Comic books and video games are all about reading and playing but these characters have a lot in common. Here are the top 10 reasons green arrow and turok are the same character.
Number 10 they are both hunters, the emerald Hunter, and a long bow hunter
Number nine they’re both courageous nicknamed the valiant one, and it’s friends with green lantern, which has willpower
Number eight they both have trick arrows green arrow does not have explosive arrows. He has one has explosive arrows, poison arrows, and tech arrows.
Number seven green arrows villains are similar to Batman and Batman‘s enemies are transferred to his rogues gallery. A lot, turn rocks villains are aliens aliens, dinosaurs and demons. Aliens demons.
Number six their successors are his son, Connor and his descendent Josh fireseed
Number five green arrow is a justice league character turn off was license by valiant but dynamite licenses him now
Number four the main villain in the truck series was going to be Tyranus green arrows. Arch enemy is countvertigo, which is the opposite of him being off-balance.
Number three they both have sidekicks in the original Comics he had andar green arrow has speedy, which is a rip off of Robin the boy wonder Batman sidekick
Number two green arrow in the Comics had a vehicle the arrow mobile which ripped off the Batmobile, but it was adopted out of the TV series arrow
turok in the video game turok evolution has a pterodactyl as a ride
Number one
Why not put Turok in Jurassic league if he would be the green arrow group?