The Ongoing List of Characters that returned from Phase 1 and 3 storylines to appear in the current storyline
Bold= Main Character
Italtics= Major Character
Phase 1[]
The Beginning[]
Bender Rodriguez Appeared in Return of The Weirdmageon Cult, Multiversal Noir, The Prankster Point Paradox, Countdown, Chang's Guide To The Galaxy, Anglesmith Origins, Chronicles of Zaragoza, Greatest Universal Horror Show of Cirucs Gothica and House of Disenchanted Cards)
Anti Cosmo Cosma (Appeared in Return of The Weirdmageon Cult, Multiversal Noir, The Prankster Point Paradox, Countdown, Chang's Guide To The Galaxy,Anglesmith Orgins Chronicles of Zaragoza, Greatest Universal Horror Show of Cirucs Gothica and House of Disenchanted Cards)
Slade Wilson (Appeared in Return of The Weirdmageon Cult, To Live and/or Die In Loch Loud, The Prankster Point Paradox, Countdown, Chang's Guide To The Galaxy and Anglesmith Orgins, Chronicles of Zaragoza, Greatest Universal Horror Show of Cirucs Gothica and House of Disenchanted Cards)
Hades (Disney) (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult, Countdown, Chang's Guide To The Galaxy, Greatest Universal Horror Show of Cirucs Gothica and House of Disenchanted Cards)
Mojo Jojo (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult, Countdown, Chang's Guide To The Galaxy, Chronicles of Zaragoza and House of Disenchanted Cards)
HIM (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult, Countdown, Chang's Guide To The Galaxy, Greatest Universal Horror Show of Cirucs Gothica and House of Disenchanted Cards)
Fright Knight (Appearing in Chronicles of Zaragoza and Greatest Universal Horror Show of Cirucs Gothica)
Sartana Of The Dead (Appearing in Greatest Universal Horror Show of Cirucs Gothica)
Slade Strikes Back[]
Blackfire (Appeared in Countdown) (RIP)
Meowth (Appared in The Unown Threat and Chronicles of Zaragoza)
Sideshow Bob (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult, Countdown, Chang's Guide To The Galaxy and War of The Streams)
The Chameleon (Appeared in Countdown) (RIP)
Tighten/Titan (Appeared in Countdown) (RIP)
Warrior Monkey (Appeared in Countdown and Chronicles of Zaragoza)
Cat R Waul (Appearing in Chronicles of Zaragoza)
Verminous Snaptrap (Appearing in Chronicles of Zaragoza)
The Great Time Travel Adventure[]
Paddywhack (Appeared in Greatest Universal Horror Show of Circus Gothica) (Contained)
Phase 2[]
The Grand Summer Season Trek[]
Denzel Crocker (Appeared in Streamverse)
Totally Mobian Spies[]
"Atomic" Betty Barrett (Appeared in Team Free Will: Disassembled, Countdown, Chronicles of Zaragoza, The Bad Guys and The Boys and House of Disenchanted Cards)
The War of Destruction[]
Norman Stansfield (Appeared in Anglesmith Origins) (RIP)
P Team and Miracle Elite vs. Malachite's Empire[]
Black Doom (Appeared in Countdown) (RIP)
To Crossover Flee Project Darkness[]
William Stryker Jr. (Appearing in Chronicles of Zaragoza) (RIP)
The Multiversal War of Destiny[]
Vladimir Makarov (Appeared in Countdown) (RIP)
Clarence Boddicker (Appeared in Anglesmith Origins) (RIP)
General Shepherd (Appearing in Chronicles of Zaragoza) (RIP)
Karl Ruprecht Kroenen (Appearing in Chronicles of Zaragoza) (RIP)
Eric Cartman (Appearing in Chronicles of Zaragoza) (RIP)
Commander Whooping Crane (Appearing in Greatest Universal Horror Show of Circus Gothtica) (RIP)
Phase 3[]
Legends of Light and Darkness[]
Bowser (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult, Countdown, Chang's Guide To The Galaxy and House of Disenchanted Cards)
Bowser Jr. (Appeared in Chang's Guide To The Galaxy and House of Disenchanted Cards)
Captain James Hook (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult, Countdown , Chang's Guide To The Galaxy, Chronicles of Zaragoza and War of The Streams)
Celes Chere Major Character (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult, The Prankster Point Paradox, Countdown, Chang's Guide To The Galaxy, Chronicles of Zaragoza and House of Disenchanted Cards)
Dr. Insano (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult, Countdown and Chronicles of Zaragoza)
Giovanni (Appeared in The Unown Threat) (RIP persumably)
Stan Marsh (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult, Team Free Will: Diassembled, Anglesmith Origins and War of The Streams)
Wendy Testaburger (Appeared in Anglesmith Origins and War of The Streams)
Tzekel-Kan (Appeared in Chang's Guide To The Galaxy) (RIP)
The V Team's Orgins[]
Martian General Z-9 (Appeared in Countdown)
The Rise of Mechuckles: Rise of The Sith Stalker[]
Customer Service (Kirby) (Appeared in The Prankster Point Paradox, Countdown and Chang's Guide To The Galaxy)
Grigori Rasputin (Appearing in Chronicles of Zaragoza) (RIP)
Alpha (Men In Black) (Appeared in Team Free Will: Diassembled) (RIP)
Craft (Mega Man Zero) (Appeared in Return of The Weirdmagedon Cult) (RIP)
Dawn (Pokemon) (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult, The Unown Threat, Countdown, Chronicles of Zaragoza and Streamverse)
Piplup (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult, The Unown Threat, Countdown and Streamverse)
Flying Dutchman (Appeared in Countdown, Chang's Guide To The Galaxy and Greatest Universal Horror Show of Cirucs Gothica)
Jin Kazama (Appeared in Return of The Weirdmagedon Cult) (RIP)
Manray (Appared in Countdown, Chang's Guide To The Galaxy and Chronicles of Zaragoza)
Varrick (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult , Countdown, Chronicles of Zaragoza and War of The Streams)
Gunnery Sergeant Hartman (Appearing in Chronicles of Zaragoza) (RIP)
Jonas Hodges (Appearing in Chronicles of Zaragoza)
N (Appearing in Chronicles of Zaragoza and House of Disenchanted Cards)
Phantom Virus (Appearing in Greatest Universal Horror Show of Circus Gothica) (Contained)
The Wrath of God of War Rises[]
Lord Dregg (Appeared in Countdown) (RIP)
Manfred Von Karma (Appeared in To Live and/or die in Loch Loud) (RIP)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Appeared in Countdown)
Dolf (Appearing in Chronicles of Zaragoza) (RIP)
Meister of War[]
Gus Fring (Appeared in Multiversal Noir, The Prankster Point Paradox and Chang's Guide To The Galaxy) (RIP)
Shocker (Appeared in The Prankster Point Paradox) (RIP)
Charles Muntz (Appeared in Anglesmith Origins) (RIP)
Pre Vizsla (Appeared in Anglesmith Origins) (RIP)
Abrakadaver (Appeared in Greatest Universal Horror Show of Circus Gothica) (RIP)
LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour[]
Bianca (Spyro) (Appeared in Chang's Guide To The Galaxy) (RIP)
Castiel (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult) (RIP)
Crowley (Appeared in Return of The Weirdmagedon Cult, To Live/and or Die In Loch Loud, Chang's Guide To The Galaxy) (RIP)
Doc Brown (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult, Countdown and Streamverse) (RIP)
James (Pokemon) (Appeared in The Unown Threat and Chronicles of Zaragoza)
James Rogers (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult)
Jessie (Pokemon) (Appeared in The Unown Threat and Chronicles of Zaragoza)
Lava Woman (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult and Countdown) (RIP)
Louise Belcher (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult) (RIP)
Lydia Lopez (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult, To Live/and or Die in Loch Loud, The Unown Threat, Team Free Will: Disassembled, Countdown, Chang's Guide To The Galaxy, Chronicles of Zaragoza, Greatest Universal Horror Show of Cirucs Gothica and Steamverse)
May (Pokemon) (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult, The Unown Threat, Countdown, Chronicles of Zaragoza and Streamverse) (RIP)
Qui-Gon Jinn (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult) (RIP)
Raticus (Appeared in To Live and/or die in Loch Loud)
Saul Goodman (Appeared in Team Free Will: Disassembled and Countdown)
Sharkman (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult and Countdown) (RIP)
Sylvester the Cat (Appeared in Team Free Will: Disassembled and Greatest Universal Horror Show of Cirucs Gothica)
The Smoking Man (Appeared in Team Free Will: Disassembled and Countdown) (RIP)
Baron Zemo ( Appeared in Chronicles of Zaragoza)
Future Warfare[]
Jaune Arc (Appeared in Team Free Will: Disassembled, Chang's Guide To The Galaxy and Streamverse)
Martin Mandarzo (Appears in War of The Streams) (RIP)
Ben Linus (Appears in House of Disenchanted Cards)
The Legend of Maka Albarn[]
Lord Farqquad (Appeared in Chronicles of Zaragoza) (RIP)
Metal Sonic (The Unown Threat)
LOTM: The New Multi-Universal War[]
Jeremy Crane (Appearing in To Live And/Or Die in Loch Loud) (RIP)
Armin Zola (Appearing in Chronicles of Zaragoza) (RIP)
TGTTA 2: The Multiversal Reversing Adventure[]
Amanda Payne (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult and Team Free Will: Disassembled) (RIP)
Bruce Wayne (Gotham) (Appeared in Team Free Will: Disassembled, Countdown, Chronicles of Zaragoza and The Bad Guys and The Boys)
Cleopatra Sertori (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult and Team Free Will: Disassembled) (RIP)
Harrison Wells (Earth 2) (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult, To Live and/or Die in Loch Loud, The Prankster Point Paradox, Countdown, Chang's Guide To the Galaxy , Anglesmith Orgins, Chronicles of Zaragoza and Greatest Universal Horror Show of Cirucs Gothica)
Leonard Snart (Appeared in Return of The Weirdmagedon Cult, Countdown, Chang's Guide To The Galaxy, Chronicles of Zaragoza and House of Disenchanted Cards)
Lincoln Loud (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult, To Live/and or Die in Loch Loud, The Unown Threat, Team Free Will: Disassembled, Countdown, Chang's Guide To The Galaxy, Chronicles of Zaragoza, Greatest Universal Horror Show of Cirucs Gothica and Steamverse)
Lisa Loud (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult, Team Free Will: Disassembled, Countdown, Chang's Guide To The Galaxy and War of The Streams)
Lisa Snart (Appeared in Countdown, Chang's Guide To The Galaxy and Chronicles of Zaragoza)
Luan Loud (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult, Multiversal Noir, The Prankster Point Paradox, Countdown, Chang's Guide To The Galaxy, Anglesmith Orgins, Chronicles of Zaragoza and Greatest Universal Horror Show of Cirucs Gothica)
Marcus Snarkis (Appeared in Team Free Will Disassembled and Countdown)
Naesala (Appeared in Return of The Weirdmagedon Cult, Chang's Guide To The Galaxy ,Chronicles of Zaragoza and House of Disenchanted Cards)
Nicolai Technus (Appeared in Countdown and Greatest Universal Horror Show of Cirucs Gothica)
Tombstone (The Spectacular Spider-Man) (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult and Chronicles of Zaragoza)
Rick Sanchez (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult) (RIP)
Ronnie Anne Santiago (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult, The Prankster Point Paradox, Chang's Guide To The Galaxy , Chronicles of Zaragoza and Greatest Universal Horror Show of Cirucs Gothica)
Selina Kyle (Gotham) (Appeared in Team Free Will: Diassembled, Chronicles of Zaragoza and The Bad Guys and The Boys)
Stanford Pines (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult, To Live and/or Die in Loch Loud, The Unown Threat, Team Free Will: Diassembled, Countdown, Chang's Guide To The Galaxy, Chronicles of Zaragoza and Greatest Universal Horror Show of Cirucs Gothica)
Deathstroke Wilson (Appeared in Multiversal Noir, Team Free Will; Diassembled, Countdown, Chang's Guide To The Galaxy, The Bad Guys and The Boys and House of Disenchanted Cards)
Toffee (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult, To Live and/or Die in Loch Loud, Multiversal Noir and Chang's Guide TO The Galaxy) (RIP)
NOS-4-A2 (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult) (RIP)
Mandarin (SRMTHG) (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult) (RIP)
Bill Cipher (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult) (RIP)
Damian Darik (Appeared in Chang's Guide To The Galaxy and House of Disenchanted Cards)
Guzma (Appeared in Multiversal Noir, The Prankster Point Paradox and House of Disenchanted Cards)
Malcolm Merlyn (Appeared in Multiversal Noir, The Prankster Point Paradox and House of Disenchanted Cards)
Mark Mardon (Weather Wizard) (Appeared in Multiversal Noir and Chang's Guide To The Galaxy)
Mick Rory (Appeared in Countdown and Chang's Guide To The Galaxy)
Mike Ehrmantraut (Appeared in Multiversal Noir, Team Free Will: Disassembled, Chang's Guide To The Galaxy and Chronicles of Zaragoza) (RIP)
Number Two (Appeared in Team Free Will: Diassembled)
Principal Scudworth (Appeared in Multiversal Noir and The Prankster Point Paradox)
Tiger Claw (2012 TV series) (Appeared in The Prankster Point Paradox and Countdown)
Welton Payne-Smyte (Appeared in Multiveral Noir, Team Free Will: Diassembled and House of Disenchanted Cards)
Connie (Appearing in Chronicles of Zaragoza)
Felicity Smoak (Appearing in Chronicles of Zaragoza)
Eobard Thawne (Appearing in Chronicles of Zaragoza) (RIP)
Luna Loud (Appearing In The Bad Guys and The Boys , War of The Streams and Streamverse)
Lucy Loud (Appeared in Greatest Universal Horror Show of Circus Gothica)
Transplanted Characters[]
Ibuki (Street Fighter) (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult and Team Free Will: Disassembled)
Phantom Blot (Appeared in Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult, Multiversal Noir and Chang's Guide To The Galaxy)
The Thing (Perlude to G.U.S.O.C.G)