Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Ttg terra evil smile

Terra is the villain-apprentice of Slade (Alternate Reality) and enemy to the Titans who made her debut in Terra-ized.

The Miracle Elite Adventures[]

The Phantom's Apprentice[]

Her heroic counterpart accidentally abandoned Romeo Conbolt. He joined the Youkai Empire to slay her counterpart and to become is true adopted mother for Romeo.


  • This series differs from the original because in this series Terra straight off the bat is Slade's apprentice and a villain. In the original, she was a true Teen Titan, until a couple episodes after her debut. Although, this may be because she is already Slade's apprentice and we did not see it.
  • Unlike Terra in the original series, this version seems to have full control of her powers, which is more accurate to the comics. Terra from the original series took a long time to control her powers, and still never fully mastered them.
  • Terra's outfit based off from Titans Rising; an episode from the original series. It's exactly the same only without the Titans T on her shirt.
  • Terra does not seem to like Beast Boy that much in this series, which was completely different in the original where she really likes him. It is possible that this Terra was designed to be more like in the original comics, where she was a hero-loathing psychopath.