Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Sergeant Tamora Jean Callhoun is a character and expy of Samus from Wreck-it Ralph.

Allies and enemies[]

Friends: Fix-it Felix, Ralph, Vanelope, V, Alucard, Zero, Ciel, Anakin Skywalker, Padme, Mako, Bolin, Lyoko Warriors, Homer Simpson, Joe Swanson, Long John Sliver, Lance, Marie Renard, Lizbeth, Maka ALbarns, Nick Fury, Agent Coulson, Soul Eater Evans, Wolverine, Richter Belmont, Kimoko, Puss in Boots, Linkara, The Helper Squad, Starkiller, Cruger, Juno, Caboose, Nightcrawler, Rogue, Proxy, Brock Samson, Lloyd, Colette, Batgirl, Massimo, The King, Morshu, Dante, Vergil, Issac Clarke, Ginormica, Dr.Cockroach, B.O.B, Missing Link

Enemies: Turbo/King Candy, Cybugs, Sigma, The Sigma Organization, Discord, The Dystopia League

Upcoming Enemies: Mechuckles, The Robotic Empire, Elder God, Elders of the Realm, Prince Phobos, Prince Phobos's empire, The Sith Stalker

The Multi-Universal War of Destiny[]

Sergeant Callhoun is first introduced by V when he introduces his 5 new friends into the group, Callhoun is on board to stop Sigma and his plans. She assists her allies on their missions and gives Zero tips while he infiltrates Sektor's underwater base. Callhoun goes with her team and joins forces with Nightosphere Empire to defeat Discord. Callhoun after hearing her friends talk with each other calls them to see Patroklos dethaw. Callhoun then works with her friends to save Retrovile from Simga. Though she is annoyed with the girlish screams and has a laugh at Ulrich's expense. She then defends Retroland with Lizbeth, V, Alucard and Zero from the Morphoids. Callohun then is with Abadeer and the others when trying to get some more info out of Petiroknos. She also helps defend herself from the flood which are much like the Cy Bugs.Callohun prepares to find the 2nd half and infiltrates the hideout where Ridley and Laufey are conspiring.

She fights Owlman in the final battle and she wins after a long struggle, She decides to arrest him as opposed to kill him.

The Rise of Mechuckles: Beware of the Sith Stalker[]

Callohun returns to help against Mechuckles and other villains.She and the group get to Knuckles first alongside V and the others. She meets the other teams who are going to help them against the villains and seems to think The Body Guard Unit is rather powerful and cool. She is introduced to the cyborg Issac Clarke when Lizbeth gets back with Linara after dealing with Mechakara. Callohun is seen with Alucard and Anakin regarding Athena's question where's the captain of all pirates, she answers with sleeping.

The Wrath of God of War[]


Meister of War[]


LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour[]

After they helped Maka and Knuckles and Crona. Callohun works with Lizbeth, Boomer and Hunson in resurrecting Dib though they find their memories of them are non-existent and they work on recovering their memories as Boomer and Lizbeth talk about their situation when Their friend Garak shows up and tells them what happened with the Paradise Lost Kingdom. They Investigate the Paradise Lost Kingdom with help from Ryan Hardy a friend of Lizbeth and the V Crusaders. Calhoun helps Lizbeth and Boomer investigate and that learn it was Crowley and then meet Pan who Maka takes revenge on for the hell she was put through because of his selfish actions.. Homer reveals that Springfield is under attack which gets him up in arms until the whole group meets Jack Bauer who phones to assure Homer's family is fine and that they should find him.

The V Crusaders and Hunter Force join together for their trial which is the same as Slade but challenges feelings and honesty. Where they learn Hit Girl likes Kick Ass where she is forced to admit and Zero has to admit that he fights for everyone humans, Ciel, X and even Iris despite his memories not being that clear.

The Prankster Point Paradox[]

Chapter 5[]

Callohun finds Libby Stein Torres and her encounter with the Cybugs and  reveals that they are part of the V Crusdaders and that they are investigating the mysterious of this kind of magic and dimensional travel to find a friend. Libby states she's looking for someone herself and states she's a dark haried filpino girl with a red dress and pig tails. Kick Ass asks is her name Lizbeth and Libby states yes and that she is working with her pals to find a way to find her. Wolverine states is that why she is with Anti Cosmo, Slade and Bender and that they know them as well from their past.

Libby asks how much have those 3 done in the past, Kick Ass states she doesn't want to know and that Callohun is here because she tracked the Cybugs. Callohun is releived that Boomer isn't the only one outside of them that believes Lizbeth is alive she tells Libby and Kick Ass.

Callohun, Kick Ass and Libby arrive on cue in the former's ship and use the power to drive off the Cybugs with Libby at the helm.

After the mayhem ensures with The Prankster's Forces, Anti Cosmo, Bender, Eda, Grime, Harrison, Hit Girl, Kamela, Kickass Libby, Scrooge, Slade and Wolverine all head away and learn that there is one last clue involved and it will take them to the temple where the first gem of the Calamity Box will be charged. Libby states she told The V Crusaders what Bender intended to do resepctfully

Slade, Anti Cosmo, Bender, Callohun, Wolverine, Hit Girl and Kick Ass all conspire respectively and state that they're all in agreement about finding their mutual friend and associate. Calllohun does mention Boomer will have to know about Bender's investgations which Bender allows but he states Boomer won't be told anything else unless he asks directly.

Callohun takes her ship back to the Owl House where Marcy, Luan and Cricket are waiting and the entire crew comes back respectuflly ready to look into the final destination.

Chapter 6[]

Marcy Wu, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo,Harrison Wells, Luan Loud, Cricket Green ,Wile E Coyote, Cleo Sub Prime, King Andiras, Celes Chere, Ronnie Anne, Amity Blight, Tom Lucifor, Captain Grime, Sasha Wayblight, Libby Stein ,Scrooge McDuck, G-Lo, Ace Savry Junior, Hilda (Graphic Novel), , Ms.Marvel, Wolverine, Sergant Callohun, Kick Ass and Hit Girl all go through the portal and land in springfield

Everyone is trying to figure out what to head now. However Wolverine, Callohun, Kick Ass and Hit Girl all know what to do that they need to see Homer

After a hard time, nativgating through Springfield due to Marcy and Bender not being familar with Springfield , the team eventually finds the Simpsons Home and let The V Crusaders knock at the door. They Say it's them

Homer knowing it's them asks how they've been and if they found anything. Kick Ass says that have and they're not alone and Callohun states that someone else is looking for them too. Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Marcy and the others show up as well.

Homer asks how they know that and Marcy's friends Tell him that they looked into it at their own place. He is curious on where himself not knowing where. Hit Girl explains that she's not surprised he doesn't considering he's an idiot. Ms.Marvel explains that they also have an priroirty to deal with the Cartel and The Prankster. Homer asks The Other V Crusaders how long they've faced them, Wolverine, Calllhoun, Kick Ass and Hit Girl state they really don't know and that Bender and Slade's associates would know. Bender states a while to him and that they have their hands full in some respects.

Homer, Wolverine, Callohun, Hit Girl and Kick Ass decide maybe that they look into where the gem could possibly be. Marcy, Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry Wells, Cricket, Ronnie Anne,  and Celes decide to help out with this.

With the rest of the gang out and all about, Marcy, Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry Wells, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Homer, Callohun, Wolverine, Kick Ass, Hit Girl and Celes all begin to ponder where they could find the first of the gem to power the box.

A Six pack of Duff is found and Bender remembers this is how he met Homer first of all. Callohun is quick to recongize this is when they first crossed dimenisons and timelines. Wolverine states that while not one of their crazy alternate multiversal theories it did have some adverse effect on their past, present and future. Homer remembers something as well a bunch of creatures running among in the future with his son's DNA and that Bender tried to kill Homer

Callohun offers a look into the people who know how to do this. Marcy and Bender both state she can do that as they should look into the gem's location in a secret place

Taking the stolen limo, Marcy, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harrison, Celes, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Wolverine, Callohun, Homer Simpson, Kick Ass and Hit Girl drive on their way to head to Burns Manor so they can find the first of the 3 Calamity Gems.

Callohun and Wolverine roll their eyes at this and explain the context that they had an ecounter with The Donbot and that's how they found about Bender's own actions against him and warn him that sometimes people don't forget what happens. And that Bender doesn't get to start over like that

Marcy states Bender deserves to start over, sure he isn't feeling bad but also that he clearly has taken a lot of crap as much as he dished it. Callohun admits this and points out that if it wasn't for Lizbeth or Boomer they would have turned Bender and the 2 main headers of Slade's Ensemble in.

Marcy tells Bender, Cricket, Celes Slade and Luan to get to deal with who's following them as she, Anti Cosmo, Harry and Ronnie Anne will keep the vechile on drive. Wolverine, Callohun and Mindy decide to follow suit with Dave and Homer helping drive the vechile.

Hit Girl, Wolverine and Callohun all go after the F.O.W.L Members and Cartel enfrocers and fight off all of them to prevent from getting to the others in the Limosuine and to keep their other friends safe. Despite the vast numbers they all face, the three of them very much have the upperhand due to a lack of training and more reliabilty on fire arms which Bender does snipe every now and then when they get too close.

Bender tells The V Crusaders to pack the Pine Apple up and that the leau is over

Kick Ass, Wolverine and Callohun all haven taken out plenty of enforcers agree, though Hit Girl deicdes to put another bullet into the car respectfully before taking her leave.

Homer leads them into his station and states it's a little cramped  but he can look here. Marcy, Bender, Homer, Wolverine, Hit Girl, Callouhn and Kick Ass go looking through his compartment. Homer finds some donuts and eats them and this is when Wolverine and Callohun ask Homer they're on a mission and he wants to eat donuts. Homer states their his favorite. Marcy, Bender, Dave and Mindy do take 4 donuts and eat them too as Homer was sharing with them

Marcy, Bender and The V Crusaders keep their checking in Homer's work station and this is when Marcy and Bender both find a pink gemstone

Bender, Marcy, Homer, Wolverine, Mindy, Dave and Callohun come back and are told about Benny's kidnap at Prankster's hands.

Harry sees Mr.Burns's Limousine and takes a paper clip and jestures the team to get in. They all get in the limo with Bender and Marcy both being in the passenger seat with everyone else in the back. Harry gets into the driver's seat and Mindy tells Harry that he is going to have hot ride it. Harry states he knows how to do so and manages to do just that. Callohun and Wolverine tell him not to overloads as the hounds are coming.

Marcy, Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Wile E, Cleo, King Andiras, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Celes, Wolverine, Homer, Hit Girl, Kick Ass, Callohun, Libby, Tom, Amity, Scrooge, G-LO, Sasha, Grime, Kamela, Ace, Hilda,  Guzma, Gus, Malcolm, Scudsworth and Tiger Claw all observe as the dimension shatter and bring in another universe. This is when they all see the Nimbus with Bender moaning why is he here?

The Nimbus then beams the entire crew up with the whole group wondering what the hell is going on.

Chapter 7[]

Callohun and the other V Crusaders are in prison, and they are wondering how they were found. Callohun states that she did her own research to them and that it's the Nimbus. Hit Girl asks Callohun about this. The Sergant states that it's a ship from New New York commanded by the so called Captain, Zapp Brannigan. Hit Girl knows about Zapp and isn't too impressed and Kick Ass recongizes this as the Futurama Universe and ask Bender about this.

The Police get them as well as Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Marcy, Luan, Harry, Cricket, Wile E and Cleo and the whole group all goes to the office and meet Nixon and Zapp. Hit Girl, Callohun and Wolverine all groan about dealing with Brannigan. Brannigan tries to push them around though he is cowardly and hides as soon as Wolverine threatens him

Slade decides to get the whole crew to his manison at his contient to get ready for the upcoming battle and make thier plan. Hit Girl is nothing short of impressed with Slade's weapon wall and decides to take a few for herself which Slade allows. Callohun stops her from taking too many of them.

Harry admits he was the one who made the weapons and Hit Girl asks if he can make some for her. Harry states he is not a weapons designer, he's an scientist. Hit Girl then asks why he makes them for Slade, Harry states that he doesn't make weapons he makes inventions for Slade if needed.

Slade arms the ship and has everyone board it and he sends The V Crusaders to go after Captain Skurvy, Razorbeard and Commander Airlock.

The V Crusaders all fight with Commander Airlock spefically and despite having her outnumbered, Airlock shows case her true efficentily as a Commander with only Sergant Callohun really keeping it up. Callohun who remind the other of each other during their own fight.  Homer does get the ship Airlock has crashed due to having too many drinks at Slade's mansion and this allows Callohun and the others to basically finally get the upperhand on Airlock.

With Putty and The Cartel on the run, Callohun and the rest of The V Cruasders help Bender get to Putty by distracting The Cartel and taking out more members of the Juarez Cartel for the team.


Callohun and the rest of the V Crusaders take in the rest of villains and put them away. They and Bender reach an agreement to work together in investigating what has really happened with Lizbeth and anything they find, make sure they know and The Crusaders will tell him what they do know

