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Warning Spoiler Alert: This article/section contains details about future plotlines of LOTM: Sword of Kings described. Do not proceed unless you want to be spoiled.

We must strengthen the Chronos' Armies rear, subordinating all our work to this end; all our industries must be got to work with greater intensity; we must organize the guarding of factories, power stations, telephonic and telegraphic communications, and arrange effective air-raid protection in all localities. We must wage a ruthless fight against all disorganizers of the rear, deserters, panic-mongers and rumour-mongers; we must exterminate spies, sabotage agents and enemy robotic units, rendering rapid aid in all this to our extermination battalions. We must bear in mind that the enemy is crafty, unscrupulous, experienced in deception and the dissemination of false rumours. We must reckon with all this and not fall victims to stratagem. All who by their panic-mongering and cowardice hinder the work of defence, no matter who they may be, must be immediately haled before a military tribunal. In case of a forced retreat of Chronos units, all rolling stock must be evacuated, the enemy must not be left a single engine, a single railway car, not a single pound of grain or gallon of fuel. The collective farmers must drive off all their cattle and turn over their grain to the safe keeping of the state authorities for transportation to the rear. All valuable property, including non-ferrous metals, grain and fuel that cannot be withdrawn must be destroyed without fail. My dear siblings, our forces are numberless. The overweening enemy will soon learn this to their cost. Side by side with the Chronos Army many thousands of workers, collective farmers and intellectuals are rising to fight the enemy aggressor. The masses of our people will rise up in their millions; all the working people must be roused to defend with their lives their freedom, their honour and their country in this historical war against KnightWalkers!

Sephiria's speech on WWIII (only a fragment)

Born as Yuan Meilí (in Chinese: 袁米麗) and later renamed as Sephiria KnightWalker, but also known as The World's Most Dangerous Lady, Xiǎo Xī, Empress of the Underworld, The Undesired One, Dian Bonv, The Marked One, Enkhtuya, Steelthorn, Phoenix Flayer, Nine-Tailed Fox, Da Ji, Kronos, The Ultimate Betrayer and widely called Treacherous Fox by the East Asian people (mainly in China) alongside hundred other titles, is a Chinese-French woman born in the final years of the 20th century in the province of Ningxia in China, Prime Earth as fruit of a rape sexual intercourse between Juria KnightWalker, the director of the French KnightWalker Family from France and a young Chinese woman called Chan Juan who sold herself to escape from poverty caused by the Second Cold War. She is the second daughter of Juria KnightWalker (albeit illegitimate, she was still partially pure-blooded KnightWalker) and the distant-illegitimate sister of Eckidina KnightWalker who would years later become her arch-enemy. Sephiria KnightWalker, previous known as Sephiria Arks KnightWalker in the 2016-2020 story of LOTM: Sword of Kings, is a 2021-period rebooted character of the original Sephiria who was much, much purer and more kind heroic character compared to the new 2021-Sephiria who suffered radical changes in her character's design, personality, status and involvement in the storyline of LOTM: Sword of Gods as a whole.

Sephiria KnightWalker, unlike her previous incarnation, is first introduced as one of the main antagonists of the first season of LOTM: Sword of Gods, LOTM: Sword of Gods AA - Raizen Academy Arc, posing as the main antagonist of The War Begins Sub Arc and the first main antagonist of the entire storyline before the introduction of Kroniesa KnightWalker, Eckidina KnightWalker, Oryx (before revealing herself) and Aki Astaroth. After the end of the first sub arc, she becomes a major antagonist for the rest of Saga AA and later becoming a major heroine as a benefactor of the Forsaken and Ratatoskr in their war against Balam Alliance and Revelation of Qliphoth. She later becomes one of the superior heroic forces of LOTM: Destiny as the founder, president and leader of the New Republic of Deus.Ex.Machina, replacing the tyrannical Deus.Ex.Machina Empire and returning it back to its diplomatic, democratic and free-state roots; where she rules it alongside the Reality Council, Oriax Wheelahr and Oryx in a multi-universal pact with Paradise and trillion other regimes spread across countless galaxies and worlds.

Originally in Prime Earth, before joining Ratatoskr and their sub-factions, Sephiria was the founder of the Asian country Chronos Empire and later renamed to Democratic Republic of Chronos by the end of 2033 A.D., an Unitary Marxist–Leninist nation that was built from the ashes of Mongolia and Inner Mongolia in China that were completely wiped out in 2007 during the First Spacequake that consequently caused Mongolia's local government to crumble and disappear from the face of Earth. Originally known as the youngest minister and politician of the entire world (only losing to Kanon Rihavein in Aldegyr Kingdom), Sephiria was the Minister of National Defense of People's Liberation Army in China and led several humanitarian expeditions to the ruined lands that were once known as Mongolia to search for survivors and ultimately collect the Magi-Tech Gas left behind by the First Spacequake that allowed China to become the first country to form its own Magician Army by the end of 2000s. However, much to the shock of her own country and the rest of the world, Sephiria had already became the first Magician of the planet's history with the powers of a Astral/Spiritual demonic fox and betrayed her nation to form her own country in the ruined lands of Mongolia by gathering loyal servants of what was left of Mongolia and the rest of her own private brigade called Chinese Scout Regiment of People's Liberation Army; becoming the Ultimate Betrayer of China and was named Treacherous Fox by the mainland Chinese, a fitting name for someone who backstabbed her own nation once she gained enough power to form a country of her own. However, her hidden intentions were revealed to be one of humanity's greatest plot twist once she discovered the manipulations and worldwide influence of two entities called Thiessith and the Fallen's Essence and planned to form her own nation built around her ideas and agenda in order to avoid the triumph of the New World Order and the complete domination of Earth by the claws of Orácion Imperium. To prevent their plans from succeeding like the beginning of the Third World War in 2036, Sephiria founded the Magi-Tech Academies in the Republic of Japan, Chronos and United States to form an army of capable of Magicians that could stand against humanity's advanced technology once the Fallen's Essence and Thiessith decided to turn the world's technology against humankind.

Under her regime, Chronos became an authoritarian regime in its first years in order to control the chaos left by the First Spacequake, establishing order in a nation that was left to starve and die of poverty once most countries were only interested in the power of the Magi-Tech Gas. As a result of her tight and strong leadership, combined with her altruist and ruthless method of ruling, Sephiria quickly transformed Chronos in a Magi-Tech world's superpower, a nation that fully functioned with the use of Magi-Tech and changed the concept of humanity's view of the world by putting into practice ideas that were always considered to be impossible like a country with no social indifference with almost zero rates of poverty, unemployment and crimes. However, her expansion deep inside of Inner Mongolia in China resulted in several armed conflicts between Chronos and China that had to create a Neutral Zone that divided both countries from literally engaging in a full-scale war. Ultimately, Sephiria accidentally created several Anti-Chronian terrorist groups in the border once there were several cities that were caught on the crossfire between her nation and the Republic of China, transforming several of those cities and villages in war zones and farms of terrorist cells that gave rise to notable worldwide terrorist like Não and his active Ant-Chronian terrorist faction that became the main enemies of Chronos a committed a series of brutal and violent terrorist attacks on Chronos' grounds that took the lives of thousands.

Sephiria would much later succumb to more sinister and vile methods of extremism and cruelty to achieve her plans, not becoming too much different from the KnightWalkers as she was secretly being moved by feelings of revenge against her Juria KnightWalker for raping and abandoning her mother, forcing her to live in a living hell where she saw her mother being raped and killed by human traffickers and later being sold in illegal black markets to either become a a slave in larbor camps, sexual slave or lab rat to have her organs removed and sold in the underworld of Asian's continent. Eventually, her hate and anger transformed her into a monster who allowed executions of activists, violence and police brutality to suppress civilian rights, censorship and torture on those who opposed her or even dared to critic her. Her thirsty of vengeance also led her to go deeper into the abyss of Black Magi-Tech by performing inhuman and callous human experiments on war prisoners, KnightWalkers and normal citizens whom were arrested to achieve godhood and become the next Messiah of humanity by becoming the Goddess of Magi-Tech and ascending to a higher plane, one that would allow her to fully engage war with the rest of the world, unify it under her flag and take her long-waited delicious revenge upon the KnightWalker Family but mainly in her biological father. This line would even touch her Magi-Tech Academies that allowed bully, violence, death fights and kidnap of students for the studies and human experiments of special Magician, all for the sake to further her agenda. In this sense, Sephiria could be directly related to the fall of Katarina's sanity on her time in Raizen Academy.

Being a complete different version of the once pure and good-hearted Sephiria Arks KnightWalker, the new version of Sephiria is darker, sinister and more vile in comparison, becoming even vicious than most idealistic villains, literally sharing the same spot with Oryx, whom while idealist, is a unfettered ruler ready to commit the worst atrocities for the greater good of her people and world as a whole. Sephiria, much like the future Katarina Couteau and Imperia Deamonne, is a fallen heroine who fell from grace and lost her path of justice and light thanks to the screams of her agony and strong desires of revenge upon all those who brought her all the suffering she experienced as an innocent child, completely different from the likes of Rozalia Dutko, Lucas Kellan, Tomas Sev and Asuha Chigusa who had tragic backstories but remained loyal to their humanity and morals. Moreover, the new Sephiria lacks all the comic, cute and friendly tendencies of her previous incarnation as she is now known as manipulative, cold-hearted, cruel, callous and uncaring person who is ready to even kill her closest people without hesitation such as Isis Maxwell and Lucy Sheev KnightWalker once they outlive their usefulness or become an obstacle in her plans; this alongside many other background fragments shows how much she changed as the original Sephiria suffered the same fate but never left her darkness consume her. Currently, Yuan/Sephiria is the world's strongest Magician (Magi-Techer, also known as the strongest Artificial Magician) and the very first Magician to ever exist without a scientific interference and the founder of all Magi-Tech academies in the entire world, including ones constructed in Prime Mars and other colonies outside of the Solar System. She remains as the Prime Earth's strongest Magician to ever exist until its final moments in the Giant Red incident of the sun.

The old Sephiria Arks KnightWalker is an OC created by DestroyerSubjugator90 while the current new Reboot version of Sephiria (as part of the 2020-2021 Reboot) is an OC created by Sirin of the Void from CIS Productions.



Sephiria is a name that gives them a responsible, systematic, and practical nature, able to excel in technical fields or as a teacher and you would also enjoy the practical arts. Being methodical, thet work best where they have the time to do a good job, although they can be too fussy at times finding it difficult to react spontaneously to new ideas from others. The name Sephiria conjures charisma, discretion and promptness.

They are known to be rebel at being rushed or put under pressure. That is when they can become somewhat inflexible. They appreciate home and settled conditions and take on a lot of responsibility to ensure that their home life functions efficiently. This name restricts the innate expression of an artistic, musical nature. For the name Sephiria, the life lesson can be matched with this person perceiving good habits as easily to be formed and kept, whilst the life challenge refers to battling to have others respect them.

  • S - The letter S holds the vibration of a charismatic leader, someone with high standards for themselves and those around.
  • E - 'E' is about eternity and generosity, one living only to do the things they enjoy.
  • P - An inward look into the 'P' divulges an overreliance on emotions as opposed to facts, as this is a person who is very expressive and uncensored.
  • H - 'H' is the alphabetical equivalent of the number 8 and thus symbolizes a personality that is agile when it comes to business endeavors.
  • I - I's source gravitates around life principles such as accepting that the future cannot be controlled.
  • R - When 'R' is in an unbalanced state, there is an excessive sense of self-importance and an inclination to manipulate others.
  • I - An honest and caring friend, 'I' will spell out the truth even if this risks hurting one's feelings.
  • A - The cross bar at the middle of the 'A' resembles a rung on a ladder, where one needs to step on the way to the top.

Design and Appearance


Airi Sakura LN visual

2021 Reboot


Introduction - False Leader


Sephiria was a hypocrite due to the lies she built around herself to make herself feel comfortable thanks to the clash of her ambitions, causing her to care about human live while at the same she needed to use her closest people to achieve her ultimate dream

Sephiria, in contrast to her pure and kind pre-Reboot version, is now a complete radical extremist that is continues to have internal conflicts with herself, her definitive personality was never chosen because she continued to change over the course of the years. At first, Sephiria started her journey believing the world was good and that peace could be reached without sacrifices, in the future she changed and believed that sacrifices were necessary but due to being a victim of a war, poverty and famine she had sympathy for the people she had to use to achieve her goals. And much later in the future, she was not decided if we wanted to protect and serve China or continue her dream of a reality where not only China but the entire world could live a bright future with no conflicts, borders and flags to bring ultimate happiness to humankind as a whole instead of a single nation.

Despite her iron will, Sephiria was a troubled individual who deep inside remained an innocent child fighting her extremist evolution, resulting in a clash with her altruist and humanitarian side and nationalist and extremist revolutionary side. The survival of her innocent childish side is due to the fact that she was born in a country in a state of war and could only see the dark side of humanity until the age of 9 years old, witnessing war crimes, massacre, cannibalism, sexual abuse and violence at a very young age but despite living in this kind of environment there were many people that helped her and her mother like many altruist activists, war reporters and Front Chinese soldiers, including her mother that sacrificed herself to free her daughter from a camp of human traffickers. These few acts of humanity is what made Sephiria believe that true kindness existed and that creating more conflicts and armed revolutions only causes more suffering like the traumatic experiences she had to witness, as a survivor of a conflict, former slave and victim of cannibalism, she learned that oppression and extremism creates more pain and unimaginable deaths.


Sephiria was a bookworm, but most importantly she was a Magi-Tech Researcher and Marxist theorist and socialist revolutionary

On the other hand, as she continued to grow and see a better perspective of the world, most of her old ideals were gone as she accepted Communism as being the solution to the world's current problem of imperialism, dictatorships, poverty, famine, wars and tyranny. Instead of her simple but altruist childhood dream where people could be achieved through love and harmony, she learned the world was not white and black but grey, adopting the dream of the writer, philosopher, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist and socialist revolutionary, Karl Marx whom is considered to be her idol. Her humanitarian idealism was gone and was replaced by a Communist Chinese nationalist dream of a world free from imperialism and capitalism that creates a society of exploited people through "legal slavery". Her simple and innocent dream of a reality of harmony was replaced by a materialist world where everyone could be share the same materials and wealth to not create jealously and competition among working classes, creating equality and balance between the rich and poor.

As a loyal member of Communist Party of China, she became more and more extremist despite all her mentor's teachings as she continued to learn more about the West's radical wars of aggression coming from KnightWalker Family and United States, considered to be the two most hostile nations of the world with countless military outposts in every continent. The violations of human rights created by their conflicts and the footages of civilians losing their lives reminded her too much of her childhood to the point she was the only Provincial-ministerial officer to not being able to part of China Society for Human Rights' meeting due to being too sensible to be part of it as she constantly vomited at the sight of any photo or video of any war atrocities from anywhere in the globe, including even normal criminal videos of violence and gore against any kind of people and animals. Because of this, Sephiria developed an Anti-American feeling that borderlined warmongering thoughts, not becoming different from previous US leaders.

However, as she continued to rise through the ranks of the party with sheer support and Tan Xuegang's alliance connections (one method she particularly was not fond of), Sephiria was getting more and more open to the darkest secrets of the party, one that included the support to keep Greater Korea Republic standing to keep US and Japanese forces away from China's borders the cost of the thousand Korean human people living under the brutal Juche regime that was known for starving, censoring and brutalizing its own people as well as shaming the name of Socialism and giving it a disgusting reputation to the people of the West and its neighbors, the one-child policies atrocities and outcomes and among other internal violations. Now as an adult, Sephiria got a clear vision of what the top governments of the world are: it was never about who is good and evil, it was about political interest from both sides and that human lives were used as steps to keep both regimes active or for accomplish their goals that benefit their nations. Following this shocking discovery, Sephiria adopted a more radical side even to USA and China standards, becoming whom she is nowadays as she adopted old war-like ways used by many 20th revolutionaries, something that is considered to be rather primitive in 21th century considering the historical context. She finally learned the world wasn't anything like she imagined before, it was not about United States and other West countries being evil and China and its allies being good. It wasn't about who is the hero and villain. It was all about a political game of interest of different sides, the only difference were the methods of international interference while the methods of population control, political and public news manipulation, cheating, hacking, cybernetic and economic wars and espionage were the same.

Fate Grand Order - Absolute Demonic Front Babylonia Screenshot 0114

In Chronos Empire, the lives of elderly and physically/mentally ill people were considered to hold no value and medics were encouraged to not "waste" health resources on them; this was called "Sephiria's Logical Historical Context" and would much later spread to other countries and Magi-Tech academies

Regardless of these discoveries, as a vital and strong supporter of the party and loyal servant of the country, Sephiria accepted that she was now part of this system now that she had knowledge of all of her enemies and allies' darkest secrets and had already chosen her side and for whom she was going to fight for, finally abandoning her morality and ethic values for the greater good of the people and her country that saved her life and gave her a second chance of a better life. As such, her Anti-American thoughts disappeared as she could see the world with a better vision that the world never surrounded about the simple concepts of good and evil. These logical values over emotional were attached to her future Chronos Republic, and became more and more twisted as human lives would much later considered to be nothing but dead weight and more mouths to feed that would be considered as good as dead with the world's future overpopulation issue.

As the Empress of Chronos Empire, Sephiria was nothing of a leader but a medieval Caligula who had to use sheer strength and brutality to subjugate the destroyed Mongolia and restore order, resourcing to mass executions and torture of thousands. Initially, she despised this new role of hers but considering the location's context and past, it was a necessary evil she needed to perform. It was only after the foundation of the Republic that Sephiria abandoned her outrageous dictator role to become a more soft version of her old self. While she posed as altruist and good-hearted leader, she was still hiding her radical views and was waiting to use them again in a near future as she peacefully built her nation with a heroic hand rather than iron fists. As Chronos evolved, Sephiria's only thought was that Chronos would one day be absorbed by China, her homeland to become one with it and create a stellar's superpower never saw before, one that could simply control all of humanity's matters inside and outside of Earth.


If "Sephiria" was rescued, she would still be named Yuan Meilí and would grow as a normal woman

However, her old values were not completely gone as there were decisions that not even could have made like starving an entire nation of rebels knowing so many innocent lives would die just to kill a few enemies. Because of this and her apparent remaining of empathy for human lives, she thought she would never be like old historical leaders that did everything they could to bring a better future for the nation and entered in several stages of depression in form of cries as if she was still the child locked inside of the cage when she was a kid.

This fragile position of hers left her shaken and unable to feel confidence and pride over everything she built. Moreover, she could never release her human values as she would become like the very enemies she swore to destroy and would finally become a heartless monster and fascist oppressive dictator that her father was (which she became like him in fits of rage, work stress and overwork caused by the Third World War), and more, she still held it because she did not want to make more children suffer from her political actions despite all the promises she made to herself while as a member of the Communist Party of China, showing that she was actually weak and fragile inside like a normal girl and that all the posture and role of a unfettered leader was nothing more than a paper to cover her wimpy and innocent child that never left her.

As Kroniesa KnightWalker described her, she is a false idol who built lies around her to hide her weak side to make herself think she was old and experienced enough to guide her people when she was not even able to guide and take care of herself. Wáng also stated her to be still a poor and tragic kid begging to be freed from that cage and be loved of true heart rather than by loyalty and cults of personality but she is too afraid of loving someone out of fear of getting too attached to them and losing them, and forming a family due to her fear of sex left by her childhood rape trauma. If she was rescued from the cannibal's cage when she was a child and was adopted by a new family she would have grown as a normal woman and would have followed her model career in China without bothering with the existence of her father until she eventually married with a fairly average and normal Chinese or Western man and formed a beautiful new family to see her children grow as successful professionals, and then died in peace of old age in her bed holding the hands of her elderly husband, children and grandchildren.

This simple womanly dream never became or will become a reality.

Nature of Kabbalah & Qliphoth

Sephirot - Understanding


Binah, Goddess of the Black moon

Binah is traditionally translated as Understanding or Intelligence and correlates to the female aspect of Kether. Binah is also called ‘the mother’ and within her all formative forces rest which help shaping and balancing the creative potential of Chokmah. If the second Sephira is the archetype of overflowing vitality it is the influence of Binah that grants structure and form to these forces.

According to the Bahir: "The third (utterance): quarry of the Torah, treasury of wisdom, quarry of God's spirit, hewn out by the spirit of God. This teaches that God hewed out all the letters of the Torah, engraving them with the Spirit, casting His forms within it". Binah is 'intuitive understanding', or 'contemplation'. It is likened to a 'palace of mirrors' that reflects the pure point of light of Chokhmah, wisdom, increasing and multiplying it in an infinite variety of ways. In this sense, it is the 'quarry', which is carved out by the light of wisdom. It is the womb, which gives shape to the Spirit of God. On a psychological level, Binah is "processed wisdom," also known as deductive reasoning. It is davar mitoch davar—understanding one idea from another idea. While Chokhmah is intellect that does not emanate from the rational process (it is either inspired or taught), Binah is the rational process that is innate in the person which works to develop an idea fully. Binah is associated with the feminine.

The Bahir states: "For you shall call Understanding a Mother." Classical Jewish texts state Binah yeterah natun l'nashim ("an extra measure of Binah was given to women"). In its fully articulated form, Binah possesses two partzufim. The higher of these is referred to as Imma Ila'ah ("the higher mother"), whereas the lower is referred to as tevunah ("comprehension"). These two partzufim are referred to jointly as Imma ("the mother").

Qlipha - Death of Creation

If Binah’s light side represents the starting point of clothing unbound creative forces into equivalent shapes (german, Formwerdung), Satoriel represents the death of creative energy in aid of eternal, lifeless structure. The pursue of Satoriel is to becloud the nature of being behind shapes that fail to reflect the essence they represent. Thus perception and contact with these types of lifeless shapes runs dry on the surface and cannot connect with their inner creative forces. Satoriel is translated as ‘The Concealing Ones’ (german, ‘Die Verberger’).

Sathariel is one of the Qliphoth, corresponding to the Sephirah Binah on the kabbalistic Tree of life. It represents the Concealment of God, which hides the face of Mercy. The form of the demons attached to this Qliphah are of black veiled heads with horns, with hideous eyes seen through the veil, followed by evil centaurs. The Qliphoth are the shadow of the Sephirot, the chaotic force that exists when the Sephirah is unbalanced. Binah is the Sephirah that gives birth to form, the great mother of the cosmos, the eternal womb. Through her, the spiritual energy of Keter and Chokmah are woven into the matrix that eventually becomes matter. But when this force is unbalanced, then the spiritual principle is hidden, matter is taken to be simply matter, and is not understood to be simply condensed energy, which is crudified spirit.

Binah, the giver of form, becomes Sathariel, the concealer of spirit. Sathariel is described in the Book of Enoch as the 17th Watcher of the 20 leaders of the 200 fallen angels. The name is believed to be of Babylonian origin and a combination of shetar and el (God) with the name meaning "side of God". This demonic order has been describedas a black labyrinth of chaotic riddles, where Lucifuge reigns. The magician's third eye is opened and darkness becomes light if ascension progresses through this order. This results in the magician learning to see the light of Lucifer and becoming clairvoyant. In qliphotic kabbalah, Sathariel is the third qliphah after Thamiel and Chaigidel. Sathariel is directly connected to Thamiel, Chaigidel, Da'at, Gamchicoth and Golachab. These connections are described as gateways or tunnels, similar to the paths between the sephiras.

Sin Motif - Gluttony

Gluttony (Latin: gula, derived from the Latin gluttire meaning "to gulp down or swallow") means over-indulgence and over-consumption of food, drink, or wealth items. In Christianity, it is considered a sin if the excessive desire for food causes it to be withheld from the needy. Some Christian denominations consider gluttony as one of the seven deadly sins, a misplaced or inordinate desire for food/drink.

Because of these scripts, gluttony can be interpreted as selfishness; essentially placing concern with one's own impulses or interests above the well-being or interests of others. During times of famine, war, and similar periods when food is scarce, it is possible for one to indirectly kill other people through starvation just by eating too much or even too soon.

Medieval church leaders (e.g., Thomas Aquinas) took a more expansive view of gluttony, arguing that it could also include an obsessive anticipation of meals, and the constant eating of delicacies and excessively costly foods. Aquinas went so far as to prepare a list of five ways to commit gluttony, comprising:

  • Laute – eating too expensively
  • Studiose – eating too daintily
  • Nimis – eating too much
  • Praepropere – eating too soon
  • Ardenter – eating too eagerly

Of these, ardenter is often considered the most serious, since it is extreme attachment to the pleasure of mere eating, which can make the committer eat impulsively; absolutely and without qualification live merely to eat and drink; lose attachment to health-related, social, intellectual, and spiritual pleasures; and lose proper judgement[original research?]: an example is Esau selling his birthright for ordinary food of bread and pottage of lentils. His punishment was that of the "profane person . . . who, for a morsel of meat sold his birthright." We learn that "he found no place for repentance, though he sought it carefully, with tears."

Animal Motif - Foxes


Foxes are small to medium-sized, omnivorous mammals belonging to several genera of the family Canidae. Foxes have a flattened skull, upright triangular ears, a pointed, slightly upturned snout, and a long bushy tail (or brush). Twelve species belong to the monophyletic "true foxes" group of genus Vulpes. Approximately another 25 current or extinct species are always or sometimes called foxes; these foxes are either part of the paraphyletic group of the South American foxes, or of the outlying group, which consists of the bat-eared fox, gray fox, and island fox. Foxes live on every continent except Antarctica. By far the most common and widespread species of fox is the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) with about 47 recognized subspecies.

The global distribution of foxes, together with their widespread reputation for cunning, has contributed to their prominence in popular culture and folklore in many societies around the world. The hunting of foxes with packs of hounds, long an established pursuit in Europe, especially in the British Isles, was exported by European settlers to various parts of the New World.

Nine-tailed foxes appear in Chinese folklore, literature, and mythology, in which, depending on the tale, they can be a good or a bad omen. During the Han dynasty, the development of ideas about interspecies transformation had taken place in Chinese culture. The idea that non-human creatures with advancing age could assume human form is presented in works such as the Lunheng by Wang Chong (27–91). As these traditions developed, the fox's capacity for transformation was shaped.

In Chinese mythology, it is believed that all things are capable of acquiring human forms, magical powers, and immortality, provided that they receive sufficient energy, in such forms as human breath or essence from the moon and the sun. It was believed that a fox would place skulls on its head, and the one that fit would transform it into a human being. The fox spirits encountered in tales and legends are usually females and appear as young, beautiful women. One of the most infamous fox spirits in Chinese mythology was Daji (妲己), who is portrayed in the Ming shenmo novel Fengshen Yanyi. A beautiful daughter of a general, she was married forcibly to the cruel tyrant Zhou Xin (紂辛 Zhòu Xīn). A nine-tailed fox spirit who served Nüwa, whom Zhou Xin had offended, entered into and possessed her body, expelling the true Daji's soul. The spirit, as Daji, and her new husband schemed cruelly and invented many devices of torture, such as forcing righteous officials to hug red-hot metal pillars. Because of such cruelties, many people, including Zhou Xin's own former generals, revolted and fought against Zhou Xin's dynasty, Shang. Finally, King Wen of Zhou, one of the vassals of Shang, founded a new dynasty named after his country. The fox spirit in Daji's body was later driven out by Jiang Ziya (姜子牙), the first Prime Minister of the Zhou dynasty and her spirit condemned by Nüwa herself for excessive cruelty.

Fox-logo 179537-55

Lore - Predator (+18)


"Mature Content Warning!"
‎This article contains some content involving a mature subject or situation and may not be suitable for younger audiences. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. If you're not 18, B1-Killer Kampfdroide Unit-CM 130 will use you in his experiments, he loves children.

0th Multi-Universe
Prime Universe
Milky Way
Prime Earth
1998 A.D.
Asia - Myanmar
Criminal District

"I hate the world. Communism is what led me to become what I am today, I believe in equal society where everyone can live happily without having to starve and suffer with different social scales. I did my best to introduce it in a society without causing the same past disasters. A world of freedom, liberty, truth, justice and opportunities. But deep inside, I still hate everything but I do my best to suppress those feelings."

The girl inside of a cage cried. Inside, there were around 5 children, filth, smelly and almost black with dirty.

Boku no Juuni Taisen Screenshot 0211

"I’m such a negative person, and always have been. Was I born that way? I don’t know. I am constantly disgusted by reality, horrified and afraid."

Smell of feces and urine were everywhere. Rats and cockroaches were trying to crawl over the children.

"I cling desperately to the few things that give me some solace, that make me feel good and forget humanity is... disgusting."

The cage was on the side of a small road that seemed to be some kind poor Asian market. The people outside were all adults and elderly. No women on sight.

"Deep inside, I hate most of humanity even though I am one of them."

Men wearing really poor clothes, with yellow teeth, yellow nails and sweaty skin. They were all passing in front of the cage as they looked around for goods to buy. There were dogs and cats being hanged in what it seemed to be a market of flesh. There was no sense of love for animals in this place.

"Though I might be very fond of particular individuals, humanity in general fills me with contempt and despair."

One of the girl saw a man kicking a stray skinny dog searching for food in a pile of trash that had human flesh. It was on the middle of the day... the sun was beautiful, there were clouds everywhere... but it was hot... too hot.

It's the apex of Asia Great Crisis, marked by its disgraceful and cursed economic crisis that twisted the continent. Years before the 2020s Global Collapse.

"And neither for humans, mainly the weakest ones."

She hated heat. She hated the sun light that burns the Earth with fire. The man laughed and continued on his way.

"I hate most of what passes for civilization."

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The girls inside of the cage were wearing white dirty dresses, there not using any underwear. Each of them had a price paper glued on their back as if they were products. They were the luckiest ones, the most unfortunate were kidnapped and murdered to have their flesh sold in markets. Yes, it was the beginning of the Second Chinese Great Famine, and every single of China's neighboring countries suffered the same fate.

"I hate the modern world."

A skinny old man entered entered in the tend where the girls were and opened a box made of wood. Inside, there was a Western Mexican girl. After him, came a tall fat man with black beard. He smiled... and pulled the girl by her wrist to take her with him.

"For one thing there are just too many people. Many that could just disappear and they would not even be missed."

It was unnecessary to think what happened to that girl... she was a product. Like the rest of the five remaining girls... they loved Western girls for their non-Asian traits. Perverts. Monsters.

"I hate the hordes."

The girls refused to look at the "product" being taken away. And neither anyone on the streets stopped the fat man from buying the girl as his plaything. Here, women are products.

"I hate the crowds in their vast cities."

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The old man closed the door of the wooded cage with a smile. He then pulled a pack of dollars from his pocket and counted. $500. That was the price of a human child.

"Living in a life of ignorance, refusing to look outside of their pathetic little worlds."

The old man approached the cage and slapped one of the girls. "Why you bunch of brats are never bought?!". The old man yelled at them, hating their very existence for not being attractive enough to be sold as products.

"Refuse to help those in needs for being afraid of being taken with them. Yes... this social difference is what brings ignorance and lack of empathy to the surface."

No words came from the children as the old man opened the cage and pulled one of the girls by her wrist.

"Why should some people walk barefoot, so that others can travel in luxurious cars?"

She showed no resistance and was dragged to a room behind the tend. Basically, this place was the house of the old man. He was not the only one making this kind of selling in this street though. There were dozens... hundreds doing the same. And he was getting more and more frustrated with the increase of rivals in the area so he had to discount his wrath in someone.

"Why should some live for thirty-five years with empty bellies, so that others can live for seventy years with full bellies?"

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Screams were heard from the room, and punches and slaps. Suddenly, the screams stopped. Seconds after, the old man left the room nearly naked but with his bloody hands. He used all of his strength to punch the girl multiple times until she lost her life.

"I hate humans."

Miserable way to die.

"I hate their noise and their constant meaningless comings and goings."

He had blood on his mouth as well. He bit her like an animal, a wild and savage predator because apparently the pleasure of domination and for ravaging an underage girl wasn't enough. He needed more... but children are fragile.

"I hate poor architecture and places like this where the black mud of humankind are gathered to build their repulsive and disgusting nests of evil."

She hated the heat. Too many people. Too filth. Too many insects. Mosquitos as well.

"I despise modern music."

Urine and feces. This place... she hated it. The streets are nothing but dust, no asphalt, hygiene, cleaning and organization.

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"I despise this... inferior desire for money that lead people to become like this."

In front of her, there was a huge abandoned Buddhist temple, looking at this rotten market from above as if it was looking down all on humans and refusing to step down to interfere in this cruelty being bathed by the beautiful sunlight.

"Yes, money. Humankind's evilest creation... but by no means it justify that humanity is just rotten to the core."

The skies continue to exist, shining like a beautiful paradise. And it don't care. Buddha looks at this inhumanity and continues with His eyes closed. He don't care. She prayed.

"Words cannot express how much it gets on my nerves – the false, pretentious, smug assertiveness that rich, corrupt and bourgeois have. They don't know our suffering. They don't know nothing at all."

She prayed as the old man said he was tired of them and wanted space to stock new "fresh meat". With his exposed hairy and filth genitalia, he approached the cage and closed the tend. He gained enough cash for today.

"The falsity of celebrities, politicians and world's stars saying they love the minority while eating in their thrones with full bellies. They don't know our pain. They don't know nothing at all."

He wanted more and was decided to get rid of these girls. He took the second girl... and she prayed again but Buddha did not move. Nothing was happening, the world continued and it did not care.

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"I hate business, having to deal with money."

The second girl was the oldest, probably around 15-16 years old, hence why she would never be sold. The clients hate when they are older, too smart and too strong to resist. Moreover, it's likely they are not virgin by the time they reached their adolescence. She prayed but nothing happened.

"Money is one of the most hateful inventions of the human race. I want to burn it... but even someone like me has to relies on it... pathetic."

She knew what was going to happen and resisted but he was stronger and punched her in the face. Blood splat on the floor. He was annoyed and decided to ravage her right there, in front of everyone. She prayed but nothing happened.

"I hate the commodity culture, in which everything is bought and sold, including human lives."

The girl fell on the floor and he continued to punch her multiple times, breaking one of her teeth on the process.

"No stone is left unturned. I hate the mass media, and how passively people suck up to it."

The children closed their eyes. She prayed but nothing happened.

"Reproduction – what could be more existentially repulsive? It's diabolical by nature. It's like summoning a demon even though I reject these ideas. I reject this with every cell of my body."

She screamed as her violated her from behind. Tears. And blood came out of her mouth as she bit her lips with too much strength to hold her screams but it was in vain. She prayed but nothing happened.

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"How I hate the courting ritual. I was always repelled by my own sex drive, which in my youth never left me alone."

The old man brought the girl to the front of the cage and put her on fours, doing it in front of the kids. He yelled at them to watch to witness the moment a girl becomes a true woman. She prayed but nothing happened.

"I was constantly driven by frustrated desires to do bizarre and unacceptable things. Sex is especially hateful and horrifying. Two genders cross in a diabolical mating ritual."

Blood came out between her legs as she continued to scream louder to the point the kids had to cover their eyes, but he was enjoying it and pushed stronger against her. While her screams echoed inside of the tend, some people outside heard it and stopped for a second just to continue on their way after, as if nothing was happening. She prayed but nothing happened.

"The female is impregnated, another being grows inside her, and then she must go through a painful ordeal as the new being pushes out of her, only to repeat the whole process in time. How more gruesome and sickening can this be?"

He moaned with pleasure but the girl was suffering so much that she lost her consciousness on the middle of the copulation... she continued praying while the rest of the kids started to cry. She prayed but nothing happened.

"I hate having to get up in the morning and face another day of this insanity."

He then released her and kicked her body. After that, he wore his clothes and dragged her body to the room where the first girl was taken. He closed the door and something happened back there that no one dared to imagine. She prayed but nothing happened.

"I hate having to eat, do human necessities, and maintain the body – I hate my body. I hate my human biology and my every existence... which is why I rejected it and became a Magician."

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The three remaining girls started to cry because they knew the truth. No one was going to help them no matter how much they screamed. Actually, if they screamed for help it's likely that some pervert would come to kidnap them to "use" them or be sold in another market. She prayed but nothing happened.

"The thought of my internal functions, the organs, digestion, the brain, the nervous system, horrify me."

These were the only options, it's likely that if someone came to kidnap them, they had a chance to escape but they were too weak and starving to even walk. She prayed but nothing happened.

"Nature is horrible. It’s not cute and loveable. It’s kill or be killed. It’s very dangerous out there."

Sounds of chainsaw echoed from outside of the tend. This is a human market, where human flesh is sold like a normal thing. To survive, people have resourced to cannibalism to survive, nothing surprising. She prayed but nothing happened.

"The natural world is filled with scary, murderous creatures and forces."

It was just history repeating itself. Over the course of human history, humans always committed cannibalism to survive their worst economic crisis and lack of food to feed their empty bellies full of a worms and bacteria. If those people died one by one... how beautiful it could be? She prayed but nothing happened.

"I hate the whole way that nature functions."

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Even this disgraceful and monstrous old man started this as a way to survive and feed his family... but the constant exposure to the darkest side of humanity corrupted him. He became a monster. She prayed but nothing happened.

"I hate the way the human psyche works, the way we are traumatized and stupidly imprinted in early childhood and have to spend the rest of our lives trying to overcome these infantile mental fixations."

Anyone who works with human corpses and trades that includes lives of any kind eventually just start to lose their restrictions and humanity without even knowing. She prayed but nothing happened.

"And we never ever fully succeed in this endeavor."

Gravediggers, for example, start their career like normal people but overtime they lose their attachment to the feelings of loved ones and those who lost their lives. She prayed but nothing happened.

"I hate organized religions."

They have few feelings for those who died because for them, they are just another body ready to be buried under six-feet of soil. She prayed but nothing happened.

Alex in USA

"And deep inside, I still hate governments and my own homeland. I hate my state. No country is innocent. It's all about a game of political interest. The flags are different but the methods are the same."

The sound of something being cut in the backrooms could be heard, it was the sound of a knife cutting something. The rats immediately left from the cage and went to the kitchen, knowing that their "master" is preparing their meal. She prayed but nothing happened.

"It's not about who is right and wrong. It's who is left. It's about who is the winner. It's about which side you swear your loyalty to. I chose mine and I know every crime it committed and I know who are my enemies."

One of the girls heard that sound of bones being cut and just went crazy, kicking and punching the cage to break it and try to make one last try to escape. It was in vain for she was too weak to break this cage made of iron bars. She prayed but nothing happened.

"It’s all a lot of power games played out by ambition-driven people, and foisted on the weak, the poor, and on children. I... am not different from them."

The old man heard it and walked furiously towards the cage, he opened it and pulled the crying girl by her hair before closing the cage. She prayed but nothing happened.

"As a child, I was curious why adults committed so many atrocities for the sake of their own national interest and why everyone could just simply hold hands. Huh... how childish and innocent I was."

The punched her stomach and kicked her face many times. It was a bloody festival of liters of the girl coughing blood until he just stopped moving and fell to the ground like a puppet without its strings.

"When I became a teenager, I knew the world was not colorful like every child believes it to be."

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No one outside cared. And Buddha pretended to never heard anything. She stopped praying...

"It's dark, cold, dangerous and cruel. In this world, most humans are bullies."

She looked at the poll of blood on the floor with coldness. The remaining girl beside her was the only one crying out loud, fearing for her life while the other one had the stare of a statue.

"Adults pick on children. Older children pick on younger children."

Her mother was dead.

"Men bully women. The rich bully the poor."

God is not coming.

"People love to dominate."

And no one is going to save her.

"I hate the way humans worship power – one of the most disgusting of all human traits."

She prayed her whole life. Nothing happened.

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"I hate the way humans are constantly trying to trick and deceive one another."

She waited for God's salvation like every priest and religious mentors said to her. That one day, a miracle would happen.

"To swindle, to cheat, and take unfair advantage of the innocent, the naïve and the ignorant."

It never came. While most people of her age were eating ice cream and living happily with their parents in first world countries while others that were still poor but had more options in their lives, she never had an option besides waiting for salvation. How much she hated them.

"I hate the vacuous, false, banal conversation that goes on among people."

Liars. Liars. Liars.

"Sometimes I feel suffocated; I want to flee from it."

And God. How much she hated this fantasy created by humans to make themselves feel comfortable after they die. God... a figure created by humans to make themselves feel safe in afterlife, a figure that humans created to put a restriction on their barbaric nature.

"Human beings are important only to the survival of the human race."

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The old man then grabbed the girl by her hair and brought to the kitchen. She was alive but badly injured to the point that she could not even open her eyes... it was like she was begging to die. To be finally free from this hell. That this life is nothing more than a nightmare and that it would just end with her death. She wants to awake.

"Their lives are nothing important. It should not be important for the survival of other species and this world."

This is why she screamed, she wanted to call the attention of the monster and be devoured. If it meant she can finally be free from this pain... if she cannot run and escape... if it means that losing her life is the only way to be set free, she gladly would accept her death. She was smiling... to a child to accept death is way of escape is the only option, then what is the point of an existence called God?

"If God allows this kind of cruelty, that means not even Him cares about human lives. I know why..."

Why God would give half people happy lives and leave another half to born in mud and die with nothing but skin and bones? For what purpose these people were born? Their lives have meaning?

"He does not exist. He never existed. This world is nothing more than a small piece of rock floating in an infinite space of darkness filled with billions and billions of other worlds like ours. It's a matter of natural evolution and creation, not holy forces of deity realm. That's it. It has to be it."

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The sounds of chainsaw echoed again. Three girls were inside, the old man would have a long day to cut all of them and prepare their flesh for consume. It was still unknown if it would be his family's dinner tonight or if he would see it for the highest bidding.

"I could never find two people who are perfectly equal: one will always be more valuable than the other. And many people, as a matter of fact, simply have no value."

The girl with an icy stare that was once filled with tears and blood, gave up on everything.

"And who you are going to be, child? The predator or the prey?"

She knew it... this place sees the weak, children and women as potential playthings and food. If she continues praying to God, there is only two options for her, end up as a sexual toy for the rest of her life or be completely dissected and be eaten by an entire family of hungry humans while her remains will be put in a some kind of bag and dropped on the streets for flies, dogs and worms to eat. A horrible fate with no respect or honor, in the end you end up as a pile of feces.

"God is not here and no is coming to save you. You are eater or the meal? You must choose."

As her mother learned in the worst way.

"You are the superior or inferior? You are the conqueror or the conquered?" Not like this.

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"Do you still believe that the world is colorful like a fairy tale? No, this is the real world. It's nothing but a pile of vomit moved by people covered with vomit. Cruel and heartless. They will always betray your trust when you less expect because humans are by nature opportunists who want more and more. They don't have limits and restrictions." She don't want to end like her mother and the rest of the children.

"People are like this because they realized first that being the dominant and controlling the power is what is allowing them to survive in this planet. To survive... you must be one of them."

Is this the only way?

"Always has been. For the mere mortals who were born the inferior plane, this is how we survive while those bastards from above look down at us and feel pity, giving us crumbs to gain fame as humanitarians. They are not to be trusted. Don't believe in anyone."

Hours had passed. It was already afternoon and the sun was coming down, finally revealing how this world is supposed to be like: cold and dark. But... she liked the cold and darkness. It made her comfortable. It was relaxing. "Like a predator..."


She feels like a hunter... a tricky and calculating predator who can see through darkness unlike those humans who think the darkness are their allies. It never was for they cannot see what lies behind it. They cannot see what is hidden in the shadows. It feels like... home. "You are not the prey, you are the fangs and claws. Those mongrels think they are superior because of their age and numbers. They are just a bunch of bunnies in large groups. Preys. Wannabe predators. But you..."

The old man came out of the kitchen with a his clothes full of blood, bloody hands and sweaty face. He was clearly tired after cutting up those girls in dozen pieces and removing their organs to harvest later. His family must be hungry. The poor children eating human flesh thinking it's just bovine meat. They are being deceived.

"...you are different."

The old man was tired but he still had two children to harvest. He was not feeling "in heat" anymore so he just wanted to finish these two. He was a monster... an old perverted man married with some old hag that was unable to satisfy him and saw opportunity to feel "young" again by raping the girls he had in possession. This is one of the human's worst elements, easy to succumb to the demonic carnal desires.

"They are bunnies thinking to be predators. Playing of being superior."

The slowly walked towards the cage, the remaining two girls were trembling. One was genuinely afraid and praying to God to not be the next. But the other one... Hahaha! She was waiting for the time to strike.

"They are ants imagining themselves to be a dragon."

The old man removed his white butcher gloves and opened the cage, pulling one of the girl by the hair. He was not expecting anything to happen, the other could have escaped while he was opening the cage but she was too coward and weak to escape. This is normal. By standards, the weak perish and the strong survives.

"They think they are in power. Let imagine you are just another lamb to be killed and eaten by wolves. Like a cunning predator." The old man pulled the girl with pure black hair with violence and threw her on the floor to pull her by her long hair. The old man giggled like a sarcastic comedian. "Do you remind me of that slut who I and my friends had some fun weeks ago. Was she your mother. You don't have to cry! You will meet her soon!". The old man exclaimed to his next prey.


"Eat him." As they entered on the kitchen, the girl with black hair looked around as fast as bird could and saw several rats eating the rest of the meat dropped on the floor.

"This world is to eat or be eaten. And I am not a prey. Eat him."

The girl then that old man was looking forward and going to put her in a desk that had human bones with some flesh still attached to them. They were with a pure red color, still wet with blood. The girl then smiled and saw a chance to give a brutal bite on the man's nape.

" You are starving. Eat him."

The girl then quickly jumped from the floor and sunk her teeth on his nape and then craving her nails on his chest like a bat. The old man screamed and release her hair. She put so much strength in her mouth to bite the man that her face was red and her entire blood shaking with sheer strength, it could be said she even broke one of her superior teeth.

"You knew it..."

Blood came out of his neck as he tried to shake her off of his back but without success. Meanwhile, her nails were penetrating into the old man's chest. He then tried to press the girl against the wall with several violent bangs but she did not release him not matter what he did. In a final move to finish her initial attack, the girl craved her teeth deeper into his flesh and pulled her mouth behind to take an entire part of his nape into one single bite.

"You are a canine."

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The girl then jumped from the man's neck but he was still alive and tried to kill the girl with a knife, but due to his age and pain on his neck he was too slow to deliver a precise attack. The girl, however, quickly grabbed another knife beside the desk he used to cut up the girls and dodge his attack to slice his throat.

"Yes... just like this."

The old man fell on his knees and tried to ask for forgiveness with the weak rest of his voice. He then dropped the knife and fell on his back while holding his throat that was splitting liters of blood. But the girl, now with a yellowish eyes of a wolf ignored his cries for mercy and with an angry expression craved her teeth on his neck, drinking his blood and then pulling his entire throat out of his neck, killing the old man who knew he was probably going to a place of eternal damnation.

"Absorb his life, blood and memories. Assimilate him with you."

However, despite having his throat ripped off, he was still conscious and remained awaken for nearly two minutes to see the girl chewing his throat with a great satisfaction. It was like... his body was keeping him alive for a time enough to make him crawl like a coward for everything he has done, for those girls were not his only prey but more than 13 innocent children, 8 girls and 5 boys.

"Eat his flash..."

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After she finished eating his throat, she then personally took another bite of his neck that was exposed to the world, finishing him off in a very painful and gruesome death worthy of a shock-value horror movie. Actually, it could be said that nothing of this was real... but history has already repeated. Scenes like this were fairly normal in this Great Famine... they accepted they were predators and that they needed to others to survive. This girl... just opened a new door.

"...and survive."

Hours had passed, and the sound of chewing and flesh being removed from a fresh body could be heard inside of the tend. The girl who remained inside of the cage was clueless but afraid that the old man did something terrible to the girl. She ate his entire neck to the point his head was no longer attached to his body, his pancreas, lungs, heart and intestines were gone. He was completely open and eaten. The girl, who was starving for nearly 9 days and drinking nothing but polluted water, did not even think in what she had done, the smell and taste of raw meat means NOTHING when a person is starving.

"You are finally..."

There is always a saying... that once you are really hungry... you are not yourself anymore. You return back to your primitive state of wild animal and there is nothing that will stop you from committing such acts.

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"One of us..."

The girl, mouth and hands full of blood, walked out of the kitchen, leaving the old man's body to be eaten by the rats. The girl, with eyes of an animal, slowly walked towards the cage and looked at the girl who was shaking with fear to the point she wet herself and lost consciousness. For a child to see that sight of a demonic creature, was enough to give them trauma for the rest of their lives. With their monster dead, there was nothing that could stop these girls from escaping. In a sight of humanity, the predator opened the cage and left it with open doors to give a chance to the girl to escape when she wake up.

"Live", said the predator.

With heavy steps, the predator left the tend and saw that the street was empty and every market were now closed. She was alone. She felt comfortable.

"Yes... live. Eat and survive. The strong lives and weak dies. For this world is just about ea--!"



The predator screamed at the voice inside of her own head.



The screams echoed everywhere but no one was nearby to hear her yelling at herself.

Now that she had eat human flesh, she was full enough to walk and scream at that loud. As soon as she said that out load, a red and black mass in form of some kind of grotesque alien creature appeared before her. It was made of the very blood she consumed earlier. That thing was her own illusion, her animal and monstrous side begging to be released and be one with her.

"You will not survive. This world of dark, there is no true light and goodness in it. Only false and manipulative people."

The monster replied with her very voice.

"I know, there are good and bad people. My mom is the enough proof I need to know that there are genuinely good-hearted people and not just only monsters. I will... survive! And I will not only survive! I will create a world where everyone can be happy. It's not about flags or survival of the fittest!"

For a child to speak such complex matters and adult words, it was extremely rare. It's said the kids that grow in brutal environments are the ones that matured faster.


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"I will not be a predator of humans... I will be a predator of monsters... I know that I no longer have an option to return back."

The girl looked at her hands and arms to see she was wet with the blood of her prey. She did accept she was now a predator... but...

"I will eat the very darkness of this world and all the malevolent creatures that live in it."

Blood came out of her mouth as well as reddish saliva left behind by the old man's flesh.

"Your confidence is singular, child. Empty words of a dream that will never come. The fantasy of a kid who still think the world is bright."

"I don't need you! I don't need God! I don't need my father! I don't need friends! I don't need anything besides my own strength! I will survive, not as a predator and human eater but as a survivor! I will become a predator of all that is evil! I will become a predator to protect the weak like my mother did! I will make my own destiny! My own path! My own decisions!"

The girl stood up and walked down the street with drops of bloods falling from her legs and hands. She passed through the bloody imaginary creature that was probably born from her borderline insanity caused by the brutal incidents she witnessed in this place.

"I see..."

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Immediately after the creature said that, the girl vomited as if her humanity had returned back to her and threw up almost everything she ate from that man. In her vomit: blood, pieces of chewed meat, veins and pieces of skin. It formed a large disgusting poll of blood and flesh on the ground. The creature was clearly disappointed with the predator who did not fully become a monster like the rest.

"Then you don't need our power. The true dark side of humanity are nothing but monsters. You seem to not fully embraced us. Fine... "predator of evil". Go ahead and live you own heroic fantasy, soon you will eventually return to us."

The red shadow then disappeared in thin air as the "former-predator" vomited about everything she ate, for she was no longer a cannibal and neither a predator like those human-flesh eating men and women. She was now just a normal human.




The girl returned back to its normal human state and felt nothing but disgust for what she did. Tears came out of her eyes and she started to cry. Now that her predator side is gone, she is now just another powerless kid. She said she had strength but it was due to her confidence of being able to have dominance over the life of others to survive.


Like a baby, she wimped until suddenly, she heard sounds of something walking on her direction. The first she thought was to be another perverted merchant who heard her screams and was coming to get her. Instead, when she rose her head, she saw an animal walking on four.

"I hate this world... it's plunged in evil and darkness."

It was a fox, the same cunning and tricky predator that the voice in her head claimed her to be. The animal was probably attracted by the clear smell of human flesh on the air. The fox approached the girl and licked the blood on her hands and then left to enter in the tend of the old man who owned her and the other girls. It was going to feast on the man's corpse... in a seconds, not only two, but three, four, five... dozens of foxes appeared like if they were hunting in large hordes. All of them entered in the tend like flies to eat the corpse of the monster.


All of them ignored the girl but all had eye contact with her as if they were thanking her. She looked back and saw the foxes entering in the tend, luckily or by a chance of fate, they did not eat the caged girl and devoured the rest of the girls the old man cut but were mainly attracted to his body. It was a feast that none of them had in months... like her. Yuan Meilí.

Yes... a predator of monsters. They existed. The voice denied that such thing was impossible but that moment she discovered that such thing is possible. Foxes. Cunning. Tricky. Mischievous. Unpredictable. Silent. Calculating. But more importantly... treacherous.

The girl stood up and continued crying for hours, with barefeet she walked away from the market and made her way to the border of China and Myanmar. Silent to avoid human eyes. Calculating to steal fruits and food. Cunning to lie to authorities. Tricky to deceive the perverted fools after her. Unpredictable with every unexpected ideas to survive and escape. Mischievous to make a fool out of her chasers. Months of survival on the lawless lands of Asia at the apex of its economic crisis. Millions succumbed to starvation or became predators of other humans to survive. But she remained human. For she is not a predator or a monster. Yuan is treacherous, a merciless predator of all that is evil.

Like a fox. She will survive and change the world.



Sephiria's true abilities lied in manipulation and casual conversations where she plays with the mind of her victims

  • Name: Yuan Meilí
  • Nationality: Chinese
  • Classification: Socialist Inspirational Leader, Revolutionary Ruler, Communist Idealist, Progressive Monarch, Well-Intentioned Extremist, Manipulative Backstabber, Uncaring Extremist, God/Religion Hater, Paranoid Tyrant, Well-Oriented Dictator, Charismatic Leader, Political Figure, Curious Historian, Equalizer, Magi-Tech Researcher
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 5,000,000,000
  • Power and Abilities: Black Magic, Dark Magi-Tech, Demonic Magic, Red Magic, Transformation, Nigh-Immortality, High Endurance, Superhuman Strength, High-Intellect, Magi-Tech Manipulation, Umbrakinesis Magi-Tech Element, Elemental Control/Manipulation, Dark Aura, Fox Biology, Super-speed, Teleportation, High-regeneration, Dark Matter manipulation, Night vision;
  • Weaknesses: The Ocean, Light Magic, medical tools;
  • Destructive Capacity: At least country-level, her aura is strong enough to completely destroy a city on the size of New York and Paris while her Nine-Tailed Fox can destroy an entire country on the size of Korea, Japan and Mongolia
  • Attack Range: 1000+Kvs - Planetary level
  • Speed: Sub-relativistic+ Massively FTL+ 100 faster than the sound
  • Durability: City level, said to be durable enough to endure the explosion of a missile, tank shots, normal fireguns and can survive the fall of a 500 meters building
  • Magi-Tech Force: At least Class A+, likely higher (flipped a car with one hand), can break of a person's neck with one hand, can destroy explode a person just by touching them with her finger
  • Magi-Tech Striking Strength: Class H+, likely higher; Island Level
  • Magi-Tech Stamina: Due to her Fox animal parts, she became half-human and half-animal, she has superhuman stamina and can practice exercises for at least a week
  • Magi-Tech Standard Equipment: Claws of Da Ji
  • Intelligence: Genius-level and a master of political and psychological manipulation, orchestrated the rise of superworld potency in Mongolia using nothing but dust of what was left of the country (along with the gratitude and love of the Mongolian people). Used various brush-fire wars, conflicts and various organizations and other situations through a decade of scheming to become the undisputed ruler of of Mongolia and later most of Asian through Magi-Tech influence and superiority. Easily manipulates and tricks even other masters of political subterfuge to do her biddings. At the age of only fifteen, she started an underground militia in Ningxia. She's a person who's beautifully gifted at everything and can easily adapt herself to new situations and quickly evolve; she’s true perfection. Sephiria also has a really strong understanding of the human psyche and how societies work. She also possesses some sort of inborn intelligence that takes her straight to someone’s core, hitting their weak spots and acknowledging their worth, which can be used to melt someone into a puddle if she so wishes. Same with societies; she knows what to do in order to acquire power, and uses things like the natural distrust people have for one another to her advantage. Her comprehensive abilities work at a faster rate than most people’s, so essentially, anything that’s of interest to her can be picked up in almost no time at all.
  • Notable Attacks/Techniques:
    • - Invert Blood Flow: By touching a persons open wound, Imperia can reverse the blood flow of a person, which would instantly kill them.
    • - RIP: By touching a person's body, Sephiria can rip off their skin.
    • - Dark Wing: Under this state, she updates and overwrites her own ability to do something supposedly impossible by summoning an AIM field around an area around 3 kilometers. Through the input of AIM, she can control vectors that supposedly don't exist as well.  AIM also dispels and otherwise negates magic in the area, it also allows her to control other powers, the AIM field are made of a material that is exactly the same as dark matter found in the borders of all universes.
    • - Machine Ingenuity: Sephiria is also quite competent with machinery and technology, evident in when she modified her cane with various gravity sensors, and small motors to help better support herself.
    • - Marksmanship: Sephiria has been shown to be extremely proficient with firearms. Even with only her left hand, her weaker hand, she was able to finish off a round of practice in 70 seconds. She has commented that reloading a pistol in two seconds with one hand is too slow for her, even though she was just testing the guns;
    • - Redirection: She can change the vector values of anything by touch; for example, she kills her victims by reversing the flow of blood inside their body after putting her finger inside their wound. Furthermore, this ability is automatic, so projectiles like bullets or explosives have no effect on her, as they will be redirected.
    • - Vector Shooting: By touching an object, she can extend the influence of her ability to other objects in contact with it. This allows her to indirectly change the vectors and turn the objects into projectiles. She did this using metal construction pillars. Sephiria's vector manipulation has a variety of uses, including crushing the earth around her and to also use this to propel herself forward.
    • - Wind Control: She can re-vector the surrounding winds and force them to congregate at a single point creating an extremely high velocity wind. She can use this power to create F7 tornado's.
    • - Plasma Storm: She can even create plasma by further compressing the wind at high speeds in a single point.
    • - Kinetic Blast: She takes control of the planet's rotational vectors and transfers an enormous amount of that energy into one attack. This attack used up so much of the planet's rotational energy that it slowed down the the earth's rotation by about 2 minutes. Theoretically this attack should allow her to destroy all life on the planet if the planet suddenly stop its rotation, forcing ALL things on the planet fly like countless toys into one direction, resulting in the death of all living beings, but this is a highly debated topic by Ratatoskr.
    • - Brain Hacking: According to Sephiria, by redirecting the electrical signals of the human body she can take 'control' over them and rewrite the memories and personality of the people.
  • Summary: Manipulative Well-Intentioned Extremist
  • IQ: 120+

Personal Information

All personal information of Sephiria, such as her hobbies, her favorite things, etc.


Sephiria was in fact a chronic backstabber, earning the title of Treacherous Fox

  • Likes about Yourself: Everything
  • Have Confidence about Yourself in...: Inspirational speeches, political games, mind games, skills in any kind of mental sports, physical capabilities
  • Most Comfortable Environment: Cold/Winter
  • What Motivates You: The safety and security of human race
  • Word that Define Your Best Quality: Intellect and looks
  • Favorite Word: Vengeance
  • Favorite Quotes: "You know, they are fooling us, there is no God. There is no heaven. No hell. Nothing beyond. You die. You disappear. Then it's about time to drop the bible and get your gun to serve your country. Kill to protect those you love."
  • Favorite Color(s): Black and grey
  • Favorite Day/Holiday: World Suicide Prevention day, International Day of Peace, Chinese Labour Day
  • Favorite Drink(s): Oolong tea, Black tea, Brazilian coffee, Pu’er tea, Scented or flavoured tea, Herbal ‘teas’, White tea, Green tea, Strawberry and grape juice, Grape wine, Yellow tea
  • Favorite Food(s): Sumire Karaage Roll, Eggs Benedict, Fried Rice, Souffle Omelette, Duck Katsu Curry, Onigiri, Beef Katsudon, Orange chicken, Sweet and sour pork, Sesame chicken, Peking duck, Beef with broccoli, General Tso's chicken, Kung pao chicken, Fondue Chinoise
  • Favorite Clothes: Black suits, comfy jackets, and long robes
  • Favorite Hobbies: ​Drinking tea, researching Magi-Tech, creating new Magi-Tech spells, studying the depths of Dark/Black Magi-Tech, conquering rebel provinces, writing books about her own philosophies, watching over Raizen Academy's development, teasing Isis and Eugen, watching spectacles and artistic expositions, practicing martial arts, writing poems, playing flute, tasting different types of cultural foods of each Asian country, using prisoners and her foes in scientific experiments of Black Magi-Tech, sharpening her fox claws, combing her fox tail, going under skin treatments, training her Magi-Tech abilities, creating new types of Magi-Tech spells, writing Artificial Grimoires​;
  • Favorite Music Genre: Instrumental, opera, classic
  • Favorite Climate/Season: Snowing/Cold and Winter
  • Favorite Type of Person: Idealist, intelligent, fast-thinker, clever and useful
  • Favorite Non-Sentient Species: Foxes
  • Favorite Type of Fictional of Entertainment: Soap operas and news
  • Favorite Sport: Chess, Card games, swim, board games
  • Favorite Hour: 04:00 PM
  • Favorite Allies: Isis Maxwell, Millian Gravik, Lucy Sheev KnightWalker, Eugen Couteau, Kotori Itsuka
  • Favorite Enemies: Katarina Couteau, Katya, Yuri Barnes, Wáng Hongyu, Kiry KnightWalker

  • Don't Have Confidence about Themselves in...: Romance, form permanent friendships, socialization without political manipulation
  • Most Uncomfortable Environment: Crowded and hot places, loud parties
  • What Unmotivates You: Absolutely nothing
  • Hate about You: Human limits, emotions and my own mortality
  • Word that Define Your Worst Quality: Love and empathy
  • Hated Word: God
  • Hated Quotes: "You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." ― Dr. Seuss
  • Hated Color (Optional): White and brown
  • Hated Day/Holiday: April's Fools, (Lunar) New Year
  • Hated Drink: Anything with alcohol
  • Hated Food: Anything that has spicy and lacks salt
  • Hated Clothes: Anything that may be too exposing or sexually implicity
  • Hated Music Genre: Modern pop, heavy metal
  • Hated Climate/Season: Hot/Summer
  • Hated Type of Person: Lazy, negative, anti-social, quiet, shy, ignorant and pessimist
  • Hated Non-Sentient Species: Flies and mosquitos
  • Hated Type of Fictional of Entertainment: Pornography, animations
  • Hated Sport: Football, basketball and golf
  • Hated Hour: N/A
  • Hated Allies: Rozalia Dustka. Kyouhei Kannazuki, Tohsaka Sanada, Global Pact Defense and Peace Foundation
  • Hated Enemies: All of them but mainly Thiessith, Eckidina KnightWalker, Juria KnightWalker, the Fallen's Essence, Akrak Couteau and Mina Harker

  • Political Type: Communism / Socialism
  • Favorite Historical Figure(s): Alexander the Great, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Vladimir Lenin, Cleopatra, Hugo Chavez, Karl Marx, Queen Elizabeth II, Catherine the Great, Deng Xiaoping, Zhou Enlai, Che Guevara, Jiang Qing
  • Disliked Historical Figure(s): The Thuggs, Pol Pot, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Joseph Stalin, Kim Jong-Il, Hillary Clinton
  • Religion Type: N/A - Atheist
  • Favorite Religious Figure: N/A
  • Dream Extension (Individual or in Mass): Mass
  • If You Could Master One Skill You Don’t Have: Omniscience and Omnipresence
  • Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
  • Organization of Materials and Objects (Messy or Organized): Organized
  • Social Status (Outgoing or Reserved): Reserved
  • Social Posture (Rebel/Chaotic or Strict/Lawful): Strict and lawful
  • Social Position (Passive or Leader): Leader
  • Status (Life & Death): Alive
  • Status (Romance): None; virgin
  • Possibly Crush (Optional): N/A
  • Arranged Marriage or Single For Life: Single for life
  • Alert or Easily Distracted: Alert
  • Economic Status (Rich, Medium or Poor): Rich
  • Preference of Living (House, Apartment, etc...): Building for personal uses
  • Likes to Live... (With other People or Alone): Alone
  • Wants to Visit... (Location, Country or Fictional World): Every country of Europe and American continent
  • Happiest & Best Memory(ies): When my mother prepared the first birthday cake of my entire life
  • Saddest & Worst Memory(ies): ..........................
  • Biggest Fear: Dying and disappearing from history
  • Love Your Family: Always
  • Love Your Friends: Not sure

  • Mental Speed (High or Slow): High
  • Mental Health (Peaceful or Chaotic): Chaotic
  • Status of Controlling Emotions (Good or Bad): Good
  • Status (Sane or Insane): Sane
  • Disorders: Mysophobia, Thalassophobia, Gelotophobia, Genophobia, Gymnophobia
  • You Are... (Emotional or Logical): Logical
  • You Are... (Happy or Sad): Sad
  • You Are... (Talented or Hard-Working): Hard-working
  • You Are... (Optimist or Pessimist): Optimist
  • You Prefer... (Love or Money): Love
  • You Prefer... (Family or Friendship): Family
  • You Prefer... (Love or Sex): Love
  • You Prefer... (Day or Night): Night
  • You Prefer... (Loudness or Silence): Silence
  • You Prefer... (Physical Work or Mental Work): Mental work
  • You Prefer... (Virtual/Mind Games or Physical Sports): Both
  • You Prefer... (Be With Other People or Be Alone): Be alone
  • Do You Feel... (Loved or Hated): Hated
  • Do You Feel... (Cared or Ignored): Cared
  • Do You Feel... (Safe or in Danger): Danger
  • Do You Feel... (Good With Yourself or Bad With Yourself): Good with myself

  • Physical Structure (Muscular, Thin, Athletic, Plump, Fat): Athletic
  • Appearance Scale (Beautiful, Slightly Beautiful, Normal, Slightly Normal, Ugly): Beautiful
  • Do You Find Yourself (Beautiful or Ugly): Beautiful
  • You Are Physically (Sloppy or Conceited): Conceited
  • You Care About Your Appearance For... (Yourself or Others): Myself
  • I Wish was Born...: Physically stronger with more flexible legs
  • Prefer to Stay... (Young or Age): Young
  • Desire of Death: Never

Physical Appearance

"I don't believe in the power of physical looks but if it means I will never be look from above again, I will embrace it."
— Sephiria about what led her to care about her female looks


Aside from being a politician, Sephiria was an Asian model candidate but this ambition was abandoned to focus on her political career

Due to her KnightWalker blood lineage, Sephiria is partially French while she pulled her Chinese traits from her mother. As part of her French part, Sephiria was abnormally tall for the average Chinese women of her age, reaching 1,70+ meters that is the normal size of Western men. She had many physical genetic traits of her father like sharp and intimidating eyes, soft hair, height and skin color that was considerably Western white compared to Asian women's light-yellow and pale. Despite the influence of his eyes on Sephiria's genetic, she drew her unique Chinese eyes from her mother but due to Juria's genetics her eyes were shown to be more Korean-like.

From her mother, Sephiria drew her eye colors, abnormal black-violet hair, soft and pink lips, sharp nails almost-like ones of an animal, a mole on her right breast, white and clean teeth with very sharp canine fangs and a complete lack of body hair which can be considered fairly normal to 1/3 of all Asian women. Overall, Sephiria was considered to be an otherworldly beautiful woman who appeared to be in her twenties and embodiment the very concept of what many religions considered to be a mythological Goddess (as if her becoming a Fox Magician in the future could not approach their claims even more) and could easily attract female foes out of pure envy, mainly ones in the political world that lacks true competition, because of it Sephiria remained a beauty icon in many countries of Asia and was used in many beauty propagandas to be the ideal Asian-style of woman. If people never heard of her as a political leader then they were surely to at least hear of Sephiria as a model icon who was always considered to be among the most beautiful women of the world from 2032 to 2036 before the Third World War and her apparent downfall to insanity.

Sephiria's more apparent trait is her unique purple hair that was born as black. Her natural hair was said to be so dark that when light reflected on them the violet color reflected back. Once she became a Magician, this dark violet color grew more evident and replaced her dark hair. Her is tied in a side-ponytail which is held by a shuriken-like hair decoration of the left side, creating an abnormally long ponytail that if released will send her entire hair to her knees, showing how long her hair is. Another interesting factor about her is that she seemed to have drew more of her female Western side as her body grew more and more to be like of a Western Brazilian model rather than an Asian's delicated body that is known to have curves but with refined butt and breast sizes. Meanwhile, Sephiria's butt and breasts grew large enough to be compared to Kiry KnightWalker, a fully mature woman and mother of Eckidina KnightWalker. Her bust size was said to be 94cm, a very strange and large size for Chinese women in general.

After becoming a Magician, Sephiria won a long fox tail that matched her color of her hair and was said to have be longer than her arm. This tail alone could easily break the bones of her any unfortunate soul who dared to strike from her behind as if it wasn't a fluffy fox tail but an actual dragon tail made of iron. Alongside her tail, she also won claws of a werewolf. Initially, Sephiria was hesitant of caring about her female appearance but the claims of people calling her ugly (she was previously known to be messy with no skin care, scrapped nails, face full of black marks, skinny and had messy hair) led her to assume the position of offense and since then has been working extremely hard to become as beautiful as possible. At first, she was afraid of attracting the same lustful eyes that Juria had for her mother but eventually started to secretly being admired. As stated by her, she always sunk her face on her pillow after a day of many people praising her, including men asking her out.

Physical Ill Conditions


Mount Chiquita Ypsilon Mountain and Fairchild Mountain over Horseshoe Park wp5eut

Sephiria could only see the world as black and white post-traumatism experience

Achromatopsia, also known as total color blindness, is a medical syndrome that exhibits symptoms relating to at least five conditions. The term may refer to acquired conditions such as cerebral achromatopsia, but it typically refers to an autosomal recessive congenital color vision condition, the inability to perceive color and to achieve satisfactory visual acuity at high light levels, typically exterior daylight. The syndrome is also present in an incomplete form which is more properly defined as dyschromatopsia. It is estimated to affect 1 in 30,000 live births worldwide.

There is some discussion as to whether achromats can see color or not. As illustrated in The Island of the Colorblind by Oliver Sacks, some achromats cannot see color, only black, white, and shades of grey. With five different genes currently known to cause similar symptoms, it may be that some do see marginal levels of color differentiation due to different gene characteristics. With such small sample sizes and low response rates, it is difficult to accurately diagnose the 'typical achromatic conditions'. If the light level during testing is optimized for them, they may achieve corrected visual acuity of 20/100 to 20/150 at lower light levels, regardless of the absence of color.

One common trait is hemeralopia or blindness in full sunlight. In patients with achromatopsia, the cone system and fibres carrying color information remain intact. This indicates that the mechanism used to construct colors is defective.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata, also known as spot baldness, is a condition in which hair is lost from some or all areas of the body. Often it results in a few bald spots on the scalp, each about the size of a coin. The disease may cause psychological stress. People are generally otherwise healthy. In a few cases, all the hair on the scalp is lost (alopecia totalis) or all body hair is lost (alopecia universalis) and loss can be permanent.

Alopecia areata is believed to be an autoimmune disease resulting from a breach in the immune privilege of the hair follicles. Risk factors include a family history of the condition. Among identical twins, if one is affected, the other has about a 50% chance of also being affected. The underlying mechanism involves failure by the body to recognize its own cells with subsequent immune mediated destruction of the hair follicle.

No cure for the condition is known. Efforts may be used to try to speed hair regrowth such as cortisone injections. Sunscreen, head coverings to protect from cold and sun, and glasses if the eyelashes are missing are recommended. In some cases, the hair regrows and the condition does not reoccur. In others, hair loss and regrowth occurs over years. Among those in whom all body hair is lost, less than 10% recover.

About 0.15% of people are affected at any one time and 2% of people are affected at some point in time. Onset is usually in childhood. Males and females have the condition in equal numbers. The condition does not affect a person's life expectancy.


"We cannot be sure of having something to live for unless we are willing to die for it. I chose my Motherland but that doesn't mean I am willing to fight and die for my kind when the world meets a new horizon where flags no longer exist."
— Sephiria KnightWalker on WWIII's final days

Sephiria holds the title of one of the most political characters of LOTM: SoG for a good reason, inspired by characters like Oryx, a Brazilian patriot and Tomas Sev, a Vietnamese patriot, Sephiria is a leftist-political idealist who believes in an even more perfected version of Karl Marx's Socialism and spent most of her life studying it, searching for flaws to perfect it with the use of Magi-Tech which allowed to transform the world into a better place and put in practice his dreams that were considered to be a fantasy for a century after dozens of flawed and twisted version of Socialism put in practice by dictators who grew drunk in power. Unlike most political idealists, Sephiria did not want the world to be forced to accept her political ideas as she turned all her attention to China, her Motherland whom she vowed to serve and protect even if meant to betray it for the sake of the party and people. Her love for Mainland China was due to the fact that she was saved by Tan Xuegang, a Chinese philosopher and socialist who saved her from human traffickers at young age, since then she has been looking at things with better vision of the world outside and how so many people are being denied the same help she had in countries dominated by corrupt and weak governments that use human lives as steps to satisfy themselves in a hedonistic-life style.


Sephiria was known for being a tea lover.

Her patriot side is more political rather than moral as she doesn't see problem in committing atrocities for the sake of China, border-lining extremism and authoritarianism, literally transforming her into a sort of hypocrite who always seem to hate to associate the world Socialism with dictatorship, which ends up as being part of her villainous character. Sephiria is in fact a delusional politician, one that formed lies around herself to make herself feel more comfortable as she continues to go deeper into the darkness of her own hatred for those who made her suffer as she desperately need to construct a false reality around her to separate her personal and patriot feelings, becoming a complex troubled person on the edge of sanity and insanity. Despite her loyalty to China and Chronos, Sephiria had trouble to separate patriotism from jingoism in her first days as a member of CCP, almost becoming a fanatical nationalist whom wanted China's superiority and dominance of every neighboring country and even went as far as to desire the complete destruction of every North American country and United States' allies, and consequently formed racist/xenophonic ideas against Western white and black people, this corrupt and twisted mindset was attached to her hatred for the Western countries (mainly the KnightWalkers in France). Fortunately, this thinking was fixed by her mentor and savior who put her in the right path again, stating that extremist nationalism creates a country of mindless and brainless fanatical people who consequently creates nothing but violence and bad reputation to the nation that later becomes the birthplace of blind and ignorant brutes, escaping from the balance of humanity and patriotism. Since then Sephiria became a person who could see the difference between what forms Socialism from Nazism and Fascism which are born in any political idea once they become too twisted by the party and people using it.

Despite being free from any form of racism or xenophobic ideas from her younger days, Sephiria was proud of her ethnicity, completely ignoring the fact she was born from a Western rapist and embracing only her Chinese side of her mother. According to her and many other Chinese patriots, Chinese were descendants of dragons, symbol of power, knowledge, wisdom and strength while her father, Juria KnightWalker, was disgusting and repulsive Western descendant of a family of hedonistic, greedy, corrupt and warmongering called KnightWalkers that have been wandering around Europe for a millennia treating people like livestock and slaves. Little did she know, however, that her father's narcissism and evil side was born with her, something that was attached to her methods of achieving her goals. For example, she lacked true empathy for her subordinates and allies and never felt true feelings of love. Some could say she was born a sociopath thanks to her KnightWalker lineage which led her to commit atrocities without even batting an eye. This information only truly became part of her at the age of 27-years where she finally accepted her father's blood inside of her and renamed herself to Sephiria KnightWalker, a French name that she would use for the rest of her life to show the world that she was different and would never become the monster her nation and other countries thought she would become but did no efforts to hide the fact she was a KnightWalker and eventually embraced her new side to be able to use it to form a better world instead of following her genetic desires.

Boku no Juuni Taisen Screenshot 0057

One of Sephiria's greatest challenges was to engage in battles with China's Liberation Army once Chronos grew too much powerful and expanded deep into Inner Mongolia territories, destroying cities she once visited

Sephiria is a skilled social manipulator, capable of inspiring loyalty in the people of Chronos and fervency for the Chronian ideal Socialism but always pointed out that any sort of jingoism is wrong and that she would hate to rule a nation of ignorant whom would later become laughing stock at the eyes of other nations much like Chinese and American nationalists, her desire in fact was to rule over a country of respected and inspirational patriots and workers superior in almost every field of human society, including technology, entertainment, social laws, security, progressive economy and a healthy life style, this pure, simple but effective dream earned the vast majority of support from Chronos' military top brass and effectively converting the her ideology into a vehicle for her cult of personality without her approval, consequently her inspirational figure became a cult of personality like any other world's leader, one thing that she could never fully control or abolish. Through her speeches, Sephiria is capable of riling up fervent support for her cause and their purported cause of Space-Control independence with the construction of a Chronian/Chinese nations in other worlds outside of Earth, this allowed Chronos to grow even more technologically advanced than the rest of the world with the great use of Magi-Tech. She is adept at spinning situations to suit her political agenda. Sephiria's charisma and oratory ability is so great that she is even able to convince and inspire otherwise honorable men and women to commit heinous acts such as gassing and mass murdering civilians, a war crime that she is willing to do for not only the sake of Chronos or China but for the rest of the world. Ultimately, Sephiria is the polar opposite of the Forsaken as a whole, mainly La Folia, Lucas Kellan, Tomas Sev and Rozaliya who use more humane methods of saving humankind without approaching inhuman and cruel methods.

From her father, Sephiria possesses a startling lack of empathy for the lives of others, including those of her own men and allies, and is content with causing the deaths of millions to further her agenda, saying their sacrifices are for the greater good but is not completely devoid of humanity as she value their sacrifices and perform military events to remember the name of those who died for her. She also views all of the members of her personal guard divisions as either potential enemies or pawns, these includes her most trusted warrior, Isis Maxwell who became her first Magician Warrior and continued to support her even after she betrayed China. In terms of war tactics, Sephiria seems to favor brutal and destructive methods as a means to combat enemy forces to bring as much destruction and death as possible to leave her enemies in a state of fear. On World War III, her inhumanity and cruelty only grew more apparent as she continued to fall to insanity, the war against New Soviet Union which saw the total extermination of the population of Buryatia Republic in New Soviet Union/Russia, resulting in about a third of Russian population being killed in total. Ultimately, Sephiria became more and more vile as the months passed on World War III, gathering suspicion and fear from Stabilization Union and even from KnightWalker Alliance, whom thought she would in fact turn against her own allies and single-hand the entire war with the most brutal war tactics the world have ever seen. Despite her socialism ideals, Sephiria appeared to believe in a "survival of the fittest" mentality that approached a fragment of Nazism, one that did not involve an actual race but biological. She always supported normal people with fully sane minds and normal human bodies but doesn't seem to have great views on physically and mentally Ill people whom are nothing but dead weight, incapable of working for the party and state but did not go as far to systematically kill them like most dictatorships, instead she gave these people less privileges of normal citizen compared to normal people. Other than that, she got rid of every racist form she had before and showed no difference to people from other countries or those who had different skin colors and language.

Sephiria's charisma makes it easy for her to command respect and obedience from her subordinates. Her charisma and skill at acting also helps her mask her underlying intentions and vengeful nature, as Sephiria is someone who does not let go of grudges easily despite lying about the fact she does NOT hold grudges, best seen with her vengeful desires against her father that still burning 36 years later. She is shown to hold grudges for a very long time and is ruthless in her pursuit of them, having plotted revenge on the KnightWalker Family for years for causing so much stress and cruelty in her life. Her skill at acting also makes it easy for her to get close to her targets. In that respect, Sephiria is more of a long-term manipulator and less of an opportunist who waits for the right moment to betray them once they are no longer useful to her. Aside from being charismatic, Sephiria is a very sophisticated and elegant woman worthy of being a high-class Asian politician with unique classy taste for clothes and very refined, educated and elegant behavior. Although she might have a polite, sophisticated way of speaking her words tend to come out as sarcastic, almost as if she is not being serious most of the time to mask her true intentions. She values rules and demands that they are followed by others, no matter how strange they may be. Despite how rigid she may seem, she also a has a sense of humor in form very, very bad jokes, stating that she is not good at telling jokes and will restrain herself from telling one to not ruin her image or change the mood of the conversation to one of awkward. Sephiria is also very strict towards herself and others, and expect everything around her to be organized be they people, clothes, objects or even the smallest details in a small room.


Sephiria using a random delinquent in Tenguu City's streets to perform a human experiment with Black Magi-Tech, showing her lack of empathy for low-live humans

Among the Chinese, Russians, Japanese and other countries of Asia, Sephiria is known to be a decisive and determinated and a person with the might and will of iron and driven by her political dreams to achieve her ambitions, without faltering one bit in her beliefs even if costs her life and the lives of innocents on the process, always stating that sacrifices are what make a better future and that human lives does not share the same value. This method of thinking would later get attached to human spirit of the future that valued the lives of Magicians while despising normal human lives for being inferior and too weak to attend to humanity's new demands. Despite knowing the criminality and sin of murder, Sephiria would consider her actions the ultimate “sacrifice” to help the world and would at least respect the death of all people who died for her while not giving a single pity for those who rebelled against her, including her old friends and former allies. Being a political mastermind, she often elaborated unbelievably complicated schemes to compensate for her lack of physical presence, involving pretty much nearly everyone around her or using contact that are not related to her to not involve her names in illegal activities like assassinating a political figure from a foreign power or rival political enemy from either China or Chronos. As a student of Communist Youth League of China, Sephiria conducted herself as a sociable, likable, and often easygoing student with a strong sense of justice and an abnormal sense of loyalty and admiration for past Communist Chinese icons such as Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Léi Fēng, Liu Hulan and Deng Xiaoping. However, what made her extremely different and peculiar from the rest of the students is that she used to point out flaws and mistakes about past actions of historical Communist leaders of China, something that earned her displeasure of other students and mentors who did not view her criticism with good eyes fearing that she would come with conclusions that may twist reality or spread false ideas. In fact, Sephiria believed that no human being is perfect and always believed that children whom carry the most pure opinions, do have rights to point out that mistakes of adults in the hopes to let themselves be plunged into their own arrogance and become over-prideful people who cannot see their flaws, this mindset would be carried for the rest of her life, including her time as a Empress of Chronos and even would inspire people to critic her in case she grow too drunk in power or step out of the line, because for her, she was still a normal human and power can easily corrupt even the most idealist ones into making them overlooking their misconducts and flaws. She tend to say that constructive criticism is a little slap on the back to awake the leader and snap them back to reality to not forget their ideals and dreams of a better future while despising every form of rude and childish criticism.

Her criticism toward some figures is what led Sephiria to repeat their steps while avoiding their past mistakes but came to accept that no matter how good a human is they are still normal people and that even their slightest mistakes may lead to the death of thousands. Despite all her criticism, Sephiria continued to adore the most iconic Communist figures of China and outside of it like those present in Cuba, Brazil, Venezuela, Vietnam and Russia pre-Stalinism, going as far to have an entire library of books about them, including copies of their personal diaries, plans and biographies. Aside from having socialist-related books, Sephiria was a lover of poems and studied courses to write love poems, mainly ones about family, something that she had torn from her at a very young age. However, despite all her altruism and promises, Sephiria still succumbed to her vengeful desires and continued to grow more and more cruel over the course of Third World War to the point she could not even hear the criticism of her people and assuming a more dictator-type behavior with mass persecutions, censorship and executions of civilians. This moment of the WWIII marked not only her downfall but the corruption of many once-pure leaders that succumbed to the stress of the war and over-work that consequently led them to abandon almost all of their ideals and become what they always criticized, almost becoming like the KnightWalker Family while others fully became like Godom Empire. One of Sephiria's worst fears lied on the fact she would become like King Hamdo in New Soviet Union or Emperor Tathagata Killer in Godom Empire, becoming the very thing she swore to destroy that are the twisters of communism and its original design. Unfortunately for her, she did fall on their level and became much like two of her most despised historical figures, Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong-il, some would say she was even worse, going as far to murder entire innocent families of defectors with military arsenal. This caused a great negative impact on her image in Chronos.

Sephiria is also another example mysophobic and germophobic and hates anything she perceives as unsanitary, frequently remarking about the unclean appearances of certain people and locations, in extreme cases she even refuses to speak with filthy people or refuses the breath the air of abandoned and smelly places like sewers. She also refuses to be touched by others which is one of the reasons she uses gloves or prefer to leave her hands of demonic fox because they don't have skin for germs to "eat". However, her mysophobia is not as extreme as Oryx's since she can stand next other people and will not scratch herself until her flesh comes off. Moreover, Sephiria developed an obsession for cleanness and takes an huge amount showers every day with excessive brushing of her teeth, shaving and goes under skin and physic treatment. Her mysophobia also happens due to her fear of sex or kind of sexual intercourse that includes the physical contact of two people, transforming her into someone incapable of having relationships or form one of her dreams of having a family. This fear originated from her gruesome view on rape of children and infants at a black market of Asia, resulting in permanent trauma of every sexual touch despite her desire to marry and have at least two off-springs. She has a very sinister dark side that involved around suicide, something that was inspired from Mao Zedong himself. One of Mao's beliefs was to not help suicidal people from committing suicide for China was already a very populated country, therefore it would never miss one less hand. Instead of helping or simply ignoring suicidal people, Sephiria as prone to exploiting suicidal people to be expendable pawns, usually trying to get inside of their minds with words of giving a purpose to their lives before they can kill themselves. Instead of wasting their lives, Sephiria encouraged suicidal people to work for her in suicide missions or human experiments but did not force them to do anything as it was only an offer for them to give their lives meaning before they could die. For some it was a noble offer, while for others it was simply inhuman and heartless to the core.

Despite her power and authority, she is always respectful with her associates being generally polite rather than patronizing, although this can be construed as a means to maintain her status or just part of her personality to gain the trust of her people and have at least a decent figure that will be marked for generations. Aside from being respectful to her subordinates, she can be quite polite to her enemies as well despite carrying intentions to kill them right away. According to her, she keeps her cool in front of her enemies to not descend to their levels of ignorance and rudeness, showing superiority over them all the time. When speaking to her foes, she usually uses "Xiānshēng" and "Xiǎojiě / Fūrén"; which means if she is using those honorifics it means she is being dead serious but it can be used to intimidate and threat the individual with a menacing aura that says they should step back before something bad happens to them. When meeting strangers, she will always bow her head with her left hand on her back and right hand on her chest as a form of honorable greeting, yet she will only do it once people should not expect her to do the same the next time she meet them. Besides, Sephiria was an accomplished philosopher, orator, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, socialist revolutionary, politician and military leader and is widely regarded as one of the greatest humans and most influential leader from 21th century. Her defection of Communist Party of China is considered to be one of the greatest defeats in its history while in fact Sephiria seemed to have never truly left the party and her country as she states she only changed flags but her heart and spirit remain Chinese, and would respond with tone of threat and anger to those who dare to spread slander about Chronos and China and/or doubt her loyalty to both countries.

Shee is also extremely biddable, obsequious, manipulative, and smooth-talking, so she will use any means necessary to get what she wants, and she is very deferential from most of her politician allies and polite even toward her enemies without showing her inner disregard for them. Sephiria was also shown to be immensely intelligent and scheming (to the point that even Thiessith acknowledges it), being an expert strategist who devises complicated plans spanning over many years from behind the scenes. However, she often takes risky gambits in rare occasions when dealing with the unknown such as how she ordered Katarina to be killed in fear her powers could be used by her enemies to bring the end of the world without fully knowing what she was and what her powers are. She is also very skilled in preparing and improvising back-up plans following the situation, to make things go in the direction she wants even when her main goal is thwarted. Sephiria adopts a devilish motif, often asking others their desires and a way for her to grant them in exchange of their servitude, usually asking to poor and homeless people who lost everything to appeal to their undying loyalty for her. Sephiria is ingenious individual with small drop of sadistic traits as she is usually seem smiling when her enemies suffer in a sense of great satisfaction, but she also presents poetic barbs for her opponents in a quizzical and superior manner. In the second title, Sephiria enjoys the prospect of facing death in combat, believing that all battles should be fought to conquer one's fear of dying and that each combat makes her stronger and erase her fear of death.

Sephiria showed utterly no sympathy or remorse for her enemies she has hurt or killed. She also has a strange tendency to ask for the servitude of her enemies to join her army much like KnightWalkers force civilians of other countries to join their armies to increase their numbers but Sephiria's methods includes giving them the option to "join or die" which is fact just a test to see if they are worthy of being left alive to fight another die. If they agree to join her cause to escape from death, she shows disregard for them and will mark them as targets to be killed in a near future once they are in her army while those who refused to join her were left alive to return home and fight her another day. She has displayed a disregard for the people who joined her army to escape death. Whilst on Japan, after she feigns sympathy towards Katya for caring about her men, Sephiria made an example out of one of her own men that joined Chronos to escape from death by shooting him in front of Team 7, stating that care will ensure the Chronos' victory and the defeat of their rebel team. Sephiria learned a long ago that victories are not won by sympathy and love and believes in victories at all costs and was willing to sacrifice herself, her own men and her own country to stop the New World Order from fully conquering the world, deconstructing her love for her countries if it means that the fate of the entire humanity is at stake.


Sephiria's personal guards and assassin squads were known to be fully composed by young women trained to kill and assassinate targets with great effeciency

She was shown to be a sort of feminist and believes that women can do a more delicate role in society that requires planning and time while men serve to be the very pillar of this foundation. Sephiria seems to be aware of the silent and deadly power of women and formed her entire personal guard of women, including her all-female squads of bodyguards, assassins and commandos such as the Arms Division composed by Eugen, Isis and Luxanna. As a woman, Sephiria also knows that most Asian country still live in an old-style sexist society such as Korea and planned to give women more freedom of speech and equal rights (and duties) rather than giving them superiority as one-sided society is prone to become more corrupt and sexist no matter what side is in control. Because of this balanced thought, she hates any form of sexual superiority coming from men or women, stating that these kind of movements of misogyny and misandry are nothing more than disgusting and has shown disregard for the West's forced appeal and representation of women in society and fiction by introducing more and more forced diversity as she believes it should come naturally instead of introducing feminist concepts to use it for political views and show women superiority over men. Therefore, the overuse of women to representation creates a cycle where only women receive attention and care while male-side is ignored and society overlook their suffering as many men, including young ones, suffer the same kind of abusive treatment that women suffer daily.

Sephiria was also known to be incredibly, almost eerily calm. She speaks in an incredibly relaxed voice, she rarely or ever expresses her temper and has a sarcastic sense of humor as aforementioned. Sephiria also can come off as being an increasingly xenophobic and magisterial person towards Gods and any kind of deity race, she despised every supernatural form of life like angels, spirits, demons, devils and Gods in general. Theories suggest that she hates them because Gods have absolute powers but does nothing to stop the cruelty that is brought upon the world, calling them as useless unnecessary bunch that have no purpose in existence besides only watching mortals destroy themselves instead of coming down from their thrones to guide and teach them, ironically, this is exactly why Lucifer joined Triggers Hell and Ragnarok Iblis due to Spectra's simple and flat method of ruling that ordered Gods to just stand-by to protect mortals from the forces of Hell only. Sephiria went as far as to deny to be in the presence of Nu Wa, Anubis or Neith when next to her and treated them with total disrespect and rudeness, answering their questions with nothing but contempt and anger as if she was literally another person and became much like Azul Jissele as a whole. This kind of treatment however changed overtime as she came to accept the value of Gods during the Great Galactic Invasion of Balam Alliance. Because of this she was an Atheist and was neither a religious woman nor did she believe in God(s) even after she knew they existed. As an eight-year-old, Sephiria came to the conclusion that religions were nothing but empty cults devoid of any kind of sense of duty and believed religious people were nothing but hopeless individuals who were just afraid of going to "hell" after a life of sins and ignorance. Even at that time, Sephiria was a very intelligent girl and ahead any of the children of her class; as an eighteen-year-old person, she was extremely well-educated and knowledgeable but would receive rigid words when she touched religious topics as extremism came out of her mouth like the complete extermination of every known religious person in China as she believed these kind of people only separates humans from reality and creates a mass of indoctrinate people who believes in the world to be nothing but a religious fantasy. This absurd genocidal and xenophobic views were one of the many things that her mentor had to fix before fully becoming an official CCP party member in the future.

Tan Xuegang came to the conclusion that her hatred for God and all forms of religions were caused by the lack of holy light and salvation in the world once God never helped her and her family to escape from the black market. As a child, Sephiria prayed countless time to God [Buddha] for salvation but nothing happened to her life besides witnessing her mother being brutally gang-violated, tortured and murdered in some kind of sick-live internet broadcast. Because of this, Sephiria adopted the idea that humans are the only ones that form their own destiny and absolutely despises religious who say that the "God" is what gave them forces to form their path as it greatly underestimate human capability for create their own destiny. What saved Sephiria from suffering the same fate of her mother were her decisive survival instinct of her using her own nails to break the cage she was locked and used the little strength she had left to escape from that terrible fate, from that day on Sephiria believed that Gods did not exist and that humans are the only ones that can bring good and evil to the world, not assigning miracles or good actions to Gods or holy forces and evil acts to the Devil or any kind of demonic force from Hell.

Disorders and Phobias

Narcissistic personality disorder

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder in which there is a long-term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a lack of understanding of others' feelings. People affected by it often spend a lot of time thinking about achieving power or success, or about their appearance. They often take advantage of the people around them. The behavior typically begins by early adulthood, and occurs across a variety of situations.

The cause of narcissistic personality disorder is unknown. It is a personality disorder classified within cluster B by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Diagnosis is by a healthcare professional interviewing the person in question. The condition needs to be differentiated from mania and substance use disorder.


Mysophobia, also known as verminophobia, germophobia, germaphobia, bacillophobia and bacteriophobia, is a pathological fear of contamination and germs. The term was coined by William A. Hammond in 1879 when describing a case of obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) exhibited in repeatedly washing one's hands. Mysophobia has long been related to compulsive hand washing. Names pertaining directly to the abnormal fear of dirt and filth include molysmophobia or molysomophobia, rhypophobia, and rupophobia, whereas the terms bacillophobia and bacteriophobia specifically refer to the fear of bacteria and microbes in general.

There are many underlying factors and reasons that a person may develop mysophobia, such as anxiety, depression, or a traumatic situation. Developing in a culture where hygiene is heavily integrated into society (use of hand sanitizers, toilet seat covers, and antibacterial wipes for commonly used items such as grocery carts), can also be a main driving force for the development of mysophobia. Some well-known people who suffer (or suffered) from mysophobia include Howard Stern, Nikola Tesla, Howard Hughes, Howie Mandel, Saddam Hussein, and Donald Trump.



Sephiria fears the ocean because it houses the unknown down below

Thalassophobia is the persistent and intense fear of deep bodies of water such as the sea, oceans, pools or lakes. Though very closely related, thalassophobia should not be mistaken with aquaphobia which is classified as the fear of water itself.

Thalassophobia can include fear of being in deep bodies of water, fear of the vast emptiness of the sea, of sea waves, sea creatures, and fear of distance from land. The causes of thalassophobia are not clear and are a subject of research by medical professionals as they can vary greatly between individuals. Researchers have proposed that the fear of large bodies of water is partly a human evolutionary response, and may also related to popular culture influences which induce fright and distress.

The severity of thalassophobia and the signs and symptoms associated with it are quite fluid and complex. Those who suffer from thalassophobia go through numerous episodes of emotional and physical anguish caused by a variety of triggers. Treatment may comprise a combination of therapy and anxiolytics, and is most effective when administered to patients during childhood, when thalassophobia is generally at its peak.


Gelotophobia is a fear of being laughed at, a type of social phobia. While most people do not like being laughed at, there is a sub-group of people that exceedingly fear it, and without obvious reasons, they relate laughter they hear to be directed at themselves.

Since 2008, this phenomenon has attracted attention from scholars in psychology, sociology, and psychiatry, and has been studied intensively. In his clinical observations, Dr. Michael Titze found that some of his patients seemed to be primarily worried about being laughed at. They tended to scan their environment for signs of laughter and ridicule. Furthermore, they reported that they had the impression of being ridiculous themselves. Additionally, Titze observed a specific movement pattern among them when they thought they were being laughed at—awkward, wooden movements that resembled those of wooden puppets. He described this state as "Pinocchio-syndrome". Two other behaviours related to laughter are gelotophilia, the joy of being laughed at, and katagelasticism, the joy of laughing at others.

Although at face value the emotions relating to gelotophobia would be predominantly fear, there is a distinct interplay with three dominant emotions: low levels of joy, high levels of fear, and high levels of shame. More importantly, where shame in a typical week exceeds joy, gelotophobia is more likely to develop. Gelotophobes say that they are bad at regulating their emotions, and they more easily pick up the negative moods of other people. They also suppress expression of their emotions and do not share their feelings readily with others.


Genophobia or coitophobia is the physical or psychological fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse. The word comes from the Greek nouns γένος genos, meaning "offspring", and φόβος phobos, meaning "fear". This word is also formed from the Greek noun phobos and the term coitus, referring to the act of copulation in which a male reproductive organ penetrates a female reproductive tract. The term erotophobia can also be used when describing genophobia. It comes from the name of the Greek god of erotic love, Eros. Genophobia can induce panic and fear in individuals, much like panic attacks. People who suffer from the phobia can be intensely affected by attempted sexual contact or just the thought of it.

Symptoms of genophobia can be feeling of panic, terror, and dread. Other symptoms are increased speed of heartbeat, shortness of breath, trembling/shaking, anxiety, sweating, crying, and avoidance of others. The extreme fear can lead to trouble in romantic relationships. Those afflicted by genophobia may stay away from getting involved in relationships to avoid the possibility of intimacy. This can lead to feelings of loneliness. Genophobic people may also feel lonely because they may feel embarrassed or ashamed of their personal fears.


An abnormal and persistent fear of nudity. Sufferers of this phobia experience undue anxiety even though they realize their fear is irrational. They may worry about seeing others naked or being seen naked, or both. Their fear may stem from anxiety about sexuality in general, from a fear that their bodies are physically inferior, or from a fear that their nakedness leaves their bodies--and their personalities--exposed and unprotected.

"Gymnophobia" is derived from the Greek "gymnos" (naked) and "phobos" (fear). The word "gymnasium" comes from the Greek "gymnasion" (a place for athletic exercises) and the Greek "gymnasein" (to train naked). Gymnophobia refers to an actual fear of nudity, but most sufferers with the condition learn how to function in general society despite the condition. They may, for example, avoid changing rooms, washrooms, showers, and beaches. However, the condition can be regarded as an anxiety disorder if the person cannot control the phobia or it is interfering with their daily life.

Powers and Abilities



Before becoming a Magician, Sephiria was already a natural talented strategist, genius researchers and exceptional military leader as well as a manipulative individual who can enter inside of other people to use them

  • Master of Stealth: Sephiria is very proficient in hiding, spying, and infiltration. She is capable of being one with the shadows and move silently like a cheetah in hunting mode.
  • Claws: Her fingernails turn into claws that are sharper than knives, with which Sephiria can tear humans apart as well as rip out a heart with frightening ease. She is capable of altering both hands at the same time.
  • Master Strategist & Tactician: Sephiria is capable of devising complex tactics as well as run accurate simulations and evaluate the success rate of each of them, even in the middle of a fight. Her skills in evaluating the assets at her disposal and making the most of them are such that the Forsaken were completely dependent on her during their quest on destroyed China. With her years of experience as a political and military leader, and warrior, Sephiria is a very intelligent woman who dominated the field of art of war, sociology, philosophy, manipulation, psychology, politics and combat. She can quickly adjust to new developments and make quick decisions accordingly. She has great tactical acumen, proven by her tendencies to plan detailed and complex preparations for incoming battles. As noted by Kotori, Sephiria is very cunning and a dangerous genius who will only step down to put order with her own hands when she feel like exercising her body. Her skill at battle tactics is undeniable: as leader-commander, she commonly sends her soldiers and divisions out to engage in battle, be it to relatively small or large threats, never underestimating her enemies as she is always waiting for the unexpected.
    • Genius-Level Intellect: Sephiria's intelligence far exceeds that of any woman of her age and is exceptional also for adults and veteran Black Demons. She is knowledgeable about a wide variety of topics and is endowed with prodigious intuition and analytical skills. Her deductive abilities have allowed her to make accurate predictions on multiple occasions. She can also bear severe mental strain and still think clearly. To match all of these impressive intellectual capacities, Sephiria is also an extremely quick thinker who can adapt to completely unforeseen developments. Although she normally relies on logic, sometimes to a fault, she is capable of creative thought, which allowed her to devise the basics of her umbrakinesis in the heat of combat. She is also tremendously observant, and she believed she could notice the slightest change in the expression of two insects. Her terrific intellect allows her to pick up on details that would ordinarily go unnoticed on a subconscious level, which results in her feeling a sense of unease towards a certain course of action before realizing why.

Magician Abilities

  • CharaStudio-2021-04-08-01-05-56-Render

    Sephiria's main element is darkness and can control it as much as a Hyvralisk can control the Blackness

    Physical Abilities: After becoming a Magician, Sephiria's physical abilities surpassed of any human known, becoming a literal god-like person among normal men. Compared to most humans, including those trained in the arts of Artificial Magi-Tech, Sephiria possesses a high amount of strength, speed, and durability. For example, she could lift a car clear over her head and toss it with ease, and during her training in Mongolia, she could push massive rock formations with ease. At the height of her strength he showed the ability to destroy mountains, islands, and even greatly damage towns with just physical strength, earning her the title of Strongest Magician to ever exist. Despite these feats of strength, 40 tons of weight applies to Sephiria's body was too heavy for her to move. For speed, she showed supersonic, hypersonic, massively hypersonic, and even faster-than-sound speeds. By the time of LOTM: Destiny she had reached massively faster than light speeds and her physical strength was enough that one of the shockwaves of her punches could be felt all over an entire cluster while passively damaging untold numbers of planets, destroying others and even destroying stars.
  • Enhanced Physiology: She possesses strength, speed, reflexes, stamina, durability, senses, agility, coordination, willpower, intelligence, and instincts superior to any human, chimera, or animal.
  • Enhanced Durability: Sephiria is quite physically durable and can handle heavy attacks and objects launched towards her. Bullets, explosions, missiles and any form of mankind's weaponry cannot harm her by any means.
  • Contaminant Immunity: She is immune to all poisons, toxins, venoms, viruses, bacteria, allergen, diseases, etc.
  • Immortality: She does not age beyond her youthful prime. She requires no sustenance, and cannot be harmed by mortal means except for Magi-Tech and other forms magic be either holy or demonic. Moreover, her immortality is only about eternal youth rather than absolutele immortality as she can be killed by magical means.
  • Flight: She is capable of flight and can fly at the speed of sound itself, travelling from countries like China to Japan in a few seconds. She is said to be so fast that if she flied too close to the ground she would cause a tornado that would erase entire countries.
  • Regeneration: While Sephiria is completely resistant to most forms of attack, she is not invulnerable; magic and relics can damage and even kill her, making her a threat to all mortals who are not paranormal entities. However, Sephiria was able to regenerate to a large degree even against attacks such as these. These sorts of assaults tend to create large, burning holes or gashes in her where she is struck, which Sephiria can close back up with effort. Sephiria can easily regenerate her limbs without effort using her energy and recreate her lost parts.
  • Energy Sense: She can sense life energy and Magi-Tech naturally and uses this ability to identify fighters who possess powerful energy.
  • Cocoon of Darkness: Sephiria envelops her opponent in darkness, trapping them within a pitch black sphere. The cocoon is extremely resistant and cannot break through mortals means. Sephiria then manipulates the negative energy of the individual trapped in her cocoon and turns it into power for her reanimated soldiers, increasing their offensive and defensive power as well as their resistance to magic. She can also extract the soul of her victims inside by exposing their most dark secrets and sins via illusions.
  • Magic Cancel: A technique that allows Sephiria to cancel any magic that has been cast on an individual. It was shown to cancel the effects of one of her own magical items. She can even erase the magical energy of an individual by simple snapping her fingers if they 50 metres close to her.
  • Immobilization Magic: A Black Art that uses the control of shadows. It allows her to freeze time for all except those she specifically chooses to remain mobile. After casting this Magic, the surrounding area and all those affected by the Magic appear inverted in color, whilst those unaffected remain as they are.
  • Power Amplify: A spell that allows Sephiria to amplify the magic of her allies, making their techniques and physical abilities considerably more powerful by 100x.
  • Hellblaze: A mysterious Black Magi-Tech possessed by Sephiria that allows her to generate black flames, burning all types of magical attacks, including its caster. It also has the additional effect of nullifying an immortal's regeneration.
  • Raven Slashes: A powerful attack that requires Sephiria to heighten her power and senses to the utmost limit. Black flames engulf her claws as she leaps into the air. She then performs a powerful slash that hurls the flames in a single, ruinous attack.
  • CharaStudio-2021-04-09-11-03-16-Render

    Sephiria using Raven Waves

    Raven Waves: Sephiria points her claws towards the opponent and engulfs them in a wild, black inferno.
  • Umbra Burst: Sephiria can project beams of darkness/shadow of variable size and range from the tip of her fingers, capable of destroying large structures and/or areas and greatly damage anyone caught in the blast range and also infecting materials or organisms hit by the beam with the black flames and transforming them into a lifeless and grotesque structure of black mud that can infect living beings with a corruptive energy that rot all their bodies.
  • Egg Projection: She can create and fire balls of darkness with varying size and power, the balls are composed of black energy and will immediately corrupt everything that it touches without necessarily killing her targets. It's a weaker version of the Emission Wings.
  • Mediumship: Sephiria can view ghosts/spirits of deceased Magi-Tech maigicians and communicate and/or interact with them, even if they have possessed inanimate objects/subjects/people.
  • Teleportation: She can teleport by momentarily displacing herself and then re-appearing in another location in places she has been or memorized to be. She can also just teleport to a location of a photo or video she has seen, even if it's a place outside of Earth but it has limits and can only teleport to a planet from the Solar System.
  • Beast of Darkness: She can summon a huge many armed creatures from the ground, many of them resembling humanoid ravens carrying swords and scythes. Her main creatures are foxes made of shadows and possess the size of a whales rather than a canine.
  • Zero: Sephiria engulfs the opponent in her darkness, crushing them with a great pressure.
  • Fox Shadow: She casts a demonic-looking shadow, which she can expand to cover an entire city, is harder than diamond and impervious to conventional harm. Sephiria can both spread her shadow on surfaces, or give it physical substance. She controls her shadow like her limbs and she can expand or reshape it to form tentacles, tendrils or jaws. Sephiria can see and talk through his shadow’s giant eyes and mouth, wherever it can expand. An useful ability when it comes to covert observation and to give orders where she is not actually present, which gives an impression of omnipresence. Sephiria can slice and destroy anything with her shadow. She can also manipulate everything and anyone it grabs, with incredible strength, and can fill anything empty or entirely cover anyone, in order to manipulate what it holds like a puppet. Despite being enough to cover the nationwide transmutation circle and the entire Tenguu City, Sephiria's shadow cannot expand infinitely. It also cannot appear without a light source and can be harmed when light becomes too bright.


CIS Status

Oryx's rating determined by the CIS Productions. From 0 to 1000.

Ability Type Fitness Intelligence Justice Endurance Speed Popularity Effectiveness Fighting Ability
Magi-Tech 803 610 804 498 1000 800 826 664

Chronos Rating

Form Combat Strength
Base 30,000
Magi-Tech Base 200,000,000
Nine-Tailex Fox 604,000,000

Revelation of Qliphoth Rating

Form Combat Strength
Base 10,000
Magi-Tech Base 100,000
Nine-Tailed Fox 301,000,000+

Global Pact Defense Rating

Form Combat Strength
Base 5,000
Magi-Tech Base 100,000+
Nine-Tailed Fox ???

Raizen Academy Rating

Form Combat Strength
Base ???
Magi-Tech Base ???
Nine-Tailed Fox ???

Ratatoskr Rating

Form Combat Strength
Base 700,000
Magi-Tech base 100,000,000
Nine-Tailed Fox 300,000,000,000+

Standard Equipment - Da Ji Claws


Da Ji Claws is weapon that was born the moment she became a Magician. The Da Ji Claws is extremely sharp and is said to be able to cut through any material, including Anti-Matter, the Blackness itself and a part of space and time. However, it seems that if the material offers resistance against being cut but it doesn't take too much effort for her to easily cut things like metal and even giant doors made of iron like doors of bank vaults. It is also very sturdy, allowing its wielder to use it for defense; it is strong enough to even deflect bullet.

The claws possesses great durability, enough to withstand powerful blows from machine guns and magical attacks of Black Arts, Red Magic and even Holy Magic from Gods. The claws also have different abilities, merging different types of magic into one single weapon, turning it deadlier. The weapon itself carries more magical mana and spells than an entire platoon of Magicians. The claws can also instantly freeze anything by reducing the kinetic energy of atoms if Sephiria desires to stop the movements around her, meaning it effectively make things colder as if all things the claw touch are transported to the void, an empty of space of darkness where the universe never reached so far, ranging from slightly chilly levels to absolute zero.

The claws possess more than 3 types of different magic related to umbrakinesis: darkness, cryokinesis and physics. The claws' feats include freezing an entire oceans in an instant in order to use dark frozen surface as a makeshift bridge. When the claws freeze something like ice, the form of the "ice" will be something like a grotesque black aura, extremely cold and transparent like a black frozen liquid. The claws is also able to create large pillars of darkness to throw at enemies with devastating results. The claws also showcased more creative darkness constructs, having been shown to crate a giant spiked battering ram made out of ice that she then used as her "blender" to butcher the enemy armies by rotating it in high speed and later create a giant tree of darkness capable of shooting large dark spike projectiles.

One of her trump cards was to freeze space and time. When used, space and time are frozen and only the user can move for short period of time. This ability was very taxing on its user and can only be used once a day. The second trump card is the creation of a "Russian winter" and is capable of covering large portion of the Chronos itself in a tundra of black and corrupted ice and snow in form of a black substance, effectively being able to cover over half the Asian continent. This ability is powerful that Sephiria herself was now stated to be a Natural Disaster with a consciousness and giving her the power to butcher perhaps millions of people if allowed to continue.

Theme Song


Soundtrack OST

Battle Theme

Redemption Theme

Chronos' March

Nine-Tailed Fox's Theme



Sephiria was a leftist-bookworm who had tons of political, philosophies and cultural books about Marxism culture

  • "The world calls me a traitor. My homeland calls me a traitor of the nation. I will accept those title and all their curses, I have no defense for what I did because I knew what was going to happen and the consequences. Before you dare to speak against my morals, this is what I am going to say: my flag may have changed but my loyalty to my Motherland never shook for a moment. In the future, when everything is over, Chronos will become one with my nation because in the core, Chronos was always descendant of dragons: Chinese."
  • "You know, they are fooling us, there is no God. There is no heaven. No hell. Nothing beyond. You die. You disappear. Then it's about time to drop the bible and get your gun to serve your country. Kill to protect those you love."
  • "Revolution requires sacrifices. Of course it's going our march is going to get bloody. If there is one single nation that evolved to their current state without bloodshed, point me one. Even the very soil you are stepping on right now was made by past slaves who lost their lives to build the nation you live today. If humanity ever had human rights from the beginning, then we would remain as primitive cavemen for million years. Pathetic."
  • "Don't get me wrong, Barnes Xiānshēng. China's history was always an endless cycle of ascension and downfall. A dynasty rise, grow corrupt, and fall. This pattern has been happening for centuries now. Not even at the apex of our Communist China we resisted the cursed Global Collapse of 2020s. Now... what is left of my loved land is a corrupt, coward, and weakling regime composed by disgusting fat and lazy locusts and capitalist pigs who are taking advantage of the crisis to exploit my siblings. But with me, this is going to be different. I will put an end to this cycle and form an eternal Chinese land on Earth and among stars, and restore the glory of my Motherland. Hopefully, once I am done, my people will have their own place not only in this planet but in the galaxy. My mission may be the destruction of the New World Order but it's all for the sake of China, this has never change and never will. This is why once we are done with the minions of those beasts... I will use every resource, every cell of my body and all my own forces to hunt you down. Anyone who stays in my path will be terminated, this includes you Shiaryh Myfella Fūrén. However, as a Mongolian and Chinese, you are always welcome to join our cause."
  • "Chī dé kǔzhōngkǔ, fāng wéi rénshàngrén (Enduring deepening pain is how man ascends)."
  • "I am looking for patriots who know our place and for what we truly fight for. Not brainless nationalists with hegemonic desires and racial superiority. Get out of my sight."
  • “Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. This is by no means what I aim for and nor my words shall be confused with hatemongering words. But if war is what they want, I shall deliver what they want."
  • "Guǎng jiāoyǒu, wú shēnjiāo. (Numerous friends means no deep friendship)."
  • "My confidence is singular but I've earned it out there fighting, where you should be."
  • "Genuine equality means not treating everyone the same, but attending equally to everyone’s different needs."
  • ""There was no reason for me to get attacked by you. And therefore, there was no reason to dodge."
  • "Those who win are not strong. It is those who lose and crawl back up who are strong!"
  • "Before I can be happy I wish to be free. I am so happy, because, for the first time I can fight for myself."
  • "There's nothing happy about having your fate decided for you! You have to grab your own happiness!"
  • "All living things eventually die; it's unavoidable. But as long as you remember, it will live on in your heart forever."
  • "Everyone exists for a reason. as small as it can be... I'm sure you have a meaning too."
  • "I will pull out my sword to protect this country."
  • "I wanted a love and a family too... I am still a woman after all. But when I accepted my own monstrosity as part of me and I accepted doing every atrocity I made for the sake of the world and my country, I discarded my humanity a long time ago. Do monsters... have rights to love too? And if they have, there will be someone who is willing to love this monster?"
  • "It's hard to get hold grip of the very concept of communism because humans can easily corrupt what they touch, the KnightWalkers, Soviets and now the Godoms as well. The problem of religion lies on religious. The problem of money lies on those who use it. The problem of guns lies on those who are holding them. The problem of internet are the people using it. At the end, most ideas are not supposed to bad or wrong, it's just humanity twist those useful and beautiful ideas into personal playgrounds to satisfy themselves. To be honest, because of this, I am even afraid that I might not get to fulfill my dream without witnessing future generations transforming my legacy into their own toys. I don't want to see that."
  • "The fact that so many successful politicians are such shameless liars is not only a reflection on them, it is also a reflection on us. When the people want the impossible, only liars can satisfy. We believe in lies to escape from a morbid reality of truth. This is what the world is and we cannot revert this reality."
  • “It is easy to be conspicuously 'compassionate' if others are being forced to pay the cost."
  • "Murderer? This is what you call me? I may be one. Shì a! Hahaha! You are one of those moralists? I am surprise, Rozaliya, as anti-KnightWalker you know very well what we need to do to stop those false-communists. There is often talk of human rights here and there, mainly in Western countries but it is also necessary to talk of the rights of humanity. Why should some people walk barefoot, so that others can travel in luxurious cars? Why should some live for thirty-five years with empty bellies, so that others can live for seventy years with full bellies? Why should some be miserably poor, so that others can be hugely rich? I speak on behalf of the children in the world who do not have a piece of bread. Those like me. I speak on the behalf of the sick who have no medicine, of those whose rights to life and human dignity have been denied. Those like me. The people who were denied every chance of security, happiness and opportunity like me. I know for a fact the power lies on the masses and majority, that is always the poor and those who with starving bodies whom were denied the perfect opportunity in life. I will pull every single person of this hole and create the perfect Socialist Utopia, an idea that was always considered impossible. But now, with Magi-Tech, I can make the impossible become the possible reality. The fantasy into reality. The imperfection into perfection. I can create the perfect Marxist-Dream of a century of countless twists!"
  • "It is clear why Qliphoth perceive you as a threat. This war is beyond our political sides. It's about the future of our kind. Your victories are more than a product of chance. We, Chinese and Chronians will fight, but not for you, or any other earthling government or galactic race. China was one of the first, the apex human civilization of this world. Our history goes beyond many millennia and we shaped the history of humanity over the course of countless centuries. We will survive and continue to exist unlike those races before us from the Previous Era. And the Hyvralisks who trespass on this world will understand our power. They will fear our intellect and shake before our wrath as we march with our boots towards their lands. Today, they pay for their sins against our people in blood."
  • "This is not a war. This is a revolution to restore our people's glory and lead them to a bright future among the stars."
  • ""The ideas of Karl Marx were brilliant but impossible in practice to be completely covered by flawed human hands that could not reach his futuristic ideas. Some would say they were ahead of their time due to its past historical moment. But now we live in a different era where everything is possible, we have Magi-Tech and advanced otherworldly technology. Now, in other planets, Chronos can finally make his dream possible. As the centuries pass, his idea will become so solid that it will simply become part of our spirit as the name "Socialism" will slowly die like every human idea. Meanwhile, our race will continue to grow more intelligent and advanced.. His ideas and words will live in us until the day we die without the knowledge of future humans. Isn't that beautiful?"
  • "The leftists who are idealistically believing in the beauty of the New and Old Soviet Socialist are the worst types of "Marxists" there are. One that I could even say to be even worse than our vowed enemies from the KnightWalker Family in France, United States and Godom Empire. They are a type of enemy that twist our ideas and words to adapt them to their own dictatorship that benefit themselves, deconstructing everything we build like disgusting termites eating our home's structure from inside. They only carry the ideas of Karl Marx in name, in nature they are nothing but corrupt dictators."
  • "The world, viewed philosophically, remains a series of slave camps, where citizens – tax livestock – labor under the chains of illusion in the service of their masters. I will put an end to this abomination."
  • "If you can convince people that freedom is injustice, they will then believe that slavery is freedom."
  • "Fánrén bù kě màoxiàng, hǎishuǐ bù kě dòuliàng (Man cannot be judged by looks, seas cannot be measured by cup)."
  • "The world may be led by adults but anyone who is intelligent enough knows the children are the future. The point of our society is to serve them by giving them the best of opportunities to create a balanced, prosperous and shining future. If we live in a world where adults rule for adults or create a world to benefit adults only, they will eventually grow arrogant and blind to see their own mistakes. Even parents deserve to hear the words of their children when they commit mistakes, otherwise they are doomed to repeat them all over again until something really bad happens."
  • "The communism of Karl Marx would probably be actually the best for everybody as a whole, it's effective but it's an extreme complex and fragile idea that requires the delicate hands of an entire society guided by patient, intelligent and calm idealists. But what he didn't figure into was the stubborn and impatient human nature, and that's what corrupts it."
  • "Communism was never about care and love! It's about strength, collective will, teamwork, determination and dedication! Communism is a weapon, a tool, one that can be either used to construct a future for the future generations and as a weapon to crush anyone who dares to stand against our progress!"
  • "What's up with your conspiracies? It's not like I want to invade your country and hang up families for being capitalists. What in the world do you think Chinese are? Fascists?"
  • "I don't like to call my closest allies, friends and subordinates as “comrades" due to my position. The truth is that some comrades have the power of life and death over other comrades so I'd like mark my position as superior to not create false ideas of love and hope. It would break my heart knowing so many saw me as a Mother-figure only to dispose of them, it would destroy me from inside. I am human, a woman and mostly important I have feelings. Forgive me."
  • "When evil takes over, the good remains silent out of fear. It takes a loud voice to gather the courage of all that is good. Your and my country is gone. I am young and inexperienced but I will do my best to guide you all."
  • "I just want to tell you... that my faith and loyalty to you was never betrayed despite my unjustified betrayal. I love you but the feelings of billions are more important than my own feelings.."
  • "Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people. They make you believe in cosmic forces that do not exist and make your put all your faith and hopes on them expecting these invisible deities to hear them and save you. The end is the same. You die. The only time I prayed to God I ended up in a cage witnessing my own friends being abused and crying until they died in their own tears. So I decided to move my own legs and escaped from that gruesome fate. With my own hands and blood, I formed my own path. It's up to you to decide your own fate. This is no place for you to die, it's time to drop your Bible and stop praying, for God is not coming for you and your loved ones. If Gods ever existed, they are long gone. Rise and fight, make your own destiny!"
  • "Yǒnghéng de Zhōngguó!"
  • "Something must be done to save humanity, it's not just about politics. A better world is possible... could it be... the answer I was looking for?"
  • "The revolution is a dictatorship of the exploited against the exploiters. But we must not grow drunk in power... for we will soon become the next generations of exploiters and dictators against ourselves."
  • "Rénxīn qí, Tàishān yí. (When people work with one heart, they can even move Mount Tai)."

Funny Quotes

Unique Quotes

  • "Humor was better a decade years ago. Nowadays you have to make everything sexual to repay for your small... thing."
  • "Well, I don't see sight of intelligent life form around."
  • "Want to know how to torture a male god? Ignore him."
  • "Your misery begins now!.. I will happily put you out of it though!"
  • "The river Styx is very nice this time of year in the underworld... if you don't mind all the bodies."
  • "Foxes are much wiser than most animals. Even wiser than many gods and humans!"
  • "There was a married couple who went out for dinner. Suddenly the wife exclaimed, "Oh! I forgot to turn off the gas! There could be a fire!" The husband tried to comfort her by saying, "Don’t worry about it. In any case, I also forgot to turn off the water faucet. Hahahaha! Get it?! Huh?! No? Oh... ok."
  • "There are two stupid things I certain it exists. One is human stupidity. The other one is Tik-Tok."
  • "Suicide? We don't do that here in Chronos. Why? Destruction of state property."
  • "What’s the best thing about Switzerland? I don't know, but the flag is a big plus so let's go by it."
  • "Freedom of speech? Of course I allow it. How in the world I can rule a country where no ones speaks? What a silly question. Oh. That kind of freedom of speech? Nah. We don't do that here."
  • "Five out of six people agree that Russian Roulette is safe. They never saw what truly killed them."
  • "If con is the opposite of pro, then is Congress the opposite of progress? Good thing I erradicated it."
  • "Treacherous Fox? Huh. I kinda liked the name. You can continue to call me like it. Foxes are cute after all."
  • "Politicians and diapers have one thing in common: they should both be changed regularly… and for the same reason."
  • "What do you call security guards working outside Samsung shops? Guardians of the Galaxy! Hahahaha! Get it? Not again..."
  • "Wǒ zhè rén cóng bù(bú) jìchóu, yī(yì)bān dāngchǎng wǒ jiù bào le.It basically means: "I never hold a grudge, because I always pay it back right away." I spoke it in Mandarin because it's funnier to see their reactions of confusion before I finish them off. And yes, this is black humor of my own. You must excuse me, I am not good at joking."
  • "Would you like to be the sun in my life? If yes, then good. Stay 92.96 million miles away from me."
  • "Monday is a great for becoming too busy to die."
  • "Qīngchūn jiù xiàng wèishēngzhǐ。Kàn zhe tǐng duō de, yòng zhe yòng zhe jiù bù(bú)gòu le. Hahaha! Get it? Wait... I spoke in Mandarin again didn't I? It's a habit."
  • "Well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions. Wǒ huógāi (I deserve)."
  • "How to be like me. Step one: die... Step two: Regret because there is no reincarnation for trash."
  • "Is your bottom jealous of the amount of feces that comes out of your mouth?"
  • "Thanks for explaining the word "many" to me, it means a lot."
  • "Why I don't drink alcohol like most people of my age? Alcohol is a perfect solvent, maybe too much if you ask me: It dissolves marriages, families, and careers."
  • "At what age is it appropriate to tell my fox that he's adopted?"
  • "I don’t have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem."
  • "I hate opinions about Magi-Tech and research of Black Magic-Tech. Well, except when they're mine. Those are fine. Other ones suck."
  • "The last thing I want to do is hurt you; but it’s still on the list."
  • "You know, Lucy. Refusing to go to the gym is a form of resistance training."
  • "The rotation of Earth really makes my day."
  • "What do my boyfriend and ethical capitalism have in common? They don't exist. I feel so depressed now."
  • "A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory."


  • - Selina: We would be trapped in here about, um, six to nine months.
    • - Sephiria: Sixty-nine months?!
    • - Selina: No, six TO nine months.
    • (Later...)
    • Lucas: Selina, we've all the parts we need but we're slightly behind schedule.
    • - Selina: How slightly?
    • - Lucas: Six to nine years.
    • - Selina: Sixty-nine years?!
    • - Sephiria: No, six TO nine years.
    • - Selina: Hmm... I see.
  • - Lucy: Excuse me Meilí Shūjì. Recently Eugen has been suffering with pain in the heart. I believe this is due to her genetic and years of bad nutrition living in the streets. If we continue like this, she might die before her training is even complete.
    • - Sephiria: Just turn off the light.
    • - Lucy: Turn of the lights? What?
    • - Sephiria: Have you never heard that what the eyes cannot see the heart cannot feel?

Conversation concept

  • - La Folia: When I first met her I thought she was a very rebel, troubled, fanatical and annoying political activist. Always with bad humor and would not stop talking about leftist and Marxists philosophies. Gladly she seems more comfortable and relaxed nowadays.
    • - Sephiria: And when I met you I thought you were one of those typical Baizuo privileged blonde-Yankee girls found in "Sexy, Naughty and Bitchy". Glad you looks less of a dāi biǎo nowadays.
    • - Katya: Girls, please! You two are beautiful so let's stop fighting!
  • - Luxanna: Apparently, this one was just one of the many clones of Eckidina KnightWalker, not the original. Besides, it's apparent that Imperfect clones are human-like in all aspects and do not possess the same cyborg strength of the original. What shall we do with her?
    • - Sephiria: Bury her with her face down.
    • - Luxanna: Eh... why?
    • - Sephiria: If she awakes in her pit and try to escape I want her to dig deeper.
    • - Luxanna: I see... so you do have some sense of humor. Ew.
  • - Sephiria: In my early days when I founded Chronos, I used to hire only married men to work in my ministries.
    • - Isis: I remember that, I was there. I thought you hired the most experienced men to take care of the job. But why only the "married"?
    • - Sephiria: It's because they are used to be receive orders from a woman.
  • - Sephiria: Due to the war, Chronos cannot afford to send forces to combat Akrak in Brazil for obvious reasons. First: it's a neutral country. Second: we're on the middle of a war. And third: it takes a lot of time and money to move so much resources to a single place on the other side of the world. We can still send a fleet in three months.
    • - Lucas: Three months?! You are kidding me?! Akrak is the architect of the Hands of Apocalypse! She will use it on all of us! What if we and the entire world dies until them?!
    • - Sephiria: Then ask someone else to call me back and inform me you all died. I will be in another solar system until then.
  • - Japanese Politician: *gasp* Y-You are Sephiria?! The president of Chronos?! Wh--! How?! What are you doing in here in my apartment!! This is impossible
    • - Sephiria: Take a deep breath. I will be staying around Tenguu City for some time and I came here today to ask you a few questions about your apartment.
    • - Japanese Politician: What is it?!
    • - Sephiria: First, do you have children?
    • - Japanese Politician: Eh... no.
    • - Sephiria: Do you have any pets like dogs, birds or cats?
    • - Japanese Politician: No?
    • - Sephiria: Do you have any radio or speaker?
    • - Japanese Politician: No.
    • - Sephiria: Do you play any instrument?
    • - Japanese Politician: No... with all due respect. Sep--Meilí Z-Zhǔxí... why you are making such questions?
    • - Sephiria: You must excuse me. I said I will be staying in Tenguu City for some time and I will be renting the apartment next to yours.
  • - Eugen: Majesty... I mean Zhǔxí, I heard you are a very well-talented chef. Is that true?
    • - Sephiria: When I had nothing to eat as a child I had to cook soup of insects until I finally became more financially stable and learned professional Chinese recipes. But yes, I am. Why do you ask?
    • - Eugen: So you were the one who prepared those chickens from our dinner last night?
    • - Sephiria: I guess you could say so.
    • - Eugen: How do you prepare your chicken?! I am trying to learn more about culinary as part of my training!
    • - Sephiria: Let's go straight to the matter, Eugen. The first thing I do to prepare my chickens is inform them they will die...

Quotes on Sephiria

  • "Every Party member must raise her revolutionary qualities in every respect to the same level as those of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin." - Qin Shu
  • "Sephiria's whole life was characterized by an unceasing fierce struggle against crime, poverty, against imperialism and against the anti-Marxist and anti-Leninist currents and trends which had placed themselves in the service of world reaction and capital. She wishes humanity salvation or the salvation of her own ideologies? She may have lost herself on the way." - La Folia Rihavein
  • "Along the way, I had the opportunity to pass through the dominions of the Sephirianism, convincing me once again of just how terrible these Western octopuses are. I have sworn before the great leader Meíli that I won’t rest until I see these octopuses annihilated." - Ling Er
  • "Never forget that everything Sephiria did in Mongolia was legal. What is considered legal or illegal depends on which country. But genocide against those who opposed her Magi-Tech world? This is universally considered evil." - Lucy KnightWalker
  • "In a fallen world marked by human depravity and deep-seated sin, in a world where Sephiria and Juria had recruited millions of followers to commit mass murder, love must harness power and seek justice in order to have moral meaning. Love without power remained impotent, and power without love was bankrupt." - Rozalia Dutko
  • "Take the Magi-Tech World for example: Why did God allow Sephiria to experiment on millions of innocent? Because God didn't want to step on Sephiria's toes and interfere with her free will? That's a pretty lame excuse. What about the free will of all those people who died? I'm pretty sure that getting gassed to death was obviously not their choice. So, was the Holocaust part of God's great plan? Is that why he allowed it to happen? Is that why God didn't answer the prayers of all those Jews who begged him to make Hitler drop dead? Why didn't God just make people like Juria to have a heart attack before he could start World War 3? Why didn't he simply prevent people like Tathagata from being born? How could a God who is supposed to be all good all the time allow something like the Asian Holocaust? Or did God not just LET it happen? Maybe God MADE all genocides happen, because everything that happens, happens for a good reason? Are our minds simply too tiny, too inferior, to understand God's divine plan? Are we just too stupid to see the greater good that came out of million deaths? If that were true, and everything that happens, including the genocide, is part of God's perfect plan, then that means that all dictators really wasn't a bad people at all. He was actually doing God's work. And if Sephiria did exactly what he was supposed to do in God's great plan, then Sephiria obviously didn't have free will, but was just God's puppet. So that means Sephiria was a good guy. A man of God. Sorry, but there is no religion tha could sell me on believing THAT bullshit." - Katya

Voice (Chinese only)

Human / Magician


Nine-Tailed Fox




Nine-Tailed Fox


  • Needless to say by now, Sephiria was one of the characters that most suffered changes in the Reboot. While other characters only suffered background, design and personalities, Sephiria had her entire position in the story as a major heroine to become one of the story' major antagonists, usually appearing as a rival for the mainstream heroic group commanding an army of extremist who have the same goals but use extreme method of violence and cruelty, being literally the mirror version of the main heroic group that are still trying to keep their morals from using Sephiria and Chronos' Empire inhuman methods.
  • One of the points that never changed from the original Sephiria is the fact that she born from a rape sexual intercourse between Juria KnightWalker and a Chinese woman and faced the same difficulties of the original Sephiria, but instead of keeping her as a pure person, the new Reboot Sephiria pulled more realistic traces of what a real person would become if they ever suffered the same disgraceful and traumatic experiences; becoming a ruthless, paranoid, cruel and cold person once she experienced the true darkness of what humankind had to offer.
  • Sephiria suffer fear from sexual contact, includes hetero or homosexual (it seems to extend even to animal intercourse) due to her watching her mother being raped as a child. To add even more gruesomeness, she also witnessed other children (and implied infants) being sexually abused and assaulted in her time locked in a cage in an unknown black market of Asia. This caused her to develop genophobia as she began to see sex as some kind of diabolical ritual of nothing but pain and despair. However, she don't deny that, as a normal human, she developed the same sexual desires but treat it as a some kind of abomination inside of her, similar to how Oryx sees her Hyvralisk Carnal Period. However, she did state once to her personal psychologist that one of her secret dreams was to form a family, one that could rise in a safe and clean world.
    • As someone who is attractive, it's fairly normal to see other characters asking romantic advices (mainly Isis Maxwell who asks hints for her in her relationship with Lucas Kellan). Comically (or sadly), she states she had many lovers but never truly engaged in a relationship with someone to hide the shame of remaining virgin and alone for nearly 30 years due to her genophobia. Moreover, she never truly said about her phobia to other people out of fear of being disgraced.
  • Sephiria was originally named "Sephiria Arks KnightWalker" but the reboot version removed the "Arks" due to being too similar with "Atala Arck". Funny enough, there was a joke back in 2017 that Atala and Sephiria may be related somehow due to their surnames. The author simply revealed it was lack of creativity when writing Atala's original name.
  • One of the reasons why Sephiria also suffered radical changes in her character is the fact that the story of LOTM: SoG decided to get rid of almost every pure-hearted character to adapt them to the new dystopian future of the reboot that is widely known as a dark, sinister and morbid future filled with heartless people, lack of empathy and inhumanity, approaching the story to Cutie Honey Tears, a live-action film of the anime-manga magical girl Cutie Honey that is widely known as the first Magical Girl series of Japan's anime industry and popularized the concept. In Cutie Honey Tears, the story is known for focusing in a morbid cyberpunk future and approach darker themes, twisting once pure characters of the original anime series into depressed individuals. It also gets close to Kamen Rider Rogue, a side story of Kamen Rider Build that shows an even more twisted and darker version of Kamen Rider Rogue development, experience, transformation and story than what he is usually seem in the mainstream Kamen Rider Build.
  • Sephiria's Chinese name "Yuan" is the base unit of a number of former and present-day currencies in Chinese. It could also mean the individual is part of a noble family of the ancient state of Chen.
  • Sephiria's original eye colors are green but they became orange-honey by the time she became a Magician to point out that she became partially a canine animal. She also developed canine tendencies like licking her own fingers and could walk on four like a true canine rather than a human imitating a dog. Her claws, however, are said to be completely different from an actual canine but being similar to one of an eagle, it's implied it's due to her humanity DNA colliding with her new powers, therefore gathering humanity's previous stages of evolution from million years ago.
  • Unlike the previous Sephiria that also had the mind and sanity of iron, the new reboot Sephiria is far more realistic and developed a lot of mental disorders and fears on the process of her most disturbing moment in life. On the other hand, she also falls to her agony and despair and let them consume her, becoming an uncaring monster by the time she reached 25 years old.
  • Sephiria's favorite drinks are all forms of tea, something that she was inspired by the tea Chinese culture that has a major influence on the development of Chinese culture, and Chinese traditional culture is closely connected with Chinese tea. Tea is often associated with literature, arts, and philosophy and is closely connected with Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism. Roughly since the Tang Dynasty, drinking tea has been an essential part of self-cultivation. Chinese Chan (similar to Japanese Zen) philosophy is also linked with drinking tea.
  • Theorically and technically, Sephiria was the first Chinese OC of the entire CIS Productions and LOTM: Sword of Kings as she was born in Mainland China. However, the previous version of the character had many flaws, the first being that nothing about her was about Chinese in background and appearance; something that the authors added to their long list of flaws in the previous script that led them to reboot the entire story. Besides, no source was provided why she was named Sephiria in the first place, an European name, leaving the reader to imagine she was named after Juria KnightWalker's foreign name.
  • Sephiria is anti-religious and radical atheist at best, her tragic experiences and traumatic background caused her to come to the conclusion there is no God in the world, no matter which religion and went as far as to call religious people as brainless individuals who worships forces that cannot be seen or even exist, becoming similar to the fanatics who "idolizes" others for everything they are. Because of this Chronos banned every form of religion, considering them to useless and redundant forms of education. Her feeling of hatred toward Gods only increased when she learned they actually existed but never did anything to help the mortals who are destroying themselves in every known planet.
  • Sephiria was history lover and was fascinated with the history of humanity and Earth as a whole, going to even enhance her brain with more powerful artificial cells to store as much as memories and knowledge as possible to ascend beyond human's normal intellectual capabilities; all for the sake of learning more and more without ever forgetting everything she learned. She had interest in learning about oldest countries like Japan, Korea, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Greece, Portugal, India, etc. One of her hidden hobbies was the search and collection of ancient relics of humanity to keep it hidden from the public and museums desiring to buy her artifacts, this point made Sephiria look like a child collecting things that made her happy.
  • Sephiria is fluent in Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, Latin, German, English, Chinese and Japanese. She is also at least fluent in the Multi-Universal Language used by the Reality Council to communicate with deities and the members of Reality Board, being the only human to ever fully learn the language in the history of Lynenta Omniverse.
  • Sephiria's aspect of death is Silence to Kroniesa's Despair, Oryx's Loneliness and Ara Astaroth's Emptiness.
  • Her favorite color is grey because since she became a Magician she lost her sense of colors and can only see the world as lifeless grey (almost white and black). According to her, this kind of world is dead and soulless but it's perfect for someone like her who will never forget those who hurt her. Much like other characters, Sephiria has a Caretaker music of her own to look deeper into her mind and what is truly happening there.
  • Sephiria was born 1 May, the day that mark the beginning of the Chinese International Workers' Day, also known as Chinese Labor Day. Until 2008, this holiday was celebrated for seven days, however later the Chinese government decided to reduce the number of off-days to three in favor of other traditional Chinese holidays. This symbolism remarks her diligent character and inspire her country to be a hard-working nation of workers, loyal and honorable citizens. However, as part of her extremist character and traitor title, these points were reinforced with authoritarianism and is used to symbolize forced labor and slavery of immigrants to use cheap labor.
  • Sephiria always liked foxes since childhood, considering them to be sneaky, calculating and tricky predators despite her country mythological view on foxes being deceitful, mischievous or evil by nature, common in almost every Japanese and Korean mythologies where said foxes are depicted as a spirit possessed of magic powers. These foxes are depicted as mischievous, usually tricking other people, with the ability to disguise themselves as a beautiful woman. The fox spirit is an especially prolific shapeshifter, known variously as the húli jīng (fox spirit) in China, the kitsune (fox) in Japan, and the kumiho (nine-tailed fox) in Korea. Although the specifics of the tales vary, these fox spirits can usually shapeshift, often taking the form of beautiful young women who attempt to seduce men, whether for mere mischief or to consume their bodies or spirits.
  • For all her elegance, Sephiria's signature laugh is quite unsophisticated, being "K↗️K↘️K↗️K↗️".
  • Chronically, Sephiria is the first socialist OC created in the side of LOTM: SoK/SoG while previous villains followed the script of Stalinism and other more extremist version of socialism such as Juche. Sephiria's original character is considered the very first Chinese OC of CIS Productions at that. And is currently the very first socialist heroine character created by Sirin of the Void.
  • Sephiria is the only known character that often speaks in her original language (Mandarin/Chinese) without even trying due to her being fluent in too many languages and loses herself in her own language. For example, she may speak in Chinese words in the middle of English or Japanese dialogues or Russian in Korean and Spanish conversations. This is often played for laughs rather than something serious about her character.
  • Sephiria was shown to be a fan of Japanese's animations despite her dislike for cartoons, stating that many anime characters (mainly ones from more mature and serious works) reminds her of herself. She does not have free time to watch them but surely takes minutes of her free time to watch them at times but it's not that great to be considered an actual hobby.
  • Much like Oryx, Sephiria has an obsession for cleanness and takes around 3 to 4 showers everyday. The record of her washing her hands in a single day is 13 times in less than 15 hours. As part of her routine, she clean her claws twice every day, brush her teeth around 5 times in 24 hours and use excessive anti-germs products as well as gloves before touching anything or anyone. Due to her obsession for cleanness, Sephiria took several beauty sessions of skin and hair, shaving her entire body with laser and producing a skin so white and clean that it makes her look like a porcelain doll. Her obsession for beauty, unlike Oryx that was inspired by her country's beauty standard, was inspired after many people used to call her an ugly swine as a child, which ironically saved her from being sexually assaulted by perverted offenders and pedophile maniacs.
  • Unlike the original Sephiria who was... quite young, very young to be the leader of an extremely advanced nation in record time, the reboot Sephiria is much older and is around 38-years old (around the time of LOTM: SoG) with the body and looks of a 25-years old woman thanks to her Nigh-Immortality given by the Magi-Tech Gas, which stopped her grown around the time she became a Magician, achieving the so-called Eternal Youth that millions longed for.
  • Sephiria is allergic to shrimps and will get red like an apple if she touch one.
  • She is revealed to have low alcohol tolerance and will get dizzy just by smelling the aroma of an alcoholic drink.


Author's Personal Inspirations


  • Sephiria's mysophobia was inspired by Sirin of the Void's same issue that was used to inspire Oryx, but the case of Sephiria is more realistic and approach the same pattern of Sirin's while Oryx is a more fictional and more extremist version of the issue.
  • Her likings for black or dark clothes is inspired by Sirin of the Void's gothic-like tendencies as he doesn't like to wear colorful clothes and prefer to use an unique color for the entire set.
  • Much of her obsession for cleanness and behavior of not touching objects or people around her (that is also attached to her mysophobia) is also inspired by Sirin of the Void who refuses to even get sweat or get dirty for a minute without taking a shower for the next few minutes.


  • Sephiria's patriotism is inspired not only by Sirin that has the same political position. However, as a Chinese, Sephiria's love for her country was deeply inspired by the Communist Youth League of China and the most educational Chinese citizen. However, her desire to restore CCP to replace the the new government post-2020s Crisis is inspired by Sirin (and consequently Oryx) who does not share the same liking for the current Brazilian Republican government and believes the previous regime was the best government for their respective countries.
  • Her fear of oceans is also inspired by one of Sirin's fears that is also being used to represent Katarina Couteau's biggest fear. This fear however is only related to what may lie deep at the bottom of the ocean instead of the actual sea and the surface creatures.
  • Sephiria's Atheism is a more radical version of Sirin's thoughts on Christianity. As a citizen of a country where Christianity is the dominant religion, the author was doctrined to follow the religion but with all cruelty happening in the world the author left his religion to believe that a deity figure exist but not in the same way Christianity believes Him to be. Sephiria is a straight religion and God hater, which is a far more radical version of any known Atheism.
  • Sephiria was introduced as some sort of Anti-American individual due to U.S. politics being radical outside of its mainland and violation of human rights in other countries, however, unlike most of her allies and people, this only extends to American leaders and military leaders rather than civilians. However, as an analytic person, she also does not ignore the violation of human rights committed by other countries and even her own, having full knowledge of their crimes and seek to repair them to avoid young generations from suffering the terror of war, famine and poverty she experienced.

Real Life Inspirations

Mao Zedong


Mao Zedong (December 26, 1893 – September 9, 1976), also known as Chairman Mao, was a Chinese communist revolutionary, poet, political theorist and founding father of the People's Republic of China, which he ruled as the Chairman of the Communist Party of China from its establishment in 1949 until his death in 1976. His theories and military strategies and political policies are collectively known as Maoism or Marxism–Leninism–Maoism.

Mao Zedong was the son of a wealthy farmer in Shaoshan, Hunan. Mao adopted a Chinese nationalist and anti-imperialist outlook early in his life, and was particularly influenced by the events of the Xinhai Revolution of 1911 and May Fourth Movement of 1919. Mao adopted Marxism–Leninism while working at Peking University and became a founding member of the Communist Party of China (CPC), leading the Autumn Harvest Uprising in 1927. During the Chinese Civil War between the Kuomintang (KMT) and the CPC, Mao helped to found the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, led the Jiangxi Soviet's radical land policies and ultimately became head of the CPC during the Long March. Although the CPC temporarily allied with the KMT under the United Front during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945), after Japan's surrender China's civil war resumed and in 1949 Mao's forces defeated the Nationalists who withdrew to Taiwan.

On October 1, 1949, Mao Zedong proclaimed the foundation of the People's Republic of China (PRC), a single-party state controlled by the CPC. In the following years Mao solidified his control through land reforms and through a psychological victory in the Korean War, and through campaigns against landlords, people he termed "counter-revolutionaries", and other perceived enemies of the state. In 1957 he launched a campaign known as the Great Leap Forward that aimed to rapidly transform China's economy from an agrarian economy to an industrial one. This campaign led to the deadliest famine in history and the deaths of more than 45 million people. In 1966, he initiated the Cultural Revolution, a program to remove "counter-revolutionary" elements of Chinese society that lasted 10 years and which was marked by violent class struggle, widespread destruction of cultural artifacts and unprecedented elevation of Mao's personality cult and which is officially regarded as a "severe setback" for the PRC.

In 1972, Mao welcomed American President Richard Nixon in Beijing, signalling a policy of opening China, which was furthered under the rule of Deng Xiaoping (1978–1989). Mao suffered a series of heart attacks in 1976 and died at the age of 82 on September 9. Mao was succeeded as paramount leader by Chairman Hua Guofeng (1976–1978), who was quickly sidelined and replaced by Deng.

A controversial figure, Mao Zedong is regarded as one of the most important individuals in modern world history and is also known as a theorist, military strategist, poet and visionary. Supporters credit him with driving imperialism out of China, modernising China and building it into a world power, promoting the status of women, improving education and health care, as well as increasing life expectancy as China's population grew from around 550 million to over 900 million under his leadership. Conversely, his autocratic totalitarian regime has been vastly condemned for overseeing mass repressions and destruction of religious and cultural artifacts and sites, which through arbitrary executions, purges and forced labor caused an estimated 40 to 70 million deaths, which would rank his tenure as the top incidence of excess mortality in human history.

Vladimir Lenin


Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (April 22, 1870 - January 21, 1924) was a Russian communist revolutionary, politician and political theorist. He served as the leader of the Russian SFSR from 1917, and then concurrently as Premier of the Soviet Union from 1922, until his death. Politically a Marxist, his theoretical contributions to Marxist thought are known as Leninism, which coupled with Marxian economic theory have collectively come to be known as Marxism–Leninism.

Born to a wealthy middle-class family in Simbirsk, Lenin embraced revolutionary socialist politics following his brother's execution in 1887. Expelled from Kazan Imperial University for participating in protests against the Russian Empire's Tsarist government, he devoted the following years to a law degree. He moved to Saint Petersburg in 1893 and became a senior figure in the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP). In 1897, he was arrested for sedition and exiled to Shushenskoye for three years, where he married Nadezhda Krupskaya. After his exile, he moved to Western Europe, where he became a prominent party theorist through his publications. In 1903, he took a key role in a RSDLP ideological split, leading the Bolshevik faction against Julius Martov's Mensheviks. Encouraging insurrection during Russia's failed Revolution of 1905, he later campaigned for the First World War to be transformed into a Europe-wide proletarian revolution, which as a Marxist he believed would cause the overthrow of capitalism and its replacement with socialism. After the 1917 February Revolution ousted the Tsar and established a Provisional Government, he returned to Russia to play a leading role in the October Revolution, in which the Bolsheviks overthrew the new regime.

Lenin's Bolshevik government initially shared power with the Left Socialist Revolutionaries, elected soviets, and a multi-party Constituent Assembly, although by 1918 it had centralised power in the new Communist Party. Lenin's administration redistributed land among the peasantry and nationalised banks and large-scale industry. It withdrew from the First World War by signing a treaty with the Central Powers and promoted world revolution through the Communist International. Opponents were suppressed in the Red Terror, a violent campaign administered by the state security services; tens of thousands were killed or interned in concentration camps. His administration defeated right and left-wing anti-Bolshevik armies in the Russian Civil War from 1917 to 1922 and oversaw the Polish-Soviet War of 1919–1921. Responding to wartime devastation, famine, and popular uprisings, in 1921 Lenin encouraged economic growth through the market-orientated New Economic Policy. Several non-Russian nations secured independence after 1917, but three re-united with Russia through the formation of the Soviet Union in 1922. In increasingly poor health, Lenin expressed opposition to the growing power of his successor, Joseph Stalin, before dying at his dacha in Gorki.

Widely considered one of the most significant and influential figures of the 20th century, Lenin was the posthumous subject of a pervasive personality cult within the Soviet Union until its dissolution in 1991. He became an ideological figurehead behind Marxism-Leninism and thus a prominent influence over the international communist movement. A controversial and highly divisive individual, Lenin is viewed by supporters as a champion of socialism and the working class, while critics on both the left and right emphasize his role as founder and leader of an authoritarian regime responsible for political repression and mass killings.

Elizabeth I


Elizabeth I (7 September 1533 – 24 March 1603) was Queen of England and Ireland from 17 November 1558 until her death on 24 March 1603. Sometimes called the Virgin Queen, Gloriana or Good Queen Bess, Elizabeth was the last of the five monarchs of the House of Tudor.

Elizabeth was the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, his second wife, who was executed two-and-a-half years after Elizabeth's birth. Anne's marriage to Henry VIII was annulled, and Elizabeth was declared illegitimate. Her half-brother, Edward VI, ruled until his death in 1553, bequeathing the crown to Lady Jane Grey and ignoring the claims of his two half-sisters, the Roman Catholic Mary and the younger Elizabeth, in spite of statute law to the contrary. Edward's will was set aside and Mary became queen, deposing Lady Jane Grey. During Mary's reign, Elizabeth was imprisoned for nearly a year on suspicion of supporting Protestant rebels.

Upon the death of her half-sister, in 1558, Elizabeth succeeded to the throne, and set out to rule by good counsel. She depended heavily on a group of trusted advisers, led by William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley. One of her first actions as queen was the establishment of an English Protestant church, of which she became the supreme governor. This Elizabethan Religious Settlement was to evolve into the Church of England. It was expected that Elizabeth would marry and produce an heir; however, despite numerous courtships, she never did. She was eventually succeeded by her first cousin twice removed, James VI of Scotland, laying the foundation for the Kingdom of Great Britain. She had earlier been responsible for the imprisonment and execution of James's mother, Mary, Queen of Scots.

In government, Elizabeth was more moderate than her father and half-siblings had been. One of her mottoes was "video et taceo" ("I see and keep silent"). In religion, she was relatively tolerant and avoided systematic persecution. After the pope declared her illegitimate in 1570 and released her subjects from obedience to her, several conspiracies threatened her life, all of which were defeated with the help of her ministers' secret service. Elizabeth was cautious in foreign affairs, manoeuvring between the major powers of France and Spain. She only half-heartedly supported a number of ineffective, poorly resourced military campaigns in the Netherlands, France, and Ireland. By the mid-1580s, England could no longer avoid war with Spain. England's victory against the Spanish Armada in 1588 associated Elizabeth with one of the greatest military victories in English history.

As she grew older, Elizabeth became celebrated for her virginity. A cult of personality grew around her which was celebrated in the portraits, pageants, and literature of the day. Elizabeth's reign became known as the Elizabethan era. The period is famous for the flourishing of English drama, led by playwrights such as William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe, and for the seafaring prowess of English adventurers such as Francis Drake. Some historians depict Elizabeth as a short-tempered, sometimes indecisive ruler, who enjoyed more than her share of luck. Towards the end of her reign, a series of economic and military problems weakened her popularity. Elizabeth is acknowledged as a charismatic performer and a dogged survivor in an era when government was ramshackle and limited, and when monarchs in neighbouring countries faced internal problems that jeopardised their thrones. After the short reigns of her half-siblings, her 44 years on the throne provided welcome stability for the kingdom and helped forge a sense of national identity.

Hugo Chávez

Hugo Chávez salute

Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías was a Venezuelan politician who was President of Venezuela from 1999 to 2013. Chávez was also leader of the Fifth Republic Movement political party from its foundation in 1997 until 2007, when it merged with several other parties to form the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), which he led until 2012.

Born into a working-class family in Sabaneta, Barinas, Chávez became a career military officer, and after becoming dissatisfied with the Venezuelan political system based on the Puntofijo Pact, he founded the clandestine Revolutionary Bolivarian Movement-200 (MBR-200) in the early 1980s. Chávez led the MBR-200 in an unsuccessful coup d'état against the Democratic Action government of President Carlos Andrés Pérez in 1992, for which he was imprisoned. Pardoned from prison after two years, he founded a political party known as the Fifth Republic Movement and was elected President of Venezuela in 1998. He was re-elected in 2000 and again in 2006 with over 60% of the votes. After winning his fourth term as president in the October 2012 presidential election, he was to be sworn in on 10 January 2013, but Venezuela's National Assembly postponed the inauguration to allow him time to recover from medical treatment in Cuba. Suffering a return of the cancer originally diagnosed in June 2011, Chávez died in Caracas on 5 March 2013 at the age of 58.

Following the adoption of a new constitution in 1999, Chávez focused on enacting social reforms as part of the Bolivarian Revolution. Using record-high oil revenues of the 2000s, his government nationalized key industries, created participatory democratic Communal Councils and implemented social programs known as the Bolivarian missions to expand access to food, housing, healthcare and education. Venezuela received high oil profits in the mid-2000s, resulting in temporary improvements in areas such as poverty, literacy, income equality and quality of life occurring primarily between 2003 and 2007, though these gains started to reverse after 2012 and it has been argued that government policies did not address structural inequalities. Chávez's populist policies eventually led to a severe socioeconomic crisis in Venezuela.

On 2 June 2010, Chávez declared an "economic war" due to shortages in Venezuela, beginning the crisis in Bolivarian Venezuela. By the end of Chávez's presidency in the early 2010s, economic actions performed by his government during the preceding decade such as deficit spending and price controls proved to be unsustainable, with Venezuela's economy faltering while poverty, inflation and shortages increased. Chávez's presidency also saw significant increases in the country's murder rate and continued corruption within the police force and government. His use of enabling acts and his government's use of Bolivarian propaganda were also controversial.

Internationally, Chávez aligned himself with the Marxist–Leninist governments of Fidel and then Raúl Castro in Cuba, as well as the socialist governments of Evo Morales (Bolivia), Rafael Correa (Ecuador) and Daniel Ortega (Nicaragua). His presidency was seen as a part of the socialist "pink tide" sweeping Latin America. Chávez described his policies as anti-imperialist, being a prominent adversary of the United States' foreign policy as well as a vocal critic of U.S.-supported neo-liberalism and laissez-faire capitalism. He described himself as a Marxist. He supported Latin American and Caribbean cooperation and was instrumental in setting up the pan-regional Union of South American Nations, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas, the Bank of the South and the regional television network TeleSUR. Chavez's ideas, programs, and style form the basis of "Chavismo", a political ideology closely associated with Bolivarianism and socialism of the 21st century.

Deng Xiaoping

714px-Deng Xiaoping and Jimmy Carter at the arrival ceremony for the Vice Premier of China

Deng Xiaoping, courtesy name Xixia, was a Chinese politician. He was the paramount leader of the People's Republic of China from 1978 until his retirement in 1989. After Chairman Mao Zedong's death, Deng led his country through far-reaching market-economy reforms. While Deng never held office as the head of state, head of government or General Secretary (that is, the leader of the Communist Party), he nonetheless was responsible for economic reforms and an opening to the global economy. During his paramount leadership, his official state positions were Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference from 1978–1983 and Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China from 1983–1990, while his official party positions were Vice Chairman of the Communist Party of China from 1977–1982 and Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China from 1981–1989.

Born into a peasant background in Guang'an, Sichuan province, Deng studied and worked in France in the 1920s, where he became a follower of Marxism–Leninism. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1923. Upon his return to China he joined the party organization in Shanghai, then was a political commissar for the Red Army in rural regions and by the late 1930s was considered a "revolutionary veteran" because he participated in the Long March. Following the founding of the People's Republic in 1949, Deng worked in Tibet and the southwest region to consolidate Communist control.

As the party's Secretary General in the 1950s, Deng presided over anti-rightist campaigns and became instrumental in China's economic reconstruction following the Great Leap Forward of 1957–1960. However, his economic policies caused him to fall out of favor with Mao, and he was purged twice during the Cultural Revolution. Following Mao's death in 1976, Deng outmaneuvered the late chairman's chosen successor Hua Guofeng in December 1978. Inheriting a country beset with social conflict, disenchantment with the Communist Party and institutional disorder resulting from the leftist policies of the Mao era, Deng became the paramount figure of the "second generation" of party leadership. Some called him "the architect" of a new brand of thinking that combined socialist ideology with pragmatic market economy whose slogan was "socialism with Chinese characteristics". Deng opened China to foreign investment and the global market, policies that are credited with developing China into one of the fastest-growing economies in the world for several generations and raising the standard of living of hundreds of millions. Deng was praised for his reaffirmation of the reform program in his Southern Tour of 1992 and the reversion of Hong Kong to Chinese control in 1997. He was the Time Person of the Year in 1978 and 1985, the second Chinese leader (after Chiang Kai-shek) and the third communist leader (after Joseph Stalin, picked twice, and Nikita Khrushchev) to be selected. He died in February 1997, aged 92.

Wang Hongwen


Wang Hongwen (December 1935 – August 3, 1992) was a Chinese labour activist and politician who spent most of his career in Shanghai. He was an important political figure during the Cultural Revolution (1966–76). He was the youngest member of the political clique called the "Gang of Four." During the Cultural Revolution, Wang rose from a member of the working class to become one of the foremost members of national leadership of the Communist Party of China. At the pinnacle of his power he was the second Vice-Chairman of the CCP, and ranked third in the Communist Party's hierarchy. Following Mao's death in 1976, Wang was arrested and charged with "counterrevolutionary activity," then sentenced to life imprisonment in 1981.

At the 9th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Wang was elected a member of the Central Committee. Following the Lin Biao incident, Wang was put in charge of the investigation into the case in the Shanghai area, reporting directly to Mao. At the 10th National Congress of the CCP in 1973, Wang Hongwen was elevated to second ranking Vice Chairman in the Central Committee, and a member of the Politburo Standing Committee, making him the third-highest-ranking member of the CCP, behind Chairman Mao Zedong and Premier Zhou Enlai.[1] All signs pointed to Wang being trained as Mao's successor.

Wang was rumored to be slated to become Premier after then-Premier Zhou Enlai's death in January 1976. However, Hua Guofeng, a more moderate figure, was chosen to succeed Zhou instead. Wang was an important player during and after the death of Mao, and served as the masters of ceremonies for his funeral service on national radio on September 18, 1976. He was arrested in what was essentially a coup planned by Hua and General Ye Jianying for his participation in the Gang of Four during the Cultural Revolution in October 1976. Wang was tried and sentenced to life imprisonment in 1981. He died of liver cancer in a Beijing hospital on August 3, 1992 at the age of 56.

Wang was one of the youngest members of the Politburo Standing Committee in the post-revolution Communist Party, having joined the body aged 37. He was the same age as some standing committee members who took office even after the turn of the century, such as Luo Gan (served on the PSC between 2002 and 2007), who was also born in 1935.

Getúlio Vargas

Getulio Vargas (1930)

Getúlio Dornelles Vargas was a Brazilian lawyer and politician, who served as president during two periods: the first was from 1930 to 1945, when he served as interim president from 1930 to 1934, constitutional president from 1934 to 1937, and dictator from 1937 to 1945. After resigning in 1945, Vargas returned to power as the democratically elected president in 1951, serving until his suicide in 1954. Vargas led Brazil for 18 years, the longest of any president, and second in Brazilian history only to Emperor Pedro II among heads of state. He favoured nationalism, industrialization, centralization, social welfare and populism – for the latter, Vargas won the nickname, "the father of the poor". Vargas is one of a number of populists who arose during the 1930s in Latin America, including Lázaro Cárdenas and Juan Perón, who promoted nationalism and pursued social reform. He was a proponent of workers' rights as well as a staunch anti-communist.

Born to a military father and Azorean mother, Vargas enlisted in the military, but left soon after he was mobilised to pursue Law at Porto Alegre in Rio Grande do Sul, where he familiarised himself with Republican politics. He officially entered politics in Rio Grande do Sul and became a member of the Chamber of Deputies in 1923 before becoming the Minister of Finance for the Washington Luís administration. Vargas soon resigned from the position to become President (Governor) of Rio Grande do Sul.

In 1929, Vargas was chosen by the "Liberal Alliance" (Aliança Liberal) as an opposition candidate in the 1930 Brazilian general election for the presidency. Despite his loss, Vargas soon found himself at the centre of a popular armed revolution in the country due to growing economic and political divide. Military leaders in Brazil installed Vargas as the provisional President of Brazil for four years at the height of social, economic, and political crisis in the country. His entry into the presidency marked the disbanding of a prolonged oligarchic rule in Brazil known as coffee with milk politics and ending the First Brazilian Republic. Brazil now entered the Vargas Era, a period in which Vargas was head of state for nearly the entire time.

Vargas introduced massive economic reforms to Brazil throughout his presidencies, though most were being bypassed long after their implementation. He also quelled a 1932 São Paulo revolution, which soon turned into a civil war, negotiating soft peace terms with the rebels. A 1934 Constitution was implemented, making Vargas a "constitutional president" elected by a Constituent Assembly, and democracy was expanded. In 1935, Vargas suspended civil rights and jailed opposition in the wake of a communist uprising. In 1937, however, Vargas initiated a self-coup, establishing an 8-year long dictatorship with himself at its centre.

Vargas sought to transform Brazil from a plantation-based economy into an industrialized powerhouse, using government intervention. His embrace of developmentalism was expressed not only in strong rhetoric, but also by lending protection to domestic industries and by devoting much state funding to investment aimed at kick-starting "strategic" sectors and setting up the necessary infrastructure. Vargas created state monopolies for oil (Petrobras), mining (Vale), steelmaking (National Siderurgy Company), alkalis (National Alkalis Company) and automobiles (National Motors Factory).

With the global rise of democracy in the aftermath of World War II, Vargas was forced to step down in 1945 and was succeeded by José Linhares the same year. Nevertheless, the economic growth that occurred under his administration made him a popular figure in Brazilian politics even after his resignation. His popularity awarded him a late presidential term in 1951, but growing political strife over his views and methods led to his suicide in 1954. He was the first president in the country to draw widespread support from the masses and is regarded as the most influential Brazilian politician of the twentieth century. He had also been a lawyer and landowner who occupied the 37º chair of the Brazilian Academy of Letters from 1943 until his death.

Kim Il-sung

Kim Il-sung in 1950

Kim Il-sung was the founder and dictator of North Korea, which he ruled from the country's establishment in 1948 until his death in 1994. He held the posts of Premier from 1948 to 1972 and President from 1972 to 1994. He was also the leader of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) from 1949 to 1994 (titled as Chairman from 1949 to 1966 and as General Secretary after 1966). Coming to power after the end of Japanese rule in 1945, he authorized the invasion of South Korea in 1950, triggering an intervention in defense of South Korea by the United Nations led by the United States. Following the military stalemate in the Korean War, a ceasefire was signed on 27 July 1953. He was the third longest-serving non-royal head of state/government in the 20th century, in office for more than 45 years.

Under his leadership, North Korea was established as a communist state with a publicly owned and planned economy. It had close political and economic relations with the Soviet Union. By the late 1950s and during the 1960s and 1970s, North Korea enjoyed a higher standard of living than the South, which was suffering from political chaos and economic crises. The situation was reversed in the 1980s, as a newly stable South Korea became an economic powerhouse which was fueled by Japanese and American investment, military aid and internal economic development, while North Korea stagnated and then declined during the same period. Differences emerged between North Korea and the Soviet Union, chief among them was Kim Il-sung's philosophy of Juche, which focused on Korean nationalism, self-reliance and socialism. Despite this, the country received funds, subsidies and aid from the USSR and the Eastern Bloc until the dissolution of the USSR in 1991. The resulting loss of economic aid adversely affected the North's economy, causing widespread famine in 1994. During this period, North Korea also remained critical of the United States defense force's presence in the region, which it considered imperialist, having seized the American ship USS Pueblo in 1968, which was part of an infiltration and subversion campaign to reunify the peninsula under North Korea's rule. He outlived Joseph Stalin by four decades and Chinese Communist Party chairman Mao Zedong by almost two and remained in power during the terms of office of six South Korean Presidents, ten US Presidents and the reigns of British monarchs George VI and later his daughter Elizabeth II. Known as the Great Leader (Suryong), he established a personality cult which dominates domestic politics in North Korea.

At the 6th WPK Congress in 1980, his oldest son Kim Jong-il was elected to be a Presidium member and chosen to be his successor. Kim Il-sung's birthday is a public holiday in North Korea called the "Day of the Sun". In 1998, 4 years after his death, Kim Il-sung was declared "eternal President of the Republic".

Che Ghevara


Ernesto "Che" Guevara was an Argentine Marxist revolutionary, physician, author, guerrilla leader, diplomat, and military theorist. A major figure of the Cuban Revolution, his stylized visage has become a ubiquitous counter-cultural symbol of rebellion and global insignia in popular culture.

As a young medical student, Guevara traveled throughout South America and was radicalized by the poverty, hunger, and disease he witnessed. His burgeoning desire to help overturn what he saw as the capitalist exploitation of Latin America by the United States prompted his involvement in Guatemala's social reforms under President Jacobo Árbenz, whose eventual CIA-assisted overthrow at the behest of the United Fruit Company solidified Guevara's political ideology. Later, while living in Mexico City, he met Raúl and Fidel Castro, joined their 26 July Movement, and sailed to Cuba aboard the yacht, Granma, with the intention of overthrowing Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. Guevara soon rose to prominence among the insurgents, was promoted to second-in-command, and played a pivotal role in the victorious two-year guerrilla campaign that deposed the Batista regime.

Following the Cuban Revolution, Guevara performed a number of key roles in the new government. These included reviewing the appeals and firing squads for those convicted as war criminals during the revolutionary tribunals, instituting agrarian land reform as minister of industries, helping spearhead a successful nationwide literacy campaign, serving as both national bank president and instructional director for Cuba’s armed forces, and traversing the globe as a diplomat on behalf of Cuban socialism. Such positions also allowed him to play a central role in training the militia forces who repelled the Bay of Pigs Invasion and bringing the Soviet nuclear-armed ballistic missiles to Cuba which precipitated the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. Additionally, he was a prolific writer and diarist, composing a seminal manual on guerrilla warfare, along with a best-selling memoir about his youthful continental motorcycle journey.

His experiences and studying of Marxism–Leninism led him to posit that the Third World's underdevelopment and dependence was an intrinsic result of imperialism, neocolonialism, and monopoly capitalism, with the only remedy being proletarian internationalism and world revolution. Guevara left Cuba in 1965 to foment revolution abroad, first unsuccessfully in Congo-Kinshasa and later in Bolivia, where he was captured by CIA-assisted Bolivian forces and summarily executed. Many people also need to come to grips with the crimes against humanity that Che Guevara and his fellow guerilla soldiers committed against Cuban civilians to achieve victory and secure authoritarian rule under the Castro brothers. Learning the truth will debunk the mythology the regime uses to indoctrinate the Cuban people and hold them back from asserting their human rights.

Fidel Castro

1200px-Fidel Castro in Washington

Fidel Castro (August 13, 1926 - November 25, 2016) was the leftist leader of Communist Cuba. He was the son of a wealthy farmer and was an important proponent of Fulgencia's overthrowing. He had been known to try to assassinate the leader as well. He allied with the Soviet Union, and the CIA tried to assassinate him, including the Bay of Pigs invasion of 1961. After the CIA failed, the Soviet Union gave Cuba permission to use nuclear missiles. This resulted in the Cuban Missile Crisis, where the United States eventually needed to agree that it would never invade Russia and Cuba and that they would never use the missiles.

He was an authoritarian figure who was Marxist Communist and believed in anti-fascism, (ironically his rule was completely indistinguishable from fascism) welfare, socialism, and no businesses. His idea was to have the government control all manufacturing. While many believed him to be a hero who was combatting conservatism, he actually abused his powers. Fidel Castro’s regime jailed and tortured political prisoners at a higher rate than Stalin’s during the Great Terror, murdered more Cubans in its first three years in power than Hitler’s murdered Germans during its first six and came closest of anyone in history to starting a worldwide Nuclear war.

In the above process Fidel Castro converted a nation with a higher per-capita income than half of Europe and a huge influx of immigrants into one that repels Haitians and boasts the highest suicide rate in the Western Hemisphere. It's implied 50,000 people were killed and tortured during his regime for standing up against the communist revolution in Cuba.

George Washington

Ge Washington

George Washington (February 22, 1732 – December 14, 1799) was an American political leader, military general, statesman, and Founding Father who served as the first president of the United States from 1789 to 1797. Previously, he led Patriot forces to victory in the nation's War for Independence. He presided at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, which established the U.S. Constitution and a federal government. Washington has been called the "Father of His Country" for his manifold leadership in the formative days of the new nation.

Washington's first public office was serving as official Surveyor of Culpeper County, Virginia from 1749 to 1750. Subsequently, he received his initial military training and a command with the Virginia Regiment during the French and Indian War. He was later elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses and was named a delegate to the Continental Congress, where he was appointed Commanding General of the Continental Army. He commanded American forces, allied with France, in the defeat and surrender of the British during the Siege of Yorktown. He resigned his commission after the Treaty of Paris in 1783.

Washington played a key role in adopting and ratifying the Constitution and was then twice elected president by the Electoral College. He implemented a strong, well-financed national government while remaining impartial in a fierce rivalry between cabinet members Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. During the French Revolution, he proclaimed a policy of neutrality while sanctioning the Jay Treaty. He set enduring precedents for the office of president, including the title "Mr. President", and his Farewell Address is widely regarded as a pre-eminent statement on republicanism.

Washington owned slaves, and, in order to preserve national unity, he supported measures passed by Congress to protect slavery. He later became troubled with the institution of slavery and freed his slaves in a 1799 will. He endeavored to assimilate Native Americans into Anglo-American culture, but combated indigenous resistance during instances of violent conflict. He was a member of the Anglican Church and the Freemasons, and he urged broad religious freedom in his roles as general and president. Upon his death, he was eulogized as "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen". He has been memorialized by monuments, art, geographical locations including the national capital, stamps, and currency, and many scholars and polls rank him among the greatest U.S. presidents.

Chiang Kai-shek

Chiang Kai-sh

Chiang Kai-shek (31 October 1887 – 5 April 1975), also known as Chiang Chung-cheng and romanized via Mandarin as Chiang Chieh-shih and Jiang Jieshi, was a Chinese Nationalist politician, revolutionary and military leader who served as the leader of the Republic of China between 1928 and 1975, first in mainland China until 1949 and then in Taiwan until his death.

Born in Chekiang (Zhejiang) Province, Chiang was a member of the Kuomintang (KMT) and a lieutenant of Sun Yat-sen in the revolution to overthrow the Beiyang government and reunify China. With help from the Soviets and the Communist Party of China (CPC, commonly known as the Chinese Communist Party or CCP), Chiang organized the military for Sun's Canton Nationalist Government and headed the Whampoa Military Academy. Commander in chief of the National Revolutionary Army (from which he came to be known as Generalissimo), he led the Northern Expedition from 1926 to 1928, before defeating a coalition of warlords and nominally reunifying China under a new Nationalist government. Midway through the Northern Expedition, the KMT–CPC alliance broke down and Chiang purged the communists inside the party, triggering a civil war with the CPC, which he eventually lost in 1949.

As leader of the Republic of China in the Nanjing decade, Chiang sought to strike a difficult balance between modernizing China while also devoting resources to defending the nation against the CPC, warlords, and the impending Japanese threat. Trying to avoid a war with Japan while hostilities with the CPC continued, he was kidnapped in the Xi'an Incident and obliged to form an Anti-Japanese United Front with the CPC. Following the Marco Polo Bridge Incident in 1937, he mobilized China for the Second Sino-Japanese War. For eight years he led the war of resistance against a vastly superior enemy, mostly from the wartime capital Chongqing. As the leader of a major Allied power, Chiang met with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the Cairo Conference to discuss terms for Japanese surrender. No sooner had the Second World War ended than the Civil War with the communists, by then led by Mao Zedong, resumed. Chiang's nationalists were mostly defeated in a few decisive battles in 1948.

In 1949 Chiang's government and army retreated to Taiwan, where Chiang imposed martial law and persecuted critics during the White Terror. Presiding over a period of social reforms and economic prosperity, Chiang won five elections to six-year terms as President of the Republic of China and was Director-General of the Kuomintang until his death in 1975, three years into his fifth term as President and just one year before Mao's death.

One of the longest-serving non-royal heads of state in the 20th century, Chiang was the longest-serving non-royal ruler of China having held the post for 46 years. Like Mao, he is regarded as a controversial figure. Supporters credit him with playing a major part in unifying the nation and leading the Chinese resistance against Japan, as well as with countering Soviet-communist encroachment. Detractors and critics denounce him as a dictator at the front of a corrupt authoritarian regime who suppressed opponents.

Fictional Inspirations


Kuvira page

General Kuvira is a major character in The Legend of Korra, appearing as a minor character in Book Three: Change and as the main antagonist of Book Four: Balance. She originally served as a captain of the Metal Clan guard in Zaofu. After the Earth Queen Hou-Ting was assassinated at the hands of Zaheer the Earth Kingdom and Suying Beifong refused to become the nation's new leader, Kuvira left behind Suyin's back and spent three years stabilizing the Earth Kingdom through military means.

After succeeding in her goal of stabilizing the Earth Kingdom Kuvira refused to step down and declared herself the Supreme Empress of the Earth Empire, turning the nation into a totalitarian dictatorship. Kuvira's actions continously escalated causing other world leaders to fear she would declare war on other nations. Kuvira ultimately surrendered after Avatar Korra saved her life and made her realize that she had gone too far in her efforts and is now a prisoner of war.

Historia Reiss

Queen historia

Historia Reiss (originally introduced as Krista Lenz) is one of the main protagonists of the anime/manga series Attack on Titan, though she is not seen much in the first season. Initially introduced as a kind girl who likes helping others, she is eventually revealed to be the illegitimate daughter of the nobleman Rod Reiss and the last remaining member of the Reiss royal family.

After Kenny kills her mother and attempted to kill her when she still a child due her noble status, Rod Reiss (her father) intercepted their efforts by offering an alternative arrangement: that if, she were to disappear from the Reiss household, assume a new name and identity before enlisting as a soldier, that would mean they would not need to kill her. The soldiers agreed with this, and Rod Reiss then gave her the new name and identity of "Krista Lenz"

As Krista Lenz, She is a very useful and kind girl, who enjoys helping other people. She is highly charismatic, often making people see her as a goddess. She also seems to be somewhat shy and doesn't know how to react in certain situations. However, as noted in later chapters, her desire to perform good acts partly stems from a desire to gain honor through them. She seems to want this honor and glory because of her dark past. But changes on the journey. Ymir notes that Historia's urge to show kindness to others stems not only from a desire to gain their esteem, but also that of the people around her: to be seen as a good person.

After being abandoned by Ymir, who leave her along with Reiner and Bertolt, Historia become very pessimistic, revealing her true name and her true personality, and claim no longer to be "Krista Lenz" that people always know to be so kind and shy, while herself is a vacant person. Although Eren Yeager tells her that she seems more genuine and "less creepy" now, she continues to regard herself as lacking any true nature or identity. During uprising arc, Historia slowly got her process in the story and slowly gain her own strength and her own identity. When her father tries to manipulate her by making her the next "Founding Titan" and eat Eren Yeager, she decides against his will and frees Eren and bravely kills him.

When she become a queen, she gains a more calm, mature and charismatic nature. Like Krista persona, she still has kind side especially towards orphans inside the wall.

Anos Voldigoad

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Anos Voldigoad (in Japanese: アノス・ヴォルディゴード, Anosu Vorudigōdo) is the titular anti-heroic main protagonist of the 2018 Japanese fantasy light novel series The Misfit of Demon King Academy, as well as its manga & anime television series adaptations of the same name. Voldigoad was the first and most powerful demon king who ruled the Infernal Realm two-thousand years ago and gave his life to ensure peace amongst the realms. In the present time, Voldigoad was reincarnated as a baby to an ordinary demon father and human mother. He enrolled in the Demon King Academy, an elite educational institute dedicated to the appointment of new demon lords.

As the reincarnation of the Demon King of Tyranny, this Voldigoad possessed nigh-insurmountable power that many attempted to challenge to no avail. Despite being a hybrid by birth, Anos excelled at school and amassed a following of hybrid students who realized he was the original demon king from millennia ago. His closest followers were the twin sisters Misha & Sasha Necron, the former of which became Voldigoad's first friend in his new life.

Anos is voiced by Tatsuhisa Suzuki in the Japanese version of the anime adaptation. Suzuki also voiced Ban in The Seven Deadly Sins.

Aria T'Loak


Aria T'Loak is an Asari in the the Mass Effect franchise. She is the ruler, queen, leader, and whatever you prefer of Omega, one of the biggest locations of the Mass Effect universe. She serves as the deuteragonist and anti-heroine of the Mass Effect 3 Omega DLC. Outside the DLC, however, her role is fairly minor, serving as little more than a mission booth.

Aria had a colorful past prior to her arrival on Omega. When she did arrive on the station, she worked as an exotic dancer at the Afterlife Club. However, this was merely a clever cover for Aria. Eventually, she killed the owner of the Afterlife Club and claimed ownership. She continued to form alliances and consolidate power before finally overthrowing the 'ruler' of Omega: the krogan she deposed, whom she derisively named The Patriarch, was spared as an example of her power to others.

Aria is very authoritative of her reign on Omega, ruling the station with an iron fist. Her organization is quite strong and her men extremely loyal. Almost nothing that happens on Omega escapes her notice, causing mercenary groups to think twice before crossing her. No matter who she deals with, she makes sure she has the upper hand in the bargaining. She has centuries of experience dealing with people who thought themselves being in better positions. Simply by observing a person, she can easily read a lot about them and usually immediately knows when they are lying. She is determined to always get the last word in a conversation, reinforcing her position and authority as Omega's ruler.

Maleficent (2014-2019)


Maleficent is the titular main protagonist of the 2014 film of the same name and its 2019 sequel, titled Maleficent: Mistress of Evil. In contrast to the version of the character seen in the original Sleeping Beauty film, this version of Maleficent is depicted as more tragic and sympathetic, having once been an innocent and good-hearted individual who became cruel as a result of circumstance and eventually redeemed herself after sharing a parental bond with Aurora.

As a child, Maleficent lived a peaceful life in an enchanted forest known as the Moors and had a close friendship with the young Stefan until one day he betrayed her and stole her wings as proof he killed her so he could become king. Maleficent becomes enraged over his treachery and as her heart of gold turns to stone she becomes the most evil being in the land.

Bent on revenge, she places a curse upon the baby Aurora to fall into a "sleep like death" when she pricks her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel. However, after Stefan begs her to spare his daughter's life, she also includes that the curse can be lifted only by true love's kiss and no other power on earth can change it.

Padmé Amidala


Padmé Amidala (born Padmé Naberrie, later secretly Padmé Amidala-Skywalker) is a fictional character and the tritagonist in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. She also appeared in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars movie and TV series. She was the woman for whom Anakin Skywalker forsook everything he had, even his own humanity, to love and protect, though this instead ended up backfiring on him tragically. After her death the Rebel Alliance was forged to carry on her will and legacy. She is the secret wife of Anakin Skywalker, mother of Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa , mother-in-law of Han Solo and maternal grandmother of Ben Solo.

Padmé was well-loved for her kind and self-sacrificing nature - evident in her care and concern for all her people - regardless of their status, she even bore a close relationship with her handmaidens and unlike many Senators, also maintained contact with her Monarch; Queen Jamillia, from a young age she exhibited great maturity and rarely indulged personal desires, such as romance, denying the affection and attention of Ian Lago, with the reasoning that Naboo needed her more than he did. She was strong-willed and passionate, making her a persuasive and inspirational speaker - a skill which would later reveal itself in her speeches as a Senator - and most especially when she actively opposed the violence related to the Clone Wars. Noticeably, throughout the clone wars she would rely on her immense durability to either outlast opponents, or to escape, instead of using more violent methods.

Padmé’s compassion and empathy seems boundless, she wholeheartedly cares for everyone in the galaxy and constantly plumps for diplomacy over violence, believing that everyone deserves to be heard even if she doesn't agree with them, she remains good friends with Mina Bonteri even after she secedes to the Separatists – who tried to have Padmé assassinated numerous times – and is very caring towards her subordinates. She is especially a continual source of kindness and support to Anakin right from the moment they meet. Even when he becomes Darth Vader and strangles her almost to death, she still believes there's good in him.

Edward Newgate


Edward Newgate, more commonly known as Whitebeard was the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates and was known as "The Strongest Man in the World" after Gol D. Roger's death. He was a member of the Yonko that ruled over the New World until his death during the Battle of Marineford.

Edward Newgate seemed to be a cheerful and carefree man during his younger years (before he commanded his own ship and became known as Whitebeard). Unlike his comrades who loved treasure and riches, Newgate only desired a family and saw that as the greatest treasure.

His reign on the sea, reputation and foreboding power made him seemingly overconfident and fearless (to the point of making it seem that he considered admirals, Shichibukai and other Yonko to be annoyances more than legitimate threats). In initial appearances, he seemed unable to see any cause for alarm on any decision he made and refused all advice given to him (from his nurse telling him not to drink heavily or Shanks warning him of Blackbeard). However, later revelations showed that he was much more thoughtful than he appeared to be. Actions that initially seem to be the result of thoughtless, headstrong bravado actually had strong reasons behind them (his loud declaration that Fishman Island belonged to him freed the island from all pirates and slavery, and his insistence that Blackbeard be punished was merely a cover for Ace, who had set out after him against Whitebeard's wishes). Although from what other people saw of him, he may have seemed to have an overgrown ego, deep down he knew that he was nothing but a single man, and was fully aware of his own mortality. He knew that the youth are the keys to the future, and that their lives are far more important than his own.

Little is known about Whitebeard's past before he created the Whitebeard Pirates; however, some facts are known, including the fact that he was just another crewmember in another crew going by his real name "Newgate" and that he was not interested in treasure, but wanted a family. It is unknown how the events that led to the rivalry between Whitebeard's crew and Roger's happened. They competed often, leading to much bloodshed. Whitebeard came to know certain members of Roger's crew and came to know certain familiarities amongst the crew such as seeing Shanks with Buggy.Somewhere along the Grand Line, Roger pulled away from Whitebeard and made it to Raftel. At some point, the two grew to respect each other, and Whitebeard was one of those Roger met shortly before his death to say goodbye. During the meeting, Roger explained The Will of D. After the execution of Gol D. Roger, the Pirate King, one of his closest pirate rivals is seen on the Moby Dick. Shiki attempts to create an alliance between him and Whitebeard, knowing that their combined power would be incredible, Whitebeard's response is to threaten to have Shiki thrown overboard. Shiki proceeds to comment on Whitebeard not changing and calling it "Whitebeard's time". Lastly, he informs Whitebeard about his plan, Whitebeard comments "Plotting something again are you...?"



Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, or commonly known simply as Ciri, is the deuteragonist and lead heroine of The Witcher franchise. Serving as the protagonist of the novels, the overall deuteragonist of the games and as one of the three protagonists (alongside Geralt and Yennefer) of the 2019 Netflix adaptation. She's a princess of Cintra and the daughter of Pavetta and Duny, which was an alias used by Emhyr var Emreis, the emperor of Nilfgaard, as well as the adopted daughter of Geralt of Rivia and Yennefer of Vengerberg.

Throughout the game, Ciri is being chased by The Wild Hunt led by Eredin Bréacc Glas, the king of Aen Elle elves and the Wild Hunt who wants to harness the power of of Elder Blood running through Ciri's veins to cause the Conjunction of Spheres to bring the Aen Elle elves into the world of humans. She notably becomes playable multiple times throughout The Witcher 3, making her the only other playable character in the games other than Geralt himself.

Ciri's most distinguishing features are her ashen hair and the scar on her cheek. She has emerald-green eyes. As a child, she wore her hair short and had a white-and-brown outfit with light brown boots and dark green leggings. As a young adult, her appearance and attire is very different; she now wears her hair past her shoulders, and has a white shirt with black leggings, black trousers and dark brown trousers. She has grown quite tall, being almost as tall as Yennefer.

Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys Targaryen Perfil

Daenerys "Dany" Targaryen, also known as Daenerys Stormborn, is a central character and one of the four main protagonists of the A Song of Ice and Fire novels series and its HBO adaption Game of Thrones. Daenerys is one of the last members of the exiled House Targaryen and becomes later known as the Mother of Dragons, after she gives birth to 3 of the legendary creatures. Her goal is to steal the Iron Throne of Westeros as the 'rightful heir', from the people that forced her family out decades before.

Daenerys is one of the last members of the exiled House Targaryen. She is the only daughter of King Aerys II Targaryen and Queen Rhaella Targaryen, and the younger sister of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Viserys Targaryen. Born during the end of Robert's Rebellion, Daenerys was smuggled across the Narrow Sea with her brother, Viserys, by Ser Willem Darry, to the Free City of Braavos. After Darry died of old age, the two were forced to flee from one city to another to avoid her King Robert I Baratheon's assassins. At some point of the story, Viserys made her his heir, and after his death, Daenerys inherits his claim to the Iron Throne and begins plotting to steal it from the people that forced her family out decades before. She's also the cousin of King Stannis Baratheon and the aunt (and lover in the TV series) of Jon Snow.



Darius, also known as The Hand of Noxus, is a villainous playable character in the multiplayer online battle arena game League of Legends. The most feared and respected general in Noxus, Darius earned his place as leader of the Trifarian Legion through his brute force and unending loyalty to the empire's cause, and remains the public face of Noxian might. While generally portrayed as a villainous character, he is the main protagonist of the Darius: Blood Of Noxus comic.

An orphan in the port city of Basilich, Darius had to fight for survival from a young age, protecting his younger brother Draven from the local gangs and even the city guard. Draven would often get into trouble with the older urchins, forcing Darius into numerous fights and gave him multiple battle scars. During his time as an orphan, the brothers also met Quilletta Varn, a girl they accepted into their group. Darius and Quilletta became very close and fell in love, but things soon changed when the Noxian army arrived to conquer Basilich.

A battle-hardened military leader, Darius is renowned as one of the most brutal and fearless warriors in all of Noxus. Completely devoted to the empire, Darius obeys his orders without question, even when they are morally-reprehensible, such as when he excused Singed's use of chemical warfare as a necessary evil for the Ionian war. Though he fell in love once, Darius was forced to separate himself from Quilletta when she defected, and after her death, Darius once again completely dedicated himself to the empire.

Like most Noxians, Darius values strength above all else, and follows a "might makes right" ideology. As a result, Darkwill was overthrown, Darius was more than willing to swear loyalty to Swain, as the new Grand General had earned his respect for his many years in battle. A warrior intent on fulfilling his empire's goals, Darius believes in victory by any means necessary, even if he must sacrifice his own honor to do so. While a war leader, Darius is not a sadist and carries out his orders with cold-blooded efficiency, seeing the empire's goals as the most effective reason to use his might over personal goals or bloodlust.



Ahri, also known as The Nine-Tailed Fox, is a villainous playable assassin character and mascot of the multiplayer online battle arena game League of Legends. A Vastaya, Ahri has the unique ability to turn magic and life essence into orbs of raw energy and mainly uses these powers to manipulate other's emotions before devouring their life-force. The 89th champion added in the game, Ahri was released on December 14, 2011, and is most commonly played in the mid lane.

Ahri was abandoned by her original family in the snowy woods of northern Ionia, with the only thing they leave for Ahri were two gemstones. Joining a group of ice foxes for their own family, she learned her own magic (Be it to soothe others to not have a fight or more powerful blasts) and quick reflexes.

Ahri first encountered humans through a camp of soldiers, watching them from a distance and growing attacked in a hunter among the group. Upon an arrow piercing him and causing him to perish, Ahri absorbed the dying man's life force and emotions. Ever since then, she became transfixed on it, seeking out prey to toy with before consuming their life-force across Ionia.

Through this life force, she saw their lives and learned of their history as they laid dying, and grew remorseful over her actions. She tried to only do small bits of life force between times at first, but she soon fell victim to her urges and devoured the essence of everyone in a village. Feeling an immense sense of guilt, Ahri banished herself for some time, before returning to experience the world on her own and seek other beings like her. She may devour bits of the essence, but she chose not to use them to kill others in that manner.



Omni-Man (real name Nolan), also known by his adopted name, Nolan Grayson, is one of the main antagonists of the Image Comics Universe. Omni-Man is the father of Invincible and a member of Viltrumite race, a humanoid species of extraterrestrial origin who possess superhuman strength, super speed, virtual immortality, and flight. As is customary for male Viltrumites, Omni-Man sports a large mustache.

He was tasked with conquering planets to spread the Vitrumite race, and arrived on Earth to infiltrate their society to weaken a chance for them to defend themselves. Becoming a writer and superhero "Omni-Man", Nolan would have a son named Mark Grayson to a human, who would become a superhero under the moniker "Invincible". Omni-Man would eventually reveal his plans and battled his son after killing all of the Guardians member, but would leave the planet due to his love for his son. Nolan would redeem himself and become the emperor of Viltrum after his true heritage was revealed.

Nolan was born on the planet Viltrum to Argall and an unnamed woman, and his heritage was hidden due to his father being killed by Thaedus. The Viltrumites would create a strong empire under Thragg, wanting to conquer planets and spread their influence across the galaxy. Reaching the appropriate age, Nolan decided to help the Viltrumites conquer planets, becoming a capable warrior that he would command his own unit. When Viltrum suffered from a virus, the empire decided to use their lifespans to infiltrate planets and societies to weaken their defense so they could counter-attack the Viltrumites.

Shienna Khan

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Sienna Khan is an antagonist in the American animated webseries RWBY. She is a member of the White Fang who worked her way up to High Leader. Sienna joined the White Fang under the leadership of Ghira Belladonna. She worked alongside Adam Taurus and Ilia Amitola, who did not share their leader's pacifist ways. During an incident involving the White Fang leadership being attacked by xenophobic humans, Adam attacked them and violently killed one of them. Though Ghira was horrified, Sienna commended Adam.

Shortly after, Ghira stepped down as leader of the White Fang, and Sienna became the new High Leader of the White Fang. Unlike Ghira, Sienna did not share his beliefs in peaceful protest and sought to have the Faunus be accepted as equals through fear and violence. Under her new direction and leadership, the White Fang adopted its more violent and aggressive behavior and became a militant group.

Sienna was one of the White Fang's first advocates for using fear and violence to overcome Human prejudice towards the Faunus. She initiated this method, believing it necessary to make mankind regard them with fear to demand respect. Having personally created this change and becoming the leader of the White Fang, she was strong and willing to be violent, but not to the extent of hurting her cause on a global scale, which she believed the Fall of Beacon had done. She, however, greatly underestimated the descent into violence and hatred towards Humanity that many members of the White Fang such as Adam, the Albain brothers and her own bodyguards were taking that caused them to turn on her as they deemed her too soft towards Humans.

Gendo Ikari


Gendo Ikari is a major antagonist in the franchise Neon Genesis Evangelion. He appears as an anti-hero in the original series, the secondary antagonist of the film The End of Evangelion and the main antagonist of the film Evangelion 3.0: You Can (not) Redo, the third film in the Rebuild of Evangelion series. He is expected to return in the role of central antagonist of the latest installment of the series, Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0. As the commander of NERV, he is the main leader of the war to destroy the Angels and one of the masterminds of the Human Instrumentality Project.

Extremely cold, calculating, manipulative and selfish, Gendo was seen by most people in his youth as a bully ruffian, being his wife Yui the only capable of find kindness in him. After the disappearance of his wife Gendo entered a state of shock and delusion that could never completely overcome. Completely absorbed in his obsessive goal of recover her, Gendo buried almost all his emotions, becoming a cold unfathomable being, only able to express kindness to his adopted daughter (and Yui's clone) Rei Ayanami.

Most of the time Gendo is pondering his machinations, without showing any kind of fear or passion even in situations of combat, he expressed only slight signs of satisfaction when you see fulfilled his plans. Only the possible disobedience of his subordinates can make him to demonstrate the fiercest military discipline, and not in few cases a very calculated cruelty. All the staff of Nerv obey him properly, but find hard to treat with him.

In terms of his relationships with his son Shinji, it was revealed that their fractured familial bonds between them have beyond any hope of restoration ever since he abandoned him. The great pain and rage over losing his wife Yui drove Gendo to abandoned Shinji and later manipulated him in whatever way is necessary as pawn in his machinations to bring her back regardless of how much this hurts him. This worsened by the fact that at the same time, Shinji was already fractured so much that he unable to do his best to do what is necessary to win Gendo's acceptance, as shown in the fight against Bardiel who possessed Eva Unit-03 where he unwilling to harm it because its pilot (Asuka in reboot films or Toji in original anime and manga) trapped inside. In respond of this, Gendo, instead of telling his son to take a third option to pulled the trapped pilot out from the possessed Eva, activated Shinji's Eva Unit-1's Dummy System that resulting the said Eva brutally maimed Bardiel and severely injured the pilot inside, with Shinji unable to do anything about it. Since Gendo too absorbed in his obsessive goal of recover Yui in any costs and takes no restraint in sacrificing his bonds with Shinji in spite of briefly improved it once and other people's life if it deemed necessary, there's actually none that Shinji can do to restore their doomed relationships.

Dr. Vega

Doctor Vega

Dr. Vega, also known as Dr. Orihime, is (former) main antagonist-turned-anti-heroine from the videogame Mega Man Star Force. Being the creator of the matter waves but at the end helping Geo Stelar.Dr. Vega, also known as Dr. Orihime, is (former) main antagonist-turned-anti-heroine from the videogame Mega Man Star Force. Being the creator of the matter waves but at the end helping Geo Stelar.

Dr. Vega fell in love with a man Altair, who would occasionally call her Vegalita, and is also said to be the only person who Vega formed has a BrotherBand with. One day, Altair had to leave to fight in a war in the Tanabata Kingdom, where he died. This caused Dr. Vega to become bitter, and she blamed the world for his death. When she became a scientist, and discovered the Mu, she vow revenge on the world.

Hollow was Dr. Vega first Matter Wave creation. She created him as a replacement for her lover, hoping it would bring back his spirit. However, Hollow had neither Altair's personality nor memory. The sole thing that kept Dr. Vega from destroying him was an image of Altair. Despite this, Hollow remained a loyal follower, and she only viewed him as such. Along with Hollow, she also enlisted the help of Hyde and his UMA, Phantom, and Solo, the last Murian alive. She plans to raise Le Mu from the depths of the Bermuda Maze to revive her dead lover and destroy the citizens of Earth to create new civilization. However, such plans requires the OOPArt (Which OOPAart used depends on the version of the game).

When Mega Man confronts her in the Bermuda Maze, she reveals her plans and her motive to him, where she plans to use Le Mu, the god of EM Waves, to start an new civilization. Mega Man fights and defeat Le Mu, but was not destroyed. Hollow, sensing Dr. Vega was in danger, rush to aid her after a fight with Rogue. But later on, he was damaged by Mega Man, revealing that he his a replica of Altair. Dr. Vega then reveals her reason for reviving Le Mu: To use the advanced Murians technology to revive her dead lover.

While she then ordered Le Mu to crash the continent of Mu to Earth to destroy humanity, but Le Mu instead creates a huge explosion, knocking Mega Man & Dr. Vega back. As well as Le Mu starts to go out of control, however, Hollow is sacrifice himself to save Dr. Vega. As Hollow fades, he was thanks to Dr. Vega for giving him life once again and apologizing that he couldn't fulfill her wish. Hollow then prays for Altair to talk to Dr. Vega, which reached Altair, who told her to let go of her revenge and live a happy, peaceful life.

Satsuki Kiryūin


Satsuki Kiryūin is the president of Honnoji Academy's Student Council and the initial main antagonist in the anime Kill La Kill, but later becoming a deuteragonist after her plans to overthrow her mother's Life Fiber fashion industry came to fruition.

She is later revealed to be the older sister of Ryūko Matoi who she thought she died after a failed experiment to fuse her body with Life Fibers and the two join forces in order to defeat their mother, Ragyo, in the climactic battle against the Life Fibers, who sought to enslave and destroy the human race.

Satsuki is a stubborn and arrogant girl, and rules over her school with an iron fist. At first, she seems to care little about those she deems beneath her aside from the Student Council, and subjects them to harsh, even dangerous conditions. However, this is an extremist method to toughen the students up for the inevitable wars they will have to fight, though her rule still involves forces them into brutal discipline, squalorous conditions, and a fearful existence.

However, despite her apparent cold-heartedness, she is shown to occasionally let her defenses down in the company of close friends and allies, where she will joke, converse, and bond with them. She trusts very few, but those she does trust see a more caring and approachable side, though she remains strict and arrogant.


LOTM: Sword of Kings Main Characters
Medaka Kurokami
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