Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Sam (Totally Spies)

Sam is a teen girl from Totally Spies. She is a high school student and works as a spy for W.O.O.P.H. alongside her best friends, Alex and Clover. She is the smartest of the 3 and best known for her intelligence.

B Team Storyline[]

She alongside the other 2 join the adventure revealing that know about the Iron Queen to The team. She develops a good rapport with young prodigy Lizbeth who she met with the others. Sam then meets The B Team with the others and reveals she knows something on Iron Queen and her plan to conquer or destroy the Multi-Universe using the Chaos Heart. Sam helps her new and old friends with foiling the Iron Maiden of Doom (Iron Queen) But like her friends she is wondering who Professor Pericles is talking about when he gave his warning to them. Sam then ventures into the jungle to save her friends Edd and Clover, with the help of Fiona, Lara Su and Alex

Sam and her friends were unknowingly probed by Terrance at the beginning to use as his puppets should his plans be exposed. When Terrance Lewis revealed himself to Eddy, Bender, Skipper, Lara Su, Phineas, Isabella, Fiona, Lien Da, Wave and Professor Pericles he tried this. However Bender and Skipper foiled this by giving the activation words to her and her friends to turn on their original handler. After Lewis`s arrest, Heloise removed her probe that was attached to her neck. Sam like her friends is placed under arrest by the government as Discord exposes them to the government and has them sent to Siberia

However they were released by AVGN and Jack Frost after they cleared up the mishap. The Nerd and Jack Frost also erased their and their friends' files at Interpol.

Ultimate Story[]

She made her debut in Ultimate Story the Missing Link. She is a member of GROUP along with her friends, Alex and Clover. She and her friends were investigating the alien invasion on Corneria. It was there that they met the Starfox team.

Allies and Enemies[]

Friends: Alex, Clover, Lara Su, Lien Da, Fiona Fox, Wave, Lizbeth, Edd, Eddy, Pinky, The Brain, Merlida, Frost, Jerry, Bender, Skipper, Heloise, Django, King Julian, Finn, Twilight Sparkle, Stan Smith, Sari Sumdac, Solid Snake, Mandark, Q, Phineas, Isabella, Professor Pericles, Falco Lombardi, Peppy Hare, Slippy Toad, Ahsoka Tano, Sandy Cheeks, Big Boss, Meowth, Jack O' Lanturn, Meta Knight, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Asami Sato, Sally Acorn

Enemies: Iron Queen and her Syndicate, General Scales

