Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Rose 10

Rose AKA Huntsgirl is one of the villains from American Dragon: Jake Long Universe.

She starts out as as a villain but redeemed herself. However, her mind was erased so she cannot be Huntsgirl Again.

But her mind was brought back into villain Huntsgirl again by an unknown party. The unknown villain tells her Jake was killed by a deal maker called Rumpelstiltskin.

LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour[]

Rose is to appear first as Huntsgirl before becoming good again in Act 2

She is first seen spying on Sinister's allies ready to sabotage the plan with Felix reminding her they are here to resurrect their boss who isn't alive as she put it. Rose places bombs on the industries causing a great deal of property damage with Felix and a masked ally.

They show up again on the Multiversal Resistance where she fights the members and tries to blow Blythe and Zangya up before escaping.Rose then heads off to a temple on her gone despite Phantasm's protests. The three are found somehow getting into the Sea Temple though there is no idea what they are going to do. Rose plans an attack with Josh and Felix regarding the cloaked men in the Sea Temple, why they need to find an apple.

While Felix was taken out, Rose managed to recover 2 bodies uncovered and they were placed in containment from the prison which were spotted by Kid. They track them down and beat on her head bad which reverts the control and she changes into a hero as a result. Rose and Josh both end up helping saving Zoe which has Blythe glad to see Josh is back. Rose gets back with the heroes and reminds them of having to deal with Sinister and Jesse while meeting all the other hero teams. Rose takes Strange, Bender and their friends to Never Land for them to know what happened with her , they end being up captured by the now returned Peter Pan who she was washed to serve.

Rose joins Dr. Strange and the resistance to the Paradise Lost Kingdom where they help out the doppelganger Lizbeth known as Lady Anastasia and they end up also aiding Henry Mills with his nightmares as he is suffering them as a result of Pan and then they work on a way to save him with Batman. Rose joins up with the rest of the heroes and  destroys the Internment camp, burning it to the ground with "Another Brick in the Wall" while killing any army remaining.

Dr.Strange and the resistance land on their next island which resembles Invader Zim Universe and they all work to stop BlackGarurumon and Loki/Wesker's plans with the mutagen and Sentox. Rose and the girls go after Loki and Wesker who left Cain to manage and they kill him and they escape though Crowley has a bomb on their plane. Rose aids the heroes in the fight with Sector 32 and gets involved in the battle with Crowley.

Double Life Emerged[]

Act 2[]

Episode 7[]

Rose has been revealed to have survived from some of the events that occurred with the group, and is found by Carmen who has found 16 for them, where they have sent some communcaitons to their friends and 16 to find them. Rose has been looking into what has occured with her team in that there were killed by a hulking brute.

Episode 9[]

Rose manages to find the recylcling plant and is able to get her allies to the plant where Team Rocket gets them in and they begin to gather what Midas has been up to with his Slurry being used for destructive purposes as well the overdoses that came with Bliss that Midas used. Lydia and Rose do manage to discover that Midas has another potential plan to cause more environmental harm and what Midas has very much in mind.

Midas's goons are trying to silence her eventually and Rose without any question steps in and fights back against the Cartel to allow her friends to escape and to expose Midas in a building plan. Later on, Rose joins Deathstroke with her allies for a mission of their own.

Episode 10[]

Team Rocket and Rose show Deathstroke what Lydia found with them, and as Rose reveals that Midas has some other grand plan to cause environmental damage with Deathstroke and Mike with Felciity. Jessie, James and Meowth thankfully have a way to help protect them from what Midas will do. They hand what they need to Number 2 who agrees to get for the group

Mysterion, Guzma, Rose, Team Rocket, Mike and Leon are sent by Deathstroke to go where they have found Midas's operations and to undercover more about this plan . As all Deathstroke and Felcitiy know is that what he has in mind and has something to with coal as Rose and Team Rocket were able to find some remains of coal.

This sets into an ambush at the evil pokemon trainers working with the cartel as Team Rocket suspected and Rose, Mysterion, Tiger Claw, Mike and Leon fight them off using their powers and skill set. As Team Rocket and Guzma both use their pokemon to fight off THe Corrupted pokemon, though they discovered they are overpowered by them due to the use of Snag and Dark Balls. Rose and Mysterion though manage to hold their own in part to Rose being skilled to fight such creatures

Rose and Mysterion continue their fight after the Team Rocket members manage to capture the others with the shadow pokemon and help cover Mike and Leon who go to sabotage the acid rain machine

Rose and Mysterion regroup with 16 who arrives on time, and the trio are able to free the others and they are able to fend off Iron Masked Marrauder's dark ball pokemon. Mike and Leon are then able to get the help of 16's allies and James to rework and stop the acid rain machine so Midas can't do any more potential damage to infrastructure,

Episode 11[]

Mysterion and Rose are able to deduct the location is in Oore in the desert area a decaying Pokemon Region that went under rough time apart from the tower and lab which the former takes seriously due to being poor himself. Rose questions how they will even get there and Team Rocket already has an idea in using the mech they have.

Having arrived in Oore, Leon and Guzma with the Multiversal Resistance arrived at the lab like what Team Rocket said.

Ardos and The Iron Masked Marrauder have gone ahead to request some powerful dark ball pokemon from Ein, The Spot and Professor Chang who are the ones creating the shadow pokemon for them. Though Johnny Orm has no joy in this unlike his comrades which Chang and Ein mock him for being too soft. The rest of the Resistance find out about this and Team Rocket runs into the process of making it and decide to sabotage the machine from making more which they do with Leon's help. Rose and Mysterion with Guzma manage to take some photo shots of this and evidence Midas signed off on this.

Team Rocket and Rose decide to go find the Snagem Machine and following Deathstroke and Felicity's instructions to find it.

Episode 12[]

Rose and her allies are able to snag The Sangem Project as well as the purification method is found by the others to use on the Shadow Pokemon as acquired by the rest of the team. Deathstroke, Felciity and Mike see Mysterion and Rose return and the 5 of them try to ponder what is Midas's next move and that the former did see Stan Marsh so he asks if Bender is here and Deathstroke says . Rose having spied on things decide to team on exposing what Midas has done.

Act 3[]

Episode 13[]

Rose discovers what is going on with Deathstroke and his crew as they are having to deal with Milton taking over the Cartel and his blackmailing of him and his crew to get a super solider project. Rose stays with the rest of the team and investigates what Midas is up to. Rose undercovers Gosalyn is being used to peddle drugs for Midas and learns Jack Sullivan's own friends were captured and used by Midas at some point to do this too.

Rose and the gang consider to save them and find out the government is after their allies due To Midas in touch with a colonel.

Episode 14[]

Rose joins Pyrrha and Jake's group when it comes to their look into their operations and discover what Milton Midas is up to with Lincoln and Lydia's parents which she takes more serious than most due to what happened with her family.

Episode 15[]

Rose uses her fighting skills and brains to assist her team in freeing Jack's friends/family from the clutches of Pablo Esacabar and later tells Lydia and Lincoln of what she discovered with Midas's own work in the farm.

Episode 16[]

Rose and Alice decided to accompany Deathstroke to Russia as he needed to settle some stuff with the government about him sanctioning his group to do some activity here to deal with The Cartel and the release of Solider Boy. She manages to discover the Cartel have some actions going on here when it comes to Firestorm Projects which she and Alice tell Deathstroke about.

Episode 17[]

Rose and Alice find that The Cartel have been going after them in this and they are backed up by federal agents that Deathstroke hires to his operation and that he had been getting reinforcements who he had sent to Russia to help with his operations to live among the people. Afterwards everything is cleared, she and Alice return with The President

Episode 18[]

She returns with Pyrrha and notices what happened in part to Solider Boy which she heard about and helps deal with Kurbitz and save her friends's family from the Cartel. After this, Rose decides to stand firm and help the team deal with the Cartel.

Act 4[]

Episode 19[]

Rose works with Lincoln and Lydia's group to deal with Judge Holden and the rest of the Cartel succesfully causing the former to back down for the time being

Episode 21[]

Rose then later is to help deal with Anton who is attempting to have them killed, she plays a part in keeping Anton in place for the others to deal with.

Episode 23[]

After the situation is dealt with, Rose decides to retire the Multiversal Resistance with the rest over everything that had happened here


American Dragon - Rose
Breakout (31)