government. We might be able to find Megatron and Tylon for kidnapping innocent people turning them into feral monsters and creating new predacons

The next morning Uriko wakes up and human Cheetor how long have I been a sleep? Five minutes human Cheetor replies, as they both had a cat

nap Uriko stands up and sees a picture of her father and the scrapbook she had spending time with him before his death and before the first game dad, I thought you live forever Uriko said

The next day

Uriko heads to school with her new friend

Saki says hi Uriko who’s that oh that’s Chester he’s a foreign exchange student

Hi I um Cheetor forgets his name remember cheetor, no maximal names

Chester Torres I’m from Canada Canada

Saki understands who the new kid is

Kenji in his uniform looks at the new kid

I saw you last night Kenji said hey, you’re that guy with the scarf my name is Kenji ogami you know me by another name Bakuryu didn’t I meet you already? Cheetor asked kenji challenges Cheetor to a battle outside you and me dual at one The two decided to fight outside

Uriko appears in the crowd to see which one wins the man she loves, or her new friend Kenji transforms into his beast mode, cheetor, leaps and avoid his attacks The principal gets mad that’s enough ms nonomura your daughter just saw her boyfriend fighting up blonde young man named Chester leaping. I’ve never seen him do that I also called his guardian well my sister and I have an obsession with both are boyfriends

I know you both double date i’m gonna have to call your sisters, friends, father


The dragon wing tyrant it’s planning to find the final member of his new Predacons Busuzima I want a new predacon to make DNA from a Japanese dragon and a Cerberus


The maximals and the woc

Haven’t gotten a word from Cheetor

Optimus being human is great

Rat trap said no being human is bad we’re supposed to be cybertronians

Optimus primal explained that they are going to find somewhere to revert back to their cybertronian selves

Silverbolt black arachnia your back

My leader Blackarachnia and I have researched project, Uranus and we checked out Dr nonomura who’s he

he’s  uriko‘s father Yugo explains

He worked Tylon what happened?

I don’t know what happened to him

Alice said he died

So that’s what what he is

Blackarachnia answered

Well find megatron


Excellent, it’s working

The DNA or fused from different animals was also being used from techno organics is creating a new proton Bruticus rise thus Bruticus is born

Meanwhile, back in the Nonomura residence

Hey Alice and I are going swimming wanna come sure why not?

Cheetor ask that the sisters and him we’re going to a private beach

Al can you called this Randy character ill try


Hey rhiny we’re going to the beach wanna come in a minute i’m working on a serum that would reverse our organic physiology to revert back to cybertionian selves  Rhinox was working on some thing that would revert back to their original selves

Optimus Silverbolt and Blackarachnia

Are infiltrating Tylon hq we’re looking for the serums that could return them back to normal I think we found another piece of the puzzle Silverbolt replied

We gotta get out of here. We have to give this to Rhinox to return us back to normal. The three Predacon stooges attack our heroes dark scream Confronts silver bolt with a katana and his titanium sword Optimus confronts gas skunk using a pistol Black Arachnia confronts slapper using her cybertronian and martial arts, she retained The trio began to send and reinforcements A triceratops as big as Rhinox Guiledart terrorize

His robot form was only has one hand, and looked very similar to Rhinox and a reptilian dog that looks very menacing Bruticus terrorize Bruticus has a reptilian robot mode and acting as the attack dog for Megatron and Tylon we don’t have a robot forms we have to retreat

The next morning

Uriko Alice Cheetor and rattrap in human form Head to a private beach

Cmon in the waters fine Uriko takes off her coat and reveals a strapless one piece swimsuit. That is also leopard printed. Cheetor begins to become nervous, but changes his mind to go for a swim while Alice relaxes with rat trap

Alice wears a blue strapless bikini

Rat trap in his human form talks about

So Alice when did this happen to you? When were you in the Young girl sisters?

I I will it all started when I was eight I was captured by Tylon my parents were assassinated they were killed, murdered in cold blood. Tylon discovered a gene, called the trigger, which they used a DNA of a rabbit to scan to turn me into a zoanthrope they were going to brainwash me, but I escaped one of the doctors was her father, but he was different than the others. He was testing her to giving her an upgrade. Luckily Hiroshi saved me made me the daughter he never had I found a foster home Uriko became my best friend and not my little sister yet Mitsuko was more like a guardian less like a mother my foster parents took me to school when I went to school, I met this handsome guy named

Yugo ogami so was Mr. Nonomura a beast man? Well, as a matter fact, he was, we never talked about him. I fell in love with him, but my feelings for him were more he was not considered my boyfriend back then when I got home, my parents said how was school? It was great Alice tell me about this boy you’ve met is he your boyfriend? He’s not my boyfriend Alice and mystery. Boy, sitting in a tree KISSing Young Alice throws her backpack at Young Uriko and eventually uriko disappeared what happened to her father? I don’t know Uriko turned into a warrior, called Project Uranus, giving her a humanoid form, and her beast mode was given a Chimera we saved her so I was adopted into the family and I was officially romantically involved with the man I loved then I became a nurse

After graduating my adopted mother was also captured by their new project, called Shen Long, which they tried to brainwash your uriko’s mentor long decree their evil counterpart, but we rescued her and then what happened I quit my job Yugo His ward myself decided to creed a group of Zoanthropes that needed to make peace between them and ordinary humans, the world of coexistence WOC I became their translator and their nurse oh you were a pretty nurse pervert, Alice yell at rat trap thinking about her days as a nurse Cheetor and we’re splashing splashing Cheetor splashes her and growls even though cats don’t like water

Mysterious shark appears out of nowhere, stalking it’s splashes Uriko screams at the monstrous Transmetal 2 shark Sky bite, terrorize

A purple robot with a golden face, and also only has one hand and a hook hand as well Uriko shifts sent to her cat form, tries to claw into the shark robot Alice changes into her beast mode, ripping off her top and bottom, even though reverts back to her human form to see her clothes RT we don’t have our beast modes. We also don’t have a robot modes either. Sky bite hits the nonomura sisters, and they revert back to their human forms beast mode, sky bite, reverts back to his beast form and returns back to Megatron and his Tylon followers

Sis, he was so strong we could’ve handled him He made of alien technology what’s going on black Arachnia silver bolt returned? Who are you? My name is Alice Nice to meet you, ma’am Silver bolt said

I am silver bolt and this is my lover black Arachnia hi, uriko said i’m her sister

You already know our scout and our demolition expert so you’re like me and kenji and or are you just a couple


Optimus Rhinox and kenji are at a library

Rhinox is looking for a book about zoanthropes here’s one rhinox asked

A mythology book what’s this book about? Zoanthropes a mythology about zoanthropes Optimus and kenji are reading about what are Zoanthropes they come all the way from mythology from Japanese mythology Greek mythology, Chinese mythology, and even fairytales hmmm interesting so this is what they are

You were from a clan of assassins that worshiped the God that created them it’s not just that Optimus. There were demons such as the unborn, which we never heard of and others that killed them with silver, including silver bullets and silver blades, and some of them have rival groups, including. The Mogura

Yes, that was my clan my sensei was also a part of that group he was also Tylon‘s double agent, but they killed him

We will defeat Tylon and put an end to Megatron


Shenlong megatron what are you doing here I just came here to see you you were hashibas greatest weapon, we brainwashed you again to be an assassin once more I am not your puppet your opportunity was to kill humans Shen Long gets a call from the mysterious stranger  just as what we planned slow Mo The mysterious stranger has ideas to harvest zoanthrope powers


Alice is showing Cheetor uriko’s old

Teacher who taught her very well in Ken Po long this is long long shin your a hermit Long asked Cheetor he used to be my teacher but he’s also like a father to me  change into your beast modes The sisters and their father figure change into their beast forms your beast form is a tiger it’s like Tigatron Who is Tigatron he was he was my version of you he was my mentor he had the same beast mode as you he scanned his beast mode as a white tiger, and his identity circuits, made him feral, and gave him the same as you being more tiger than cybertronian he had a mate named snow stalker, but she sacrificed herself. However, he became friends with air razor, but the vok and alien race captured them and combined them into Tiger hawk. I lost him, and I never saw him again And you remind me a lot of him it is time to practice young one Long as teaching Cheetor, the same fighting style Uriko has while rat trap is watching along with the sisters should I call this guy Tigatron II? If you want, he changes into his beast form Cheetor leaps good long said thank you master long minutes later thanks for teaching me we will meet again ehh you could make a great maximal shut up rat trap all of them replied


Alice is late for her date with her boyfriend Yugo they are having dinner at an Italian restaurant in Ginza

Wearing a dress a pink dress

You look beautiful yugo said

Thanks I’ve wear this dress

How is your sister great Alice said

She’s with her new friend Chester, the blonde buffoon that my Brother  doesn’t like yes

Meanwhile Bakuryu watches from above

Blondie you and I shall win the heart of Uriko I challenge you to a fight. The winner shall take the girl and the loser shall be dead KO it’s a knockout.Cheetor said meet me at 8 PM add an abandoned warehouse

Yugo and Alice are having steaks and salad The two kissed and saw civilians getting attacked by the Predacons The maximals are saving innocent people

Boobs bunny Big bad ass Wolf you gotta help us pronto rat trap asked

Meanwhile, at Tylon Cheetor takes a chemical of the zoanthrope Growth Hormone and it says the DNA says cheetah finally cheetah beat that worm breath

Optimus and rat trap are taking cover, facing gas, skunk, and dark scream

Yugo and show up they transformed to the beast forms Beast mode dark scream and gas skunk yelled gas skunk uses a scorpion like tail attacking yugo in his wolf form

Hi chicken legs, you look pretty even in your beast mode. Dark scream starts to flirt with Alice in her beast form. Alice Optimus thwacks  gas skunk with a baton

He starts attacking dark scream, the two revert back to the human forms

Meanwhile, at the streets show yourself mole man it’s Bakuryu The winner shall have the girl the loser shall die. It’s a KO a knockout. Kenji shifts sent to his beast mode while cheetor shifts into his new beast mode, which looks more humanoid, and looks exactly similar to something out of a frank Frazetta novel to start to fight A mysterious, female figure watches them fight Kenji starts scratching the upgraded maxim cheetors in trouble Optimus asked, we have to find him Kenji uses his drill, attack to knock out, cheetor Cheetah cheetah the brutally wounded cheetah is damaged call an ambulance I am a doctor you’re a doctor Kenji what did you do? Kenji attacked his new rival meanwhile, at the underground headquarters Cheetor wakes up

Relax you’re fine now rhino found a cure vaccine that would remove the beast mode inside of you. You’re still Cybertronian and you brutally damaged from the fight last night Rhinox said what are these pictures? Those are pictures of me and my boyfriend when we were in high school when we were sort of rivals, we sort of had a crush on each other. Hello nurse that’s me when I had my job at the hospital The stump looking at me in that picture and that’s me and your uriko when we trick-or-treat it I was Swan girl, and she was swallow lass I didn’t know uriko was your sister

And that’s me and Uriko at a beach trying to meet some cute guys even though I already have a boyfriend and that was after you beat Tylon

I guess where’s Optimus  Optimus and The Predacons, new base of operations zero island I see what this zero island is Megatron must be making experiments there to live in the island. He’s also using it for Zoanthropes sanctuary to distance from humanity Where is it tell me where is Megatron space yugo sniffs North Megatron once tried to conquer the Earth, he tried to destroy mankind, but Dinobot saved the human race. He also tried to destroy my ancestor, but I saved him and. It was a ravage Kyaaa uriko where were you

I just came around. There was a some kind of giant robotic bug. you were supposed to be in the shuttle what’s wrong with you? What’s wrong with you? No, you’re supposed to be in the shuttle playing video games are you gonna make me fine just go play some bomber man games ok Optimus I have some news what is it Rhinox there is a woman named jenny, Jenny Burtory and this ex scientist named Stephen Goldberg. He goes by the name Stun when he was human, he created an experiment that would turn people into Zoanthropes, which is a growth hormone has the final ingredient to revert us back to the way we were that’s an interesting idea we might be able to encounter him.

Silver and black Arachnia found Cheetor to locate the mysterious lady and The scientist turned loner  so Who is this Steven Goldberg he is a scientist who used to work at Tylon

Meanwhile, at the museum