Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Benjamin, better known as Soldier Boy, is a major antagonist in the Amazon TV adaption of the comic book series The Boys. He serves as one of the two main antagonists (along with Homelander) of Season 3 and will return in some capacity in Season 5, while serving as a cameo in The Season 4 finale.

He was America’s first-ever greatest and most popular superhero whose genetics were used to create Homelander, thus making Soldier Boy his biological father. He was also the leader of his own superhero team, Payback, and together they led their fellow American troops in battle during World War II. It is assumed by the public that he had fought for justice and liberty for all.

However, he was an extremely egotistical, selfish and dangerous individual. He was awfully corrupt throughout his time as a hero and was responsible for the deaths of Mother's Milk's family members in the 1980's after he punched a criminal's vehicle onto Mother's Milk's family home. Because of his immense power and reputation, he felt worthy of absolute praise from the entire world as he still considered himself a dedicated war hero.

Moral Ranking: Villainous Benchmark

Double Life Emerged[]

Soldier Boy will return here and chroniocally debut here as one of the main characters, as before Lizbeth and her friends dealt with him. He will have tangled with Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade.

Act 3[]

Episode 13[]

He was experimented on by Professor Chang and the soviets and tortured by them and was a project they worked on for Milton Midas to use as soon as Midas took control the Cartel from Don Eladio. He was further experimented by Dr.Carol Lineus, Johnny Orm and Valentina Vostok as well who held the project on for the Cartel. Little Nina also knew of this and tried to give him to Midas but she was killed by Bender, Slade, Harry and Malcolm.

When Dee Dee accidentaly uses a fire flower to hit his tube, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Harrison watch him awake from tube and he breaks his restrains and runs out knocking both some of the heroes and some of the Cartel mooks out of the way. Malcolm Merlyn shoots an tracker arrow on him to help himself, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Bender, Luan, Wile E, Dee Dee, Mop Girl and Mysterion find him.

Episode 14[]

Anti Cosmo and Dee Dee find Solider Boy who is taking clothes and eventually gets into his uniform where the two are wandering what his goal is here. He is eventually found by them, Slade, Bender, Luan, Malcolm, Wile E, Harry, Mysterion and Mop Girl. Harrison and Malcolm are both prepared to attack him if needed, Solider Boy remembers them and questions what these guys want with him.

Bender and Slade inform Solider Boy that they are looking for a team up against Professor Chang due to their mutual dislike against him, noting the torture Solider Boy was put through due to Professor Chang's operatives. He snarks why he needs one when his team handed him to the Russians, though he does decide to agree to this as they can do each other a favor. Solider Boy will help the two deal with Professor Chang, if they help him deal with Payback.

Upon their agreeance, Solider Boy decides to first go after Crimson Countess, and infroms the group of what had happened with her and her powers for real answers as he was very upset his girlfriend betrayed him. Solider Boy works with Wile E and Harry to find where she is located and then prepares himself as Bender and the others go to get her for him. After they do so, Solider Boy confronts Crimson Countess and kills her after being told she always hated him with his nuclear detonation powers which the others don't learn about at the moment. Solider Boy informs the group that the TNT twins will be their next targets

Solider Boy then finds Officer Tenpenny, Putty, Norton, Hardley going after them as they were sent by Midas and Chang's men to take him away. Solider Boy being arrogant points out that no one is going to take him away from where he belong or tells him what to do especially some feeble wimpy scientist. Eventually he blinds them with his fighting skills and goes to find the TNT Twins at their mansion.

He confronts The TNT Twins and learns that Noir was behind his capture and he decides to save Noir for last and that he is about to let them live. When Professor Chang and Vostok arrive and use Russian Music to try and make him more vulerable, which has him snap and use his powers on Professor Chang and Vostok's men as well as other people who were in the mansion as well. He ends up going a rampage as well.

Episode 15[]

Bender, Luan, Slade and Anti Cosmo manage to catch Solider Boy and manage to stop his rampage with Slade toking him and Anti Cosmo using Red X Gear, tjhey learn he killed many people and what happened with them. As Slade goes to get the others with Luan. Bender and Anti Cosmo notice Solider Boy open up to them about things on his past and his actions where he didn't mean to kill those people, his past and asks Bender questions of his own and gives Bender advice how to get through to Luan.

Bender and his group investigate Payback and that they do realize Swatto was killed before Solider Boy's reawakening which Solider Boy says that they will have to settle for Gunpowder as he knows Gunpowder will give some actual truth to them. The heroes then all meet up with Gunpowder and with Solider Boy discovering what really did go due to Payback and before he can reveal the treachery of Vought to him, Anton kills him and then he dumps off Midas's toxic waste to deal with them as he duels the others. Solider Boy throws his shield at Anton to allow Slade and co to handle him.

Solider Boy decides to partially go after Noir now that Gunpowder's honesty resulted in this and that he will just need to deal with Mindstorm and does give the heroes fair warning what to deal with when they go after him. Bender and the team go looking for Mindstorm and it's a tense situation due to how his powers and how he is able to put them on edge.

Soldier Boy then interrogates Mindstorm about more details on Payback's plan to have the Russians capture him and learns he was to replaced by someone newer and younger which enrages him and he kills Mindstorm further placing more trauma in Dee Dee indirectly.

Later it's revealed to Lincoln, Lydia, Toby, Steve and Pepperjack through Krel that in Noir's memories that Black Noir was disgured horribly by Solider Boy who shoved his face into the hood of car that has been set on fire and melting the left side of his face and watching Solider Boy cave Noir's skull into his own sheild which tore his head open and caused parts of his brain to splatter to the ground. Then Lydia and her friends see Solider Boy brutalize Black Noir for ruining an audtion.

After killing the rest of Payback other than Noir, Solider Boy rejoins the group and heads back to China Town to find the rest of the team to deal with The Cartel and Chang as they helped fulfill their end to him.

Episode 16[]

Solider Boy gets into a fight with Midas and The Cartel over time and decides to hunt Noir down this he tells Bender and the gang of before doing just that. He also arrives to put an end to the cops trying to arrest Bender which he brutalizes the cops before Deathstroke and indirectly Frank Underwood cut them all. He then fights Anton, Pablo and El Mar Verde who Midas sent to kill him if he can't have the project

Episode 17[]

Solider Boy happily eats down on food the heroes go as he decides to take the pursuit of Noir after this where he runs into Lincoln, Lydia and the others and gets into a brutal fight with them. Through this he damages Lydia's gauntlets, destroys 16's body and his powers indirectly cause Felicity to need a wheelchair. Though he fails to kill Noir at this, he settles on a strategy to deal with this.

While homcidal, he does inform Bender of the Firestorm Project as well as Chang is trying to replace him and that he takes as an offense.

Episode 18[]

While planning, he is preparing to go after both missions, Kill Black Noir and take his revenge on Professor Chang and the Cartel.

Act 4[]

Episode 19[]

Solider Boy joins up to deal with the rest of the Cartel and helps leave all the opening to the heroes and allows a quick way to Midas, as he goes up against Professor Chang discovering he made himself a Cyborg thanks to his own tinkering and then he decides to tell Slade this so he can finish the job against the Professor.

Episode 20[]

He secretily ambushes Zed and the group and helps Bender and his friends kill them. Solider Boy knows Midas is ahead and tells them that they have this down. He goes south and attempts to murder Noir and go after Lincoln, Lydia and the others for defying his mission to deal with the rest of Payback.

Episode 21[]


He is able to nearly kill Noir and it takes the great amount of the heroes to force a back off from him and that he decides to nuke the area to kill Noir without realizing that it will kill the others. He is shot at by Deathstroke who with Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo intends to put him back in the box. Solider Boy is furious they are betraying him saying he held his end up to the others and question why they are betraying him. Bender and the 3 explain that he is too dangerous to kept around to risk his own friends to him and his powers and that they are not going to kill him just put him away and as Solider Boy said to Bender, he needs to be a better example to his kids. Solider Boy decides to fight them to pervent them from doing this to him.

Episode 22[]

Solider Boy fights Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Deathstroke and shows why he was fully able to come to his own and that he puts them on the back burner depsite the numbers and powers against him. He is able to escape and he comes across Lincoln, Lydia, Toby , Jack, and Pyrrha who's fight with them is crucial when it comes to his own defeat as the group is able to force him to use his nuclear power with Lydia uses the Infiinty Gauntlets to deal with after Quint fixed this.

Slade, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Deathstroke, Wile E, Harrison, Luan and Dee Dee all come at him with Slade, Bender and Deathstroke taking him up hand to hand as Anti Cosmo uses his magic against his nuke powers as the rest of the team uses the nerve agent to knock him out and place him in the Ice Box. Solider Boy for his flaws takes the defeat well from the main trio.

Chronicles of Zaragoza[]


Chapter 1: The Unknown Solider[]

He is introduced being thawed out respectively by accident in par to some work being done

Going through culture shock, Solider Boy decides to lead a new campaign and makes his intent well known decide to indoctrinate new men. Solider Boy arrives at the military to recruit men for his plan for his plans respectfully to fight "evil"

This comes from his culture shock still showing. Solider Boy comes across his troops and makes his first move respectfully. Not knowing that Peggy, Scott and Steve are following him.

Solider Boy learns of the three kids sneaking into the base and decides to send soldiers after the kids and then leaves to fight the adults. Solider Boy finds Captain Carter, Steve and Scott Lang and fights them. Solider Boy threatens their kids and forces them to back down though Carter doesn't and decides to go save the kids

Though he is assured, and drove off the adult heroes, he notices some of the comic books Lizbeth left behind by accident and noting that she knows a good deal about heroics, super heroes, super villains etc. He asks his men to have her investigated.

Solider Boys learns of Lizbeth's time and sees a sense of relatability, he decide she must be brought to him. Solider Boy greets Lizbeth and tells her about what he knows on her which is frightful for her because all she did was leave a comic. On top of that it only was 24 hours and he found out a lot.

Lizbeth is given the offer to come under his wing and that Solider Boy will train her to her top potential and that they can deal with fighting bad guys together as they both come from the past and are clearly trying to find their own path. Solider Boy tries to tell her that  she will go places under him that she can't with the Rogers. Lizbeth objects to this as she is not out to do what he did though SB tries to justify his actions to her in turn.

The other 5 of them get into Solider Boy's base and they all go to do their job which Solider Boy notices and sends his soldiers after them

Lizbeth tricks him when his guard is down, and she manages to get back to JackSolider Boy decides to deal with matters himself.

Solider Boy finds Steve and Peggy and takes them on, as they are refusing to give him Lizbeth.The three all fight with each other to stop Solider Boy, their fight is pretty much even matched between them, Though Solider Boy tries to get them to stand down by threatening to kill Steve, for that imposter comment.

Lizbeth surprises him and knocks him down out with The Captain America Shield while Cassie used a Pym Particle to tickle him to sent him into a distracted spot.Soldier Boy is taken to a distant prison by Steve as where they live won't accept this as Solider Boy is well beloved.

Chapter 2: Past, Present and Future Unite[]

Solider Boy Returns and attacks Scott afterwards to make his point he has returned to them.This time he has recurited his own men and allies to help as was this was found out by Felciity, Tech E and Peggy

Solider Boy with his miliary men use their authority to put the city on Lockdown so he can guarantee his plans against Carter and the others.

Solider Boy discusses his plans with the remainder of his men. He notices Spider Noir and sends Simon Bar Sinister and Sharon to deal with him. Sharon and Solider Boy talk among themselves about how they are going to get the drop on the others.

Solider Boy and Sharon hire the Flag Smashers with the intent to help the army respectfully with the fugitives as he was tipped off of curfew breakers and lockdown violators. He decides to bring Lizbeth in after having Sharon observe her from the distance saying that he is still intent on bringing to her side. Simon Bar Sinister and him learn about the Pym Particles in Cassie and he gets an idea of his own

Rourke and Shepherd manage to find some potential Pym Particles and tell Solider Boy they found them . Solider Boy feels that they can be used to make him and his men better. He thought is against playing with DNA despite Simon Sinster indicating it will work, he won't force this. It must be choice as he puts it.

He states that he won't let Sinster do this, as if he does harm the Lang Daughter, Lizbeth won't have a reason to trust him as he knows they're best friends. Sharon reports to him back about the Kit Coyote and tells her that the best way to beat the Rogers is at their own game and instructs her to  keep an eye alert on Kit and the Sergeant

It becomes apparent that he and The Power Broker  have their eyes on the Super Solider Serum to some extent as Tech figures on said matter.

Solider Boy brings in more men to his group respectfully and plans to sic the Winter Solider on Steve and Peggy Carter

When asked about Lizbeth by Sharon Carter, he advises her to bring her in and not harm her. He sees that Stryker and Elling brought in Steve and Peggy. While preferring Lizbeth, he decides to adjust this plan to this.

Solider Boy sees what Hartman is putting Steve through with Jack, he has to admit he's impressed with Captain America and his resistance. Realizing that they need to go for the gusto upon talking with Hartman, they get Simon Bar Sinister and use the Ludovico Technique on him to indoctrinate him.

As it turned by Kate, Tech, Cecil and Bettys investigation. SB is trying to rebuild his own handlers in Vought and sees using meta human DNA/ Supe DNA as an answer. And that he sees it as an upgraded Compound V. Solider Boy sends the brainwashed Steve Rogers after Peggy, Lizbeth and Ren

Sharon Carter and Solider Boy surprise Lizbeth and Ren, they quickly disarm Ren with Sharon holding him with Solider Boy approaching Lizbeth about his generous proposition. Solider Boy uses Ren as  a bargaining chip in turn, though Lizbeth initially lets her guard down and then she and Ren both put him in shock with Ren using Arsene.

He is then put in the backburner by them, Peggy and Steve and is nearly brought in but he manages to escape. He and Simon Bar Sinster are recovered by Sharon Carter, and Solider Boy rewards her by turning her into a super solider like himself with the sample Simon Bar got his hands on so she can be on par with her enemies.

Chapter 3: Solider Boy's Final Stand[]

Solider Boy remerges officially and with the help of amoral Attorney Lickboot get himself and his forces freed of their charges Due to the heroes's defiance of him. He  works with Lickboot and Sharon to have the group arrested


He arrests Lizbeth, Cassie, Ren, Kelly and Freakzoid with the authorities

Working with Bar Sinister and Sorrento, he manages to have some device ready to insure time is stopped until he gets what he wants. He hands it to Sharon due to her connectionsSolider Boy begins drafting more people with his forces

SB and his allies decide to proceed to the next part and free the 2 super soldiers to use in their plans. which is a false flag operation

Solider Boy is informed of the freezing account work by Sorrento and Sharon. He has his soliders under Ripper tail the heroes and when he takes into account Mcgree isn't with them he gets an idea

Solider Boy sends Skullface to assassinate him

He learns of the failed attempt at the hands of other heroes who found him , so he has Sharon deal with them so he can confront them himself. This he does and he meets them and fights with Sharon against the heroes after making his intentions clear, fighting them to a stale mate.

Solider Boy and his men go after the heroes as well He calls Sharon to tell him he is on his way

They arrive right afterwards after being spotted by Noir, Jack and Larke. Solider Boy orcherstrates a plan regarding Lizbeth and the others,he also makes a plan to deal with the Commander and M.O.D.A.B too.

The three attack and kidnap Lizbeth, though Lizbeth is ready this time and was baiting him as Larke and the others reveal. His plan for Lizbeth is revealed as he intends to orphan her so she will have to work under him and that her friends will be leverage. He'll use them in the army if she doesn't co-operate.

Solider Boy tries his darnest to get Lizbeth to his side, but he realizes he was played by her when Ren, Cassie, Kate, Kelly, Starlight and others show up on him. Solider Boy decides it's time to stop playing around and fight as he learns Tech E, Felicity, Hughie and Spider Noir exposed his true self to the world. Solider Boy despite being outnumbered puts a real showing against the heroes showing why he was not bragging about his credentials. The most the heroes are able to do is draw him, though this changes when the true crimes of his come to the surface and he sees them. Solider Boy realizes he's too far gone, and that he can't live in this world nowadays. He admits he can't beat Lizbeth this way as she was brave to go her own way and was a lot younger than him, he tells the heroes to kill him as he will achieve some peace that way.

Reluctantly the heroes do this and he thanks them for it as now He can be at peace, after fighting for so long he forgot what everything was about until that point.
