Professor Chang is a mad scientist who creates weapons and carries out experiments for supervillains and terrorists in exchange for money. After being coerced into helping Robin, Chang decides to become a supervillain himself.
Double Life Emergence[]
Professor Chang serves as one of the main characters and is the secondary antagonist of the storyline. Chang is one of Slade's former scientists and betrays him for reasons unknown as this point.
Act 1[]
Episode 1[]
Professor Chang had recently joined the Cartel and has became one of the newest leader under Don Eladio. He serves as the main villain of Double Life Emergence and is brought in the fold about Eladio's war with Slade and how the Cartel is after Bender as well as Slade.
Chang eagerly accepts his new spot to take revenge on both groups as he does have his own history with both of them. With his group under him, he leads them to take actions against Bender and Slade by starting work in The Mexico China Town.
Episode 2[]

With Glowface, Lorenzo, Titan, Riff Raff, Nasty Casata, Byrton Hardley, Chief of Police, Professor Chang ddecides to set his plans into China Town to go after the two groups now that they arrived. He is intend to insure they pay at his hands.
He is then seen next working on an experiment with his scientist Dr. John Orm who he decided to recruit on his high promises like his own.
He arrives back to see Don Bolsa with The Cousins and Pablo Esacar who he sees the decaptivated head of Tortunga which the former two had a hand in. Professor Chang considers a plan and convinces them to stuff expolsives in his head to send a message to Slade about his plan as The masked man is his bigger target between him and Bender. They decide to follow through on it, as The Cousins do have the resources to do so.
Professor Chang's experiments and work as it turns have him deal with an ally he made just shortly before joining the cartel and it's revealed to be Milton MIdas who Chang has used his connections to assist in his own works both in China Town's areas and back in China and Russia as well. For everything he has been putting into his plans that both him and John Orm are also assisting the Professor in at Goodkin University.
Episode 3[]
He holds a meeting with his other cartel associates that the police have arrested Captain Hero and now he and they can all pursue what the Cartel wants. The others call attention to him working with Midas and how they don't care like he does about that. Chang is also disrespected by Frank and Jack for being so manic, which he tells them that he at least has favor with the Don unlike them.
He arrives at the prison Captain Hero was and decides to conduct his experiments to test what Captain Hero is able to and forces John Orm to conduct them, despite his protests about all this as he places Hero under torture.
His partnership with Midas according to Bolsa has helped acquired favor with Eladio, on top of those Slade bots he has provided him. Which earns the ire of his allies which he rubs in as his activity regarding Superhuman experiment gets discovered by Deathstroke's operations.
When Captain Hero escapes with the help of Luci, Nacho and The Space Bandits, Chang and Dr.John Orm manage to have acquired what was necessary despite the cops being upset. and Chang decides to have it sent to Goodkin University to begin work.
Later he and Midas have a toast and a meet up of their success as Eladio's favored lieutants despite Midas having a slight setback with his venture which he noticed was foiled by Bender. He does seem to be aware that the Holloaway Girl spoke up about all this and decides that they must look for them the girl's parents.
Episode 4[]
Chang decides to looking for Dee Dee's parents with Glowface, Lorenzo and Titan in tow so they can keep some control over her from saying anything else to Bender or Slade feeling that Dee Dee may reveal what his connection is to them. Though valiant these efforts don't go as planned.
Afterwards, Chang overhears how the other cartel leaders are complaining about Midas and that they want him gone as he has too much of Eladio's favor and with Chang allied with him it only makes it more difficult. He informs Milton of this and Midas makes another power play after his meeting and knowledge Bender is on to him, using the power of lawsuits. Chang is skeptical about using the law against the heroes but Midas says that it's the way to insure success and since they know Slade's Empire and The B Team have extra help might as well cripple that help.
With Frank Underwood and Johnny Orm he finds Anton's supplier dead and Chang is pleased to see Anton is not allowing any leave way for the heroes. He has Orm hand his newly obtained Captain Hero clone to use for his own purposes. Chang and Orm decide on having Jack Horner use it in his actions as he is informed of the reservoir the group is looking into.
Episode 5[]
Professor Chang is seen in the prison as he decides to evoke a plan to break Merlyn and Guzma so they can find out if Deathstroke is schemeing and what they know as he is aware of his connections to Slade and Bender. He gives Norton the go ahead to do what he needs to do.
He is next seen at Lake Chapula where he meets with Midas and his proxy Pi-Pi to oversee their plan for Midas to control the natural resource of water and how a water park and work they will be using here. This project as it turns was approved by Eladio when he and Midas are after their meeting with Bolsa with the rest of the Cartel leaders.
Episode 6[]
Professor Chang's crimes are discovered by Jessie, G-Lo and Nacho while his name isn't mentioned they do find how far his double dealing went. He did assist the HIVE as Slade and the others figured due to the Blockers he had given Jack Horner. It also becomes apparent that he was also dealing with a major villain syndicate as well and did this behind Slade's back and discovered back then Slade was keeping tabs on this group in his villain days.
He and Midas discover how Slade and Bender are both making progress in investigating what they are doing, with Slade's group investigating his sabotage and his double dealing. Professor Chang decides that he must deal with this and burn his evidence of his actions so Slade does not undercover his double dealing to other groups, as well as his betrayal of Slade's group by selling him out to Don Eladio. Doug Stamper and Rocky hand him this detail and warn Chang that Slade does have the ability to figure out he's behind this and will figure out this eventually.
Act 2[]
Episode 7[]
With Milton, Frank Underwood, Doug Stamper, Rocky and Mugsy, Professor Chang arrives at the Lake and starts overseeing the plans that Midas has been putting into effect for Midas's grand plans of what he intends to really do for the Cartel, which was in part to what Chang provided him about what Slade was intending to do with his empire. Rocky and Doug Stamper do ask Chang what is he going to regarding Slade on this, Chang tells the two that he basically went to Eladio and has provided ample resources to take care of someone who might spill the beans.
Once Anton and Gaff kill Wintergreen, Chang says that was what he had in mind to deal with this. He still is cautious as he knows Slade will clearly know about Chang's own deals with other syndicates.
Episode 8[]
Professor Chang is personally enlisted to help spread the word of Bliss and he stays out of reach so Slade's allies can't identify him as he do what Midas wants with the drug. Professor Chang does use his scientific mind to analyze the effects of Bliss and do to give his results to Milton on this. He and Midas also discuss losing the lawsuit to Deathstroke, though the latter will carry on with his plans willing to accept a loss if it means gaining some petty edge overall.
Episode 9[]
Present with Midas, Chang and the crew plan their approach with what they are going to do next. Professor Chang is informed about the heroes investigating Slade's previous contacts by the cops and he decides he must have this dealt with.
Having stolen some of Slade's technology he hands it off to make Ternion the fused form of Cinderblock, Plasmius and Overload to go after the group and to kill them. Though this is foiled by Captain Hero, he is able to keep Plasmius and brings it over to Midas with the next part of his plan.
Episode 10[]
At the farm Land where Midas and his goons are all setting on their farmland that they have claimed and He has Professor Chang and Hector help him with this as Professor Chang got his hand on a special chemical that makes rain which Professor Chang managed to create for Midas.
Chang gets a communication onto Gus, Deathstroke, Felciity and Merlyn all end end being called by MIdas, Professsor Chang and Hector who are taunted and gloated to by Midas who says that he and the Professor have managed to make something spectacular so he can take revenge on all of them.
Professor Chang and Norton overhear how Yates and Flass did in Jump City. Chang is not pleased that they lost his tech and failed to throw Slade in jail who got one of his own henchemen after him and now has to deal with more trouble. Norton knows Tom Hagen is now in the heroes's custody and panics that he may tell the heroes of what Midas did as a result of betrayal. Chang reassures him that if Hagen was to tell, he would have the entire Cartel on his back.
Midas and Professor Chang having become unamused decide to start consider firing others.
Episode 11[]
Bringing in Yates and Chief of Police, Anton kills the latter for failing Midas and Eladio and decidies to send Yates back to jail until he can do better. Professor Chang has a new cop and a more efficient one to bring into their operations that Midas had waiting in the wings.
Ardos and The Iron Masked Marrauder have gone ahead to request some powerful dark ball pokemon from Ein, The Spot and Professor Chang who are the ones creating the shadow pokemon for them. Though Johnny Orm has no joy in this unlike his comrades which Chang and Ein mock him for being too soft.
Milton Midas is discussing his plans with Professor Chang and Officer Tenpenny about how he will run the Cartel when he takes over from Eladio. They are the ones who in particular made it possible as he has kept the heroes off his radar for dealing with this. Once he does, he will make moves against Hector Salamanca, Jack Horner and Frank Underwood. Tenpenny and Chang advise him that Horner and Salamanca are too preoccupied to deal with him, but Frank is on to him
Anton hangs up to tell Midas that Eladio and Bolsa wanted to see him on something. Milton Midas decides to put his plot into action now, with Professor Chang. Tenpenny though as something to do though the trio suspect that this meeting is Frank's intent to get rid of him
Episode 12[]
Milton Midas and Professor Chang arrive at Eladio's poolside and Midas has Chang meet with them as he uses some vital he has on something. Eladio and Bolsa address Milton Midas and Professor Chang about what Frank Underwood has accused him of in his actions to betray the Cartel for himself to go on his own. While Midas is lying he makes his intent and betrays Don Eladio and Bolsa by having Chang to throw Bolsa into the pool he contaminated to turn people into rats.
Pablo, Gavin and Tenpenny arrive and place the rats in cages as Midas says it's time for a new leader and he sanctioned it off with Gavin and Tenpenny. Milton reveals he tried it before with a rot that turns people into pigs in the water supply and that he watched 4 adults turn into pigs. He tells Pablo and Professor Chang to follow him to to do this.
Milton releases the rat rot into the river and pollutes the rivers with his poison and decides that he will spreading the rumors of what has happened here with the river and then he places the rats in a contraption to make rat's milk. He is also given 4 pigs, which are Lincoln's parents and Lydia's parents that were the first test subjects of his rot before he went for Rat Rot. Professor Chang learns from Anton and Gaff about what had happened on from Bender, Mop Girl and Wile E undercovering what Midas did under Chakai
Professor Chang and Ein complete their shadow Pokemon obective and hand them to other criminals to use though Iron Masked Marrauder and Ardos know they aren't the only ones with Pokemon recalling how Lincoln and Lydia used Pokemon against them.
Milton Midas and Professor Chang have analyzed the situation and Midas has gotten his hostage to serve as a drug dealer to his work and he has decided to take advantage of the kidnapping. Professor Chang and Anton decide to go on an ambush with this plan as Midas tells them that targeting Slade and Anti Cosmo could be an idea though he admits the two on to them already. Chang has something else in mind as he leaves
After Leon's murder at Anton's hands. Professor Chang enters the room as well and tells Bender, Luan, Wile E, Stan and Dee Dee that it's time to talk.
Act 3[]
Episode 13[]
Professor Chang decides to have Anton keep eyes on the kids, as he needs Bender sololy. He knocks the robot down to make him see what getting Leon involved did as Leon bleeds out. He forces Bender to call Slade to tell him that Chang wants to see him as well. Professor Chang calls Slade and taunts him and Anti Cosmo about that he is making him pay for firing him from his services and will make sure he will pay for undervaluing him. Chang tells Slade and Anti Cosmo to come to the hotel room alone and unarmed.
When Anti Cosmo and Slade arrive, Professor Chang tasers Slade and ties him up with Bender to make sure the three can't do anything until he says so. Chang tells the three about what he and Midas want them to do and to get a super weapon project he worked with the Russians on to use if needed and tells them of the name and creation of it being a solider. Professor Chang blackmails Slade and Anti Cosmo that he will reveal their criminal/supervillain work if they don't do what he wants as a way to destory their empire before it begins to form and that he can have Bender's friends killed if Bender defies him.
Once the trio decide to agree, Professor Chang gets attacked by Slade and Anti Cosmo's back up and he heads off. Later, Professor Chang reports to Midas that the heroes are on their way to Russia like explained. Midas decides to call in his forces to go on the offense.
He is in contact with Little Nina for Midas as he has ties to the russian crime boss, Chang is aware trusting Slade is going to lead to trouble, considering that Slade is a snake and yet he invests more trust and a stable working relationship with a drinking robot over a guy who helped make his robot army.
It turns out that he was also experimenting on other super heroes like Red Star as well as well having affilations with Valentia Vostok as well.
Episode 14[]
Captain Putty and Professor Chang report to Frank Underwood and Doug stamper about the Solider Boy project. Professor Chang is informed by Putty that both Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo but also Lincoln and Lydia's group are discovering what he has been doing.
The Spot informs Professor Chang of the rest of projects being made and tells him about what Vostok is demanding to the observation of Solider Boy. Professor Chang has an idea to help Vostok become all powerful
He plots with Kurbitz, to deal with the kids and their friends as they are looking into his operations and needs them out of the way as Slade is his top concern, As he agrees with Vostok's plan and helps to gather some resources for this plot.
The Two follow the heroes to The TNT Twins's manison and try to upprehend Solider Boy for Midas, when he uses Russian Music to try and sedate him when this ends up enraging him and he and Vostok are sent reeling from Solider Boy due to his nuclear powers.
Episode 15[]
He deals with the heroes afterwards with Vostok and has his Slade bots deal with the situation as he attempts to take Solider Boy back but can't with him, Luan, Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo all there to deal with him.
Professor Chang, Vostok, Johhny Orm and Dr.Lineus manage to get a sample of one of the dangerous projects that Star Labs had some involvement in as Midas decided to sent his cops to raid Star Labs to find Fire Storm's DNA and abilities which Chang will use on Vostok without needing a fusion host.
Chang then returns to deal with Lincoln and Lydia's attempts to break out afterwards with the rest of his men and Cartel allies. This all escaltes as he continues to try and stop them from going after the rest of the shadow pokemon which he nearly stops and has to go back to provide the rest of the details to the scientists while being at odds with Frank and Doug who bugged him and Midas.
After his struggle, he takes care of Hector with Midas's cooking he has in his concession stand and then helps Vostok with her plan.
Episode 16[]
Here Professor Chang gets to conflict with his first project as he works to make his second project Firestorm being a greater success due to Vostok being his ally and that Solider Boy is not controllable when he deems the man a failure in his vendetta against Slade.
Episode 17[]
Chang finishes the touch on the project and has Vostok ready to accept her new role as a bringer of a new era which Solider Boy reveals to Bender and the others. He intends to hold leverage on the duo as well like Midas is planning and sends the Russians and Kurbitz to deal with Lydia, Lincoln, Toby and their friends as well realizing they were around here too.
Episode 18[]
Professor Chang threatens Anti Cosmo and Slade with the intent to vaporize their empire with his device that has the tech he gave Red X as Robin and he decides to also sent over Firestorm to deal with them so they can't see what he is going to do.
Chang unleashes Vostok before fleeing to get back to Midas on this.
Act 4[]
Episode 19[]

Professor Chang decides to give himself surgery to make himself a Cyborg so he can go after Slade offically and kill him and activates a machine to destroy Slade's Empire. He has stolen resources from Russia to do such that
Episode 20[]
Professor Chang is attacked by Solider Boy and Chang uses A Weapon against him and through their fight, Chang is exposed by Solider Boy about what Slade must do against him
Episode 21[]
Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harry go up against Professor Chang and fight him as a Cyborg, and he uses Red Star tech. Slade and Anti Cosmo are able to fight back and Chang nearly does manage to kill the two before he gets sniped by Harry a few times and has his cybernetics removed forcefully as revenge for Chang endangering Slade's Empire. Instead of killing him, Slade decides to put him in jail restraining allowing the Streaming Resistance to put him away
Episode 23[]
He is reassured upon a prison visit that Eladio will allow him back in the Cartel despite being Midas's right hand man and that he will be under Frank Underwood, despite Chang's hatred of him as Eladio can trust Frank.
House of Disenchanted Cards[]
Professor Chang acts as part of the Cartel who serves under Frank Underwood to go after Slade, Bender and their allies. As a former ally to the latter, he serves and goes after them. Despite his actions he was brought down by Slade's allies and Slade decided to kill him realziing that Chang is straight out too dangerous to be alive and that if they do, his Empire could be in very real trouble.