Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Penny Robinson is a main character of the original 1965 television series Lost in Space. She has an I.Q. of 147, and is an animal lover and the middle child of the Robinson family

Shortly after the Robinsons were chosen as the first family in space, Penny joined the newly formed Space Scouts. This was a nationwide program that Alpha Control had set up to recruit young people for future colonization missions. Penny's leadership abilities were proven when she was soon elected president of the Santa Fe chapter.

Penny has some tomboyish characteristics, probably due to her closeness to her brother Will. She also has a tendency to let her imagination run out of control. Her parents sometimes have difficulty telling whether she is relating fact or fantasy. This got her into some trouble during her year on Priplanus.

An animal lover, Penny adopted a Bloop—a small, ape-like creature—as a pet shortly after the family reached the planet. She named her Debbie.

Another aspect of Penny's character is her outgoing, friendly personality, that made her very popular with Alpha Control instructors and employees. As Alpha Control's psychological tests predicted, Penny adjusted very well to the stresses and pressures of space travel.

Penny is a deeply thoughtful young girl, growing up on the spaceship without companionship of her own age. She likes to be alone and lives quite actively in her imagination. She is brave and cheerful, though sometimes curt or sarcastic with her younger brother Will. She continues her studies on the Jupiter 2, and hopes eventually to become the foremost authority on extra-terrestrial life.

War of The Streams[]


Penny alongside Will had joined up with The Streaming Resistance to take on Frank Underwood and the cabinet who he aligned with the Cartel that remains in the wake of Slade's empire and The B Team killing off Don Eladio. They weren't intitally supposed to be part of the team and their 2018 counterparts were supposed to be in the group. But they were killed by a Time Clocked based villain with blue skin and a tuning fork.

Penny joined the resistance with her brother to find their killers and their parents who went missing as well. She and Will manage to help Peacemaker defeat Underwood and the cartel.

Will and Penny learn The Spot managed to escape and assists Peacemaker in trying to find him. Will does start to detect some unusual power sources for a few seconds which came from Alternate N.Tropy using the Super Collider on Spot which he gets Penny for only for her to wonder what went on. She does have her own suspicions that this has happened before and with Will decide to leave The Streamverse to find other occasions where something like this happened.




Penny is seen with Will and Eleven, as they learn of Spot and his cronies's trap. Penny suggests to her brother a way to get them to safety from his plan they have sent and she talks to the Party with Eleven and Will to set up an way to stop while attending to her pet.

Chapter 1[]

With the others, Penny is hanging out with the others playing with her bloop Debbie. This is when they hear the cops do have Lincoln and Lydia and are told where to go as they brief them on the info. Penny joins the others in heading to the police station.

Part 2[]

Penny arrives with the others where Peacemaker and Will get a call from Holt explaining the situation of the power outage and suspecting it's the work of the Spot. Penny confirms and she decides to join Wendesday and Will in trying to bring the power back. They run into Lincoln and Nate respectfully who also run into Chandler, Melvin Borg and Von Gale as they take on the three, Penny finds the generators and fuses and helps restore the power for the team


Penny and her friends as well as brother arrive back to the others and give a update on what has happened. When everyone deducts their own short cuts, Will and the others come down to a revelation that the Streamverse has developed some anomalites around and suspect that it has to with Spot.

Upon getting Lincoln and Lydia to join them, Penny comes a bit on to Lincoln noting how cute, smart, brave and virutous he is and how he lives up to it. Lydia calmly tells Penny that she is glad someone sees him the way she does. Penny puts it together Lydia is with Lincoln in a romantic sense. After they escape, Penny has Will tell the two about their own situation and how they came in contact with alternate versions of themselves

Will and Penny flash back to how they came across this respectively as they stumbled on the bodies of the Jupiter Crew respectively twice over. One accidental travel to another dimension with another Jupiter 2 due to Will trying to get home and then after exploring and looking into it, They discover their family's dead bodies lying on the ground and the Robot is absent.

After joining the others and heading to the Magic School Bus, they make way to the Hissuan Region.

Part 3[]

The Magic School Bus arrives in the Hissuan Region with Peacemaker, Vigilante, Emila, Blinky, Amy and Jake all seeing this region as Jake and Amy are driving the Bus respectively. Peacemaker, Emila and Vigilante learn from Economos that the Hissu Region is the past of the Sinnoh Region, and what is was once called

Vigilainte wakes up Lydia, Lincoln, Penny, Will and Nate respectfully with the former two all snuggled. And tells them it's breakfast time as Jake was at work mostly with him and Amy.


All the others have a meeting and upon recongizing the vast region they decide to split up respectively. To do the job,  Blinky, Eleven, Wendesday, Lincoln and Lydia decide to take charge on one side while Peacemaker, Will and the others decide to lead the others.

Peacemaker, Will and the others learn about the info on Noble Pokemon and other Hissuan stuff from the the other group

- Will, Penny, Jake, Amy, George, Harold and Erika try to get a handle on the Pokemon given to them so they can have a better time using them for the mission

The Party head off to the woods to queil the situation respectfully and find afoul into a group of Kleavors. The first of the noble pokemon,

Will, Penny, Jake and Peacemaker decide to go calm them respectfully. Will having made his own pokedex from observing Lincoln and Lydia's pokemon work advice what is the best choice and the former three send their respective pokemon. While Peacemaker simply tries to bring them down like any hostile creature. Geroge and Harold realize that it needs to be calmed as well and Peacemaker considers this as he puts himself in harm's way to insure the kids aren't hurt.

-Penny, Erica, Geroge and Harold run into a Ursaluna and they do their darnest to get it under control as it marks it's territory. After the others come back, Penny informs them of the attack which they stopped and how they tamed it. In turn the gang rides it off to their next location

Lydia and Lincoln inform them of Firespit Island to them and they need to use a Basculegion to do so and there will be food that can do the trick. Which Penny uses to summon it.

The group heads to Coronet Highlands to deal next with the Electrode's frenzy as that is what next happened in the script respectively as Lincoln tells them. This is simpler for Peacemaker and his guys but a struggle for Geroge, Harold, Erica, Will and Penny due to them being kids and all. Will does manage to think of something and tames a Sneaseler to help the group get up there.

The Electrode goes on the frenzy which Boss Baby takes care of with Peacemaker and co feeling Pokemon won't do the trick even though Will and Penny point out the obvious ground type advantage

Under their instuction they head to Alabaster Icelands and quell Avalugg with Geroge, Harold and Erica being the ones to do with Will and Penny since they are more willing to follow through with the others's words. Jake and Amy also help by defending them from it's attacks and with their Arcanines

Peacemaker and the others decide to make the first visit to Lake Verity and they dont see Mespirit like stated, insead they are attacked by a Goodra which the others fight back and take the measure. They tell the others about this incase they think will see Azelf or Uxie.

The Group all manages to get the rest of the plates and meet back up with the team

When everyone gets back together, this is when Volo ambushes the heroes and steals the plates with The Spot in tangent where the anti matter riff is once again there and Hissuan Region begins to collapse by using Giratina

Lincoln and Lydia realize he enslaved Girtaina and the heroes all need to go after them to the Celestica Ruins. Which they all do and try to repair all the holes in the area as some of the heroes go after Spot and Volo with Eleven and Peacemaker's posse going to stop this

Lydia defeats Volo while Will and the others find themselves dealing with a 2nd Giratina respectively that Volo and N.Tropy made respectively. Volo tries to have Lydia killed by Giratina in turn but Lydia keeps Girtaina in check with hesitance with the stones while Will and the others fight it off

Nate decides to return his pokemon to the base as Lydia and Lincoln made a pc box for him. Jake and Amy lead the others back to a new base for travel respectfully so they can all take a rest after their mission and just goof off til the next anomality emerges

Chapter 2[]

Luna and Hobie arrive to talk to the group about their encounters with Hilda, the others and the Spider Frog particularlly. When Luna asks about her brother, Penny mentions Lincoln is out with Lydia, Will and Blinky. Penny thinks Luna is lucky to have a bro like Lincoln, Luna asks about her own brother and Penny shares her opinon on him

Penny tells Lincoln, Will and Lydia upon their return that they have a vistor and Lincoln's older sister here to help them and see them.

She is brought with the others to Wednesday's meeting about Nevermore their situation and what they need to do respectively in their time there. Penny, her brother and the others arrive in Nevermore and are brought to the bunkroom of Enid and Wednesday who did their own investigations to what Spot has done in regards to his anomality nature. Penny decides to tag along with Wednesday and her team to go looking for Marliyn who resurfaced

She has a bit of a flash to her discovering her family's death after their return and how she and Will had to deal with it wondering how they were going to surive and with the Robot disappearing. This was how she met The Streaming Resistance who took her and Will in respectfully.

Part 2[]

Wednesday, Enid, Luna Loud, Cuphead, Mugman, Miss.Chalice, George Beard, Harold Hutchins and Penny Robinson start to investigate the school with Penny joining the boys. While The Boys George and Harold take interest in learning how to bring their art to life, Penny warns them not to play with fire as the dangers of this are too much to ignore. They don't listen to her, but to her suprise it's Van Gale that cases the problem with her weather spirits which puts out their potential to draw

Penny decides to focus on evacuating the other students respectvely before Van Gale does anything and puts together why Enid comes to them on Wednesday and they head after her. Everyone meets back up back together and are in the woods and this is where everyone comes to see Crackstone. Penny helps deal with the undead pilgirms using a kind of ratcatcher like device to have rats summoned to go after them. She got her hands on this due to Peacemaker's crew recreating something similar to his time with the Suicide Squad.

Penny, her brother Will and the group are all picked up by the Cops respectfully and are informed of the case regarding the chickens they went. When they mention the details, Penny is sincerely sadden about watching all those baby chicks being turned into nuggets by Tweedy She is given some free time with the others which she uses to hang with her friends by trying to skate board with Lydia, Erica and Max respectfuly which she does to get know Lydia better due to her wanting to be friends with Lydia. She also reads some books with Blinky as well to pass sometime.

Part 3[]

Penny and Blinky discuss the alternate multiverses that Hobie mentioned to Lincoln and Lydia and how Will knows about it. Penny is concerned Hobie may have freaked them out as she does know that that the ones she met were alternate multiverse selves. Blinky assures her that as long as they don't meet they'll be fine. He did some investigating on the Setoris and learned of 2 Cleos.

She is called by the Cops and informed of where they are heading to do now and it's Jerome Elementary School where Erica, Harold and Geroge live. Upon Arrival, She and Will both note respectfully that the Cupheads are nowhere in sight and decide to try and communicate with them. Penny and Will have Blinky join them so they can try and use the top of the school as a beacon respectfully. She uses her rat device to use rats against the zombie nerds that Lincoln, Lydia, Nate, Wednesday, Erica and The Boys miss.

Penny, Will, Blinky joined by Economos, Lincoln, Nate and Lydia end up meeting up with Allen as well as Mrs.Frizzle who ended up in contacted by them over the Cupheads. Learning of the intents Allen has for them, they go with him to see the Colation. Lincoln, Penny, Lydia and Nate attempt to ponder what the Colation and Allen has in mind. Allen reveals to them and the others about why he is here and his own misadventures piror to this point. This when the Virtumite General attacks and Penny decides to try and take control of the vechile with the others as the rest of the heroes work to stop Kregg which she ultimately does to find the Frizzle.

Arriving at the Colation, Penny and Will come face to face with Thandus who explains what he and his colation have found on Spot. He and Allen have faith in the kids and explain to Penny and Will what happened that faithful day was caused by dark matter combined with minor time cracks that were caused by chronoton denatntors due to the events that Allen scouted out when he was with Neo Vought International with his other friends. She confides in Blinky as does Lincoln and Lydia about this and thinks all of this is just weird. The latter two did admit that Ford, Luz, Anne, Sid, Ronnie Anne and others did end up disppearing for a time being but they did describe an event like this did happen.

Penny returns to base with the others to learn that Spot had made a move on Hawkins which they head off to.

Chapter 3[]

Penny bonds with Lydia over their shared interests and she shares what Penny had looked into in regards to the demogrogons and Upside Down. Penny took time to learn about this respectively and mentions the exploding rats respectively. As the heroes arrive to Hawkins, Penny notices the juice being put away and she is suspecting what the juice can ultimately do if ingested. Though George and Harold warn her what that juice can ultimately do

Penny splits up with Nate, Wednesday, Dustin, Enid and Steve as they look into other situations regarding Spot and his upside down meddling. Penny goes on her own and she begins investigating mice's and rats and finds something unsettling. rats start to act aggressively and then explode. Then its pulpy remains start crawling away, gradually reforming into tissue and this is when she realizes she is being attacked

Penny runs into Dustin and Nate and in turn they encounter such threats which take Wednesday and Enid to fight off respectively. Upon Hearing of the situation and noting how Lincoln, Lydia, Eleven, Wednesday, Peacemaker and Will Robinson are all heading off to deal with the Trolberg situation through Membrane. Penny wants to come too and Will decides to allow her. So the 7 head off to Trolberg to help deal with Spot's situation

Part 2[]

Penny and her friends arrive at the enterance of Trolberg and they head out trying to find a way to stop whatever Spot is up to. They are amushed by Crocker, and Penny manages to use her rat septer to control rats to go after Crocker all the while dodging the Mani Crocker and Candice cloned respectively

Afterwards, Penny goes with Wednesday and Blinky to try and evacuate the town and get everyone out of trouble like the others. However things go from bad to worse when The Choronton denator goes off and time gets stoped and then Penny notices to her horror that Trolberg is beginning to disappear and with them gets Lincoln, Lydia, Will, Peacemaker and Eleven who recovered from their battle with The Spot

The 8 head into the woods trying to find a haven as Trolberg is destoryed and worse things start to occur. Thankfully the heroes do manage to find where Johanna's Cabin is. Despite it being destroyed. Will, Lincoln and Lydia brought the PATSY 2000 and use to create tools to rebuild the cabin Penny is starting to note how bad the dark matter residue is occurring and she asks Will to hurry up with it. The 8 manage to make it into the cabin in time

The Chief informs Penny, Will, Lincoln, Lydia, Wednesday, Eleven, Blinky and Peacemaker that the dark matter coming from  the detonation and what has occurred is too dangerous to go into it and will cause radiation poisoning. Penny is worrying about the others and that they have to be quarantined for 14 days in the cabin, and they can only leave if they have gas masks. She freaks out about this even as Peacemaker offers with the Infinity Stones to make 2 potential weeks simple as he mixes drinks and uses the stones to try and turn the house for a moment into a bit of a paradise. All the while hearing the news about Will Byer's death.

She and Will get to bed and ponder how they will get around the universe being placed in a black hole that is increasing in size. She and Will note how they actually dealt with occurring in their own universe

Chapter 4[]

Penny is told of the situation that the 8 are going to deal with and how to approach it respectfully. They will go in teams of 2 and every 2 days, 2 of them will go out to investigate Trolberg and the corresponding situation. She gets the 8th day with Peacmaker respectfully

During her time, she decides to cut her hair and has Blinky do so respectfully. She also spends out her days hanging with Lydia, Lincoln and WIll, reading with Blinky, and listening to classical music. She is surprised to find on Lydia and Will's day, they found The Robot and decides to help her brother try and repair it respectively

When her day comes with Peacemaker, they go down to the sewers, The reason he brought her, because she loves animals and has  an interest in zoology. Peacemaker has her go check the Rats as he keeps his gun ready in case they try anything. He hands her a cod sandwich since he knows they like Cod. The Two then see them the Rat King emerge and the two use it to find out some secrets

Peacemaker and Penny discover that The Rat King does know about the incident respectfully. It was initally done to stop time, But someone else also went through total destruction and cloned the Mani, but they were unrecognizable to The Rats. They also tell them that the sewers were a safe haven and unaffected by the fall out as well as well as cloning is essential to the plan of his associates

The two get back, and inform the others about what they have found out and that this should get some looking into when they rejoin the others. On Day 10, during breakfast she is told of what Blinky and Peacemaker have in mind for this check day and she is brought in with the others to go as Will, Lincoln and Lydia will stay here.

Penny joins the others in looking for more evidence around Trolberg. She decides to overhear Wednesday about what is going on with visions and considers getting another cod sandwich to get info on this. Though she learns this can't go due to N.Tropy basically attempting to destroy The HIlda Universe with black holes and the moon crashing and that Will and The Robot with Lincoln, Lydia and Hobie are in the fairy mound. She heads off with the others to find them on Professor Membrane's orders.

Penny notices the foot steps are still fresh and decides to follow suit to find the others and she also notes the Spider Frog footsteps too as they run into the Toftoen to find The Fairy Mound. Crocker and The Robotroid are escaping and The Robotdroid tries to attack the group but is overwhelmed by Peacemaker, Eleven, Wednesday, Jake and Amy as Penny and Blinky both find Lincoln, Lydia, Will Robinson, The Robot and Hobie Brown and learn what going on and that they must evacuate Hilda's universe


Penny teases Will a bit about Hilda, though he and her are friends as they head to the base and Professor Membrane and the rest of the posse managed to find the next location respectfully at Peacemaker's own universe.

Part 2[]

Penny goes with her friends to Peacemaker's universe and she notes his time with the Suicide Squad as she looks his files and the Rat Catcher respectively and learns he also knew of a King Shark as well. Penny joins her brother and her friends in heading to The Boss Baby Universe when Boss Baby notes Francis's crimes and follows Will and The Robot in going there and helping deal with Francis, Tyler and Marliyn.

She knowing how to control her rats uses them to help deal with The others and this becomes crucial to helping Francis being defeated after he was shrunk by George and Harold respectfully. As Francis is killed in front of her and the Boys, Penny observes what's in that juice that Professor Membrane and the boys have as they leave to get back to the others

Upon seeing them back with The Time Agents, Penny is picked to go with the others to head to see Grace Wain's superior respectfully.

Chapter 5[]

Penny and her friends all arrive at the Time Bureau and meet the time agents and Loki who have had such control over the timeline respectfully. Penny like the others questions all of this about all this goes according to time lines and plans respectfully. She learns of the future of Lincoln as well as Lydia and Erica respectfully as they all came from the future respectfully from Grace Wain respectfully as she was here to keep tabs on them

The Robot detects something and it warns her and Will to not go looking from the room which the two manage to do so anyway. Penny and WIll both discover their parents, Dr.Smith, and The Major's bodies being placed in a room found by The Agents. They also find their 1998 and 2018 selves bodies as well too. Penny tries to calm down Lydia about what she herself saw with Lincoln, Hobie and Will respectfully as she is freaking out at seeing all those bodies she and Lincoln found. Penny does ask if Lincoln is also freaking out, he says he is too it's just that Lydia had a more personal history with them

This is when the Robots attack the base led by Melvin Borg and The Robotoid and she makes her own plans to help her friends respectfully deal with this.

Penny and the others all try to think of a way to return to Flying Rhino with the others to help out with what is going on. Jules, Verne and Erica's future self agree with this and use the Time Train to head back out of the Time Bureau and to get there. With their arrival, she takes a back seat to the others as they proceed to deal with the rest of Spot's cronies respectfully

Penny is given the super power juice by George, Harold and Membrane which she takes to develop super powers which Penny decides to use to help the heroes to fight The Spot. She does get something of a handle on them and uses to help the heroes eventually pin Spot down and she convinces Jaune and others to not attack Spot until they get answers

When it becomes apparent that something is truly happening, Penny watches in horror as something is beginning to rise and it's monstrous.

Chapter 6[]

With the False Groudon have emerged, Penny joins Lincoln, Lydia, The Spot, Will, The Robot, Mulder and Scully they head off to the lab as she overhears what the group decides what they need as The Spot explains how that monster was created to them


Penny feels Will needs to be part of the shutdown of the monster as this regards his genius so she is ready to go down with the ship if it means keeping the others safe. This she does go through whem this does arise and the others arrive at the lab

Penny is eventually brought back by the others and her faith in her brother was well earned.  When asked what she, Will and The Robot will do after this, Penny reassures her friends that they have an idea of their own respectfully



Penny and Will both head up to space as they decide on trying to find a new home for themselves as they wait on The Robot to finish assisting Jaune with the repairs to Hilda's home. Once she learns Hilda is inviting Will herself to the wedding. Will has Penny be his +1 after some light heart teasing

Penny arrives in Royal Woods with Will, The Robot and Wednesday to check out the apartment complex with them as Lincoln decided to hand them it. She is aware Wednesday will only be staying for a while but it doesn't matter to her as they're under The Robot. Penny arrives with Will and The Robot to the Cabin and she is stunning which is easy to note. She is confident about how she looks for the wedding unlike Lydia who was more hesistant about it. She and Will wait for the others to arrive as Will goes to help Astrid usher everything

Penny, Erica and Nate help Will, Lincoln and Lydia with their stuff and she learns that Jaune's family is arriving with Peacemaker when he arrives at the wedding. She then sits down and watches The Robot complete the sermons and has Will put a chair up at their table to eat with Lincoln, Lydia and Hilda's family.

She with the rest of the streaming resistance all enjoy Pippi's cooking and party together. Penny also allows David to dance with her as well which David appreciates as he has two kind adorable girls spending time with him.


Book 1: Overture[]

Chapter 1[]

Part 1[]

Lincoln, Lydia, Will, Penny and The Robot all come in to in the apartment Penny, Wednesday, Will and The Robot live.

Will sees that he has a invite to camp in the mail, Penny is a bit jealous about why Will got an invite but not her. Wednesday comments on camp is pointless and that it's just a painful bonding activity that doesn't last for companionship. Lincoln says he got one as did Lydia, As well as their friends Clyde and Truman. Lydia also asks about Enid, Wednesday admits Enid came around to her as did them, but they're the exceptions. As for her, she is doing find with Anders and that werewolf hunter guy who Lincoln tells her is Jaune Arc, Wednesday says he doesn't look who he was named after.


Will, Lydia and Lincoln all show some exictement to spent summer together again, The Latter two also seem eager that the last day is year book signing and they're off. Lydia doesn't really care, which Wednesday happiliy points out makes sense.

As Will, Lydia and Lincoln leave off, Penny asks The Robot to keep an eye on Will, Robot tells Penny he was always going to with Will and that he wants to check out this camp himself. Penny being upbeat decides to ask Wednesday if she wants to hang out for summer, Wednesday asks if they will be outside, she's allergric to the sun. Penny says she can bring her umbrella when they do. Missing Enid, she agrees to this.

Peacemaker and Jake have called a meeting with his guys, and sees that Eleven and her friends, Penny, Wednesday, Jim, Claire, Frizzle and Blinky have arrived. John Economos asks about the others and their locations or why they're not here. Mike tells Peacemaker and Jake that Dustin went to road camp and Penny is suprised Dustin went there. When Max asks her why, Penny explains because Will, Erica and Nate also are going. Jake says that so did Rave.

John Economos says that Membrane told them he was going to be late and how Enid didn't reply. Wednesday finds this a little odd and decides to go investigate to Trolberg. Penny offers to come alongside her to find her on account of needing accompany and knowing animals. Wednesday says she's a lone wolf and she can do this herself. Penny tells Wednesday she's coming regardless and Wednesday isn't stopped her. Having a slight sense of admiration for this, she agrees.

Wednesday and Penny have both arrived in Trolberg and Wednesday is looking at the directions to find Anders's apartment. Penny asks about Anders to her and Wednesday explains how  he is Hilda's biologcial father , though she can't see the resemblance to her and she even admits how are Johanna and Anders Hilda's actual parents when they look nothing like her. Penny changes the subject and asks about Nevermore and her universe

Wednesday says it's still under quarantine, though things have gotten better, She admits to admiring the abomination that was what Spot did to it with powers. Penny looks a bit perturbed by her liking of the macabre.

Penny and Wednesday reach Anders's apartment and ring the door bell. Enid does answer and per her usual ways hugs Wednesday. Penny asks if Anders is here, Enid says he's out on some kind of assignment regarding super natural stuff that Lydia's legal guardians found out and when after. Though he is doing some of his own work.

Wednesday presents what Peacemaker and Jake had to deal with and tells Enid of how this occured and her theories. Enid agrees with Jake feeling that that Jake, Amy and Rave are getting close to unraveling a huge truth hence why Ham Hand was sent to send a message. Penny then says that if this is true, then they all could be in real trouble and that Enid has to come along before she becomes a causality. Enid goes into her room and writes a letter to Anders about where she will be and that she'll be back.

Wednesday, Enid and Penny all manage to arrive back to base with John, Vigilante and Emila and announce that they have gotten back. Emila inquires what took them so long, Wednesday and Penny were getting into a disagreement about directions and gathering evidence for the case. Enid explains that the two wanted to make their own investigation on what was going on to help their friends and Penny's brother. John Ecnomos asks if anyone followed them, Wednesday admits no one did, anyone who did would be foolish. Vigilante inspects the three and confirms there are no bugs on them. Penny and Enid also wanted to get Hilda and her friends involved but Wednesday declined this. Emila agrees with Wednesday on this suprising the other two.

Part 2[]

With the gang, all basically in agreement that the group must go looking for Spot's remaining allies, former and not. Wednesday, John Ecnomos, Emila, Viglante and Jake look into who is still alive as the others discuss the idea

Enid compares N.Tropy to a shadow or phantom in all this and that one of the few things they do is that N.Tropy was who nuked Trolberg and Spot wasn't aware that was the plan.

Jim and Claire who weren't with the team ask about that event with Eleven, Peacemaker, Blinky and Penny explaining what went down in Trolberg and what it all lead down. This is when the Troll Hunters notice that was an opening to who it was. Mike then has a revealtion and discusses where they went going after Spot, is it completely possible that Spot's advocate must have been acting as well during those times the universes were quarantined. Peacemaker takes this into consideration as does Enid. Mrs.Frizzle asks if Peacemaker and the others want to use the school bus to figure this out. Max feels that they should investigate Spot's allies first but does take this up. Blinky says and each of these trips had the kids with him which he with Penny who was justi thinking  that The Team Free Will Massacre is targetting Lydia as well as Lincoln in particular and proxy is the word to consider here.

As Things are getting settled. Mike, Lucas and Max meet up with Jim, Claire, Penny and Enid and they decide to try and get any call to Dustin, Will, Rave and The Robot. Mike, Lucas and Max attempt to communciate with Dustin however they are noticing nothing but static on the other side from their walk talkies about useage. Penny after noticing deicdes to try call Robot and Will  , but is still not getting anything.

After everything is set in stone. the others get back to the ones in charge. Mike tells Peacemaker, Wednesday, Jake, Eleven, Blinky and Professor Membrane that they have attempted to tell the others about what had occured but they havn't gotten any calls. Emilia and John are a bit concerned that someone must have been tracking the others too and must have known about this.

Wednesday and Penny Robinson decide to work together to find Chelesa.

Wednesday and Penny both head out to the ocean with Wednesday holding a kind of bait out to attract mermaids so they can see Chelsea and get info. Penny tells Wednesday not to intterograte Chelsea or torture her they need info from her and she won't tell them if they do. Wednesday says if needed she will interograte her, considering she did try to go after them before.

Wednesday drops the mermaid bait and they wait, Chelesa does notice this and she takes the bait and goes into her human form to meet the two who were waiting for her. Wednesday admits she must be stupider than she thought, Though Penny is happy to see Chelesa.

Chelesa asks what's up to them and why she is here, Wednesday tells the mermiad she is on business and that the mermaid is going to answer this or she'll lose a finger or a tail. Chelesa rolls her eyes knowing Wednesday is still her. Penny takes the stage and asks if Chelesa knew anything about Spot's benefactor and backer as they are trying to find the Team Free Will Massacre culprit.

Chelesa explains that she has some idea, she does know that provided the way of trapping them in The Streamverse and had other designs spefically against both Lydia and Lincoln. Her bosses tried to trap there to kill them, they made other measures to go after the rest of Team Free Will. Wednesday asks who, Chelsea says two clock obsessed blue skinned brits and that one of them, the orginial dimension had an hand in even bigger actions than she knew

Penny asks what, Chelesa found out that her boss N.Tropy had actually orchstreated the death of an another mermaid and turned her ugly inside out with his mapluations after a person he worked slaughtered other mermaids. Penny is sympathetic to this and asks if she's fine, Chelesa admits she's okay, she has found some of her own kind, and has learned how some are made.

Wednesday decides to head out, asking Penny if she wants to talk go ahead, she will inform the others. Chelesa summons a pool with her trident and has Penny sit in it.  but Penny stays for a while and learns Chelesa had befriended and met up with David who helped her realize what she wants to do. she also learned the results of the dance as well and is quite a bit happy with her results.

Peacemaker, Eleven, Wednesday, Jake, Professor Membrane, Jim, Claire, Blinky, Penny, Vigilante, Emila Hardcourt, John Ecnomos, Mrs.Frizzle, Mike, Lucas, Max, Doug Judy and Enid Sinclair all return and explain what everyone has found out. As Peacemaker's posse tells the others that most of the others were co-operative, though Chandler and Richfield were rather uncompromisnig with Richfield trying to kill the Professor.

Part 3[]

The Streaming Resisitance has arrived in Trolberg,and they go around trying to find Van Gale with each of them giving a try of finding her. Wednesday, Penny, Enid, Jake and Professor Membrane all decided to take another way all together. Wednesday snuck her away on to the Tofuken Train so they can down there as she has a hunch as do the other 4. Though Penny does ask why Wendesday brought them down here, she says she was here before when she, Eleven and Peacemaker came down here to get her brother, Lincoln, Lydia, Hobie and The Robot out of trouble when they went with Hilda to find her grandparents. They're fairies or whatever the saccharine term for mystical creature is. Enid says it is a fairy to her and for some reason they don't take well to Robots.

Professor Membrane and Jake both go around and ask about fairies go to get slammed on at every opporunity. Enid points how rude they are and that they'll look themselves and she knows where. Wenesday follows suit with Penny as the three end up finding a fairy mound. Professor Membrane and Jake catch up to them and ask what the trio found, Enid informs them that she has a feeling Van Gale might be here as she did recall she was fasicinated by the fairy mound or whatever it's called. Wednesday does a feel on the mound and gets another vision  of something arriving on them, she explains this to Penny. Penny believes Wednesday and that they'll wait to see if it happens.

The Streaming Reisstance has managed to arrive at the fairy Mound and a good deal of the group wander how to ulimately get in there. Peacemaker, Eleven and Wednesday themselves are baffled how are they even able to have gotten in there to begin with to find the others.

Penny though does manage to find a secret way using her own deduction skills alongisde Enid in part to their time they spent with Jaune and Hilda's family. They  ask Claire if she can use her magic to do so and she does and the 3 girls manage to get into Fairy Country

Van Gale finishes explaining exactly what had gone down to the parties involved. Peacemaker, Eleven and Wednesday all find this interesting that Van Gale was found in the hole she was stuck in by not one  but two of them, and was brought on the plan to help them under pretenses of doing good for man kind. Only to them to be used for a revenge plan against both Lydia and Lincoln. Wednesday adds how they still didn't get the names, Eleven and Peacemaker feel that she didn't know the names as much as the others didn't. As least they have something, Penny does have a suggestion and asks if Economos can look into alternate selves and Enid agrees to this idea too.

The Streaming Resistance manages to escape Fairy Country, though Van Gale is hurt from Rodrigo's ambush and they watch the Fairy Country be drained away from the energy it once had

Enid asks if Proffessor Membrane can tell if Hilda's family was among them. Membrane confirms they weren't there and they were fine for now. Penny is thankful Mulder and Jaune managed to get them blending in society. Wednesday asks what are they going to with Levy, she offers to kill him. Peacemaker says that they need to see what he knows as Emila and Viglante present Levy unconsciousness as this could be the break through they need.

With the return of the other 4, they inform of Van Gale's condition and also of what Doug told them. Penny, Enid and Max gather that whoever was behind Spot is clearly even more insane that he ever was. Peacemaker decides on following Wednesday's ideas and interrogate Angstorm Levy.

Chapter 2[]

Part 4[]

Penny joins Enid in deciding to head back to HIlda's apartment where Johanna lived so they can find some idea where Hilda went with her folks for vacation so they can hopefully inform Hilda, Johanna and her family about what happened in the Fairy Country as well to get Enid away from the insanity between her friends and Levy.

She starts to feel something odd and has to do with fish which gets Enid's attentions as they head back to the others and talk to Professor Membrane about what they learned where Hilda has went to and get back to Anders's apartment as Levy makes his escape.

Penny is in contact with her brother thanks to Mrs.Frizzle and is told of what had occured on their hand, and Penny with her friends going after Levy to discover what he was up to. Penny also decided with her other friends to go help her brother, Lydia and Lincoln with their investigation in the Woods as well.

Part 5[]

Penny and her allies arrive in Jake's car where they arrive to pick up the 4 others and end bringing in 3 more passengers to join them in going to The Woods. She goes with Peacemaker, Eleven, Will and Wednesday to look into what happened with James Rogers, though she doesn't find any evidence, the two are able to discover something notes on the Shetty Virus and envidence of what happened to cause it's creation. Will learns of Professor Membrane's involvement and he is suprised why his friend would make something like this, he does feel Membrane has a good reason but it can be used for such ill effects. Will and Penny are ambushed by Ham Hand and Sam who were sent to deal with them, Will has his ray gun ready and he fires at them both as he makes quick moves to get away, Ham Hand is big but he is registiering the hit, while Sam is just seen taking them which WIll can tell he's a supe through this. He does manage to trick Ham Hand after he threatens Penny and is then saved by Penny, though who pushes a water bucket on him and somehow it burns him, Peacemaker who helps her with this even notices. Will and Penny hold their info and takes some more photos of the lab as they run and are brought to safety by Sterling and Myrtle.

As they all escape, Will learns that what happened with Rackleft and they all head to the junction point to find the others. Penny finds a folder Will has gotten from Bender and it details what occured with The Robinsons.

Penny returns to inform the rest of the gang of what they found in The virus Professor Membrane had stowaway with and the file of what happened to the Robinsons which is a bit hard for her as a girl in her mid teens as she reads what happened that Bender and AC were able to find. She joins Peacemaker in going to Membrane and calling him out on the inhumane virus he had placed away with such intentions to use it for good despite being the lethal and contaimation risk is possesses.

Part 6[]

John Economos gives his analysis of the situation with Jim, Blinky and Claire to the rest of the team. The Portal Gun is ready for useage as Professor Membrane explains to the team as he managed to get his hands and given to them by Penny, Mike and Lucas. Who decide to use the portal gun to get the others there to Troll Market to find Enid and her friends.

Penny stays aboard to wait for when to use the portal gun again.

A bit after that point, she meets Betty Barnett who can help them out here. That was something she decided on after talking to Deathstroke  about something. Penny shows Betty what happened to her family like how Will told his friends

Betty informs her about the actions regarding the time and space continuum she discovered regarding The Dupus and that it was likely her universe was pruned by whoever turned a blind eye to this. When asked on Pop Pop and Myrtle, Betty informs her that they are going to get some help from Deathstroke when it comes to authorization

Betty goes with Penny to see the others regarding their purposes

It is decided with what the heroes acquired at Troll Market that a close look into it will be needed and that Professor Membrane has a lab back at home he can use to his advantage so he takes decides to take his team there. Betty joins the group with Penny explaining what has gone on on her end to them

Chapter 3[]

Part 7[]

The Entire Group has arrived at the Membrane Household and Professor Membrane has informed the others about His son not being here so he and his own friends won't have to worry as they're at the Utonium House. Enid and Max both check on Penny to see if she is okay and the two do ask if she's alright due to how much she talks with fish and how she seems to be near a lot of unusal certainties. Penny admits that she is fine though not without some feelings of fishiness.

Wednesday, Professor Membrane, Enid, Blinky, Penny, Mike, Lucas, Emilia and John all end discovering some answers about Hilda's petrfication with her family. Enid, Mike, Penny and Lucas manage to get something important with their research and that Hilda, Jaune and her family were ambushed by Angor Rot who was acting on orders of Queen Ushurna in troll Market, and he somehow managed to turn them into stone.

Penny, Mike, Max, Lucas and Jake receive a call from Amy who is with Will as they are looking for a Jack Sullivan in the universe as he had gone missing and Lincoln and Lydia both feel that they could get his help with this. Jake decides he can try to run a look on where Jack is for the two, Will says that doesn't Jake not know who he is, Jake can look into by going in the multiverse files and when Daniel is mentioned. Eleven offers that she and the party can go looking for him too as Lucas tends to Max who did take some blows at the hands of Angor Rot.

The Streaming Resistance find an invite in Professor Membrane's mailbox and it's an invite to Vernon Manor which has Peacemaker, Eleven, Jake and Wednesday look into this and show supscion at all this with the others to make a plan to deal with this.

Part 8[]

Penny and the others discovered what happened with Lisa Loud and Lincoln and Lydia's friends who assisted Professor Membrane with the Shetty Virus situation. Through Daniel, Penny learns of what is going on and especially when it comes to their own encounters with Angor Rot who used pixies/fairies to exploit their biggest fear. Penny says that she has been living it since the deaths of her own family at the hands of some insane mad man if learning about the intel Will got from Bender and Anti Cosmo on this.

Being interrogated by Tek Knight, Penny is forced to admit what is going on as Tek Knight is able to deduct what she knows. After Doug Judy informs of the others of what he knows through N.Tropy and Enid. Penny decides to join up with Professor Membrane to go to Camp Masatdon after calling her brother, who is with Amy, Lincoln, Lydia as well Anti Cosmo, Bender and Jim and Claire's friend Toby.

Part 9[]

Peacemaker, Emilia Harcourt, Jake Peralta, John Economos, Max Mayfield, Penny Robinson, Professor Membrane, Vigilante join up with the rest of the team to deal with N.Tropy's forces and she rekindles with her brother Will so they can investigate the situation here and meets up with the other heroes who Will says Bender and Anti Cosmo looked into their family's deaths for them as well as Lincoln and Lydia's teams.

While Penny mostly remains passive when the moon is exposed to her, she changes into a mermaid randomly which disturbs and delights her at the same time to have powers. This is used against them when Tek KNight and Sister Sage attack. She discovers she has wind, heating and cooling powers as well and uses them against her tormentors, though she is shown limited control. After recovering Chelesa reveals that Full moon they hung out at the night she met her was reponsible for this and that it was with the intent to make her a mermaid so the universe can have another one as she admits it's lonely. John, Professor Membrane and WIll offer to cure her and study her, Penny decides she likes the change more than being tormented as she has powers now and can be more than intelligence and support. The three still tell her that they need to research the effects of this change. She is quick to forgive Chelesa for this as she feels like Chelesa does questionable things but to help the people she does like as she has helped Lydia before and while it means she may have to more careful around water, she will at least think of a way to get around this which Anti Cosmo and Bender can tell her is possible.

Chapter 4[]

Penny now as a mermaid begin to discover her powers through the aid of Chelesa and she does try to use them against Richfield and The Gumm Gumms. This does have a mixed amount of success to them both, as Penny's powers do manage to do very well against Gunmar and the Gumms Gumms. At the same time amount it doesn't work too well against Richfield and indirectly causes the kidnapping of Jim, Blinky and Claire.

Chapter 5[]

Feeling Gulity, Penny decides to help the rest of the team save the three and she attempts to use her powers to short out the machine N.Tropy fired off to awaken the demon. Unknown to her, Slade's group was looking for it and they picked it up. Penny returns with her team and meet back with the rest of the team as well as Bender's gang, The Boy and Slade's Empire. Penny does admit to Slade's group she short-circuited the machine

Chapter 6[]

Joining up with Cleo and Chelesa, Penny gets a bit better control on her powers and uses them to help defeat Ucrumuu before learning of Neuman's own intents and actions later on. She is also present for the knighting of the team.

Book 2: Interlude[]
