Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

The protagonist of Persona 5 is a transfer student at Shujin Academy. At the beginning of the game, he has little to no power or influence in the world and is restrained by the rules of the system he was born into.

However, beneath his quiet demeanor is a strong-willed juvenile delinquent known throughout the world as The Phantom, to the residents of the Velvet Room he is known as the Trickster, and to his teammates his code name is Joker. The protagonist is the leader of the rebellious Phantom Thieves of Hearts which aims to change society by touching the hearts of people and performing illegal heists.

Friends: Eliza Pappillon (Girlfriend/Partner), Cassandra Lang, Kate Bishop, Starlight (In The Future) Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki, Yusuke Kitagawa, Makoto Niijima, Morgana, Futaba Sakura, Haru Okumura, Goro Akechi, Sojiro Sakura , Sae Niijima, Sadayo Kawakami, Tae Takemi, Toranosuke Yoshida, Munehisa Iwai, Hifumi Togo, Yuuki Mishima, Chihaya Mifune, Shinya Oda, Ichiko Ohya, Kasumi Yoshizawa, Takuto Maruki, Sophia, Zenkichi Hasegawa, Akane Hasegawa, Kuon Ichinose, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Camilla, Professor Membrane, Scratch Mcgee, The Reissty, Agent Darkboothe, Libby Stein, Sid Chang, Lisa Loud, Wile E Coyote, Vee, Jessie Wells, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter, Scott Lang, Lalo, Tech E, Cecil, Felciity Smoak, Betty Barnett, Connie, Blue Falcon, Dynomutt, Bird Man, Allen, Mark Greyson, Atom Eve, Luan's resistance, Cavendish, Dakota

Enemies: Masayoshi Shidom Yaldabaoth, Suguru Kamoshida, Ichiyusai Madarame, Junya Kaneshiro, Kunikazu Okumura, Alice Hiiragi, Ango Natsume, Mariko Hyodo, Akira Konoe, False God Demiurge, Shadows, The Smoking Man, The Conspiracy, Solider Boy, Payback 2.0, Lord Commander, Raven Beak, The Mawkin Guard, Dark Arrow, New Reinschmen


As per the tradition of the Megami Tensei franchise, he is a silent protagonist, whose personality is based on the player's actions and decisions. However, he appears to have more established traits than any of the previous protagonists. His dialogue options range from somewhat indifferent to outright cheeky. The game allows for quite a number of playful, snarky or audacious answers, including teasing his friends. He also taunts his enemies like the famed Arsène Lupin. In the prologue scene, he remains cocky and confident even when his life is in danger. He also has a flair for showing off and making dramatic decisions, such as exiting by jumping through the stained glass windows of the Casino, much to the amazement of the other Phantom Thieves. This is even reflected in gameplay, as when he is turned into a mouse, he makes a flamboyant hop after escaping a battle.

Countdown To Chang's Guide To The Galaxy[]

Chapter 3[]

Professor Membrane and Starlight both state that they won't be alone they have someone on their side. Ren Amamiya who knows Starlight though she doesn't know him. Ren states it's because he's from the future.

Bender and Anti Cosmo both state that's impossible as the future is unassebile. Ren tells them that he was pulled in here with some of his friends part of their group and he was brought into this prison because he was a threat to this Conspiracy as he began invesitgating and looked into Operation Countdown. Professor Membrane and The Resisity prepare for their plan to escape with Bender, Anti Cosmo, Starlight, Carmilla, Scratch and Ren

Anti Cosmo, Bender, Professor Membrane, The Resisty, Starlight, Carmilla, Scratch and Ren all get to work on their top secret plan. When they learn that they have a vistor.  

After the Visotr and Bender and Anti Cosmo's own meeting, Membrane decides to come clean about things as does Ren.

Ren tells Scartch, Bender and Anti Cosmo that he did hail from the future, but something happened in the timeline that forced himself and his friends into the past. Ren states that he has been trying to get into touch with his friends, who were teenage super heroes and monster slayers while trying to get in touch with his girlfriend

Anti Cosmo asks what they know, Ren states that his girlfriend is a girl named Eliza Papillon and shows a picture of them to the three. Bender sarcastically that he is totally suprised that he gets involved with a woman out of his league, Starlight comments that his girlfriend Eliza is very attraactive. Ren states she is more than a pretty face with blonde hair and blue eyes, He has known her for a while, he tells them that Eliza is a intellgent, Strong,  courageous, but also caring, kind and humble despite all of her power. Ren even admits that Starlight was who taught her in turn as well as her friends and him.Starlight asks who is she in the future, Ren states someone of great respect. Scratch states of course she will be told this from the guy in the future

Bender, Anti Cosmo, Ren, Scratch and Starlight hear the Janitor calling out and it's Agent Darkboothe who was keeping a track as well of everything. He offers them a way to get out, Bender states they have been working on a way, but they'll take his help.

Agent Darkboothe hears what they planned and decides to add his own ideas to all of this

Anti Cosmo, Bender, Professor Membrane, Starlight, Carmilta, The Resisty, Ren, Scratch and even Killian, Steelbeak, The Miller Family and The Ys all decide to wait for the right moment to attack and once guards do manage to get their backs. They all attack the Guards.

Blackfire is alerted as she is Warden and sees all these people basically laying waste to the guards

Ren, Bender, Carmilta and Anti Cosmo fight the rest of the guards who are henchmen of Zib. Carmita takes them by suprise with a well placed distraction allowing Bender, Anti Cosmo and Ren to basically kill every single one with shots to the head as Bender states he's learned not to be sloppy with this kind of work.

Anti Cosmo and Ren manage to take the keys and free the rest of the prisoners The Smoking Man is trying to kill.

Zib however alerts CSM about this and with Makraov they drop a bomb on the prison. Bender, Anti Cosmo, Ren, Carmilta, Professor Membrane, The Reissty, Scratch and Starlight all help The former members against Blackfire and her henchmen.

Blackfire gloats that even though they escaped, they will still be killed as Number 1 and CSM dropped a bomb to kill them with Makarov.

The Reisisty gets thier ship crashing into the prison with Agent Darkboothe and everyone escapes as Makarov, Blackfire, Zib and THe Smoking Man blow up the prison killing the latter's allies.

Wile E, Jessie, Sid, Lisa, Vee and Libby all with Darkboothe's allies are continuing their attempts to fight and take out the Martians they CSM sent after them. This is when The Resisty shows up with Bender, Anti Cosmo, Carmilta, Ren, Scratch, Starlight, Professor Membrane and Agent Darkboothe and all of them manage to basically force the Martians to back off as Libby uses old country music to basically kill the Martians.

Starlight states that they have all kinds of evidence to incriminate Homelander and The Cigarette Smoking Man, but no one to believe them. Ren tells Starlight she will have a way and he knows it, he looks up to her in the time he's from. Starlight asks if she and Hughie stayed together, Ren admits yes they did they got away from Homelander though that's all he can say. Starlight asks about Ren's Eliza and Ren states that she can take care of herself, though tells her, the girl went through a lot of hardships, heck she may not have even know her real parents. Ren admitted he was friends with her for years and didn't realize he was in love with her until he had a epithany and she for him. Ren states that he also wants to get back to keep his theives safe as while capable on their own, he's the leader for a reason.

Anti Cosmo , Bender and Libby all enter the room saying that Wile E and The Resisty agreed to share contorls. Bender infroms them that they are going to The Hottest place in America as while yes they have no way to prove anything, they need a conspiracy theorist who will believe anything and he knows where.

Libby states and that she and Bender will insure the bringdown of Vought International which Starlight and Anti Cosmo agree to. Ren has reservations, though as he thinks to himself, even if they did, there would be still a heck of a fallout over a power that powerful falling and who would fill it in.

Chapter 4[]

Ren and Wile E are trying to figure out a way to get him back to the future and are in contact with Wile E's protege Calamity. Ren mentions that Wile E is not like how he was told him and tells him about what he knows on the future including his descendant Tech E Coyote, which suprsies Wile E that his lineage is still around and that of all friends he and a Roadrunner actually are allies which baffles the coyote.

Upon learning from Calamity and Wile E, that the only people allowed to travel through time are people who have proved how responsible they are with such abilities. Ren inplores that there must be ways around time laws and co-operates with Starlight to try and find some way to do so.

Upon heading to Arlen, Ren and the others meet with Dale Gribble and tell him about Operation Countdown and that time travel is part of the whole plan as he is from the future, which Dale finds laughable as he doesn't look like a time traveler or even from the future. Upon being warned by Scratch about Putty lurking around, he hides Putty's attempt with Homelander to catch them to avoid more prison time in the slammer. When Homelander pulls Putty out and Dale returns, it is settled that the miltiary base may have some info on Operation Countdown and he joinsBender, Anti Cosmo and Dale to head to the army base to find more about Operation Countdown. Posing as a Solider, he with Professor Membrane, Dale and Starlight manage to get into the base and learn what Operation Countdown is really on and what The CSM was up to.

He learns that time and space are part of his plan and that CSM wants to distort or control space and time to put himself on top of the multiverse as The Smoking Man believes he who controls space and time, can techinally control the multiverse. With this new info, he and the others head to Alamo Park with their finding, they are attacked by Putty, Zib and Blackfire. Ren joins Bender, Starlight and Professor Membrane in taking on the latter two and helps Starlight fight Blackfire as Bender and Membrane have their own beef with Zib.

He manages to take out Blackfire with Starlight, and he does in his flashy like way that he is so beloved for. Arriving at Alamo Park he helps Bender and Starlight save Sid and go after Homelander despite how tired they are from dealing with Zib and Blackfire.

With their knowledge in play, Ren and Wile E receive an update from Calamity and that there is a responsible time traveler against the CSM and his friends are with him.

Chapter 5[]

Ren arrives in Johto with his crew like the others, He overhears the Unown from Membrane and Sid and this fasicates him to look into the region himself

As he researches, he finds out about The Ilex Forest and Celebi's abilities to travel through time. Seeing this as an way to get back to his time and his friends as well, he felt that finding Celebi might be essential to both stopping Operation Countdown and getting back in time.

When Bender and Anti Cosmo return to the others, He tells Bender and AC this, as they decide to go looking for Celebi on the side. With The Chameleon around, Ren goes after him as he, The Deep and Blackfire go after them. He also makes sure Sid and Libby can capture Lugia and Ho-Oh as well.

He asks Bender and Anti Cosmo what they're up to, and they tell him they're going to find The GS Ball in regards to Celebi, like he asked.

Chapter 6[]

Ren and the others manage to purue and obtain the other 2 roamers respectfully and he is informed through Lisa, Libby and Sid of the progress the two are making on finding Celebi. Ren is relieved that they are making progress and inquires the importance of the GS Ball only to learn it's the key to Celebi's ability to time travel a way to get him and his friends home.

Ren is picked up by Slade and the others and brought to Halverston and Area to regroup with the others so they can plan against The CSM and Homelander. The Latter has his forces invade the peaceful town and Ren does what he does fight and protect the innocent as they all deal what they can do. He like the others is almost chow for The Black Arms, though this is stopped by Shadow who arrived as insurance for Slade to deal with the situation.

He is aware the invasion isn't just here and that they will have to stop all the Conspiracy's invasions before getting to him.


Ren fights off the alien invaders and The Conpsiracy to save the universe He tells Bender and Anti Cosmo about Spear Pillar and where The Smoking Man is and tells them to pursue the man. He finds out about Primal Dialga and Palkia and tells Slade about this

With the others put in charge, Ren directs his team mates to go after The Time Eater with the legendaries He is informed of their success and tells him to come with the others and Celebi to come back

Ren leaves with the others and regroups with Kelly and Cassie with Kate and calls up Eliza to say he has returned home safety with the others and he wants to see her.

Chronicles of Zaragoza[]

Ren appears in Chronicles of Zaragoza as one of the main characters of the storyline and is the main male character of the storyline.

Chapter 2: Past, Present and Future Unite[]

Ren arrives at high school, as he is on some mission to investigate what happened previously He comes to high school as an exchange student and meets Lizbeth, Cassie and Kelly. He starts to feel something for Lizbeth like she is feeling for him. Heck he stands up to Chloe for Lizbeth.

Ren tells Lizbeth, Cassie and Kelly his backstory and that what he's doing here so he doesn't decieve Lizbeth over this. He gets a further fasicatiation after watching Lizbeth decking Chloe. After School The 4 see Peggy and she wants them to come with her. Ren decides to come along despite Peggy saying just them as he tells her that he is here on Payback matters, which gets him to come as She knows that is Solider Boy's former group

Lizbeth, Cassie, Ren and Kelly meet Jack and Kate with Peggy and they head into the headquarters. Where they meet Cecil, Tech E, Felciity Smoak, Betty and Freakzoid, with the former briefing them about the events. Then he and Lizbeth talk about their situation as Lizbeth doesn't want him to get involved, but he insists as he wants to be there for her and help her.

She, Ren, Betty and Felicity do their own recongissance are in contact with Spider Noir. Betty, Lizbeth and Ren head back to the school and decide to do something but Solider Boy's men are on to them due to curfew and Chloe snitched on them

Ren, Lizbeth and Betty get into contact and with Lizbeth's folks they discuss if she'll be ready to deal with this.As Betty sets a location, Ren talks up Lizbeth and tells her she can do this and that he saw her at school and know what she can do. He admits he kept an eye on her, which Lizbeth considered stalking. Though Liz was joking a bit and states that she must have been special if he did so. Ren admits he was spying on her so he can learn her history with Solider Boy and Payback 2.0 while being the American's greatest hero adopotive daughter. He came to want to be her friend as a result even if it came so soon.

Ren, Betty and Lizbeth get to the base Spider Noir set up on they meet back with the others. He is told of Cassie's Pym Particles alongside Lizbeth from Scott and Kate when asked of Cassie who tell the two the truth.

With Cecil, Ren and Kelly. He meet up with Cassie as they discuss her actions in stealing the Pym Patricles and dousing herself inn them. Ren states she must really like Lizbeth, if she was willing to expose herself to them for her, Cassie ask does he like her, and Ren admits he does.

With Kelly, he thinks she must be thrown into this now, though Kelly reminds her she has no training or experience like the 4 do. Ren states that she is smart and could use this to get around it.

The Group makes a pit stop to the outside, basically escaping lockdown, Ren gets his guns ready as he is ready for action. Lizbeth is surprised he can fire arms, he explains his powers to her and his personas to her, This get Lizbeth interested to see how he even manages to see how this works.

Colonel Kit Coyote and the Sergeant are waiting telling Solider Boy as he works with Simon Sinister intend to also harvest Cassie's DNA to use in the suits he has which Sharon took from the Pym Family. He and Lizbeth work in tandem to try to stop them from getting to Cassie and Scott.

Betty and Ren begin to think on a way to get some help with their situation. Ren considers Commander McBragg to go find, as he can do anything as he states something he heardCecil warns Ren and Betty about this, and states that the Commander is of old age and has retired, he feels bringing him out of retirement might be a bad move.

Ren approachs Scott saying Lizbeth won't be alone with Cassie, as he'll help them too get them back and he can be trusted. Lizbeth, Ren, Cassie and Kelly continue to deal with the other members as they allow the others to get to safety so they can get the Commander with the intent to save Peggy and Steve.

Lizbeth, Cassie, Kelly and Ren manage to reach where Solider Boy is hiding out respectfully The 4 manage to sneak into the base and they must make their own decisions how to handle everything

Ren gets his Arsene Persona, as he heads with Lizbeth to go their own way. He acknowledges that there is something going between them, but Lizbeth states that should go on the back burner into this is all dealt with. Lizbeth and Ren decide to go for looking for Peggy which they manage to do so though they need to avoid Solider Boy's guards. which they do by blending use a tranquizer in Ren's fire arms

The two then enter the strapping room and see Peggy has gone missing, though she is right behind them. She thought and she thought quickly though Lizbeth states she would have do so too. The three then go looking for Steve. and get a radio in by Kate

A brainwashed Steve arrives to go after him, Lizbeth and Peggy. Peggy decides to go deal with him while they find Solider Boy Sharon Carter and Solider Boy however ambush this and disarm Ren with Sharon holding him with Solider Boy approaching Lizbeth about his generous proposition. Solider Boy uses Ren as  a bargaining chip in turn, though Lizbeth initially lets her guard down and then she and Ren both put him in shock with Ren using Arsene.

After they trick him, he and Lizbeth work with Peggy and Steve to bring Soldier Boy despite his escape from them. He returns to his normal life after recovering with Lizbeth and Cassie and hangs with them, Kelly, Betty and Freakazoid. He and Lizbeth discuss where their relationship is and while they don't know where it's going, they know that they at least like each other, and that he'll come back after summer as he is an exchange student.

Chapter 3: Solider Boy's Final Stand[]

It's the end of the school year and Lizbeth, Cassie, Ren, Kelly and Freakzoid are preparing for summer holidays. Ren is preparing his bag to return to Japan.He tells Lizbeth, that he'll be back in September or Late August. While nothing is offical yet between them. They can still see each other through face  time

Ren decides he wants to hang with his fellow Phantom Thieves, and has the comics Lizbeth gave him. Ren can tell they are coming from personal experience, view and what she wants to be.

The 5 are arrested by the authorities under Solider Boy and Sharon Carter and Ren is pinned down by the two He learns of the charges by Lickboot as the they were harboring a dangerous criminal in the Salamanca Family known as Lalo Salamanca and other criminal things. Ren states this is unethical and that he has a plane to catch. Though he is denied this

The 5 are nearly sent to Alcatraz through Banishment and imprisonment. But Attorney Birdman manages to bargain for them to be in their custody Ren is brought to President Larke Tanner and they are briefed of their situation

He finds the others and isn't rather pleased he can't go back yet to Japan Larke's allies tell him he'll go back all expense paid. They'll reimburse him for his lost money too. This he agrees to.

Ren is ready to once again and finish Solider Boy once and for all

As it's not safe to do anything where they are, the group on Larke's ideas decide to head to the northern multiverse. Ren talks with Starlight about everything he is dealing with and gets some guidance when it comes to his situation, his relationship with Lizbeth and how he worries to some extent. Starlight helps him with this.

He also learns of Jack/Lalo's revealtion with Lizbeth, Cassie and Kelly. Ren and the others are ambushed by Soldier Boy's men and he fights them not wanting to go to jail again or be framed like before.

He and the others reach Blue Falcon's lab and he reads another of Lizbeth's books trying to see if this can be predicted after hearing what she said. Lizbeth and Ren both look into this. Sharon arrives with the super soldiers having tracked them and Ren states of course it is as that was going to happen next just not in this case.

He fights Winter Solider with the guys, though unlike the girls Unlike the girls they have a bit more trouble with Winter Solider due to being more skilled than Abomination as he wasn't turned into what he is has a Hulk. He is pulled out by Cecil to go get Hughie, The Hanna Barbera Heroes and Felicity were in contact with

Once they are crowed by other super soldiers, Ren and Kate work together and use their abilities and skills to get the better of the soldiers. Afterward, Ren joins Cassie in working to rescue Lizbeth and put that plan into effect

Ren and his friend arrive at the base and go after the soldiers who are trying to get them. Using this opporunity, he and the others find Lizbeth and take on Solider Boy with her. He proves a tough fight for them, and even though he has a lot going for him, he just can't complete against his sheer effectiveness. Though when Solider Boy lets them take him out, Ren does it recultantly and then has to content with a vengeful Sharon Carter who tries to have him ,Cassie and Lizbeth killed out of revenge. He is informed of the Winter Solider arriving on time and the solider takes Sharon out with him. Ren and the others escape respectfully from the base as it blows up

Ren is given his money, his stuff and his ticket to Japan and he bares a farewell to his friends, he has a moment with Lizbeth where they consider deciding to have their first kiss, but hold off for some other time, he tells her to have a good summer.

Chapter 4: Dread The Unknown[]

Ren returns to the school having come back and he has been face timing Lizbeth plenty over time and he remeets with her, Cassie, Kelly, Freakazoid and Connie.

Cassie asks will he and Lizbeth tie the knot, and he gives her the same answer as she does. Ren thinks about his friends as he wants to introduce them to the friends he made here and begins working how he will confess his feelings for Lizbeth.

He is pulled out of school to help deal with the upcoming alien invasion which he does and he branishs his weapons to fight the invasion. However he isn't as lucky as he thinks as he has no idea how to deal with the advanced weaponry. He notices Raven Beak try to kill Lizbeth, so he runs to get to her safety without hesistance as he doesn't want his love and one of his best friends to die.

Ren worries about her health and after talking to Starlight, he decides he needs to confess his feelings for her only to be stopped when Larke and Betty arrive with a cure for her. Ren begins thinking up on things and decides to get his friends back to Japan, to be more safe and like Cecil to keep people from being harmed. He also thinks getting his Phantom Theives Friends can help.

Ren does pick up Lizbeth and that the formula Larke and Betty used worked and turned her into a metahuman and he's stunned by this. He and Lizbeth decide not to wait and confess their feelings for each other and start becoming a couple.

After his arrival, Ren talks and meets up with his friends Morgana, Ann and Ryjuji explaining why he is back here , introduce him to his friends and his girlfriend respectivly.

Ren helps enlist the others into the academy, while having Ann show them around the area respectfully. When something is discovered he joins Lizbeth, Morgana, Ann, Rejiji and Allen is investigating it. He discovers some of the Mawkin Guard out for him and he faces Lawernce Limburger with Morgana. Afterwards, he and Lizbeth discuss his aweness at her toughness and Lizbeth states that this was something new for her but it worked. Ren explains to her that he has a bad feeling that someone has found out where they all are, he takes his friends to the academy and helps them fit in, though he is annoyed by the fact guys are checking out his girlfriend, he keeps it to himself as he himself draws in girls.

After said week, Ren learns more about what has occurred in the past and now from Connie and Cecil respectfully, he isn't pleased with Cecil hiding the Tesseract and makes this clear. Before they all head to a remote island to further discover what has happened in the time they have been gone.

When Kate returns to them and tells Ren, Spider Noir and the others what she found. Ren sighs that of course his nemesis Shido got involved and is helping them, He tells Kate that they need to get the tesseract before he does something Cecil agrees on. Ren stays with the others as a result and through their time they are bombarded with multiple attacks from The Mawkin Guard. He manages to drive plenty off with the others though it does take it's toll especially after helping Lizbeth with the Betty Clones.

He feels Raven Beak and Lord Commander are really just trying to get their hands on Mooncake and The Tesseract and aren't wasting their time like Solider Boy. He also can't help feel Lizbeth is why Raven Beak made those multiple strikes and that it has something to do with Larke and Betty's cocktail of a serum.

Ren debates to himself and talks to Ann and Rejiji on what he's thinking on. Ren then decides he needs to take on Shido for themselves which Morgana agrees on. When Lizbeth and Kelly try to get him to join them to deal with the aliens. Ren states that he'll meet up with them, he has someone else to deal with the thieves. This is what he indeed does do, The Phantom Thieves go around taking on and changing the hearts of his allies before he and Moragan face off with Shido. The two manage to defeat him, and imprison him, Ann tells him that Lizbeth is heading off to deal with the remaining adversaries and Ren leads the three to help her out.

He arrives with the other Phantom Thieves and takes on the forces of the Mawkin Guard and he finds out Raven Beak betrayed Lord Commander and Shido respectfully and he tries to kill Lizbeth and the others. Ren has the Thieves safe the others with him saving Lizbeth. He and Cassie try to help Lizbeth not to go have Raven Beak in revenge, they manage to succeed and tell her that they will have to lay low.

Chapter 5: Return Of The Heroes/Raven Beak Strikes Again[]

Over the time Ren continued his Change of Heart shtick, though he admits that both Lord Commander and Raven Beak were beyond this. He also continues his romance with Lizbeth and studies as he helps Lizbeth with Ann and Cassie to see what powers she has. Ren comes to a conclusion on his own reasoning that some of Lizbeth's powers come from Betty's DNA and that Betty's own alien makeup is what causing her to be able to fly and go into space. When Raven Beak attacks and causes time to distort, Ren sees an opportunity to see what truly lies within Lizbeth and a good time to save her parents.

He purses Raven Beak's allies under Noir and Kate's lead and find the Skrulls, Gravtik and the Mawkin Chozo and takes them on. He fares well against them using what he knows and learn over time. He is in awe after watching Lizbeth's inner powers awaken during her fight with Gravik. Ren manages to stop Lizbeth from going out of control with Cassie as this is new to her respectfully, Lizbeth aplogizes about this to them

Ren isn't bothered and he decides to help bring this new power under control with his Ann and Ryuji with their personas by allowing her to use them without being in danger. This works out well as he wants to see his friend and lover be strong. He then spares with her, Cassie and Kate in a friendly free for all without his personas. Ren does decently being around Lizbeth in rank and then he deals with multiple attacks over their travel, taking each of them with different Personas and his guile wit. He and Cassie then see Lizbeth's new energy absorption powers and they are used to deal with the X.

It's at this point they decide that Ren and the others really need to go at Raven Beak, respectfully. This they do over the course of the constant attacks and plans made with Cecil. He then talks quietly with Kate, Lizbeth and Cassie about their situations and if there is a way that they can truly save their friends and the latter 3's home. In one specific encounter, Ren is ambushed by clones of Captain Carter and Steve alongside the Deviants and Kro. As Lizbeth has to deal with the 7 E.M.M.I

Afterwards, Ren learns of the Binary Form Lizbeth has developed after absorbing the power of the last E.M.M.I which was what Raven Beak intended to have happen. Upon reaching Home, Ren and the others go to fight Raven Beak's crew for their home back. He takes on Gravitk with Kate and The Phantom Thieves to insure the lack of interference from him and the Skrulls for Lizbeth and Raven Beak. After this defeat, Ren goes looking for Lizbeth only to learn from Ann that she is back in Japan respectfully.

Ren arrives earlier on Lizbeth's 16th birthday and discovers Lizbeth had her name changed to Elisa Pappillon and that she had to do it due to Raven Beak's beshirment of her and her absorbption of Raven Beak's power completed her change. He also discovers that Lizbeth had her hair dyed blond which he put together upon hearing this. He compliments and loves her new look, after a curious encounter he meets the others to celebrate her birthday. Ren sees Lizbeth/Elisa before she heads off and she has joined a true Phantom Thief like spirit and wants her to join the team. Eliza/Lizbeth considers it and to see her some time next season, Ren tells Lizbeth about her new "changes" and while they don't make her who she really. Ren prefers her this way as she has become who she's always has been in the inside and it just took this to occur.

They kiss as she heads off.

Chapter 6: The Arrival of Earth X[]

Ren comes back to the schools, and it becomes obvious he really rocked the world of his girlfriend and when they argue about Eliza's ability to handle herself as he feels weak compared to her. When Dark Arrow's time chronotator went off, he was sent off to the past

He was then caught and imprisoned by Vought Corporation and thrown in jail where he would meet Anti Cosmo and Bender in Countdown

After being brought back, he collapses and Ann with Eliza bring back him to their dorm to rest. The two become distracted when they noticed he bulked up noticably and it became in part to his time in the past. Eliza and Ren then talk about what the latter dealt with and tells her of his work with Anglesmith who they are investigating to an extent and Ren doesn't know that Bender is Anglesmith and what went down, putting the idea into her that they changed the timeline.

Chapter 7: X Marks the Spot[]

Ren decides to start training with Eliza now that he has become more capable of keeping up with her which allows the two to have something else to do together. When hearing about the Infinity Stones from Larke and her guys. Ren offers to give Luan an simpler task when it comes to her potential PTSD on this

Joining Luan and her crew, he gets his friends Ann and Ryujij to help him deal with Stormfront and her allies as they go looking for the Time Stone

Once, they get the eye where the Time Stone is, Ren and his friends are ambushed by Stormfront and Elsa Schindler respectfully. Elsa tries to hit on him knowing she's a lot like his girlfriend Eliza, Ren doesn't buy it as he takes her on respectfully. Ren, Luan and the others are able to escape, though Ren may have managed to put his ability to change hearts on Elsa Schindler due to some of her own remorse for what she did, something he mentions to Luan

Ren remeets with the others and while he mentions his failure, Eliza isn't bothered and states that they can work on the next ones together and offers him another session to put themselves to work and he agrees.

Chapter 8: Earth X's Last Stand[]

Ren's friends Ann and Ryuji decide to go to their school for the final year with him and the others respectfully. Ren is preparing for his final year and has hopes with Eliza being the valedoictrian or Cassie due to what he has analyzed on them. Ren still acted with the Phantom Thieves to reform thieves.

When Dark Arrow remerges, Ren and his friends decide to go against them and try to find the Power Stone respectfully. He and the thieves learn from Noir what Elsa is trying to do respectively and what she has been up to. Ren feels that there is hope. Baron Zemo uses his knowledge on the stones and informs them to go to Morag to find The Power Stone.

This works respectfully and he and his crew go there for the stone. Ren though does have to deal with Nazis like the others and he accepts he can't change them and just fights them. He does things that pay off with he finds out Elsa is out to get rid of Dark Arrow for her own reasons. Meaning he did reach through to her with his Phantom Thief thing albeit for selfish reasons something that is repeated when Felicity is captured by Dark Arrow

Ren and the others go after Dark Arrow and he helps deal with Overgirl and Dark Arrow respectively while managing to get the cicada dagger to restore Cassie's powers respectively. Ren and his friends manage to drive off the New Reinschmen and help Larke clean up after their actions.


Ren and the other main characters learn of who were the president's contacts were and he is present for the note that Eliza gets from Scheinder in regards to them as they discuss matters, Ruji wonders when will Elsa appear again. Ren and his friends run into the time travelers and learn what they were doing, he is surprised that they ran into Bender, Slade, AC, Marcy and Harry Wells and learns that they helped deal with the New Reinschmen. He admits he feels guilty about keeping this from his girlriend and tells Eliza the truth respectfully of his time in the past as well as Cassie.


