Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Okay we did discuss the central 5 teams in the last Blog regarding En.Tropized. It's time to discuss the other 4 groups respectfully

Deathstroke and Associates[]

As one of the other 2 remaining main teams it may be a bit tricky to include them here, as they are more or less the greater scope group to the other groups and they are involved in the main groups. Deathstroke, Mulder and Scully are techinally the main leads of the group which does make some level of sense due to their high involvement.

I have settled on keeping them involved in Team Free Will's storyline due to Larke as well as the federal agents connection's to them. Neuman might be a bit of a problem too due to her attempt at the Oval Office as well which could work well. They also have some involvement in Slade and Bender's Groups when dealing with The Multiverse Cartel as well which did work as wel so it is a bit tricky to do with most of the Cartel dealt with and basically decapitated. Though Candide could be also be here too due to her rivarly with Principal Scudsworth.

The Characters[]

⦁ Deathstroke

⦁ Mulder

⦁ Scully

⦁ Mr.X

⦁ Agent Bishop

⦁ Guzma

⦁ Number 2

⦁ Welton

⦁ Scudsworth

⦁ Tigerclaw

⦁ Dr.Brio

⦁ Malcolm Merlyn

The Mar Mar Gang[]

The Group that has the most involvement and importance other than the returning 4 and I had to think how to incoproate them without Marcy, Libby and Hailey who are all tagging in Bender and Slade's plot for their own plot. So it could be again tricky like Deathstroke's group. Considering the 3rd part of the Calamity Box though I could have them going looking for the 3rd part of the Calamity Box as well for Marcy to help Anne and Bender with their own needs for Bender so he can travel to find Lizbeth who he knows is alive unlike his friends for the most part but not knowing what has gone down with her, and Anne so she can get home like she wants so Anne can have her own arc dealt with like Luz had previously.

⦁ Amity Blight

⦁ Chip and Dale

⦁ Hunter (The Owl House)

⦁ June Chen

⦁ Oliver "Ollie" Chen

⦁ Scrooge McDuck

⦁ Tom Lucitor

⦁ Vasquez

⦁ XL

The Bad Guys[]

Well Mr.Wolf and The Bad Guys's plot line isn't as promient as the others, I still feel some involvement should be given due to Deathstroke being their employer as it was a way to insure a sense of safety for them. Despite being criminals, I mostly kept them out of Don Eladio and the Multiverse Cartel storyline lacking the personal villainy Eladio has with The B Team, Slade's Empire and Deathstroke's Associates.

This could be the hardest of the teams to make a plot line for, though following up with Kang could be the way to do it.

Neo Vought International[]

Lastly Neo Vought, due to them being separate from the rest of the groups in the future. Like The Boys, Bender's team and Slade's Empire there is some involvement with Vought, I did leave out what happened to result how the group was formed mainly to keep it ambiguous on what happened in the future with Vought International. This one does explain what the Neo Vought Group was doing after Chronicles of Zaragoza and Streamverse. N.Tropy does have something to do here though and with Levy as a central henchman he could be their specific foe in particular. It's the most down to earth one of the group. I will also bring back Elsa Schindler too though due to the ambigous of the character, she isn't on N.Tropy's side

Allen the Alien

Ann Takamaki

Atom Eve

Captain America

Captain Carter

Cassandra Lang

Cecil Stedman

Connie Maheswaran

Felicity Smoak


Kate Bishop

Kelly (Star Vs The Forces Of Evil)

Lalo Salamanca

Mark Grayson

Morgana (Persona)

Private Public

Ren Amamiya/Akira Kurusu

Ryuji Sakamoto

Sergeant Oakey Homa

Spider Noir


Tawna Bandicoot

Tech E. Coyote

Grace Wain


Warren Steele