According to collaborations between Martial Arts and Pokemon, the real life martial arts can be refered for the following:
- Wushu and Monkey Kung Fu = Normal
- Boxing = Fighting
- Wing Chun and White Crane Style = Flying
- Snake Kung Fu = Poison
- Sumo Wrestling = Ground
- Hapkido = Rock
- Northern Praying Mantis Kung Fu = Bug
- Kuntao = Ghost
- Kenjutsu and Fencing = Steel
- Karate and Taekwondo = Fire
- Liuhebafa = Water
- Arnis/Eskrima = Grass
- Tiger Kung Fu = Electric
- Tai Chi = Psychic
- Sambo and Leopard Kung Fu = Ice
- Southern Dragon Kung Fu = Dragon
- Ninjutsu = Dark
- Kyūdō = Fairy