Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

The Will of the Abyss or The Intention of the Abyss is a major recurring antagonist in Pandora Hearts and is known for being the dark side of Alice in Alice in Wonderland in the original concept. The Willwas a being created when her mother Lacie was sacrificed to the Abyss. Shortly after her birth, the Intention was taken as the vessel of The Core of the Abyss while her twin sister Alice was thrown out of the Abyss.

Growing up alongside a minor doll-like Chain named Oz, The Intention eventually copied his ability to switch his consciousness between his 1st Dimension and Abyss-bound bodies, using her connection with Alice in order to switch bodies and experience the 1st Dimension herself. Soon enough, Alice came into contact with a man named Jack Vessalius - who would later go on to form a close bond with The Intention - though she'd be completely oblivious to Jack's dark agenda. Devoted to Jack, The Intention agreed to transform Oz into a Chain capable of severing the Chains of the World, being of the belief that Jack was going to do so in order to come visit her in person. After Jack's plan failed due to intervention by Oswald and Alice, The Intention had to suffer through Alice committing suicide in order to prevent Jack from furthering his plans. Believing this not to be enough, The Intention tried instead to use Oz's powers to destroy her memories so that she'd never seek out Jack again. While things did not end the way they were planned, The Intention's memories were successfully destroyed.

Soon after, The Intention encountered a Child of Ill Omen named Kevin Legnard who vowed to fulfill her wish if she would change the past for him. Complying, The Intention asked Legnard to destroy her and save Alice - revealing that she was tired of feeling so lonely and that she just wanted to be set free. Although it took over 100 years, The Intention's wish was on its way to being fulfilled, as it had been passed on to Oz - who was also seeking to prevent the destruction of the world by Jack's hand, once again. In the end, Oz formed a Contract with The Intention and used his power as B-Rabbit to destroy her existence, sending her into The Rule of 100 Cycles and finally setting her soul free, just as she'd always wanted.
