Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

I'm shocked just how long it's been since we all started on the wiki. 10 years, that's something to put simply. I have worked with great people on this wiki on this story and suddenly I think we all feel old. I initally thought I was going to be done with this since 2018 or 2013, yet some part keeps getting pulled into this.

I'm thankful for the people who have helped me and in turn I have attempted to help them. The 4 main ones are

Knuckles5 for being my pal and co-operative partner for helping write phases 2 and 3

Menslady125 for being the influencer that allowed this site to flourish and who brought people together

The Bride King for making the site to begin with

22kingdomheartsfan for being my most constructive/honest critic and for being the user that inspired me to get back into writing the series and my directions.

With the 10th year around, I decided to just make my storylines part of phase storylines much like the MCU and it's been just plain shocking how much it has changed over the course of 10 Years

Compare the Central Cast of Phase 1 when I started this (The Beginning - The Great Time Travel Adventure)

To The Cast of Phase 4 (The Current Storyline) Return of The Weirmdagedon Cult - Entropized

Yeah, the major 20ish/30ish cast has really changed, but that's the way things go when writing. Albeit not always good, since I stopped Youtube due to copyright reasons and COPPA, also depression still looms in admittingly. I concede real life inspires my writing as wel

Hopefully in this next year I can be one stepper closer to finishing my phase 4 storyline and hopefully I'll be done with writing at that moment. Getting old is kinda sad