Rūta is a Lithuanian woman who was visiting Norway. One day, she was walking by a lake, and she suddenly heard fiddle music. Because she was enchanted by him, she started walking towards the water, and a very handsome man playing the fiddle came out of the water, very slowly. He saw her and immediately fell in love with her. Ruta fell in love with him as well, and he told her that his name was Kjell. Kjell told Ruta that he was actually a water spirit most of the time, he would hypnotize people with his fiddle music and make them walk into the water and drown, but he honestly couldn't drown Ruta, because she was too beautiful to die. Kjell did persuade her to stay with him for a while, and Rūta eventually decided that she never wanted to go back to Lithuania. She and Kjell started a romantic relationship and she stayed in Norway for the rest of her life.