Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

"Autobots, transform and roll out!" - Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime, known in Japan as Convoy (コンボイ Konboi), is a fictional robot superhero character from the Transformers robot superhero franchise. He is the leader of the Autobots, a fictional group of sentient self-configuring modular extraterrestrial robotic lifeforms (e.g.: cars and other objects). He is frequently featured in popular culture.

Optimus Prime

Optimus is voiced by Peter Cullen, just to name one.

His theme

Legends the Multi-Universe (Menslady's story)[]

Being a leader of a military group, Optimus naturally has a tough side and will not stand for defiance and rebellion. But he is also a highly wise, gentle, and loving god and is always willing to aid those in need in any way he can, even at the cost of his own life. It was his loving attitude that caused Emily to fall in love with him, and he has been a caring husband to her.

Optimus is unwavering in his compassion, which has allowed his enemies to take advantage of him. Despite this, he cannot be so easily defeated and is determined to see his children safely through the terrible battles to come.

LOTM: Darkness Incarnate[]

Optimus Prime started out talking about the events from the war with Megatron and then seeing how the war with humans and aliens began. He later made contact with the Illusive Man and General Tor to try and make peace with them both.

However, they did not want peace, and Optimus was killed in a battle against the Illusive Man's forces and General Tor's army. But he has somehow come back to life. However, something does not seem right about him...

The Halloween ProYect[]

Optimus was among those who stood against the Children of Megatron. He fought against Galvatron, but died in the process. Whether or not he will come back for the Chaotic Wars is unknown. He would make quite a wonderful Warrior of Harmony...

New Team Ironhide/Mervamon and Ponydramon[]

Optimus is the leader of Team Ironhide. He and Angewomon are lovers. At the end of Mervamon and Ponydramon, they marry.

The Protectors of the Multi-Universe[]

Optimus helps and guides the Protectors of the Universe, Abigail, David, and Olivia with their mission to protect the universe from the dark forces. He also adopts the Protectors with the Angels of Disney as his own children.

Legends of the Multiverse: Adventures of Team Mesozoic[]

Optimus Prime is set to appear as a hero in LOTM: Adventures of Team Mesozoic


  • Power of the Primes - Optimus uses the power of the Matrix of Leadership to raise strength and physical attack power of his allies.
  • Aura of the Primes - Optimus uses the power of the Matrix of Leadership to increase intelligence and non-physical ability power of his allies.
  • Purity of Primus - Optimus uses the power of the Matrix of Leadership to purify a victim who is contaminated by evil power. This can also be used as a healing power to an extent.
  • Star Saber - Optimus wields a sword that, unlike the Mini-Con Star Saber, has great power and can only be used by a Prime.



The Origins of Optimus Prime


The great quotes of- Optimus Prime


Optimus Prime leadership speech


Transformers 1 Autobots Arrival Scene


Transformers Age of Extinction Optimus Prime Speech The Battle Begins Dinobots


Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen Forest Battle (1080pVO)


HD - Optimus Prime all transformations scenes from all 4 movies + extras + slow motion





Transformers- Optimus Theme - EPIC VERSION


Optimus Prime - Theme-Music (Transformers The Last Knight Soundtrack )


Extreme Music - Combat Ready (Epic Hybrid Action Rock)


Colossal Trailer Music - Iron Giant


Futuristic Battle Music - Robot Metropolis

G1 gallery[]

Armada gallery[]

Cybertron gallery[]

Live-action gallery[]

Prime gallery[]

Transformers RID gallery[]

Prime Wars gallery[]

Cyberverse gallery[]

Video game gallery[]

Animated gallery[]

Rescue Bots gallery[]

RID 2001 gallery[]

Energon gallery[]
