"It is an honor to meet you, Princess. No… Yatogami Tohka, right? I am Isaac Westcott from D.E.M Industries. I’ll be in your care.....am I being hated? [...] My aim....hm.....Ah! Yes. That would actually be very simple. I want your powers as Spirit to turn the ways of the world upside down....In order to topple the restraints of this world. But you existence in this world is stable. I wonder what I have to do to make you despair? [...] To hate this world, to hate humans. Even the strongest Angel isn’t capable of filling the hole in your heart. You can only rely on external assistance beyond that of an Angel. How is it possible for you to enter that state? Looking through the AST records, there was a time when you was indeed near such a stage...what exactly happen then? [...] *sigh* --I say, Ellen. Maybe it would be faster if we increased the physical torture on her? Let’s start off with electrocution. And then decrease the oxygen concentration in the room, and observe her reaction. Maybe we can also try changing the air pressure. If those fail, then let’s chip her nails away, and her fingers… ah, right, maybe we can chip her teeth too. The pain felt by the nervous system will be unbearable by then. A Spirit’s body is much more resilient than a human… try feeding her poison. Ah, in that case, we should also give her tranquilizers. And then, yes, you're a virgin? How do you feel about your own chastity? The pain you will feel when we completely destroy whatever "dignity you have as a woman". In the long time you’ve spent in this world, have you had any friends or lovers? If we were to kill a loved one in front of you, how would you feel?" |
"Calm down, Tohka-chan. I am a person very patient, generous and kind. And because of that I will be kind enough to drown you in the blood of your lover when I plunge this reality in the hands of death. No need to thank me, it's from my nature to be kind. You may think I'm a cruel person, but it was nothing more than my generosity. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" |
"One death is a tragedy, one million is a statistic; 6 billion is funny!" |
Sir Isaac Ray Peram Westcott or also known as Isaac Ray Peram Westcott or Isaac Westcott -- and later know as Beelzebub Demon King is the main antagonist of the Date A Live franchise who was introduced as the primary antagonist in Date A Live II until current times (volume 5-14). He is an evil and inhuman British man works as the corrupt managing director of the largest company in the world; Deus.Ex.Machina Industries. He is an arrogant, selfish, nihilistic, destroyer, tyrant, sadistic, corrupt, and childish person who has a abnormal mind or, in other words, a "complete monster" businessman with a diabolical ambition.
Due to his role in the volume 5 onward, the 2nd season of the anime, as well on the game universe and in manga series, he is highly considered the most vile and vicious villain of Date A Live and the most dark villain created by Kouchi Tachibana ever. While most other human villains qualify as delusionals because they think what they do, no matter how evil, is all to save mankind from the Spirits; Isaac is a human who has the full reasoning of what he does, and commit all his atrocities expressly out of his own free will, such as committing mass-genocide, destroying entire planets, galaxies and realities, killing zillions of innocent people, including men, women, animals, children and even pregnant women.
As the Spirits represent biblical beings, Isaac Westcott represent the evil side of humanity and is the reincarnation of the nihilism and the Antichrist, and shows how humans can be worse and more monstrous than "aliens-life-forms". Isaac is considered as the most evil villain in Light Novel media history, the most evil anime villain in 2014, the most evil villain in Japanese novel.

Isaac as the Emperor of DEM Empire
The twisted and nihilistic managing director of D.E.M Industries and the ruler of DEM Empire, Sir Isaac Ray Peram Westcott. He is around 30 years old and a tall man with dark ash blond hair and sharp eyes. Although seems to have 30 years, he apparently is alive for a long time (between 4 millions years). He created the Realizer; a piece of technology involved with magic that can make impossible things possible. Westcott used this technology to brainwash people and create weapons of mass destruction. With this power, Westcott orchestrated the First and Second World War, the Cold War, the Holocaust and possibly the attacks of September 11 to play with the human nature in his time on Earth. Isaac masterminded universal-wide wars, killing zillions and zillions of innocent lives for his own "fun". He has no goal, just destroy all reality and living beings for his own sake.
All of DEM's elite Wizards refer to him with -sama, Mister-, Master-, Mylord and Lord-, fanatically loyal, and willing to do terrible acts against humanity just because he said so. Considering Eve's amnesia before she joined D.E.M, headaches whenever she tries to remember the past, and respect for Westcott even after finding out what was done to her there is a possibility that brainwashing, conditioning, and/or a Realizer used to make them so loyal to him alone. Such as when Adeptus 3 was hesitant about a mission to capture Tohka that would expose their equipment to the public and create numerous civilian casualties just to slap Ratatoskr's face rather than use a plan to minimize both, such as the original plan on the island where the Yamai twins appeared.
Yet she and the others were going ahead with it without reservation simply because Westcott said it would be for "humanities' greater good." Isaac himself has shown little care for his company and his subordinates, much less humanity itself, in his thinking as long as his goals are realized the death of billions and billions is nothing. Whether its discussing ways to break Tohka's spirit through torture with the same manner and care one would discuss the weather, or the loss of life and D.E.M property when Tohka snapped, he never showed any sign or thought of guilt, despair, sorrow, or grief, but was happy that she inverted as if nothing else mattered.

Isaac as a child
Isaac is the "monster" of the entire Multi-Universe history, making others villains that are considered Antichrists as just minor people, and is the pure reincarnation of the Antichrist. He is called a monster, the next Satan, the Nihilism itself and the devil himself. He possesses charisma and intelligence but is also cunning, manipulative and deceitful; while he is seemingly kind, compassionate and loving to children, he is actually cold-hearted and cruel and enjoys manipulating entire galaxies and universes for his fun. He uses his talents to manipulate and corrupt others, often with no apparent end than to cause suffering and destruction. His goal is to be the plunge to whole Multi-Universe in state of chaos and destruction, to spread death upon all beings on existence. One of the themes of "Complete Monster" is how individuals are capable of behaving monstrously, and Isaac often acts as a direct or indirect catalyst for such behavior. He identifies with other killers, discovering their secrets. In keeping with the Apocalypse theme, Isaac shares traits with the Antichrist. Isaac simply is pure, unadulterated evil. Though putting up a polite, friendly exterior, Westcott is a psychopathic narcissist who despises all that is good in the world, while relishing any and all forms of wickedness humans are capable of. Westcott is, without doubt, a new villain that is about to become one of the most evil villains on fiction ever, and will rival Johan Liebert soon and he truly is the new most devilish anime villain of anime history.
He is around 30 years old and a tall man with smooth and long dark ash blond/white hair, pale skin and sharp dark blue eyes as if a knife was used to cut a slit on his face. He is always wearing a black suit, with black social shoes, black social pants and a white tie. He is of English origin but he speaks fluent Japanese. He is described as a very scary man by Origami. He is described as being around 30 years old, but Origami notes that he gives off the impression of an experienced veteran. Mr. Woodman also states that he left the DEM 30 years ago due to a fallout with Westcott. Can't rule out the possibility that Westcott is using magic to keep the youthful appearance, after all, was said Elliot left the DEM Industries 30 years ago, and many of the characters in the series refer to him as a person 30 years of age. There is a possibility that Westcott is using technological-magic (Realizer) on himself to not grow old like Elliot Baldwin Woodman is doing to stay alive due to his age (between 70–80 years old).

Date A Live Punishment scale; from left; Kurumi Tokisaki, Hotshot TV Producer, Roger Murdoch, Minerva Liddell and finally Isaac Westcott in "Eternal Corporal Torment"
Westcott is an evil and inhumane individual who loves war and death - he demonstrates that he is different from many other humans through the series, as he commits acts of atrocities against humanity simply for his twisted fun. He is also a mature man, but possesses the mind of an intelligent and sadistic child. Shido describes Westcott as "one that could not just be described as just cruel or brutal but rather abnormal". At his core, Westcott relishes death, suffering, despair, fear, chaos, war and destruction. He is known as one of the most sadistic characters in the series, and often tries to make his enemies suffer in despair and fear before he kills them. He also has a great sarcastic wit. When he is in his "normal mental state" (a compound man) he is sophisticated, polite and kind to the people around him in order to deceive them. He uses dark humor at times, such as saying: "Don't lose your arms in this stupid way" soon after mutilating his subordinates; and such as "Ahh... this is so tragic and sad. My heart drowns in tears to lost a valuable Wizard" after he manipulated and used Origami hatred for Spirits and turns her into a avenger. Westcott is fully aware of his reputation for cruelty among his employees, and makes no effort to deny it. He also seems to have knowledge of how to use human feelings of hatred and anger to his favor.
Westcott is an cruel, intellectual and unloving man. He often addresses most of his subordinates by their surnames (except Ellen Mira Mathers who he called her name often in a teasing tone). He is also a man that does not talk too much. He rarely shows any sign of alarm, surprise or anguish. In normal situations, Westcott is casual and uncaring, attempting to draw a conversation and make small talk, which often infuriates those he is talking primarily among the directors of the D.E.M that are part of the board of D.E.M except Ellen. Westcott is also a kind of person who does not like to repeat the same thing twice, since he sees humans as animals who follow his orders as ordered.
He's a liar who is manipulative, cold-hearted, hypocritical and dishonest to the people who trust him. Due to his power that he has over his officers and other employees on D.E.M Industries, he is very selfish and doesn't care about anyone's life and even his own. Westcott shows no sympathy for his soldiers and co-workers as long his goals are completed. Isaac Westcott brutally tortures his officers if they question his orders regardless of whether if they are elite soldiers or not; which is why Westcott often install Realizers in the brains of his soldiers in order to make them into "domesticated-psychopaths". Under normal circumstances, he acts honestly and respect his subordinates (for beginners who do not know his true nature, people like Knox). He doesn't care about things like his company or innocent's lives, as long he achieves his goals, or rather, he does not care about any of these things. Isaac Westcott is able to do anything evil to achieve his goals, claiming he will destroy the whole life on the planet only to achieving "one step" closer to his wish, or kill any person if necessary. He is obsessed with making the world die current and rule the future world according to his own image. He proves to be so dedicated to his desire that he does not show any value for his life as long he not have achieved his goal; showing that he prefer to die rather than turn back.

Isaac's pyramid
He has a very sadistic and nihilistic personality and seems to take pleasure in the worst possible types of torture, such when he considered various types of cruel physical, mental, emotional and sexual tortures to Tohka that only the most twisted of individuals could think of. The definition of Westcott is a complete and utter obsession with war and destruction, and greed with the powers of the Spirits' Inverse Form. By his own admission, he loves all kinds of evil that mankind can evoke over the world, and he clearly shows that he hates any form of pacifism. His insane devotion to war and destruction is evident in the great affection with which he refers to the destruction of D.E.M Industries and other government causes over the world just for his words. While he says "will be for humanity's greater good" humans will follow Westcott blindly, and are able to kill hundreds of innocents as long Isaac says this is correct. In a narrative sense, Isaac warlike and violent personality serve as a counter to the easy going, peaceful and gentle personalities of Shido and Elliot.
Westcott initially appeared to be a very kind, very respected director and was revered by many at the beginning of his entry as director of DEM Industries. Ellen Mira Mathers, obey that he loyally without questioning him, without care of how his orders are cruel. However, this was only a mask to disguise his manipulative and very dangerous nature. In fact, he cares very little for his officers and affiliates, and is willing to use almost everyone around him as pawns to achieve his goals which their lives are simply expendable. He also seems to have a one-sided view on many things as he claims Elliot Woodman betrayed a vow he made with him after he left the DEM. He even asked Elliot to come back to the D.E.M and saw Elliot's actions as a child throwing a tantrum. He frequently appears to play with his underlings for amusement, he does so by putting fear in some members and soldiers of the D.E.M for their failures. Being the director D.E.M Industries, Westcott controls his minions through acquiring respect on the fire. Westcott holds the most turbulent individuals like Roger Murdoch in line through intimidation and mind games.

Westcott manipulating Origami
Isaac is rather ruthless and masochist and reacts violently to criticism. Unlike most other primary antagonists who are crazy psychopaths and have bad-temper like Kurumi Tokisaki, Minerva Liddell, Edgar F. Caroll, Roger Murdoch and Ryouko Kusakabe, he actually displays a very calm, civilized and refined demeanor, using very polite, regal, eloquent language rather than the more tough-talking style of most of the other villains. Despite these traits, he is quite cold-hearted, almost to the point of being machine-like in nature. He tends to view most problems and situations in an intellectual manner, like an academic or a professor, rather than as a manner of life or death. Believing no force in the world could challenge his authority since he is the director of the most great corporation on Earth, he typically underestimate his foes for being pacifists and that their kindness ends up generating in their defeat.
Ultimately, Isaac could be viewed as yet another example of a Machiavellian inspired ruler, with ruthless determination to kill everyone on his planet. But unlike Machiavellian who is tyrant ruler, Isaac is president of a company but he is seen more like a dictator oppressing people in the shadows. And unlike tyrants who seek for more power—Isaac plans to seek more death on humans. Many of Isaac's beliefs run consistent with nihilism, as he does not see any meaning to life. He sees his actions as a game, even if said game results in the loss of lives, his very own included.
He is often described as unpredictable. He often says things to incite someone's temper but then says he is just kidding. Isaac enjoys irritating Ellen Mathers to a troll level, and he has a great deal of fun in being feared by other officers as well. On the outside, Isaac acts kind and polite. However, he keeps many secrets and tells many lies to the whole planet. He is very strategist and enjoys manipulating battles in order to make his own allies and enemies kill themselves. He immensely enjoys crushing the hopes of humans and watching their expressions become filled with despair. Even Kurumi Tokisaki has great hatred towards Westcott, and angrily regards him as a fiendish man who deserved to be destroyed.
The Miracle Elite Storyline[]
Trouble in London[]
Isaac Ray Peram Wescott works for Princess Hilda as the big brute. With Deus.Ex.Machina Industries still runs it's course, Isaac make sure the D.E.M.'s weapons are to be set correctly.
Isaac made a return in the next story, along with Ellen Mira Mathers. He acts as one of the villains in this story.
LOTM: Sword of Kings Storyline[]
He has his own page for this story, see The Fallen.
Humanity's Strongest Storyline[]
In Humanity's Strongest Westcott is ambushed by the Major. Westcott takes over a building and uses it as his new DEM building. Westcott tells Ellen to hunt down the creator of the Major and force him to make a war robot for him.
War of Two Sides[]
Isaac will meet Elliot Baldwin for the first time.
Chronicles of Great New Empire[]
Though the scheme failed, Isaac succeeded in his mission, before suddenly betraying Hondao to usurp the power by having a tyrannical reign. Ike reveals that he has long planned to overthrow Hondao and take his power for his own thanks, in part, to the heroes for their part in him obtaining the Inverse.
- ""…………..Haha, a boy that is able to use the Spirit's power…………..I've heard about this and thought it was impossible but, I see, so that's how it is. Haha, haha-hahahahahahahahaha!........Isn't this funny. In the end------everything was on the palm of her hands, huh." - Westcott mocking Shido.
- "You know you are involved with a sick man who will see you die? He will stand over your body, with your blood on his hands and I promise you he will laugh... not because your life means nothing to him -- but because death, for him -- is the punch line." - A henchman of Westcott warning new recruits of Westcott's sadistic personality.
- "Do you understand even though I am saying this much?" - Westcott to the JGSDF officers.
- "My aim....hm.....Ah! Yes. That would actually be very simple. I want your powers as Spirit to turn the ways of the world upside down....In order to topple the restraints of this world." - Westcott explaining his goals to the heroes.
- "He is a monster. He is different from us. His thoughts, value system, and his authority to make that reality... everything. We were the foolish one for looking at a dream even if it was for an instant." Simpson describing Westcott.
- "I say, Ellen. Maybe it would be faster if we increased the physical torture on her? Let’s start off with electrocution. And then decrease the oxygen concentration in the room, and observe her reaction. Maybe we can also try changing the air pressure. If those fail, then let’s chip her nails away, and her fingers… ah, right, maybe we can chip her teeth too. The pain felt by the nervous system will be unbearable by then. A Spirit’s body is much more resilient than a human… try feeding her poison. Ah, in that case, we should also give her tranquilizers. And then, yes, you're a virgin? How do you feel about your own chastity? The pain you will feel when we completely destroy whatever "dignity you have as a woman". In the long time you’ve spent in this world, have you had any friends or lovers? If we were to kill a loved one in front of you, how would you feel?" - Westcott talking to a captured Tohka.
- "The Spirits couldn't escape. What makes you think you're so lucky?" Westcott taunting our heroes.
- "My friends, it has often being said that I like war. My friends, I like war...no, my friends, I love war! I love holocausts. I love blitzkriegs. I love defensive lines. I love sieges, I love charges, I love mop-up operations, and retreats. Wars across prairies, in streets, in trenches, in grasslands, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of war that can occur on this earth."
- "I hate every child and woman in this world. I want to kill every child who are smiling, they do not deserve to be happy like me. I have blood on my hands, and my soul is dead..."
- "It's simple. Compare to dropping a glass, dropping it from a higher place make it broke much easier."
- "It's better to enjoy the fun one at a time."
- "Human emotions are just a highly evolved form of logic."
- "I see. You can think of it that way too. But this is troubling. A subordinate that listens to me and a subordinate that works for my sake, I wonder which one is better."
- "Don’t praise me like that. I’ll feel embarrassed."
- "Rest assured, after I finish my fun and self-satisfaction, I will give this company to all of you. Oh, it's going to be soon. Compared to the team we continuously waited until now. "
- "And that was my special 'treatment' I had done to <Sister>. She probably couldn't remembered how her belly got cut open while alive, or how she got her skull opened, or how her hands and legs got cut by a millimeters after another. She couldn't probably remembered any of it. There are two reasons why I decided to seal her memory. First is simply because her mental has almost completely broke down thanks to all the experiment they have done to her. If she didn't got her memories sealed, she couldn't even retain her consciousness anymore. And the second reason is —"
- "What?! Giygas, no! You will never do that to me! No! Nnnooooooooo!!!!" - Isaac's last words.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Authority: It may not seem like an awesome power, but his authority is one of his worst weapons, He has control about any kind of authority on Earth (being the only person in the world able to create Realizer). Westcott is considered one of the most important people in the world by the fact that he is the only person who can manufacture Realizers. With his authority he can do whatever he wants with any human on Earth, he can commit any evil act without cares punishments. Isaac Westcott see other people just like dogs that will do his orders without question.
- Magical-Technology: Isaac Westcott only creates magical technology, however, he never used it in a direct combat or in a fight. He uses it just in case he really need to use, during the transformation of Dark Tohka he used magic to teleport to somewhere.
- World/Humanity: Westcott is the only person in the world who knows how to build Realizer Combat Units and the Realizer for fight against the Spirits, becoming one of the most important people in the world. Wescott is a very important for military leaders from around the world person, Westcott sells Combat Realizer Units to armies of all countries, anything that gets in the way of Isaac Westcott turns a blind an enemy of humanity, but that will not happen if he allows.
- Gifted Orator: The main asset of Westcott is his ability to inspire his troops with enthusiastic speeches and bloodthirsty. It can take almost any situation and turn it into a speech that will strengthen the morale of his soldiers and Wizards for their next operation or mission. Westcott very rarely speaks, he does so long speeches when he is really excited with some very perverse action enough to raise his diabolical joy as exterminate an entire population or cause a conflict that destroys the laws of peace, such the laws of AST and Ratatoskr in Tenguu City.
- DEM Wizards: Wizards are trained (or brainwashed) to be psychopaths who loyally obey him, so they would give their life because he ordered. His wizards are fanatical soldiers and almost soulless an are loyalty blind, acting as if they were robots following orders that could be inhumane.
- Armed Forces: Westcott has control over all military forces on the planet, they obey any order Westcott. Any kind of weapon of mass destruction can be freely used by Isaac Westcott if he said if if he says that is for "humanities' greater good". He also has his own the military force of D.E.M.
- Fear and Torture: These "weapons" are used by Isaac almost in everything he does or says. Also one of his fetishes. Most of his soldiers are formed the basis of the fear, as seen in episode 4 of the season 2, when James was showing fear in returning to D.E.M with empty hands. Westcott tortures his soldiers in cruelest ways possible for their failures, such as psychological torture, starvation, ripping their nails off, cutting their tongues, breaking the bones of their bodies, ripping out their teeth, sticking their eyes, making them eat insects, depriving them of oxygen and rape.
- However, neither he often tortures his underlings, often it's a quick but painful enough to feel the experience of a terrible pain before the death. He often makes subordinates who are part of the faction "Anti-Isaac" feel the experience of feeling of death, especially at the time when several members of the Board of D.E.M had their arms cut by Ellen.
Despite not being a fighter, he still has a few devices available to him. The equipment used by him are not used for combat, but for personal use.
- Realizer Possession: A mysterious Realizer that was not disclosed in Date A Live. The Realizer is a small piece of technology that is put inside the human brain, when the Realizer is activated, the person will become a "zombie" and automatically becomes "dead and alive" at the same time. The device serves to sudden death but also serves to communications. This ability is used by Isaac when he enters the James A. Paddington's body to communicate with Elliot Woodman. When Isaac entered in James, he was mentally unstable, the only thing that was moving was James' mouth while Isaac was talking to Elliot Woodman. Once Isaac and Elliot conversation was finished, the Realizer destroyed the entire James' nervous system and made him vomit blood to death.
- Technopathy: A system that is used for combat, but also can be used for defense. This system is connected to the voice of Isaac. This occurs when Isaac active Shielded glasses at torture chamber while Ellen killed Shido.
- Brainwash Realizer: Isaac Westcott uses these Realizers to brainwashing his soldiers. The devices are used to make his servants act like crazy monsters willing to commit crimes against humanity at any cost.
- Emergency Call: A device that is connected to Ellen's brain, the Realizer is used to call Ellen in situations where Isaac needs Ellen helps in something.
Inverse Spirit[]
When Nia Honjou went into her Inverse Form, Artemisia Ashcroft was able to extract her Qlipha Crystal (inverse Spirit form's crystal) from her body and gave it to Isaac Wescott. He then bonded with it in his chest, giving him all the powers of Nia's Inverse Form.
One of the powers he gained is ability to summon Nia's Demon King, Beelzebub, a book with basically the same powers as Nia's Angel, Rasiel. The book can give a person information about a subject just by thinking about it, as shown when Westcott found out about Shidou changing the past during Tobiichi Devil, and can alter the future, through only for a few seconds max. However, unlike Rasiel, it has also shown to have the ability to summon shadow-like creatures from it's pages. However, Nia's Inverse Form was incomplete, because of Shido's intervention, Beelzebub is in incomplete state.
Theme Song[]