Professor Membrane is the major supporting character of the cartoon Invader Zim. He is the father of Dib and Gaz, but he has very little time for his offspring, being one of the most famous and important people on Earth. The Professor, as he is often called, is rarely at home, so he supervises his kids in the form of a floating monitor, which often spews out pre-recorded reminders that are often way out-of-date. Expectedly, Dib and Gaz refer to him as Dad.
Countdown To Chang's Guide To The Galaxy[]
Chapter 3[]
As Anti Cosmo, Bender, Jessie Wells, Libby, Lisa, Sid, Starlight, Vee and Wile E Coyote all head out to see Agent Darkbottie, this is when Professor Membrane shows up and recongizes Bender as Dib's close friend and what is he doing here. Bender inplores him about Dib and what his connection is to Bruce Wayne as he and Anti Cosmo have been looking into this. Professsor Membrane has pause on this, He states he knew this was coming as soon as he saw the news on Bruce WAyne and that he would have to explain things some day. Libby questions his knowledge on Vought if he knew about Bruce Wayne, Starlight is also questioning this too as she was aware of Bruce Wayne/Batman though not through Libby, Anti Cosmo and Bender. Professor Membrane fasicated by Libby, Bender and ANti Cosmo all looking into Vought states that they have been going into some serious territory pursuing Vought.
Wile E, Lisa, Sid and Jessie question the Professor on what he knows. Membrane refuses to acknowledge a talking Coyote and states that to the other 3 that he is aware of the shady work of Vought and has been working to find ways to incriminate them before what happened to Bruce Wayne, all the while making technology to oppose and fight the seven. Starlight states she was part of it, but left them. Sid, Lisa and Jessie offer to work with him to accomplish this and Membrane states he works alone though he could some assistants for once.
Bender, Anti Cosmo, Sid, Lisa, Libby, Vee, Starlight, Wile E, Jessie Wells and Professor Membrane all watch and The Smoking Man greets the former as it nice to see them again.
Bender, Anti Cosmo and Professor Membrane all ponder back forth in their cell as they scheme a way to try to get out. This is when The Resisty is thrown in prison with them, and they recongize Bender as the robot Dib works with.
Bender asks about them, and they inform him that The Reissty is here to help with The Irkens like the big headed boy. Anti Cosmo takes it that not only the Swollen Eyeball Network have come to believe Dib but also these guys who already oppose the empire.
Professor Membrane just feels it's a illusion or a hologram and that this can't be real. Bender and Anti Cosmo tell him it's very much real
Starlight arrives to see The Resisty, Bender, Anti Cosmo and Professor Membrane. The Resisty informs Starlight, Bender, Anti Cosmo and Professsor Membrane that they can break the latter 3 out.
Professor Membrane decides to work away as well as The Resisty on a way to get out of imprisonment. Though Membrane feels that the people won't let him rot in jail or die he's too beloved.
Professor Membrane and Starlight both state that they won't be alone they have someone on their side. Ren Amamiya
Anti Cosmo, Bender, Professor Membrane, The Resisty, Starlight, Carmilla, Scratch and Ren all get to work on their top secret plan. When they learn that they have a vistor.
Bender, Anti Cosmo and Professor Membrane show horror as they realize that this Number 1 and secret associate is Dib himself. However They all come to realize that it ain't him based on the physical characteristics such as his smile, bulging eyes that resemble Zim's human disguise lenses, more pointed fingers, and two hair spikes instead of one, which resemble Zim's antennae.
Bender states he looks like Zim so he basically calls him Zib.
Membrane questions what happened to him and Zib tells Membrane that he should know, and that he never believed in him and or invested in his interests. Professor Membrane states that isn't true.
Anti Cosmo and Bender meet back with The Reisisty, Carmilla, Scratch, Starlight, Professor Membrane and Ren and Membrane decides to come clean about things as does Ren.
Professor Membrane tells them, that Dib was created by him but was meant for Batman for an opporunity to have a son of his own, alongside Gaz who was based on his dead wife. Membrane admits he was doing this when he worked for Vought, he used to work for Vought but backed out when their work got too much for him. Starlight questions what Membrane knows and Membrane states he knows everything on Homelander he could get as he didn't trust Homelander and worked with the previous heads, quitting when Homerlander killed Matlhlyn. Starlight asks if Membrane wants to expose Homelander and Vought
Membrane states he would like to do , now with Batman dead and Dib and Gaz no longer safe from Vought.
Bender, Anti Cosmo and Starlight question how Membrane got away and how Batman is involved with this., Membrane states that Vought tried to kill him, Dib and Gaz after he tried to go after Homelander, Professor Membrane has also had to deal with The Seven all wanting his head, so he had to basically cease communciation with both of his kids. He gave Dib to Bruce Wayne, so he can fulfill his interests and excel under him. Bender states and Vought has been on his shit list that long. Membrane states and as for Gaz, he had to give her up to someone else with purple hair to make the charade it, as he tried to find a way to keep Voght and The Seven
Carmilta sympathizes with Professor Membrane in all this, understanding that he had to give up any sense of a family just because he stood against Vought and refused to help Homelander and The Seven. Anti Cosmo and Bender then question why he never tried to look for Dib, Professor Membrane admits that he saw Dib happy with them and decidn't he wanted his creation to be happy with his family of choice. The Reisisity and Starlight begin to cry over this as they fought he was just a man too married to his work and unintentionally abadoned his kids. Scratch then asks about the guy in the trenchcoat and what's his story
Anti Cosmo, Bender, Professor Membrane, Starlight, Carmilta, The Resisty, Ren, Scratch and even Killian, Steelbeak, The Miller Family and The Ys all decide to wait for the right moment to attack and once guards do manage to get their backs. They all attack the Guards with Agent Darkboothe's orders for them all.
Starlight blinds all them with the light and useing the electricity in the cell, which allows The Reisisty, Scrtach and Professor Membrane to steal all the weapons that CSM and Makarov's men have.
Zib however alerts CSM about this and with Makraov they drop a bomb on the prison. Bender, Anti Cosmo, Ren, Carmilta, Professor Membrane, The Reissty, Scratch and Starlight all help The former members against Blackfire and her henchmen.
Blackfire gloats that even though they escaped, they will still be killed as Number 1 and CSM dropped a bomb to kill them with Makarov.
The Reisisty gets their ship crashing into the prison with Agent Darkboothe and everyone escapes as Makarov, Blackfire, Zib and The Smoking Man blow up the prison killing the latter's allies.
Wile E, Jessie, Sid, Lisa, Vee and Libby all with Darkboothe's allies are continuing their attempts to fight and take out the Martians they CSM sent after them. This is when The Resisty shows up with Bender, Anti Cosmo, Carmilta, Ren, Scratch, Starlight, Professor Membrane and Agent Darkboothe and all of them manage to basically force the Martians to back off as Libby uses old country music to basically kill the Martians.
This baffles them as The Martians retreat realziing the human has found their weakness though plenty are still killed by Bender, Anti Cosmo, Libby, Sid, Lisa, Wile E, Vee, Carmilta, Professor Membrane, The Reissity, Agnet Darkboothe and his men and Starlight. This is when Scratch and Jessie decide to get The Reisisty's ship to get the rest picked up.
Bender, Anti Cosmo and Starlight reveal to them that they encountered former M.A.L.I.C.E. Members, Blackfire and Zib. Starlight tells the crew, that The Smoking Man was in contact with Vought for a long while, and it's not just recent. Professor Membrane states that this is a convincing halluncation despite everyone saying this is real to him.
Chapter 4[]
Professor Membrane overhears Bender and Anti Cosmo's talk on Zib and Dib and this is when Professor Membrane realizes what the effects of his parenting did to Dib. He considers texting his son to apologize about his parenting when this is all over, as he sees what could have happened to any Dib and not just his without giving Dib any attention, interest or approval.Professor Membrane decides to that he wants to clean up his mess that he inadvertently made with Vought and helps Jessie and Lisa figure out Compound V and puts it together that A-Train is addicted to it and calls the A Train theory and instructs Jessie to try when she encounters A-Train again
He meets Dale Gribble and while thinking of Dale is a lunatic for all his theories, Membrane stops himself from saying anything as his treatment of Dib would like result in Dib becoming like Dale and that way he would have not learned anything from any of this which he doesn't want to have happened. After clearing everything up, Professor Membrane joins the others in heading to a base to find out about Operation Countdown and he helps Dale get in and they discover Operation Countdown's intents and what CSM did with space and time distortion. He now realizes the real very threat that is provided to him and head back to Dale's Van and heads back to Alamo Land,
He is attacked by Zib, Blackfire, Captain Putty and The CSM. Professor Membrane helps Bender, Ren and Starlight fight Zib and Blackfire and He is clearly affected as Zib throws jab after jab at his bad parenting and how it was one of the reasons he became the way he did. Membrane feels more guilt though Bender helps get him out of it saying the real Dib won't say such things to him and that he would have came out that way if he didn't have the true support of him and the others despite his and Dib's differences. Membrane listens and helps get Zib off their tracks
Upon losing them and heading to Alamo Land, Professor Membrane joined by The Resisty and Wile E although he still thinks they're not real and help Snart and Rory deal with Tighten and Membrane manages to get a extraction of Tighten's DNA on top of that and then takes advantage of the chance to send this extraction to Deathstroke as Bender and Anti Cosmo talk to him about Blackfire and Tazmarians
Upon their journey to Johto, Membrane talks to Bender, Camilla and Anti Cosmo about his situation regarding his kids and decides a text isn't enough and waiting won't help either. So Professor Membrane calls up Dib on his phone while the others remind quiet and apologizes to his son. He intents to make it up to him and do what he can, try to take more time away from the job and save him and his friends from the quarantine in Townsville they're all stuck in.
Chapter 5[]
Professor Membrane arrives in Johto and remarkably he knows of the region to the others who find it wierd, that Membrane would believe Pokemon but not aliens or talking coyotes. He designs Pokeballs and alongside Sid informs Bender and the crew of the Unown.
Working with Jessie and Libby, he researches the region and the legendries that exist here. With the Unown being fascinating to him, he looks to research the potential in them, as he informs the team of the legendaries.
He joins Bender to find Lugia and Ho-Oh and helps deal with Blackfire and Chameleon. He uses the pokeballs he designed, he temporaily took control of some Pokemon to fight The Deep's dark ball pokemon.
After Raikou and Entei roaming, Membrane joins the team and intends to make more his custom master balls to make this easier.
Chapter 6[]
Professor Membrane Works with the crew to secure Raikou and Entei for the team respectfully and figures the way to obtain them is to use trapping methods as opposed to simple methods with the other legendaries. Wile E, Sid and Lisa agree and the former finds something that can do the job and it does give the group the pokemon they need respectfully.
With Camilla, Vee and Sid getting the repels, Membrane and the others put their plans to work as they capture the other two and then head to Halverston and Area under Slade's orders to meet up with the others.
After that everyone ends up togther and they deal with the ongoing alien invasion which Membrane does particplate in and fights off the aliens, he marvels how real they are as he is still doesn't believe they're real to Bender and Slade's group disbelief even when the Tazmarians arrive as back up on Deathstroke's orders respectfully.
Upon leaning the effects of how far Vought and The Smoking Man have gone to accomplish their goals, Professor Membrane decides to advertise this to the universe to insure everyone can evacuate or be ready.
Professor Membrane takes on the Alien Enforcers now trying to put an end to them respectfully. After savin his town, Professor Membrane gets his own designed weapons to go to TownsvilleHe goes with Bliss and Darkbootie to rescue his Son and his friends and get them to safety, which he does
Upon regrouping, Professor Membrane informs Bender he will go see them after this is all done and told his son not to worry he'll take care of this Professor Membrane sees the Time Eater and tries to stop it but Zib and the Elite 100 go after Luan and Marcy as well as him.
Recognizing his failure as a father before hand, he does what he can to stop Zib and doesn't fall for Zib's attempt to keep him from attacking on account he's his son. Professor Membrane says Zib isn't his son when Zib rejects his apology for failing him as a father
Professor Membrane with Harry detains Zib and sends him off before going off to see his son Dib and his friends. Though he still believes what he went through with Bender and Slade's empire was a halluncation. He still saw what he went through as a wake up call.
House of Disenchanted Cards[]
Professor Membrane takes part in fighting and defeating Frank Underwood and his cabinet reuninting with Bender, Anti Cosmo, Slade, Wile E, Captain Hero, Hughie, Starlight and Billie Butcher in doing so.

Chapter 2[]
Part 3[]
Professor Membrane has been revealed to have worked with the Streaming Resistance and he works with the adults respectfully to figure out where they need to go next and narrow it to Jerome Elementary High School
When getting back to the other kids, Membrane tells Lincoln and Lydia of his previous deals with Underwood and The Smoking Man and what he did respectfully with the heroes. He also mentions the time travelling situations as well to them which Lydia and Lincoln straight out believe due to their situation.
Professor Membrane meets back with most of the group and they present him with what George and Harold with Erica managed to find the Goosy-Grow 4000 and the Shrinky-Pig 2000. Professor Membrane studies their uses and realizes that they can be used to further improve the world instead of harming it. But he needs to keep them secured so no one else tries to use them for harm.
He gets in contact with Allen and Mrs.Frizzle as they see the others coming back from seeing Allen. Where he tells the group that went to space, they're heading to Hawkins as Spot has begun causing damage there too as Professsor Membrane notes Spot is damaging multiple places in the streamverse with his status. He notes that his own universe was damaged too as it was sucked in the Florpus respectively. Professor Membrane sent his son and his friends to escape this before they knew anything would happen to him, so if anyone got stuck in the Florpus he would be.
Chapter 3[]
Professor Membrane is handed the juice by Will Robinson so he can study to see the effects of it respectively. Membrane then clarifies to Will Robinson what he has found out on the juices as well as Penny. Membrane knows it comes from outerspace and places the juices away as they arrive as the Professor ponders when it will come to use the juices. Upon the arrival to Hawkins as he studies it with Peacemaker's crew.
Professor Membrane studies the samples of what was present to him from the Upside Down. He does realize that these creatures were cloned to some extent due to a scientist that expertises in cloning. He suspects that Candide Sampson part of the Streamverse had contributed to this which he is right about but is left in the dark by Moro. After wards, upon hearing of the Trolberg trouble, Professor Membrane decides to send some of the group there to try and help their friend. He can tell that Dr.Owens informed the kids about their connection to the Streamverse.
Part 2[]
Professor Membrane sees the others all returning to their base after helping with Hawkins. He is scolded by Holt for letting the others go off, Professor Membrane defends his decision by saying that they didn't go alone respectfully
The Chief then sends them to Castlevaniaverse to help Trevor Belmont deal with Death who N.Tropy decided to bring in to try and weaken the Streamverses. Professor Membrane helps his allies deal with Death and the rest of the crew personally helping the cops bring in Neil Kandy respectively and imprisoning them
Results with the events afterward add some bittersweet feelings. He decides to let the others know that he let Peacemaker and his crew take the PATSY 2000 with them.
Chapter 4[]
Professor Membrane is told by The Cupheads about their actions and he decides he need to have some kind of looking around there. He has Geroge, Harold, Nate and Erica go to help out there to look for what happened
He learns about Neo Vought Intenational respectively from their return and he manages with Jack and Amy to get some connection to Peacemaker and the others about what's going. He helps Jack and Amy go to Trolberg as he recurits Rave to the team.
Professor Membrane and Boss Baby learn about the dire strait of The Hildaverse and that it will be destroyed by the black hole and moon that will crash. It was halted by some infleunce regarding the fairy mound and this he tells Jake and Amy who found Peacemaker and his posse imploring them to get Lincoln, Lydia and Will Robinson before that point. Holt and Membrane tell the others that they need to the heck out of dodge as The Hildaverse is collapsing in part to the blackhole finally catching up respectfully and has Mrs.Frizzle go to pick up the other heroes
Professor Membrane is presented with the info he was given by the heroes in their time in Trolberg. He can tell that this is gotten more personal than he originally thought. Setting the co-ordinates to the Peacemaker Universe upon being briefed of what's going on by Rave and Doug Judy. The Team all head off to that universe.
Part 2[]
Professor Membrane joins the others in trying to find The Spot in Peacemaker's Universe. he also managed to use something some components to make a temporary dose of the juice that the heroes found in the Captain Underpants universe
They don't find him though they find him and Spot, Kregg and White Dragon arrive and Membrane decides to fight the Virtumite General respectfully which he manages to hold down fairy nicely. He finds The Time Agents as well and they help deal with the Virumites and Kregg
When the others get back, Membrane is told about how he managed to make the juice work like that and he explains how he did so. Upon realizing a retreat will be needed, He joins the others to head to back to Nate's universe.
Chapter 5[]
Professor Membrane with Jesse, Geroge and Harold begin to work on a way to deal with Spot and his hole powers respectfully as they do realize from Nate, Erica, Lydia and Lincoln that Spot does have his weak spots even at full power
He makes a hole based formula to make portable holes so they can go fend better against Spot when the time comes. as Membrane demonstreates how it can be used as well to them when needed. He also looks into things and points out Spot needs to give himself more holes eventually so that they can exhaust him potentially to.
He and the guys then see the others going after Spot and his cronies and Membrane having his hole formula ready and follows with them to go puruse Spot respectfully
Professor Membrane manages to get everyone to the school, respectfully as he finishes his work on the way to seal Spot and his holes. Membrane manages to be successful and he has it all ready to use to keep Spot's holes from being anymore dangerous
Professor Membrane then sees the others return and tells them of what happened, he decides to keep his detection for Spot which works out as he with Rave and Frizzle manage to figure Spot is here and hands Penny the juice respectfully to use for herself if she wants. The Professor also gives the team what he has made so they can take on Spot. He also feels that something is going to go down and not good in that regard.
Chapter 6[]
Professor Membrane analyzes what the monster is made of and comes to realize that this thing is very much not like a typical Pokemon but a creation of pure evil that must be stopped. Both Him and The Spot both recongize the way to ulitamely stop the monster respectfully and put it to work
He helps his allies get to the lab as they avoid the monster. Professor Membrane as does many of the others safrice themselves to deal with the tentacle monster so the rest of them can save the day
Professor Membrane is brought back and in turn notes what has happened and when he hears of how Tildy and Kalsa he vouches for it's success and covinces Lydia and Lincoln to use the stones respectfully.
Book 1: Overture[]
Chapter 1[]
Part 1[]
Professor Membrane has finished his personal project and while he is proud of his work. He does feel a bit remorseful for making this Virus for supes. He knows there are good super heroes and good people, while suspecting he is putting them at risk like Starlight, or his son's girlfriend . Professor Membrane asks for more security around his creation to insure he can keep it underwraps before someone else can use it for their own ends. Though Membrane begins to feel he may need someone who he knows can keep it safe.
He calls up his son at breakfast, Dib asks his dad what's up and is everything okay, Professor Membrane says everything is fine to his son and he asks if they are still on after school for what he wants to do. When Dib says yes, Membrane said that he'll pick him up afterwards he's done with his meeting at Vought as well as The Powerpuff Girls, The others ask if he'll bring back what he has been up to there, Professor Membrane says he will, though he does have a problem that he made something that could help Vought with their Supe Issues, but he left it in the last place he went and feels his rival for control will find it and use as leverage against him.
Bender offers to go get it for the Professor which surprises Dib, Starfire, Boomer, Skipper and Heloise that he wants to do so. Professor Membrane agrees to this and tells him that he'll provide the details and that he'll be there earlier for his son.
He calls Bender later with the girls and Dib and notices he's out drinking.Professor Membrane tells the girls and Dib to take it easy as he needs to talk. Professor Membrane tells Bender where he and his friends will need to go to get his thing, after saying where Bender's eyes widen realizing he had to go back to the China Town equivlant of Mexico and he tells Membrane are the kids not there. Professor Membrane says they are now, and Bender informs him that Neuman knows what he did there and knows they're working together and if he exposes her, she will kill who he cares about and he's on edge.
Professor Membrane says she's worried because it can endanger her as it's biological welfare. Bender says he'll do what he needs to.
Professor Membrane arrives at the hideout and apologizes for being late as he was working on something and asks if the others can tell him the news. Peacemaker, Eleven and Jake agree to this. Vigilante, Emilia, Membrane and Jake observe the others and Jake decides on an plan to maybe track down who Ham Hand, The Dupus and Levy are working for. Emilia has another idea, if they can't get their go to guys and with their guys out at camp, they should go get some additional help, Viglante suggests finding George and Harold to help out. Membrane decides to set a way to travel and go lookng for them.
Professor Membrane and Mrs.Frizzle manage to find the portal needed to go where the universe and direct the others to get there. Mike, Blinky,Max, Professor Membrane and Mrs.Frizzle wait in the bus for them as the other 4 go looking around trying to find their friends. This is when Jim and Claire decide to join on their own side of things as they cover other ground.
Peacemaker and the rest of the posse all return and they inform the team that Geroge and Harold were all kidnapped by mirror agents. Eleven, Lucas, Jake, Jim and Claire all tell Peacemaker's friends about what they saw in that universe.
Wednesday is asked about what she saw, and she saw nothing, no one tracked her and they got Enid back who was staying in Trolberg. She does admit it's suspcious the Captain Underpants Universe was not in quarrintine. Professor Membrane and Blinky both think so too, why is Nevermore still quarrinited, but not that universe.
Wednesday, Jake and Professor Membrane work on a leak in to see who they need to see who still has ties to Spot and whoever his benefactor. As it turns out Wednesday has been in secret trying to look into who Spot's backer for a while as she snarks after the wedding of fairies and the huntsman. She had an inkling that he would like to find who Spot's Backer though he was busy being lovey dovery with his wife.
Jake says Wednesday should be nice, they're on a honeymoon. Professor Membrane calms them and explains that he had his own work done with Vought that he needs to have claimed from a business rival of his. He has contacted the services of an old friend of his son to assist and aquire his biological project. Jake asks why would he do that, Membrane explains to keep the Supes under control and to help man kind.
Part 2[]
Peacemaker, Wednesday and Eleven all begin to brainstorm a possible way around all this or a way to at least help this. Each of them come to a certain thought process, Peacemaker considers getting Professor Membrane to find some way to travel without using the school bus to find their friends if they are in real danger, Eleven adds to this that she can be blindfolded to find where Dustin and the others are or what danger. Wednesday finishes with using any possible shortcoming of whoever they will deal outside those little spies.
Jake, Professor Membrane and Blinky all decide to hand out the assignments to where they all are to go to find Spot's associates. Eleven, Mike, Lucas and Max all are given the location of Candice Sampson. Blinky has Jim, Claire and Enid accompany him to find where Chandler McCann was placed.
Upon realizing that Polly Sparks and B.P Richfield have not being considered for the investigations, Jake and Professor Membrane decide to pursue the two with Doug Judy assisting them. Mrs. Frizzle sets all the co-ordinates so they can all make their way to the locations set by the others.
As the others are heading out, Professor Membrane gets a phone call and answers it. Membrane learns it's Victoria Neuman who is on the phone. Neuman informs Membrane that she is aware of what he is up to and placed in Mexico and that he decided to get his robot to go after it before her. Professor Membrane asks what does she really want, Neuman tells the Professor that she wants back control of Vought International and she does how he really got into Vought International's head spot after initally working with them as a top scientist. She also knows that his robot and his allies were responsible for this. Professor Membrane doesn't take this lying down and asks what will she do if he refuses, kill his son. Neuman tells the Professor she isn't going to do that, it would make her a hypocrite in that regard, she has other ideas involved. Professor Membrane questions if she is trying to stop them from learning who did the Team Free Will Massacre

Neuman has no idea what he is talking about as she admits that wasn't her and hangs up.
Peacemaker, Eleven, Wednesday and Jake ask Professor Membrane about that and Professor Membrane informs them that it was Victoria Neuman, the adopted daughter of one of the former heads of Vought, before Homelander took over. Peacemaker has some knowledge on him and knows about the screwed up things he has done and his orgins as well as what happened to Homelander and the rest of those who followed him
Wednesday immediatly knows Professor Membrane was involved as she did a check on him when he joined the Resistance with Jake and Amy. Jake feels that they are in a stale mate regarding Neuman, as he tapped Membrane's phone and in a situation known as M.A.D. Peacemaker, Wendesday and Jake discuss this among themselves and they know that Homelander worked with The Smoking Man who went after Lincoln and his friends which Jake admits he knew already before meeting them as he was after Team Free Will. Peacemaker rules him out as the culprit of the Team Free Will Massacre, though Wednesday considers looking into the actions of this group known as M.A.L.I.C.E as well. Jake nods at this
Eleven approaches Professor Membrane and inquires if he's okay as he is concerned. Professor Membrane tells Eleven that he thought what he dealt with in Homelander and The Conspiracy was just some kind of halluncaiton, and now knows it was real. He feels like he has endangered his son and his friends by staying aligned with Vought. Eleven tells him he did so to protect his them and he did his job as a dad. The Professor also has her and the others in his corner as well to deal with Victoria Neuman. Professor Membrane tells Eleven that the Streaming Resistance has no idea what Neuman is capable of, and he inform them of what that is.
Professor Membrane pays a visit to B.P Richfield who has been laundering away in jail, and he is angry to see the Professor enter his cell as he holds Membrane accountable for putting him away and hurting his company. Professor Membrane tells Richfield what does he know about the Team Free Will Massacre and who he is really answering to.
Richfield says he answers to his own boss and won't tell him or his allies anyway, he's in prison and is no spot to tell them and he isn't selling him out as he is not compromising his own boss, he does threaten to eat the Professor if he does. Professor Membrane just shocks B.P with a electrical weapon before making his leave.
Peacemaker, Eleven, Wednesday, Jake, Professor Membrane, Jim, Claire, Blinky, Penny, Vigilante, Emila Hardcourt, John Ecnomos, Mrs.Frizzle, Mike, Lucas, Max, Doug Judy and Enid Sinclair all return and explain what everyone has found out. As Peacemaker's posse tells the others that most of the others were co-operative, though Chandler and Richfield were rather uncompromisnig with Richfield trying to kill the Professor.
Professor Membrane is placing a wire on Doug Judy alongside Jake as they prepare to make another counterplay against Vicky. Peacemaker, Eleven and Wednesday all arrive asking what are the two doing.
Professor Membrane tells them that he is haivng Doug Judy go undercover to inflitrate Neuman and her followers. Peacemaker admits he knows what Neuman is capable when it comes to popping heads and being insaneably durable. Eleven questions Membrane and Jake using Doug this way
Wednesday, Jake and Professor Membrane head back to the bus and get the audio tape prepared in the back.
Part 3[]
The Streaming Resisitance has arrived in Trolberg,and they go around trying to find Van Gale with each of them giving a try of finding her.
Wednesday, Penny, Enid, Jake and Professor Membrane all decided to take another way all together. Wednesday snuck her away on to the Tofuken Train so they can down there as she has a hunch as do the other 4. Though Penny does ask why Wendesday brought them down here, she says she was here before when she, Eleven and Peacemaker came down here to get her brother, Lincoln, Lydia, Hobie and The Robot out of trouble when they went with Hilda to find her grandparents. They're fairies or whatever the sacchrine term for mystical creature is. Enid says it is a fairy to her and for some reason they don't take well to Robots.
Professor Membrane and Jake both go around and ask about fairies go to get slammed on at every opporunity. Enid points how rude they are and that they'll look themselves and she knows where. Wenesday follows suit with Penny as the three end up finding a fairy mound. Professor Membrane and Jake catch up to them and ask what the trio found, Enid informs them that she has a feeling Van Gale might be here as she did recall she was fasicinated by the fairy mound or whatever it's called. Wednesday does a feel on the mound and gets another vision of something arriving on them, she explains this to Penny. Penny believes Wednesday and that they'll wait to see if it happens.
Professor Membrane and Jake both decide to call up their allies to meet them here so they can find Van Gale. He gets a call from Bender who explains to the professor his situation with the portal gun and hands it over to him.
The Streaming Reisstance has managed to arrive at the fairy Mound and a good deal of the group wander how to ulimately get in there. Peacemaker, Eleven and Wednesday themselves are baffled how are they even able to have gotten in there to begin with to find the others. Jake, Eleven, Wednesday, Peacemaker and Professor Membrane all having aquired a sample of hair from Van Gale use to find her location. Max is baffled how they got a hair of hers for that long, Jake explains it's a way to get a sense of someone's dna and Membrane adds it can be used for cloning or any other great science work. Everyone give Membrane a look which he looks a bit embarrassed to have said.
Blinky gets a wiff of the Nesse and leads the others to it. Peacemaker's crew follows closely behind with Wednesday and Enid not to far behind them. As Eleven and her friends as is the Troll Hunters, Membrane and Jake just follow suit. Just like that they all find Victoria Van Gale.
Jake, Professor Membrane and Blinky overhear from Doug Judy what happened with George and Harold and they are shocked about this. Blinky considers saving them, but Judy points that his cover will be blown if they do that. This Jake agrees on but he asks what do they do despite that. Judy believes if he can find out how they were frozen in carbonite, they can reverse after. Membrane is in agreeance on this. Jim and Claire both though tell the others that something is up.
Wednesday, Jake and Professor Membrane find what Rodrigo is doing and tries to stop him. Redneb holds his omega Cannon and coereces off Jake with it though the other two go at him anyway, Redneb decides to just leave which Wednesday and Membrane decide to remember his look. Jim, Claire, Blinky and Mrs.Frizzle arrive to tell them they have to leave the Fairy Country is being drained of it's life
The Streaming Resistance manages to escape Fairy Country, though Van Gale is hurt from Rodrigo's ambush and they watch the Fairy Country be drained away from the energy it once had. Enid asks if Proffessor Membrane can tell if Hilda's family was among them. Membrane confirms they weren't there and they were fine for now. Penny is thankful Mulder and Jaune managed to get them blending in society. Wednesday asks what are they going to with Levy, she offers to kill him. Peacemaker says that they need to see what he knows as Emila and Viglante present Levy unconsciousness as this could be the break through they need.
Peacemaker, Wednesday and Vigilante decide on that they need a place to intterograte Levy that is safe. Enid decides they could go to Anders's apartment to do so, Mike asks why there. Enid feels that if they did at Johanna's house then she would question them more likely than if Anders did so. Blinky doesn't want any part of the intterogration which Peacemaker allows, Lucas decides to join Blinky on this as he isn't too comfortable
Jake and Eleven decide to help Peacemaker and Wednesday with this with the usual routine. Professor Membrane gets the portal gun and shoots it to Anders's apartment for the others to go into.
Chapter 2[]
Part 4[]
Professor Membrane's work is shown to Economos where he explains his intent and what is he doing. He also explains to him that he managed to acquire something back when he went up against Vought and is working on a way to go Frankstein on something or at least without the side effects.
All the while, Economos and Membrane record what they heard from Levy. Economos waits about for what the others have to say with magic. Membrane is skeptical of this no longer as he tells Economos that he used to not believe in magic or aliens until recently due to working with Bender, Anti Cosmo, Slade and the Streaming Resistance as he chalked up to something weird going on. He is also informed by Billy Butcher that he intends to use the virus he made for his use to kill the supes, though Membrane knows it could work, he and Butcher are in agreeance that there should be some acceptance for the good ones.
Professor Membrane and Economos learn from Jim, Claire, Blinky, Mike, Max and Lucas what has all happened and what the trolls told Blinky. Jim, Blinky and Claire have an idea of their own and as Enid suspects it has to do with Fairy Country, Hilda and once more the stuff that has to do with Trolberg. Economos agrees with this and puts some thought into this. Though he does agree with being something due to Arcadia as Jim and Claire tell him.
Professor Membrane gathers the rest of the team and puts together what Blinky and the others had to report as well and they all come to a grasping reality that that will have to go to if not return to Arcadia for their next few answers. This he works with Blinky and Professor Membrane to find a way to get to Arcadia.
Part 5[]
Upon arrivng in Arcadia, The Troll Hunters and The Party try to find Toby and ARRGH only to discover that they are no longer in Arcadia.
Professor Membrane and the Peacemaker Crew investigate all the events in Arcadia and they learn changelings are around there as some point and the 4 feel that maybe there is a way to reach some indications of what Enid is looking for. Blinky, Jim, Claire and Professor Membrane manage to find some way to Troll Market so they can go get some help on locating the two
They discover Troll Market is in disarray and that the trolls were basically petrified too just like how Frida was. They all decide to work together and look through Troll Market to find who caused it all. Emilia and Viglante decide to pick up some Trollhunters weaponry as Professor Membrane get the help of Blinky as they discover that AURGH and Toby both escaped for this point. Though when it came to the troll lover, they have no idea still on what as happened.
Professor Membrane and his peers bring the petrified trolls to the lab where Blinky, Jim and Claire are as are Mike and Lucas where they discover the full truth about petrifcation. He is eventually able to fully fix the portal gun with the help of Mike and Lucas.
The other six return to them and inform of what they found in The virus Professor Membrane had stowawayed with and the file of what happened to the Robinsons. This is when Peacemaker, Penny and his friends call out Membrane for doing such a thing with the virus, Membrane justifies this with that he is doing the better of those who can't defend themselves against villainous metahumans and supes and to protect the innocent. He wants Vought to get out of the super hero business he admits and if any other corrupt or villainous supe goes after him, his son or his team then he can protect them.
Part 6[]
The Portal Gun is ready for useage as Professor Membrane explains to the team as he managed to get his hands and given to them by Penny, Mike and Lucas. Peacemaker, Eleven, Jake and Wednesday decide to ask for the portal gun so they are able to go deal with the troll problem head up. Though As Professor Membrane points out, Enid has already made way into troll market
Peacemaker, Eleven, Wednesday, Jake, Professor Membrane, Jim and Claire enter Troll Market and find that Queen Usurna is on the warpath to find Enid Sinclair with the Gumms Gumms. It turns out that Usurna was warned of them as well. Professor Membrane and Wednesday decide to find out more about the Gumms so they can deal with the situation more appropriately . Professor Membrane and Wednesday become aware of what is really going on and manages to get some parts of the Gumms Gumms so they can do some research
Membrane and Wednesday manage to get a way back out of Troll Market with help of Blinky and the others. It is decided with what the heroes acquired at Troll Market that a close look into it will be needed and that Professor Membrane has a lab back at home he can use to his advantage so he decides to take his team there. Professor Membrane has plenty to do with the gumms gumms, while going a bit more into what his work has been doing.
Chapter 3[]
Part 7[]
The Entire Group has arrived at the Membrane Household and Professor Membrane has informed the others about His son not being here so he and his own friends won't have to worry as they're at the Utonium House.
Enid then asks Professor Membrane what has he figured on Jaune Arc and Hildas family. Membrane has no idea on this, though he says if they keep looking around and conisder Aracdia, then maybe. Jim, Claire and Blinky apporach the two and the trio do admit that they have dealt with being turned to stone with a friend of theirs and that they feel that maybe The Gumms Gumms are working with Neuman. Mike asks for their history with this and they are more than happy to provide
Upon hearing about how the others were able to get the Magic School Bus back in function thanks to Mr.Fusion. John Economos finds the idea ridiculous that Frizzle was able to do that, Emilia admits it does feel kind of ridiculous the concept of it. Wednesday and Professor Membrane though find the idea has potential with Wendesday saying she could dispose bodies in this matter.
Wednesday, Professor Membrane, Enid, Blinky, Penny, Mike, Lucas, Emilia and John all end discovering some answers about Hilda's petrification with her family. Enid, Mike, Penny and Lucas manage to get something important with their research and that Hilda, Jaune and her family were ambushed by Angor Rot who was acting on orders of Queen Ushurna in troll Market, and he somehow managed to turn them into stone. Professor Membrane has an idea to use some chemistry to make a vital to cure petrifycation, he made one before when it came to aging so he can make one for this. Blinky does address he does know a way to do it without having to fetch things like that, as he has cured his best troll bud before. Professor Membrane, Enid and Wednesday though want to do this themselves in the case of Membrane and Wednesday, while Enid wants to help Mulder and Scully with this.
The Fight continuing to go way between them all and Zib and Angor Rot are just about ready to petrify and capture Jim and Claire. Until Professor Membrane and Wednesday manage to arrive and help turn the table and realize Zib is controlling Rot and Membrane can tell as he can see how Zib is controlling the Gumms Gumms and the others all get back to base at Membrane's house
Professor Membrane, Wednesday, Jake, Peacemaker and Eleven all check what Professor Membrane and Wednesday found and that Zib and Ushurna are controlling him with a ring that controls the troll hunter slayer. The Streaming Resistance find an invite in Professor Membrane's mailbox and it's an invite to Vernon Manor which has Peacemaker, Eleven, Jake and Wednesday look into this and show suspicion at all this with the others to make a plan to deal with this. As Professor Membrane has reservations about this and once Enid gets back that they will tell her as they can also talk to Lydia, Lincoln, Will and Amy on this. He separatly gets a visit from Mojo Jojo as they discuss worm holes and his son who Membrane will be bringing with him and his friends to Tek Knight Manor as a cover and the invite does allow kids and informs the monkey where to find his son and his friends in Townsville.
Part 8[]
The Heroes discuss the Shetty Virus under Professor Membrane as he has been in contact with Lisa about and that Bender and his friends gave it to her. As well the plan to infilitrate the Tek Knight Manor. The Group also meets up Daniel when it comes to what the heroes said would come, Professor Membrane decides to make his own arrangements about the Tek Knight situation and the whole thing with Angor Rot comes out as well with some of the heroes due to their encounter with him and Zib. When it came to what happened with Enid, Mulder and Scully when they dealt with him.
He does have to deal with Tek Knight does arrive on cue from Neuman to see if he fork out the info of the Shetty Virus and interrogates The Peacemaker Team, Jake Perlaita, Penny Robinson, Blinky and Professor Membrane. Though Wednesday and Betty eventually do drive him out as do Jim Jones Jr. Professor Membrane ponders how to get around this with Tek Knight knowing their plan and his alliance with Bender and Slade's groups about the Shetty Virus. He also discovers from Eleven, Mike and Lucas of Max's actions and how Max decided to change herself, Professor Membrane takes this well and decides to let Max in the operation and has her join him with the others as they head to Camp Mastadon to see Lincoln, Lydia, Amy and Will, He also learns Bender and Anti Cosmo are with them too and this means Membrane needs to tell them of the Tek Knight Situation.
He gets into a large call with Bender, Anti Cosmo, Marcy, Mojo Jojo, Luan and Wile E are different lines to inform of this and that he will be taking his son and his friends there too despite Bender's protests as he is unwilling to endanger them here though Membrane reassures Bender that his friends will be in no danger under him. He later talks with his son about him sending Mojo Jojo and their other activities and Professor Membrane decides to tell Dib and the Powerpuff Girls how he got control of Vought though he is careful to leave Bender out of it as well as Slade. Anti Cosmo and their forces out of it.
Part 9[]
Peacemaker, Emilia Harcourt, Jake Peralta, John Economos, Max Mayfield,Penny Robinson, Professor Membrane and Vigilante all arrive at the manor and Professor Membrane leads everyone into the manor keeping his word to keep them away from his son and his friends to keep his worlds separate. When he notes Neuman is out to expose him and the others, he has Bender go after her with Anti Cosmo and Slade though they tell him that Lydia and Lincoln had them agree to let her live. He also explains the situation to his son and his friends about what was going on and how he got control of it and how he is wrestling control from Neuman and decides to leave Bender and his own involvement out of it.
When Tek Knight and Sister Sage reverse UNO them, Professor Membrane focuses on trying to save Troy though he is pulled out like the others albeit not without getting his hand on something important. He also discovers Penny is a mermaid and desires to study her too on the change as well.
After his studying, Professor Membrane is told of the end of the world by Lincoln, Lydia, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Amy, Toby, Will, AAARRRGUHH and Steve will be coming and that they must head down to Mexico to prevent it as per Tom as well as Jack. Professor Membrane agrees to this, and upon looking up what he was told, he decides to pay his own improv trip to someone who may know.
Chapter 4[]
Remembering what Neuman did, Professor Membrane decide to investigate Neuman and her own actions as he is out for her consideirng their antagonism towards each other. Professor Membrane also discovers Tek Knight has wrestled control from both of them and that he has to be careful on and be on thin ice here. Professor Membrane then later has to deal with the Gumms Gumms and Richfield who are after them. He decides to join the rest of the team in rescuing Jim, Claire and Blinky
Chapter 5[]
Professor Membrane helps his team resuce the three and Doug Judy from flash freezing and discovers Slade's Empire all being here too. He also discovers Slade's empire was working on something that he himself had desired to do and learns of the initial firing going off and warns his allies of this action as he returns to them. Professor Membrane also encounters Lydia, Lincoln, Bender and the rest of the team to prepare for what is to be coming up.
Chapter 6[]
Professor Membrane joins up with Krel to help find out how to defeat Ucrumu and helps the two groups defeat him, afterwards Professor Membrane heads back to his home to see his kid and asks the heroes to keep info for him regarding Neuman.