Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Nuts (ナッツ Nattsu?) is one of the princes from the Palmier Kingdom, a squirrel that can transform into a human who is the clerk of a jewelry shop called Natts House. In the beginning of the series, he was sealed within the Dream Collet, and the only way to get out is if Pretty Cure used their powers. Although Nuts cannot do much in the human world, he is properly able to fight using his tail in his real form, though mostly uses this when he is annoyed at Coco. When in his fairy form, he ends his sentences with "~natts".

During his first appearance, he didn't trust anyone and was open hostile to the cures. This was because he blamed himself for the terrible mistake of letting the Nightmares into Palmier Kingdom. When one of the Nightmare revealed what happened, that he saw someone who looked like they were in trouble but revealed that it was a trick to make him open the door to the kingdom, Nozomi stood up for Nuts, saying it was his fault but retaliated at Nightmare for tricking him by pretending to be something in need, something that clearly angered her as she was disgusted by such a cruel trick. From there, Nuts warmed up to her and the other Cures. Overtime, he regained trust in others.

