I have had in the work 3 shorter storylines in the Phase 4 Storyline. I'm not exactly sure when they will be done but I can say that they are being told
The First one takes place in between all the storylines and happens unknown to both sides
Lizbeth is the main character of this one, a storyline of her own after barely being around and the others characters who appear appeared in Countdown Too. It's in the future
The 2nd one takes place as the very first chronological storyline and showcases the end and beginning of eras
This storyline follows Bender, Luan, Slade and Anti Cosmo and what they went through before Return of The Weirdmagedon Cult The last one takes place after Chang's Guide To The Galaxy, and it follows into the finale
The last/3rd one follows Lincoln and Lydia, the 2 central leads of Phase 4 and barely any of the cast is with them apart from Hilda and her friends/family and a player from their Countdown adventure.
They will be done I'm just not sure when they'll begin and I'll do it one at a time.