Villains, OCs, Non Humans,
144 more
- Lizards
- Animals
- Villains with Good Publicity
- Business Villains
- Anti Villains
- Supervillains
- Unscrupulous Businessmen
- Lawful Evil
- Faux Affably Evil
- Crime Bosses
- Martial Artists
- Musicians
- Tragic Villains
- Military Characters
- Leaders and Boss
- Criminals
- Chaotic Evil
- Bald Characters
- Egomaniacs
- Fallen Heroes
- Blackmailers
- Affably Evil
- Remorseful Villains
- Neutral Evil
- Charismatic Characters
- Evil vs. Evil
- On and Off Villains
- Badass Normal
- Badass with a Soft Side
- Villains who have a point
- Villains with Villainous Friendship
- Scientists
- Slanderers
- Dictators
- Reality Warpers
- Emotionless Villains
- Bigger Bads
- Dark Lords
- Failure-Intolerant
- Nihilistic Characters
- Gauntlet User
- Destroyers
- Social Darwinist
- Master Orator
- Master Manipulator
- God Wannabe
- Mysterious Characters
- Partner
- Magi-Tech Users
- Breakout Villains
- Betrayed Characters
- Usurpers
- Greedy Villains
- Strategists
- Omnicidal Maniacs
- Abusers
- Son of Villain
- Tyrants
- Warmongers
- Terrorists
- Xenophobes
- Mind-Breakers
- Power Hungry
- Wrathful Characters
- Destroyer of Innocence
- Reptiles
- Sadists
- Sibling
- Computer Geeks
- Characters in a Suit
- Hypocrites
- Honorable Villains
- Corrupting Influence
- Characters voiced and/or played by Mark Strong
- Characters hailing from the Rock Dog Universe
- Upcoming Characters
- Upcoming Villains
- Realistic Villains
- Characters with Bad Tempers
- Empowered Villains
- Seeker Of Vengeance
- Mentally Insane Villains
- Conspirators
- Cheaters
- Extravagant Villains
- Deal Makers
- Scary Characters
- Sophisticated Villains
- Sociopaths
- Hatemongers
- White Eyed Characters
- The Dreaded
- Black Haired Characters
- Bond Destroyers
- Fearmongers
- Communists
- Successful Villains
- Successors
- Magnificent Bastards
- Knight Templar
- Heretics
- Insecure Characters
- Mass Murderers
- Oppressors
- Likable villains
- Morally Ambiguous Characters
- Arrogant Villains
- Polluters
- Villains by Proxy
- Thieves
- Possessors
- Technopaths
- Elders
- Embezzlers
- Magic Drainers
- Magic Users
- Magic Researchers
- Psychological Abusers
- Mongers
- One-Man Army
- Mechanically Modified
- Thrill-Seekers
- Extremists
- Saboteurs
- Brutes
- Stalkers
- Traitors
- Rogues
- Master of Hero
- Monster Master
- Fighters
- Spies
- Unseen Characters
- Giants
- Provoker
- Sadomasochists
- Corrupt Officials
- Mascots
- Slavers
- Con Artists
- Tragic Characters
- Self-Aware
- Big Bads
- Evil from the Past
Shade (Rock Dog)