Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
RJ James 01

Robert James, better known as R.J., is the Jungle Fury Rangers' mentor. He later becomes Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger or simply Wolf Ranger of the Jungle Fury Rangers. He is the owner of the Jungle Karma Pizzeria and practices martial arts privately.

He is later retroactively referred to as Jungle Fury Purple Ranger, though this is in reference to the show and his color, as opposed to being a proper label.

He is played by David de Lautour.

Ranger Forms[]


The P Team/B Team Storyline[]

After the demon Dai Shi was destroyed, R.J. went back to running his pizza shop but one day he heard a rumor that the overlords had returned. Not wanting to risk the other Rangers' lives, he went out to the Multi-Universe to see if it was true. He found out it was true and the overlords have gotten even more powerful too powerful for him alone. He one day meets Scorpion and found out they share a common enemy so R.J. decides to join Scorpion on his quest for revenge.

Along with the rest of the team. he helped the P Team in their quest to defeat Galactus.

When R.J. met M.O.D.A.B, the B Team and the other teams, he was one of the few people apart from Pinkie Pie to defend Julien when he does something stupid which takes many by surprise. He was also the first Power Ranger to join them. 

The Multi-Universal War of Destiny[]

R.J. joins M.O.D.A.B, the B Team and the P Team against Discord (one of the main enemies of the B Team) and also against a new antagonist in Sigma. He and Scorpion at the Republic save Cassandra from being killed at the hands of her mind controlled sister, Discord and Obodiah Stane. He even called the latter "baldy". R.J. assists his friends and is nearly killed by 18 however through Cassandra and Lizbeth's actions they are saved

The Rise of Mechuckles: Beware of The Sith Stalker[]


Meister of War[]


Future Warfare[]


Countdown To Chang's Guide To The Galaxy[]

Chapter 4[]

RJ is revealed to have been who piloted the ship to get the others to safety. He was contacted by Cypto before the distruction to save them and he arrived.

Betty, Master Chief and Arbiter note how good it to see another familar face in this case.

RJ briefs them about got him involved in this mission and it's due in part to what he knows is up and unlike Cypto or others, he's not in this to get in the president's good books. He just wants to do something right and different for once. Which Betty states and that's why he's helping Crpyto

RJ also privately admits to her that he just wanted to do something like this again.

Cyrpto brought back some stuff from the previous stuff and shows it to RJ as they overheard the recording of Maximus and play it back  so they can more infomation on what The Conspiracy is really after in regards to their operation behind the curtain.

The Almighty Tallest attack them intent to take this secret to the grave, Cypto and RJ decide to stop this with Agent Bishop, Atomtic Betty, and Rocket Raccoon. Cypto makes short work of the Irkens attacking them with RJ and Rocket

RJ afterwards looks into what Cypto brought him and comes to a head on something. CSM was behind a lot of stuff currently. He obeserved the discussion Ford had with Mulder and Scully, but he also found out that CSM was behind the latest causuality of alien invasions and covered up his involvement with M.A.L.I.C.E. Keeping this file to himself, he decides he wants to expose The Smoking Man himself.

As they land on Tazmarian, he stays in the ship with Bruce so they can allow The Bad Guys to acquire the infomation on The CSM as he wants to bring this guy to justice.

RJ and Bruce see The Bad Guys come back and learns about Operation Countdown, Bruce heads to tell the others. RJ heads to see Cypto and hears of their truce dealing with the Tazmarians and agrees to assist the other races, though he wants to tell Cypto what he found on the CSM with The Bad Guys and Bruce.

Chapter 5[]

RJ joins Rocket with Cyrpto to recruit The Ravengers as they need negotiators and people who can fight in space to join the crew. As they all do so and talk to the Ravengers, he and Cypto notice something and the two go to investigate this.

This is when the two find both Lord Dregg and The Neutrailzer were the ones behind what just happened. As the two deal with them, he goes after The Neutralizer and discovers some timbits of his own. He learns of Thragg's plan to invade the earth with his crew and the capsule sent to them and RJ tells Deathstroke of what just happened.

RJ and Crypto find the others and that the crew already took care of the Heavy Lobster.

Chapter 6[]

RJ with Crypto joins Agent Bishop's gang to get the agents with the head crabs. They also take on the alien forces as they do so, only for Thragg's invasion to take effect.He also regroups with Ford and the others to take on Thragg.


Rocket, RJ, Crpyto and Mr. X are sent to deal with The Martians CSM has working to colonize humanityUsing Arbiter, Master Chief and Betty distracting General Z-9, they manage to take out the aliens forces before getting vaporized themselves

This allows Ford and Nolan to deal with Thragg a bit easier as well as he doesn't have any reinforcements. Working with Deathstroke's associates, the 4 manage to squash any other alien that could come their way

Afterwards, RJ and Crpto are thanked by Deathstroke. He asks what he can do for them after helping him. RJ has a favor to ask from the president and he obliges respectfully.

Allies and enemies[]

Friends: Casey, Theo, Lily, Domanic, Fran, Jarrod, Camille, Flit, Master Finn (Father), Master Swoop, Master Phant, Scorpion, Cassandra, Crypto, Raz, Android 18, Delta Squad, the P Team, Dib, Bubbles, Milo, Boomer, Nina, Brick, Butch, Nibbler, Hans, Noob, Frost, Ice King, Luigi, Meowth, Megaman X, Hiscord, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, John Price, the V Crusaders,

Enemies: Dai Shi, the Overlords, Galctus, Discord, Obodiah Stane, the Dystopia League, Sigma, the Sigma Organization, Robotic Empire, Phobos' league, the Sith Stalker, Zeus,



RJ's Kung Fu Dancing
