The V Team Island Adventure was an adventure made summer 2011 by Jm0364 and The4everreival (While he was The4everSimpsons).
It was the first spinoff from the series and served as a turning point of the series in general as it threw Eddy and The V Team who were originally villains and made them into protagonists against a worse evil.
This is also was the first story where Dib didn't appear,the first story to give Bender the spotlight as a main protagonist in his own right. As well as the story that placed Starfire and Skipper as main characters.
This story also mark the beginning of hero and villain team-ups where Eddy and Bender join forces against Uka Uka. Jm0364's parts can be viewed on Youtube, The4everSimpsons's parts, though, are lost due to Youtube's cruel, Nazi-like copyright conditions.
Main Cast[]
John Dimaggio as Bender, Uka Uka, Hans The Puffin, Rico, Jake the Dog and Brother Blood
Tony Sampson as Eddy
Tom Mcgrath as Skipper
Jim Cumming as Negaduck
Hynden Welch as Starfire, Blackfire and Princess Bubblegum
N/A as Scourge, Fiona and Lara Su
Olivia Olson as Marceline
Martin Olson as Hunson Abadeer
Returning Characters in the story[]
Scrouge the Hedgehog
Lizbeth (Special Guest Star)
Boomer (Special Guest Star)
Nina Cortex (Special Guest Star)
Doctor Eggman
Lucius (Special Guest Star)
Stewie Griffin (Special Guest Star)
Dr .Doofenschimtz (Special Guest Star)
Doctor Blowhole (Special Guest Star)
Oscar the Grouch (Special Guest Star)
New Protagonists[]
Frida Suarez
Princess Bubblegum
Uka Uka (The Main Villain until the final battle and reveal)
The Gourd
N. Trophy
Miles Prower
Suppression Squad
Hunson Abadeer (The Real Main Villain)