Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Slade (full name Slade Wilson, possibly known better as Deathstroke) is a criminal mastermind, mercenary, and assassin who is one of the initial main villains in LOTM, although in recent adventures he has been cast in an anti-hero role, aiding his foes and eventually reforming to oppose many villains, especially if they`re weirdos in purple suits with green hair. For the most part he doesn't exactly work with other villains, but unlike the Joker he has his reasons.

The only times he worked with other villains was when he worked against bigger threats than the villains and Slade.

Villain-wise, he is very successful since he got what he wanted, an empire ran by him and his associates. He is The4everrevival's favorite villain to write for in the series alongside Hunson Abadeer and Discord for how his character developed.

Who he really is unknown to all except Anti Cosmo, Celes Chere, Bender, and Skipper. However in Legends of Light and Darkness we finally learned who he is. At least in that timeline.

He is very skilled with weapons as well as fighting hand to hand. His most often used weapon is a bo staff like Robin, but he also has a fondness for using a Moonraker Laser Gun which he acquired in Aztec when fighting the League of Darkness.

Having vast and almost unlimited sources, this makes him quite a threat. Slade is someone who is very scientific, having created his own robots to resemble himself as well as mooks, designs a great deal of his own weaponry as welling as making his own chemical agents. Despite this, Slade only uses his robotic resembling mooks for his other activities and acts personally.

Slade also runs his own country in the Multi-Universe with himself as the president. With his main staff consisting of him, Anti Cosmo , Celes , Hades, Mojo Jojo, HIM, Sideshow Bob and Eddy of the V Team. He is also one of the only 5 members of Slade's Ensemble to have stayed since the beginning alongside Anti Cosmo, Hades, Mojo Jojo and HIM.

Greatest Strength: He is amazingly skilled at manipulation and making plans.

Greatest Weakness: One of his problems was underestimating the bond between heroes. He is at least trying to learn from his mistakes in his own way (that way being in that he reformed).

Evil Plans

1. Take over the Multi-Universe in The Beginning

2. Find Purgatory and steal the souls to maintain his position in the Multi-Universe (Slade Strikes Back)

Alignment: Evil (The Beginning and Slade Strikes Back), Neutral (The V Team Island Adventure and The Great Time Adventure), Anti Hero (Legends of Light and Darkness and beyond)

Height: 6'4

Main Allies: Anti Cosmo, Bender, Black Star, Castiel, Skipper, Celes Chere,  Hades,  Eddy. Harry Wells

Worst Enemies: The Joker, Rodrigo Borgia, Odalia Blight, Martian General Z9, Kostas Becker, Eobard Thawne


Voiced by: Ron Perlman

Slade is possibly the Multi-Universe's most recurring villain though he is only an antagonist in The Beginning and Slade Strikes Back. While serves as an ally in the rest of the stories, helping the B Team led by Bender the 2nd command of his adversaries against their own threats.

Slade is among the most prominent characters in the series especially in the Final Phase where alongside his right hand Anti Cosmo and The B Team Leader Bender, he is among the only 3 characters of The4everrevival's storyline to stay as a central character. As others took on the focus.

His theme song

Moral Ranking: Inconsistently Admirable


Slade is a tall grown man in his 40s clad in Black and Grey armor. As one notices he wears a orange, brown like mask on his face, and is missing his right eye due to an accident during his assassin/mercenary days before his criminal mastermind career.



Like most villains, he was a cunning sinister, sociopath who was interesting in accumulating power in the Multi-Universe and taking over it. He has no alliance to Megatron/Galvatron believing he was no use to his plans learning his lesson from the last time he made a deal with godly being and even dislikes the deception, said godly being Raven's father Trigon. No one knows his plans for the Multi-Universe, although the one thing that is known is that he wants to rule the Multi-Universe with his minions and wants the heroes to join him in this quest to do so. Being Highly Smart, Slade makes several plans and succeeds in them with Slade Strikes Back being a true example being Slade literally Struck Back.

Although ruthless, he respects a hero of determination, courage and strength such as his archenemy Dib and some of his friends such as Bender, Lizbeth and Skipper. He seems to also be a man of his word as he always keeps his part of a bargain when he makes a deal with anyone. While he is evil, he does have standards and will work with the heroes against anyone worse than him such as Joker, Megatron, the Master and Uka Uka. He believes the Disney Angels can lead the Multi-Universe into a new renaissance and wants them so he can have them work for him without worry. Unlike most villains Slade learns from his mistakes and doesn't do the same trick again. Examples include underestimating his younger foes, and not taking direct action in The Beginning and Then in Slade Strikes Back, he takes more direct action in the story, doesn't underestimate the heroes and succeeds in his plans though he doesn't take over the multi universe.

Slade while still being in a way the same person shows he is really quite the anti hero as if he notices a menacing presence such as Uka Uka or Malefor he instantly acts against them and proves to be very helpful to the heroes in these cases. He also dislikes the Deceptions and prefers the Autobots even when he was still a villain as it's better to have the universe in balance and not in destruction. Slade also has a low opinion on Megatron, considering him not to be a grand evil conquer but a petulant child with a conquer complex and daddy issues because Optimus was daddy's favorite. This shows a lack of fear towards him, something he would also show towards Homelander as well, not even flinching when Homelander told him he would destroy the world if Slade released the Flight Video.

Also in spite of this he does regard many of his team mates to be his friends in Anti Cosmo, Harrison Wells, Celes Chere, Hades, Mojo, Sideshow Bob, Captain Hook and HIM. He also develops a mutual respect and partnership with Bender , Marcy Wu, Heloise and Skipper the more Slade allies himself with them against worst foes.


Phase 1[]

The Beginning[]

Slade appears as the main antagonist of the story with Anti Cosmo his second in command against Dib, Bubbles, Bender, Milo, Lizbeth, Boomer, Edd, Casper, Kyle, Wendy and eventually Django of The Dead. 

Slade Strikes Back[]

Slade served again as one of the main antagonists of the story with The Joker his former sub-coordinate who returned as the other main antagonist. Emperor X, The False Disney Stars and Bender all get in acting as a main villain role too with Slade co-operating with the latter.

He causes problems for the crew once more though Joker causes his fair share. He is actually in jail but he fines ways out and acts as part of the Police force as Dane Lisslow to get parts of his plan into work while Anti Cosmo deals with the rest of it. Slade eventually is paroled thanks to his and Anti Cosmo's manipulations. Slade leaves and begins working on his plans to keep his ongoing power of his kingdom from being taken by going after Disney Magic. When The Joker returns and goes after The V Team, Slade knows Joker is causing trouble for them. At the funeral for the relatives, he finds Lizbeth and then afterwards he finds Bender and Slade convinces him to join up with him to defeat The Joker. At this point Slade and Bender start hunting down the False Disney Stars to find this magic for their own ends. The two hunted down and captured them and interrogated information out of them. They also had a hand in Emperor X as Slade had the idea to bring him against Joker and Bender begins to insult The Joker constantly, so Joker will send him after them and they can insure his co-operation.

After that when they found the Joker, they also were confronted by the mother of the false of the Disney stars who wanted them to bring Slade to her so she can take revenge on hibachi and the crew tried to capture him with the other heroes but they were not successful in their attempts due to Slade's mooks. Once they knocked her out unconsciousness, the group discusses how Slade escaped. After that, Bender waits for Slade and calls him on trying to attack Dib and the others, and threatens if Slade harms a hair on their head, he will murder Slade and bury him next to The Joker.Duff's unconscious body is found by Slade and Bender and bring her to the lab.

After more talk with the heroes, Slade goes on Bender's case for the fact that Dib nearly catching him, but Bender reminds Slade that part of the deal was that Slade isn't to harm or kill M.O.D.A.B  as the robot wants to help his friends but he must also keep them from killing Slade. Slade and Bender decide to stall to wait when Hillary wakes up with Slade going after her children and Bender going after The Joker. Slade then has his allies kidnap Boomer and Nina's friends and have them call Dib so he can back off and stay away from him. Dib tells the others with Lizbeth and Bubbles about this which has Bender go to him and confront him about the abduction. Slade states that he was exploiting a loop hole and that by doing this Dib won't be chasing them as a result. After this Slade attacks The Anime Empire Castle to steal power sources from Joker so X can have his true power back while Bender chases down The Emperor to ensure he isn't killed by Joker. After their success Hillary wakes up and the two decide to force information out of her. Hillary asks the duo what do they want with the magic, Bender wants it to defeat The Joker and prevent his plan while Slade wants it to keep his position secure to ensure his rivals don't usurp him and to insure Joker doesn't try anything against him. Hillary has her false stars help her try to kill Slade and Bender as the two refuse to stand down and she threatens to reveal their allegiance to the others. Slade has none of it and manages to crack her and he chooses to let her go. Duff refuses which signals Bender to use the dip with Slade which kills her forces the others to retreat.

Slade and Bender both successfully find the Disney Magic and use it as planned as having their friends do battle with each other. The Joker however discovered Bender and Slade's alliance and threatened them to stand down. Joker threatened Bender that he would tell Dib and the heroes about his deception and allying with Slade and Slade with the truth of his alliance and blackmailing Slade with his plan to infest the universe with his parasites infecting Slade's army. They refused and Slade believed they must have a back up plan, so Slade alerted Hades who served as his undercover agent in The Children of Megatron about Joker to have the deception kill Joker though they both believe that Joker may be still kicking after this but Joker drove them to this.

Afterwards Bender and Slade used the magic they took against The Joker to foil his plans to infect the multi universe. They succeeded in their plan against The Joker and used the stolen magic to do what they wanted, Slade to visit the real world as he and his army were exhausted after their fight with Joker's army he raised with X Parasites and Bender to stop the X Parasite invasion of Joker and taking the rest of Joker's allies to hell.

He became less evil in Slade Strikes Back where he was more well intention in his goals and secretly helped the heroes against Joker who once worked for him and then betrayed him to destroy the Multi-Universe He allied himself with Anti Cosmo, Bender and The Children of the Autobots against him .

The V Team Island Adventure/The Great Time Travel Adventure[]

He returned in a smaller role in The V Team Island Adventure and The Great Time Travel Adventure as an anti heroic ally to the heroes against the double threats of Uka Uka and Marceline's dad. After TGSST he manages to find the B Team incidentally and invites to his wedding since he finally found love with a woman named Celes from the Final Fantasy universe and he introduces his new sub coordinates.

Phase 3[]

Legends of Light and Darkness[]

He returns to his main character role after a long while with Anti Cosmo, Celes and his team. Slade joins forces with Bender and Hiccup against The League of Darkness. Slade serves as the deuteragonist to Bender's protagonist and Hiccup's triagonist.

The event that led to happening here was when the gang of Final Fantasy 6 battled Kefka and when he destroyed the world, the gang was all separated and he lost his memory and he was involved with Celes Chere. He was lost but he was saved by an anti fairy named Anti Cosmo and they became best friends. He and Anti Cosmo tried to find Celes but failed to though they did learn about Angewomon and the Children of the Autobots. The reveal of how Slade Wilson came to be was when he lost his memory from a terrible fall to the head as Anti Cosmo said that was a cooler name. Slade desired power and control so he went to Jump City and with the help of Anti Cosmo he interacted his plan against the Titans to find an apprentice to help them find Celes in the case of Slade dying from age or something like that

When Trigon was defeated, Slade and Anti Cosmo tried to take over the Multi-Universe so they could find Celes and save it from Megatron though the heroes stopped him, and he was uncomfortable with with the Joker who was part of the clown posse with Kefka (The man Anti Cosmo remembers caused all this). When Joker returned in Slade Strikes Back, like Bender and Anti Cosmo he saw Joker a bigger problem. As a result Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender all joined forces with the Children of the Autobots against the Joker, and Slade told the robot about Angewomon and Optimus when proposing their deal, making the two responsible for how he works with them

He oversees and overhears Malefor's intent with the Multi-Universe somewhere in the universe. He contacts his allies and alerts them to the Purple Dragon and his forces. Anti Cosmo is told to see him specifically as they will need to get the help of an old trusted friend. Slade somehow manages to get to the Channel Awesome universe with Anti Cosmo in time to confirm more on the League of Darkness to Bender and the other heroes. Slade is the eleventh character to show up and he is dressed as the dread pirate Roberts. This confuses Bender and Anti Cosmo as they both wonder who he is. He states he's Slade, and alongside the other guys he is disgusted by Axel's gag crotch. Slade is called by Master Albert to learn about Model W, afterwards he instructs his scientists to work with Heloise on a Model W tracker.

Slade for the first time goes to Equestria with his allies and is a bit stunned to see its devastation, after getting some info from Megabyte and Bowser, he alongside the latter attack the armies that have attacked Equestria. Slade alongside Anti Cosmo and Celes follow Bender to the 2nd location, and he seems like a henpecked husband. He sneaks into an old warehouse and alongside Bender, Skipper,Heloise, Anti Cosmo and Celes disguises himself as a solider. They are eventually figured though Bender takes action and shoots Saddler's staff out of his hand. He ambushes Miles Quantrich when he talked to Dredd and battled him until Quantrich was knocked unconscious.

He then helps Anti Cosmo and Celes deal with Qunatrich's men and Saddler. He returns with the others and is surprised at the two strangers on his plane. Slade with the others arrive at Interpol where they meet Jack Bauer who joins the group and hands them a few words of consideration. He gets the info on What Jr will do and he has Bowser bring him the doom ship. He stalls Khan for Bender to get to the ship to stop Jr. It works but his ship is destroyed by Galactia Knight. When they use Bender's ship, Slade compliments him on the ship and joins Skipper in watching the interrogation on Tremlolo. Slade overhears Jack Bauer's comments on Fender and fakes amusement when HIM tells them that he prefers to mind fuck with the others.

He is next seen on Darkseid's ship where he refuses to bow to the god and conspires with Phantom R, Marie, Anti Cosmo, Celes and Hades a way to escape. He gets Bender up and the two captains attack Darkseid and his forces with Slade alongside his 2 top commanders giving back up to Orion and Hades. He reports back to Bender that Evil Manta has taken his Alpha Friends to safety. Mojo gives him news regarding Nerissa's message and Will. Khan impedes on the communications and tries to force him and Bender to surrender. These two leaders spit on his threat like the ones in charge that they are. He suggests an evasive tactic but he's perfectly with Heloise teleporting them away from the threat. Slade comes up with a plan to deal with Khan with help of Anti Cosmo, HIM and Megabyte. When Alie and Bender both suspect a trap with the latter saying to let them have their fun, before we have ours Slade is very much agreeing on this. Due to Anti Cosmo's magic, Slade and the others crawl through the vents though like Bender and Suede he has a tough time due to the being the largest of the 8 going through. Slade and Bender both decide to duel with Khan which Suede joins in to help them.

Slade arrives at Zordon's place where he meets Malefor and the three criminals. Slade shows no fear confronting him just like Bender does. Malefor warns the duo that they will be killed if they intervene against him. To make matters worse Joker returns which makes Slade worry though he is more angry that Joker is back. Slade decides he must tell his allies about him.

Slade discusses with his comrades about the horror that plagues them that is the clown. He also makes it noteworthy to them through Heloise that Joker once worked for Slade and Anti Cosmo. When getting his pirate ship, he has Evil Manta help out the team since this is a place for someone like him. Slade then asks for Bender, Skipper and Anti Cosmo to help him in what looks like a time machine. He uses Bender`s time code which is a way around the time police and uses to make sure no one can find them. He made a forwards time machine, so one can`t change history or do something disgusting like sleeping with your grandmother. However the four arrive in the year 10000 accidentally. Slade and Anti Cosmo get in a disagreement due to what happened before Bender gets back with the info on Joker. Slade encourages Skipper, AC and Bender to keep on moving since the four must be able to find a backwards time machine. The four travel through many time periods to no avail, they almost get back in fifty million, but Bender out of anger for them skipping the good future screws it. Slade and the four land at the very end of the Multi-Universe itself which depresses Skipper. Slade agrees to watching the Multi-Universe end with a bang by drinking with Skipper, Bender and Anti Cosmo as they watch the Multi-Universe be destroyed. However a second one begins to form and this gives the four new hope. As they time travel to the present, Slade makes a stop and shoots Hitler, however Slade screws it up and they go around again. Slade tries to shoot Hitler again, but instead he hits Eleanor Roosevelt.

When they do get back Slade overhears Bender's heartbreaking past and tries to help him let go of Dib since he's never going to be Bender's real son. Slade and the others arrive at the town where Malefor and Darkseid's forces fight. They confront The Joker and Bender deals with him himself while the three do what they can. Slade and Skipper fight Carnage and Saix, they seem to have an advantage until Horvath intervenes and tries to kill them. Anti Cosmo and Bender crash in with Manhattan, Stan and Wendy who Slade joins. Shortly Joker tries to kill the seven with a satellite laser and they manage to get away. Slade ejects and with Bender, Anti Cosmo, Skipper, Heloise, Phineas, Suede and Isabella kills Ursula. Slade sees Isabella come back and overhears the news regarding Channel Awesome. When Axel and Slade's allies figure out who Model W is Dr. Weil, Bender and Orion explain to Slade who Weil is as he's a old enemy of Bender, Dib, Lizbeth and Knuckles and their teams. Slade is one of the only four characters who has seen the end of the Multi-Universe and the creation of another one which was possible through a forwards time machine.

Slade explains that Joker is known by his whole team as a result  of Joker being an ex member of his plans. Since they must know the traitors of the team. Slade manages to locate the four fractions that Giovanni and Ozai have placed around the map and he takes his time to explain who is the problem in each area. Slade and Bender tell Phineas that they don't think Katara turned evil but more that Dr. Weil is exerting control over her. He reminds the villains not to attack the dogs, while he trusts them.

He has Jack and Will keep an eye on them just in case. Slade calls Jack Bauer out on his vicious torture of Bowser Jr. When Junior makes his intent to side with them, Slade welcomes Junior into his ensemble and then heads off with Bender, Anti Cosmo, Jack Bauer, Skipper and Heloise. Slade and Anti Cosmo find the 2nd Model X Fragment and get into a confrontation with Giovanni and Ozai. The criminals are chased off by Nostalgia Critic when Slade makes mention of a bat credit card. He and the team try to get out of Jackaland Hyena what Malefor intends to do with Equestria. Though they refuse to answer which prompts Hades to melt them in molten lava. Slade, while waiting for Hiccup, comments on his unusualness. Slade comments that it's time for the final trail before the Malefor war and asks Annette if she was who set the message to them, Annette states no to Slade as she didn't. He learns the Model Zs are in his castle which gets the others to go to his castle in the Cartoon Wasteland while welcoming Junior and Ventress to his team. Slade's allies Sideshow Bob and Ocelot welcome him back to his castle where him and Bender work with Hunson against Dr. Weil.

Slade is ready to go down to the caverns of his castle with Bender and Hiccup. Slade sent his allies to go after and destroy the Destroyer while he, Anti Cosmo, Celes and Hades help the team. Once reaching the fork in the road, Slade takes his own way while the other two do their own. The four take their own path while where Slade learned about the Destroyer and sent to the allies of his. He compares himself to Bruce Wayne, as they go around. Slade suspects Weil and Discord are spying on them. Slade learns of the perpetrator attacking his castle and unbeknownst to him it's Obodiah Stane as the four set off to get Stane. Slade investigates the area and gets his Model Z and an confrontation with Obodiah Stane. Slade then reveals to Bender and Skipper who he truly is and his back story that led to the events before hand. Slade is one of the three chosen partners of Model X

Slade leads the team to Destination 1 where Shade, Stan, Wendy, Hiccup and Astrid take their missions. Slade then heads off on his own mission while Bender opens the way for the team. Slade and his team find and take out the Destroyer while Phineas and Isabella take Mitch who threatened them. Bender and Slade both then get Dredd arrested by saving Manhattan and Scamp from the self destructing ship. Slade then sets off to fight Malefor and Khan with Bender before he mourns for Luthor's death as he sacrifices himself to stop Darkseid. Slade helps Hiccup and Bender fight the duo of Darkness before winning. Slade and the team kill Malefor and Captain H arrives, Slade and Bender don`t trust him specifically as he reveals himself as Hazama. Slade gets shocked as well when it`s revealed that Bender`s friend Sari betrayed the heroes and was responsible for quite a few of their problems. Slade alongside HIM, Dr.Doom, Ocelot, Bowser, Hades, Mojo, Anti Cosmo and Celes fight Hazama with Bender And The B Team as well As Discord. Slade swears Hazma is to go down and is surprised to see Megabyte stay to continue stopping Hazama.

Slade and Anti Cosmo help in prepare the weddings, as Bender is trying to find Axel, though Slade doubts it he is alive. At the wedding, Slade decides on a new group name for them though they all plan to retire after this. Slade meets Celestia and announces their plans to retire, and he isn't sure to trust Discord due to what Discord has did to Bender and Hiccup. He also believes the Autobots are able to forgive him for what he has done.

LOTM: Darkness Incarnate[]


LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour[]

Slade returns again with Anti Cosmo to join forces with Bender, Blue, Zick and Dr.Strange against the Sinisters of Evil and the Children of BlackGarurumon. Slade also sees Discord on the mission and like Death and Blue he doesn't trust Discord due to his actions as Slade helped Bender keep an eye on him during Totally Mobian Spies with his ensemble

Slade also join forces with Black Star alongside Bender, Dr. Strange, Kratos, Zick and Blue and help him deal with the Templar Order for the second half of Black Pool. Though Anti Cosmo and Him keep their role in Isle Tour and help Bender and Zick.

He and Anti Cosmo were contacted by Saul who meet again with Bender and his friends as well Death The Kid. Slade tells the crew that his team was attacked by a Sinister of Evil member Michael Myers and BlackGreymon who his team escaped and forced them to flee. The two went alone not to put their team at risk also because they are the most acquainted. He also tells Heloise that Myers' group was responsible for Jimmy's kidnapping. He also backs up Kid and his partners in not trusting Discord when he gets annoying that they don't trust him. Slade like Stardash is surprised that Batman is alive. He meets Dr.Strange and asks the doctor why he needs him, Bender and the rest. Slade calls Gohan out on violating the bro code with Aang after the former lets something slip. He meets Batman again and explains to the bat about Dib's death and Discord's role who he reminds he's tolerating because Dr. Strange and Bender asked him too.

Slade tells Suede and the rest that BlackGarurumon and Mister Sinister both have allies in the area and since unlike Blue and Strange, they don't have any true opposition. Slade makes notice that their mountain is more of a volcano and warns the others about it and isn't surprising about Bender changing his metal due to the airport security.

Slade and others arrive in a volcano base looking for a tablet and he informs the crew he made precautions which Gohan has done too. When crossing the hot magma, Slade has the others brace themselves as Sinisters of Evil member is sensed by Dr.Manhattan. Slade and the others find what they have been looking for until Macbeth steals which has him, Gohan, Anti Cosmo and Jack Bauer chasing him down. Slade and Kid get Bender back on the ship and tell him about his daughter's potential with her power. Slade is present with the others during White Wolf's capture and when they begin talking about Twilight and Sunset, he tells them to just do something instead of comparing sizes.

Slade asks Anna what she saw, and he finds out her sister is involved and being controlled by Garret Bobby Furgerson before taking a visit to Gold's pawnshop. Slade overhears Bender's issue regarding who to bring back between Dib, and the penguins. Slade suggests the latter since it would be more worth it if he did the harder thing. When Kid and Makoto agree to investigate for Bender, he and Anti Cosmo suggest to have Chun-Li investigate as she's a detective, Anti Cosmo, Suede and Slade all manage to deduct Aleu was kidnapped by Mike Myers. Slade then meets Jaeris and Zhuge after escaping a blown train and goes with them to a temple which could help them find the sea temple.Slade and Anti Cosmo make their way to the temple with Jaeris and Zhuge only for Predaking to show up again and make an attempt on their lives, they try to find a way but magic won't affect Predaking except on his chest which is what they use when Jaeris distracts it.Slade and Anti Cosmo both reach the temple where Zhuge and Jaeris explain about the movement before meeting Kid and Makoto who explain they found nothing else.

Slade and his friends leave the temple to find GBF trying to take their Apple of Eden. So all 10 of them take them and get them. When Jesse shows up and gets them all out of the situation aware of both Bender and Slade, he also has the Valentine bros, Harkon and Jerry attack the 10 which they do brush off if with difficulty. Afterwards they meet with their friends and Isabella collapses which everyone goes to the hospital. Afterwards Slade learns about the condition regarding Isabella being complete in mutantism.

Slade and Anti Cosmo trap the ghost haunting Sunil to let Skipper, Bender and Phineas find him. To their surprise it’s Casper who for some reason isn’t trying to hurt or get the others on Slade and Anti Cosmo. Being surprised they ask how or who send them. Slade and Bender decide to escape under Strange's request when the whole league is called in for arrest, before they are shot down by Soran which they do escape. Slade and Bender though meet Kratos who offers to help. After that, he and the others are walking through a burdened land rather tired and meet up with Cruger who Slade and Anti Cosmo mistake for an antromorphic dog.

Slade calls up Strange and Samson who inform of the new friends. Once Slade comes back they plan their move with Slade believing that Kid should go searching for the missing parts. He joins with Bender to find the second disco ball where he explains to a confused Casper and Wendy about what happened with Phineas's girlfriend Isabella. Slade and the team go after the second disco ball and end up caught by Anarky and his allies, Slade of courses sarcastically says Joy when they decide one execution which lucky Discord and the others prevent and Slade notices the Digimon hasn't given up

Slade and co all rush to the prison where the bastard killed their friends with set up executions and Isabella tells them about the protocol she learned.After the plan is put in place, Slade goes with Bender, Skipper, Anti Cosmo, Heloise, Phineas, Suede, Jack Bauer, Gohan, Twilight Sparkle, Sora, Casper, Wendy, Discord and Mr.Gold to a different graveyard which has a purpose to the pieces of their treasure while Bender and Skipper are trying to discuss who to bring back from the dead with the star they can access with the pieces and going to find more of the cure. Slade and Anti Cosmo do work on Jack White Act when they see Discord watching Porn and get a boner, they tell him to turn it off when Gold comes in and snarks that this is what they do. Slade meets with the team and Buffy who helps out the main characters with Jack White and the Niburu. They learn to their horror that Jack White was The Joker. Slade and the crew meet Jesse and he gives them directions and a warning which Slade gets suspicious. Sora and Slade get suspicious in that getting the piece parts as nothing truly was standing between them and they were right when the Children of BlackGarurumon ambush them.Slade  and the others escape from jail and watch as Bender with Discord systemically eliminated much of BlackGarurumon's group with poisoned tequila. Slade gets back to the team and he with Anti Cosmo know that Sinister is here and Twilight is mapping out a route with Heloise. Slade, Anti Cosmo, Discord and Mr. Gold all insure Bender and Strange enter the castle when Predaking shows up and offers to spare their lives if they tell him where the robot due to the poisoning, Slade refuses as does the other three and Predaking begins chasing them, However Discord and the Striker Force put it down, netted, sedated and cuffed while Discord and Mr. Gold get back to the safety zone. The four of them and the Striker Force also run into Belle and Hook who shoots Belle in the back with a bullet that eliminates one's memory. Gold furious about this tries to burn Hook alive with it, Discord however throws a car at him. Slade joins the team in going to Neverland as Rose has to inform them of what's ahead and they get caught by Pan who knows of Lizbeth and Boomer though thanks to Discord and Isabella they are saved and learn more on Joker through the many Harley Quinns over the year.

Slade and co reach the Courage Kingdom where he and the other villains throw Predaking and Theodora in the interrogation, with the former, Slade shows the truth about what happened and Predaking is enraged that BlackGarurumon did this and joins Slade to get revenge on him. Slade also decides to work with Cruger on their next mission. Cruger, Slade, Anti Cosmo and the team learn that BlackGarurumon's allies are there and from Slade's ally Jonas Hodges that they are relocating their base and that must find their next piece of the treasure in the pyramid using inconvenient means. Slade, Anti Cosmo and the Striker Force lead on the pyramid to find their piece which has Starkiller fight the trio of Hans, Jack Welker, Philip Bauer while Slade and Anti Cosmo fight Blue who shows up by coincidence.Slade joins up with the rest of the heroes and  destroys the Internment camp, burning it to the ground with "Another Brick in the Wall" while killing any army remaining.

Mr.Gold senses some kind of magic and gets Bender, Skipper, Heloise, Phineas, Isabella, Suede, Jack Bauer, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Discord, Gohan, Twilight, Castiel, Casper, Kid and Makoto over there and tells them it's ressurection magic which does bring people back temporarily but the price is the come back wrong and/or lose their memories and they must be recovered. As they all discuss Peter Pan enters the room and toys with them in that he will find Maka, Lizbeth, Boomer, Knuckles and Crona take  them to Neverland and torture them until they arrive and then kill them in front of them. That can be anywhere, with the waters of Neverland all over,  Pan can be all powerful anywhere, Bender calls Pan on not doing it immediately who admits he's just fucking with them while insulting and taunting Mr.Gold. Slade arrives in Springfield and gets to Bart, Black Star and Colonel Star and Stripes as they all head to the Simpsons Household and begin planning what to do though Marceline figures them out and they all begin talking with her. Slade and Anti Comso work with the villains to kill Ultraman where they succeed after singing War with Cas, Bender and Black Star. Slade and Anti Cosmo return to the ship and this is where Dib comes in And Darkwing tries to attack as he believes they're still evil though Skipper and Bender defend him.

Slade with all the other villains Hook, Anti Cosmo, Jesse, Russell, Mr.Gold, Anarky and Theodora go through their own trial of honesty in that are they keeping things from each other. Anti Cosmo and Slade as well as Jesse and Russell are both tested on their relationship and it turns out that they really are friends which appeases the door. Slade decides for him and Black Star to chase the triumvirate of the Neo Umbrella Corporation. Slade works on and fights many villains such as Frank Damico, Albert Wesker, Shinzon, BlackGarurumon and the Niburu. Though their work is done, he stays by the B Team and Team Free Will.


Slade and Bender join up with Black Star and his friends against the Templar Order in 4 acts of the former story. Slade also informs his allies about the case and gets them to Black Star to help them when he, Bender and the rest aren't there available.

Slade also meets Black Star after hearing much about him from Bender, the B Team and Discord. He also was the one who informed Knuckles about Discord in The Multi-Universal War of Destiny.

Future Warfare[]

Slade and members of his team return as a result of them getting a future signal from the future, where he alerts Bender to this when he calls and the two figure out it's the future and they decide to head to the future to figure out what's going on and prevent it from happening to them.


Slade returns with the rest of the heroes to serve as one of the main characters with Anti Cosmo, Hades, Celes and his ensemble alongside Bender and the B Team. Slade's past self will also be a main character as well. Both Slade and Bender find themselves facing an old adversary they faced before in Eobard Thawne.

Ever since their last adventure, Slade has worked with Anti Cosmo to improve the captial city of his world and they just finished their greatest contraption of entertaiment. Both of them run the businesses with Hades as the face, After opening Slade and Anti Cosmo go up to the office to accept a shipment only for Hades to show up on the two reveaiing the news he got from Mojo Jojo and Sideshow Bob. This is where he finds The Joker and Thawne and is attacked by them both. Thawne steals something from Slade and runs off with Slade taking hand on Thawne, which the rest of the group agreeing and joins with Harry Wells as Harrison came to find Slade after tracking Thawne. Slade sends a video message to Bender but it's Lydia and Phineas who catch it and He decides to call him later though not without giving them what Harry told him. Slade holds a meeting with his ensemble, revealing that Thawne stole his chormoskimmer that he obtained in his and Bender's battle with the Red Lotus, though thankfully he hid the other one he claimed in case someone tried to steal it. Their meeting is cut when Slade gets a call from Bender, Skipper, Starfire and Lydia who he gets in contact and discuss their battle plan against Thawne, though he does warn Lydia of her journal like Twlight did.

Slade and his Ensemble with the The Flying Dutchman's ship and his chromoskimmer travel back to 2010 to go after Thawne, with him, Anti Cosmo and Hades heading to his old lair to find The V Team to help them. The three make it to his old lair with Slade and Anti Cosmo heading into the secret enterance where their past selves find them and don't believe the two until they mention The Joker. The Joker attacks Slade's old lair with his henchmen where Slade, Anti Cosmo and Hades defend the lair with the help of Past Slade and Anti Cosmo and The V Team. Afterwards, Slade takes Eddy, Negaduck, Scrouge and Dr.Nefarious with him to help his ensemble. He takes his team and himself back to their on their moving base on Hades's flying chariot where they sense their minions facing a robot army by Alchemy. They get back and he goes with Anti Cosmo and Harry who Alchemy tries to arrest though Slade does realize Alchemy is something of unusality as he was attacked first before he escaped. Slade Reveals to his team, that Bender used to work for him before The Beginning, and Past Slade is surprised that his how and his Bender's Relationship progressed from Bender working for him, to opposing him, to once again working together against The Joker to becoming eventual partners. Slade finds himself attacked and arrested by The Legion led by Darkwarrior and Toffee. He was sent to Multiversal Hell where Joker heckles him with Slade threatening him. Slade is joined by Ventress who Darhk knocked out in a fight between Slade and The Legion. Hades and Crowley in addition help Slade escape and he boards Rip Hunter's Waverider and finds Bender also on board. The two captains become acquainted with Rip Hunter and then find themselves fighting The Joker and Thawne who invaded their ship, which they manage to repel off at a cost. Slade is returned to Rip, where he and his ensemble make their next move without realizing Deathstroke earlier has his eye on them while they plans to avoid the monsters that are chasing him and Bender in time wraiths.

Slade makes plans with the team to go after Both Joker's group and finds the scared magic. He does this with the assumption that The Joker is trying to unleash his plan from Slade Strikes Back. He takes the main members with him to keep the Time Wraiths on him specifically. He gets into contact with Bender and Rip where the latter decides to travel with Sara and Wally to help him and the group. They make some traveling and close enough to their destination, Reverb and the other members of Deathstroke's team attack them and try to keep imbolized to prevent Bender from meeting him under Deathstroke's orders deciding to not take chances. Reverb tells his team to go after Slade directly having decided to get the leader. The entire group gets into a struggle under Reverb's order until Rip has a idea where he tells Wally to use his speed to wear out Hades's temporary sealing which allows Slade and his group to take the upper hand on Reverb and then Wally throws them all back into a portal.

Finally reaching out Slade's past self lair. Celes calls out the past selves for not helping and Harry tries needling the two for answers while Slade, Anti Cosmo, Hades and The Legends watch them do this. After enough torture, Slade and Anti Cosmo reveal to their future selves that are trying to alter their timeline so they have more control over the multiverse. Despite this, Their past selves decide to get them touch with their partner they made feeling that they should help against Thawne who is a bigger threat. The Past Slade and Anti Cosmo lead them to New York where they find Slade's past self partner Tombstone who is suspicious of this group arriving.

The Two scientists show up with the police and try to have Slade arrested for breaking in, Tombstone advocates and beats both of the scientists though Deathstroke and Azarel trap him and try to cripple Tombstone's empire for themselves by exposing him to the police. Slade, Anti Cosmo, Hades, Harry and Celes and their past selves go through Tombstone's profile on Disney to see if he himself has any knowledge on Disney Magic.

Tombstone does manage to get Deathstroke to flee after using his great strength to overcome him. Though he does get the police to arrest Azarel and is not pleased with Slade for sneaking in his files. Slade reveals that in spite of tacking the scientists they got away with Deathstroke.

Slade brings Tombstone to his lair and reveals what he was intending to do in the timeline. Anti Cosmo, Slade, Celes and Hades agree to keep their past selves reminding what they need to do and not get themselves killed by Thawne. This leads them into a face down with Thawne's gang with Bender's help which leads to both sides getting what they wanted, where Slade brings the team back to his lair and works with the team to find how to best use the amulet as it has ancient writing on it none of them can translate not even Rip can do this with his ship's help though after Bender, Lydia and Skipper return from their encounter with Dennis they believe they must go see Scorpion in the past to help out.

Slade, Leonard, Celes and Lisa are all out cold having took quiet the hit from Uka Uka's attack and an pink blob like creature looks down hungry on them, and sets his antennae to turn them into chocolate until The Flying Dutchman tells him not to eat them as he will rain hell on him if he does. Slade finally recovers from the blow and recognizes him as Majin Buu which surprises his team. Slade mentions that he learned about the Dragonball Universe from Gohan and his interactions from The Disney Angels which allowed to know about Buu. Slade asks Majin Buu what is he doing, here in the past since it makes no sense. Majin Buu explains that he was taken out of his current timeline due to a break in time and it was through some Patrick Bateman like lizard

Remembering that Toffee has NOS-4A2 and Mandarin on his team, Slade and Leonard deduct that it is possible that they can find where the three by taking a notice of the drained machinery. Lisa and Leonard trade off some banter about how they should do this when Alchemy and his metahuman gang show up again and some of the metahumans recognize The Snarts from Central City and It turns into a brawl between them and The Dutchman. Slade and Celes have managed to find the most likely place that NOS-4A2 would reside plan to make their way until they see Dr.Alchemy and join the fray themselves

Dr.Alchemy has beaten down Slade and the others and plans to destory them when Majin Buu decides to interevene and gives them all an deserved beatdown and Alchemy lost his mask which he manages to recover before Slade got to see it. But Buu tells Slade that The voddoo Doctor Thing lost his mask and has lighter blonde hair, Slade asks about the shape of Alchemy, Snart takes it as an innuedo but did notice something unique about the body look and how it was distinct filled and fit. Lisa then calls Leonard on paying attention not to the face where he purs back with sometimes getting the look is better.

Thawne then speeds in once again and brings an attack on Slade and the rest. Toffee uses this to make his getaway as he informs Thawne, that he better not get carried away since The Time Wraiths are still after him. Thawne recongizes this and after a bit flees. Slade and Celes both begin to recongize that Eobard is out of their hands as he knows too much about them but the reverse is also true. This is when Leonard and Lisa have an idea to go to Central City to find Barry Allen who would know.

Slade is saved by the others from Toffee and they now to have bring in Toffee now and they look to just stop this quest once and for all. Slade goes with Bender and the others to Mewni and gets help from Moon in their info on Toffee. Slade finds out about Toffee invading Mewni with the other villains and Slade fights them off, only for Toffee to kill Moon and this is what drives them to make a final stand. Slade goes after the villains with Anti Cosmo and attacks Marie and eventually defeats her thank to useing power limiters on her since she was just too powerful initally. They decide not to kill her as a result of wanting to make her suffer for her actions. Slade and Anti Cosmo then show up with Heloise and suprise Bender and Skipper by dropping a massive pillar on Toffee. Slade after the Spear alters the timeline/multiverse is back with his business, though Bender does ask if he wants to goes on vacation with them which Slade refuses but tells him to enjoy his time.

The Miracle Dark Elite and the Apokolips War Endgame[]


"Guess who Got Back Today?, Them wild-eyed boys that had been away"

Phase 4[]

Slade returns as one of the 9 main characters of Phase 4's secondary storyline alongside Anti Cosmo, Bender, Harry Wells, Luan Loud, Captain Hero, Bean, Wile E and Libby. He serves as one of the 3 main protagonists of the secondary storyline as Lydia and Lincoln of Team Free Will are the main protagonists overall. Slade shares the protagonist role with Alongside his right hand man Anti Cosmo and M.O.D.A.B's right hand man/ B Team Leader Bender, though he gets the least screen time of the three.

His Empire gets more focus here as well.

Anglesmith Origins[]


Slade makes his first chronlogical appearance in Anglesmith Orgins in Phase 4 as one of the 3 duteragonists of the story. This story focuses on Slade and Anti Cosmo began building their empire and contient after having to deal with The V Team's passing. He is one of the 4 central main characters of the storyline alongside Anti Cosmo, Luan and Bender.

Looking for answers from The Infospehre, the two and Harry Wells bring in Bender and Luan to help out while dealing with a criminal group after him and his in the works empire.


Slade is busy working on his buildiing of his empire after completing his manor work, he discovers the Infosphere from Anti Cosmo who came with the news for him as his men were looking for it so Slade can get for his and his empire's needs

Anti Cosmo tells him about Caldera and how he got Bender from Mexico and fixed him. Slade and Anti Cosmo discuss Bender's erratic behaviour much like Luan and Benny though Slade had the doctor go from Albreque to Mexico to keep an eye on Bender to make sure he didn't something so reckless to kill himself.

Pondering about the Infosphere, Slade thinks what it can do for his empire and how to  improve things in his new slate that he calls his empire. Slade then gives Anti Cosmo a job to try and get some locations on the others to recruit for help in finding the Infosphere. He tells Anti Cosmo, he wants to give Bender at least a little time to himself after what happened. He does thinking that not taking some more work off the books won't help Bender or the two of them.

Slade goes down to the basement where he and his main allies as well as Bender buried Brick, Butch, and The V Team and decides it's best that just him, Anti Cosmo and Harry go after the Infosphere, as he is unwilling to risk his allies after what happened to The V Team in that war he had against Thanos and Darkseid.

Chapter 1[]

Slade and Anti Cosmo make their travel plans and see Maka, Crona, Death The Kid, Black Star and Makoto first where they propose their plan to find The Infosphere with them. They turn this down as they hung their towel on this as Maka, Crona and Black Star have their own jobs and Death wants to spend his own time with Makoto. Black Star does at least offer the two another time to help out with their stuff.

Taking Black Star's words, Slade visits the Scorpion Squad and tries to bring them on his case, though they turn him down as they are working on their fight club, married life, etc. Slade questions when did everyone decide to stop going around the multiverse, Anti Cosmo answers years ago when The LOTM Wiki begin seeing users that established the site went into retirement. Slade and Anti Cosmo visit Kratos, Cruger, Brock Samson, Nathan Drake and others trying to get their help but to no avail.

Anti Cosmo and Slade realize that they need to get Bender to help them, despite their claim, Slade sets course to the M.O.D.A.B house hold to pick up Bender to help them with this and also because Bender is the only other person other than them that Slade feels understands the dilemmenia they have which Anti Cosmo teases him comes off as a "mid life crisis". Slade and Anti Cosmo both notice that Luan is walking out the house hold and They call out to her. Anti Cosmo, Slade and Luan talk and Slade learns from Luan that Bender isn't there and she is looking for him too as he ran way to Mexico. Luan tells him that he left to the retirement home for cartoon characters after looking at her note.

Having brought Harry for the ride as he has helped Slade track the others, he asks him to see Caldera to find Bender. As they take their ride, Slade tells Luan about the Infosphere alongside Anti Cosmo and Harry and what he intends to do it as he intends to use to get answers to improve his building empire and make it flourish, Upon arriving at Alberquece, He sends Luan in with a pet to get the info from Caldera, as Slade doesn't want anyone to suspect let alone knowing Caldera is working for him. Learning of the retirement home from Luan with AC, the three go to head there. Though Harry tells the three of Bean, Elfo and Luci are looking for Bender for the same reason and they go to find him as he was observing them as they waited.

The 4 of them get to the retirement home and Slade has Luan and Harry find Bender's room so they can go see him. Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Harry all find Bender and meet Wile E Coyote who is his room mate. After greeting him, Slade gives his proposal to Bender and in turn learns of Becker which Slade is familiar with as he is aware of Becker who has been clashing with Slade  and his empire, as well as some of the jobs, Slade gave Anti Cosmo to give Bender involved Becker, He also has the map thanks to Bender overhearing Bean, Elfo and Luci. Slade offers to pay Bender for his job, success or failure as finding it is the top priority for the masked man. While Bender is initally hesistant, he takes Slade up on this and includes Wile E.

The 6 of them head off to Becker's hideout to get the map and Bender, Anti Cosmo, Slade, Luan, Wile E and Harry manage to reach the Becker head quarters. Where they sneak in and try to take the map. This rather quickingly turns into a three brawl between them, Bean and her friends and Becker on the map. Slade realizes Becker answers to someone else on the totem pole and decides to actively get rid of as many men of Becker's as possible. While Bender gets the map from the criminal master mind and they make their get away.

Slade has Anti Comso place a call to tell him that Bender was needed to come out to retirement to help them. Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harry and Wile E with the map start their quest to find the Infosphere. When asked about his empire, Slade tells Luan and Bender that he has Celes taking charge of the empire while he is out.

Chapter 2[]

Bender, Luan, Anti Cosmo, Slade, Harry and Wile E make their quest on the map as they set into the woods. Slade and Anti Cosmo have a talk about the infosphere and what will the empire use it for. Slade's propsition for Bender is legit as he reveals and his intent that he will bring Bender in on what they are planning to do.

The masked man also reveals the infosphere is for his continent and how can he improve the conditions, make it better and an ideal to live where he may be the emperor but he will do what it takes to help the people he has, and the people in the future. He has only little time to think this through due to everything and now has free time to do so now due to how much he had to do previously. This New World needs news leaders, and Slade feels he must take the role of an aspiring leader and innovator in the new multiverse.

Slade admits that this includes Bender and to an lesser extent Luan, and his truce with M.O.D.A.B is due in part to this as it would be too wrong to still feud or anything else after what happened with The Rowdy Ruff Boys and his V Team. He camps out with the others in the middle of the woods, Slade sits there unlike his other comrades and is seen pondering what his next move needs to be and what will Becker pull this time on their continent. Slade is ambushed by Becker and the crew and Becker tries to force him to give him the map and allow him to let Becker run his continent or he will die via decapitation at The Cartel's hands.

He refuses and they fight as well as Bean's team who fight. Slade loses the map to Becker and notices Bender fleeing from the fight which confuses him as well as Anti Cosmo and Harry. He is quick to note Luan is going after him, he decides he needs to keep Becker off them if they can't keep the map. Upon catching up to Luan and Bender, he asks what was that about. as they lost the map and know he has to see Bender run from something. Anti Cosmo gives Slade a glance in turn and they have a bit of an argument

He learns of Harry and Wile E's deduction of the map and uses a winch to lead the others to the sea as he tells Luan, Anti Cosmo and Bender that winchs are used to find water.

Chapter 3[]

Slade arrives at the sea with Wile E and Harry and states that it looks just right as his winch did just that. Considering his options, he has Anti Cosmo get a boat ready, ignoring Wile E's suggestion to use an Acme kit as Wile E thinks that they hid the good stuff from him. He and Harry both get to work on it as they discuss Anti Cosmo and Bender respectfully

Slade takes head of the ship with Anti Cosmo and Harry as they natigvate their boat to find a stop. He gets the torn part by Harry, and He tries to look at the torn part with Harry to try and figure out where to go afterwards. However this is when Becker's group ambushes them and tries to get rid of them. Slade deducts the dogs tracked them and goes after Muntz, putting Luan in charge of steering.

During his fight with Muntz, La Sombra manages to sink the ship and he is saved by Oona and Mona. He stays in the back, of the other 5 as they set sail. Slade was revealed to be asleep and had a nightmare about the past which he has been trying to bury. He sees Eddy and The V Team as Zombies who are guilt tripping him about his inability to save them and then he sees Becker get his hands on him and Becker restrains and attempts to cut Slade's head off as Becker gloats that he will take over his kingdom

Slade then wakes up and is told they have arrived and in turn Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harry and Wile E are dropped off by Oona and Mora to continue their part of their quest.

Chapter 4[]

Slade sees the mountains and like Bender he agrees they need to go up them. Even though Anti Cosmo reminds both of them that it may not be on the map. He still decides it's the best interest to do so.He does though listen to Harry and Luan respectively and decides to wait for night and that he will help Luan like Bender and AC getting up there. Before this he apologizes to Anti Cosmo about his lash out at him and Bender as well, He admits he's not the best as understanding things like this. Slade also honesty states that it may take some work but he'll try to cool it if or when Bender goes get that kind of fear in him again

Slade decides to get some rest alongside Bender, Luan and Wile E respectfully as they wait. Bender and Luan are both surprised at Slade's sleep patterns as of late. Noting that he is on edge like Bender is. The Two can tell that Becker is making Slade sweat unlike these other criminals or cartel rivals and combining The V Team situation, this all adds up Night is upon them, though he is still sleeping to Bender, Luan, Anti Cosmo, Harry and Wile E's concern. Luan pranks him to wake him up, Slade is asked why he slept so much. He states there's nothing wrong with sleeping, so why ask. Slade is still on edge due to Becker's intents for him. He helps Luan get up the mountains with Wile E, though Wile E tries to get Slade to say what he was thinking on. But Slade ignores him and tells Luan not to shock him with a joy buzzer if he helps her up the mountain.

Slade is quick to note Muntz, Sombra, Becker and the Cartel have indeed found them and advises caution to them as per Anti Cosmo's observations. It's indeed cautious as Slade is ambushed by Becker and his group, and he is threatened with blackmail if he doesn't give his contient to him. Slade doesn't back down and threatens he will bury Becker if he dares do that.

Bean and her posse show up and they have a 3 way brawl for the map, which Slade manages to get though Luan is kidapped indirectly by Bean and the others. He also kills a few more of Becker's men with Bender and the others to try and get Becker off his butt.

The 5 guys try to find Luan respectfully which isn't much help until Slade notes the foot prints and leads Bender, Wile E, Anti Cosmo and Harry Wells to find Luan.

Chapter 5[]

Slade tracks the  Tiabeanies and manages to find the location of where they are hiding and where Luan isKnowing if they really did trap Luan, he has Bender stay as it would be a way to get to him and has Wile E stay with him in case.

Leading his 2 top allies, he manages to sneak past the Dreamland court and finds Luan, he is surprised that she is not tied up.Learning it was an accident, Slade asks what did she learn and Luan tells Slade what she learnt respectfully. Slade praises this as it's something he would do.Slade is caught by Bean's group and before they can fight, Oona, Mona and Becker's groups show up on him.

Becker's men are mostly gunning for Slade as per his orders, and Slade is convinced that they need to put their differences aside with Bean, Zog, Luci and Elfo to deal with them. Though as he learns Becker, Stansfield and Jack The Ripper took a little visit to his land and basically slaughtered some of his innocent people and even burned them to death in a windmill which Becker directly did as a way to spite and punish Slade for not listening to him.

After dealing with Becker's group and facing off with them, Slade decides they see to get Wile E and Bender before Becker can get to the Infosphere. Slade says this with barely contained fury as Kostas Becker home invaded him and is out to kill his allies and friends, and that Kostas can technically attack him with no consequences if not dealt with now.Afterwards the united group goes back to where they left Bender and Wile E. Wile E tells them he was trying to find a short cut and tries to talk them about Wendy's text but they're already in on this. Slade decides to lead the others to find him as he has the map in case Becker finds him and tries to use him as leverage.

Slade and the group find Bender running and after catching up, he and Wells call Bender out for being a coward. Anti Cosmo calls him out for doing a similar thing regarding The V Team. Slade admits he wasn't that mad with Bender, he's just on serious edge about what Becker did and that He needs to stop That Psycho Old Man before he does any more damage. Slade and Bean both leading the others to the Infosphere decide 1st to get there uses it

Chapter 6[]

The heroes find the infosphere at the top of the mountain and they find it's power is enough to do some downright destructive stuff respectivelyApart from Luan, Stan and Wendy, all the heroes compete to get to the Infosphere and who should be the one using it. Slade's reason is so he can the proper guidance to improve his empire. This to him makes the ideal choice though Bean and the others are having something of this intent.

However this is rendered mood Becker arrives on spot with his men intend to take them all out at once. Slade stands his ground and decides not to bow to him. Slade and Anti Cosmo note the ax the Twins and Slade calls Becker insane even for his tastes. Slade holds Bender and Bean and talks to them and they all come to an agreement that were get rid of Becker and kill him or incaptivate him. When they happens they will decide peacefully who gets it, the two agree.

Slade fights Tuco Salamanca, The Twins, The Terrible Trio and Becker himself to make sure Becker doesn't  get the Infosphere, he manages to kill Tuco and The Terrible Trio with Bender and during his fight with Becker, his actions allow Hero and Nacho the opportunity to toss him off the mountain and kill him. Slade then sees Luan and Bender with the printed out request of the infosphere, He realizes that it had only one and states then Bender is getting what he wanted. Before he could talk to Bender on this, Slade hears the whistle and sees Death trap Bender with the intent to end him. This flabbergasts him though he temporarily breaks out of this to save Anti Cosmo who was blown by the fire wall Death set up to make sure no one else fights which he and Luan watch with AC.

As Bender fights Death, Slade and Harry both realize that Bender was telling the truth and feel bad for calling him a coward, now that they know the truth that Death really did exist and was likely why he took this offer to begin with. After Death spares Bender, Slade with Luan and Anti Cosmo approach Bender and he apologizes on the behalf of everyone else. Bender hands him the request, to use, Slade turns it down as part of a realization he had during that fight, he doesn't need anything fancy or anything to know when he needs to do and if Bender can let his desire go, then he can as well.

Becker returns with the Urobros Virus, and states he should have killed all them when they first meet. Slade states it was his mistake and this is all over. Becker isn't willing to back down and states he's getting started. Becker infects himself and tells Slade it's time to die. Slade stands his ground to this and saves Nacho from Becker. Observing Bender's current condition, he tells Bender to sit this out as he, Anti Cosmo and Luan will deal with this

Slade and the others take on Becker intend to make sure he doesn't get the infosphere in turn and destroy his continent, this gets worse when the moutntain begins to erupt and it turns out everyone when on a volcano as everyone is taking on Becker and doing what they can to bring him down. Bender, Luan and Wile E all inform him of a plan that they have to destroy the Infopshere so they have to make sure no else gets it. Slade gets everyone to agree with this and apart from Anti Cosmo, everyone works to destroy the Infopshere as Anti Cosmo and Slade take on Becker. They all find a way to escape from this and Becker tries to klll them by dragging them in. Anti Cosmo and Slade are given missile launchers which they use to kill Becker.

Anti Cosmo and Slade discuss the latter's intents with the Infosphere and how they felt they needed something so complicated to find out how to make their continent better when they had simple answers. Noting Nacho Varga, Slade recruits Nacho to work with him for safety against the Cartel as Becker was just a high level ranked member of the Cartel and to let him live in his contient.


With the help of Anti Cosmo, Harry Wells and the rest of his men, Slade has managed to make first personal project, affordable living for others and as he repairs everything. He welcomes Nacho to his land and gives him the low down on work, payment and what he has in mind

Anti Cosmo tells Slade that the rest of the personal projects are all going as planned to him, Slade understands and appreciates this as he is also shown how many people are waiting to get into his continent to live there. Slade instructs him to get his men to let them in, learn what he needs to know and show them everything needed

Slade contacts Harry and learns he found his daughter and did make some amends and Jessie will be joining them in their pursuits. He is still a bit unwilling to let his other allies join in any thing, but he admits it will take time.

Anti Cosmo and Slade contact Luan and Bender and they discuss their personal projects. Slade reveals he also had a vacation home here ready for Bender and Luan. Slade states that while the two don't live here, they are his people just like everyone who will be living here. He learns Becker was working for Don Eladio from Bender who states Gus mentioned this to him when seeing Deathstroke. Slade suspected Becker had a boss as he admits. Slade sends a hotline to Bender to use to get him in contact with him or Anti Cosmo so they do their own deals without monitoring being a potential problem.

Slade asks Anti Cosmo about why is he at the Casagrande Residence, Anti Cosmo admits he went for Cordon Bieu, but heard Bender talk about their establishment of Anglesmith Orgins and decided to join him on this. Slade accepts this as it was about high time people found out about it as opposed to speculations.

Double Life Emergence[]

Slade acts as one of the main characters as he is fighting to deal with the Cartel, who is out to sabotage and ruin him. He serves as one of the main 4 protagonists alongside Anti Cosmo, Bender and Luan.

Act 1[]

Episode 1[]

Slade has been fighting with Don Eladio and his cartel still as they have been after him for killing Becker and hindering their expanison plan more so. He does end up taking some hits to ruthless tactics enforced by Eladio's henchmen from his transportation methods.

He discovers from Bender through Anti Cosmo that they have a big case in China Town, who Wile E took as a client and overheard the attempts at assassinations as well. Slade decides to bring him and his 3 main allies in as well upon hearing Cartel work is in China Town to help Bender. As Nacho also is a former cartel member, he brings him in to assist the gang as he knows Nacho's former assocation will work for them.

Slade, Anti Cosmo, Celes, Nacho, Harry and Jesse have made preparations to head down to China Town though Nacho and Jessie discover that Eladio and his men have done something to Slade's empire before hand and inform Slade, Anti Cosmo and the others. Slade feels that someone has been sabotaging and giving away locations to what he has been up to and decides he needs to make some observations about his associates and activites.

He manages to meet up with Bender, Luan, Wile E, Bean, Elfo, Luci, Stan, Wendy, Captain Hero and G-Lo , With The Space Bandits arrive to inform Bender and his friends that Zix and them managed to talk to Bender, Luan and Wile E's client. Who it turns is Morgana who is ready to go after Slade thinking he's still after her boyfriend and his friends. Though Bender talks her down saying how he is on their side. She is reluctant but accepts and tells him and the others what is going on.

Episode 2[]

Slade overhears everything Morgana says about their case and like Bender shares the notes with the crew to try and figure out their plays. Slade decides to go get his informant and learn what is going on with Luci, Captain Hero and his allies who they go to see at a bar. He meets Tortugna, a high level Cartel member deciding to use his high level to get what he wants and thinks he could outwit the Cartel, Slade takes some consideration and records this.

He remeets with Bender to discuss with what they both came up with before attending a school play by P.S: 38 where Slade becomes aware of a cartel attack which he goes after and has Harry and Jesse get the others out before he helps the others escape and head to the hotel the star Dee Dee is staying at.

Slade figures fast Dee Dee must have been eavesdropped on something and thus knows too much. When he hears gunshots, Slade helps Bender, Wile E, Captain Hero, Bean, Anti Cosmo, and the others to fight the Cartel and manages to deal with Don Eladio's top assassin as he does so. After this, Slade and Bender both discover the Cartel was tracking them through Mike and that Anton Chrieguth was the man who tried to kill nearly every member of Bender's group. With Bender questioning how he's around, Slade alongside Bender, Anti Cosmo and Luan question just how many people were brought back by the events of The Spear of Destiny or what happened with Thanos and Darkseid.

He and Anti Cosmo ponder and consider getting Tortaguga again for intel, but they find a deadline as Slade realizes that the turtle man might have been comprised and gets his crew to check the bar. He ends up being proven right about this, and discovers the bartender has no idea what went down and can't let him observe the cameras. He has Nacho bring Bender, Luan, Stan and Wile E to assist in checking things up which they all do and manage to get the cameras checked thank to Wile E and Bender. They discover he was taken away by Don Bolsa and the Cousins, The Space Bandits call him and the others out to see something.

Slade catches on Bolsa and The Cousins found out about Tortuga ratting to Slade about the Cartel and punished him by cutting his head off and putting explosives in a turtle which blow up on him, Bender, Stan, Anti Cosmo, Wile E, Luan and Jesse. He then finds his Slade Bots and they attack him, Slade attacks his Slade Bots as he notes someone took control of his own robots and used them against him. He commends Jesse for staying on top of this before heading off to find The Police arresting Captain Hero for their explosive crimes.

Episode 3[]

Slade and his crew return from their thing and he is still trying to figure who rigged his Slade Bots against him, putting less priority on the trigger on his informant. Slade decides to get some info on Dee Dee about what has happened and discovers through Dee Dee that Hero and Nacho are both being targeted by Cartel work and what they did to Hero will make Bolsa killing Tortuga look gentle for selling out them to Slade for info considering his rivarly with The Cartel. Slade, Anti Cosmo and Celes know how traitors get dealt with there and the trio decide that might be what they are dealing with, as Slade knows someone could have only controlled his Slade Bots if they not only had some tech knowledge but also if someone knew his work personally.

Co-opearting with Bender and Luan, Slade decides to look into how his Slade bots got rigged and use Dreamland as his place of choice with Anti Cosmo. He and AC decide to do this while Luan and Bender deal with Morgana as all their hands are full. Slade is informed by Nacho that he is going to try and get Captain Hero out of jail, Slade warns him that The Cartel will want him for revenge as Dee Dee said so and that the lion's den is where he is going. Nacho reassures him that he has this under control, Luci and The Space Bandits can help him with that

Slade comes with Anti Cosmo, Harry and Celes to Dreamland with Elfo, Bean and G-Lo joining him with him getting Elfo, Bean and Celes to go with him to investigate the Slade Bots that was damaged. Slade has Celes go up to break the bots up, which she does and then the two discover that when they were rigged it was by someone who had the inner mechanics of working on his stuff. Slade opens up another Sladebot and notices they were reset and were given some new orders to destroy their former employer. Celes asks how does Slade figure this it true, Slade just knows that someone who knows his operations well was behind this. Slade has a clue but he needs more confirmation to prove it.

Bean and Elfo come back with the bullet saying that a specific bullet not seen before by any of them. Though as Bean and Elfo do note, they havn't seen the kind of firearms used or have the knowledge they do. Though thankfully Mop Girl who arrives does know and explains to them these kind of bullets and weapons come from distrubtors that only sell to Cartel members and they are customer made based on what they want. Bean and Slade look into it and note that this was made to effective and to prevent sounds from being made as Mop Girl informs them that it wasn't just this kind of bullet but also an another sort of weapon that Anton had. She tells the 4 to duck as Anton and Gaff followed them and try to discourage and by discourage they mean hopsitalize or kill them by trying to assassinate them. Bean and the others see Gaff, but no sight of Anton who acts quiet and stealth as he tries to shoot Bean to get Slade. Slade and Celes decide to stand their ground against Gaff and Mop Girl. Mop Girl and Slade find themselves trying to avoid Gaff who taking multiple shots to try to snipe one of them finding a way to pierce his helmet.

Slade notes his ruthlessness and with them manages to force Gaff to flee though he does have Anti Cosmo clean up Socrio's room so Mop Girl doesn't have trouble with him. They return to the others and Slade with Anti Cosmo reports to Bender and Luan on had happened on their sides. Slade and Anti Cosmo report what they found to Bender and Luan in turn to them exchanging their info. After The Space Bandits with Wile E and Nacho manage to make a connection on Milton Midas so that Bender could get the info on what Midas did back with Morgana. Intend to see if Midas will say anything or slip up, Slade decides to take no chances and with Luan and Wile E decides to have Bender wears wires.

Episode 4[]

Slade decides to set an location for Bender to engage with Milton Midas to acquire the info and has WIle E, Nacho and The Space Bandits assist him in doing so they can acquire the ingo needed. He then sits in his chair as Wile E, Luan and himself go to listen to the conversation and see if Midas incriminates himself. Bender, Wile E and Luan then go with Slade and observe the info later and note how Midas his info how he was the one behind what Bender, Wile E, Luan and the others had to deal. Stan and Wendy further confirm this to him with their own research on Flavored Beard Yummy Yums and how Midas was sabotaging Morgana's own business.

Slade knows this was a front for cartel work and decides to enact some payback towards them for what they did to his empire. Harrison also informs of what he had discovered with the slade bot and on the inside they were operated, so whoever did this had very familiar knowledge on them. Slade takes this into consideration and decides to look into it later as he hands axes to Dee Dee, Celes, and The Space Bandits so they can wreck the vending machines which they do so as Bender and Anti Cosmo lead some of the others as well. With the machines wrecked, Slade is content with how he secured payback on them at the moment, though he discovers that from Zix there is something about water which he goes to look into. Anti Cosmo and Slade question Titan being around as he does and the duo decide to press Morgana about something as he has a hunch like AC, Bender, Wile E and Mop Girl.

Episode 5[]

Slade and Luan find G-LO still working on the tracker found by Bean as she wants to find out this all happened to how Anton did so. Slade decides to deal with it in the morning as he lets Luan just talk with her. As he heads to bed. The next day, Harry informs Slade about the Blockers as well as Anti Cosmo with Wile E. Slade says the Blockers are part of his robots though they're not his, he does say that they are actually HIVE robots and that he had some kind of deal with the HIVE A while ago as his connection to the criminal underworld was highly vast.

As Anti Cosmo and Celes decide to join Morgana at the farm, Slade joins Luan, Bean and the others to go looking for the tracker Anton used and heads down town. Slade takes out his staff and keeps his guard alert to insure that he can't be taken back so easy. Slade discovers more Blockers that have arrived and Slade just takes them out with ease and looks into their tech he takes out of one and begins to theorize that someone who has ties to The HIVE may be the ones who went through his tech,

After finding the others, Slade learns the tracker was from his own empire. He learns Anton must have stolen it from him alongside Gaff and has to stop delaying his investigations into his empire at this point. Slade decides to put up a look into what had occured with his empire in the latest time.

Episode 6[]

Slade looks into what possible farm land could be in danger with the others to figure out a pattern to deal with the situation Morgana had. He decides on checking the Green Farms with Anti Cosmo and Bender assisting him since he feels as the top targets of The Cartel, they can distract anyone who may be targeting them. Anti Cosmo and Bender agree with Slade since The Cartel is after them for Becker and Chakai's deaths as well as Tuco's death. Before the trio can make their leave, Luan and Harry tell them of their actions with Deathstroke when it comes to Merlyn and Guzma being imprisoned due to Midas suing for the snacks he peddled to others and contimated Morgana's restaurant on opening night. Slade isn't too shocked considering both him and Bender has a wire recording Midas a bit ago. He is still sounding irked at MIdas having the gawl to put a lawsuit and restraining order on the group and succeeding with this no less.

Dee Dee, Stan and Wendy share their theories of a conspiracy and corruption in a water park being open during this point of the year and with the drought in China Town with Slade and the others. Slade agrees with this and reminds the kids one step at a time and that they can't just go rush into this they need to look a little further into this before making this connection. He and Anti Cosmo decide to also set up a plan to make sure he can discover any leaks in his empire and puts Jessie and Nacho on it, as well as recurit G-LO to assist in this as well.

Bender, Anti Cosmo and himself arrive at Green Family farms and learn it was purchased by a billionaire, though Slade doesn't see any billionaire on the premises and decides to raid it but gently. Anti Cosmo, Slade and Bender all begin taking a look around and discover the history of the farms and the many curses it has dealt with, even uncovering the previous owners as well and it's foreclosure due to the actions of the Greens. Slade even points out Bender would totally do what the ex wife did to that dairy farm. He asks if they have found anything and Bender tells Slade he has acquired a history on who acquired the farm land and Anti Cosmo had figured out the more criminal actions committed to keep the farm going.

Warden Norton arrives armed intend to bring the main 3 targets of the Cartel to jail so he can have Pablo murder the 3 like Deathstroke's associates. Slade is undettered having figured The cops would follow him and though Norton arrives with guards to detain the evidence uncovered by Slade, Bender and Anti Cosmo. They refuse to go down with the Warden due to Nacho and Hero informing him of the corruption of the Warden threatening Norton if he arrests him, Bender or AC he will expose Norton and place him in prison with all the prisoners Warden Norton kept a look and had Hadley beat on it. Norton refuses to back down, but decides that he will at this point as he knows Slade isn't bluffing due to his empire. Anti Cosmo, Slade and Bender then return to the others and tell them of their encounter with Norton and what they discovered at the Greens' country farm and what had happened as Slade mentions the curses of the Green Farms which was there before hand and how each generation has a curse and says the drought could be one for this one.

Learning of what Zix, Travoltron and Tee were all up to in looking into Lake Chapala, Slade decides that it will be necessary now to check on what Dee Dee, Stan and Wendy said earlier. Though lets Bender take in charge of this operation as he is the P.I as Slade would be more sketchy to see than Bender by civilians. As Dee Dee shows worry for her parents and their lack of words as she vents to Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo on this. Bender hands Dee Dee a burner phone to call her parents where she tells them what's going on, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender all discuss themselves the risk of Dee Dee doing so, since she's in the game and it will be unwise to tell her parents of it as it will get in or at least game adjacent. He does commend Bender for just using the burner phone as opposed a cell phone so if the Cartel finds out it won't be through that call.

Jessie, Nacho and G-LO present what they found at Slade's Empire to him, Anti Cosmo, Harry and Celes about what they found which is a detail to the leaks that their saboteur committed on them. Slade is not surprised at the dealing with HIVE, learns the trackers, Sladebots and how locations were leaked to The Cartel to sabotage his shipments. Something catches his eye as well which he decides to discuss later with Anti Cosmo Alone. Later the two discuss what caught Slade's eye and it turns out that Slade discovered their leaker had ties to the Brotherhood of Evil who he had eyes on since his resurrection dealing with Trigon. Anti Cosmo asks if Slade knows anyone who joined them, Slade says he had an eye on this and decides to pay him a visit or have him come to the duo.

Act 2[]

Episode 7[]

Slade has Anti Cosmo take them to Jump City to pick the pieces of the last time, Slade went up against The Teen Titans and check out his first hideout Slade was at during the events he tried to make Robin his apprentice. Slade got back in touch with his former butler and friend Wintergreen who he sent as a mole to the Brotherhood of Evil when he learned of the group's plans after The Teen Titans helped the Doom Patrol. Slade gets Wintergreen's assistance on what he does know as his butler hands Slade and Anti Cosmo what he found for them in the members saying how one of them will likely have been who was working to undermine him and his empire.

Following this, Slade and Anti Cosmo poof over to Paris and they discover the lair of The Brotherhood of Evil which they break into and notice how most of the villains are on ice including the Brain. Slade discovers that the Cartel got to and killed his butler with Anton and Gaff being the ones to do so. Slade points out the Cartel is really having it out for him considering how far they're going with this. This confirms to him the Brotherhood Of Evil is an affilation of who has been selling him out as he tells Anti Cosmo.

Both of them get back to Bender and his group, and report this to them as Anti Cosmo and Slade decide to bring Bender in on this to help them. Nacho and Jessie though arrive to confirm that there may be something of interest before returning.

Episode 8[]

Slade with Anti Cosmo, Jessie and Nacho investigate what they found on the Brotherhood of Evil joined by G-LO who he has to explain some of his details of his life as a vastly connected criminal mastermind in Jump City and his history to figure who is acting against him now.

He, Anti Cosmo and Bender at a pitstop discuss what they all discussed and how this is connected to Morgana and Milton Midas where the trio locate a lab and Slade notices Jessie and Nacho's uneasiness and asks is there something they need to tell him. Slade discovers that this lab was in the notes left by someone at the empire, Slade comments on how sloopy this is and knows this is a trap as he is ready to raise some hell. G-LO brought in Captain Putty and Bicep to break into the lab.

Slade's suspicions are spot on as he, Anti Cosmo, Jessie and Nacho notice that more of Slade's allies are lying on the floor dead and Slade suspects that his saboteur is luring him here. Frank Underwood and Johnny Orm introduce themselves to him and his allies like Bender. Slade doesn't trust either of them but he does tell the three, that despite this, they're not the killers. Slade decides he has to bury them himself as he tells Anti Cosmo and Bender. He turns the latter's request to dissolve them in acid as they're his men and sees it as undignified though Bender, Anti Cosmo and himself did this to Chakai.

They pay their respects though Luci does annoy him with his usual troll like ways, after he gives his memorial to them. Bender and the gang come back with their suspects they narrowed it down to, Slade admits he thought these people himself and the cases presented against him proves it. Slade also learns about Harry and Celes knowing about Bliss themselves when they call him and the allies about this. To his surprise Felciity Smoak arrives to tell him, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Bender and Luan about what she found on the drug with Deathstroke.

Episode 9[]

Felciity shows the video footage to Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Luan and Dee Dee to show how Midas got his hands on Bliss. Showing the evidence of Milton killing Skumm and acquiring some other precious properties too, though neither of them are identifed yet by the heroes. But Bender does add to his file of the case he was offically throw at Midas once his plan is foiled, Slade does remember this as well as like he would note, Bender and him are playing the long game against Milton

Bender and Slade's group go to look around for the bliss to destroy it, only to run into teens and kids on Bliss who are out to kill them as Midas has ordered their deaths and even gave them firearms with Pablo and Machine Head leading this. It turns into an all out mexican stand off between the heroes, Midas Pablo and Machine Head, Hector and The Cousins and Big Jack Horner.

Slade takes charge with the rest of his allies, as Bender joined by Luan, Wile E, Stan and Wendy go after Milton.

Slade, Anti  Cosmo, Harry and the others finish their showdown with their Cartel foes, though it's for some naught. As Midas gloats about there are more kids to put this through and he'll keep it making Bliss as he still has the recipe to use for his own uses.

The Group retread what they saw happen, and Felciity goes to return to Deathstroke and the others with what happened. With Putty deciding to cover it up to take care of it. Though they are able to get the Bliss and the other drugs away from the public. It does seem to be a bit of an actual problem for them as they are noticing how they were present during a mass death situation and that the Police will likely pin it on them.

Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo decide to bring Dee Dee to her folks in witness protection. They discover something else associated with EWW Corp as well. The Three take a page on what they learnt She and her friends got involved and discover a mess that Milton Midas had a hand thanks to what they found out. Stealing a boat, the trio decide to go the isle where they find a lot of trash as well a decaying corpse and ashes where the trio goes to Luan and Wile E on this.

Slade, Anti Cosmo, Bender, Luan and Wile E discuss what they had found with the EWWW Corp in Racliff with Harry, Bean, Hero, Stan and Celes about what was discovered by them.

Episode 10[]

Captain Putty arrives to confirm that Midas has build a case against the heroes as a result of what happened. Bender, Luan, Slade and AC all don't seem too suprised by this. Bender suspects Putty is lying, but he won't take this chance as he, Anti Cosmo and Slade tell Luan that they blackmailed the warden earlier who tried to arrest them.

Bender and Anti Cosmo decide to go chase down the farm ploys Midas is placing up while Luan, Slade and Harry decide to go acquire Cinderblock to assist in detailing Plasmius.

Luan and Slade head back to Jump City with Harry, As G-Lo, Captain Hero, Jessie, Nacho and Putty watching for cover as with most of them have already been here and aren't willing to deal with the cops. Slade remembers where they will have to go to find Cinder Block and he stays in front of Luan so Cinderblock doesn't attack her. The two call Harry and Harrison and the rest of the team have found a circuit board with Harry knows is Overload who was nullifed after the deal with the rest of the team with Wile E and Jessie helping to try and bring him back. Putty goes on his own with Captain Hero and G-Lo accompanying him on this

Luan and Slade both make way into finding Slade's man Cinderblock who Slade knows is in prison and Flass with Yates is closely following behind. Slade does manage to arrive at Cinderblock's cell and he stops him from harming Luan saying he will need the big block man's assistance once again this time to deal with his own allies as Plasmius is being used by Midas. Flass and Yates sic a power like Overloads on Slade, Luan and Cinderblock. Slade, Luan, Cinderblock, Captain Putty, Captain Hero and G-Lo all look as the cops arrive to bring them into custody so Norton can take revenge on Slade for the blackmailing attempt.

Slade, Luan, Putty, Captain Hero, G-LO with Cinderblock fight off the cops and the Overload Clone who try to arrest them. Slade and G-LO both show awarity that they are going to be make things worse for them regarding the cops. But they need to prove the police are dirty and Slade does know how to deal with both Overload and Plasmius as they aren't as loyal as Cinderblock this he and the stone man do against the Overload clone

Luan, Slade, Harry, Jessie, Wile E, Captain Hero, Nacho and G-Lo all decide to use the cops to their advantages and Slade puts a tracker on Yates and Flass so he can potentially find out more about who is really in charge. Slade hands Harry and Jessie the second part of the tracker so they can at a lock on on this. Luan, Slade and Harry learn from Bender and AC that what happened with Morgana's farm as well as what happened with Plasmius. Slade and Luan both knew this would happen.

All The heroes all return to each other from their treks and inform each other of what happened on their own ends as well as to what expect. The Heroes now know that they must make their own decisions now when it comes to The Farm lands, Questioning Tom Hagen and the slurry work Dee Dee under covered

Episode 11[]

The First thing that is decided upon on to is that they must question Tom Hagen based on what was Milton's own plan to begin with at Morgana's farm. Putty is able to allow the group assess  to where Tom Hagen is placed away

The Gang question Tom Hagen on this and while Tom doesn't sell Midas out. He does inform them that Midas is intend to start auctioning off water for sale with his business. Slade and his forces question him on if he knows anything on the mole. Tom Hagen decides to sell out Chang and tells them that he was present at the scene of Midas's own plot at Morgana's farm. Tom was show them if they just let him loose for the time, Slade and Anti Cosmo show skepticalism at this, though Celes and Nacho offer to keep track of him, which Slade, AC and Harry agree to

Luan, Bender, Wile E, Dee Dee, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harrison call up Deathstroke and tell him about the water sanctions/acutions that Tom Hagen informed them about. Deathstroke advises the group to go the auctions and buy ractions of water so they can sent it to him so he and others can test in case Midas has other angle. Dee Dee comments that it says a lot about the insanity of the cartel to vouch for such a decision for more money, Putty tells her that anyone will do anything for money as it's one of the greatest motivations this gives Dee Dee, Bender, Luan, Wile E, Slade and Anti Cosmo supscion

Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Dee Dee Harry, Wile E, Stan, Wendy, G-LO, Bicep and Captain Putty all decide to pool their money together as they head off to the auction that Midas has set up for the water that the group does know he stole. Bender, Dee Dee, Luan and the kids decide on using this as a perfect cover so they can disover Midas's true agenda with this as what Deathstroke suspects. Slade admits he alone could afford a lot and that by doing so he will have Harry inspect it with him and Anti Cosmo.

Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Luan, Wile E, G-Lo, Bicep and Captain Putty all manage to enter the auctions being held by Midas. As they come ready to secure some resources for themselves and Deathstroke. s the auctions go underway, the heroes are noticing the cops are watching them and that they have to tread carefully. Slade and Wile E manage to bargain and get their hands on a few quarts, though Luan and Harry also note that it's odd Captain Putty isn't trying to get any when he explains he has a lot of useable water already to them. G-LO also manages to outbid a few as well and uses her powers to help Slade and Wile E get some guarrantees. 

Listeing to what Captain Hero and the others have told them upon their discoery, Slade learns of the deal they made with Hagen and that his associate Professor Chang was the one feeding info to the cartel on his actions. Anti Cosmo and Bender both are aware of him themselves thanks to their connecitons to Slade and The Teen Titans. The three ask among themselves if Chang is to be worried about and while they agree, Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo all believe that Midas is the real problem as Chang is working for him and it's why Midas has such favor with the cartel's top dog

The Crew also learn about the head of the Cartel's identify to be Don Eladio Vuerte and his right hand man Juan Bolsa as Hagen decided to infrom them about who was really the hierachy in the Cartel. Luan, Wile E, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Slade and Harry ask Captain Hero and Nacho if Eladio was behind Kostas Becker which they confirm. Hero and Nacho explain how Eladio found recrurits and what they know about the guy and that Gus would know something too cosnidering what they did to him. G-LO says that they need to tell Putty about this if needed so he can do so something

Luan gets a phone call from her parents saying that They are coming down to the border of Mexico as they have warned about dangerous things were getting down there by a undercover cop. Bender tells them that he has no idea where this came from and she's with him so they will be safe. Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harry suspect that this might be a trap by the Cartel to get Luan to lower her guard since they have no idea who can be a trusty worthy cop other than possibly Officer Affable.

Now with Slade knowing Eladio is behind this. He decides to not mess around and go to plan an attack on Eladio immediatly to cripple the Cartel. Anti Cosmo and the other members of Slade's team decide to aid Slade in their tacial plan. Dee Dee and the Space Bandits decide to go looking for Eladio's House so they can plan the attack most needed. Harry decides he will take this in his own hands afterwards. As anyone else will be too obivous to ambush Eladio. Slade and Anti Cosmo agree to give him leaveway here as they go to try and track down Professor Chang and his paper trial with the rest as Slade must devise a plot to capture Professor Chang and find out why he sold him out to the Cartel.

Episode 12[]

Meanwhile Slade and his allies who are plotting the attack against Don Eladio and how Harry will go through with the move. Slade notices that what he does  know thanks to Nacho and Captain Hero is that Eladio will be simple to take out as all he does is lye in the pool and get gifts, as Eladio isn't a really strong or fighter guy so sending anyone could be a brilliant idea. Anti Cosmo tells Slade and co that Dee Dee has found that every major member has a idea where Eladio lives and she will be consdering to Gus Fring on the locale. Celes agrees with this and if they can get his help, they can find his house and even get a idea of what the house looks. Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harry decide to send Jessie Wells to get the info once Dee Dee and The Space Bandits get in touch with Gus.

Jessie and Nacho are curious about Professor Chang and how Slade knows him and he decides to reveal what he knows on the Professor and explains the events that went down where Chang was fired. As Chang created his Slade Bots and was part of the science division, he was fired due to being insubordinate to his fellow science allies and for aligning with Bender as Chang hated that Slade and Anti Cosmo had Bender help them out for missions he felt his Slade bots would do better.

Dee Dee and The Space Bandits return with what they discovered about the whereabouts of Don Eladio and that Gus wants the heroes to save Hector for him which Harrison decides to get ready for as Slade, Anti Cosmo and Jessie now have a map on way to his whereabouts and a inside view of his home thanks to Anti Cosmo and Slade's own abilities to do just that. Slade and Anti Cosmo have managed to secure the enterances and exits to Don Eladio's house in secret instructing Harry to go through them and to either capture or gather incrimnating stuff about Eladio with Dee Dee, Mop Girl and Elfo joining him. Bender and Wile E offer to help out too as they have a personal score with Midas now to deal with. Deathstroke and Felcitiy do get a hold of them before the six leave and warn them of the upcoming quarrintine Deathstroke will have to go through this as well as the rat rot Milton Midas has used and contaimated the water with. Slade, Anti Cosmo and the others have already considered contaimation as a option and have been boiling the water purchased

Bender, Harry, Wile E, Dee Dee, Mop Girl and Elfo and  all arrive into Don Eladio's house and using what Slade and Anti Cosmo managed to acquire. They break into the house undetected and begin snooping around for files on Eladio, Midas or whoever. Dee Dee, Mop Girl and Elfo notice rat dropping and snoop them showing them to Bender ,Wile E and Harrison who keep them and they are suspcious as Eladio isn't here. Slade and Anti Cosmo feel that Eladio could have been aware of this or just when out to get supplies as they know from Nacho and Hero he is often stuck to his pool.

Every one remaining has headed to the hopsital where the news is dropped about what happened to Morgana with someone of the gang trying to calm Dee Dee down as she was so left in trauma and shock over the actual deceased corpse. This is when The Mcawbers arrive to see their daughter and Harrison, Elfo and Mop Girl Explain this to them what happened. Bender, Luan, Slade and Anti Cosmo think on the baby as do Wile E, Bean and Captain Hero when the doctor arrives telling them she is still giving birth at the time some how. Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Luan run into the room with Harrison noticing it and Slade tells AC to deliver the child recalling the the time he delivered Poof. Anti Cosmo heistant yet goes through with it with Dr.Wells despite his claim he's not a doctor which Bender, Luan and Slade watch and the Mcawbers try to arrive to check on this though Luan tries to cover it until it turns the child of Morgana's turned to be to the horror of everyone a still born which Harry deducts was exposure to radioactive elements.

With Morgana's death and stillborn still fresh this causes an arguement between Slade and Bender about to tell the latter's friends or to keep it secret. As Bender is already on edge about Brick and Butch's hiding of their deaths while Slade having being told about Harry's deal with the cops points out how risky this move if he does. Harry and Luan both side obviously with Slade and Bender though Anti Cosmo sees both sides of the argument that they are having. Bender, Anti Cosmo, Slade, Luan and Harry all begin to ponder a way around all this and they get a idea to report it to the newspaper Darkwing reads to insure the news is delivered. Luan takes the phone  and decides to call in the anymous tip which Anti Cosmo and Bender provide for her as Slade and Harry consider the play to check up and see if it reaches the group.

Calling Slade and Anti Cosmo, Bender tells the two that they need to go investigating even further as Anti Comso questions what happened. Bender informs the two that the paper was censored as they said  Morgana was killed ,but it said she died in a car accident which he knows is BS and tells them that Putty followed him down here. Slade and Anti Cosmo agree to this immediatly without any further questions. Slade says this because he believes Putty followed Bender much like how Chang got dirt on his and Anti Cosmo's empire and says that the two will meet him at the archives. Bender and Dee Dee return to Slade and Anti Cosmo at the archvies and are joined by The Space Bandits and Mop Girl who has been aiding the two in their search. They all discovered that the press actively avoids discussing anything about The Cartel hence why Morgana's death was conisdered a car accident. The reason as Anti Cosmo, Slade and Mop Girl put it is because the last one who did was shot in the head for it. Bender and Dee Dee are both more agitated because it feels like the diffculity keeps climbing for how they will deal with Milton Midas

Slade and Anti Cosmo decide on plotting their next move with the rest of the team while waiting for another strike

Act 3[]

Episode 13[]

Slade waits for Bender to call him back and when he gets a call from Bender, he learns it was Professor Chang who forced Bender to call him to tell Slade he has them and wants to bring him and his right hand man as Chang wants to talk to the three. Slade says if Chang wants to talk, they will do now, but is told he has to come with just Anti Cosmo in the room, with no weapons or backup and they will. Slade annoyed with Chang decides to set a plot to deal with the Cartel there afterwards and puts Harry, Celes and the others in charge of it.

When he and Anti Cosmo open into the hotel room, Professor Chang tasers Slade and has him and Bender tied up. He learns Professor Chang wants him alongside Bender and Anti Cosmo to get a super solider project for him and MIlton Midas in Russia. Slade is blackmailed by Professor Chang with threats/promises that Chang can ruin his empire before he bulds it up with Anti Cosmo and that is enough for him. Discussing with Anti Cosmo and Bender what to do, Slade takes the deal and then has his allies go after the Cartel afterwards.

Post, Escaping. Slade decides he is going to Russia with Bender, Anti Cosmo, and the others to get the weapon and decides he will use the weapon against Professor Chang as revenge for attempting to blackmail him and to insure he can turn the tables on Midas. Joined by the group he goes with, Slade discovers some tails on Solider Boy before he is attacked by Dick Dastardly, Razorbeard and Skurvy which makes Slade double down on this as he notes Midas was trying to kill them anyway.

Running into Little Nina after arrivalIng to Russia, Slade plots with Malcolm Merlyn, Bender and Harry to get rid of Little Nina as soon as they get to the lab knowing with the her crime boss associates following them indicates bad news. Upon arrival, Little Nina handcuffs Slade to try and have him killed, thanks to quick thinking on Mop Girl and Harrison, Slade escapes and helps kill Little Nina with the aforementioned three. He joins Bender, Luan, Anti Cosmo and Harry Wells to find Solider Boy's tube and sees him awaken, break his restraints and head off.

Episode 14[]

Slade chases after Solider Boy with the rest of the team and has Anti Cosmo and Dee Dee go looking into them convincing the latter to use a Super Leaf to do so. After being told, he with Anti Cosmo and Bender go to investigate Professor Chang learning of the Red Star Project and other super solider projects that he had been doing here while engaging in double deals, which Slade discovers he was doing even when Professor Chang was still working with him. Slade admits to the two that he was having Chang freelance in his operation when it came to Tech and his deals with the Hive, he does admit that The Red Star project was something he had no awarity of and rolls his eye at the petty motive Chang has in greed.

Upon confronting Solider Boy, Slade and Bender approach him with a team up against their enemy Professor Chang, though hesistant Solider Boy agrees if they help get revenge on his team Payback. Slade agrees to this thinking as he can understand a thing about a lack of graitude though Luan does address her concerns to him ,Bender and Anti Cosmo. Slade tells Luan that insurance was considered and that she shouldn't worry so much. This move is agreed upon being consulted by Deathstroke on this decision.

Upon finding Crimson Countess's locale, he helps get her distracted by taking her to allow Solider Boy to have his way with her. Before going after The TNT twins, Slade gets attacked by the cops who want revenge on him for his blackmail of Warden Norton and with the rest of the team fight them to insure Solider Boy stays on their side. Arriving at The TNT manor, he shows disgust at what is going on saying how could someone come with this kind of thing. He notices Solider Boy going on a rampage and purses him with the gang to get him to calm down from the Russian Music.

Episode 15[]

With Bender, Anti Cosmo and Luan, Slade chases Solider Boy on his rampage and tokes him while Anti Cosmo uses Red X equipment on him. Later he and Luan go to get the rest of the team to converse about the plans. He then finds Underwood and his group later and learns what they know on Midas, Slade says that he knew Solider Boy is very violent so it was in his best interest to use tokes to keep him sedated.

Slade then joins up with the team to find Gunpowder and Mindstorm, the former gets killed by Anton who Slade fights with his own firearms with Malcolm, Anti Cosmo and Harry before heading to find MIndstorm who he avoids getting his worst nightmare with Anti Cosmo and Mop Girl and is able to help break the others out of their own control as Solider Boy kills Mindstorm. With their mission, it is decided to head on home with Slade noting Colonel Kubritz who is trying to stop them from returning and he without hesitation goes to fight back.

He discovers what Midas is up to from Claire, as he returns to see what his sub-ordinates are up to while he was away. Later, He, Anti Cosmo and Bender are told of what Luan and Harrison were looking into when it came to their own investigation.

Episode 16[]

Slade goes to investigate the actions Midas has been up to and learns about Midas deciding to break in what he did to Fring and take over his restaruants and Morgana's farms. As Bender and his gang steal the chickens for analysis or eating, Slade decides to torch the restaruant and enlists Nacho to do this so he can force Midas to pay up more.

This action is one of the reasons, The cops try to arrest him and his allies though Slade attempts to throw this at Putty by revealing he knows what Putty did with G-LO. Slade decides to investigate the other businesses thinking rightfully Midas had took over the rest of Gus's restaruants

Episode 17[]

He and Bender discover this indeed did happen and look into the products Midas sells and that Slade is able to deduct the Cartel was trying to turn people into living food for The eagle to use as a way to make more money and to keep his status as leader of the Cartel. Slade holds the envidence he had his allies take and gives it to Bender as the two decide they must shut down his operations before it's too late.

Midas does have him attacked with the heroes and he decides to fight off the chickens with his full force even though Bender told him not too as they are still his friends. Slade points out that if they were, then why aren't his friends acting like that they're acting like mindless beasts. This is when he agrees to have Midas killed for this

Episode 18[]

He and Anti Cosmo like Bender find themselves threatened as Chang is going to vaporirze his empire out of revenge using what he made for Red X and that he will obtain what he got from some of Red Star's operation. Slade and Anti Cosmo swear to get Chang for the action he is trying to do and that they and Bender decide to head first to stop the Cartel.

When Firestorm does attack as Vostok, Slade goes up against her and helps kill her before being brough to Luan and Harry where he learns Solider Boy's powers and what they can do and he decides that they must turn him in. He does agree with the non lethal idea and that Wile E is likely the best choice.

Act 4[]

Episode 19[]

Slade masterminds the plot to deal with Midas and the Cartel in tow with Anti Cosmo, Bender and Deathstroke so they can plot their counter attack on him. He and AC open the attack up on Midas so that the others can follow suit on this. He also brings The Space Bandits to help find a way to get to Chang and has Solider Boy go to deliver the Professor to him to retaliate against Chang for threatening his empire.

He ends up discovering that Chang self mutilated himself as a cyborg from Solider Boy after Solider Boy had him put down and pulverized. He joins with Anti Cosmo, Harry, Bender, Luan, Wile E, Bean and Captain Hero to inflitrate the lab and take control with Harry and Wile E making the agent to deal with Solider Boy.

Episode 20[]

As what Saul Goodman suggests, he captures Gavin for them and helps kill the corrupt cops while having Jessie and Celes get his people to safety as Chang had fired off his weapon at the empire. He and Bender manage to stop Zed and his operations, killing him together so they can go for Chang and Midas when he does with Anti Cosmo and Harry

Episode 21[]

The Trio face off with Professor Chang and have a long battle with him as they intend to stop him from furthering supplying Midas as the eagle is dealing with Bender, Luan and Wile E who took him up. They are not able to fully stop his machine but are able to bring down Professor Chang as a Cyborg. He orders Chang's arrest and to rid of his cypernetics as Chang is not worth even killing at this point.

Regrouping with Bender, Luan, Deathstroke and Wile E, Slade discovers Solider Boy has gone south and now they realize that they need to stop him from going nuclear on Celes and Jessie. They find Solider Boy, and Slade orders down as Deathstroke attacks him.

Episode 22[]

Slade, Deathstroke, Bender and Anti Cosmo all fight Solider Boy and they find themselves getting a taste of why he was so feared to begin with. After meeting the rest of the gang he plans with Anti Cosmo and Bender to get rid of Soldier Boy's nuke powers and that them and the president can insure this as Harry, Wile E, Luan and the arriving Dee Dee can gas Solider Boy into the Ice Box.

Co-oping with Bender and Deathstroke, He goes head to head again and as Anti Cosmo contains the blow out. With the help of the team, Slade is able to defeat Solider Boy with the group and seal him back. Slade is suprised how well Solider Boy took him, Anti Cosmo and Bender defeating him.

Episode 23[]

He deals with the aftermath of the situation of what The Cartel did and has the rest of his allies clean up so he can insure the recovery of what his empire took as a result of Chang, Midas and Anton's actions

Episode 24[]

He, Anti Cosmo and Harry remeet Bender and Luan as well as the gods of the living and dead to discuss the matter of the Cartel's death and are invited to join Deathstroke to Mexico to be honored for them saving Mexico. Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harry bring Jessie and Celes with him and they join Bender, Luan, Wile E, Captain Hero, Bean, Stan, Wendy and Dee Dee in receiving honors for their deeds.

He later talks with Luan, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Wile E and Stan how they are to pursue matters now with the death of Midas and what the Cartel will do next.

Return of the Wierdmageon Cult[]

Slade has continued ruling his world with the rest of his team and acting as Bender's contractor for whatever he needs for his missions for the robot's boss. Slade is contacted by Bender and Luan and informed of Bill Cipher and Toffee's return as they were told by Marcy Wu. Slade decides alongside Harrison Wells and Anti Cosmo to help Bender, Luan and Marcy Wu deal with The Cult, as he is aware of the dangers they present to him.

Chapter 6[]

Bender and Luan arrive at the so called bat country and they head to the big office. Bender tells the receptionist that he has an appointment and that he's waiting for him. Luan and Bender enter the office where Slade and Anti Cosmo are both there and expecting Bender.

Bender and Luan both take a seat and Slade asks Bender what is going on that Bender couldn't contact Anti Cosmo solely reminding him of their work deal of Slade contracting for Bender with Anti Cosmo being the middleman between Bender and Slade. Bender aplogizes for the public visit but tells Slade that this is urgant, Luan spills the bean about Toffee's return to Slade with Bender adding Bill Cipher is around too.

Anti Cosmo and Slade both question this wondering how Toffee and Cipher are back as it's not like they could have come back. Despite this, Slade decides to take a reasonable approach and asks the two for evidence. Luan tells Slade that A Ranger of Newtopia came with a job offer for Bender under her boss about a cult investigation and mentions an encounter with NOS-4A2, Slade meant physical evidence but does concede that it's not out of proability.

Harrison asks Luan has Bender made provisions to get help on this case, Luan tells Harrison talks to Slade and Anti Cosmo about Luan's theory as Bender waits for their next confirmation

Harrison tells Luan and Bender that he will help them with the first leg of the investigation as it won't draw suspcison to Bender or them. Slade came to this conclusion on account if Toffee or one of his old allies saw Bender with him, Toffee would immediatly put two and two together.

Anti Cosmo and Slade begin to theorize what is Toffee's real game plan.

Bender and Wile E both meet Marcy and Harrison who explain to the two that they found where the contracts are. Inkwell Isle which Marcy explains is a Max Fletchiher's dream due to the pictures she has seen. Bender wonders why Chip placed the contracts there and Harrison shares his idea which Wile E concedes to and Hero calls Marcy up for breakfast which Marcy goes up to.

Harrison gets a phone call and him, Bender and Wile E get it from Slade and Anti Cosmo. Slade has managed to acquite every contract's location and that are 3 isles, for Bender, Harrison, Luan, Marcy Wu and the others to go. Wile E and Bender question how to get to the isles afterwards, Anti Cosmo states to just use the obvious and to equip the best possible plans against each contract.

Harrison reports his ailen plant sample to Anti Cosmo and Slade and he believes that  whatever it was that invested the casino was Toffee's creation or recuritment. Slade investigates this and states it looks like a pistachio, Slade tells Harrison to analyze the dna further and callls in Mojo, Dr.Insano and Varrick to assist Harrison in this sample. The sample fasicates the scientists and Harrison tells them he will need help decoding it.

Anti Cosmo gets a message from Bender about Harrison before receieving his payment leaving. Slade states that Anti Cosmo can pick up Harrison's payment after Bender detects something himself. Slade also believes that Toffee's plans focus on Disney as his major malefactor was from disney and the pistachio plant dna looked from Disney, Celes confirms Slade' s belief and tells them that urinic acid isn't the only thing that can destory them and that orange soda from the 60s also has the ability to do so too

Anti Cosmo asks Celes if that's true, she confirms this as she saw Luan basically drench the audience as a closing act of her comedy routine and they were all disintergating. Slade fasicated asks Snart and Celes to find more of that soda, Snart tells Slade that it was only the 60s were it excitied and Celes add that it was banned because in the 70s it was environmental damaging.

Snart points that Bender is spoiling Luan, Celes disagrees as he wanted her out of danger during the heist, Slade tells both to cease and begins to think why would Toffee and Chip Whistler be so invested in pysatchios plants monsters and who else is in Toffee's inner circle. Anti Cosmo confirms that NOS-4A2 and Mandarin are in Toffee's inner circle as Bender and Marcy told Harrison about them. Slade knowing there are now 5 members of Toffee's inner circle asks Tombstone to investigate and see if they have find more members of Toffee's inner  circle of Disney Villains and Tombstone takes off. Snart gets Slade's logic to find more out about a disney inner circle, use a Disney Villain

Chapter 7[]

Sideshow Bob calls Slade about what he witnessed on Mako Island and that Bender has come across it. Slade tells Bob that he himself is one a mission with Harrison, Celes, Mojo, Insano and Varrick to go to Danville to stop the source of the pistachio tree aliens Harrison found, Slade also brings up that archer girl (Marcy) infromed Harrison of what she saw on the island and he tried to text Luan and Bender, Sideshow Bob tells Slade that Bender didn't get the text until he got on to the island and that the dead bodies are still there and their car is there due to Hero being a drunk wreck.

Slade, Harrison, Celes and Anti Cosmo all discuss how to counter this, Slade and Harrison agree to sent a clean up crew to make sure no one knows about the deaths if The Cult comes back and to get rid of the car so Toffee doesn't suspect someone found out. Slade contacts Naseala and the Kilvas to go to Mako Island and do the job, Celes asks Slade if that's the right choice. Anti Cosmo understands the logic to use crows for the job, and offers to go too which confuses the other 3.

Slade, Harrison, Wile E and the rest arrive at Danville and Harrison takes the lead and tells the group to keep an eye out of for the any already pistachios among the people. Wile E uses his tracker of pistachios to track down where they are and Hero and Celes follow them with the Mojo, Elfo, Luci, Bean, Sideshow Bob and Tombstone right behind them.

Slade in his secret lair room is overlooking Harrison, Mojo, Celes, Tombstone, Wile E, Sideshow Bob, Leonard Snart, Captain Hero, Bean, Elfo and Luci as they investigate Danville and Slade has managed to locate the compound where Derek and the pistachios, he also overlooks into the compound and puts a contact with them.

Harrison gets the contact and asks Slade what he has found, Slade tells Harrison that he has found where the pistachios are orginated and where they are growing in numbers. Harrison states he has found many pistachios already in Danville, Mojo and Wile E add that they have a ratio of 60 to 40 on pistachios to humans. So The Pistachios have mostly have been sucessful, Slade tells Harrison he has found the source of the pistachios as well as the compound

Hero asks Slade what's the source, Slade tells Hero that the machine that is doing so is called MULCH. Bean and Luci get why it's called that and Elfo is a bit confused, Celes asks Slade what does it too

Slade explains that  The machine is used to convert humans into Pistachions, which is also known as "mulching". It uses a laser on any human target and immediatly converts into a pistachion and they quickly confrom to their mulched off and identify humans as enemies and they lose the memories they had as humans. Celes asks Slade about the non humans, Slade is unclear on that but he feels that Luci, Elfo, WIle E, Mojo and Captain Hero will most likely be safe. Tombstone and Celes ask is this the only way Slade has figured out the conversion and Harrison explains that they use rubber masks and through it the Pistachions appear identical to who they're disguised as, and even sound the same. While they can wear these disguises as long as they need,

Slade ends contact and finds Naseasla, Varrick and Dr.Insano testing the blood sample Naseala found. Slade asks did the clean up go and Naesala explains to Slade it went fine and that apart from the blood sample they cleaned up, he does add the carriage from Bean, Elfo and Luci was hard to remove due to it being unlike he saw.

Slade asks Naesala about the sample and Varrick answers Slade that he saw footprints and a blood trial so one was forcibly moved from the location. Dr.Insano and Naesala also comment that the sample was fresh and Slade states then someone might be alive, as he looks through the test results knowing it's a Mermaid and a Mako one. Naseala asks Slade the difference, and Slade states the difference according to the research that Insano gave him is that Mako Mermaids is that Mako Island where Naseala, Bender, Bender's associates and Anti Cosmo were and where Toffee attacked the archer girl and her friends has something known as a moon pool

Nasesala dimisses the idea of a Moon pool, Slade continues in that those pools are supernatural  and have  the ability to transform a human being into a merperson when aFull Moon passes over. Insano compares it to a werewolf, Slade states at least merpeople aren't ravenous killers lost in animal instict. Slade states that lives and magic of the merpeople are linked with this body of water and if deprived it causes death. Humans are susceptile to all of it's effects except destruction.

Bean gets a call from Slade and Slade tells Bean and Snart that Naesala has acquired a blood sample and that he has found who it belongs to. Sideshow Bob and Luci insert themselves in and ask who is it, Insano clarifies it's a mako mermaid known as Cleo Setori and the 4 wonder who is she. Slade states she belongs to the H20 universe and that it was implied that she was killed, but she is still alive somewhere and that Toffee's plan to kill them may have failed.

Chapter 8[]

Slade, Harrison, Wile E, Captain Hero, Bean, Elfo and Luci go to Royal Woods and pick up Luan before going to see Anti Cosmo, Bender, Lisa and Yuman. He notices they're breakdancing and asks about this to Anti Cosmo who denies he was doing to.

Slade tells Bender, Lisa and Anti Cosmo about the sucessful plucking of the pistachios and discovers Cleo Setori Sub Prime after Bean heals her and is questionable to this as Cleo's blood was found by Naseala during the clean up.

Slade, Anti Cosmo, Bender, Marcy Wu and Luan Loud are brought into a room by Harrison and he tells them about the alternate multiverses that exist and despite his knoweldge he is just as confused as Bender and Anti Cosmo, with the only thing he picks up on is multple timelines create different multiverses as the trio do know about that

Slade, Luan, Bender and Anti Cosmo all come up with their own theorizes on the idea of alternate universes existing in establishing uniberses as reboots as Harrison asked this. This leaves Marcy, Bender, Himself, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Harrison Wells to spectualte this is the case of this Cleo.

They change topic and Slade believes Weirdmagedon is inevitable and they must fine a way to protect themselves from it. Marcy doesn't believe this and state there is a way to bring this down and she;s not giving up, Slade confirms he likes Marcy's optiism but they need to think more realistically.

Marcy decides to make a vaccine and use that and Slade agrees to the idea and the two decide to hatch a plan together to create a vaccine. Slade lends his army to Marcy to succeed with this task in Mewni. Marcy in turn puts Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender on a mission to reterieve the comatose bodies of unknownist to them Team Free Will.

Slade has Jessie Wells get Marcy has he travels with Bender and Anti Cosmo to the Boiling Isles.

Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo arrive at The Boiling Isles and find themselves crashes into the Owl House itself. Bender meets Hooty as well as Slade and Anti Cosmo and Hooty gets on their nerves quickly. Slade directs him and Anti Cosmo to find the comatose bodies which are located in the attic Luz lives

Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender all begin discussing the circumstances of the house and how it looks like a owl lady lives here due to the next that Slade found. Bender even notes that it's a weird house as he finds the comatose bodies in the attic. Anti Cosmo also notes how the house really is a nest if the owl head is anything. Before the three leave, Hooty again bothers the 3 with Bender finally stating that they're with Marcy and Hooty backs off as Marcy is who send them off. Hooty tells them that Marcy has had an eye on the situation in Boiling Isles in part to a contact here associated with the Blights

Realizing that this who Harrison tracked, Bender alongside Slade and Anti Cosmo go after the Blights and head to Hexside as per Wells's tracking device.  Anti Cosmo turns on Bad Moon Rising for him and Bender to sing as they head their way to Hexside, Slade isn't amused with not serious they're not taking this though he eventually does join in anyway.

After getting to Hexside, Slade decides to head the plan and has Anti Cosmo and Bender follow his lead against the Blights as he decides to make the calls. Slade exposes Odalia Blight and Alador Blight in order to ruin their reptuation. Slade tells Bender and Anti Cosmo that his intention is to make sure they are thorughly ruined and he also decides to expose the pistachio situation too to further tank Odalia and Alador's reputation which Marcy  and Harrison agreed to due to their dislike for the Blights.

Slade, Bender and Anti Cosmo all basically slam drinks as they talk about the multiverse once again and how they feel that their world has changed too much and they question how they can move on Due to the unknown territory that all 3 of them have stepped on. Bender's only real conslidation is Luan Loud in this new life and his line of work. He even considers Marcy possibly as well. Slade admits even he has a respect for Marcy and admiration for her skills and brains despite her clumsyness. As Bender and Anti Cosmo continue to state their views on the new timleine, Slade tells Bender and Anti Cosmo that the only thing that is known is that everything will change and that they have to accept it to some extent or be forgotten

Anti Cosmo states that he, Bender and Slade are the 3 relics of the past multiverse and Slade asks why is that bad,  which Bender agrees. Anti Cosmo states they aren't moving on from these adventures unlike everyone and not getting on with their lives, Bender states this is like a part of live and Anti Cosmo question show long can they do, This gets Slade and Bender to think on this as both of them have been around the multiverse.

Slade, Bender and Anti Cosmo drink through the night and ponder what the future will be going foward for the three of them and everyone around them

The Next day The three go to the Blight Manor when Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo get trapped and they hear someone say hello to them and it's Toffee as Bender recongizes the finger. Toffee is annoyed with the three for getting involved and that he planned with the Blights to elminate the trio. Bender is annoyed with Toffee's plans and that they involved him and Toffee states he had no intent to go after the robot and that he had no idea Bender was going to get involved or Slade and Anti Cosmo. Slade states he was investigating Toffee this whole time and that he was on to him and just needed to wait for a move

Toffee tries to convince the three to help him as the 4 of them all want the universe the way it was  most comfortable. Toffee states that the three want the good times back and he wants them too.  Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade refuse as they have no intent to let a corrupt Disney character rule  and Toffee tries to kill the three with the Blights

Bender and Slade both fight Odalia's adomination while Anti Cosmo goes after Toffee and his gauntlet. During their fight one of the comatose bodies goes missing and falls into a volcano. Toffee decides to just try and end them after crossing up with Anti Cosmo after Slade and Bender both bring down the adomination Odalia sends their way

This is when Harrison saves them with Luan and Cleo Subprime and Slade realizes he forget about the tracking chip Wells put on Odalia and the six manage to bring the Blights down and Toffee just takes them back as he decides to start Weirdmagedon to kill Bender, Anti Cosmo, Slade, Luan Loud and Harrison Wells figuring out they're the way to get to beat Andrias.

When Toffee does start Weirdamgedon and this is obivous to them, Slade contacts Hades and HIM to save Marcy and His Army from being petrified while the six return to Lisa's bomb Shelter and meet him there. He learns Toffee has petrified Celes and decides to make Toffee pay, Marcy aplogizes about not saving Celes and Slade tells  Marcy that it's not her fault and she couldn't have possibly known Toffee was ahead of them.

Chapter 9[]

Slade managed to escape to Royal Woods from Weridmaggedon and recruits Hades and HIM to help against Toffee and the Weirdmagedon Cult with intend to avenge Celes from her state that he states was Toffee's intent.

Slade joins up with Marcy, Mojo, Harrison, Jessie, Wile E and Lisa in creating the vaccines as Marcy presents the materials and works to make them accessible to the whole crew. Slade commends Marcy for her work and states he made the right choice to trust his henchmen with her. Upon completion, Slade and Marcy Wu work to figure how send the vaccines to Marcy's friends and with Yuman and Hades's input, they find a way to make transport fast with a ship, and a delity's finger snap teleportation, He decides to have Marcy help Yuman as it's her plan and she deserves the credit.

Slade, Anti Cosmo and Wells prepared a way to fight Toffee and Cipher after Wile E made his order from ACME, although Slade questions ACME products working as they don't have the best reputation though Harrison states that Wile E is using them not to catch the Roadrunner, but against the cult so they will work.

Upon seeing Hero being beaten and drained of his power by Zhan Tiri, Slade gets Anti Cosmo, Harrison and Luan to engage with the demon outside the bomb shelter while deriding Hero for keeping his guard down. Realizing the power of the demon, Slade sends Anti Comso to find and warn Marcy Wu, Bender , Hook and Sideshow Bob.

With Marcy and Bender back and revealing that they must go to Newtopia to assist Andiras, Slade goes with the crew and fights off the invasion mainly with Mandarin and Grime. Slade kills Mandarin with Anti Cosmo and Harrison while having the help of Wile E, Captain Hero and Jessie Wells. Afterwards, Slade is distracted from going after the king alongside Marcy, Anti Cosmo and Bender as Sasha and Grime are intend to distract them for the Blot to take out Andrias.

Slade and Marcy Wu find Grime and engage against him to stop Andrias from being take out of the picture as Harrison and Luan go after The Blot to prevent him from getting to Andrias while Bender and Anti Cosmo take on Sasha. Unlike Sasha who does fare decently against the anti fairy and the robot, Slade takes on Grime without question lacking the close connection Marcy has to Sasha and Anti Cosmo and Bender's encounter with her and Grime in Brighton. Slade completely overpowers Grime despite Grime's capacity to fight and Marcy uses a combination of guile wit and archery to distract Grime so Slade can do the job. Slade prepares to kill Grime and Marcy stops him as Grime is Sasha's friend and she'll hate Marcy forever if she does so. Slade asks Anti Cosmo and Bender what are they doing regarding Sasha and they state they're locking her up and Slade decides to do that as well.

Grime attempts to convince Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender they're fighting the wrong person and that he intends to stop Toffee  due to Toffee's plan being utterly insane and they just wanted the throne before fighting  Toffee and that Lalo is acting against them too. Anti Cosmo notes Lalo wasn't after him, Lisa  and Bender back in Brighton and states that's a reason they are not killing him or Sasha and just locking themup.

Anti Cosmo, Bender and Slade tell Grime that they can defeat Bill and Toffee themselves and Grime points out they need a brilliant strategy in order to defeat Toffee as Toffee is on top of things and has been for a while. Slade reflects on this and decides they must outwit the Chessmaster at his own game and organizes the team to take on the henchmaniacs and instructs Mojo and Jessie to keep an eye on everything due to smarts and speed. Slade is recurited by Marcy to help her deal with Toffee Cipher alongside Bender, Luan, Anti Cosmo and Harrison Wells and the six parachute to the Cipher Castle.

Chapter 10 (Final Chapter)[]

Slade with Anti Cosmo, Luan, Marcy Wu, Bender and Wells are attempting to go find the throne room to pull Snart, Bender and Marcy's heist. He is revealed to have brought a protable transporter which allows them to pull the heist without much edivence and that Slade has Mojo operating it with Luci and Stan.

Slade is tipped off of the throne room and covers Bender and Marcy Wu who cover Anti Cosmo in turn. As the six find the throne room, Slade looks unnerved as he sees the throne is made of petrifying bodies and compares it to Toffee sitting on a throne of live human skin. When questioned on this, Slade says even at his worst he wouldn't have done that. Slade sets up the portable transporter with Anti Cosmo and waits as Harrison helps Luan, Bender and Marcy Wu transport the parts of the throne to the machine as Slade tells Mojo that he's ready on his side and that he has found Blissina.

Some way in, Slade finds out his transporter isn't working and that's when Toffee Cipher arrives annoying that Slade, Luan, Harrison ,Bender, Marcy and Anti Cosmo are stealing his throne and that one eyed jack (Slade) is basically robbing him. Slade raising his voice to the surpsie of the other 5 states that Toffee stole Celes from him by petrifying her to spite him, Anti Cosmo and Bender for getting involved against his weird disney supremacy cult. Toffee Cipher sates that he wasn't spiting Slade with this, she was a causality and an acceptable one for him. Slade tries not to get more angry as Toffee mocks Celes and eventually Marcy gives Slade the order to fight which he obliges happily.

Just like Team Free Will, Slade doesn't fare any better against Toffee Cipher although he makes good use of his staff, fire ax, moonlaser gun and cheap tricks to get the drop on Toffee Cipher. Toffee catchs on and teleports next to Slade and zaps Slade multiple times where Slade still stands to fight Toffee despite multiple power electric shocks. Toffee then slows Slade and has him punch himself. Slade then helps Luan put acid in Toffee's eyes as he agrees that if Bill has an weakness it's  the eye.

Toffee Cipher tired decides to trap Marcy and force Slade and the others to save her while he kills them. Toffee/Bill almost gets them all killed when King Andrias stops this and Toffee/Bill tries to feed Slade to his monsters. Slade and Harrison are saved by Jesse who Harrison called to save them as he notes the situation was justifiable for her to save him and that he'll meet back up with Anti Cosmo, Bender, Marcy and Luan.

Slade and Harrison both decide to make their plan to blow up the pyramid as Harrison and Wile E planned to do and that they must plant them in the throne room as the major source of power other than the villains. Slade runs into Bender, Luan, Anti Cosmo, Marcy and Sid and despite his recluctance to have Sid involved he changes his mind when he sees the wand of the butterfly family.

Slade and Harry have Jesse sip them around the throne room to plant the explosives around the room as fast as possible. They do this when Bender, Anti Cosmo, Marcy, Luan and Sid manage to dissolve the throne and send the other bodies to Mojo and co after Slade reconnects the transporter. Slade is informed of Toffee and Bill have defused and joins Marcy, Bender and the rest to ambush Toffee

Slade afterward corners Toffee with Bender, Marcy Wu, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harrison Wells and Sid. While they run into Luz, Anne and Cricket who have cornered Toffee too, Marcy tells them they're with her and that they're after Toffee too. Slade fights Toffee with the rest of the team and Toffee equips his gauntlet remembering he still had and holds very well against the group despite being outnumbered

Slade takes  advantage of the close fight he has Toffee to put a C3P0 on Toffee to blow him up in tangem with the rest of the team and tells Toffee that he told the blights this is mechancial magic and now he will see it. Slade detonates it as the rest finish Toffee to kill Toffee

As Wile E and Harrison's explosives go off as a result of the timer, Slade and the rest flee the pyramid and with Luan grabs Marcy and Bender to hurry up as they try to convince Castiel and Rick not to give their lives for the others.

Slade pleased with his henchmen for their work offers to give all of them a pay raise for their suceess. Slade is brought to Newtopia and is singled out with Bender, AntI Cosmo, Marcy Wu, Luan and Harrison Wells for defending Newtopia and Disney. Afterwards, Slade is curious of what Bender will do now and what will he do with this new multiverse regarding Slade, Bender and Anti Cosmo's talk on this.

Bender states he'll just play his cards as they come, he still desires the old days but he'll try to adjust the new days for Luan and Marcy Wu's sake. Anti Cosmo talks to Slade about deciding to work with Bender's PI Work and Slade allows it as they are already in contact and that it'll be nice for Anti Cosmo, him and Bender as a small step to adjust to the new universe. He is seen toasting to his ensemble and Yuman for a job well done over drinks.

To Live and/or Die in Loch Loud[]

Chapter 4[]

As Harrison, Jessie and Marcy are bringing in the Ray 03 and looking it over, Slade arrives in Harrison's lab room deciding to pay the scientist a visit after his sucessful qwelling of an invading force that tried to take over his contient which he had his forces, Black Star and Death The Kid

Marcy asks Slade why didn't he see Anti Cosmo which he states because he and Bender are both not contactable so Harrison was next on the list. Slade is fasicated with The Ray -03 with Marcy and Harrison both state it's potential which Slade seems to agree on.

Harrison and Jessie state they have also been trying to investigate the source of the expolsive poppulation of Septarais and Marcy sent someone to find out info. Slade reveals that he looked into it as well and found a piece of Septarian DNA just like Tom and suspects Ratiskor who Slade knew was a general for Toffee took advantage of his regenerative abilities to create an army of Septarians. Marcy explains Tom thought so as he told her and handed her a video that she is heading back to give back to her friends.

Slade offers to pin point the location to Marcy and Harry so they can destory the machine and that he will look into the Ray -03's completeion.

Chapter 5[]

Slade deals with King Andiras alongside Harrison and that he and his crew are trying to contain the Separtians as much as they can as from ultimately becoming a problem as Jessie, Tom and Marcy are trying to bring an end to the cloning  days of Ratiskor to bring the specices back to it's numbers.

With the Ray-03 in front of the do, Slade sets up a meeting with the Desparado to get the parts needed to repair The RAy 03 in exchange for funding. Slade and Harry both begin repairing the Ray 03 proably and upon seeing it's weapons. Slade is fasicated with that it could mean for his contient and that if he can Metal Gears like this defend his contient from invasions.

As both Harrison and Slade make their process away on the RAY 03 through the next few hours, eventually the other 3 return to the castle. Jessie and Marcy both make their enterances in their lab reporting what they do.

Taking Marcy aside , the two have a talk that they have the Ray 03 almost at fully functionally and that it;ll be fully  ready after the  two text it's weapons and Marcy argees to the wait.

Chapter 6[]

Deciding to do the Ray 03 work in Loch Loud to get it quicker over to Marcy, Slade, Harry and Jessie transfer to Loch Loud to operate and repair the Metal Gear

Slade observes a situation and spies on Morag and Ratiskor preparing an attack. He sees the dragon under the control at the hands of Morag and Aggie that the former will use at the co-ordinates given them from Quetin. Slade suspicious, keeps this to himself and when he returns he will tell Jessie to investigate.

Slade then spies on Ratiskor and learns of the Septarian’s attack on the Chicken Farm of Los Pollos Hermanos and how Ratiskor and a 3rd of his total army tried to kill that blue vampire, grey metal robot and their group. Putting together that Anti Cosmo, Bender and Luan were targeted again by Ratiskor and his army and learns that they took out a 3rd of the army. Slade decides to report this to The Wells, Marcy and Andrias.

However Ratiskor’s monsters recognize Slade and they try to capture Slade, but underestimating how dangerous  the one eyed masked man is, Slade just mows through them with explosives and using his bo staff to knock them out and traps them with another explosive.

Slade returns back to the Wells and finishes the final touchs of the Ray 03, Slade contacts Marcy Wu and tells her that the Ray 03 is ready and tells him about Ratiskor targeted Bender, Luan Loud and Anti Cosmo again and may have made it easier for them if slightly.

Slade sents the Ray 03 to find Marcy as Slade and Harry join the fight against Ratiskor’s Septarian Army and monsters doing their fair share of the work unknownist to everyone apart from Marcy. Andrias arrives and drives off Ratiskor and the Separtians, Slade with Harry, Marcy, Tom and Amity show up to see Andrias

With his info, He tips the Newt King about the encounter Bender and Anti Cosmo had with Ratiskor and this encounter with them took out a 3rd of the total army. Andiras tells Slade and Harry to pursue the monster army as he, Amity, Tom and Marcy take their own approaches


As Harrison, Jessie, Slade, King Andrias, Ray 03 and Marcy all invade Morag's Loch Loud Castle, the crew all splits up to do separate. The Ray 03 manages to blow through Morag's guards with it's firepower leading Slade, Jessie and Harry to find Manfred Von Karma

Manfred is packing up after being annoyed with Morag not following through his plan and only realizes that the three are staring him dead down haven found him. Manfred is shaken and realizes that they have come to kill him.


Manfred begs Slade, Harrison and Jessie to let him go in exchange for useful information they could use if they so want and to be their attoreys. Slade and Harrison don't buy this and have Jessie grab him which she does.

Harrison and Slade both then shoot Manfred in the head and kill the crooked lawyer. Marcy and Andrias return with the dragon stone which Aggie and Morag used on the dragon that they found due to Marcy's other friends distracting Aggie.

Slade tells her to destroy the stone which Marcy puts on the floor and orders the Ray 03 to destroy it which it does.

After Morag's defeat and Team Free Will's honor. Slade departs Loch Loud with Harrison telling Marcy to come and get them when she comes back and they'll meet up with Luan, Anti Cosmo and Bender at Luci's Inferno

The Prankster Point Paradox[]

Once again He emerges out of the shadows when it comes to the Prankster and the Pranks a Lot Mob. Slade and his associates discovered that his adversary Odalia Blight has remerged with the intent to take revenge on Slade alongside Bender and Anti Cosmo for runing her repetuation in that Odalia attempted to attack and steal Slade's contient for financially attacking Blight Industries.

With the help of Celes, Slade learns of Odalia Blight's escape and her allaigance to Prankster and the Pranks A lot Mob. Intend to both bring down his foe and figure out the secret of the Calamity Box for Marcy and Bender''s ends, Slade joins them.

Slade alongside Luan, Anti Cosmo and Harry Wells is one of the 4 deuteragonists of the story


Slade is doing an investigation of his own with his teammates as he is tracking the latest attack on the country which was an Abomination who he knows is Odalia’s work. Slade puts connections that Odalia was already trying to take over his contient before hand with an organization. Slade ponders how revenge hungry the Blight is against him in this regards as he looks into this further as he tracks the info.

He is informed that he has visitors and Slade sees that Marcy Wu, Bender, Luan, Ronnie Anne, Cricket, Wile E Coyote, Gus Fring and Cleo are his guests. Slade asks what brings them all here and he wasn’t expecting to see them all. Marcy and Bender explain that Chip Whistler is back and he attacked the Patirach of the Green Family and that Toffee’s followers are  coming back.

Slade isn’t surprised as he states that Odalia Blight is also around and was trying to kill him as well and take over his continent. Wile E and Cleo ask what did she try and Slade states she’s has connections with some agency that she had him attacked with his forces and explains this further to Bender, Gus, Luan, Ronnie and Cricket as Marcy was already aware of this herself. Slade explains that with Anti Cosmo and Bender on their own case, Slade had to get Black Star and Death the Kid to help him. He does agree with Ronnie And Cricket that Chip is working with someone and decides to recruit Anti Cosmo, Celes and Harry to help them on their case.

With Bender, Luan, Wile E, Cleo and Marcy questioning why Celes looks different and better. Slade states that Terriagen Mists were why and that she was on her own mission in regards to the organization that was after him. With the 4 of them joining the gang, Slade convinces Bender to get someone else to help out and Bender states he get G-LO.

Upon recruiting the gelatin heroine, Slade and his 3 associates meet the gang at Andrias’s castle and overhears the propsition King Andrias has for them. Slade agrees to this as the Blights are a problem for him and that Andrias states that with Toffee’s remaining followers and presumably followers they didn’t know he had, this could work. Slade states he’ll do so if his world is protected, though Harry is supcisous has it sounds too good to be true.

General Yuman brings the captured Grime and Sasha to the team, Slade thinks they’re spies out to stop them and he prepares an attack with them with Bender, Anti Cosmo and the others due to their allegiance with the Blights. Chip and maybe the Blot remembering Slade and co didn’t kill the Blot. He is talked down by Marcy and with the two’s knowledge on Chip and Odalia’s boss The Prankster and the Pranks A Lot Mob, Slade reluctantly lowers his staff and agrees to help.

Chapter 1[]

Before their take off to Big City, Slade looks into the Blight Family with Amity, Anti Cosmo and Bender deciding he needs to learn about his advesary who has been devoted to getting revenge on and ultimately killing him. Amity warns the other 3 that Her Mom will want to kill all 3 of them for Slade's actions as she sees them as accomplices for his action. Slade tells Amity he has stopped Odalia twice before maybe 3 times.

He refers to his work with his team to stop the Pistachios in Danvile, his time in Hexside when he exposed them and the S.U.S.P.E.N.S.E invasion.

With the Jet plane on arrival, Slade boards the plane and patiently waits for the plane to land in Big City. However unknownist to them, snakes were planted on it and they cause panic. Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harrison and Scrooge call Malcolm about this who they find out had no idea himself.

With Anti Cosmo and Harrison, Slade looks into how someone managed to snummgle live snakes onto a plane. The three find out that someone is either a reptile enthusatist or someone was trying to emulate a Samuel Jackson Movie. They check on the pilots and learn they are Minions baffling the three of them. Slade shoves them off, and has the other two handle the plane while he holds them down to prevent them from doing  any more damage as the rest of the gang do their jobs.

Arriving in Big City, Slade decides to get a tea or a coffee with Celes, Ronnie Anne, Scrooge and Sasha heading to The Gloria + Green Cafe. He came on behalf of Cricket who reccomend it to him. Slade reveals that he wanted to look in the Green House and unknown to his colleagues, he found out about Chip Whistler evicting and buying the House for his need.

Noticing Bradford's cronies and being tipped off by Celes, Slade follows her and Scrooge to encounter Black Heroin, Jeeves and Rogerduck. The 2 sides encounter and face each other, Slade goes after Jeeves.

Despite his incredible strength and he does bring Slade down a few times.  Slade is smarter as a fighter and outclasses and beats down Jeeves with dirty fighting. Jeeves attempt to punch Slade on the mask though he is stopped and Slade and Scrooge deal with him and his master.

Through this, both him and Scrooge get the idea of F.O.W.L's involvment which Tom informs them as well of their change of name to the P.E.A.C.E Agency

Chapter 2[]

Having gotten back to the rest of the team, The Sun is setting and with both Marcy and Bender securing a hotel and rooms. Slade decides to use this room to look into what the group has found, asking Marcy and Bender to case the rooms in case anyone is tracking them.

In the hotel room, Slade discusses with Anti Cosmo, Bender and Luan about what was found in the Remington Mansion that Bender helped Marcy find. He figures out that Chip must have been finding someway to emulate how Toffee recruited his cult and that The Pranks A Lot Mob did so too. Slade agrees with Bender's assessment of how the multiverse is not what it used to be as a result.

Marcy and Libby both show up to the 4 and state they have gotten a video transmission from King Andiras. Andrias tells them about  the break in into the Newtopia vaults. Andiras mentions that it looked like putty at the scene of the crime. Confusing Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo, despite their knowledge on so many others as they know nothing of something like that. Bender again, states to Slade and Anti Cosmo, how much did they miss as the multiverse went by. Slade states a lot since the event that happened which Anti Cosmo and Bender agree to getting Marcy's attention.

Marcy asks what does he suspect, as does Libby. Andrias mentions that he suspects someone was trying to find dirt on him and Luan, Libby, Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo think this as well

Marcy, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Libby ponder this, Luan believes that The Prankster knows who Bender really is and Slade states that the teenage clown didn't need to look at files for that one and that someone must have told him and has a good idea who. Libby asks Slade who and Slade states to Libby that who she does think, Libby suspects Odalia Blight due to her personal beef with Bender as an acessory to Slade and Slade states exactly and Toffee told Odalia about him, Anti Cosmo and Bender. Anti Cosmo suspects unlike Slade that Prankster proably just figured it. Slade gets a page from Harrison that the blood sample and Dna results came in and that he needs to see Bender and Luan which they do.

After, Bender, Marcy and Luan part to see Harrison, Anti Cosmo and Slade spy on Cleo and Celes talk about Cleo's own actual powers. Slade ponders about to Anti Cosmo about when it start becoming meta human state mentioning Luan and Celo and their power emergancing. Anti Cosmo it was when they were looking for Lizbeth it was both of these happened. Slade asks what about the you know what as it something that only he knows. Anti Cosmo tells Slade that they buried the you know what before Toffee's return when he, Bender, Slade, Harrison, Mojo Jojo and HIM did the service and Sideshow Bob worked the tractor.

Celes returns and tells Slade and ANti Cosmo that Cleo is after not just getting her power to work, but wants to be better than some mermaid and mere eye candy. Slade states she didn't help her case when she brought a guy to mess around with . Celes states not to mention and she gave her guidance to do just that.

Marcy, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harrison, Wile E, Ronnie Anne, G-Lo, Libby, Tom, Grime and Sasha all discuss their situation. Discussing the research Harrison did with the mutant spider venom, The Calamity Box, and what is being suspected about the Prankster. It becomes obvious that there must be a good way to get close to The Mob without Prankster knowing it becaues of what King Andrias state that The Prankster might have knowledge on Marcy, Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harrison, Wile E, Ronnie Anne, Cricket, Cleo, Sasha and Grime as The Prankster couldn't have been aware of the others.

The next morning, Marcy, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Harry pay their bill and Charlie asks to stay in contact and they'll set up their stops at any place they need. Slade states that those things that Bender planted in there weren't cheap, they were $800 dollars, so yeah he'll get all of them when it's all said and done, Anti Cosmo assumes that Cricket shouldn't be told of Bender and Libby bugging the house with Marcy's guys. Slade states to wait and they'll inform Cricket as the house was bought out by Chip Whistler.

A train pulls up in front of the six of them as the rest of the team catch up with Marcy, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Harry. This is when King Andiras gets out of the train and told them that he came  personally to pick up the team and they'll be on their way to Mafia Town which is what Marcy, Bender, Wile E and Harrison found where were to go next.

Upon being approached by Libby, about The Millers with Tom, Cricket, Sasha, Anti Cosmo and Slade. Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo all reveal they're aware of Jeff Miller and his family and were waiting for The Millers to make their move. Slade and Anti Cosmo state that The Millers will make their move eventually and that Odalia is clearly their contact due to the fact all 3 of them have connections to both of them. The Group reaches their destinsation and King Andrias drops them off wishing them good luck with their mission as he does his own thing.

Slade, Anti Cosmo, Wile E, Grime and Maclolm are on their own track and heading to a cavern to go after something Maclolm managed to track into said Cavern. As they all go through the cave, Slade and Anti Cosmo discuss something with each other about a Nano Gauntlet they made a long time ago. Slade states that did he bury it like he asked him too, Anti Cosmo said he did and he basically threw out the stones to make sure no one can get them, though he does state that Marcy did tell him that a friend of hers has the stones

Slade asks where did he place it and Anti Cosmo states he took it the ends of the multiverse where no one can find it other than himself, Slade, Bender and Dr.Wells. Wile E overhears this and asks what are they talking about. The Two tell Wile E that they actually were discussing a private manner that occured a long time and how to deal with it, Wile E knows what the two are saying and he refers back to that treadmill he has to run with the two both seem to note

Grime and Malcolm continue looking around the cavern with Slade, Anti Cosmo and WIle E all basically talking about the event and the fact that Slade suspects someone breached the security and that it's up to Marcy's friend to keep it from being too dangerous like last time.

The Millers are revealed to have folloewd Anti Cosmo and Slade. The two are unsuprised by their and they knew they would make a move. The Millers explain that they knew following Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender would work while Odalia has a turn with the robot after failing with the anti fairy, they decided to deal with other two. More agents of S.U.S.P.E.N.S.E arrive and point fire arms at them trying to turn the two in to get more info. Slade and Anti Cosmo realize this already and why and get cherries bombs,

Slade and Anti Cosmo all attack the S.U.S.P.E.N.S.E Agents at once with Slade and Anti Cosmo taking on the Millers and allowing Wile E, Grime and Merlyn to get away with their half of the stone using the ACME Jet Bike.

Using Clever use of spy tools to keep an upperhand on Slade and Anti Cosmo during their struggle, they are eventually taken down by the duo and Wile E prevents them following Slade and Anti Cosmo with a smoke bomb

Slade pulls Bender, Anti Cosmo and Harrison aside and asks them about the Nano Gauntlet and did anyone else know about this. Harry and Bender are confused what he means and Anti Cosmo states that The Millers know about the Nano Gauntlet. Bender states didn't Anti Cosmo bury it and the anti fairy confirms it and he asks Harry, Bender and Slade if they told their friends, kids or wife about this and the three state they didn't know as Slade states Celes was aware but not of where they agreed to bury it. Bender states Dib and the others do know of the nano gauntlet but not about the stones's location or where is was burried and Harrison states he didn't even tell Jesse about it.

Slade states the secruity was breached by someone but isn't aware of who and that the stones are safe with Marcy's friend whoever she is. Harrison states that it's that serious compared to what The Prankster is up and he knows she isn't after the stones or anything, Bender agrees stating that it's not anyone could have gotten their hands on it and the stones without know it's use

Anti Cosmo, Bender ,Harry and Slade do agree though that they need to head to that location somehow that the former buried it and find a track on that. Harrison states that they can check the box he gave Anti Cosmo to bury it and Bender has an idea to get Charlie to help do so once they find their destination. Slade states but only the 4 of them and Charlie can do so, maybe Marcy's little pets too.

Chapter 3[]

A Portal randomly opens and this is where Marcy, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harrison, Luan, Wile E, Ronnie , Cricket, Sasha, Grime, Libby, Tom, Amity, Scrooge, Celes and G-Lo emerge out and it's among a ocean of water.

Bender calls up Charlotte asking to take him, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harrison to go to where Slade had the  Nano Gauntlet buried. The 4 discuss how someone could have found it and that other than Luan no one really knows where they placed as per their arrangement. He also puts a call onto some other numbers. Harrison states that if Toffee was able to find it, then who knows who else knew, He does reassure Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender that there is no way that they could have the infinty stones, unless Anti Cosmo and Bender's actions also allowed something of similar power to show up according to what he looks. Anti Cosmo, Slade and Bender all begin thinking about the past especially the former two as they did make the Nano Gauntlet.  

The Team manages to arrive to Loch Loud as G-LO reshapes herself after they arrival on the shore. Marcy, Luan, Slade, Harrison, Cricket, Tom and Amity take the lead with the rest behind as they are unfamiliar with the territory.

Lady Olivia arrives at the castle and tells Angus that Master  Marcy is here with her friends. Angus thanks Lady Olivia and is glad to see Marcy Wu, Cricket, Luan and Amity again. Marcy introduces Angus to Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Wile E, Ronnie Anne,Sasha, Grime, Libby, Tom, Scrooge, Celes and G-Lo. Angus realizes this was the robot Marcy talked about to her and said he heard a lot about him. He offers to give the group a full fledged tour which everyone agrees. Bender, Slade and the others state they are actually here to get a clue or look into something they found and are looking into trying to find a temple for the Calamity Box.

Angus states he can more than help with this,Harrison states as nice as that would be, He, Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo need to check on something.

In a desert location, Harrison, Anti Cosmo, Slade and Bender all emerge out of Charlie Morningstar's ride. Charlie follows the 4, and Harrison states that this is where he buried the Nano Gauntlet. Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender all seem suprised Harrison remembered where he placed it. Harry reveals he had a lottery ticket printed of the co-ordinates after what they did, He hid the ticket from everyone as a result. Anti Cosmo states he is sure on that and Bender asks why would  Harry do so. Harrison admits to the two that he has no self destruct button on the Gauntlet and states he really did try to destory it. Slade and Charlie both observe the 3 discuss this and that's when the Greens show up and Bender states he called them to get a ride there and Charlie asks why on that. Bender tells her he needs to make this casual incase someone was staking them, he also reveals he has another person on the case.

Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo are on the phone with Bender's associate XR who has been keeping tabs on the bugs Libby and Bender placed and more. XR tells Bender that The Prankster found them and learned they bugged the Mob, Slade and Anti Cosmo both point out to Bender that he should have taken a fuller measure. Bender defends himself to them saying he had 3 bugs and tells XR how many of them were found. XR states two of them, Bender tells AC and Slade that was exactly how many he suspected they would find. Slade asks about the 3rd one, Bender tells Slade he ain't saying where that other one is, Him, Libby and Marcy are the only ones who really know. Anti Cosmo sees this logic Bender is up to.

Anti Cosmo and Bender both gulp a bit before digging up the spot with Slade also showing some uneasyness. Harrison notices and offers to do himself and Charlie too, though the three do so. Upon the dig up Anti Cosmo, SLade and Bender find the box Harrison put the Nano Gauntlet and as expected it's gone but Bender and Anti Cosmo both show sadness and Slade lowers his head dissapointed and Harrison asks if they need a moment.

Anti Cosmo, Bender and Slade all discuss what happened and that neither of them were prepared to go back to the past on this.

Bender, Harry, Anti Cosmo and Slade all manage to return to Loch Loud to the rest of the team's relief. Luan and Marcy ask how did it all go, Deductive as ever, Harrison asks did Luan tell Marcy about what happened. Luan confrims this and Harry states it was between Luan, Celes and the 4 of them and she breached it. Luan tells Harry that Marcy cares about them and wants to know what happened and she only gave foot notes. Celes states that she approved it, Harrison backs off realizing that Marcy is part of their family to an extent and that it's for the best. Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender all admit it was tough to deal with it and that The Greens, Charlie and XR helped.

Angus comes to Marcy Wu, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harry, Libby, Celes and Cricket asking them are they ready for their tour and Marcy states of course. Agnus proceeds to show everyone the town and city explaining to the team what happened since the Mclaughins invasion

He also makes an effort to show them the temples as well that The Loud Ancestry worked on and their efforts of being rebuild slowly but surely revealig that the Infinity Stones were stolen by Morag's ally Raiskor who Anti Cosmo, Luan and Bender realize that was who Toffee's ally was working for.

Slade, Scrooge and Luan all decide to pal up into the 2nd of the portals and this lands them in front of a temple which is guarded by Zombies and Skeletions. Combinng brutal force and cane fu this is dipsoed of quickily.

They pass a gate which is guarded by a hand which guards the way and isn't vulerable until is slams it's hand to the ground and glows blue. Slade nods to Luan to take action which she by blinding it with spider web shots and then decking it three times to open the gate.

Scrooge senses treasure and decides to go puruse it by going through a tricky platform situation and then gets another piece of treasure beyond a trap door. Slade rolls his eye at Scrooge's need for treasure

This is where the three enter the manor like temple and cross their way through a floaty box like sturucture while climbing up and at the top is another jewel Scrooge gets for himself.

Gem Creatures surround them trying to take them down, Luan and Scrooge go after the smaller Gem Creatures and Slade procceeds to take on the leader and destorys the Creature by using Luan and Scrooge's attempts at hurting the Gem Creature's smaller minions.

Heading up more platforms, the three use the hight to continue their progress while Scrooge helps himself to another treasure chest. This comes to a head at an another puzzle which they procceed to solve rather quickingly.

There is yet another hand guarded gate which the three do what they did earlier and proceed onwards. The next room has a lot of blocks except there are spikes around this time. Luan and Slade both get around this simply enough, though Scrooge does lose some of his treasure due to missing a jump or two and taking the brunt of it.

After stopping Scrooge from taking his lost treasure, Slade, Luan and him head up to the stairs and nativate to another gate with another steel trapdoor. Being both careful and observant of their surrounding they enter it without triggering the trapdoor. Taking care of another gem demon in the way of another treasure chest Scrooge takes, the three head up to the balconines and takes care of an active lionhead trying to burn them all the while avoiding loose electric wires.

Heading through more doors, they find a chain which they take down to a lower area where there is a pool with another electric barrier, which they wait to have dropped.

After going through more puzzles and more traditional horror movie monsters throughout the temple manor. This is when Luan, Slade and Scrooge all find some king of Stone Hedge enterance to a room and enter it.

It turns it's a live active murderuous flying doll that swipes at them, dive bombs and shoots energy missles at them. Upon getting over the shock of such a thing exixtence the trio heads to fight it. Scrooge and Luan manage to stun the doll by getting in it's face and sommerasulting into it. Luan tries to use web it on it's feet and then twirl it, while capable, she does have a harder time actualyl keeping a hold of the cod web and does lose a grasp over it.

Slade and Scrooge both manage to note this with the former kicking a Pillar into the Doll as Luan loses grasp over it to still hurt it.

As the fight prolongs each of them do something to hurt it with Scrooge wacking things into it with his cane, Slade smashing debris into it to stun the doll and Luan trapping it with her web shots and climbing on top of it with the climbing ability and then grabbing it like a wild bull and dragging it around and slamming it into the wall to finally destory it.

Luan, Scrooge and Slade were all successful in getting a clue in the temple as they try to read it. In turn An Abomdination shows up and grabs Slade and pins him down. Luan and Scrooge prepare to fight off it when more of them appear in front of them. Odalia and Alador Blight arrive with Odalia grabbing Alador by the ear and states that it's nice to see Slade again

Slade glares at Odalia and states it wasn't enough to attack Anti Cosmo and Bender and now she wants him. Slade tells Odalia to leave the anti fairy and robot alone as it's just him she wants and to leave Luan and Scrooge alone

Odalia states she would rather do both and doesn't care they were accessories to her reptuation, she has an abonimation grab Luan and throw her in the ocean in a box. Shocking Alador and Scrooge that Odalia will be that cold. Odalia states if she can't kill Bender because The Prankster doesn't want her to, she'll just kill the kid to get revenge on the robot. Alador snarks that with that attiuide it's a real suprise Odalia cares about her reptuation, she glares at him causing him to go slient

Slade sees this as an opporunity to escape by blowing up the abomination and proceeds to fight off Odalia Blight.

Luan is trying to get out of the crate, she does manage to get out but she realizes how deep in the ocean she was thrown and she tries to swim out. Which she does, she focuses on shooting a web to get her out of the water. Scrooge knocks out Alador Blight with a whack of the head and  Slade Attacks the admoniations Odalia sends after him and Odalia gloats that even if he does escape, Odalia and her boss have already done something to that lovely wife of his.

Slade loses focus and asks what Odalia did to Celes, Scrooge tells him to focus and not listen to her. Luan attacks Odalia and spider webs her mouth and pins her down by restraining her arm to prevent another andomiation from coming out.

Slade decides to leave to see his wife and Scrooge and Luan have to come depsite the latter wanting to stop her right there and then. Odlaia tries to attack them but Alador recovering from consciousness tells her to just come along as it's not worth it.

Back at the Loch Loud Castle we have Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Sasha, Wile E, Libby, Scrooge, G-Lo and Angus as they study up on what they uncovered. They only have half from Bender and Marcy's side, Slade and Luan's side and Anti Cosmo and Libby's end.  Angus looks in the books himself telling them that those clues make no sense and states they are in a random order and that the other half will be needed from the others. Slade is seething over Odalia basically putting Celes in the hopsital and swears to gut her eye for it, Anti Cosmo reminds Slade about the last time a personal member of the crew was hurt or killed and that he needs to approach Odalia more level headed or risk her getting revenge on him. Slade states easy for him when he's never had a more personal foe like Bender or himself, and that Odalia is going after all of them. Anti Cosmo tells Slade that Harrison reported to him that Celes is alive, just temporary weakened.

Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harrison discuss Celes's hopsitalzation again and Harry reassures Slade she will be fine and alive. Slade asks about of her powers and Harrison states that they will be able to find a way to get rid of the serum in Celes's body and Amity's body they just need to find something special to use. Anti Cosmo asks if Harry has an idea, and Harry states he floated the idea to get some help with this. Wile E and Libby approach the trio and Wile E asks Harry to make a multiversal dna scanner as he did acquire this blood sample of The Prankster and ACME again failed him

Scrooge sees Bender, Luan, Marcy, Slade and Anti Cosmo who all waiting outside for Scrooge's pilot. Marcy and Bender both discuss that their undercover guys have indeed found something Deathstroke has been hiding, in that they are kids from an another multiverse here. Anti Cosmo is the most understanding of the three and asks how did this happen, Slade comments that both him and Bender played with Pandora's Box and are seeing consquences like Harry warned Bender and Anti Cosmo about, mentioning this is one of them. Luan adds if this did indeed occur, how would Cleo be able to arrive here she was here before Bender, Her and Anti Cosmo tried this.

Slade is a loss at words, as he didn't even think about that one. Marcy spectulates that someone else knows how to do this and may be associated with whoever brought her to Brighton. Anti Cosmo and Bender admit that they didn't even know her when they were there investigating The Cult and the Orginial Cleo there wasn't even any clue of a person being there apart from the buliding collteral damage.

Scrooge finally talks with the 5 and states that is his pilot right there, and that he also resides in Duckberg like he himself, He asks the 5 that have they or anyone else ben there other than Anti Cosmo and Bender. Luan, Slade and Marcy all shake their heads, Scrooge states then this will be new for them.

However it looks that the plane crashed into something on the way conerning Luan and Marcy. Scrooge states that his pilot just does that, he's a damn good pilot but he has a tedency to crash an awful lot. Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender look uneasy as the three think they know who the pilot.

Scrooge greets his pilot who turns out to be none other than Launchpad Mc.Quack who greets Scrooge as Mr. M.D. and states what can do for him. Scrooge tells Launchpad that he needs a trip back to Duckberg with his team and that they have a mystery to uncover/adventure. Launchpad understands and he sees Anti Cosmo, Slade and Bender and asks is that them and you guys know Mr. M.D?

Scrooge asks do the three know Launchpad, and Bender states they do know him.

Chapter 4[]

Scrooge calls everyone to get aboard of the plane. Bender, Marcy Wu, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harry, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Wile E Coyote, Cleo, Libby, Tom, G-LO and Sasha all show up. Launchpad was suprised to see how many people Mr. MD has brought on the quest with Celes, Grime and Amity rearing at the back

Launchpad stops to see Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade and asks them do the others know of this quest. Launchpad inquires about Slade, Bender and Anti Cosmo's parnter with Marcy Wu as Boomer, Edd, Darkwing and Gosalyn are investagiting her, Slade stops him there and states the three will explain that later and tell him what happened.

Launchpad after bringing Scrooge, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Marcy and Libby into the cock pit asks what is going on the multiverse. Slade reveals to Launchpad that the multiverse is nothing like they know as of late and that The Weirdmagedon Aclopyase had an hand, Launchpad states he was already infromed of this by DW.

Marcy takes the wheel here and tells Launchpad that they were all turned into petrified states and Her, Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo all saved them by hesiting them with Slade's army and Bender's associates.

Launchpad reveals Bender's friend Boomer, Darkwing and Gosalyn are investiagating Marcy. Marcy clears the air with him and tells him, that  King Andiras who  she is a personal pupil to were attacked by The Weridmagedon Cult and she asked to see how A Multiversal P.I named Anglesmith and that how she ran into Bender and Luan and then in Slade, Anti Cosmo and Dr.Wells. Slade state that the 5 of them all did encounter Toffee before and that they all established an alliance with Andiras.

Launchpad asks what are Anti Cosmo, Slade and Bender trying to do respectively. Bender states he is trying to find Lizbeth and Marcy arranged a deal with Andiras.

At the Green farms,  Slade and Harrison are not exactly thrilled to do farm work as they're not bulit for it though Anti Cosmo and Scrooge both do without complain.

Scrooge asks Slade and Anti Cosmo about their own history with Launchpad as they never answered. Slade states he met Launchpad a long time when going against Hunson Abadeer a devil in a business suit who led an empire to take over the multiverse and Darkwing was with them and saves Launchpad from them.

Harrison focuses on the time travel aspect and believes this immediatly and asks how the two even acquired time travel, Slade and Anti Cosmo both state they time traveled to stop Darkwarrior with the help of The V Team, who they avoid talking about after that meniton. Scrooge asks about the V Team and Slade dodges the question as does Anti Cosmo.

Anti Cosmo explains that wasn't their only attempt with Time Travel and when The Joker came back, he, Slade, Bender and Skipper all worked to figure out how he came back and when through two entire multiverse timelines to get back. Slade adds and then there was that encounter with Thawne.

All of the team head into the manor and Launchpad informs them about Scrooge's nephews being impriosoned and to go safe them. Equipped everyone heads to attack the mooks respectively breaking part of the bricks and resuce the first of his nephews

The Prankster's Cartel enforcers keep Marcy, Luan, Anti Cosmo, Tom. G-Lo and Cleo at bay for the rest of the team to go on in which as they up and see some hidden diamond. Slade, Scrooge, Celes, Sasha, Grime  all take the lead next as they go after more enforcers and then they manage to freed the next of Scoorge's nephews

Slade acknowledges the discpine of the Prankster's cartel minions as they are cornered and he insists, Bender, Harrison, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Wile E Amity and Libby to go on and get to the vauly as they take care of the rest with Slade and Celes, Sasha and Grime and Scrooge all going back to back to face off with them. The enitre group arrive in the main room and they all discuss what was that. The Prankster must have brached out to the Cartel as Slade and his associates ponder.

After Chip blows up the Greens House, and with Bender mocking Chip again and Harry telling him that Chip isn't as clever as he thinks. Slade drops a hint to not get bugged about such petty greivances before Bender comments about Chip having seaman on his back and they all make comments about Chip and laugh at him even his own allies are laughing at him.

Cricket and The Greens wonder why Bash and Bella didn't  just taunt them like the others did and Slade gives his expereinces that they're criminals and profeessional burglars at that. They're not interested in callous crulety it's just a job, as he childes Anti Cosmo for being childish and AC counters with there has to be a goofy thing he wants to do.

As the Team sets off to reclaim the treasure they all split up into teams to reclaim the treasures. The first stop is the amazon and Bender, Slade, Scrooge, Cleo and Sasha all go after it. They find King Andrias there and work with him to find the 1st treasure.

Slade and Bender get Anti Cosmo and it turns out that they got some info from the bug. Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo learn that Odalia was distracting Anti Cosmo with the hologram and that she was punished for trying to kill the kid, which Bender questions why would Prankster care about Luan. Slade and Anti Cosmo both keep Bender quiet as they overhear that Odalia's real plan is to have her spies go after the 3 of them with intent of killing them, as Odalia decided have targeting them seprarely, she needs to get all 3 of them killed together.

Anti Cosmo, Slade and Bender all decide to go after The Millers and Bender hands Libby a walkie talkie and a note book so they can record what they're doing. The three are joined by Chip and Dale who decided to come along with them to see what The Millers are up to.

Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Chip and Dale all have headed off to where they have been tracking where their bugging info led them. Slade takes the lead as he equips his weapons as Bender, Anti Cosmo, Chip and Dale follow him and he asks if there's anything they can detect, Anti Cosmo can detect something unusual as does Bender. Slade questions them and Bender states it's like someone is watching them which Chip confirms as he is hearing something.

Before anyone can do anything, the 5 all find themselves ensared in a trap and The Millers arrive greeting them and telling Odalia they got the three. Anti Cosmo finds this cliche and realizes Odalia was observing him in Transvlyania, Slade and Bender both give him glances saying "you think". Odalia appaers on a screen and gloats how she got all 3 of them. Slade asks why can't she be in person, Odalia goes on about how her boss punished her for trying to kill that brace faced freak with the spider powers. Bender is triggered by this and threatens to kill Odalia when he finds her.

Odalia states The Millers and Alador are dissapointing her and that she needs Anti Cosmo, Slade and Bender dead for corrupting their daughter and that's why she agreed to punish Amity by taking away her powers. This shocks Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Chip, Dale and even The Millers and Alador. Anti Cosmo looks at Odalia with her digust as does Chip and Dale, Odalia blackmails The Millers to kill them or she'll kill The Miller Family in turn before signing off.

It turns out Chip and Dale have been getting the 5 of them free and The Millers equip themselves with the tecnonlogy that M.A.L.I.C.E gave them and The Millers battle Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Chip and Dale with Chip and Dale taking on the kid, Anti Cosmo and Slade taking on the dad and Bender taking on the mom.

The Millers do have S.U.S.P.E.N.S.E as backup and use to get the drop as they state they outnumbered 5 to a good number. Charlie shows up and states make it 6. Charlie, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Chip and Dale all face off with S.U.S.P.E.N.S.E and The Millers and engage in a prolonged struggle. Which ends up with the 6 on top and basically destroying the weaponry The Millers had from M.A.L.I.C.E.

Charlie asks about Harrison as the other 5 seem to be here, Slade tells her that he is looking to the clue respectively that led them here and that he took the others with them including Celes and Amity who Odalia had weakened as a way of punishing the latter.

Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo meet back with Luan, Marcy, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Libby, Tom, Sasha and Cleo and they reveal what found out in regards to The Millers, Chip and Dale, and Charlie's involement. upon Learng that Safrass makes up The Prankster's last name of her true identify they found.  Tom and Cricket both say how did they figure it, Slade mentions that Chip and Dale were how as they managed to figure out the info for Anti Cosmo and himself.

With the transportation methods having taking some damage and Scrooge having already picked his crew he  apologises to Bender, Marcy, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Sasha that he won't be able to take them to the moon.

Marcy, Anti Cosmo, Bender, Sasha, Slade and Luan all find Bender's contact and it's XR who takes the 6 to find the Green Cheese of Longviety. In a Star Command ship, The 7 of them land on the moon and everyone other than Bender, XR and Anti Cosmo are chewing some gum that allows them to breath in space as Harry Wells was working on a way to breath in space.

Marcy puts XR Back together and does her darnest while Slade, Sasha, Luan, Bender and Anti Cosmo patiently wait for Marcy's sucess. Upon this and getting the last treasure they head back to the manor.

King Andrias tells Bender, Marcy, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Sasha that that he, Olivia  and Yunan found that the 4th clue is among them in that temple which Marcy knew since they had Harry and Wile E do. Though as Olivia puts it The Pranks A Lot Mob is there too.

Slade is confident they could take care of it though Sasha isn't so sure regarding Grime. Andrias knows where to go and leads Scrooge, Marcy, Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Libby, Tom, Scrooge, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Sasha all there with Yuman and Olivia as they head to get them.

The whole team head into the temple and go looking to find Harry and the others and they go looking around. Though it's surrounded by mobsters and members of the Prankster's group as they all go stealthfully, even taking out plenty of henchman who are guarding the area.

Slade, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Marcy all know something's up. The Prankster had this in mind as they deter.

As Tom, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Anti Cosmo, Bender,  Cleo, King Andrias, Tom, Luan, Libby, Slade, Sasha and Scrooge all follow the foot prints they find Harry, Wile E, G-LO, Celes, Amity and Grime who are with Ace, Hilda and Kamela.

Marcy, Cricket, Ronnie Anne and Amity's mention of the Royal Isles is caught on by Slade, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Harrison, Luan and Cleo as they all visited there once

Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harrison, Cricket, King Andrias, Wile E, Cleo, Tom, Amity, Libby, Sasha, Grime, Ronnie Anne, Scrooge, G-LO, Ace, Hilda, Kamela, The Greens + Remy, XR, Charlie, Chip and Dale, Gus's men, Tiger Claw, Yuman all proceed to fight off The Prankster's forces while Bender and Marcy proceed to go after The Prankster

Slade, Bender and Anti Cosmo discuss the past, regarding the Nano Gauntlet, what happened with some associates of theirs.

Slade, Anti Cosmo and Dr. Wells were involved in a war before Toffee and Bill's return where they let a work on a Nano Gauntlet and did so to save Bender and Luan from the Mad Gods

While Dr.Wells, Anti Cosmo and Slade were sucessful it came at the cost of Brick, Butch and The Entire V Team. Brick and Butch were murdered post-snap and The V Team safriced themsleves to bring everyone back into existence.

Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Mojo, Celes, HIM and Sideshow Bob called Bender as they had the actual bodies of Brick and Butch as well as the team and buried them in graves under Slade's Mansion

Bender burried Brick and Butch with Mojo and HIM where as Slade, Anti Cosmo and Dr.Wells burried The V Team with Celes and Sideshow Bob working the controls to bury the burials

Afterwards, Slade calls Bender, Anti Cosmo and Harry revealing that the 4 have to get rid of the Nano Gauntlet and the stones. As they can't destroy the gauntlet due to Harry not knowing a way to destroy it. The 4 must find a way to separate the stones and gauntlet and Slade states that this can't be told to anyone involved other than the 4 of them of what they are doing.  Bender does get disspension regarding Luan upon him questioning this and Anti Cosmo allows this.

Slade reveals that apart from his wife, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Harrison and Luan he really did shut off from nearly everyone. Slade choose to handle things himself as he couldn't put his men in any danger after feeling he put his most trusted lieutants in a situation he couldn't save them from. He only included the others because Toffee and Bill were such personal threats to Slade's team.

Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harry all say that Marcy was going to be let in on this as a token of their friendship and respect for her

Mr. Candle finishes his psycho analysis and confirms that the 3 are in very real mental trouble. Mr.Candle states the problem with the 3 are simple.

Slade is unwilling to put his own esnemble in any danger since the event other than Anti Cosmo, Bender, Harry and Celes as he was scarred by losing the team he put so much faith and potential and was with him since the beginning.

Slade, Anti Cosmo, Wile E, Sasha, Grime, Dr.Doofenscimtz, Harrison Wells all discuss the alternate multiverse theory and Doof reveals that he can do something with that and can help them head to The Boiling Isles.

Slade asks how he even got strained on the moon, Dr.Doof reveals that he was with Milo Murphy, Murphy's friends, Perry and these two time travelers on some kind of mission that regarded Milo's bad luck and because the universe got cut off. They were strained in space. Doof goes on further explaining the pistachios were reponsible for him having to move with the Murphys as they attacked Danville. Harrison, Wile E and Slade state that if they knew he knew about them, they would have went to him for help. Doof states that they came back a 3rd time as he was told they attacked two times.

Slade mentions his whole fight against them with the whole group minus Anti Cosmo and Bender when after and exterminated them. Sasha then explains that she and Grime kept them busy when they came to Brighton. Anti Cosmo laughs this and says that he and Bender cleaned their clocks, Grime wants to fight Anti Cosmo for that comment and Anti Cosmo almost takes him up on it but is stopped by Wile E and Slade.

Chapter 5[]

Bender knows exactly who Doof is referring to get for help and states that they can all go  get there and he knows how to get there. Slade and Anti Cosmo both know too and explain that these guys come from the collective past of Launchpad, Dr.Doof, and the 3 of them and that they will all go to see them.

Bender decides to make a beeline to Miseryville with Slade taking the Dolphin route and Anti Cosmo taking the Quahog Route as the three are all familar with them

Slade, Sasha, Tom, Libby, Celes, Gus Fring, Scrooge and Amity all make a visit to Quahog as they arrive at the Griffin Household. They all debate who to knock on the door to see Stweie. Eventually  they settle on Sasha and Libby as they're the most normal. Slade sends the two on their way as he waits with Tom, Celes, Tom, Gus and Scrooge, Amity and he states that they will get Stewie and that he will know of him and that he can get a hold of him. Amity asks about him and Slade states he's a 1 year old toddler with a football head and Amity questions how could someone like that could help.

Slade explains Stewart is a genius, and has been to build time machines and dimenisonal travel before. Gus states and he is relaible, Slade states that he is as reliable as a genius in a baby's body can be here. Celes sides with Gus and questions this though Tom and Scrooge decide to keep a close eye on Sasha and Libby in turn.

Libby and Sasha both arrive to see Stewie and the two  take the baby out and that they're sitting for the day. Stewie is questioning this as he isn't in a need for babysitting, he can take of himself. Slade then shows up and states he knows this and that they need his help. Stewie is suprised to see Slade again asking what is he doing here. Slade states him, Anti Cosmo and Bender are looking for him for help on something important.

Tom and Scrooge explain that Doofenshcimtz, his old colleague is working with them to make the other dimmension inator work for them and their intent to find a lost friend of theirs. Stewie isn't so sure and asks how does he trust them he hasn't heard from anyone in a long while. Slade admits it's been a long time and that Bender, Anti Cosmo and himself wouldn't have gone seeking him if the matter was urgent


Libby states that Gus is a cautious guy to Stewie and that he'll be fine and that they just need him for a while. Sasha explains and about the baby sitting thing, Libby states they'll do it they need to make it real right as what Bender states is a proper way to do things. Amity and Slade state good and talk to Harry about that they gotten the kid and that they learn Bender managed to get Lucius's resources as well for using Wile E as a test subject. Wile E states that he has dealt with worse from A.C.M.E and Slade believes this as does Amity.

Marcy, Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Celes, Cleo, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Gus, Malcolm, Tigerclaw, Guzma, G-Lo, Sasha, Grime, Libby, Amity, Tom and Scrooge all come back with Lucius, Stewie and Dr.Blowhole and the latter 2 go to help out Harry, Wile E, Scudsworth and Benny with their stuff as they put the Innator repair into work.

As the Innator is finished, Marcy and Amity both decide on different things from Boiling Isles travel. Marcy thinks getting Eda could be of help to their situation, Marcy also states that she can introduce her friends to Eda. Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender ask about her and Marcy explains she's the owner of that house they landed in went traveling to Boiling Isles. The three realize that it's the house with the talking owl and that Eda will know of them.

Slade and Bender both add that The Blights live there so that makes them easy targets for Odalia. Marcy states there is a difference and all of them will be there in case so it's not Odalia has home field advantage.

Upon exiting out of the portal this is where Marcy, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harrison, Wile E, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Tom, Libby, Amity, Scrooge, G-LO, Sasha , Grime, Ace, Hilda and Ms.Marvel all land into the Boiling Isles

Marcy, Cricket, Amity, Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo all feel like they never left The Boiling Isles as it hasn't changed from when they were last here. Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo are intent on getting a drink though Marcy stops them and tells they can drink later, they see to see Eda first

As Marcy leads them to the Owl House, she sees Hooty who recongizes Anti Cosmo, Slade and Bender and gets Eda. Eda is surpised to see Marcy, Cricket, Amity and Ronnie Anne all here and she asks where's the others. Ronnie Anne states that King is with Sid whether they are, Amity and Marcy state the same for Luz and Anne respectively. Eda recalls to Marcy that these must be her friends then, she knows that the robot, the anit fairy and the masked man were in her house beacuse Hooty told her

Anti Comso states it's about time someone got his species right and Bender and Slade properly introduce themselves to Mrs.Clawthrone

Eda shows the crew a map and tells them to follow her and to get ready in case something goes down. Bender and Harrison load riffles, Anti Cosmo gets his wand ready, Slade gets his bo staff ready, WIle E hands the rest of the team his ACME kit to use as well to prepare themselves as they all take a stance and head off.

Scrooge is quick to notice something and states that they may be watched and Bender asks who and Scrooge states he thinks maybe Mrs. Safrass. Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harrison take this up and think the tranquility is suspcious.

Eda manages to lead them all to the cavern and the crew all enter. Eda instructs them not to touch the wall as the walls are made of Titan's veins and signgiifes decay. Anti Cosmo turns himself into a rat to sneak up ahead and under detection as Bender, Slade, Harry, Libby, Grime, Wile E, Scrooge and Kamela follow Anti Cosmo

As the team follows Anti Cosmo, he leads them to Eclpise Lake and sees it dried up. Slade and Bender both comment is this what he sensed a dried up lake.

Slade, Harrison, Grime and Wile E scout the area as well and they find out there are monsters attacking them and they're Cybugs. Harry identifies them as this and Harrison tells the team they need to get ready as This is what Prankster intended with an ambush

Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Grime, Wile E, Harry, Scrooge, Eda and Ms.Marvel all get ready to engage and all face off with the Cy Bugs despite their numbers being as big as possible. All do their own ends consisting of shooting, magic using, weapon using and super power using.

There are thousands of destroyed Cybugs that lurk around the group after their engagement with them and this is when Hit Girl and Wolverine show up to take care of the rest of them. Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender are surised to see The V Crusaders and ask what are they doing here. Slade asks if V, Alucard, Zero or Linkara know they are here, Hit Girl tells Slade that don't and that this is their own exposition to find her and that they are trying to find her and learned from the turtle neck kid that they are seeking to find her too.

After the mayhem ensures with The Prankster's Forces, Anti Cosmo, Bender, Eda, Grime, Harrison, Hit Girl, Kamela, Kickass Libby, Scrooge, Slade and Wolverine all head away and learn that there is one last clue involved and it will take them to the temple where the first gem of the Calamity Box will be charged. Libby states she told The V Crusaders what Bender intended to do resepctfully

Slade, Anti Cosmo, Bender, Callohun, Wolverine, Hit Girl and Kick Ass all conspire respectively and state that they're all in agreement about finding their mutual friend and associate.

Amity talks to the others about trusting her dad. Only Harry really seems to succeed and making a honesty conversation and ploy to have her consider her dad, since he's a dad. As Anti Cosmo and Slade don't have kids, Bender is a middling parent by his own word, Cleo and Kamela don't know their dads too well, Libby doesn't have one and most of them lost their fathers.

Chapter 6[]

Marcy Wu, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo,Harrison Wells, Luan Loud, Cricket Green ,Wile E Coyote, Cleo Sub Prime, King Andiras, Celes Chere, Ronnie Anne, Amity Blight, Tom Lucifor, Captain Grime, Sasha Wayblight, Libby Stein ,Scrooge McDuck, G-Lo, Ace Savry Junior, Hilda (Graphic Novel), , Ms.Marvel, Wolverine, Sergant Callohun, Kick Ass and Hit Girl all go through the portal and land in springfield

Everyone is trying to figure out what to head now. However Wolverine, Callohun, Kick Ass and Hit Girl all know what to do that they need to see Homer. Anti Cosmo, Luan and Slade all ponder out which other members could have been put on the job, Bender returns and tells the trio that V also sent off Clemont, Ryan Hardy, Peabody and Sherman also to investigate the disappearancet too. Slade states then V has 2 different units helping here and they can't figure out what's going on. Bender and Luan both theorize The V Crusaders want to cover their bases and with the time stone being the only known way to travel at this time the latter two can't use their wayback machine. Anti Cosmo states how that is even possible, Bender states he told this before and repeats this. Luan ponders about dimenisons or other universes being able to do, Slade states that he is not letting the three do it again as look wha they did unsuperivsed because Anti Cosmo and Bender ignored an expert's warning

With the rest of the gang out and all about, Marcy, Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry Wells, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Homer, Callohun, Wolverine, Kick Ass, Hit Girl and Celes all begin to ponder where they could find the first of the gem to power the box.  Marcy and Bender are confused as they though it was going to be some kind of temple. Slade states that they chose to believe Andrias who while smart isn't on the ball at times.

Benny tells Luan that if he got his theory right is that if Bender met Homer then he must time traveled there. Slade, Celes, Harry and Anti Cosmo add that it's illegal as well to the multiverse now and even Bender would struggle to get away with it now.

Luan and Benny offer their only thoughts that it would have to be secured in something that would take a lot of time and money to build and not Slade's mansion.

Slade states that mansion took one and not the other and that Luan shouldn't have known about that. Harrison, Celes, Anti Cosmo think on this too and state like a guy who's loaded. Homer says he knows someone, Mr. Burns. They need to break into his manison and go there

Luan, Bender, Slade, Harry, Marcy and Anti Cosmo decide they need to lay a trap in case Prankster follows them as they set off.

Taking the stolen limo, Marcy, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harrison, Celes, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Wolverine, Callohun, Homer Simpson, Kick Ass and Hit Girl drive on their way to head to Burns Manor so they can find the first of the 3 Calamity Gems.

Marcy states Bender deserves to start over, sure he isn't feeling bad but also that he clearly has taken a lot of crap as much as he dished it. Callohun admits this and points out that if it wasn't for Lizbeth or Boomer they would have turned Bender and the 2 main headers of Slade's Ensemble in. Slade and Anti Cosmo don't fault them for that one.

Marcy tells Bender, Cricket, Celes Slade and Luan to get to deal with who's following them as she, Anti Cosmo, Harry and Ronnie Anne will keep the vechile on drive.

Slade and Odalia face off respectively one on one despite Bender wanting to help him as Slade states this is his job alone. Luan and Celes want to do as well though Slade says Blight is his. Odalia says it doesn't matter to her and that she will get her way. Using Abomdinations against Slade and duels as Slade is fighting her Abominations as he is determined to get hands on the Blight Matirach and take revenge on Odalia

Slade finally gets the better of Odalia by tiring her out and unleashs a beatdown on Odalia beating her up and even slamming her on the ground multple times for payback for everyhting she did. Odalia tries to trap Slade with his anger focused on her though Celes steps in and saves him and puts Odalia legs on ice and Slade has Anti Cosmo and Bender toss her in the sea. Slade snarks that is fitting payback and Celes states that Odalia started it. Bender gets back to Luan who is dealing with Heron herself as he keeps cover for the V Crusaders

Slade tells Marcy she is not driving after the rocket car and good luck getting a learner's lincese that way. Marcy states it was her first time, Bender states but not the first time he's been in a crazy driving situation referring to back his chase with Skipper, Marceline, Agent 9, King Julian and Axel, When King Julian and Quackerjack drove a vechile, the two times he was chased by Joker's satelete laser system, Julian kicking the wheel to road house and Captain Hero driving a chariot drunk

Luan and Harry both look with at Slade and Anti Comso on this and they confirm it's all true

Slade, Anti Cosmo, Bender, Harry, Luan, Marcy, Celes, Ronnie Anne, Cricket, Homer, Callohun, Wolverine, Hit Girl and Kick Ass end in the Stone Cutters Tunnel and here the classic music played in the background. Questioning what it would be doing here, Bender and The V Crusaders think on why it would be here of all places with the only theory being Homer's boss being a collective of anything worth any monteray value

Slade and Anti Cosmo both question this too in regards to what Andrias told them about recharging the box, Marcy suspects that maybe it was outdated or maybe Mr.Burns found a way to Amphibia and stole the 3 gems to power the Calamity Box.

Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry and The V Crusaders are busy looking for any possible clue that would lead them to find it. Slade asks if WIle E still has the Calamity Box, Harry states he actually has it and asks Homer where the tunnel leads, Homer tells Harry that it leads to the Nuclear Power Plant and he'll take them there.

Harrison, Slade, Bender, Luan, Marcy, Anti Cosmo, Celes and The V Crusaders make their way through the Power Plant but there is no sort of danger other than Homer's co-workers other than his friends thinking Homer is doing something stupid or letting other people know all the secrets. Homer states he's the safety inspector which has Bender, Anti Cosmo and even Slade snicker with amusement that this guy is trusted with safety.

Slade, Luan, Harry, Anti Cosmo and Celes find Cricket and Ronnie Anne and Cricket tells them that the gem was indeed found by Mr.Burns and quesiton how. Harry states what he suspected and that since both universes are Disney Based that IPs shared under a company can correspond with each other in anyway it seems. Slade asks why didn't he say anything earlier. Harry tells Slade he was suspcious of this not aware of it.

Slade, Anti Cosmo and Luan theorize the pink one was the gem representing Sasha, Since Marcy had some inffinity for green and whoever the 3rd girl is must be the blue. Luan states the red represents stength, the green wit and the blue heart by the looks of it if she knows anything about Sasha and Marcy. Anti Cosmo states and yet Sasha is no Blossom, and Marcy is No Buttercup. Luan gets a text and shows it to them

Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Cricket, Ronnie Anne and The V Crusaders state that they are a gem down and 2 to go, though they have to content with The Prankster and her opening portals and kidnapping Benny.

Marcy, Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Wile E, Cleo, King Andiras, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Celes, Wolverine, Homer, Hit Girl, Kick Ass, Callohun, Libby, Tom, Amity, Scrooge, G-LO, Sasha, Grime, Kamela, Ace, Hilda,  Guzma, Gus, Malcolm, Scudsworth and Tiger Claw all observe as the dimension shatter and bring in another universe. This is when they all see the Nimbus with Bender moaning why is he here?, Marcy and Luan ask Bender on who and he states DOOP and by the looks of the president.

Guzma states Deathstroke is the president, Slade and Anti Cosmo correct him and say that the president they're referring is Nixon's head and that DOOP is part of NIxon. Slade, Bender and Anti Cosmo all realize that it's New New York that crossed into their path.

The Nimbus then beams the entire crew up with the whole group wondering what the hell is going on.

Chapter 7[]

Slade is basically in prison pondering what Zapp and Nixon want with the team respectivefully. He get his answer when he, Bender and Anti Cosmo see the Planet Express Crew there too. Slade explains the situation to them and what they're dealing with

With Marcy and Bender, he puts a negoation to Nixon and then decides to put his tactical side to work by getting everyone to his manison in his conteint to make their plan and arm themselves

As they head there he and Marcy talk about what are they going to do. Slade tells her that he is confident that his mansion is the perfect to go he is well stocked on nearly everything and it's a secure place. He also wants to show her, Bender and Anti Cosmo his secret project in the basement.

Marcy and Slade watch as Bender, Harry, Luan and Anti Cosmo are talking to Farnsworth and Slade asks if about the charged box. Marcy states that the 2 remaining gems are important to recharge for her and Bender and she feels Bender maybe  be asking Farnsworth for some info on Lizbeth. She asks Slade how important Lizbeth is to Bender. Slade states surpingsly a lot for such virtol and it's not just about the failure, they have known each other for a long time ago such like Dib and the others.

Upon arrival, Slade leads Bender, Marcy, Anti Cosmo as well as Libby, Cricket, Ronnie Anne and Hunter into his basement and shows them his cruiser that he has been assembling from the ground up. Marcy states how big it is and Slade states really big on the inside. Marcy realizes that this is where Slade, ANti Cosmo and Bender buried The V Team and Boomer's brothers. Slade leads everyone else in other than Marcy, Anti Cosmo and Bender by showing the others his cruiser on the inside

After being build from many other cruisers he intends to use it on the fleet of Golden Death Stars and use for his entire team for travel. Slade orchestrates the entire operation and how they are going to go through with this operation

He personally goes after Odalia BLight with Bender, Anti Cosmo, Amity and Alador and takes on Odalia's abominations with Bender and Anti Cosmo.

Alador and Amity both take on Odalia and her adomination spells as her mooks take on the other. Both sides fight long and hard until Odalia tries to blackmail Amity again by having Bender, Slade and AC brought into not Prankster but the Emperor, as Toffee isn't around for this. Alador saves Bender, Slade and ANti Cosmo and strong arms his wife to back off or he'll get rid of all her work, everything even kicking out of their home which he has no intent to let her stay anymore. Also he wants her to leave Amity's friends alone as well as their other kids

Amity, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender are suprised at the back bone Alador grew as Odalia is backed down to a corner. Alador admits he is sincere in wanting to be a better parent and admits it may not be enough, but he has to start somewhere.

Odala brags she will have Emperor Belos deal with them to get revenge on Amity and Alador for working with them and putting their claws into the Blight name

Alador and Amity refuse and have her back down and Odalia powerless is beaten senseless by Bender with the help of Slade and Anti Cosmo who state she got lucky for suriving Slade's attempt to take her life.

Slade then deals with Lorenzo with Anti Cosmo and Harrison Wells and uses mechas to do such a thing it's tough but the three manage to defeat him and this allows Slade with the others to fight off The Prankster

He is the 3rd of the 8 characters to fight Prankster with Harry, Libby, G-LO, Luan, Bender, ANti Cosmo and Marcy. Slade unlike the others is dead focused on beating down Sassfrass and he lives up to it. The Prankster does keep him away an duses her brains to keep them on equal footing before Slade eventually catches on and passes on to the next battle over to Luan

He, AC and Wells are surpised Bender and Luan are trying to negoaite a deal with Sassfrass. Even more so when this works. He, Anti Cosmo and Wells notice the cops and the Cartel and tell them what's happening. When Putty announces his intentions, Slade shows disgust for him and Putty tries to have Slade turned in alonside ANti Cosmo for their many crimes before hadn.

The Prankster gets him and the others out and then they agree to work against Putty and expose him. Slade sends Anti Cosmo to help Libby report the infomation in the very event she gets cornered.

Slade and the rest go find Putty and face off with the Gumby T-1000 Cop thing.When Libby and Anti Cosmo pretty much expose Putty, Putty breaks down and tries to murder them all of them in case he does go away

However Marcy and Wells's plan pays off and Putty gets frozen and imprisoned.

With sealing the anomality taking final priotiy he joins Bender, Andiras, Marcy, Luan, Cricket and the Planet Express Crew other than Farns worth and they do their darnest to seal it off with the others helping out. It's a long process due to their unfamilarity with this, Slade and the crew take a long time but they do seal it off with Zapp pulling an unsual safrice with his life to close off the anomality.

He is then sent off back to where the Nimbus got them before hand.


Slade and Anti Cosmo s see Bender bring in Putty with G-Lo and Libby provide what Putty has done in regards to his crimes. Slade and Anti Cosmo get Bender as they're deciding to do what to do in regards to Odalia with Harry, Marcy, Luan, Libby , King Andiras and Amity's family

Odalia calls her family ungrateful and she was doing all this to give them a favorable life. Harrison ducktapes her mouth and Amity, Eldric, Emira and Alador all denounce her as part of the family and call her for her selfishness and her willness to kill people who were no threat to her. She is also called out by Slade for using this as an excuse for going for revenge on him. He decides that she must be killed and Bender decides to put her down with Anti Cosmo though they are stopped by Amity as she doesn't want to kill her mom. Marcy, Slade, Bender and Anti Cosmo ask what to with her then. Alador states that there is a special prison for people for her in regards to magic and that they strip her of her magic and put her there instead. Luan and Libby agree with this and ask would this be okay and Marcy agrees while the other 3 are more relcutant

Slade isn't sure this was the best plan but accepts that Odalia won't have her magic  to terroirze him or her conncetions to S.U.S.P.E.N.S.E. Slade and Anti Cosmo then talk about what Mr.Candle told them and decide that it may be best to take his advice on letting the others in and not being work alcholics and join Marcy in her time at the castle after seeing off the others.

Anti Cosmo tells Bender of Slade's decision to follow Mr.Candle's advice and Bender is on board for this himself as Slade chills in the castle.

Countdown To Chang's Guide To The Galaxy[]

Slade learns of Odalia's connection To The Miller Family's own conncetion to M.A.L.I.C.E, he has Bender investigate them to inform him of their activities. Slade has Anti Cosmo pick up the info Bender found where the two come across The Bad Guys. Bender tells Slade and Anti Cosmo his suspicions of Vought International considering his case he took up for Dib's sake and they decide to go after the alien invasion and split up. Slade works with Marcy Wu, while Anti Cosmo works with Bender and Harrison Wells works with Luan Loud.

Chapter 1[]

Slade is mentioned by Anti Cosmo who investigated Vought for Bender as Bender invesitgated M.A.L.I.C.E for Slade.  Slade found out that the head was a figure head for the real leader, who symbolizes the american dream, he is known as Homelander. that Slade posed as a worker for Vought and Libby had a field trip with the class do what their dads. Libby and Slade worked a plan to have Slade pose as her dad and then use the opporunity to find as much info as possible.

Bender, Luan, Marcy Wu, Anti Cosmo, Libby, Wile E Coyote, Captain Hero and Benny Stein are all there and head to Slade's mansion to see Slade.

Slade, Harry and Jessie answer and they show them in. Slade got Anti Cosmo's message and he has been getting to work on things. Slade asks about why is Benny even here, Benny tells Slade he's here for Luan, who has been acting strange which is shown when she turns invisible and back stunning the others.

Bender, Marcy, Slade, and the others are all shocked at this and back and wonder what's happening to Luan. Luan isn't so sure herself as this just started to happen, Benny said that this  happened before a few times and other aspects to Luan

Captain Hero, Bender, Marcy, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Libby all discuss what is going on from Bender's report from The Bad Guys and Deathstroke. The crew suspect Vought was up to something as Slade and Anti Cosmo feel they're hiding something as to waht Libby and Bender both have looked into at that point. Captain Hero scoffs at the idea that someone as powerul as him could lead it considering Homelander a mere joke. Marcy warns him that could be grave as this guy in dangerous, she also tells Bender that Intergang is working with Homelander according to her knowledge not suprising Bender, Anti Cosmo or Slade who have been aware of Homelander's plans

Slade shows Anti Cosmo and Bender something he made in regards to a museum about the old multiverses they have and how he made it to allow those to remember the old times like he did and it could be a memorial of what lies in the past.

Marcy, Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry Wells, Jessie Wells, Libby, Benny, Wile E and Captain Hero all meet back up and through their work they figure that Vought may have some measure in this, and that whoever incrimianted Team Free Will may have associations with them too. It also apparent that they must investigate the monsters and aliens around and must split the work accordingly

Marcy knows she is with Slade and Slade states Marcy will work with him and that it seems apt. Slade tells her she won't be working alone with him as his empire will look into this.

Slade and Marcy Wu wave their goodbyes to the rest of the others as Slade leads Marcy to his ship and sees Celes. Slade tells her the others are heading off to their missions, Celes takes Slade that she got Mojo, Leonard Snart his sister and Captain Hook putting everything in place

Marcy asks why they are taking the Jolly Roger instead of Slade's ship. Slade instructs that he needs the element of surpise and wants  to save his ship for something more serious. He tells Marcy that he is aware that he is aware of the decaying state of the multiverse and that it feels smaller. Slade further states that he, Anti Cosmo and Bender have questioned their place since their the only players left of the old days as once the three of them settle down, the old multiverse will be offically be a thing of the pass. He showed the latter two his museum to insure that it won't be forgoten.

Marcy sees that Slade has gotten his empire involved in this other than Anti Cosmo, Harry, Bender, Celes and Jessie and asks did he still go therapy to Candle. Slade states recultnatly, as despite his look, Slade commends him for knowing his stuff. Marcy offers to contiune Slade's legacy he is setting for him. Touched, Slade states he will not force Marcy into the situation and that it will be up to her.

Slade and Celes discuss to themselves and Slade admits that it's suprsing that Marcy actually wants to follow in his and to an extent Bender and Anti Cosmo's footsteps. Celes states Slade would blackmail or  trick people into becoming his apprentice, but now has someone who wants to learn from him and the robot. Slade admits that they come a long way though Celes believes it's because Bender, Anti Cosmo, Luan Loud, Harry and even Slade have offered Marcy actual friendship and are more her friends than Sasha and that girl she mentioned. Slade dismisses the thought silightly, but does focus on this.

Marcy, Mojo, Cold, Golden Gridler and Captain Hook are ready and Slade has Captain Hook take charge of the ship and insturcts the rest of the empire to keep an eye on things. Slade and Marcy look out and Marcy asks Slade what's the 1st move. Slade and Celes both look at each other and states that they need to go where the wind takes them as Celes puts it.

Marcy is confused as is Mojo Jojo who decides to just go after the aliens as does the Snarts. Slade states he's the leader of this operation, and it's his say though he will accept other ideas.

Chapter 2[]

Meanwhile with Slade, Marcy and Slade's army, Slade has become privy to The 2 aliens Dregg and Z9. Slade questions how Z9 returned, Marcy asks about the general, Slade explains that The V Team faced him a long time ago before they joined him and that was ultimately how they met each other and made the team. The Martian General was thought to be locked afterwards but Slade theorizes someone set him free and that he proably is going to go after all the Martians as well as them. Marcy inqures this and Slade answers that he did intend to overthrow the Queen on Mars known as Tyranhee and he persumably has been given info about The V Team and their passing, so he will likely target Slade for some reason.

Celes comes in and tells Slade and Marcy about the contact Harry gave out to him and the others about Compound V. Slade decides to look into this drug so he can track it to Vought, however this is when Dregg and Z9 attack Slade and his crew as themselves and with Octopus monsters provided by The Sales Guy.

Slade and Celes decide to direct the attack and send Marcy to renevzous to the weapon base.

Slade, Celes, Captain Hook, Snart and Lisa are all busy fighting the forces on their ship attack. Hook is determined to protect his ship and tells Mojo to put the sheilds up which he does. Slade decides to ambush Z9 himself and wait for the move.

Snart manages to make a solid ice bridge with his gun to get Slade to the Martian's ship and he covers Slade as Slade crosses and orders Lisa and Celes to keep the distraction going. Hook takes control of his ship and crashes it with the sheilds to insure Slade can board the ship. Marcy and The Ray 03 arrive too and follow Slade.

Slade and Marcy both meet back up and confront the Martian General Z9 who proceeds to mock Slade for his loss of The V Team, he calls them lucky and weak for defeating him before. Z9 intends to put Slade into the ground like them to squash Slade's Empire, Slade and Marcy both refuse this and begin facing off with him. Slade inquires how he escaped, Z9 only states that a man for alien invasions freed him and colonization from his cell and promised him the planet, Dodgers, The V Team and it's boss and the other Martians for betraying him.

Slade's true plan is to have Z9 distracted so he can get more info that he needs for his allies. It turns out Z9 and Customer Service managed to get more alien forces. One being, the alien invader from Forced Kin and he helps Z9 deal with Slade and Marcy. Marcy struggles to hurt it, though does manage to get the Ray 03 to damage it and distracy before the Ray 03 is attacked and dismatled by it.

Slade manages to acquire the info he needs, and saves  Marcy from being killed. he is badly hurt himself

Varrick saves Slade and Marcy with  his magic vine technology with the help of Dr.Insano  who used the gauntlets he stole off Jesu Otaku uppercuts Lord Dregg and Z9 though only dents the alien invader himself helps the two get back to safety

Hook warns the crew that they need to escape as the power sheilds are failing, Slade and Celes agree as The Snarts cover their escape using their guns to cover their escape.

Marcy and Slade are both injured badly, though are breathing Celes checks on both of them. Slade is fine, but admits that Z9 is out for him more than he thought. Mojo feels he recongizes the invader, telling Slade he defeated it before when the Powerpuffs couldn't. Snart advises that a plan will be needed knowing Z9's connections and that the octi they beat was clearly sent by an ally specializing in monsters

Slade tells Hook to set course to a school as he lays there and says that they will need to recruit 2 old friends to help, Marcy asks who is he talking about. Slade tells Marcy, some Meisers who helped him before. Marcy Wu asks does he mean and Celes confirm that is who Slade means.

Slade tells Marcy that this is the best card they got on the table at this point. When Celes and Marcy ask about what Slade was trying to get off General Z9, Slade states something that could help. Marcy does recall that someone freed Z9 and Slade states she heard right but he has his men working on the identify.

Chapter 3[]

Slade, Marcy and Celes meet with HIM and Hades just like AC and Bender did. Hades explains what they found to them, about the return of CSM, The Spear of Destiny having played a hand in this and other stuff they looked into it. Slade nods and states that if this is indeed the case, he may have to get his empire to look further into this in regards to what Bender and Anti Cosmo as well as himself need to regards to the potential traveling through time and cracks as Bender and Anti Cosmo told him about Ren while Luan and Harry told him about Kate.

Dr.Insano and Zhu-Li come in to tell Slade what they found, Slade states that he has plenty from the others and that is among them. Insano states and what about Operation Countdown and how it's been secured carefully by Vought.

Slade is considering how to look into who is allowed to travel through time and how to get past it. He calls up Tombstone and tells him to call up his group of costumed rogues to do some investigationSlade, Marcy Wu, Varrick and Leonard Snart all consider exactly what could The Smoking Man be really up to with all these connections to Compound V, Aliens, Russians and Vought. Snart feels he was playing the long game and he's in it for a cliched take over the world. Varrick questioning just how he intends to accomplish his goal has him trying to figure what is this about power?, he knows it ain't money.

Slade agrees and states that The Smoking Man has apparent had connections to M.A.L.I.C.E, he also found out something most interesting. Marcy asks him what, Slade holds a file and states he had Nasela previously undercover The Conpsiracy's actions and That CSM basically put the screws on his oppoents turning them into pariahs. Marcy and Slade decide that they will go recruit Black Star and Kid, They know that will be tracked but they can be ready for it all. Celes and Captain Hook tell the two that they have arrived. Marcy, Slade, Captain Hook and Celes all set off to get the others

Slade, Captain Hook, Celes and Marcy Wu arrive at The Academy and Slade tells them that they will find the two of them. Marcy can't contain her excitement to find Black Star and Death The Kid as she is such a fan of Soul Eater. Slade states that this is a reality, and to control herself, they're not here to get Maka or Crona.

Hook and Slade head off to get Black Star with Slade getting a text that Captain Cold is looking into something else while he is at. Hook heads off into the ninja class and he is harranged by many of the ninjas under Black Star

Slade approaches Black Star saying that he is here to get his help. Black Star questions if Slade has trouble with S.U.S.P.E.N.S.E again, Slade states worse he is dealing with an conpsiracy that has been on the rise and Vought International and it's many plans co-operating with The Cigarette Smoking Man.

Black Star requests why him spefically, Slade and Hook both state that him and Kid were of great help before, and they can help again. Slade knows he's be tracked as well so Black Star can help out with this.

Slade is busy explaining to Black Star and Kid of the situation they're in and what he, Anti Cosmo, Bender and Libby have been looking into on Vought. This is when Celes gets the alert and tells Slade that they have been found. Captain Hook and Marcy get in front as they prepare to deal with the situation with Slade, Celes, Death and Black Star right behind them.

Homelander and A-Train demand Slade return what he stole from them, Slade refuses to give it. Black Star asks who the guy is, Slade tells him it's Homelander an Superman wannabe but demented. Black Star chuckles at this

General Z9 attacks Slade himself while he sends the rest of the crew after A-Train and Homelander.

Slade and Z9 engage in a lengthy battle between them which goes on for a while Due to their set skills. Z9 realizes he will have to do something and he calls in Zib to help out with this.

Zib agrees and this takes Slade by suprise, though he admits he knew about Zib due to Bender and Anti Cosmo telling him. Zib states of course they told him and he will ensure that he brings them to justice that he will get the respect he desrves and didn't get with Zim. Marcy takes action and snipes Z9 and Zib. Slade smirks knowing she followed through his instructions.

Slade and Marcy both fight Z9 and Zib with the latter trying to convince Marcy that Slade is evil and will never change as villains never change. Marcy admits she knows of his history but defuses this.

Slade and Z9 engage further and Slade is ready to basically defeat Z9, when Z9 takes a cheap shot and damages Hook's ship distracting Slade as he rallies his allies to escape

A-Train and Homelander decide to hightail it with Zib and Z9 satsified that they have managed to stop Slade from getting too close to the truth at this point.

As Slade, Mojo, Celes, Marcy, Captain Hook, Lisa Snart, Varrick, Zhun-Li, Dr.Insano, Kid and Black Star watch as Z9 stranded them here. The Crew is trying to think how to go on furhter.

Slade asks Celes, Black Star and Kid about the supes, Black Star admits they're tough but not invulerable, Slade asks if they drew blood. Celes states they did, Mojo samples it with a test tube and states that they have the edge now

Marcy and Slade inquire Mojo feeling like they know what he means.

Slade and Marcy admit that they didn't fully think that, but Slade does decide that should be where but without a ship, they're stranded unless. Marcy asks on him that word, Slade takes out a commnuciator and calls someone to pick them up.

Slade tells the crew it will be a while, so get comfortable

Kid and Black Star ask Slade a question, Kid at least speaks up and asks about what is Slade trying to achieve here when he already has an empire?

Slade doesn't say much but he does utter one word "legacy"

Celes asks Slade about what he said to the kids, Slade admits he isn't going to live forever and part of his crusade against Vought and working with Marcy is partly due to that. Celes states she likes the kid too, but do they really think she should be part of that legacy. Slade states that Marcy, Bender and Luan are his people as much as all of them, he knows where the latter two are going in live. But he is unsure of Marcy if she knows what she wants to do in live hence he has Marcy with them so she can figure out a path potentially

Chapter 4[]

Slade overhears Mick and Snart missing thier transport, and he considers to have them go see Anti Cosmo and Bender as he can wait for them which they were planning to do upon hearing of what Homelander's plans are in Arlen. Slade then talks to Celes and Mojo respectfully afterwards

Celes inquires why he hasn't talked to Marcy about his "legacy" ideals and Slade admits he hasn't had time and when it comes to Mojo, he convinces Mojo to call discreretly Bliss so they can have their bases covered before anything can go wrong for Bliss or the others when the others arrive.

The Flying Dutchman, Sideshow Bob and Bowser arrive and Slade thanks the crew for arriving and has them set a course for Townsvile so he can insure of their success. During the travels, he talks with Black Star and Death The Kid about Marcy and Bliss and tells them that Mojo recruited them to help him find Bliss and that he'll handle Marcy if she gets too much for the two.

When the team arrives in Townsvile, Slade figures fast The Conspiracy is indeed in Townsville and he prepares himself to engage against The Smoking Man. CSM finds Slade with his forces and Slade once again takes on Z9 and Zib, Zib in particular tries to kill Slade because of his role against him in the past and he wants to get him. Slade recongizes Tighten too and sarcastilly comments how many of Joker's forces are being brought back

Slade's plan to find Bliss works, thought they have to escape the chronoton dentators going off and this is after he gets a victory on both Martian Z9 and ZIb with Marcy. He however is forced to take a L when he learns that Jump City was effected by this

He gets Snart and Rory back and he talks with Anti Cosmo and Bender about what they found out and advises them to head off to Johto upon knowing The Spear Pillar was where CSM put that first distortion attack

Chapter 5[]

Slade, Marcy and the others arrive in Gotham, and he gets his guys on looking into the underworld. While He, Celes, Marcy, Bliss, Death and Black Star go to Wayne Manor and The Bat Cave. They look to find anything, he hands a request to Varrick as Bender is going to need something to help his plan to assassinate The Smoking Man. While he has the bullets and other weapons, he may need more than that.

Celes convinces Slade and Marcy to talk, and this when Slade tells Marcy about his intents to have her keep his legacy alive. Slade tells her how he has been thinking as per his theraptist he shares with his 2 oldest associates. He knows he won't live forever and that Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender to him are the only ones who knew the truth of how good the multiverse was in the hey day and that he made a memorial for this. Slade wants someone that he, Anti Cosmo and Bender can trust to help preserve this respectfully. Marcy is questioning this respectfully as she's just a kid, though Slade doesn't attempt to pressure her on this.

Slade is then told of what his guys founds , and he is then attacked by Zib, Z-9 Blackfire and Tighten. Slade personally goes after Zib and learns Zib is after all the multiverse verison of the Irkens, himself, Bender and Anti Cosmo in revenge and to get glory. Slade calls him deluded and realizes how far he is and works with to take him down, even if means Zib gets to kill him. Celes save Slade in time, and they are attacked by Homelander again. Though Slade with a lack of fear tells Homelander that he will expose his dirty laundry if he dares anything. Homelander threatens to destroy the world if Slade dares, to do so. Slade doesn't back down and this makes Homelander leave realizing Slade ain't going to kowtow.

Slade discusses with Anti Cosmo and Bender what they want to know as he intends to set a trail to Halverston and Area with Marcy. The latter two aren't so sure considering what they did a while ago. Slade reassures them as long the law enforcement didn't finger them or anything that they will be fine, just do what they have to do in Johto.

Chapter 6[]

Slade and his empire alongside the kids arrive in Halverston and Area respectively. Slade being aware of what will exactly go down decides to get more man power or as he puts it monkey power. He and the kids go to recruit The Warrior Monkey who is a bit disgruntled that Slade hasn't been in contact with him for such a long time. He also has Varrick get in touch with another associate sensing that Slade will need a countermeasure against Countdown.

Upon seeing Luan and Harrison arrive with their group, he and the others realize that Bender and co will be late as they still have the roamers and Celebi to find. Slade puts Marcy in charge of the group alongside Luan and Harry though Kate joins in too. So he can get them without the Conpsiracy trying anything.

Slade and some of his men do head to Johto, and Libby and Scratch who he meets inform him that Anti Cosmo and Bender are on their own trying to find Celebi and spoke to the latter's lawyer about exposing Vought legally. Slade understands and brings his robotic henchman with him to the Ilex Forest.

This works to his advantage as he finds Anti Cosmo and Bender dealing with Zib and the Elite 100 and Slade arrives to assist the two against Zib. Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender escape Zib as Slade prevented him from taking the GS Ball from them.

The three check the Ball and place it on the shrine and this summons Celebi. As The Voice of the forest and Slade is informed by Bender and Anti Cosmo about what they know on Celebi, the time travel effects of it's powers and their intent to bring Ren home to his universe. They needed Lugia and Ho-Oh's feathers so the ill effects wouldn't be suffered.

Slade has Celebi tested out and it teleports Bender, Anti Cosmo and Himself but not to an different time period. Somewhere in the mountains, Anti Cosmo tells the two it's New Hampshire and that there is an isolated cabin in front of them. The Three enter it and they find that Lydia and Lincoln were living here in isolation which is what Anti Cosmo and Bender were trying to inquire respectively. Slade checks the notes left and realizes that the two are them are in Sinnoh just like his two guys were in Johto. Anti Cosmo, Bender and Slade put it together that The kids are in SInnoh and CSM is there too before heading back to the others

As soon as the trio returns, The Smoking Man and Homelander's forces attack and Slade faces them and like the others is almost fed to the Black Arms, Though Slade's insurance policy Shadow arrives to put an end to that. Slade informs the whole group that CSM has been found and that they will lead an counter strike against him and where ever his forces lie.


Slade leads his empire to fight off the alien invaders respesctfully and commands Ho-Oh to go after the Team Galactic Grunts under CSM Respectfully to save the many towns CSM's alien reinforcements have taken over With the help of his empire, he takes on and brings in Martian General Z9 and Blackfire

Homelander arrives to try and kill him, Bender ,Anti Cosmo, The Boys, Starlight and A-Train and Slade takes him on with the others and by distracting Homelander this gives them a opening. Which eventually leads to the group eventually killing Homelander . Slade catches up to Bender and Anti Cosmo as does Libby to help deal with The Smoking Man at the Spear Pillar. He puts Marcy, Harry and Celes in charge before hand.

The 4 try to take on The Smoking Man and his primal Pokemon and the Time Eater. Slade and Anti Cosmo use the duo legendaries to take on the primal forms just like Lincoln and Lydia who they and Bender see. Slade and Anti Cosmo distract him long enough for Bender to snipe him.

Slade using Ho-Oh to bring down Primal Dialga with Bender and Anti Comso using Lugia while Lincoln and Lydia used Darkrai and Giratina to do with this Palkia. Slade learns that their evidence and trial plan worked perfectly and sends everyone back to his country for medals on Celes's advice.

Slade takes Luan and Lisa back to Royal Woods and he sends AC and Bender with them before he joins his allies back at his contient.

Chang's Guide To The Galaxy[]


Slade will appear physically in the 2nd half of the story like Bender and Anti Cosmo to work against Belos and his allies. Marcy is in contact with Slade in the 1st half unknown to Luz, Eclpisa, Sid and King as the others do know of Slade. Slade has his beef with Odalia to finish.

Chapter 5[]

Slade observes Anti Cosmo and Bender learning info from Luz, he thinks with them in regards to cases Bender and Luan both did respectfully against Emperor Belos and Vecna in Gravesfield and Hawkins about Phiillip and Henry Creel. Upon thinking something is off, He has Jessie give the  phone to Luz to learn more and realizes Odalia's move has been made. Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender all put it together that Odalia has something else in mind as she's a stubborn control freak and talking her out of something means that wasn't the real plan.

Slade and Anti Cosmo are brought up to speed by Bender with the Horner Case as well as Bender is out to bring Jack Horner's magic hoarding business into the ground due to his investigations after learning about Luan's father dealing with Jack Horner. Slade and the Anti Fairy with Bender decide to take his business over for his continent and has the Rogues work on this as a back up plan.

With Harry and Luan returning, Slade instructs Bender, AC, Harry and Luan that they must make their own play against Odalia with Marcy not being able to respond to their calls. So he instructs Luan to go get the others, He puts Bender and Harry with his wife to get Marcy and he stays with Anti Cosmo to go after Odalia. The Ambush does indeed happen and Slade takes on Odalia himself while AC and Luz deal with other allies that came with the Matriarch.

Slade reveals his trump card against Odalia as they face off and Odalia tries to get Kikimora's forces to kill Slade. His trump card is HIM and Hades who Slade got into contact with prior to him and Anti Cosmo seeing Luz to go after the Blight. Slade has HIM and Hades take on her forces which they do effortlessly, while he and Odalia continue to duel against each other.

Luan and the cavarly arrive against Kikimora's steeds that almost kill Luz as Slade notes as he manages to put her company's creations into early retirement as they ganged up on him with Odalia. He radios Wells to get Bender and the others back to base and to bring Marcy there as is looks like they need to regroup, in spite of him, Luan and Anti Cosmo driving off Odalia.

Taking everyone to the manor, he has the men who were hurt hospitalized, hooks Marcy's comatose friends to the hopsital beds and talks with his allies about what he has in mind next. With Bender and AC he discovers what occurred to Sid and he is informed of the Magic High Commission by Bender and how they feel that the three betrayed them. Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender decide to pay them back in turn for ungratefulness on part of Moon and the others, Eclipsa is in agreeance and the three put a plan in motion with Eberwolf, Darius and Raine joing them to take her and Globgor's homes back from the commission. This works effortlessly as he allows Eclipsa to bring her people back to the castle.

On Anti Cosmo's words, he and the group head to Anit Cosmo's castle while having his men apart from AC, Harry, Celes and Jessie scout the area for anything connected to the Emperor or Vecna.

Chapter 6[]

Slade talks with Bender, Marcy and Anti Cosmo about what they have to contend in Belos, Vecna and Jack Horner mainly. Similar to Bender, he and Anti Cosmo have been looking into Jack Horner's operation and recognize what kind of move he is making when Bender tells him that Luan and her family are dealing with him trying to extort Lynn Sr. Slade has designs to have the Snarts or the 3 bears Crime Family run the empire more legtimately upon getting rid of Horner as he tells Anti Cosmo and Bender. The three and Marcy realize that Sid's powers might be out of control too much for them to handle, so Slade decides on a old contact to get in touch in regards to this in Story Brooke.

Bender and Marcy go there to get the cuff that Slade has in mind to stop Sid in case her power flies off the handle. Slade and Anti Cosmo then discuss the possibiliy of getting Twilight and her friends involved, but they realize it would draw Jack and Belos to them like flies. He does consider getting Discord to help, though will leave that up to Bender to decide.

With their arrival to Anti Fairy World and learning of what his sources and Anti Cosmo's race know, he has Harry and Celes keep an eye on the others as they decide to bring other magical creatures from this universe to help when Belos declares his war. Slade makes his intend to go find the next gem of the Calamity Box and has Captain Hero, Jessie, Vee, Libby, Luz, Hunter and Sid come with him, Ac, Marcy and Bender. When they arrive at the temples and see 3 mini ones, he goes with Libby, Bender and Anti Cosmo to the shadow temple and nativgate through it's designs and find a sacred item.

However, Belos has been revealed to have possessed Hunter and attempts to kill the crew and brought Odalia with him to settle her score with him to stop distracting him. Anti Comso and Jessie join him in dealing with Odalia. Even though her abominations are tough for him and Jessie, they put her away in no trouble, while he considers killing Odalia, he is reminded Amity and Alador do want her alive. Which he begrudgly agrees to as Odalia blames him for turning her family against her.

Slade's gambit pays off as Sid's witch powers awaken and He has AC get the Enchanted Cuff on Sid to stop her from destroying the temple. This works and they get the 2nd gem to charge the Calamity Box. However Vecna is intent on stopping them as Bender and Libby's investgiation of him reached him and Slade faces off with Demogrorgons and saves Bender from Vecna while taking his own beating in the progess. He also finds out the Sales Guy has his monsters go after the Demogrogons and Mina to insure he can keep getting money. Also King Andiras stepped in as well.

He regroups with the others and learns of Sid's halluncations of Toffee, and that his allies have gotten info on The Draining Spell, which Belos is intenting to use save humanity from the evils of witchdom. He also learns Deathstroke's men have been on this well and informs them that they are heading to Hexside, where Slade, AC and Bender have been to before.

Chapter 7[]

Slade brings Sid, Luz and Marcy with him, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Celes, Jessie and Luan to see Hades and HIM for a way to control Sid's destructive power. Slade learns about Belos's plans and the Collector which he prompts and discusses a way to counter this respectfully which Harry and Bender have a plan to deal with Upon returning, he is informed of Belos's attack on Hexside, so he and his empire joined by the others stop the attack and save Team Free Will who they meet once again for the longest time. He, Anti Cosmo and Bender tell Lydia and Lincoln about what they know on their CSM situation as they prepare their attack on Belos

Chapter 8[]

Slade has his guys attack the Comission and the coven agreeing with Bob. Then He, Bender, Luan, Anti Cosmo and Marcy take on Jack Horner with the Mane Six and kill him. Then He helps the Blights with Odlaia with AC and Bender, and is given permisson to kill her

Joining Anti Cosmo, Marcy, Bender and later on King, Lisa, Eclpisa, Hades, HIM and later Discord they take on the Collector and manage to get it to go after Belos after King convinces them to try talking


He recovers in his manor with others as his intents to have the others do their work goes as planned. Slade then attends the service for Eclipsa and Globgor

Chronicles of Zaragoza[]

Chapter 8: Earth X's Last Stand[]

Slade has named as a receiver of an important award for his innovations and he invites Marcy and Bender to be his guests as well as others. But Learns only they could show, he sets the two up in a fancy hotel as he did this for all his men after the ceremony.

Not exactly liking that he has to dress in a zoot suit, Slade practices' his speech before he accepts his reward. Upon getting it, Slade stays at his hotel and finds himself targeted and attacked by The Cartel who are aiming to kill him with all of their men.

Anti Cosmo, himself and Harry get Bender and Marcy they decide to hide in in a trunk planning their next move, unknown to them it's Dakota and Cavendish's vechile. They end up getting out in the future, where Slade reunites with The Boys and learns of their situation. Slade decide to help and then they meet Thawne of Flashpoint who Bender tries to kill thinking he's the Thawne that took Stardash away. Slade and Harry question how Thawne even survived.

Through their time here, Slade fights Dark Arrow's Henchmen, namely Stormfront who wants him, Bender and Anti Cosmo dead for ruining in her mind the name of Vought. The 5 travel with the Time Travelers, Thawne, The Boys, Mark and Eve around dealing with The New Reinsmen. At one point they arrive in Summerville, Oklahoma where Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade make an unnerving discovery, Ciel's Corpse they find. Upon learning of the cause of death, Bender goes after Thawne trying to strangle him as a result of him killing Ciel. He does back off when given proof, though Slade finds this duplicous agreeing with Bender that it feels odd.

Eventually, he does decide to help Thawne Flashpoint with the others and liberate the people The New Reinschmen imprisoned while killing Stormfront. However he witnesses a truly brutal fate when Thawne Flashpoint is brutally ripped straight through by The Original Thawne. Thawne reveals himself to Bender and Slade's Crew as he is alive again to them, Slade is prepared to fight Thawne, intend to bury him once more. Dakota and Cavendish however tell him to get to the car and they're taking their him and the others home as Thawne trys to break him, Harry, Anti Cosmo and Bender respectfully and tries to kill them in revenge for Bender "ruining" his life.

Slade is dropped off in his timeline where the 5 work with the rest of Slade's Empire and others to take out and kill the Cartel members respectfully. Upon killing Eladio, things feel great until Eobard Thawne returns empowered as the Negative Force Avatar on all of them. Thawne summons his Council of Thawnes to get rid of the heroes and that Thawne will destroy the multiverse with his power and will go on a killing spree both to spite Bender and take everything away from Slade and Anti Cosmo. Slade mocks Thawne for the pettiest goal possible and states he'll kill himself by doing that first part of the plan. Thawne doesn't really care and states that it will all be worth it if he can kill Bender once and for all and destroy Slade's Empire that has been up way too long to him. Anti Cosmo, Slade and Bender work to track down and kill the leading Thawne as everyone takes on his own followers.

Eventually Bender, Anti Cosmo, Slade, Dakota and Cavendish manage to bring him down with Anti Cosmo and Slade deciding to let Bender kill him personally, restraining him so Bender can take him out and leaving Death to claim him.


Slade walks with Bender, Marcy and Anti Comsmo in London intend to find where The V Crusaders resign so they can inform them of Ciel's death and inform them of the process made. Anti Cosmo and Slade tell Bender and Marcy that they are using Hydrofluoric acid to dissolve of all the bodies left in the wake of the battle with Eladio and later Thawne.

Greatest Universal Horror Show of Circus Gothica[]


Slade is informed of the ghost horror haunting by his Ghost allies and gets his allies on this as well as Ford and the others. He is skeptical to get Lincoln or Lydia involved consider their tendencies, though Ford, Bender and AC decide to go get them

Afterwards, he and Ford have Anti Cosmo and Bender decide to help the others and also cover things up repsectively while he and his empire tag along with Ford and the others

Slade and his allies learn everything that need from his ghostly allies who investigating the ghost world and who the mastermind is and with Ford discover how it's done. Slade works on a counter play with Dr.Wells and the others as Ford does his own things. During the Grundel Attack, Slade agrees to have Ford and Sid get The Collector, Slade heads to the Flying Dutchman's Graveyard to work on a counter attack after what happend and has HIM keep track of the others. Slade then takes Hades and the others of his allies with to work on this counter attack

They manage to figure out a personal weakness with him and make a plot to deal with it. Slade and his crew deal with Freakshow's horror army before returning to the Ghost Zone with the others like Ford and the others

Once everyone arrives, Slade hands Anti Cosmo and Bender what he worked on and tells them to deal with Freakshow and are told about Whooping Crane's involvement

Slade goes after Whooping Crane with Luan to get Whooping Crane intent to prevent him from helping Freakshow

He and the others manage to rescue the others and then Slade decides to make his own investigation on something unrelated.

War of The Streams/House of Disenchanted Cards[]


Slade doesn't appear but he is underfire by Frank Underwood and the Underwood Cabinet who have taken control of the Cartel that he took out it's leader of respectfully. Slade manages to have Nacho escape and has his allies back Varga while he deals with Underwood, he also learns Bender is also being targeted by Underwood and is stuck in Dreamland due to Underwood. He is one of the main 3 Protagonists of House of Disenchanted Cards alongside Bender and Anti Cosmo.

Slade fights back against Underwood's allies and the man himself with Anti Cosmo and Celes backing him with the rest as he send Harry and Jessie out of his contient like Bender has brought Luan and Libby out of this.

Slade learns of Nacho's sucidial which upsets Hero respectfully and is taken back by Underwood working to expose his crimes respectfully from the past and the fact that the Cabinet actually has proof scares him. He has Anti Cosmo give Bender a message about them needing to get the Underwoods all taken care and killed asap as if Underwood does this, both his empire and Bender's team will fall, be arrested and likely killed. After the others do their job, Slade and Anti Cosmo deal with Frank Underwood and manage to assassinate him and then he confronts Claire Underwood with Anti Cosmo and Bender in tow and takes her out as well.


Book 1: Overture[]

Chapter 1[]

Part 1[]

At Slade's Manor, Slade is working on something with his allies about his magnum opus that he has attained enough funding to start on thanks to Captain Hook, Snart and Rory who he congrautles with a toast for their work. Hook admits he did a lot of plundering over their time to do while Snart says that the business they took from Horner, they managed to assemble to look well and Rory assisted with his own ideas. Snart and Rory hand samples of their newest ideas to Slade, Anti Comso, Celes, Jesse, Sideshow Bob, Warrior Monkey, Nasela and Cat.R Waul

Anti Cosmo shows a plan of what Slade is intending and hands it to Slade to announce. Cat R Waul and Warrior Monkey are curious what is Slade's magnum opus design. Slade intends to create a way that will create reneweable resources as a way to beenfit the multiverse as universes grow and expand and more land will be needed. Snart asks how will he do this as nearly everyone else is skeptic of Slade's desire though Anti Cosmo and Celes do more get it.

Slade says he will find his own ways to do, he has been building a legacy since the timeline was changed by Skullduggery Pleasant  and an empire that will last even after his time has ended. Nasesala and Sideshow Bob come around to this and agree with Slade's proposal like AC and Celes. Though Warrior Monkey is still a bit skeptical as is Waul, who decide to have some tea together. Snart, Rory and Captain Hook though admit that they are neutral here when it comes to Slade's idea.

Celes does feel he has a vision, and he should follow it. Slade and Anti Cosmo then receieve a call and it's from Bender and Luan.

Bender calls up Luan, Anti Cosmo and Slade and informs them that he is taking another assignment of his own as well as claiming the house. Luan says she has her bags packed and she told her parents about this and she shoots some cod webs out by accident. Slade tells her to calm down referring her to trigger, Both him and Anti Cosmo saw how Bender beat them in a bet for the house of Don Eladio and now he's delaying it.

Bender informs the two that it has to Professor Membrane and Vought, Anti Cosmo and Slade ease up on this upon hearing it's about him. Luan asks what the Professor wants, Bender says he left something at a lab he worked on for Vought International and feels someone might be snooping around for it as a way to go get him

Slade inqures Luan if the others know. Luan says she has been putting in the requests for the others about the house claim. Slade tells Luan that he didn't give Luan and Bender the win against Anti Cosmo and Sideshow Bob to be fair, it was him and Mojo Jojo that settled on it. Luan says she was suprised Anti Cosmo settled on a Iron Chef contest for the house. She asks Slade if he thinks the Cartel is really gone, Slade reassures Luan that they are gone, and if any members  are left it will be impossible to reform with any one with such a reptuation since Frank Underwood was the last man standing.

The two find out that Bender is taking another assignment he receieved from Hughie, Billy and Starlight and how he is going to look into this. Though Slade and Anti Cosmo both know they took out the Cartel, they do seem aware that they some members might be still alive thought they don't have the resources to reform the cartel.

Slade, Harry and Celes all observing the notes for Slade's plans to create the machines and technology able to do it. Harry shows him what he and the others made, and Slade agrees and complements the Doctor on deciding to use Magitek

Anti Cosmo arrives back and tells Slade they have trouble as their target knows who they are and is intent on exposing whatever they did in China Town if they don't back down from exposing her. The trio look surpsied that their target does know thisi. Slade doesn't recall anyone he could have known who was following them that time.

Harry has an feeling though that it's may be have to do with the Supes and Vought but he does feel that they did encounter not in China Town but in Manhattan and he is aware of a college for supes. If they need to keep Victoria Neuman off them, then Harry stays they should work to look into her without revealing the supe identify she has. Celes, Anti Cosmo and Slade do agree though consider this a risk considering she is a politican, and as Slade recalls, so was Frank Underwood who they did take down.

Anti Cosmo and Slade having already considered looking into Vicky, decide to help Bender out with this as she can incriminate all of them. Harry comes back with the info he and Celes found with Jessie and that Goodkin University is the location where they must go  to.

He receives a call from Bender and Wile E and Slade questions about why go to him when AC is their middle man. Bender says that this is serious and that they found out where and it's the China Town Equilvant of Mexico. Slade tells the two that Anti Cosmo already told him and the others about Neuman knowing what went down.

Bender asks Anti Cosmo and Slade to go look into more Neuman, he knows Neuman is holding this on them, but as long as they don't expose her they wouldn't have to worry as much. Anti Cosmo agrees.

Captain Hook gets his jolly roger out and has the empire board it to head to the universrity. Leonard also assisted Harry, Celes and Jessie in getting info and precision skills on what went down there. Snart adds that he has undercovered the shady history of the university and what it had done.

Slade doesn't seem suprised, he is quite aware of it's reputation knowing there was people who operated there and did horrible experiements there. Harry, Celes and Jessie all know what happened down there due to the experiments in the Woods and what had occured due to Cartel work.

Naseaala and Jessie Wells are successful in undercovering rhe files cabinet and they manage to secure the room for the crew to enter, which they all follow suit. Anti Cosmo decides he needs to check up on Bender which Slade approves of since they are all in this together.

Entering the office of Dean Shetty, Slade and his crew decide to investigate the files they found on the university. Slade with Celes and Naseala manage to find that the conpsiracy of the college has intentionally thrown it's own students under the bus to save it's rep and even had supes  to throw students under the bus to save its reputation and even locked some of their own students in a verison of the woods to save face with Slade learning that anyone who does go against Vought and the company is killed. Naseala notes even how some have died the same way with a lot of blood being shed as camera shots thought the assialnt isn't shown.

The group finds out that it's Cate, Sam, Fire Cracker and Black Noir II that have arrived on orders of Sage to silence Slade's group. Hook and Jessie recongize Cate and Sam as the culprits behind the massacre and Slade with Celes and Naseala approach them to make them talk. Fire Cracker and Black Noir II have other reservations as they go for the attack

Fire Cracker has her glock ready and takes on Mick and Snart with their own weapons as they have a shoot out with her tries to use her own spark powers to get the jump on them. Warrior Monkey engages with Sam regarding his super strength and durability where he is joined by Jessie as Jessie helps the monkey get back on his feet to deal with this. Slade and Captain Hook team up to take on Black Noir II who they find is unlike the other Black Noir Slade knew from Hughie and The Boys as he can fly though Slade decides to fight back against his attempts as Hook uses his swordsman ship abiltiey to do so.

The fights took a toll on them and Slade asks if anyone got the info to safe and he learns Naseala and Celes were both wiped of it from Cate. Though Harry managed to remember it which means they still may have something, He admits he learned from his encounter with Grodd.

As Slade has his allies go back to Hook's Jolly Roger he decides to go investigate any possible way he and the others could have been tracked. This is where he does discover something and it's martian footprints and he realizes Z9 was how they were found. This is proven right when Z9's instant martians arrive to corner Slade. General Z-9 commends Slade for already having figured his role in everything and that it was indeed him who did so.

Slade questions what is his purpose here to take revenge on him, or to help Vought get back at him without Professor Membrane knowing. Z-9 says he made some powerful new allies to help him and that with this he can finally achieve what he has to said to do, destroy Slade's Empire. Slade comments that he was after Eddy and The V Team, and they're gone so why go after him?. Z-9 says because he was robbed of his attempt to get bad at them and Slade will settle just fine. He orders the martians to deal with him as he heads off to retrace his plans. Unamused and disgusted by his cowardice, he instantly takes on and overpowers the Instant Martians to head back to his quarters.

Slade arrives back tired to the scientists and He informs them that Z-9 is aligned with them and used instant martians on him by the tons. Mojo theorizes that it's possible that Neuman has also aligned herself with their other suriving foes as well with Putty and Zib this Varrick agrees with and as the two note how Z-9 was mostly inactive until now having not lost track of him. Insano ignores this to tell Slade of the process they made combining sprit vine techology and science, he has another request and asks if they have something. Slade tells Insano whatever it is, it has to wait with Z-9 and informs him if he has a request put it through Harrison.

Anti Cosmo, Celes, Harry, Jessie and Slade all call up the crew, with Bender passing the phone to Luan and Wile E. Slade explains how they all found some more clues into what is going that he and the doctor looked into and where they will need to look and Slade has gotten his fellow empire allies to look into this. Luan inquires to this, Slade tells Luan that he is looking into the connections Neuman does have as does Dr. Wells.

Harrison and Slade discuss the supe situation and the former's call to Starlight and Hughie as Anti Cosmo did inform them already of what Neuman did regarding him, Bender and the others. Hughie is the person most aware of Neuman so he will be the most help due to having worked for her, though he doesn't want to kill her as Harrison points out to Slade and notes how she won't go after him either as She does seem aware of the M.A.D. play. Slade feels that Neuman is serious as like Underwood she could expose his and the empire's actions even before it's establishment with her resources and intellgence if she is aware of what they did in the past. Unlike him, she is a meta human and can do more dirty work than he can.

Insano is upset Slade was acting rash to him, as he just wanted to add something. Mojo reassures Insano that Slade is a bit stressed about dealing with Z9 and Neuman and he can't fault him for it. Insano wonders why Slade got this way with her and not with Underwood. Varrick and Mojo don't really know how to say it but do mention Neuman is aware of their work against the Cartel when Anti Cosmo returned from helping Bender investigate her.

Anti Cosmo returns back to the others and asks what did he miss and learns about what happened at the University as Cat R Waul helped bring him back and Waul also confirms that they are on their way to them. Slade still feels that they must do some check stops before hand, he takes Insano aside to apologize about that, as dealing with Vicky is stressing him out admit and asks Insano what he had in mind

Insano had a request to see if they could use something that has such abilities to do like the Infinity Stones. Slade believes it's a worthy idea but risky if it came out and that Insano can brief Harry on that one

Sideshow Bob and Cat R Waul debate on if they should find Chinatown and then get to him, Slade says that they must wait before anything can be done. The two decide to visit Celes and Nasela and still how much they remember after dealing with Cate. The two do remember certain details but have totally forgotten their encounter with Cate.

He once again gets into contact with Bender and Luan alongside Anti Cosmo and Harry Wells, They are asking how their trip is going. Bender explains that they're at a gas astation, Slade seems a bit content they have reached here without too many hazards. He informs Bender and Luan that he had a talk with Jessie and decides they might as try to help they dealt with this too. Slade and Anti Cosmo had Celes and Jesse go to something for themselves first and with their other allies hence why they called before they set off.

Anti Cosmo is asked by Slade what did he undercover leaving and AC says that he just found Bender at Royal Woods and Anti Cosmo and Bender are going to look into something else on their own accord. Slade questions what Anti Cosmo is going to look into though AC says it's just between him, Bender and the kids. Slade asks what kids, Anti Cosmo says Luan's brother and his girl friend

Slade knows something went down and inquires on it, Anti Cosmo says he can't tell Slade as it's just between the 4 of them.  Slade decides to insure when he sees Bender again to hand them the info he and his crew have found on everything which the anti fairy agrees to.

Part 2[]

All the guys are now leaving off from the empire so they can go to deal with their problems. Slade had Hades and HIM to take charge of things while he and the rest of the empire go off. As he and his empire look into things, They all decide on their own things to do.

Harry, Mojo, Varrick and Insano are informed to make their project secondary as now this is a top concern as now they must go off and deal with their own ends as they are going to have to insure Neuman doesn't discover it or Z9 tries to steal it from them. Harry understands this as he was suspcious this was going to occur. Varrick and Insano are a bit dissapointed though Mojo and Harry weren't as concerned about that. Mojo is just appreciative that they just have HIM keeping track of the empire while they're gone and is fine with this and if anyone can handle any intruders HIM could.

Warrior Monkey, Naseala and Cat R Waul are informed that they must be able to go with Jesse to try and look into the China Town scenario despite what Anti Cosmo and Slade said earlier as Neuman is holding on to this and are told to fetch what Nacho had looked into back then and to try to keep anything Neuman could get her hands on. Cat R Waul and Nasesala agree to get their cat and Kilvas goons to go fetching infomation when Warrior Monkey asks Slade what is his particular instruction. Slade feels that the monkey must head to the veterrian down there and get himself closer so he can have his eyes and ears operating which he agrees to.

Sideshow Bob, Mick, Roy and Captain Hook are given orders to stay by the crew as Hook is the only one who can drive the Jolly Roger. Mick and Snart aren't pleased with Slade's lack of orders, but Anti Cosmo informs them that it's for the better to keep themselves afoot and with their infamy in the past, they could get in some legal trouble they were unwilling to pay, Snart gets it now as he thinks on when he killed his dad. Slade tells them it also comes from personal experience they have had.

Anti Cosmo, Slade and Celes meanwhile decide they need to take some measures of their own and studying what they have received. The trio consider a possibly that will be taken as Slade is aware Z9 will strike as well. Anti Cosmo says that they will be ready to do so and they'll do on his turf.

Slade, Anti Cosmo and Celes having gotten through hands on what they needed to keep for their time away from the empire.

Anti Cosmo and Slade are quick to figure that that Z9 is around yet again and has taken a shot at the duo who he managed to find. Celes is prepared to fight off Z9 and goes to attack him, though the martians  arrive to take her as Z9 goes to escape. The Trio then tell Captain Hook they have something to go deal with the martian, Hook has an idea on this that something would go off like this and he managed to get a space ship snuck out, with the others so the trio can all go after Z9 which Anti Cosmo takes the pilot's seat as they pursue Z9.

General Z9 has his martians take command of his ships so as they open fire on Slade, Anti Cosmo and Celes. He recalls how he fought Eddy and The V Team like this many moons ago and it's fitting that he is taking out their boss like this.  Slade recalls this is was one reason he hired Eddy because he defeated Z9 with the V Team who Slade and Z9 have been fighting for a long time. Anti Cosmo manages to use the lasers in the ship to attack the Martians and uses aerial procedures to avoid them.

Celes asks for a helmet and oxygen tankn from Anti Cosmo who hands it to her so she can head to space and continue the fight which Slade and Anti Cosmo both do through Star Fox methods. Hook and Sideshow Bob both find something on the radar and warn them about it. Sideshow Bob describes it as a giant laser on the moon and rolls his eyes at the cliche after hearing about Dr.Evil and his obession with lasers. Slade does note this and realizes Z9 did steal something from his empire and it was Dr.Evil's Laser from Virtucon. He orders the attack to deal with the laser which Anti Cosmo does as he will not enganger his wife to it.

Celes is able to deal with the martian attacks fine enough and tries to distract Z9. Z9 doesn't fall for it and goes to the giant laser which Anti Cosmo and Slade decide to try and deal with. While the two are able to do some damage to the system, Z9 activates the laser to prepare to destroy the empire though it's hindered to Z9 and Slade's suprise. It turns out Marvin The Martian was who stopped it as he did find out Z9 escaped and tried to once again kill his queen and he helps Slade and Anti Cosmo disable the giant laser.

Z9 sees Marvin as a traitor and heads off as Marvin has his own martians on stand and tells Celes how to get rid of them. Slade, Anti Cosmo and Celes are suprised to see Marvin and helping them as he is an enemy to them and Bender, Marvin says that the enemy of my enemy is my friend in regards to Z9 also he mellowed out after the events of Darkseid, Thanos debactle. Marvin tells the three about how Z9 has his army of martians and how he made them and informs them to get back to the planet as he will take care of things here for the time being. Slade, Anti Cosmo and Celes agree but tell Marvin to keep them informed, Marvin says that let the robot know too as this is a situation that unites Marvin, Slade and Bender together.

Jessie insists that Slade should reveal what happened down there apart from Putty no one is active in the Cartel after them

Slade agrees with this, though says that after Neuman and the others are dealt with as he doesn't want to tip his hand to her and the others don't want to either. Harry says now that Slade wants they need to ask Bender. Harry says he ususal would randomly choose, but Anti Cosmo will be who since he and  Bender are partners after all. Anti Cosmo sighs, that he doesn't want Vicky knowing that as she knows Bender and him work often together. Slade doesn't deny this, but does note he's the best chance to this.

Celes asks anyone other than Putty surfacing and this is When Cat R Waul informs her he will be going down there with Snart to find Slade's veterian so they can discover what his eyes and ears say. Slade states that he punched his clock out there on that,

Slade says that once again someone has managed to find a way into his techonlogy and stuff, despite his security measures and as opposed to his robots and tech, it was more of an attack on one of his corp allies.

Wile E sets up a communication device a la video camera to get in touch with Slade and Anti Cosmo while Bender, Luan, Marcy and Hailey all wait for him to finish setting up with photos in Bender's hands and a Chaos Bot's remains in Hailey's hands. Slade and Anti Cosmo manage to get the call from Bender, Luan, Marcy Wu, Wile E Coyote and Hailey Banks about had happened. The two accept Hailey's need to send a chaos bot to them so they can discover the keeper of the bots.

Slade and Anti Cosmo pick it up and ask where have they been, Marcy said that they had a Boys Problem that Neuman was behind and Putty and Zib are with her. Slade isn't too shocked as he has his own encounter with them at the University. Bender says then he took those photos for nothing, Slade stops him and inquires about the photos. Bender shows Slade them, Slade observes them and states that they are the ones he was referring to and that he found out about this from the university

Slade, Anti Cosmo, Bender, Luan and WIle E all discover how Hailey knows of the chaos bots and her own encounters with them as Hailey has a suspcion on them. Anti Cosmo takes it up and uses his wand to bring them there, He asks how close are they to the house. Wile E takes out his map and says very close and that he and Bender will call in afterwards.

Slade says that they have something they will need to talk about that he discussed with his allies later on. Bender inquires what, Slade just says that due to confidentality he can't say it here. Luan and Wile E both seem to wonder what he means.

The Two then get the chaos bot, and Slade decides to bring his scicentists with Anti Cosmo deciding he will pay the visit he needs to soon enough

Slade and Anti Cosmo call up Mojo, Insano and Varrick at the lab. Insano asks what science work do they have for them today. Slade shows the trio the chaos bot given him to by Hailey Banks, he wants them to study it and see either what they are made of or who created them, Insano takes up the offer happily

Mojo feels a little bored and asks why he can't be in the field he's smart but that' s not all he can do. Slade promises Mojo that he will join them in the field for the next plot he just wants to insure Mojo's brain is kept safe. Slade and Anti Cosmo then head off as the duo observe The College notes, that with Z9 possibly allied with Neuman, Putty and Zib, they will have to see how to counter this and Z9 seems to be their top priority.

Part 3[]

With General Z9 on the loose, Slade decides he needs to fight off Z9 as he knows that he is up to no good. Celes decides to take the fight to him herself and Slade agrees putting Mojo and Dr.Insano with her to join her as well as Nasesala.

Insano and Mojo though were studying the chaos bot as they explain. Slade says that Insano is still studying the chaos bot still and can continue his work with them as they do as Varrick will also look into this too. Mojo having knowledge on this decides to takes his backpack of weapons with them.

Naseala asks about Slade and what will he do. Slade says he will make his own decisions on what he will have done. As he goes to see Harry and Captain Hook on this matter and they are considering a way to have their infomation delivered as Slade and Harry both suspect that someone could be compromisng their attempts to get intel or messages they are sending. Hook says that with Waul and The Rogues, they could get any info they find, as does Harry explain that does go as planned but he does have another idea how to get info across. Slade understands and decides to make a move of his own

Celes and Nasesla manage to reach Z9 who has announced to do for one for his boss as he is to insure The V Team bases and techonlogy there can't be used by Slade or his cronies like asked.He was amazed it was still there a long time ago. N.Tropy and Alternate N.Tropy who aren't seen by them just nod with N.Tropy admitting that his old boss was someone who he and Cortex worked for though he doesn't see Cortex as a colleague. Nasesla gets off this that someone that Z9 answers to know about the V Team as does Celes.

Slade and Harry both see them all come back. Slade is not too shocked this has to do with The V Team as he knows Z9 was who they thought first as Celes and Nasesla tell him. When Mojo and Insano give their own rebriefs, Slade does think on why Cortex's base of all places.

Captain Hook after kept track offers a trip to where The Bandicoots were first discovered as there may be ties to all this.

Harry meets up with Slade to explain what he found out, Slade seems intriggued by this as he feels that whoever did make them has some idea on how to make robotics though he points that they must be a total narcist. Harry gives Slade a glance at that noting his own spam of his initials. Dr.Evil phones Slade to tell him that he has ran some tests on them themselves and that they are brainless which the duo knew already and how the Martian Z9 is working for someone as he can tell he doesn't have that tech.

Anti Cosmo returns back to Slade, Harry, Celes and Jessie after his dealing with Bender against Zib. Harry and Jessie are a bit aware that the Gen V supes are with Zib, Z9 and Putty. The duo are trying to feel out who they are working as well as Neuman. Slade keeps Anti Cosmo in the loop as there was an potential attack on them through the base of Dr.Cortex which they found supscious considering how long it's been since the V Team has been alive.

Anti Cosmo does suspect something himself as does Bender as he tells Slade. Neuman knew of what the two were going to do but wasn't how to stop them from exposing her string pulling for Goodkin University. Slade decides it may be a good idea to send this next info on the chaos bots discovered and having Mop Girl be who does so, Anti Cosmo says that he agrees to do this but they don't agree on how to get her to know what's going on.

Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harry open connection with Mop Girl over what they found as Harry decided to he should do the call. The three tell her to get in touch with Bender over what they happened. Mop Girl agrees to help them as she helped Bender and Wile E get Butcher's file and offers to make a copy for them. Anti Cosmo looks at Harry and Slade saying how they can help him with this as Bender is helping with Z-9. Harry agrees and tells her to send them it. Mop Girl does so,

Slade is a bit suspcious that someone might be catching on to this as Mop Girl may be acting beneath notice but someone will catch this like Dagmar.

The three then get another status report from Leonard Snart, Mick Rory, Cat R Waul and Caldera. Slade asks if Caldera has anything to report and Caldera says that he has nothing for the most part but does explain that Ford and his friends visited through a visit from the Gen V Supes. Harry is suprised that they went after Ford too as he believes that are mostly their own problem and Neuman has no ties to them. Snart agrees as even though Sid and Scratch did help them with Homelander it wouldn't be enough to justify this.

Cat R Waul adds a theory of his own to this, that Ford coud know what happened down in China Town to Slade and Anti Cosmo. Anti Cosmo dismisses this as he could be running into this blind and Team Free Will doesn't know what happened down here if anyone did say anything it would be Luan. Caldera also did the checks on Cat R Waul and he came out fine. Mick questions why and Caldera says he's an animal doctor after all.

Slade instructs the three to keep looking into Chinatown or to find Bender as well as maybe see what Ford is up to down here. Anti Cosmo does recall that Bender learned from Lydia and Lincoln that Ford was going here on vacation due to some events that shaked them. Harry asks on this and Anti Cosmo says it's just him and Bender than can discuss it. Slade questions why just Bender and AC and Anti Cosmo says he would rather keep at little people as possible involved in this event in case the perpaturor is watching which he could be or worse have ties with Victoria Neuman. Slade and Harry both begrudglingly accept this as do Leonard, Cat R Waul, Caldera and Mick Rory.

Slade and Anti Cosmo are found by Maeve and brought to see the Boys alongside Bender as they learn what they did in their work. Slade discovers how Marvin dug into his empire on AC"s behalf and when informed of what he did against Becker, Slade feels Marvin isn't wrong and suggests to look into further operations against the Cartel like Chakai and Chinatown as Neuman might be digging into that. After Marvin explains what he could do for him, He leaves with AC and Bender informing the latter that the chaos bot results will be sent to him through Mop Girl.

Chapter 2[]

Part 4[]

Slade and his group arrive at Calfornia to discover what they had found and it's at Oceanside where they go to Hailey's house. Slade decides to have the area scanned and has his allies go to observe the house and they are able to find more debris in Chaos Bots.

He order Leonard Snart, Cat.R Waul and Mick Rory to Bolsa's Ranch as he will need to insure that get some locations on their objectives This he tells Bender, Marcy, Luan and Wile E Coyote. Late also telling Dale and Libby while he is at about the chaos bots. He is also informed Bender had found some info to go at the Aether Foundation as well as what Marvin Milk dug on him and Anti Cosmo about their attempt to investigate Moles and Milton Midas

Through this, Slade calls up Hughie and instructs him to assist with the Compound V thing which they agree to. All The While Marvin informs him and Anti Cosmo about his digging out out he found out about the death of his butler and the burials him and Anti Cosmo did at that point. Though Slade is rightfully skeptical that Neuman is really deciding to go after this history.

With Wile E and Libby Stein making plans to look in Butcher's cancer with Cleo, Slade decides to send in Jessie Wells and Dr. Insano to help out with this as well as he thinks Wile E could be on to something. All this while Slade decides to get his other allies to do a background check on Tek Knight which Mojo, Anti Cosmo and Harry commit too.

Slade, Nasesla, Hook, Celes and Harry learn from Marvin The Martian about what happened with the Dufus Family and get the backstory needed on it all as this is supcious to him how someone could have done so. He also gets a visit from XR who hands a file on the Robinsons to him in that Bender asks and has Slade deliver it to him. Slade decides to send the robot to give it to the other robot

Bender and XR learn from Slade and Harry about what happened with the Dufus family and their theory on it as well. Before Anti Cosmo goes to help Bender, Slade instructs him as well as Bender to go after anything that might be of note at the Aether Foundation.

Part 5[]

Slade decides to have the Dupus Rocket pulled out of orbit by having his men use Dr.Evil's Tractor Beam and using other methods to get it pulled down. Working with his other colleagues, Slade pulls out the Aether Foundation file and explains why Anti Cosmo and Bender are looking into the Foundation to them as it will both help him and them in their own cases as Slade wants to see their technology can help with his plans to create infinite resources for the multiverse to fully secure his legacy and so the multiverse can fully forgive them since he knows people won't forgive what he has done and uses past experience.

Getting the Ship down from orbit, Slade is able to inspect it and he confirms that it was pulled out the timeline, and there is a way he can tell. Asking his colleagues about this, he gets their experiences on all this so Slade can tell how this was done without violating the timeline too much which he admits was clever of who is behind this.

Later he tells Bender, Luan, Marcy Wu and Wile E about this what he discovered and that Fifi did go after Bender when he was helping the kids with their work. He also discovers the Ultra Beasts and the wormholes associated by the Aether Foundation by Anti Cosmo. He must find a way to harness it without causing too much damage to the multiverse by using wormhole technology and suspects that Z9 has assess to it to his employers which is why he has so many crazy seismic readings.

Part 6[]

In part to what Anti Cosmo accomplished, Slade and him study with the scientists with what was discovered and the worm hole tech. He had N assigned to help look into this and found what he knew from this through the late Colress. Slade finds himself visited by Tek Knight and Levy, he assists in taking on the latter as he has his allies try and stop themselves from telling Tek what they did, though Tek makes it unmanageable. When tossing them out, Slade makes it clear he's not pleased but does realize Tek Knight's supe powers is how he does and informs Bender, Luan and Butcher of it as they tell him they found the Bunker.

Chapter 3[]

Part 7[]

Slade and the rest of his allies recheck on what Naesala had been out for and discovers a trump card on Vicky Neuman. Slade finds out from him and his investigation that she has been acting on orders to kill and clean up anyone who can expose the task giver. Anti Cosmo tells Slade that him and Bender suspected this themselves regarding what the two have looked into. Slade says that he got this from his resources in that.

After testing Angstorm Levy's powers in bringing something renewable to him and his empire, this is when he finds a call from Marvin the Martian about something he found. Slade has his allies contact Marvin back and he is informed of the casuaulites that have expanded further in the areas Marvin found. Slade checks them with them and is able to figure Neuman's own boss had mostly silencing any attempt to find him.

He is informed by Bender, Luan, Wile E and Marcy who after finishing their work with the Shetty Virus tell him about it and When he is told by them they will get Lisa to study it. Slade admits that it's a good idea to proceed with this to see how it works and to keep it out of anyone's hand especially Professor Membrane who they all know Neuman is after. He will have some info for Bender as well that he'll sent as well.

Slade finds something in his mail box with Hook and Nasesala and it's an invite for the Tek Knight Manor which he observes and the rest of the empire looks into thinking it's supcisous why they would be invited. Anti Cosmo goes off to visit Bender and tell him about what Slade had found and Slade advises him to keep his eyes peeled and that whatever Anti Cosmo and Bender are looking into can be connected to what Naesla found. Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harry are called from the Boys and learns Neuman's reasoning for hunting him and that part of it comes down to Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harry's deals with with Solider Boy who was the first supe of Vought before dealing with Homelander and Slade does suspect that this made sense at the time he and the others were not aware of Payback and Solider Boy's involvement with Vought due to The Cartel blocking that info out to them.

Part 8[]

Heading into the Boys Universe, Slade has located the Veron Manor and he sends his allies to steak out the manor to see what Tek Knight and Neuman's allies are up to and with her powers, she could be a threat to his empire with the head popping abilities of blood bending which he compares to an extreme use of it. Slade also overhears what is going with The Boys and decides while Leonard Snart and Mick Rory are dealing with the eavesdropping, he will have Captain Hook, Jessie Wells and Sideshow Bob help The Boys when it comes to their attempt to save the Goodkwin University students that were framed for what happened at Cate and Sam's hands.

Slade and Harry later get called by Bender and Anti Cosmo who are on their way to Camp Masatdon and show them what they found at Jerome Horowitz Elementary regarding Neuman's allies. The 4 mention how what Marcy found leads back to the siutation that brought the guys and her to the future and it could come back on them. When being asked of proof, Anti Cosmo and Bender show Slade it thought he and Harrison question what they are seeing which has the two say that the first video is the corrupt mayor that Bender and Anti Cosmo are investigating having the old in and out with a lady who isn't his wife. Slade and Harry observe this and feel the 4 of them may have figured out something with this info that Marcy told Bender and Anti Cosmo. Slade tells the two that he will arrive at Camp Masatdon to help the two when it comes to Veron Manor. He just has to finish here.

Slade goes to his other allies and learns of what they have being dealing when it when to the stake out and what comes of Hook, Sideshow Bob and Jessie helping The Boys.

Part 9[]

Slade and Celes arrive at Tek Manor and he allocates his troops to proceed with their plans for his allies to deal with Tek Knight. Anti Cosmo and Bender both arrive after seeing Team Free Will and Slade hands the two what he found on the map to the Manor including what to avoid and what to look into it. Slade gets his allies to continue steaking out to keep his illusions with his men as he blends in and eats though it questioned how he can eat with that helmet on. Victoria Neuman arrives intend to expose his actions with Solider Boy and crimes against Her, as well as her Step Dad's company. Slade is ready to go for the attack on Vicky with Bender until Tek Knight exposes her as a supe which Slade is quick to read as someone pulling the strings against her for a reason.

He rejoins Bender and Anti Cosmo to continue their investigation and despite Troy going nuclear, he is brave enough to go in the Manor to investigate and gather his info. He is unaware that Lizbeth had spotting him fighting off their forces with Bender and Anti Cosmo. Fighting Fifi and her forces as well as Vought employees with the two, He manages to get the 2 as well as Lincoln and Lydia to the main room and holds off their men so the 4 can get their info. While Cate and Sam get past him, he warns Bender and AC about this and escapes the manor with Kate and Ren for a bit.. Unknown to him, Lizbeth is aware of him, Anti Cosmo and Bender taking part in all this.

After the blowout of Tek Manor from Tek Knight's actions, Slade tells AC to get back to him as well as Bender when they finish up with the others so they can figure out what else to do. He then hears something from Hades and HIM and is warned of the danger he is into an extent as they met a demigodness themselves to inform them of what has become obvious to everyone.

Chapter 4[]

Slade discovers from Anti Cosmo what else they have learned on Ucumu, and he has Hades and HIM go to look into this for him as he and his group go scouting for Neuman and other members of Vought. This does lead him into going up against the Vought members and discovers Tek Knight has taken charge of Vought with Neuman's absence. Slade then discovers his device was stolen by Fifi Dufus and the Mirror Agents, though thankfully Slade at least has a tracker on it learning Z9 worked with the Zebron Brotherhood to do thanks to Anti Cosmo and Bender dealing with them earlier. He has his allies go looking for it while he joins the group in going down to Mexico

Chapter 5[]

He with the aid of his team fight off against The Zebron Brotherhood once again as he decides to claim his tracker back form him and Z9 all the while receiving the help from Rocket and Marvin. Slade discovers that The Zebron Brotherhood's employer had fired off the device already and he feels that whoever did is going to end the world or try to.

Once Again dealing with Neuman Loyalists, he runs into Bender and Hughie and the rest of the team go off to find Team Free Will and The Streaming Resistance. Which they do and Slade has to be stopped from going after Neuman at Hughie's insistence. Butcher arrives though and the end of the world starts as Billy is possessed by Ucumu and tries to kill Neuman

Chapter 6[]

Slade with his allies take on Butcher with Bender and The Boys to fight off Butcher and to stop him from aiding in the end of days despite how much they have been through. Slade decides on killing Billy Butcher which Hughie tries to stop him from doing, though Slade reasons that they are going to have it do at some point as he has a wife, Hughie has a girlfriend and Bender has a wife too and with Butcher's hatred of supes, they're not safe. He is able to defeat and kill Billy though he lets Hughie do as he goes to join Team Free Will and The Streaming Resistance fight Ucrumu.

Later he and his men hold a meeting after the defeat the demon and the fixing of his machine. Slade is seen toasting his success with his allies, though he is aware the war isn't over as Z9, Zib and Putty are still out there.

Book 2: Interlude[]


Anti Cosmo[]

Slade's best friend and 2nd in command. The two have known each other for a long time ever since he lost his memory. Regardless of who's side they're working with they always help each other whether they fight Dib (a hero) or the Joker and Darkseid (villains)

Outside Lizbeth and Boomer, and Bender with Skipper they have one of the closest friendships in the Multi-Universe despite the two being married to other woman. Slade and Anti Cosmo never are seen without each other and fight together as being a second in command is more than being the most trusted. Though they do have their disagreements at times.



After Anti Cosmo, his most common ally despite their early history. Slade and Bender were once enemies but only for one story, As every other story they worked together against the other villains. Bender was once his right hand man like Anti Cosmo before meeting the heroes, but he was in it for the money as opposed for evil and left him on mutual good terms before meeting him once again.

Slade was also the one who informed him about Angewomon and Emperor X since the two wanted Joker defeated and knew exactly who to go for aid. While Dib is in charge of M.O.D.A.B, it's ultimately him who Slade plays off mostly of the team. Slade and Bender have worked together many times against Uka Uka, Hunson Abadeer, the Children of Megatron, Malefor, Darkseid, Dr. Weil and Terumi. Any bad blood between the two is no more as Slade changes in Legends of Light and Darkness, helps Bender deal with Dib being gone and invites him to his wedding after fighting Discord.

Bender also seems to hold him in high regard since he always recruits Slade if he can get a hold on him. He also seems to trust Slade with his adventure against Vilgax, since he told him before he told Dib. After the Spear of Destiny incident with Thawne, Bender stills get in contact with Slade and Anti Cosmo as knowledge brokers and supply him with what he can't get under President Deathstroke.

Black Star[]


Celes Chere[]



A New character Slade meets in Legends in Light and Darkness. Before hand He has heard about Discord through Bender during his wedding to Celes who told him about Knuckles, him and Vilgax`s allegiance. Before He left for Totally Mobian Spies, he and Skipper made a deal with Slade and Anti Cosmo for in exchange for keeping Eddy alive they`ll spy on Discord`s ally Stane to see what he was up to regarding Discord

Slade and the crew found out about the Dystopia League`s forming and then Discord`s return which he spied on and found Discord`s location so he had Bender, Skipper and Heloise follow him when he made a meeting with the former members of Vilgax`s allegiance. After that, They all feel he`s up to something and Slade warns Bender about getting the others involved though he does make Knuckles an exception and tips The P Team off about Discord.

Slade finally meets him and they end up working together against Terumi and Relius and they do this once more in Blackpool and LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour though he and Anti Cosmo are rather distrustful towards Discord., though they do build a better understanding of each other eventually.

Eddy and the V Team[]

A Team of Villains that works under Slade and Anti Cosmo who he brought into his group to expand his empire. In the early storylines, Slade was more present with Eddy until they struck more on their own.


Slade and Hades have a unusual relationship as while Hades works under Slade's group, he doesn't take orders from Slade.

Hunson Abadeer[]



The B Team[]

The Joker[]

A former ally of Slade's of the first story until Joker betrayed him in Slade Strikes Back. Slade figured out his return when he made his appearance known to the V Team. After Joker forced funerals on the heroes, Bender ran into him and the two decided they need to work together to bring him down and they needed to lie to the others on both sides to make sure they succeed in stopping him. Anti Cosmo, Slade and Bender all worked to bring him down and no one suspected the three until The Joker made the connection and threatened to blackmail the trio. Refusing to back down they decided to go for broke and just kill the bastard. in Legends of Light and Darkness, Joker came back wanting revenge and Lizbeth was off his list and the two of them were now so he tried to kill them, but he failed again.

Odalia Blight[]

Uka Uka[]

His Allies[]

Sub Zero[]

The P Team[]

Rodrigo Borgia[]

Allies and Enemies[]

Friends: Anti Cosmo, Harrison Wells, Celes Chere, Hades, Mojo Jojo, HIM, Sideshow Bob, Bender, Skipper, Heloise, Jessie Wells, Marcy Wu, Luan Loud

Allies: Megabyte, Thailog, Evil Manta, Cat R. Waul, Warrior Monkey, the V Team,

(Phase 3) Phineas, Isabella, Axl, Alie, Axel, AVGN, Jack Frost, Nostalgia Chick, Celes Chere, Orion, Gohan, Jack Bauer, Marie, R2-D2, C-3PO, Shade, Phantom R, Suede, Will Vandom, Dr. Insano, Dr. Manhattan, Stan Marsh, Wendy Testaburger, Bowser Jr., Harpuia, Makoto Nanaya, Scamp, Angel, Annette, Sabrina Spellman, Harvey Kingle, Salem, Silver, Green, Klonoa, Wreck-It-Ralph, Monodramon, Hexadecimal, Jesu Otaku, Nostalgia Critic, Hiccup, Astrid, Zuko, Obi-Wan, Jack Sparrow, Aleu, Hellboy, Marceline, Ventress, Irene Addler, Black Star, Tsubaki, Taki, Death the Kid, Saul Goodman, Mr. Gold, Dr. Strange, Liz and Patty Thompson, Alexander Fox Xanatos, Android 16, Batman, Batman Beyond, Big Barda, Blythe Baxter, Carl Clover, Dan, Eska, Grey, Jessie, James, Mister Miracle, Mysterion, Norman, Sam, Sunil, Zoe, Tony Animeda and The Flash, Sora, Anna, Biyomon, Picard,  Blue, Protoman, Magneto,  Ozymandias, Jean Grey, Jaeris, Zhuge Liang, Suki, Starkiller, Cruger, Rogue, Nightcrawler, Yasha, Major Kirrahue, Connor, Buffy Summers, Rip Hunter, Sara Lance, Ray Palmer, Mick Rory, Wally West, Amaya, Nate Heywood, Captain Cold, Lisa Snart, Tombstone, Naesala,

(Phase 4) Tom Lucifor, Amity Blight, G-LO, Libby Stein Torres, Cricket Green, Ronnie Anne Sandigo, The Green Family, Charlie Mangue, Chip, Dale, XR, Angus, Kamela Khan, Ace Jr, Hilda, Lydia, Lincoln, Ford, Anne, Luz, Cricket, Sid Chang, Larke Tanner, Mulder, Scully, Crowley, Hilda, Frida, David, Jaune Arc, Johanna, Ronnie Anne, Libby Stein, Tom Lucifor, Scrooge Mcduck, Amity and her family, G-Lo, Wile E, Captain Hero, Bean, The Boys, Bliss, The Bad Guys, Cavendish and Dakota, Mark Greyson, Atom Eve

Unsure: Discord, Blue, the Miracle Elite, King Andiras, Sasha Wayblight, Captain Grime, Gus Fring, Guzma, Malcolm Merlyn, Thawne (Flashpoint)

Enemies: Odalia Blight (Arch Enemy), , the Joker (Archenemy), Martian General Z9 (3rd Archenemy), Kostas Becker (4th Archenemy), Professor Chang, the Master, Megatron, Uka Uka, Marceline's dad, Brother Blood, Taurus Bulba, Alternate Doofenschimtz, Terra, Trigon, Darkwarrior Duck, Malefor, the League of Darkness, Darkseid, the Darkseven, Model W, Dr. Weil, Hazama, Relis Clover, Sari Sumdac, BlackGarurumon the Children of BlackGarurumon, Mister Sinister, the Sinisters Of Evil, Haytham Kenway, the Templar Order, Anarky, GBF and his squad, Rodrigo Borgia, and his True Templar Orders, Peter Pan,Phony Disney Characters and their mother, Zaheer, The Viking Alliance, Kuivra, KVA, The New Ozai Society, Father's Alliance, Eobard Thawne (5th Archenemy) and his Legion, Dr. Alchemy, Scott, Bill Cipher, Bill Cipher's Cult, The Core (Amphibia), Morag, Manfred Von Karma, The Pranks A Lot Mob, The Prankster, The Miller Family, S.U.S.P.E.N.S.E, The Conpsiracy, Vought, Emperor Belos, Vecna, The Belos Empire, Don Eladio, The Cartel, Dark Arrow and the New Reisnchmen


  • Slade appeared in all the seasons of the show Teen Titans, though not in a physical sense in Season 3
  • Slade underwent major adaptational heroism in the multiverse series by The4everreivval, as he went from main villain in Phase 1 to a more grey character in Phase 3, and while still having his habits he is pretty much aligned with the heroes by Phase 4
  • He is 6'4" tall
  • Slade is among the top 3 characters in the4everrevial Storylines in terms of appearances tying with Anti Cosmo and being Behind only Bender. The 3 aforementioned characters also have the 2nd most appearances of the cast appearing in 11 storylines out of 18 with Slade appearing in one storyline without Bender or Anti Cosmo and another storyline where Anti Cosmo and Bender appeared which Slade missed.
  • Slade and Anti Cosmo didn't appear in Phase 2, as it was intended to phase them out, but after Multiversal War of Destiny, the two were brought back as main characters in Legends of Light and Darkness and worked with Bender and the B Team as their main allies.
  • Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender are the only original phase 1 characters to be main characters at the start and the end of the series.
  • Slade shares with Anti Cosmo, Lizbeth and Skipper the honor of being one of the few characters to be a main character in 3 of the 4 phase storylines. Unlike Lizbeth and Skipper, the one time he wasn't a main character was again in Phase 2 where he didn't appear.
  • Slade didn't really have a personal archenemy until Phase 4 with Odalia Blight, Frank Underwood, Kostas Becker and Martain General Z9 taking the role of this at different times. As his adversarial relationships with The Joker and Thawne were shared with Bender.
  • His Empire is among the longest ran fractions in the multiverse.
  • He was going to appear in the Unproduced Season 6 of Teen Titans (2003), though he wasn't going to be the main villain of the season and instead it was going to be Blackfire.
  • Slade is the only character of the top 5 leading characters leading of Phase 4 to not be a overall main protagonist of the finale story of The4everrevival's storyline as he will be not a main character in Book 2: Interlude

