Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Inspired by the MCU phase storylines and with how I worked with my associates here on my storylines, I placed them in where they seem to take place in the storyline.

I know some of my associates worked on their own stories, and I include them here as they included my cast and I wanted to give credit to them.

Phase 1: (The Start of a connected Multiverse)[]

Starring: Dib, Bubbles, Bender, Lizbeth, Boomer, Slade, Anti Cosmo, The Joker and The V Team

The Beginning (With Help from jm0364)

Slade Strikes Back (With help from jm0364 and MarioMan2010)

The V Team Island Adventure (With Help from jm0364)

The Great Time Travel Adventure (With help from jm0364)

Phase 2: (The Rise of The P Team, V Crusaders and The Rise and Fall of Discord)[]

Starring: Dib, Bender, Lizbeth, K'nuckles, Skipper, Heloise, Twilight Sparkle, Discord, Maka Albarn, V, Alcuard, Zero and Ciel)

The Grand Summer Season Trek (With help from Knuckles 5 and Minun033)

The War of Destruction (22kingdomheartsfan and KNuckles5 wrote this one)

P Team and Miracle Elite vs. Malachite's Empire (Knuckles 5 and Bridal Shotacon wrote this one)

Totally Mobian Spies (With help from Jm0364)

To Crossover Flee Project Darkness (Wrote by Knuckles5)

The Multiversal War of Destiny (With Help from Knuckles5)

Phase 3 (The Aftermath of War)[]

Starring: Bender, Maka Albarn, Lizbeth, Boomer Jojo, Skipper, Heloise, Twilight Sparkle, Slade, Anti Cosmo, K'nuckles, Black Star, Death The Kid and Castiel

Legends of Light and Darkness

The Rise of Mechuckles: Rise of The Sith Stalker (Wrote by Knuckles5 and 22kingdomheartsfan)

Blackpool (Wrote by Knuckles5)

The Wrath of God of War Rises (Wrote by Knuckles5)

Meister of War (Wrote by Knuckles5

LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour

The Legend of Maka Albarn (Wrote by Knuckles5)

Future Warfare (Wrote by 22kingdomheartsfan and Coolautiz)

LOTM: The New Multi-Universal War (Wrote by TheNightKing)

TGTTA 2: The Multiversal Reversing Adventure

Phase 4 (The End of An Era and Beginning of A New Era in The Multiverse)[]

Starring: Lincoln Loud, Lydia Lopez, Ford Pines, Sid Chang, Luz Noceada, Anne Boonchoy, Marcy Wu, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan Loud, Harry Wells, Toffee, King Andrias, Dr. Nefarious Tropy

The Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult

To Live and/or Die in Loch Loud

Multiversal Noir

Team Free Will: Disassembled

The Prankster Point Paradox

Chang's Guide to The Galaxy


I hope no one minded I put Future Warfare and LOTM: The New Multiversal War in the Storyline because Team Free Will is in both and The B Team and Slade's Ensemble are in the former. Phase 3 made the most sense to put them into as well as Team Free Will did debut in Phase 3 and this is was when both Slade and Bender's Group were in the prime of focuses.

I was debating also TheBrideKing's stories with my cast if that was fine with him as they guess stared. If they are part of the storyline

Theodore Lovelace vs. CarnEvil would be in Phase 2 as it was done around the times between Totally Mobian Spies and The Multiversal War of Destiny

Nightosphere Most Wanted would be in Phase 3 as The V Crusaders were introduced in The Multiversal War of Destiny and Lizbeth was with them and Hunson was still a villain at that time.

The Miracle Dark Elite and the Apokolips War Endgame would in between Phases 3 and 4 considering Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Bender, Luan Loud, Skipper, Discord, Rick and K'nuckles and his friends are involved.