Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Cleo's Final/Queen Form


Cleo's 2nd form post Multiversal Noir to The Prankster Point Paradox


Cleo's 1st/base look

Cleo Subprime is an animated and different verison of Cleo Setori from another H20 universe

She shares the same name and initally the same personality before the prime Cleo's turn to the dark side with a few differences like being able to turn a mermaid at will, not having the same advanced abilites unlike Cleopatra Prime

Friends: Lisa Loud, Bender, Anti Cosmo, General Yuman, Luan Loud, Marcy Wu, Harrison Wells, Slade Wilson, Wile E Coyote, Bean, Elfo, Luci, Captain Hero, Stan Marsh, Celes Chere, Jessie Wells, King Andiras, Hilda, Mrs.Taruntla, Deathstroke, Celes Chere, Cricket Green, Ronnie Anne Sandigo, King Andrias, G-Lo, Libby Stein Torres, Tom Lucifor, Amity Blight, Scrooge Mcduck, The Green Family, King Andiras, Angus, Ace Jr, Hilda, Kamela Khan

Allies: Mojo Jojo, HIM, Sideshow Bob, Nasela, Varrick, Dr.Insano, Tombstone, Captain Cold, Hades, Captain James Hook, Bowser, Guzma, Professor Scudsworth, Malcolm Merlyn, Gus Fring, Mike, Mark Mardon, Cala Maria (At Times)


Cleo's New Look Post Multiversal Noir before the events of Countdown

Enemies: The Thinker, Toffee, Bill Cipher, Sasha Wayblight, Captain Grime, Odalia Blight, Alador Blight, Don Karnage, Ratiskor, The Phantom Blot, The Prankster, The Pranks A Lot Mob

Moral Ranking: Pure Good

Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult[]

Chapter 8[]

She is wakes up and healed by Bean using her magic. Cleo introduces herself to Marcy Wu, Bender, Luan, Wile E, Captain Hero, Bean, Elfo, Luci, Stan, Lisa Loud, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harrison Wells and reveals her story and the alternate multiverse as well. She sent the note to Bender through Luan to invesitgate and find her knowing that P.I Anglesmith could find her


Cleo (Pre Prankster Point Paradox) As a Human

Cleo Subprime reveals herself as a mermaid when questioned by them in regards to Cleo. Lisa, Wile E and Harrison decide to experiment on her and see how she works as a mermaid as Luan gets to know her. While not comfortable with these, she does enjoy her time with Luan who bonds with her. Harrison, Lisa and Wile E find out that she's a girl who can willing turn herself into a mermaid at will and her powers are basic level using Wile E as a  test dummy. Luan and Cleo Subprime meet up and she tells Luan of the orginial self becoming corrupted by the dark side and Luan tells Marcy Wu of this. Luan adds how it's even possible and Cleo Sub prime reveals how a mermaid is made and present some of the water that managed to acquire from the island herself.


Cleo Subprime (Pre The Prankster Point Paradox) As a mermaid

After Luan pranks her with a water bomb to test if she's turn into a mermaid by contact, Cleo Subprime pranks with her one and unknown to her with the water from the island and this causes Luan to become a mermaid herself. Cleo Subprime apologizes to Luan for this and Luan wonders how that happened, Cleo Subprime states that it must have been a full moon and she'll do what she can

Harrison tells them that they need to go find and help Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade as the Blights and Toffee got them and Cleo Subprime decides to swim and decides to take Luan as a way to test this recent event. Cleo Subprime, Luan and Harrison help Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo deal with this and then return to Lisa's bomb shelter as Toffee starts Weirdmagedon

Chapter 9[]

Having got back to Lisa's bomb Shelter in time of Weirdmagedon, Cleo and Luan talk about did Luan handle that long trek of swimming to The Boiling Isles. Luan says it did feel quite nice to not worry about drowning or losing air, she does admit it feels odd that it only took 10 seconds and how absorbing moon island water caused this change

Cleo Subprime stated it's a unusual change, and Luan asks if it's unusual to a tail that long and Cleo states it's not and the reason it's yellow and it seems Luan has an infinity for yellow and while the tail is thin and seems not too impressive as she settles into it, It will become quite powerful

Luan tells Cleo she doesn't want the change to be permanent, and apologizes if she took it too far, Cleo Subprime tells Luan that she can make what Luan is doing be more under her control even telling that she does have powers of her own.

Cleo is brought in to Bender's exchange with Luan as Bender became aware of Luan's recent change at Cleo's hands. Cleo apologizes that she didn't mean to and Luan pranked her first, Bender points out to her that Luan is a prankster and to expect that and Cleo knew she had moon water from Mako Island and used it to prank Luan. Cleo tells Bender that she was unaware that the moon out was The Mako Moon that changed her and Bender does admit that it's not like he knew either,

Bender tells Cleo Subprime that he doesn't want Luan's life ruined because of her prank and wants her to live the best life and turning her into a mermaid might have done that. Cleo Subprime tells Bender she's working on a way to stablize it like she did to herself. Bender states she better or he's sending Cleo Subprime back to her alternate multiverse. Cleo sees this as a win win as she was pulled out of there, Bender states he meant that. Cleo Subprime ponders when will she shows powers.

Upon receiving the vaccine from Mojo, Harrison and Jesse, She places some with Yuman and Marcy to get from to the latter's friend using her powers to help them to Team Free Will easier. After this successful play albeit with Yuman's crippling, Cleo Subprime joins up with the rest in defending Newtopia and deals with Don Karnage while showing some concern for Yuman's injury despite the latter's don't pity me atttitude.

Cleo Subprime decides to continue to take on the  Weirdmagedon Cult demons to ensure she can get her Friend Luan Alongside Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harrison Wells to Toffee Cipher. Before Luan leaves, Cleo encourages Luan to use her powers that will surface at some point and that she doesn't need to be transformed to show them and Luan questions this and Cleo Subprime tells her to focus when the time comes and to believe in herself.

Cleo then instructs Wile E and Lisa Loud to work on a way to stablize mako mermaid transformations to try and keep her promise to Luan and Bender.

Chapter 10 (Final Chapter)[]

As Cleo Subprime helps out defeat the henchmaniacs she also uses her hydrokinetic powers to protect Wile E and the others from getting the henchmaniacs from reaching. She also keeps in contact with Wile E and Lisa about the potion/vaccine used for Luan to stablize her transformation.

Cleo Subprime assists Wile E to ultiamely save the rest of the heroes and uses her hydro powers to sheild the rest of the team from explosions due to the strength of them  at the hands of Wile E and Harrison's explosives

Cleo Subprime is honored by Andrias like the rest of the group for her heroism. She tells Luan that she intends to stay in this multiverse as a result of her time with the crew, she reveals her hidden royalty to Luan and hands her the potion to stablize the transformation of the Mako Island Moon that Wile E and Lisa made.

Multiversal Noir[]



In Royal Woods, Luan is hanging with Cleo Subprime near the pond both testing their powers.  and tells Cleo that Bender and Anti Cosmo have been trying to call up to her. Cleo asks what is Anti Cosmo and Bender asking about, Luan states that they have another case and it's a missing person that Bender is familiar with.

Bender and Anti Cosmo arrive and notice Cleo Subprime, Bender asks Cleo to assist in their case which she agrees to. Anti Cosmo asks where will all of them meet, Luan states that her house is off limits.

Cleo questions this which Bender explains that The Loud House has been really busy in part to Lincoln's new neighbor and the last time Bender and co hosted a get together there. Hero went nuts in regards to a soup or salad order. Cleo questions why Hero even is with them which Anti Cosmo concedes too

Luan offers to call Hero and Wile E to help with the case and asks if they just recruit President Wilson's Help. Bender explains to Anti Cosmo and Cleo that he also does work for President Deathstroke Wilson who ran for poltics to run the multiverse after using the spear of destiny and defeating Thawne. Bender, Cleo and Anti Cosmo head to Dreamland to go get Bean to assist in their case.


Chapter 1[]

Cleo is brought in by Bender, Luan, Anti Cosmo, Wile E and Bean to Captain Hero's Drawn Together Home to discuss the disappearance of Lizbeth and upon hearing of Bender's  multiverse hopping plan, Cleo gives Bender a reality check but gently explains that Bender has to be real and that they just can't do that of their own accord and that she didn't arrive here on her own accord and she was forced out. Bender states that someone must have before and that it can happen again. Bean adds that was a random chance which undeters Bender.

Now that Bender, Luan and Wile E are out of the room, Cleo tells Bean, Hero and Anti Cosmo that the powers she gave Luan by accident drain out of the comedian's system due to her sister and Wile E's stablizer working too well, Bean defends Wile E in that it wasn't his intention to do so. Cleo agrees that she did ask them to stablize, she didn't expect it to work so well, She aplogizes as well for her comment about Bender being nuts in his plan. Cleo tells Anti Cosmo that she knows what it feels like it's just she doesn't want to take a risk regarding this as only Harrison really knows about the multiverse in that way.

She meets Hilda with her friends and decides to help her with her case, as Cleo feels something to her the same thing she felt for Luan Loud. Upon learning that Bender agreed to help and that they must head to Halverston and Area. Cleo transforms into her mermaid form and takes Wile E and Bean with her, as she notes Hero is too unstable to be trusted since she saw him snort cocaine on his way out.

Arriving in Lizbeth and Milo's old home town and going to the old for sale Powell House, Cleo works with the team to create the machine Deathstroke stated  and joins her team in going through the multiverse.

Chapter 2[]

Upon arriving in the western multiverse, Cleo compared to her friends feel very dried up due to being part mermaid constantly puts herself in water to stay hydrated as the others go around trying to find Lizbeth with Wile E's DNA Scanner.

With Everyone other than Wile E going on their own thing, she joins Wile E in looking around and thankfully Wile E using his ACME Water gun to keep her hydrated bit by bit. Cleo tells Wile E that this to be expected in that even though they're in the same place, it feels more different than it should. Using her own experience, she tries to figure out where Milo's house is, though Wile E confirms that it was where he started and it didn't feel like a house and like Bender and Anti Cosmo agreed on. It feels more like a setting


As the others get into trouble with outlaws, Cleo and Wile E step in to help Luan and Hilda deal with their outlaws and bringing them to the sheriff which to the suprsie of her is a kid. She shares this view with Bean while Hero dimisses this.

Upon find Mrs.Matte, Cleo confirms everything Lizbeth said was true due to her being an alterante self, she even questions why no one else asked her. Bender, Luan and the others basically admit that this is new to them which she does let go.

REturning to the multiverse they orginated, Cleo instantly decides to get hydrated fully as the others talk to Deathstroke and his associates

Chapter 3[]

With Hero and Bean both on the way to deliver the brews Anti Cosmo and Bender got in their 1st travel. Cleo looks into more multiverses with Deathstroke and his assoicates and reads on them when she start showing show sparks going on as she begin seeing cracks of dimensions open and close randomly on her. Deathstroke asks what's going on with her and Cleo states that she has no idea, somehow cracks and sparks are randomly occuring with her  it's like she's seeing things or something like that. Welton offers to experiment on her which she turns down as a result of Wile E and Lisa doing so.

Upon The Arrival of Septarains red by Ratiskor  with intent to take revenge on Bender,Luan, Anti Cosmo and the team. Working with Deathstroke she gets Bender, Luan, Anti Cosmo, Wile E and Hilda back to help them all drive the Septarians and Ratiskor out of their territory

Despite their success, the multiversal hopping machine is damaged which leads to Deathstroke, Wile E, Deathstroke's assoicates and Bender's hacker Mrs.Tarauntla to work on rebuilding while she joins her friends for chicken

Cleo is left pondering what happened with her  trying to learn how sparks emulated out of her and why cracks have become visble to her as she eats away. With collison between Bender, Gus, Deathstroke, Luan and Anti Cosmo they all decide to take their travels to Gus's chicken farm where Cleo joins the girls and Bender at feeding the chickens as they wait.

Cleo Subprime joins the team in going into a multiverse after Weirdmagedon  and they find just that but with consquences in that timeline as they learn from Lizbeth in that timeline a solo surivior who doesn't know how people came back as Bender wanted to look into a multiverse that occured after the big blip thinking a timeline in a multiverse that was in the future would be an answer.

Chapter 4[]

The 9 enter these the multiverse of choice and it's a super hero universe and on the request of Anti Cosmo and Webs. Everyone begins looking around trying to blend  in and Cleo's powers begin sparking again which Wile E notices near a body of water and it sucks the two into another multiverse

This universe is Cleo's own universe which she recongizes, Wile E questions how did she did that and Cleo reveals that something has been happening with her back in Halverston and Area with sparks and it also happened near some water.

Wile E begins to ponder and suspects that maybe maybe her DNA is changing, or some kind of power is begining to emerge in her and he suspects it's something to do travel. Cleo and Wile E both look back at that last instance and they realize it maybe possibly mutliverse travel through different mutliverses through the power of reflective water.  Wile E states that it's random as he noted and it is unable to be controlled at this point.

Cleo decides on something and decides to stay in their multiverse with the others, Wile E curious asks Cleo didn't she want to come back here. Cleo states she did initally and worked with him, Bender, Bean, Hero, Luan and the others make her come to appreicate her time with them.

She decides to say good bye to her family, her friends and start a new chapter of her life. Wile E sighs sadly as he watches this as he states that she can still visit them but she will need to focus in turn before she can make a visit.

Wile E and Cleo emerge out of a portal and Luan is quick to notice how sad Cleo when saying that and wonders how she will get around leaving her family. Bender has an idea but they'll talk later. Luan ponders and asks Cleo if she would stay anywhere where and Cleo answers a beach house is something she would like if possible. Luan keeps this aside to herself. As Luan goes with Anti Cosmo and Bender to talk to their Lizbeth quarry, Cleo reveals to Bean and Webs about her telling her parents and family about her depature and move out and that she may have still a way to see them, but she needs to control what she  has developed.

Chapter 5[]

Ratiskor and his forces arrive at Gus's chicken compound with the intent to get back at Marcy's friends for Marcy's action. Cleo fends off the forces with her powers to stop the Septarians.

With Anti Cosmo, Bender, Gus's Men and Guzma heading to London, she works with Mark Mardon to help them arrive there using her wind powers and when Ratiskor does get on the plane, Cleo warns the team about this.

After dealing with the Septarians, Cleo and Wile E go to find the perfect beachouse for Cleo to live in now and Wile E hands her a generous check from Bender and Luan that the two agreed that she can use for her living as Wile E, Bender and Deathstroke all chipped in to help her settle in.

As Cleo has done her job and well at that, Bender and Wile E allow her to get adjusted to her new home and finds out that Deathstroke manage to supply her with supplies and has

The Prankster Point Paradox[]


Cleo finds out she's gone blond.


Cleo has been working on her dimensional traveling powers but she has changed since her move. Cleo has found more confidence in herself as her other powers grew and she has dyed her purple hair and has emerged as a gold haired blonde who has been turning heads. Joining forces with Marcy Wu, Bender and the gang to figure this new Prankster and the Pranks a Lot Gang.

Cleo alongside Wile E, King Andrias and Cricket Green serve as the triagonists of the story.


Cleo is busy testing her dimensional powers with a  towel on her head and she tries to visit a new dimension and she does this 2 times. It works one time but backfires the other time, questioning how she can ultimately use her powers to travel successfully every time as on her 1st time, Cleo did manage to get a successful travel to a sea world to see that very world. As she wanted to test this while going for her morning swim

As Cleo looks on the pier thinking to herself this is when she hears a knock on the door and she goes to the door and sees Bender, Marcy Wu, Wile E, Luan, Ronnie Anne and Cricket. Ronnie Anne is confused is that Cleo Setori and Bender states the one they know and they call her Sub Prime.

Cleo states that she is Cleo Setori Subprime, Princess Cleo. Cricket asks if that  is an actual title or in name only. Cleo states it is and she has been looking into ways to help the seas she was crowned this title and this one of the projects she has been working on in the beach house.

Wile E wants to get to the point and tells her that Bender is ignoring his sabactial orders and going on another case after hearing of Chip Whistler’s return. Ronnie Anne and Cricket both state that he recovered from his brain damage. Cleo asks did they consider Slade and Anti Cosmo to get, Ronnie goes to Bender and states they knew too which he confirms.

Cleo states that she is glad that they are extending another investigation or adventure. She takes the team to wait as she get dressed as she removes her towel to reveal blond hair.

Bender, Marcy, Luan and Wile E comment on the blond hair and Cleo asks if they like it. The 4 all have nothing to say. Cleo states that dyed it a bit after setting into the beach house and explains that her powers have been growing despite not having perfect control over her multiverse traveling powers.  She used a kind of dye which correlates to a  mystic ocean that allows change to occur physically and it’s effected from within and that she came out of it with the new hair color as it represents who she is within.

Cleo admits that she has been getting a lot of dates so it has It’s perks, which Bender states it’s because she’s blond. Cleo states because she’s a catch literally holding a fish rod. Cleo then reveals she’s been working on improving the life of fish people and the bodies of water with her research and trying to use her powers for this.

Luan states that they need to talk about powers soon and Cleo curious wonders to talk later about this. The Group gets a honker and it’s from a Convertible with Gus’s henchmen Victor and Tyrus.

Cleo asks about them, Marcy states that Fring has them driving them and Gus around to get the team and now it’s time to go to Slade’s contient to get them. Cleo decides to use her portal powers as a test for her to go while the others go their way they found her. They arrive and Cleo is late, She admits that it took 3 tries but she got it. She then joins the team in recruiting Slade’s men and Slade.

Cleo sees the team come together as Andrias has an audience with the group about his deal with Bender and Marcy Wu. Cleo and Luan talk about what Luan wanted to meniton, Luan mentions to Cleo she has spider webs shooting out of her wrists, sticking to walls, tingles and she came out of a bath slightly more broad. Cleo asks Luan about the spider bite and Luan states that Wile E suspects it was Webs which Cleo states that is likely as well.

Chapter 1[]

Similar to Tom, she decides not to use a plane to travel and to try the method of her own poewrs. Wile E advises her she may have to do this herself as it could risk danger and she states she's got this under control.

Cleo uses her powers to travel hopefully to Big City, she doesn't get the hand of it and finds herself in other universes and she get stressed as she just can't get a hold of these traveling powers. After trying 5 times, she finally gets Big City and arrives after the others finally show up

She is asked why she is so late and Cleo mentions she really tried to get Big City but her trouble controlling the full extent of this power is making her melcanholy. Harry believes that it's somethng more laternal than simple metahumanism. Intending to go back to Cricket's house she goes with Harrison, Bender, Marcy, Wile E, Libby, Grime and Cricket.

Encountering the mob with the others, Cleo has no intention to go down singly and uses her water powers on Shocker during their faceoff. Unlike her trouble with multiversal travel, she has very good control over them and uses them to good use against the rest of the mob. This allows them all to escape.

Upo being lead to the Remington Manison where Cricket's best friend is, Cleo ponders to herself what to do for themselves and herself. Cleo does get an idea of her own upon walking around of the manison before returning to Cricket and Grime in time for Libby to show them what she found.

Chapter 2[]

Cleo leaves the Remington Mansion with an idea in mind for herself and decides she need to help guide her if needed. With the others, Cleo gets a room and decides to put her an idea to work for herself.

Cleo lets a guy out of her room who she was messing around with feeling a bit unsatsifed. Celes catches it and asks what she doing letting a guy in the hotel. Cleo states she felt lonely and wanted to do something, she is a lot more confident than she used to be and she was doing that at the beach house. Celes states why Cleo may be a blond, that doesn't give her reason to be more like the getting around kinda gal, Celes herself admits she doesn't use her looks that way

She tells Celes, she's down because her multiversal traveling power is too dangerous and she doesn't have a handle on it. Cleo has her hair blond to reinforce a new life for her and that she kinda has to find the  one to get a prince for the kingdom.Celes asks what kind of kingdom and Cleo states the ocean kingdom and that she is of royalty and she states that even though she has standard merpowers, she doesn't feel equipped to protect it.

Celes advises her that Cleo will doubt herself and shouldn't. Celes states if she wants to prove something, prove it to herself that's all that counts. Celes does advise don't experiment dangerous stuff or serums on herself to amplify her powers or anything, just tap into what's within or do something about it. Cleo then asks about Celes herself and finds out the terriagen mists were reponsible for her current look and the amplifying of her own cryoknesis powers but she wasn't looking for it and Cleo shouldn't and Celes states she felt just like Cleo now after emerging from it.

Cleo starts thinking on this and decides to use the opporunity what she found in the Remington Mansion.

As the rest of the team catch up to Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harrison and Marcy, a train pulls up and this is when  King Andiras gets out of the train and told them that he came  personally to pick up the team and they'll be on their way to Mafia Town which is what Marcy, Bender, Wile E and Harrison found where were to go next. Cleo decides to ultimately travel with them this time.

Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Celes, Grime, Wile E, Cleo and G-Lo all do their own things and this is when Merlyn and Libby warn them and the others that The Millers are on to them. The Group reaches their destinsation and King Andrias drops them off wishing them good luck with their mission as he does his own thing.

Harrison with Cleo, Celes and G-Lo all have their own path to go to they do manage to avoid the mob respectfully as they work to investigate where to find their next clue. This is when Harrison finds King Andiras reading something. They ask him what he's doing here and Andiras reveals he came to do some nice reading. G-LO and Cleo ask about why he came personally, Andiras states he was aware of the Millers like they said, showing a chess board to them. He needed to see what they would do and plan in turn. Cleo states regarding how the team split up that Odalia will target Amity and Bender, so she supsects The MIllers will Target Slade and Anti Cosmo. Harry and Celes both agree witht his assumption

G-LO decides on using stealth to start investigating the mob which Harrison and Andrias question how she can do. G-Lo reveals she can shapeshift her body to just that showing to them surpsiing Celes and Cleo. G-Lo manages to get the group into the compound where The Prankster so they can spy on the rest of the group.

Harrison and Cleo both look carefully into the lab and they investigate and see what Chip Whistler gathere earlier and find out that Dr.Carol Lineus and Alador are working on they notice some much tecnology is being used.  

Black Heroin does manage to find them and orders their men to go after them. Celes and Cleo both use their powers to keep the other members of the Mafia at bay though Black Heroin is undeterred and continues their chase to them. Harrison blasts her away with ihis energy rifle and saves G-Lo from possibly being frozen by a side effect of Celes and Cleo using ice powers to stop the others. Cleo does confess in that water she was given the other powers of her own verison of her friends. Celes, G-Lo and Harry are fasciated by this as the others all head out and Black Heroin does manage to get through everything but is ultimatelty brought down by King Andrias saving the 4 and then tossing her aside.

Then the 5 manage to get away to get back to the team.

Malcolm decides he needs to head back to Guzma and Fring and asks if the kid can create a portal for him to go through with her powers. Cleo tries and makes 2 portals and Merlyn goes into the left and he comes back immedaitly, snarking that he totally wanted to open into a dimenisonal with a human can openner and Cleo suggests the right which he does and he tells them to make sure that kid knows how to use that power

Celes asks Cleo why did that happen, Cleo admits she was tired and that she pushing herself there was not what she needed to do which Celes asks what was she's doing and Cleo states something Cleo realted. Luan and Celes both suspect she's doing something

King Andiras states that if the kid can focus her powers then they can get to their next location telling Luan and Celes to hold her. Cleo's hands do get some focus and they do form another portal sucessfully for the crew which Luan gets her spider powers ready to use the web to hold the team from falling if needed

Chapter 3[]

Cleo manages to make an actual sucessful portal and manages to find herself in another ocean like she wanted. Cleo decides to take cues and go where Marcy and her friends are going. She is stopped by some mermaids and that she needs to go to and see the Royal Count

Cleo begrudgily agrees, aruging that she can be has been doing her royal duties, helping the wildlife, and defending the oceans from sea villains as a mermaid, and do another end as a human. Cleo is told what about the getting around, she has done as of late, Cleo states she needs a break every now and then as well as needing a life.

She joins the council and the queen arrives to them and Cleo finds out her highness is not long for the world. And that an heir will be needed to take over the throne once the time comes. Cleo thinks about her multiversal hopping powers and she isn't paying attention as much as she should. She does learn that the sea crown will choose who becomes the queen and it's on the head of the queen because it chosses someone by anaylzing their brain. Cleo calls it weird and unsenscial as the meeting continues

Cleo is kept aside by the queen, who praises Cleo's work as a princess and a heroine. Cleo is told that she is distracted easily though, and has been getting around a bit much. Cleo states she's just trying to settle in her own life and is trying to find purpose or something, and that is she's a teen. The Queen tells Cleo that she has a right to have a life, though her getting around is proabaly a distraction, Cleo is told she has further potential than even Cleo herself  thinks she does. Cleo is told that she does have a chance at ascending to her throne, and demonstrates this to Cleo's amazement as her tail becomes ruby red like Cleo's queen and she feels stronger. It is reveresed as an example, Cleo states she needs to get back to her friends, she is told by the queen that she can enhance Cleo's basic powers if she can provide a sense of reponsibility.

Cleo states she'll at least try before heading off. deciding to continue what she's doing.

Marcy, Luan, Wile E, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, G-Lo, Celes, Sasha, Grime, Scrooge, Tom, Amity and Libby are all visited by King Andiras, Yuman, Olivia and Cleo as They found Cleo and upon being asked where she was. Cleo just states she was just in another ocean and had to see her queen.

Marcy, Luan and Wile E are curious on this and Cleo just states that her ruler isn't too long for this world, is looking for a heir and Cleo herself is among the top candiates but she was considered not reponsible. Cricket agrees with this assessment as does the other 3. Marcy states that King Andiras is a goofball but actually does have some reponsibility.

Wile E and Cleo both realize the latter could use the water powers she has to conduct the electricity. Wile E, Celes and Angus both tell Cleo to focus on the manta which Cleo stands in front of the team and uses her powers.

As the Manta,Cleo focus and uses her powers which does actually cause it pain as Wile E predicts though he does warn her to keep it away from any water as it will be conducted like her own powers. Cleo does listen and uses her water powers further and moves back as the Manta is coming closer. Celes and Tom decide to give her a hand by using their ice and fire powers respectively in tangem. Celes, Tom and Cleo all manage to soak the electric manta.

It breaks the manta into small mantas, which Luan, G-Lo, Amity, Wile E, Tom, Cleo, Marcy, King Andiras and Celes all go after them. Olivia warns her king this is dangerous, and Andiras states despite the fact the fact they stil have electric powers, he'll be able to deal with this taking out his flaming sword.

The Small Mantas are doused by Cleo, Tom, Amity and Celes as Tom and Amity are using fire spells to melt Celes Ice and Cleo is using her own water powers to keep up the effort on them.

Libby, Olivia and Angus watch and Libby feels ashamed that she can't defend herself like they can. Angus reassures her it's fine and that it's not always about fighting and sometimes pacificsm is the key, it's just in this case and Libby will find her own way which Olvia agrees with. Libby decides she'll help anyway and is the first to notice the mantas go hot pink and warns the others that now they will be directly after them. She rushes in and asks Cleo to give a lot of waer, which she does and Libby runs to a cliff running through the muck taking several electric shocks to the worries of the others.

They all follow her to the cliff so they can't get be surrounded on Marcy's orders. Afterwards everyone involved manages to destroy the rest of the mantas.

Cleo seems satisfied in this as she took reponsibility to save Loch Loud from the Electric Manta, Angus states she shouldn't look for satisfication in a single act, but she should keep trying to better herself, is this queen is sincere, Cleo should take reposnibility for the aquaric life as a mermaid and people as a human. Cleo asks Angus how is he so cool with her being a mermaid, and Angus states he's seen a lot from the last time something like this happened here.

Cleo is patting herself on the back and thinks back to what Angus said and how he is right. She feels something bubbling in her and notices some small but noticeable changes emerging in her.

The portal that Cleo, Celes and G-Lo all agree to take lands them in a Translyvania like area where a gooey substance is immediatly shot at them. Though Celes and Cleo both stop it respecitvley with Celes's ice powers and Cleo heat related water powers. G-LO takes charge and leads the other two girls through this one.

Bats try to sweep down on them but G-Lo stops them from doing by shaping her own face into a bat getting them to back off before regaining her normal face. Celes and G-Lo avoid the water as Cleo swims in it as they arrive at another castle.

Celes decicdes to destory the wall in order to get into the castle and G-Lo streches herself out for Cleo and Celes to get up to and she joins them. The three see a good few amount of mirrors which ghosts emerge from and Celes decides to wait for them to float past before moving foward.

Seeing Bareels, Cleo and G-LO destoy them to go further and the latter strethces out again to to let the two up. Ghosts approach the three and G-LO shields the two to ensure the ghost doesn't spot them and dissappear

As they traverse and notice coffins, skeltions emerge and attack the three. They are easily taken care of though Cleo decides to use her fists instead of her powers on these enemies. They jump into a hole and enter the next area.

Cleo turns her self into her mermaid form and helps nativage them thorugh an underwater corridor of spikes and chained balls. Cleo having surperior speed in water gets them to safety as there are blocks trying to crush them and after emerging from the water. Celes and G-Lo get out and Cleo turns back into a human to enter a room with a big ghost.

It can't be defeated no matter what they try so they decide to just leave with them using a platform to do so. The 3 girls do the same thing as ususal regarding ghosts and avoid them and keep escaping the ghosts as much as they can ultimately getting to the top and finding a vampire.

The Vampire attacks them and they all put their powers to good use by having G-Lo and Cleo stunning it and having Celes attacking the vampire with her sword as opposed to her ice powers.

They do this a few more times and Cleo uses her water shaping powers to keep it from possibly biting the others and then uses her water freezing powers to freeze the vampire and place it back in the coffin which Celes freezes.

Cleo, Celes and G-Lo end up dealing The Prankster and Captain Putty in their ecounter with them. Captain Putty goes off against G-LO and Cleo and Celes deals with The Prankster. Because both G-LO and Putty are mode elgonated characters, the match between them is close between them and they struggle in the aftermath. Celes and Cleo are on the other hand quite a match for The Prankster using their collective powers on her and Celes drawing her blade on The Prankster

G-Lo does manage to defeat Captain Putty, and has Cleo freeze him in turn before he hits her with an anvil formed hand.

The Prankster is put in a corner and reveals her trick card, tranquizers. She loads a toy gun and shoots one at the two. She does shoot Celes in the arm with one and almost get Cleo with one. The Prankster then throws a smoke bomb to disappear.

Celes, Cleo and G-Lo are puzzled about The Prankster and why she ran. G-LO and Cleo are suprsied that Celes didn't collapse in tranquil, though Celes tells them that it's not a sleep tranquizer dart and she can tell. Cleo states that she did manage to find something of note, a note itself. G-Lo and Celes both realize it's part of a clue and Cleo uses her multiverse hopping powers to open a portal for them to get back to the castle. Celes asks does Cleo look a little different to G-Lo and G-Lo asks why and Celes states because she suspects Cleo is doing something without them knowing.

Harrison does some analysis with Marcy and they discover it was part of that tranquilizer that she shot at them from an distance which Scrooge, Ronnie and Cricket realize was why they were baited with the portals. Tom states he was hit and didn't lose his powers, Harry and Marcy both spectualte because he's a demon and thus immune to those tranqs. This is something agreed upon by Ronnie Anne and Cricket as that would explain things. Cleo also present states she didn't take anything and G-Lo didn't either.

Cleo stays with Celes, Ronnie Anne, Cricket, Tom, Grime and Amity and she is questioned about what she's been doing  by Celes. Cleo tells Celes she's been doing some intense physical training and trying to be reposnible. Celes asks why is she sneaking around with this, Cleo states she'll up for candicacy for the new monarch of the sea and she's trying to prove she's the girl for the task

Celes reprimands her for sneaking around too much just for some purpose and is that all Cleo is doing this for. Cleo states that for all her powers, she doesn't how to actually defend herself hand to hand and wants to be reponsible so she can be more than just a plain mermaid/human hybrid. Celes offers to train her with this once she recovers from this. Cleo ponders she has powers and didn't lose them when she was hit by Prankster's surem shots, Tom states that something is special in her maybe, and thinks about Cleo's multiversal traveling powers and ponders the chance that her powers come from another multiverse and it doesn't work as a result. The others call Tom nuts for such a theory, though Tom states at least he's thinking of something. Cricket and Ronnie Anne take out their clue they got and ask Tom and Grime for their and Cleo's so they can look into a bit.

Harrison, Marcy, Tom, Cricket and Ronnie Anne all show up with the other half of the note and Angus tells them to give it over and that he and Scrooge can work out the details. Marcy tells Slade, Anti Cosmo and the others that Harry and her found out about the trans The Prankster used and they were used to nullify inherent magic in them. Cleo and G-Lo both realize that may have been why they were unaffected by the shots, their powers are methuman and moon based.

Cleo looks at a water reflection as she starts thinking about accepting Celes's offer or not, this is until she sees a noticeable thing in there and a water tentacle grabs her. Cleo finds herself in the same room she was in before and in front of the monarch. Cleo states she didn't do anything, and it can't be proven

The Mermaid Monarch tells Cleo that she  is not in any sort of trouble and that she observed the whole situation at Scotland. Cleo states she was just trying to help her friends and deal with the Mob. The Queen tells her to keep that thought to herself and to keep beleiving that, she has a suprise for the younger mermaid. She temporaily uses her powers to make a special full moon appear.

Cleo is curious what's going on  and then The Monrach summons a tentacle to grab Cleo and Cleo is looking scared as it grabs her and then The Monarch uses her powers to make it bright and Cleo is held up and turns into a water shiloutte and after 7 minutes, she makes the moon disappear and Cleo becomes herself again. Cleo asksed what just happened and she learns that The Special Full Moon drastially enchanced her basic powers like she promised. She know has Cyronesis, which Cleo uses to freeze something, Pyrokensis which she uses to set something on fire, Aerokensis which is air powers and Electrokensis, as she uses electcity to test it out. Cleo is told she,'s a special case alright as there is something unsual about her.

Cleo states of there is all right and leaves back to Loch Loud to get back to her team

Chapter 4[]

Scrooge calls everyone to get aboard of the plane. Bender, Marcy Wu, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harry, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Wile E Coyote, Cleo, Libby, Tom, G-LO and Sasha all show up. Launchpad was suprised to see how many people Mr. MD has brought on the quest with Celes, Grime and Amity rearing at the back

Celes meanwhile is physically training Cleo with a lot of excerise equipment. Cleo does to her own fair job with it under Celes, though she does nearly burn Celes herself and display lighting from her tips. Celes questions how Cleo can do that, Cleo explains her powers were enhanced by the Monarch for taking some reposnibility. Celes shows rightful supscion that someone could enhance one's powers by taking a sense of reponsiblity. Cleo states she made good points about her lack of responsibiltiy and that does have a job to protect sea life. Celes points Cleo does make good sense, though she does state that is something she already needed to learn with her dimenisional traveling powers anyway

Next, Celes hands boxing  and kick boxing gloves to Cleo and hands her a punching bag that she will need to use as she heads off. Cleo begin socking away at the punching bag to learn how to throw a punch as Celes puts it.

Wile E thinks about asking Cleo about her DNA and wants to test it as she's from an alternate multiverse. Wile E goes to Cleo and get punched by her by accident. Cleo aploigizes and states she didn't mean, she's trying to learn how to box. Wile E states he can clearly see that, he asks Cleo for a blood sample as he can't get anything on the Prankster's sample and he had a theory that had to do with Cleo regarding hers. Cleo wants to know the theory first before agreeing, Wile E tells her what it is and Cleo states it's a likely theory. Wile E then stabs a syringe in her, Cleo states that doesn't mean he gets a sample there and the Coyote states Cleo did say it was a likely theory unimpressing the girl

Cleo uses her multiversal dimension powers to bring themselves on farm territory. They all get to work to the detirment of a few of them mainly Slade, Harrison, Sasha, though not out of laziness as one suspects

As everyone does their work, Wile E tells Cleo, Libby and Sasha about what he found and that the DNA was inclusive like he thought it was. Libby catches on that The Prankster may be from another alternate multiverse, which Wile E states is what he means. Sasha questions this as both samples were not scannable that doesn't mean that and that they could be contimated. Cleo states he poked her with a syringe so that can't be true, Sasha state maybe not Cleo but Prankster, and that he and Bender might both be seeing things.

All of the team head into the manor and Launchpad informs them about Scrooge's nephews being impriosoned and to go safe them. Equipped everyone heads to attack the mooks respectively breaking part of the bricks and resuce the first of his nephews

Marcy Wu splits off next with Luan, Tom, Anti Cosmo, G-Lo and Cleo as they go up against more enforcers of the mob's will and find some treasure chests which they open up to see some of Scrooge's stolen fortune. Using a combination of arrows, Spider shots, Fire, Magic, Strech powers and Elecctrokinesis which the latter choose to do

After the whole debacle  Luan admits it was a good time to test her spider powers fully and Cleo to test her enhancements. Cleo states that she felt pretty good being enchanced but she is warned to be more careful of her fire and electric powers spefically. Tom offers to train her fire powers like Celes does with her ice powers.

Scrooge and the rest of the team other than Bender and Marcy check out the vault.  Luan, Ronnie Anne, Cricket, Libby, Cleo and even Anti Cosmo and Sasha all feel a need to do something they always wanted to do. Try and jump in the money, like it's water which Scrooge did and they all crash down.

As the Team sets off to reclaim the treasure they all split up into teams to reclaim the treasures. The first stop is the amazon and Bender, Slade, Scrooge, Cleo and Sasha all go after it. They find King Andrias there and work with him to find the 1st treasure.

Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo meet back with Luan, Marcy, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Libby, Tom, Sasha and Cleo and they reveal what found out in regards to The Millers, Chip and Dale, and Charlie's involement.

Anti Cosmo reveals that Odalia was behind Amity and Celes losing their magic as a  way of punishing her daughter. Tom and Sasha both don't seem suprised especially the latter as Sasha explains her parents aren't exactly great and she looks to Grime like a true father. Cleo states that Sasha told her about her situation as they trained.

She is taken alongside Ronnie, Cricket and LIbby to help Scrooge get the 4th treasure in the winter mountains. This is where Scrooge , Cricket,  Ronnie Anne, Cleo and Libby are attacked by Bradford, Dick Dastardly and Chip Whistler as a result. They engage in a pilot showdown which ends in their favor and traveling through the monutains they get the 4th treasure but transportation to the moon was damaged.

As Tom, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Anti Cosmo, Bender,  Cleo, King Andrias, Tom, Luan, Libby, Slade, Sasha and Scrooge all follow the foot prints they find Harry, Wile E, G-LO, Celes, Amity and Grime who are with Ace, Hilda and Kamela.

Marcy, Cricket, Ronnie Anne and Amity's mention of the Royal Isles is caught on by Slade, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Harrison, Luan and Cleo as they all visited there once

Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harrison, Cricket, King Andrias, Wile E, Cleo, Tom, Amity, Libby, Sasha, Grime, Ronnie Anne, Scrooge, G-LO, Ace, Hilda, Kamela, The Greens + Remy, XR, Charlie, Chip and Dale, Gus's men, Tiger Claw, Yuman all proceed to fight off The Prankster's forces while Bender and Marcy proceed to go after The Prankster

When it comes to Ace and Hilda, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Wile E, Cleo and Luan all feel a bit gulity as their actions inadventutly led to the two arriving as well as Mrs. Safrass

Cleo runs into the others and is excited and wants the others to check this out. Cleo has developed some noticeable mass on her body and saying that getting physical has been working and she now is physically more active.

Celes takes her aside and says what is Cleo trying to prove. Is just she trying to prove she's not just some  attractive wanna be blonde young woman who happens to be a mermaid.

Cleo says she's making a choice for herself, and wants to be her own woman. Celes asks if she is doing this for herself or does she want to prove herself to some queen she has only seen a few times and a hunger for power.

Cleo is unreponsive but states she isn't after power she does like her increasing power she concedes, Celes states as she thought and that Cleo wants to be her own woman which she has nothing against she can't let a monarch decide this with promise of ascension. Celes herself states she can't do so either.

Cleo states what it will take to be her own woman, she has clear beauty, muscles, enhanced water powers, some sense of reponsiblity and the ability to travel to alternate multiverses which she isn't compeltely unskilled at. Celes states that Cleo now has to been careful now as The Prankster knows about this power and Cleo is a top target of the Prankster for this. Cleo states then she will keep herself conditioned and improve her condition under Celes.

Celes states that fine on some conditions. Celes wants her to follow her disclpine, she needs to see this monrach, and that she will use her head as much as her powers. Celes notes Cleo isn't stupid but is just average on the intellgence scale and if Cleo wants to succeed, being smart is a way to do it.

Chapter 5[]

Luan has Cleo make a portal and she gets Benny who Luan tells to work with Wile E, Doofenscimtz and Harry Wells to work on the Other Dimension- Inaotr. Benny just rolls with this knowing how nuts this all is.

Cleo tries to make portals for them to all go through though she makes some mistakes, she mostly gets better at this.

Anti Cosmo, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Merlyn, Cleo, Ace, HIlda and Kamela are all busy heading off to the Dolphin Shows. The whole crew asks Anti Cosmo why are here, Anti Cosmo states that this is where Doof's colleague is and his name is Dr.Blowhole and that he has affilations to Bender's right hand Man Skipper.

Cleo feels sorry for the dolphins admittingly as does Kamela as they feel saddened as well and Cleo feels that these shows should be stopped. Kamela states that they would have to as well and Anti Cosmo and Merlyn just decide to just observe resepctfully

After the show, Anti Cosmo goes with Merlyn to see Blowhole and he states it's been a long time to Anti Cosmo. Anti Cosmo tells Dr.Blowhole that Doof needs his help and that he, Slade and Bender are here needing him for something. Blowhole questions why he even needs to help them, Anti Cosmo states that Lucius and Stewie are on board as well and Cleo shows up stating she'll free him from this stupid dolphin stuff and Kamela explains that she tried to stop Cleo from coming but couldn't

Cleo states that they will free him and she knows a way without alerting the authorities, Kamela and Anti Cosmo both hope she knows how to do so without risk. Cleo states she knows how and closes her eyes and makes a portal appear. Blowhole intriggued decides to escape knowing how much he can escape humanity's evil. Cleo, Kamela and Merlyn follow suit and Anti Cosmo decides to get the others

Marcy, Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Celes, Cleo, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Gus, Malcolm, Tigerclaw, Guzma, G-Lo, Sasha, Grime, Libby, Amity, Tom and Scrooge all come back with Lucius, Stewie and Dr.Blowhole and the latter 2 go to help out Harry, Wile E, Scudsworth and Benny with their stuff as they put the Innator repair into work.

Cleo decides that she'll  have to go back to the sea to see the monarch, Celes questions this and asks where is she going and Cleo states that she needs to see the queen about this and she'll be back and with the Other Dimmension Inator being made she won't have to use her powers for travel. Celes states well she is not letting her go alone and that she is coming herself and that the others can be fine without her being around. Cleo says she can take care of this, she's not a helpless girl, Celes states that isn't wrong but she isn't a genius and that going alone can be dangerous especially with The Prankster around and now seeking her powers. Cleo concedes and asks why her powers and Celes states for some kind of agenda about travel or something. Cleo opens a portal and Celes leaves with a note to give to them about this

Cleo and Celes both meanwhile head to the ocean and Cleo uses her powers to face off and take down Kaptain Skurvy, Razorbeard, Donbot, Bash, Bella and Cartel enforcers. As The Prankster figured out a portal was used and sent them to either capture her or steal a dna sample to use for their own ends.  Cleo manages to cause the ship to crash after a long face off and then Celes basically just freezes their ship in place and tries to force them not to move. Cleo states that it's going to take a long while to do just that. Celes that it may just be in her head respectfully then, and Cleo states it's not and that she isn't crazy.She'll get to the bottom of the sea somehow and find her. Celes states then why she is holding that Mermaid's Tear that they found. Cleo states that she has it as an artifact to bring back to them. She also has something on hand as well a Wish Granting Potion.

Celes asks about it and Cleo states she managed to make one out of 2 spoon full of golden algae, a tuft of deep sea seaweed and half of a  cup of 3 types of reef fugnus. She needs to smear it on her face in mer-form and then a wish can be made. Celes states it's not that really works, Cleo does just that  and thinks of something. Celes asks what is she thinking of and Cleo states she'll see.

After a bit, Celes turns into water for a second and their legs are turned into a green tail and Celes realized Cleo wished to turn Celes into a one of her own. Cleo states it's just for surivial and to be able to do so and not have Celes kill her. Celes suprigsly drops her serious demanor for a bit in suprise of her transformation and states that this will work. The two then head into the water respectfully and go further until they run into a giant mermaid

Cleo states it's her and Celes says now she believes, Cleo states only mermaids can see her and that now Celes is one briefly, she can see her now. Cleo introduces her to the queen of mermaids of her kind anyway Cala Maria..

Chapter 6[]

Marcy Wu, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo,Harrison Wells, Luan Loud, Cricket Green ,Wile E Coyote, Cleo Sub Prime, King Andiras, Celes Chere, Ronnie Anne, Amity Blight, Tom Lucifor, Captain Grime, Sasha Wayblight, Libby Stein ,Scrooge McDuck, G-Lo, Ace Savry Junior, Hilda (Graphic Novel), , Ms.Marvel, Wolverine, Sergant Callohun, Kick Ass and Hit Girl all go through the portal and land in springfield

Harrison, Celes, and the rest begin exchanging their own thoughts and think on what the best approach to take should be. Cleo wants to restore Cala Maria's soul to avoid being corrupted, Wile E, Ace, Hilda and Kamela all feel it's more important to stay out of proxy of The Prankster due to her DNA. Cleo states that she concedes that could happen, But Prankster has to know how to use her samples and if she doesn't it won't mean anything.

Wile E, Cleo, Ms. Marvel, Libby, Ace and Hilda are in the seedly part of town as they are observing the work of the Juarez Cartel

Wile E, Libby, Cleo and Kamela arrive in the gentleman's club wanting answer. They have guns pointed to them when Andrias, Ace and Hilda stop this by saying that they are after the Juarez Cartel as well.

The gang is told that they are trying to blackmail the Springfield Mafia to work for them and they will have to discuss those terms in a hour. Cleo, Kamela, Ace and Hilda say that despite being mobsters they can tell they're not evil or as evil as the Juarez Cartel and will help them deal with it.

Kamela calls up Deathstorke's associates and tells them up about the meeting the Juarez Cartel is trying to set up with the Springfield Mafia and the location

Wile E, King Andrias and Cleo head off ready to find their resources and do some damage to the Cartel.

Libby, Wile E, Cleo and Andiras find Deathstroke's who arrive at the restaurant to help in place of the Mafia and Gus keeps his eyes alert to make sure The Cartel can't finger him here

As the Cartel and Deathstroke's allegiance all face off in the restaurnt. Cleo is just eating her stuff away as they occur. This is to prevent blood from being shed on the girl and be used for Mrs. Sassfrass

Aftter The Cartel's backing is resolved thanks to Lorenzo cutting them out on the stake, Cleo is releived that at least the Cartel ain't wanting her powers like Prankster.Also without any wound to her, there isn't a way for Luan Safrass/The Prankster to get a sample of her DNA

Cricket asks Cleo did she lose any blood or something, Cleo states she didn't she beat up the Cartel, took out the others and didn't take any hits after eating. So Cleo doesn't know how Prankster got a hand on her DNA

Marcy, Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Wile E, Cleo, King Andiras, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Celes, Wolverine, Homer, Hit Girl, Kick Ass, Callohun, Libby, Tom, Amity, Scrooge, G-LO, Sasha, Grime, Kamela, Ace, Hilda,  Guzma, Gus, Malcolm, Scudsworth and Tiger Claw all observe as the dimension shatter and bring in another universe. This is when they all see the Nimbus with Bender moaning why is he here?

The Nimbus then beams the entire crew up with the whole group wondering what the hell is going on.

Chapter 7[]

Cleo is brought in the prison and realized she was tricked with a thumbprint, she takes solitary in that Prankster failed to get home. Joining the others, she meets with Richard Nixon, The Planet Express Crew and Zapp. Cleo reveals her powers to them as Marcy explains the whole reason they're easy.

The Planet Express Crew isn't even suprised about this due to their own experience with alternate dimensions spefcially Farnsworth

On their way to Slade's mansion, Cleo asks Farnsworth to use his dimenision traveling box for she just does that and acquires something within 30 seconds. Cleo smiles and states that she is just really good at this dimension traveling shitick

A ransom is sent to her and the other demanding her to be brought to The Prankster, Cleo refuses this and won't allow this crazy teenager get her hands on her powers. Considering this  a wise move, Slade assigns her to go after Kaptian Skurvy, Airlock and Razorbeard.

She is joined by Wile E, and The V Crusaders in going after the trio. She choses to fight Captain Skurvy

He decides that the most important part of his boss's piece is Cleo and decides to just settle on capturing her for THe Prankster while his colleagues deal with the rest of them

This proves smart as he is almost successful in capturing Cleo herself and does tie up her hands to prevent from using her powers on him. Though the Kaptain does fail when Cleo tricks his henchmen and uses her powers on Kaptian SKurvy causing his ship to crash. Skurvy takes this well and admits he was beaten and allows her to go on knowing he did everything he could do to go after her for Prankster and lost.

Cleo then keeps herself on the move fighting off Prankster's mooks hand to hand and with her powers so she can keep the major players off her.

With everyone else defeated, and the anomality being the one thing left, Cleo uses her powers with Anti Cosmo to try and keep it closed, She does a good enough job as it is his, but her stamina wears out from how much she is useing her powers and fighting off The Cartel.

Wile E notices this and proceeds to get her to safety however he is too late as she is brought to somewhere else. But the Coyote knows she's alive.

It's Cala Maria and Cleo reveals she found her soul contract with the help of the Planet Express Crew who used Farnsworth's mysterious box that can travel to another universes and found it in an universe.

Cala deducts this but accepts this regardless knowing Cleo went through a lot to find it and is curious she can did so. Cleo tells her that she worked with her private investigator and his group and ran into his old crew who knew a thing or too about alternate universes without screwing up

Cala Maria states that Cleo has fulfilled her end and she will set her free from this deal. She offers one wish to Cleo. Cleo surpses her with her wish, she wants to become the new Cala Maria.

She questions this as Cleo was getting her soul back not to become have her title and now she wants to become her new title. Cleo states for the safety and protect of her friends and loved ones, she realized how dangerous the multiverse truly is and wants to be capable enough to protect those she cares about and still be able to live a realtively stable life. She admits her stamina was lacking as well.

Cala heistates but agrees and uses her magic to transfrom Cleo as she watches the young mermaid undergo her transformation. She does warn there will be potential consquences and insures that her friends should proably know about them

As the magic wears Cala dubs her "Queen Cleo Maria" and she will be the queen of her area of the ocean. She is still a hybrid but to keep a sign for when her new powers start to emerge


Cleo manages to get the police to Putty quickingly using her powers and then heads off to help Wile E, Celes and Tom in closing off the portal damage that could merge the multiverses together. Cleo knows she can't do it alone depsite her powers revolving Alternate multiversal travel so she uses them in tangent to Wile E's genius and the extended powers of Celes and Tom.

After this sucess she helps Lucius's crew make an alternate multiverse portal that looks like a door to send off Ace and Hilda off. Using her controlled powers, she managed to get the portal working and she learns that she and the others can still see the two and travel. As the door as she was told was made to keep a limit on how many people from alternate multiverses from entering.

As they head back to Newtopia Castle, Cleo is esatic to see that she really has become her own woman and  that this adventure was essential. Celes gives Cleo a thumbs up for proving her right about her potential and not following what she was destined and making her own destiny. Cleo states it was tough and she decided she's going to stay who she's become and it may be hard at times but she is determined to do what's right for her human and mermaid lives respectfully. Celes tells her that is  the heart of a ruler to her.

After TPPP[]

Cleo has become Queen Cleo Maria as a result, and she rules the sea to some extent,

This keep her and Bean out of Bender, Hero and Wile E's journey Jessie asks Wile E why didn't Bean come through or Cleo Subprime to Slade. Wile E states Cleo has some kind of engagement with the sea like some kind of queen role or something. He shows Libby and Jessie a photo of her and Libby noticing her temple/base is turning back to her natural hair and her eyes have become green and developed a ruby red mermaid tail in place of her purple tail while maintaing a good deal of her blonde haie Wile E state she chose to do this to not look the dumb pretty girl, Celes did get through to her. However___

Countdown To Chang's Guide To The Galaxy[]

Chapter 3[]

Cleo does manage to come through and save Luan and Dr.Wells have met with and aligned with Shark Boy and Lava Girl to deal with Homelander and Vought.


Cleo shows up and saves Luan and Harrison Wells from The Deep as well as their friends. Before The Deep tries to get his way on them. Luan and Harry recongize her and state how did she find them. Cleo states she was aware The Deep was here and she got help from Shark Boy or Shark Man as well as Lava Woman. Shark Man arrives and chases off The Deep.

Shark Man and Queen Cleo both basically tell them to head to the isle to dispose of Compound V  upon being told of this by the others and are told to follow them. Benny, Hughie, Frenchie, The Lady, Mother's Milk, Billy, Luan, Gwen, Captain Hero and Harrison Wells all follow them as a result to that island

Shark Man and Cleo lead Luan, Harry, Benny, Captain Hero, Gwen and The Boys to the Island where Lava Woman is. Cleo states she found her friends to help out, Hero asks about her appearance and Cleo states she changed in part to her adventure with Luan and Harry, and used her accepting of Cala Maria to change herself.

Luan, Benny, Captain Hero and Harry ask Cleo if she was playing with alternate dimenisons again, Cleo states she wasn't doing anything other than make simple portals to visit her friends in her own universe.

Gwen despite meeting her states she's right, it wasn't something this one did, as she can tell by her sense.


Cleo shows up telling Kate, Luan and Gwen that they got trouble as Homelander found them and he's not alone.

Cleo is targeted by Jacob Hopkins who wants a mermaid for his collection, Cleo is unamused and uses her powers to escape his net. Hopkins asks the Deep to catch her for them, The Deep sends his sea animals to catch her, Cleo summons her own sea army to take on each other as the two go head to head with each other, With The Deep being made a joke at the hands of Cleo's new powers and her stronger sense of her selve. She washes away the Deep with his own creatures,

Cleo uses her powers, Kate uses her expolsive arrows, Lava Woman uses her powers and Captain Hero uses his powers to hold off Homelander and his guys

Luan, Harry, Hero, Benny, Gwen, The Boys, Cleo, Shark Man, Lava Woman and Kate all got away though Benny apolgizes about losing Guppy.

Kate Bishop and Gwen discuss out to help out each other return to their universes. Cleo states that she may have a way to help them out. Kate and Gwen both admit Cleo could help, but they don't want to alert either Homelander or The Smoking Man. Cleo understands, stating maybe after all of this. They concede,

Chapter 4[]

Cleo discusses with the others Vought and what they should do respectfully by heading to Royal Woods as Harry and her came down to the conclusion that they need to bring Homelander to them and part of their plan. Cleo unlike Harry has confidence Luan won't be taken or have anything happen to her at Homelander's hands.

As they leave, Cleo uses her powers to summon an invisible submarine for the others to head there and she takes control, Cleo states it's used as a way to travel using renewable sources that benefit sea life which she created and her powers were increased to the point she can control all in the sea though not mentally.

She dicidates exactly what they are going to have to deal with and that the odds won't deter her, despite what they are. Cleo is trapped by Hopkin's personalized net which Cleo uses her powers to free her with the others seeing it as a minor inconvience.

Cleo then gets Lava Woman and Shark Man to help her beat the stuffing out of Deep after Harrison pulverizes him and Cleo does this over his hypocrisy despite being a fellow sea dweller and lover.

Harry goes to tell her that they will be seeing The Prankster as she was looking for him and Luan. Cleo isn't so sure herself as Sassfrass did get a sample of her to open the multiverse dimenisons but is convinced to come anyway.

Chapter 5[]

Cleo is a little uneasy to go see Prankster due to her taking her dna and using it before as she doesn't want to be experimented on yet again. As they see Prankster, Cleo keeps her distance from The Prankster  and the others as they discuss the matters of the Smoking Man and his forces

Heading to an abandoned lab, they find certain info that will lead them to an answer, Cleo realizes it's the same one she was brought into by The Thinker and a blue associate. When questioned, Cleo doesn't know what he looks like except he was blue skinned and has machinery on him.

When they arrive At Vought, Cleo and the others get the info needed from Queen Maeve, Cleo reminds her of Starlight when it comes to her optimism

With Homelander's forces attacking, Cleo just basically overwhelms their forces with her godly powers over water. She is bent to ensure that Homelander doesn't get his hands on any info or killing anyone that could be still essential.


This gives them an idea to go find a way to help Sharkman and Lavawoman's daughter and meet up with Slade. Cleo decides to have the two go after Homelander and help Captain Hero with what he wants to do as a result.

Chapter 6[]

Cleo send Shark Man to go with Luan and the others as she and Hero go have Homelander and find out that Homelander has decided to just destroy Bender, Anti Cosmo, Slade and Libby as the 4 are unwilling and defying his "I do whatever the *** I want" by undermining him and threating Vought and him with legal action. Cleo restrains Hero from attacking Homelander as the latter decides to try to turn the tables on 4 with their own actions as The Smoking Man knows of the past of Slade's criminal enterprise and Bender having ties with them.

Cleo and Captain Hero though find A-Train who wants revenge on Homelander for kicking him out of the Seven and Cleo doesn't trust him and neither does Hero. A-Train states that they all hate Homelander and he can get Bender in a room with the Smoking Man to the job as CSM just allowed it. Cleo states that A-Train tried to kill all of them and state if he's telling the truth they'll consider it. She uses a restriaining collar on A-Train in case he does go through with betraying which Hero gets to enforce.

They head to Halverston and Area to regroup with the others and this is when The Conspiracy having set Operation Countdown comes into effect and they all take on the forces of evil. Cleo also helps Shark Man and Lava Woman save their daughter from Jacob Hopkins, she wishes a cruel death on Hopkins for what he did to them, though Bender tells her to let the former decide.

After being informed of the whereabouts, the group makes a deicison to strike while the iron is hot.


Cleo is given Kyogre to use against The Team Galactic Grunts which she uses to put them on ice and she uses her powers to curbstomp the alien enforcers. Proving why she is a sea queen to them respectfully. Cleo takes on the Deep with Celes and The Boys and while she can appreciate his love of zoology, she can't forgive what he did. She does say she will take care of his sea friends before The Deep is killed

Cleo uses Kyogre to help deal with The Time Eater with the rest of the gang using legendries. After everything is resolved, Cleo agrees to help Sid get home and goes with Shark Man and Lava Woman to do so.

War of The Streams[]


Cleo gets involved in the War of The Streams and joins back with her friends to take on Frank Underwood for Bender, Wile E and Captain Hero who have their own things to deal in regards to Underwood. She is brought up to speed about the deal with the Cartel and jumps up to help and lends her powers and people to help out with this situation while also helping Slade's empire and The Streaming Resistance respectfully as well Prankster's allies who she has engaging in a battle of wits with.

She also suspects that though the Cartel is elminated, former members are still around and Putty will still want revenge on them and not being able to find Spot, though she senses a similar power to the one that brought to the world they live in and decides to have Calamity tell Wile E about this to look into this.


Book 1: Overture[]

Chapter 1[]

Part 1[]

After Anti Cosmo took his leave back to Slade. Bender, Wile E, Libby and Dale have met up with Bean, Captain Hero, Cleo, Stan, Wendy, Marcy, Luan and Hailey to discuss their trip to get to Don Eladio's house and claim it. Bender adds on that everyone can have some part of it and is curious what everyone wants, Cleo just wants the pool, as a mermaid it makes sense.

Bender and Luan ask Marcy on this and Marcy says Bender already knows why and that she knows with her gang looking for the last compoment of the box charged, she knows she'll have to leave with Anne and Sasha so she wants a back up place. Hailey herself questions Marcy's need to do this, unaware of how Captain Hero makes fun of her for being too afraid to tell Scott her feelings.

Bean, Captain Hero and Cleo discuss that the two have to do something first and that they can wait up on them. Marcy, Libby and Hailey also need to do some other stuff to while they're at it.

Bender, Cleo, Wile E and Luan get a knock and it's the Space Bandits who hand Bender the way to the house of Don Elaio. Zix informs him that they scoped the area and there isn't any Cartel enforcers left and anyone who did Tee took care of. Cleo asks who they are, The Space Bandits introduce themselves to her as Wile E helps set up intel to Bender so he can talk to Phineas and Isabella about what they provided for him for this case he took on Neuman.

Bean calls up Cleo at her beach house and informs her of the location of what the Professor wants and that she will need to join up with them, Cleo agrees and says that she is going to do something first before they go. This is apparently going to The Prankster without the others knowing. Bender, Dale, Stan, Wendy, Luan and Wile E arrive at Cleo's house, who has her bags ready and Bender, Wile E, Luan, Stan, Wendy and Dale help her. Cleo says she was looking into something as she went to the cell Prankster was at, Bender and Wile E both go on her for going to The Prankster's cell without their knowledge. Cleo says she was working away on trying to get the portal ready for her as it's close to her release time. Dale explains they can't trust her randomness as she has still ran crimes even afterwards, though Wile E does add she has helped them still when it was unnesscary. Bender agrees that they have a deal with her as does Luan.

As the seven up take their drive up, Bender has Dale take the wheel as The Space Bandits are calling him up. Zix and Travoltron have managed to find Bender's 1st truck stop equivalntly he can stop on the trip. They have also managed to insure that there is no security hazards at Don Eladio's house as well as Tee did some of his own recongissance.

Cleo asks about the pool, Zix advises her that she should check it first before tipping her toes in there. Bender asks Tee and Travolttron about the condition, and they say it will need some refurnishing. Wile E keeps his map out as he helps Dale nativgate. Luan, Stan and Wendy have a map out and they are checking off the places to try and avoid down there when they arrive there.

Part 2[]

As the gang, decides to make a stop at night, Wile E uses his brains to start a fire so they can camp out at night for the team.

Cleo asks if there's any word on Bean and Captain Hero, Stan says they are just getting the girls and their stuff is going under way as Luan, him and Wendy know. Luan comments on how unorganized the girls are, Wendy says to Luan that they're girls what should she expect considering how she can be.

Cleo offers to help Bender, Luan and Wile E to find his medicial files. She has the powers to do so as she shows by making a portal hole to get some soup. Luan thinks and asks if she can pass Neuman if she's there as Wile E and Bender warned them about Victoria's head popping powers. Cleo says that she can do this if needed and that it's not like she can't copy the files. Wile E agrees with this and asks Bender should they do this now or later. Bender decides to settle on waiting til they get to Don Eladio's House. Cleo asks about the Professor, Bender, Luan and Wile E all already discussed this and they'll just have to wait til they get to the house before calling him up on progress

Cleo used her powers to get Luan, Bender and Wile E to go to Dreamland and to see Mop Girl. Bender and Wile E explain to Mop Girl what they want to do regarding helping Billy Butcher.

Wile E goes to get Luan and Cleo as Mop Girl takes the 4 down to the secret corridor of Dreamland and says for Cleo use her powers here which she does. Luan, Bender, Cleo and Wile E all enter the portal and Mop Girl follows them there which is Manhatten and the five go into the hopsital.

Cleo pulls up the B files as Bender stands watch with  Mop Girl ready to do something in case. Wile E grabs the file and goes looking into the B files and finds Billy Butcher's file. Luan pulls it up and notes that he was dealing with Temp V and seems baffled Billy was abusing Temp V to get a chance at Homelander.

Wile E notes that Hughie was doing so, but at least knew when to pack off, Cleo also reads that the conditions Billy was in was caused by Temp V which is like Compound V but not permantly. Wile E rolls his eyes and her comment referring to her as blonde dome for that.

Wile E, Luan and Cleo arrive with the photograph of files and show Bender who sees them and the 4 of them go back with Mop Girl to check them. As Luan, Wile E, Bender, Cleo, and Mop Girl overlook the files, Neither Bender or Wile E seem to remember anything about Membrane and Temp V and that he didn't say anything about it. Luan does give the likely story that Professor Membrane didn't know.

Luan considers destorying the rest of Temp Vs and asks Cleo to go steal them with her powers, Cleo opens a portal with her powers and Luan grabs them using her spider webs and the two ask fi Bender and Wile E are ready

Wile E and Luan got the SOS and they alongside Stan, Wendy, Dale and Cleo head off to the saloon.

Wendy is in her Call Girl Costume and asks Stan where his is?, Stan says he has one on it's just a different one. Cleo says she's doesn't need one to be a hero as she has the powers and ability regardless of human or mermaid form.

Bender, Marcy and Captain Hero are still going as Bean and Hailey have been put down though they have managed to deal with Firecracker, Sam and Black Noir II. Cate is intend to attempt a way to control Hailey and Bean using this with the door breaking down through a lot of water breaking the door down and Cleo arriving with Dale holding up his Gun to shoot them.

Cleo then join up and helps Captain Hero and Marcy fight Cate who Marcy gives a helmet to avoid Cate getting into her heads as they fight off Cate.

Bender, Luan, Marcy Wu, Wile E, Bean, Captain Hero, Libby, Cleo, Stan, Wendy, Dale Gribble, Hailey Banks all arrive at Don Eladio's house and Bender has the keys and hands them to Luan who opens the doors and Wile E tells the others to start looking and get their stuff ready.

Bender, Wile E, Luan and Cleo check out the basement and the rooms and they notice just how much fine alcohol that Eladio had, Cleo comments on this and it's riduclous how much of this he had, Bender says as a cartel don, he gets all the money so he can do what he wanted, he was lazy the obvious lazy. Luan and Wile E agree with this and Wile E brings a dust buster to get all the dust out of the basement, noting how little the Don used it. Cleo decices to check the pool and says it's just how Bender, Wile E and Luan said it would be. She wants to go for a swim, though Wile E stops her saying he needs to check to see how much of the water is full of grease from that bloated pimp, as he mentions how Eladio was obessed or chained to it. Bender and Luan both crack a smirk at this suprising Wile E was able to make a joke with Bender asking if Wile E is going to do it, check for spirits and creatures from Japan. Cleo tells him not to think of that film. Wile E takes this seriously and decides to use a PD Meter

Part 3[]

Cleo, Wile E, Marcy Wu, Bean, Captain Hero, Dale Gribble are all outside at the night time with Cleo swimming in the pool with Dale and Bean also are enjoying their time under the moonlight as Wile E, Marcy and Captain Hero are catching the rays

Dale, Bean and Cleo enjoy Eladio's pool, Dale can understand how a guy like that can enjoy the finer life it's like being a gangster makes you rich. Bean says or a royal like her and her family to Dale. Cleo says that ever since The Cartel has fallen, she has been trying to find other mermaids and notes how the species has gone exist for the most part, she does say considering heading to Mako Island and using the full moon to make mermaids. Bean questions this, but Dale seems to believe and explains that he heard a crazy conspiracy about mermen and mermaids that can be made by speical water and special full moons. Cleo confirms this is true, she wants to repopulate the species but wishes to find people willing rather than force them.

Cleo feels something and she ends up heading off to the switches. WIle E says Luan is Right, and Cleo is being hypontized to follow an order. Marcy has gotten the others with Captain Hero and Dale both giving chase to Cleo

Bean, Marcy Hailey, Stan and Wendy all head off to check and see that it's Cate and Zib who are both outside attempting a break in. The 5 of them decide to fire out at the duo as they try to break in. Hero wakes up Libby who nearly slept through it, as Dale goes to take shots at Cleo to try and break her out of Cate's control. Cleo attacks Dale under Cate's orders though Dale decides on taking her on.

Hero and Libby meet back with Wile E and Luan where the 4 leave the house and engage with Zib who is out to try and break the force field with his Elite. Bender and Anti Cosmo both arrive at this with a shot gun shot and blast of magic at Zib. This breaks Cate's control a bit over Cleo.

Anti Cosmo, Bender, Luan, Libby, Wile E and Captain Hero all engage off with Zib to protect the force field as Cate tries to keep controlling Cleo with Marcy, Hailey, Dale, Stan and Wendy do their best to break Cate's control. Marcy manages to by firing a arrow at Cate to distract her

It's morning now and we have both Captain Hero and Dale cooking in the kitchen with their ingredients both boasting how they know how to cook. Bean and Hailey just help themselves to fruit admitting that Eladio certainly left a lot here to eat. Marcy agrees with this and she is watching Cleo just resting with a drink on her and asks if she's okay. Cleo says she found her brain was getting touched and toyed with by that Supe.

Dale says that the Government probably experimented on her and that they clearly didn't use another tin foil as he finishes his sides. Captain Hero calls him a moron for saying tin foil, they need a helmet at least to him to protect them. Wendy says for how sweet Cleo is, she is a bit weak willed to not be controlled for it. Cleo says she isn't, she is mellow and consdering all of her powers she has to be.

Bender, Luan, Wile E, Libby return back to the others, as do Wendy, Dale and Hailey with their other stuff. Bean informs the 7 about the Bandits's investigation and what they found out. Bender is privy to The Woods and Shetty, he worked with Wile E and Libby as well while also having recovered what happened after seeing Ada Wong.

Dale considers turning every Head Cartel home into a kind of base or using the resources at hand to help. He knows Bolsa has a Ranch which they can use as well, it's closer to China Town and that he knows where

Chapter 2[]

Part 4[]

Cleo and her friends are brought up to light on Wile E and his cancer research theories when it comes to Butcher, who They need to tell Bean and Stan on because they havn't come across Butcher or the Boys. She is talked to by Wendy about helping with her breast cancer research for school as it is a strong passion of hers. Cleo agrees with this and decides to join Wile E and Libby in going down to use their appointment, the Space Bandits got for them. Using her water powers, Cleo uses them to keep anyone away from their work.

Part 5[]

Cleo gets into their appointment so they can look into cancer and are joined by Jessie Wells and Dr.Insano who were sent by Slade to assist with this. Libby is curious about what kind does Butcher has with Wile E mentioning it's a unusual one and not one he would know. Cleo says it's a first case then, Libby says apparently so it is and that this may have something to do with Temp V as Butcher did overuse it.

Dr.Insano feels that is it possible that the Butcher of another comic adaption also had and that they can travel to observe this for Butcher. Cleo offers to use her powers to help with that, Wile E, Jessie and Dr.Insano agree to all this.  Libby digs into the action of the lab they are and it had to with what she suspected.

While Butcher in the comics wasn't done in by cancer, Cleo and Dr.Insano do manage to find something interestingly. A Empowered Cancer in Butcher caused that Dr.Insano was able to find during his research. Cleo asks how it could have all been done. Insano says cancer can't be empowered unless Butcher took a measure of his own.

Bender, Wile E, Cleo and Libby arrive back to their group with what the 4 of them all did. They share what they under covered with Bender telling them what he found at the Woods and Aether Foundation with Anti Cosmo, Dawn, Lincoln and Lydia while also working with other guys. Cleo admits she has an idea who they are recalling her time with the Streaming Resistance .

Part 6[]

Cleo uses her powers to help the gang split the work between them all. She does suspect that if they do there will be trouble which she tries to convince the team to do so. Though they feel she has been watching too much Scooby Doo. Cleo teams up with Bean, Hero, Hailey, Marcy and Wendy to go to Lalo Salamanca's House so they can look for any possible clue to how Neuman knows what went down here. She with Hailey and Marcy end up getting into a blackout ambush with Black Noir II, Cate, Sam and Fire Cracker.

Chapter 3[]

Part 7[]

Cleo finds the other supes ambushing them and she fights them off with Captain Hero who joins the fray majority. Being able to escape this and return with the Shetty Virus, she and Dale are able to insure it goes to Lisa. This they do due to despite being allies with Butcher and the Boys. Cleo and Luan are not completely trusting of Butcher's supe hatred.

Part 8[]

With the rest of the team parring Bender and Marcy Wu who are on their own duties and missions with Anti Cosmo and The Mar Mar Gang respectfully. Cleo goes with the gang to investigate what Captain Putty, Z9 and Zib are up to discovering the obvious plan they have going on with Tek Knight against them all.

Part 9[]

Cleo decides to stick around to act as Marcy's communication between them all which will be needed. Even Though Bender requested her help, Cleo decides to still keep true to her word and decides to stay down in the bunkers as like Captain Hero she has suspicions. Due to it's reclusiveness, this works to avoid Bean under Cate's control and she helps Marcy return to the team afterwards.

Chapter 4[]

She is told of everything that went down and that they must head down to Mexico to help deal with the situation. Cleo is informed by Bender, Luan, Wile E, Bean, Hero, Stan and Wendy about their time here and that Vought is after them for this very reason.

Chapter 5[]

As she and the rest of the team learn what The Mar Mar Gang have to tell them on the time breaching events, Cleo has an idea that maybe that it was happened to her as well and that someone was trying to sabotage them. She doesn't exactly having the best memory on the whole ordeal though. Dealing with Tek Knight later, she and the rest do manage to find the others which all seem good to deal with the end of the world until Ucrumu's possession of Butcher comes to light.

Chapter 6[]

Cleo aids the heroes and praticually goes up against Ucrumuu using her waterly powers to help deal with him and upon noticing Penny's powers, she helps her use to their potentail and is able to distungish out of the demon soliders with such powers. She then has to watch as the heroes have to kill Butcher as a result of his possession. She then laters meets with the main members of the team to discuss what will go down now.

Book 2: Interlude[]
