The Overseer is the biggest complete monster in all of Deadspace being a Unitologist and the one responsible for taking in survivors from Necromorph encounters then upon proving their usefulness would take them in to help humanity merge with the markers thoughts they worship as a god then become it's chosen ones as Necromorphs or if they refuse or just not the type of person he needs, lobotomizes their brains and kills them off then blackmail brands them as dangerous criminals with a cover up story for the causes of their crimes.
The Overseer is with The Templar Order to help destroy Isaac Clarke and his friends to prevent them from exposing the Unitologists hidden plan to kill all humans and turn them into necromorphs to become immortal lifeforms that can surpass the limits of human nature. Sora, Julie Su, Chiro, Jinmay, and Issac fights and defeats Penelope, Gideon Gordon Graves, and Overseer. Penelope is the only one alive and was arrested again while Gideon and Overseer are dead.