Here is the Johto Pokemon I like and hate the most
Bottom 10[]
An Unimpressive pokemon all around and having one of the most uninspired and bad evolutions from cross gens
For Being another rare find, that isn't worth it and not being as interested as the Remoraid Line in this regard
For being one of my least favorite fire types, a lack luster dual type and lacking the appeal I feel Slugma has
For continuing the trend of bad early bug types and being a bad example of spider pokemon which in later generations are really cool
Grass Types are some of my least favorites and Sunkern is among the worst ones for awful stats and needing a stone to evolve which is hard in Gen 2
Take Spinrak and make it twice as bad and make it another bug/flying type. Like that hasn't been done before
Waste of space, only learns Present for the most part, Sliver exclusive which was my choice for Gen 2, runs away and bad typing
Top 10[]
Cool Design best of the legendary dogs, Continues tradition of Electric being the best typing of the trio Zapdos started. Cool Cry and always felt like the underdog. Do Wish it didn't glich out of the game when it Roared in FRLG
One of the great improvements to the Bug Type, A Great Dual Type, Design is cool and was an ace of my HGSS team.
An Amazing Improvement of the hated Zubat Line, It makes getting a Zubat worth it. I think it's still an unique type
A Freaking amazing pokemon all around that is like Godzilla and one of the more unique psuedo evolutions. A Beast in Sandstorm teams and a great example of the new dark type
While an obivous favorite of Gen 2 pokemon, it's for good reason and another great electric type a stable for Gold and Sliver Teams.
For being the only dragon type of Gen 2, I think it's an great pokemon all around with the typing, and like Crobat makes getting a Horsea worth it.
One reason to get Sliver is this thing, Like Scizor a great steel type to introduce the type. My flying type of choice other than Crobat for Gen 2 and Gen 3
A Cool as hell fire type, One of the best fire types, a great introduction to Fire Types and that hell hound design is cool. Wish I could get in Johto and not in Kanto
This thing just looks awesome, another reason to get Sliver. Majestic, defensive as hell and the role it plays in the 2nd movie is pretty great
My Favorite Pokemon in the series, a great improvement to both Bug and Fighting Types, looks cool is a pokemon that I always take with me if I can get it as some point.