"Surfin Bird!"
Peter Griffin is a main character from Family Guy and he is The4everreival's most hated character in all fiction.
The P Team Storyline[]
He is set to appear in TROM: BOTSS as a random pirate who wants to take over Multiuniverse. It's revealed that he's not working for Mechuckles, Phobos, or Sith Stalker.
The Rise of Mechuckles:Beware of the Sith Stalker[]
Peter Griffin debutes as dressed up Pirate AKA Long John Peter against Knuckles and Zero.
The Wrath of God of War[]
Peter returns as an "unexpeted ally" to the heroes.
Meister of War[]
Peter returns with his pet, Brian, and everyone against his archenemy, Giant Chicken, Zeus and the other villains.
Fire Rebellion Storyline[]
Fire Rebellion: Season 16[]
Peter assists Victor Vincent and Monty in returning to Equestria.
Allies and Enemies[]
Allies: Brian Griffin, Victor Vincent, Monty, many heroes
Enemies: Giant Chicken, Zeus, many villains