After finished the first half of Double Life Emerged, the 2nd half will be coming up not for a while as I must deal with Chapter 3 of Book 1 of En.Tropized as a whole. I usually did 6 parts when I finished up on The B Team and Slade's Empire parts of the latter storyline. I decided the 3rd chapter must be done before I start the back half
Once again I will still do 15 parts to the Episodes 13 to 18
The B Team/Slade's Empire get 8 of the 15 parts and about half of the group is going to stay in Mexico and to clear their allies's name, while the others go out to get something they need to be done after Professor Chang and Milton Midas had their ways and the deaths of multiple characters. With the deaths of Morgana and Leon of Dib and Bender's group as well as Red X and Red Hood, Bender must take precautions to keep them safe from Milton Midas and Captain Putty who know he knows them and where they live while holding Gosalyn hostage. Slade and Anti Cosmo have their hands full with Professor Chang who betrayed them and sold them out to the cartel and Midas over what he sees has mistreatment. This leads Bender, Luan, Anti Cosmo and Slade to take precautions and make risks to keep Dib, Lizbeth and the others safe as well as Slade's Empire from Milton Midas and the Cartel. Meanwhile with G-Lo being framed for the death of her partner, this leads to the others trying to prove her innocence before it's too late with 19 in this team.
Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harry, Wile E, Jessie Wells, Dee Dee, and Mop Girl spend the first half dealing with what Midas and Chang are forcing them to do after Chang and Anton cornered Bender on after killing Leon Kennedy and Chang forcing Anti Cosmo and Slade to come to him with his leverage over the two.
Stan Marsh, Bean, Elfo, Luci, Wendy, Captain Hero, The Space Bandits, Celes, and Nacho deal with what Midas has in the aftermath of his action and to find out how Captain Putty framed G-LO and to clear her name while working under Deathstroke who takes charge of the heroes as Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry Wells, Bender and Luan are out
Deathstorke's Associates gets 3 of the 15 where he unlike the other two fully stays to deal with situation and aid everyone in dealing with what Milton Midas is up to now that he took control of the Cartel As Deathstroke had to bring the crew into quarantine over the spread for Rat Rot and has been on the back burner as a few of his allies have been turned into rats and now finds himself have to deal with the emerging situations beyond he realizes. Having to back Bender and Slade as well as the other heroes as well as the Multiversal Resistance's members who are working with him. He also backs the other plot line too as he needs to find a way to cure Rat Rot on top of that among the 10 characters. He spreads the work for them so he can keep tabs on the situations like getting Guzma and Team Rocket to help with Pokemon Plots and sending Merlyn to help Bender and his group with the eastern situation.
The Random Group gets the other 4 parts of the 15. Like B Team/Slade's Empire plot line this group gets split in two to deal with The Cartel and to deal with the upcoming situation with Cipher Agents and Shadow Pokemon. Team Free Will is part of this plotline and I mean just Lydia Lopez and Lincoln Loud, the overall 2 leads of the phase. Not sure that is both of their parents were killed, abadoned or kidnapped due to Midas. It's become that the two can't walk from this and must do what they can to stop Milton Midas working with Pyrrha Nikos and Toby and their allies. Like Bender and Slade's group, they split into half to accomplish their own missions now with the resolve them needed is there having losing teammates and having a promise to family friend. With the group of 19 Characters
Lydia, Lincoln, Toby, Aja, Krel, Carmen, Juni, AAARRRGGH, Steve and Alice go to leave to deal with their threat in the same territory that Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Harry are heading into though they have their own end to deal with here.
Android 16, Pyrrha, Sabrina, Salem, Harvey, Aaron, Syphia, Pepperjack and Jack Sullivan stay around in country to deal with Midas and his cartel plots after what he did at the end of act 2 under Deathstroke who also keeps his eye on Slade and Bender's group
It will also introduce Solider Boy into Act 3 as well as more will be answered here as En.Tropized Book 1 set more answers in Chapter 3. While many of the heroes and the villains do surivie it's more of a matter how they will beat Milton Midas as The B Team, Slade's Empire, Deathstroke's Associates, Team Free Will and the Multiversal Resistance's remains deal with the situation