"Vyvyan! You bastard!!" - Rick
Rick is a character from the British sitcom The Young Ones.
He is portrayed by the late Rik Mayall.
Rick is a hypocritical, tantrum-throwing, attention-seeking Cliff Richard fan, or, as Vyvyan describes him, "The classic example of an only child!". He tries to impress the others with wit and humour, despite not having any discernible talent. He insults Neil at any opportunity, constantly fights and bickers with Vyvyan, and tries to impress Mike.
Rick is portrayed as being so self-absorbed, he believes he's the "most popular member of the flat", despite that he's disliked by virtually everyone he knows. Rick is a vegetarian, agnostic, and wishes all men to love each other like brothers, except for Neil, whom he hates (constantly calling him a "bloody hippie"). Nonetheless, nearly everything he does is self-serving and hypocritical.
Fire Rebellion Storyline[]
Fire Rebellion: Season 18[]
Rick, and the rest of his housemates, is introduced to the heroes by Meiko Mochizuki in the Deli.
Fire Rebellion: Netspace[]
Fire Rebellion: Infinity[]
Rick & Vyvyan - The Best of Rivyan
Rick and Vyvyan's relationship in a nutshell.