Nikei Yomiuri (요미우리 니케이) is a character featured in the Korean fangame Super Danganronpa Another 2 created by LINUJ. He is known as the Super High School Level Journalist (초고교급 신문기자).
Nikei is a young man of medium height with light skin and black hair. His hair is slightly curled, medium length above the shoulder, side-parted on the right side. He has lavender eyes and his left eye is covered by his hair. Also, he has rich facial expressions.
He has an ecru hat on his head which has a black ribbon. He also wears an ecru, knee-length single-breasted coat with no belt, which is open and not buttoned. Inside the coat he wears a long-sleeved white shirt whose first button is not buttoned, a purple double-breasted vest with four golden-yellow buttons, and black trousers. And he wears white socks and brown shoes.
Nikei’s neck is surrounded by an orange, brown-spotted neckerchief. A long red scarf also hangs around his neck just inside the coat, which is not knotted and descended nearly to his knees.
Nikei always has a white small notebook dangling from a string around his neck, which he uses to record information. And a ballpoint pen is stuck behind his right ear most of the time, except when he is going to write something with it.
Outside of the simulation, Nikei is the same age as the members of Void, Yuki Maeda, Sora, Teruya Ōtori, and Mikado Sannōji's human counterpart.
Nikei lives by the motto that "the pen is mightier than the sword", and he values his right hand more than anything. He's very talent driven and admits to Sora how he has no other hobbies than his work. Nikei tends to be oblivious to his surroundings when on the hunt for a scoop, but, despite his eccentricities, he seems to be a typical high school student who loves to talk.
Later chapters show Nikei's distrust for the other students. After the murder of Kokoro Mitsume and death of his fellow Void colleague, Emma Magorobi, Nikei completely shuts himself off from the other students, unwilling to converse with them or even attend the morning meetings. After revealing as the former leader of The Void in Chapter 4, he explains his rude and distant personality was merely an act. It was revealed to be a lie in the end, manipulating Teruya to lock the remaining students, along with himself in the tower, and plotting to force Yuki to kill Shinji and make him the culprit.
In the end, Nikei's true personality is shown to be incredibly selfish, rude, cold-hearted, and bitter. Taking advantage of as many people as he desires to fulfill his own personal benefit, without any remorse to those he hurts. He enjoys keeping tabs and information on other people to hold a certain power over everyone. Nikei also has a god/superiority complex of sorts, holding himself on a higher plane than everyone else, thus creating a delusion that no one matters other than himself. It is stated that Nikei always tries to be the best at everything, but despite the superiority complex Nikei convinces himself he has, he's extremely conscious and insecure. And due to his fear of being completely powerless or viewed as weak, Nikei coats his insecurities with an arrogant and self-centered mask. But even though Nikei shows a distain and hatred for basically everyone around him, he apologized to Hajime in the final Void Theater, showing he has respect and tolerance for certain people.