Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Tikal was the daughter of the Chief of an ancient Echidna tribe. 4000 years ago, her people grew in power, which she did not like. At one point, Tikal discovered the mysterious creatures known as Chao and befriended them. She also met their guardian Chaos, an aquatic creature. The Chao and Chaos lived near the alter where the Chaos Emerald and Master Emerald was kept. Tikal, being a piece-loving pacifist, took it upon herself to leave them undisturbed.

One day, she discovered that her father planned on taking the Chaos Emeralds and use their powers to grow in power. Tikal did all she could to prevent that, knowing that it would lead to disaster, but efforts weren't enough. Her father and his subordinates charged through the Chao, greatly harming them. This angered Chaos, causing him to absorb the powers of the Chaos Emeralds and wipe out the entire tribe. Tikal, however, was left unharmed. To stop Chaos from destroying everything, Tikal sealed Chaos and herself into the Master Emerald where they remained for 4000 years.

Voiced by: Rebecca Honig

The Ultimate Story[]


Tikal made her first appearance in Ultimate Story 2. She appeared just at the end of the US2's short story, Sonic's Return. She also plays a crucial role in the Ultimate Destiny in which she worked diligently to prevent the disaster that nearly destroyed many worlds.

Years ago, a terrible cataclysm known as the Rifter swallowed up many worlds. Tikal was one of the beings that tried to help prevent it from completely destroying everything. When Ly tried to push back the Dark energy that was swallowing up worlds, Tikal came up with the suggestion to fuse all of the surviving worlds together. However, it would come at the risk of resetting all of the worlds, but it was one that needed to be taken in order to prevent them from being destroyed.

Within the eons of trying to repair the damages caused by the Rifter, Tikal worked with her cousin, Atem, whom she was very close to. She came across the spirits of people that were supposed to carry out a task to prevent the Rifter from happening, but didn't. Because of that, they were punished for their negligence to spend an eternity in suspended animation. Tikal, however, believed that their punishment was unjust, so she decided to release them from their eternal slumber and asked for their help in preventing another Rifter from taking place, to which they agreed on.

When Ly found out about what Tikal was doing, she had already realized that there wasn't anything they could have done to prevent the Rifter and asked for Tikal's services as well as those of the spirits. From there, they helped in preventing the Rifter from happening by sending out a group of heroes to defeat the Shaman Emperor before he could break out of the Shadow Realm and destroy all of existence like he tried to do all those years ago. Tikal, of course, took part on that by being part of the group that brought down the Shaman Emperor.

Tikal profile v2

Tikal continued on that task throughout the story, even having stayed with the main heroes. She would very often make out as though she knew more than she led on, trying her hardest not to reveal too much until the time was right. Though she wanted to tell her new friends everything, she feared that doing so too soon would put everything she worked hard for at risk. She originally intended on staying within the sidelines, trying not to do too much as she had lived for many years and used up so much of her own energy, but she had no choice but to get herself involved fully.

She is mostly seen with Krystal and Tails, having become very close friends to the both of them. Tails and Tikal come from completely different worlds, with Tails having been around machines his whole life and Tikal coming from an ancient world, even prior to the events of the Rifter, but they really hit it off and have developed one of those "opposites attract" kind of friendships with him. Krystal is familar with the kind of her world that Tikal grew up in even though she is very familar with technology. She and her other 2 friends have become a great team and would work with each other very often. Tikal is especially very pleased to remain friends with both of them.
