Seras Victoria (セラス・ヴィクトリア Serasu Vikutoria) is one of the main protagonists of Hellsing. Seras was turned into a vampire by Alucard to save her from a would-be fatal gunshot wound in the chest that he also caused to kill the vampire priest who held her hostage. Her Japanese voice actor is Fumiko Orikasa. Her English voice actor in both series is Katherine T. Gray.
A League Storyline[]
Seras Victoria is first seen in the Realm of the Gods after being summoned by Samael along with Guts and Dante. She is soon sent by Aria to assist Frankie and the A League. She, Dante and Guts arrive on Kyoshi island and introduce themselves to Frankie. She proceeds to bite Frankie in order to get a small taste of blood, which freaks him out. She shows great delight in drinking his blood and a desire to drink it again soon. They are soon interrupted when Judar summons up Hell Hounds which began to destroy Kyoshi island and the village. She, along with Franie and the others, manage t fight off the beasts and are soon encoutered by Judar's next summon: the reptilian giant conveniently named Iguana. She watches as Frankie transforms into a Great Ape and proceeds to destroy Iguana.
After Frankie flies off, she mocks Aang and his heritage before being scolded (while being held at gunpoint) by Dante, who proceeds to shut them up for most of the flight.