Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Silverbolt with swords


"Though threatening your own comrade is no doubt business as usual in the Predacon guide to villainy... it is simply unacceptable behavior in my book!" - Silverbolt

Heroic and noble, Silverbolt is a member of a group of Autobot allies called the Maximals. He is known as a Fuzor, a Transformer with a form that consists of a part of a body of one creature, but also part of a body of another creature.

"Pure, strong, and fast," Silverbolt's sense of right and wrong is so overdeveloped his fellow Maximals wonder if his programming has a glitch. He speaks in lofty platitudes of chivalry, nobility, and idealized heroism. In fact, Silverbolt's speeches make even Optimus Primal roll his optics.

Silverbolt's conviction is both his strength and his weakness. He sees the world in black and white—and not just because his beast mode is partly canine. The only gray area for Silverbolt was Blackarachnia. His fierce love for the "evil" Predacon caused him to question his preconceived notions of right and wrong. He was very proud of his ability to convert Blackarachnia to the Maximals, and, though most of the Maximals were skeptical of her loyalty to the cause and to him, he had nothing but faith in her.

Silverbolt's physical form is that of a creature which is part wolf and part eagle, and some believe him to reign over the sky.

He is voiced by Scott McNeil.

Beast Wars gallery[]
