Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Nate Wright, is the titular main protagonist of the highly-acclaimed comic strip and book series, Big Nate. In the TV show, he is voiced by Ben Giroux.

Nate is a rebellious, creative, vain yet kindhearted 11-year-old boy who lives with his father Marty (his mother is unknown, she and Marty got a divorce when Nate was very young) and older sister Ellen and attends the middle school, P.S. 38. He is always the main point of the comic strips, with the stories rarely focusing on his friends.

Nate's arch-enemy is his history teacher, Mrs. Godfrey, who is responsible for the fact that he has the most detentions in school, although the two of them often get along in more recent strips. He is also the arch-enemy of Gina Thomson, the straight-A honour roll student whom he often clashes with.

His biggest goal in the series is to become a famous cartoonist when he grows up in the future, which is likely due to being shown to be a highly skilled cartoonist, Art being the one subject he excels at.

A running gag in the series is Nate's extremely disgusting locker, which is so messy that opening it would cause a wave of trash to hit anyone, except for Nate and his friends, who have gotten used to it.

Best Friends: Lincoln Loud, Erica Wang, Lydia Lopez, George Beard, Harold Hutchins, Francis Butthurst Pope , Teddy √ Ortiz, Dee Dee Dorcas Holloway



Nate was at a Nick Therapy Seession where he went on to observe Lincoln and to keep an eye on him for the Reisistance. He learns of Lincoln's past, relationships with Hilda, Lydia and others. He intitally mistakes Hilda as the other kid, but is told of Lydia being the other kid they're keeping tabs on by Erica Wang

Nate and Erica overhear what Peacemaker and Wednesday found out and they talk them into trying to get the cops to help anyway possible. He gets worried that his association with Lincoln might get him in trouble as he learned Chandler knew about him from Economos.

Chapter 1[]

Part 2[]

Nate stayed at the police station and Holt and Hopper had him join them in talking to Lincoln and Lydia explaining that he was brought in by them to spy on Lincoln to keep tabs on them. Nate tells Lincoln that their friendship wasn't a lie when he questions this as he does consider Lincoln a friend. He just wanted to see if Lincoln lived up to what the cops told him

Nate was seen in Lincoln's flashback where Lincoln was starting his Nick Group Therapy and how Nate was the first person to join and how he hit it off with Lincoln. A Black out is then caused by Victoria Von Gale and this causes them and the Cops to investigate.

Nate, Lincoln and Lydia are told to stay put, but Nate decides to help anyway and he and Lincoln decide to go see if they can turn the power back on. They run into a problem with Chandler, Von Gale and Melvin Borg who are out to get them. Nate watches as Lincoln unloads on Chandler having being mocked by him and he is a baffled to watch Lincoln do this. He is pulled off from this and joins with the other members to help get the police station back on.

After driving off the rest of the crew, Nate, Lincoln and the rest of the gang meet back up with Lydia and the Cops. Now with the crew together, they have come aware of some of the actions Spot has done prior to this point as they explain to Lincoln and Lydia. Nate tells Lydia about Lincoln beat up Chandler. Nate explains that he and Erica were here to get them to see if they can help as they board the Magic School Bus which is their main way of transportation. Nate shows the two their rooms respectfully as they make their way to the Hissuan Region. Nate is happy to see that Lincoln and Lydia are helping them out.

Part 3[]

The Magic School Bus arrives in the Hissuan Region with Peacemaker, Vigilante, Emila, Blinky, Amy and Jake all seeing this region as Jake and Amy are driving the Bus respectively.

Vigilainte wakes up Lydia, Lincoln, Penny, Will and Nate respectfully with the former two all snuggled. And tells them it's breakfast time as Jake was at work mostly with him and Amy.

Lincoln, Lydia, Nate, Wednesay, Eleven, Blinky, Peacemaker and Will all go to the site before hand and the group sees Lincoln and Lydia get their teams respectfully. They hand access pokeballs to some of the others as Lincoln knows it's unlike the Sinnoh Region

All the others have a meeting and upon recongizing the vast region they decide to split up respectively. To do the job,  Blinky, Eleven, Wendesday, Lincoln and Lydia decide to take charge on one side while Peacemaker, Will and the others decide to lead the others.

Lincoln and Lydia have getting their team get permission to take the other starter which they give to Nate who excepts and they tell him about how to use Pokemon. They then help Nate catch some pokemon respectively with Blinky's help and Eleven helps too. Lincoln warns Nate of how dangerous they are and rescues him from the hostile pokemon. Lydia states that Pokemon are not that hostile but this is a different region, and when the Pokedex was first expanded, Blinky knew this.

After Nate captures a few pokemon, he ran out of Pokeballs, so he tries to but more like he learned from them. However he learns that it's not the way it goes in Hissuan, Thankfully Dustin and Blinky decide to show him how to craft pokeballs, with Lucas and Max deciding to join them in this pursuit after Lydia hands them instructions. Lincoln and Lydia help Nate raise his team and battle other trainers respectively

The group keep Peacemaker in the know about the Noble Pokemon and after them deal with it while they investigate with the others. However, they run into the Noble Lilggilant, the second of the noble pokemon and Nate decides to deal with this himself with The Party and Wednesday helping.

Holt, Hopper and Ecnomonos tell the six the info they learned after telling Peacmaker about Volo's plans and all that. As well as the lakes. Lincoln and Lydia acknowledge the deja vu they're dealing with it since they had to something similar with the Lake Trio last time but didn't have Dawn with them. Blinky is aware of the Lake Trio's importance and mentions the two must have had some connection to them. Lincoln validates it by saying Uxie chose him and Azelf chose Lydia, Mespriit chose Dawn but they have no idea where she is. Lydia tells Blinky, Cuphead and the others that Dawn was from Sinnoh and got them into Pokemon, she and May held the other starter of the region while they took two. Their thought pattern was that someone else should have the other starter and since Nate was here, they decided he gets the 3rd one here. Nate, Wednedsay, Eleven and the others come back with their success and are told of the situation they learned and where to head next. Happy that what they learned is working they go off.

They then head to Lake Aculity and bundle up due to the cold and Lincoln decides to lead the way into the cave and is ambushed by a Zoroark. With Nate and Wednesday, Lincoln uses his pokemon to capture and they  leave after completeting the three trials. Lincoln, Lydia, Nate, and the rest of the team decide to head up to Mt.Coronet and they go on their way to learn some truths. This is when discover that they have been picking up plates yet again which Cuphead and the others were doing respectively.

Lincoln, Lydia, Nate, Eleven and Wednesday discover there are still plates to find with Dustin putting a track on the location respectively for them in regards to the Lakes, Firespit Island and Moon view Arena. They tell Will and Peacemaker this who decide to take their own mission

Lincoln, Nate, Blinky and Lydia decide to go relooking for the legendaries respectively and decide to find Azelf and Uxie. Nate asks on Mespirit, Lincoln decides they'll try to find it and with the two makes more pokeballs. Lydia decides on Azelf and Lincoln decides on Uxie, Which Leaves Nate for Mespirit. The three manage to capture the Lake Trio and save them from being used by Volo respectfully thought they don't know that yet. The three find the Draco Plate which they remember and Blinky tells the others to find their own plates,

When everyone gets back together, this is when Volo ambushes the heroes and steals the plates with The Spot in tangent where the anti matter riff is once again there and Hissuan Region begins to collapse by using Giratina

Lydia challenges Volo to a battle with Will, Erica, Geroge, Harold and the others, Volo decides to summon Giratina to kill her. Lincoln stops this and decides to face Girtaina with Wednesday, Nate and others.

Lincoln, Wednesday and the others manage to defeat Giratina Orgin Form and Lincoln manages to rescue his gang from the collapsing temple

Eleven and her friends manage to fix all the holes while Peacemaker and the others manage to keep Spot under control and when Lincoln and the otehrs come back. Spot cuts his losses and brings back Volo and harms Peacemaker before returning. Nate decides to return his pokemon to the base as Lydia and Lincoln made a pc box for him. Jake and Amy lead the others back to a new base for travel respectfully so they can all take a rest after their mission and just goof off til the next anomality emerges

Chapter 2[]

Nate is busy drawing yet again as he observes a photo he took with Lincoln in the Hissuian Region and thinks about what he did there as he waits for him to get back where he helps George and Harold with their latest comic book. Peacemaker, Geroge, Harold, Nate, Erica, Amy and Jake go to Wednesday who informs of the situation she has foreseen about being told of Nevermore being the next location Spot had damaged due to cosmic flaw status

He is brought with the others to Wednesday's meeting about Nevermore their situation and what they need to do respectively in their time there. Upon Nate's arrival he is a bit distracted thanks to what he is doting what Nevermore does and all that as he is just a newer member of the team. He does learn what Wednesday and Enid looked into in regards to their investigation when it came to Spot's activity

He tags along with Lincoln, Lydia, Peacemaker, Hobie, Erica, Blinky, Boss Baby and Will Robinson so they can check on the family respectfully for Wednesday.

Part 2[]

Lincoln, Lydia, Peacemaker, Hobie, Blinky, Boss Baby, Erica Wang, Nate Wright and Will Robinson all arrive to the Addams Home and begin to do some investigating about the weirditys in the universe. Nate joins up with Erica, Will and Boss Baby to look into what Crackstone is on to about as they recall Wednesday's mention of him. They discover that he may have resurfaced and as well as Tyler and Spot having a hand in the events here by Lincoln, Lydia and Hobie

This is when Tyler and the others show up and Chandler intends to stab Lincoln and Nate works with Erica to keep Lincoln from being stabbed and hand him a fencing blade to fight back. With their help they disarm Chandler and then get Chandler from trying to dishonorably hurt Lincoln. With Peacemaker and Blinky returning against White Dragon, Nate and his friends head off to find Crackstone. Nate wonders how Lincoln got good with fencing despite claiming he's a geek/nerd.

Everyone meets back up back together and are in the woods and this is where everyone comes. Nate decides to help Mike and the others save the Addams Family respectfully knowing he doesn't have much of a chance overall against a foe like him. He is picked up like the others and is informed of what happened on the agents's side of things respectively. Nate asks Lincoln about his fencing and he sheepishingly admits that he learnt that from his grandfather. Lincoln, Lydia, Nate, Will and Erica ask about Will Byers the Spider Frog and the Upside Down. Will mentions how he was nearly eaten and how he noticed a man was also caught in there who he describes to them has Hilda's dad description which Lydia and Lincoln realize.

Upon given time off , while a bit unwillingly he joins Lincoln, Lydia, George, Harold, Mike, Dustin, Lucas Will Byers and Will Robinson in playing D&D, having Ice Cream with them and Erica and heading to 80s movies. While also helping George and Harold with their next comic book respectively.

Part 3[]

Nate is called back up to help the others while he is informed by the cops and adults about where they are heading next. He has a feeling thanks to what he has heard has to do with the comic books coming to life or something like that which the boys agree on respectfully. This means their universe is where they're going.

Nate arrives in the Captain Underpants Universe with the others and notes how crazy everything had gotten in part to Melvin Borg. He mentions how creative Harold and George are respectfully.He teams up with them, Erica, Lincoln, Lydia and Wednesday to deal with the within school threats, which are the toilets, a huge dandillion and zombie nerds respectively which they deal with the experts on their side

Afterwards, Melvin Borg and Chandler are found and he helps Wendesday, Lydia and Lincoln fight Chandler and saves Lincoln from having his mind wiped by Chandler. Nate and Erica note The Spot's actions and have the 4 go to get the Professor's devices as they take care of things.

Nate goes to help his friends with the connections only to find Allen and Mrs.Frizzle who took the communication overall and joins his friends in heading to the Colation. Upon being ambushed from Kregg and his allies. Nate goes to help nativgate the magic school bus and to find Mrs.Frizzle who went missing due to Kregg. Upon arriving there, Nate learns of the reason they're here and what The Spot means to them before heading back to Hawkins when hearing of The Spot. Nate suspects something himself from what Lydia and Lincoln told him and decide to help them.

Chapter 3[]

Inspired by his encounters with Melvin Borg and seeing what the PATSY 2000 can do. Nate decides on trying to do something similar upon looking at another comic book strip. He holds a picture to test it and he receives a Transmogrifier Gun which is a start.

Will Robinson catches him in the act and learns what Nate had in mind respectfully.

Nate joins up with Dustin, Wednesday and Penny to find Enid and Steve and they continue to look into the unusual situations respectfully which Nate decides to test out his transmogrify gun turning things into random things as he things. Though this only lasts so long as Penny end up attracting flayed creatures which Nate tries to use to help Penny. He notes how resistant the flayed seems to be. Nate does find more success in dealing with Demo bats respectfully as they head off and have Wednesday and Enid take care of the rest.

Nate, George, Harold and Erica take matters in their hands as the other 7 in charge head to Trolberg.

Part 2[]

Nate is eager to take another mission from The Chief and heads eagerly to Castlevaniaverse to recurit Trevor Belmont

Having use the PATSY-2000 some more times, he also got his hands on a flying carpet which he brings Erica, George and Harold with him on so they can take their fight to the skies against Death and his Castlevania forces on N.Tropy's call. Their Victory turns sour when WIll Byers gets his life ended to help Trevor defeat Death

Nate does some analysis on the encounter and realizes the Death they faced was an alternate version of him from another verse unlike where he orginated from. He therorizes Spot and his partners managed to assess another multiverse. When Communicating with Lincoln, Lydia, Peacemaker, Eleven, Wednesday, WIll, Penny and Blinky he shares this info with them that he found respectfully. Nate hopes that the 8 can find a way to get out of the quarantine they're in the middle of.

Chapter 4[]

Nate and the kids during their time went on a mission of their own in the Invinicble Universe which The Cupheads told them was respectively

Through this, he and the others ran into Neo Vought International and worked with them on their cases with Melvin Borg and General Kregg with Mark Grayson who also healed as well as with Rave who got brought in on the case by Professor Membrane. Nate and the others get Rave and Neo Vought International to help out with their next case against Gelator who was recruited with the others and he engages against Melvin Borg. By once again traveling to planets.

Nate and Erica had Rave join them as well feeling another ally could be needed for the griefing time they gave the Stranger Things Cast. Nate is so happy that Lincoln got back with the others as he doesn't want to see his bud in danger. He infroms Lincoln and Lydia what he and Erica did respectfully as a result on their own mission.

All the kids then head out to the Peacemaker Universe to help deal with what Spot, White Dragon and Kregg are really up to and he wants to get the help of the Stranger Things cast, but Holt informs him that they are still on their break.

Part 2[]

As the heroes arrive in the Peacemaker Universe, Nate decides to keep using The Transgomifer to make some more cool stuff respectfully for himself in tangent with the PATSY-2000 that he doesn't notice George and Harold take some of the juice that precured back in their universe

Though he gets off his butt and sees George and Harold and goes to get the others as Spot and his cronies manage to make due with the kids. He is able to get back to the others and notices they are already in their vinciity. In Turn he helps Lincoln, Lydia, Erica and Trevor Belmont fight down The Spot. He goes in this rather with direct force like Trevor as they want to just take down Spot once and for all.

This style doesn't work for him compared to his allies until he realizes what the other kids are doing and makes some cement appear to cover the holes Spot uses in his fight to help his friends deal with him. As they corner The Spot and trap him and he observes the questions being asked and shows concern for Lincoln's visions and horror he saw at Spot's indirect hand and at Trolberg. Nate notes from Lydia's expressions that she saw this too and it's troubling both of them

Nate decides to leave this be in case Erica knows this already which he finds she doesn't and asks if she can find out what happened to them if Eleven, Wednesday, Will and Penny already know when Grace goes to get them respectively.

Chapter 5[]

Nate takes the whole team to Maine where he lives and keeps them hidden on acount that he has not told his friends or family about him working with the Streaming Resistance respectfully. Nate lets Peacemaker know about what he figured on Spot thanks to helping Lydia and Lincoln respectfully with Spot in Peacemaker's Universe

He decides that they need a way to hamper Spot and his powers with what they learnt and asks Professor Membrane and the more scienfic minds to find a way to patch Spot's powers. As his family and friends from his universe grow suspcious of his shadyness, Nate does his darnest to cover for them.

This goes out the window when Chandler, Kregg and Neil Kandy all arrive to tail them on Spot's orders and the gang all go their way to pursue them. With Nate having to tell his friends and family of his alliance and work with the Streaming Resistance as well as his time in Royal Woods respectfully, After this, Nate rejoins the team and they all go to puruse the crew this eventually leads them to heading to the universe of Flying Rhino Junior High where they make their way to the school

Nate heads into Flying Rhino Junior High and lets the others take care of the group while he goes to insure the safety of Lincoln's friends and it turns out Clyde recongized him and learns he was part of Team Free Will. Nate explains that he works for this team and that he had to keep it from his family until now. Nate also finds Lincoln, Hobie and Lydia as well and when Erica asks about what the two dealt with if they are fine. Nate is brought in the know by what them, Eleven, Wednesday, The Robinsons, Hobie and The Robot all found out

The Spot arrives in the universe and Nate is told to say put with the others as Lydia, Lincoln, Eleven, Peacemaker, Hobie, Wednedsay, Will Robinson, Hilda, Erica, Penny Robinson, George, Harold all head out to deal with.

Chapter 6[]

Nate and the others having a plan with the villains and their allies decides to stall the False Groudon by joining Mrs.Frizzle in the magic school bus. Using the flying bus, Nate, Erica, Peacemaker, Wednesday and the others find the lab and direct the others to find the location respectfully

After they get there, Nate holds off the tentacles with the others to insure the rest of the team which details of Lincoln, Lydia, Hilda, Hobie, Eleven, Wednesday, Peacemaker, Will Robinson, Dustin, The Spot, Mr.Crocker, Erica and The Time Agents deal with the monster

Nate is able to be brought back after it's demise and is relieved thanking the team namely Lincoln for saving the day yet again. Nate is asked what he will do now now that his family and friends know he's in the resistance. Nate isn't sure but one thing he does know is that he's sticking by Lincoln, Lydia and their friends



Nate headed back home to think his father would tell him to quit the team. To his suprise his dad wants him to stay on the team as they are good influences on him and he found more friends which is all he can ask for and he learns from his dad, That Lincoln Loud called and had him be +1 to some kind of ceremony.

He then meets up with Dustin and Erica who are heading to see Lincoln and Lydia. Nate tells them that he talked to his dad and is allowed to stay in the team due to the influence they have on him. They notice Scully who is heading to Lydia's house to get her and Lincoln for something. Nate, Dustin and Erica join her in getting them. Nate and the others all get driven downtown, he does notice Lincoln's voice changed and while his voice still is decently high, it has matured and lowered a bit and notes how quick Lincoln is growing up. Not that he figured how mature Lincoln is as is Lydia, Erica and Dustin.

The 6 arrive downtown and it turns out the Louds decided to help give Lincoln some space so he can get over what he has dealt with at the hands of his many adventures and the mental wounds.  He thinks this is cool respectfully as he helps check everything. Nate with Erica, Dustin and Scully are told to leave by Lincoln as he needs to talk to Lydia about all this. He, Erica and Dustin try to spy on what the two are talkng about to learn what's going when Lydia catches this and calls them on this and Scully does so too.

Nate and Erica wait for Mulder and Scully to arrive as they discuss how Lydia and Lincoln told them of what they were all doing at the dance that time. Nate is a bit exicted for this as he wants to bring something back for his gal. This surprises Erica, he actually has a girlfriend when Scully arrives noting Nate is dressed proper

He and Erica then regroup with the other 3 and they head over to Trolberg to have their wedding. Nate sees an opporunity to try and pull some pranks on the others but is turned down. He helps usher everyone else as the rest of the group prepare for Jaune and Johanna's vows and he sits down

Nate then eats and hangs with the rest of his friends as they enjoy Pippi's cooking.


Book 1: Overture[]

Chapter 1[]

Part 1[]

Nate has his own invite as well and he tries to convince his friends to join him. Dee Dee is the only one to agree, as she wants to test herself on what she did on their own camping trip when she stopped a bear from mauling Nate. Nate asks if she has other reasons, Dee Dee admits she wants to get away from dealing wth her drama teacher who is in charge of summer projects. Lincoln calls up Nate and they end having a chat about their collective trip they'll be going on. Lincoln asks Nate to go with Erica as Lydia already called up her and she'll take a passenger in her car. Nate agrees to this, though Dee Dee decides to come along

Lincoln stayed in contact with Nate and he was joining them in their road camp as he told Lydia who was also getting Erica to help them out. When Nate arrives with his other friends, Lincoln and Lydia are overjoyed to see Nate and Erica.

Nate also talked to his friends in his own universe about joining, and Dee Dee Holowitz came along which is a baffle to them, this was in part to her dramatic personaltiy.

Victoria Neuman arrives and informs them all that she is the offical head of this camp and that it's on a road camp for them all as they all have something very special about them hence why she accepted all of their requests to do so.

So the entire party consisting of Lydia, Lincoln, Truman, Clyde, David, Will Robinson, Erica, Nate, The Robot, Dustin, Rave and Dee Dee all end setting their tents as Larke and Troy accompany Victoria back to her cabin.

Part 2[]

Nate and Dee Dee camp out with Nate asking about why Dee Dee came along with him. Dee Dee reminds Nate that she has been trying to camp for the longest time since the incident with the bear and saw this as an opportunity. Also Dee Dee wanted to meet who Nate was friends with in his team. Nate just hopes it won't be like that last time's event with the bear, even if it's Bizarroville which makes him suspicious

Dee Dee, Nate, Erica and Dustin all hold on to some stuff. Dustin went to Camp Know Where secretingly and took Erica with him and they managed to get their hands on what Dustin made. Dee Dee and Clyde both tries to get David and Nate as it turns out to appreicate camp and while Nate was successful to an extent with Dee Dee's attempt, David wasn't as much due to bugs. Dee Dee questions what he has against bugs, Clyde explains he is just jumpy around bugs. Pop Pop and Myrtle decide to help David with this and help Dee Dee with Nate. Pop Pop is particular is familiar with Nate's own jumpiness due to what Lincoln told him. even if Rave knows about the place.

Nate and Dee Dee notice Erica and Larke leaving for some reason and decide to go after them as well. The Two see Victoria who managed to be able to track where the others went and Nate as well as Dee Dee caught up to her. She asks why weren't they with the others, and Nate explains that he and Dee Dee wanted to see where Erica was. Neuman decides they could just come with her since they're here, Dee Dee curious thinks what could Larke and Erica be looking for.

Nate and Dee Dee both arrive and find Erica and Larke which have their note books. Larke was gathering infomation of the upcoming storm. Dee Dee states that Larke couldn't tell them about this, Larke wanted to be sure and she actually knew about and decided to find a way to look into it. Nate and Erica both head back with them and Nate tells her that it's thankful Victoria when with them and helped them find the girls as they left. Neumann meanwhile decided to take the others on their accord around town to show the sights of the town and Nate is taking photos for his own books, so he can draw them into his next comic ideas.

Part 3[]

The others go to the mansion and they are trapped by Dabble and they must find fuses to all escape.

Rave takes the lead respectfully and helps the others he shows what they have to do to get fuses. Erica and Nate decide to play pool with Rave and David all the while using paint to color the balls so that the statements shown are true. Next up is a Number Guesser where they must guess number and Truman with Clyde decide to play this with Rave.

Lydia and Erica decide to head to the radio system, Joined by Lincoln, Nate, Truman, Will and Rave, The Seven to build high sums in equation to get another fuse. Lincoln looks asking what this has to do with math with all this, Lydia says it's writer decision. Will and Truman gather the fuses with Rave to help deal with it and are joined by Dustin who uses his own math knowledge to shut the security in the castle. Nate finds Dee Dee, Larke and Amy where Dee Dee was overacting as usual and Amy with Larke did dress up. Troy likes what he sees and does David. Clyde then notices as the security shuts down and they must shut down the Big Brain as Rave informed Dabble was using it.

All the others get back and manage to get a satilete shut down. Resulting in Dabble's plan starting to be foiled and the others leave. Neuman had her own situation to deal with and she is given the power gems as she decide to get them for something as she tells Dr.N Tropy and Dabble.

Lydia checks the map and sees that they're going to the sea next like the camping area. Larke confirms this as she and Troy look at the map, and Lydia asks will they need anything. Larke says she brought her suits, and hopes the others did too which Troy, Lincoln and others all did. Erica asks if Lydia brought hers, Lydia says recultantly. Lincoln notices it's Bikini Bottom of all place which Truman remembers as well as Clyde, Dee Dee and Nate know as well. As all of them have shared space with Spongebob in their network as Nate explains in the 4th wall way. Clyde and Dee Dee don't get though Lincoln and Lydia do explaining it's a kind of power only they really know.

and Ford says what happened with him and mentions the new seven and the stuff that he found there with a cartel. Dee Dee doesn't take this too fine, as she does remember something.  

Amy notices and asks Dee Dee with Nate about the cartel stuff, Dee Dee says it's all fine and she's okay. Nate isn't so sure himself. Will, The Robot, Nate, Erica, Dustin, Dee Dee and Rave all have awaited their morse code results. This is when Neuman's daughter asks if Will wants to play with her, and Will agrees to asking the others to do which The Robot confirms it will. Dustin and Nate both are curious about what Dee Dee was getting to when it came to reaction regarding Lydia and Lincoln's friends mentioning Mexico. Dee Dee tells the two not to press it, as what happened there is something she has no interest in saying due to some rather uncomfortable things happening there, She tells Nate not to even conisder going to her parents, on this. Nate asks if this is her being a drama queen again, Dee admits to Nate that while she is one, in this case she ISN"T, Sending concern to Nate's way

The Robot's sensors manage to work and detect morse code has worked, and Erica with Rave and Dustin seem relieved that it managed to work. All of a sudden this is where the Magic School Bus arrives. Dustin and Erica go to get the others while Rave, The Robot and Nate decide to brief Mrs.Frizzle on this who has a message from the Streaming Resistance about what Jake, Peacemaker, Eleven and Wednesday are looking into with the others in regards to what else is happening and The Team Free Will Massacre. Mrs.Frizzle, Rave, The Robot and Nate all have the magic school bus be designed to serve as a submarine so they can make their destination

Mrs.Frizzle places everything on the table and announces that they have arrived in Bikini Bottom. Lincoln, Nate, Dee Dee, Lydia, Clyde and Truman all have some familarity with this area due to them all having ties to Nickeldeon or in Lydia's heard about it. Erica comments about Lydia and Lincoln not getting much sleep due to their roller ring activites, Selina is baffled on ping/pong the two act in many regards between being mature for their age and being childish. Will is curious about Bikini Bottom where Lincoln and Nate both note it's under the sea and has been the longest universe in Nick. Dustin has gotten his hand making with Truman a way to brief underwater without a snorkel.

Lincoln observes Anne's phone with Nate and Erica and decides to take what he got from his and Lydes's informant, Dee Dee looks over his shoulder and asks about what he and Lydia are talking about. Lincoln, Nate and Erica just look at her and Lincoln just says that the two of them got an informant who can possibly identify

Ruby takes in charge of the kids and brings them to Jellyfish Fields and Sand Mountain to catch jellyfish and to go sand boarding she advises them not to kill or overmilk the jellyfish they catch. Lincoln, Lydia, Will, Truman, Clyde, David, Dustin, Erica, Nate, Dee Dee and Rave all agree and go to catch some jellyfish treating like capturing butterfiles. Lydia intitally wants to roller skate again but Lincoln does stop her saying this is grass areas and not pavement. Dustin, Clyde and Truman actively join them with Truman having made contrapations to trap them and get a little jelly.

David had joined up with Erica, Nate and Dee Dee who decided to use skate boards and Erica decides to help David learn to skate. He is all too eager to do so and he is eager to stand out compared to Frida and Hilda by actually knowing how to ride skateboards and communciating with mermaids. Erica and Nate both note how Lincoln was like that too as well, though he managed to get past it, Nate knows personally due to how he meet Lincoln. Erica is aware of Lydia didn't have this problem herself

At Sand Mountain later, Lydia, Truman, Erica, Lincoln, Nate all get sand boards and ride down the sand mountains due to Dustin, Clyde, David and Rave deciding not to get too involved and just sit down and relax on the heights.

Chapter 2[]

Part 4[]

Nate and his friends find out they were followed by someone as they find Cosmic Jelly mooks and Chaos Bots after them. Taking inspiration, Nate joins his friends in taking all of them out so they can protect Bikini Bottom. However it becomes obvious that the universe is damaged in part to Madame Kassandra's cosmic jelly.

Nate is informed of what had happened in Hilda's universe by his friends and notes that something is going on bigger with the Dufus and Levy involved.

Dee Dee, Nate, Erica, Bruce, Truman and Larke all made their own analysis of their own situation, as Dee Dee is a bit skeptical if Lincoln and Lydia are to get out of the situation they're in unscatched. Nate tells her nothing is going to happen that is bad as Amy and Will are with them too and it's not like anyone is gunning for them in a case of dramatic irony. Dee Dee isn't so assured, remembering that she had heard those words before. Nate wonders what Dee Dee is aware of as does Erica as the two feel like Dee Dee has been at the rodeo before and the duo even feel she may have dealt with The Cartel as Erica remembers her own deals with Frank Underwood. Nate asks Erica if her future self can be of help, Erica says she tried to but hasn't been able to do just that.

Part 5[]

As Bruce and Truman's group goes on the run to another place to regroup, Nate and Dee Dee convince the others to go to Rackliff, Maine so Nate can go inform his dad and other friends what he's getting into. Nate wants somewhere safe and suspects no one will talk such a place like this, though Larke, Bruce and Truman have reservations about this. They still allow him and Dee Dee do to so which he does and reassures them he wasn't kicked out of Camp, cause Dee Dee would have been too considering her drama queen status.

His actions are cut short when Erica, Dustin, Rave and The Robot go to get Nate as something is going down in Rackliff, which he tells them that he is needed by his team and he will return. Unknown to him, they are getting him out as The N.Trophies are using their machine to basically plunge Rackliff into the abyss and were using his universe as a test subject. THey are able to find Dee Dee too and get her out of danger.

They are able to get back to Mrs.Frizzle in time before the universe collapses and Nate is shocked and terrifed at this and is in shabbles what happened. The Robot confirms that his universe was letting wipped off the map simiar to that of The Spot but more severe and that he and Dee Dee are the solo suriviors, where Nate can only imagine what Dee Dee is going through. This something he tells Lydia, Lincoln, Will and Amy upon their return to base.

Part 6[]

Nate is comforted by Lincoln when it comes to what happened in his universe as is Dee Dee, he can relate to Nate doing what happened in Royal Woods with The CSM and Vecna with their own actions which led to him being unable to go home or feel to save his family that happened a long time. Nate does discover that Dee Dee did actually deal with something like this and it was something with her parents dealing with all these wierd situations down in a drought like place

Being send in another direction by Fifi Dufus, Nate arrives in Nevermore with the others which he is in question on. As he though Nevermore was left in a quarrintine stake due to the actions of The Spot. Meeting Eugene a friend of Wednesday does give some noticeable idea of what really went down here.

Lydia, Lincoln, Amy, Truman, Larke and Bruce all return to Nevermore as they discuss what the former two have engaged them selves in and the double life lifestyle. Nate, Dee Dee, Erica, Will, Eugene and Neuman approach the returning 6 about what they found out about Nevermore.

Chapter 3[]

Part 7[]

David, Truman, Nate, Dee Dee and Erica are all helping Mrs.Frizzle with repairing the school bus to help after what Fifi did. Nate and Dee Dee discuss the possibility of bringing their own universe back somehow and if Wednesday does move out, then they can move in with Will as well as The Robot. The Robot says that anything can happen  not taking this how the question. David and Erica with Frizzle manage to acquire some fuel for it as Erica had a Mr.Fusion which she explains can use garbage to fuel it which she and David decide to go look for and have Nate and Dee Dee join them in their search.

Mrs.Frizzle, Nate, Dee Dee, Erica and Truman have all managed to find more trash to put into the Magic School Bus to fuel it. The rest of the team see this and Amy questions if someone was stealing from Doc Brown. Erica said that she actually had given to her by Doc's Kids and that they all managed to work together to make it functionable to the School. Rave says it was hard but he managed to get done

Upon arriving in the universe Lincoln, Lydia and others advised. Nate and Dee Dee went with Mrs.Frizzle and Clyde to pick up more trash to use as resource for the travel

Part 8[]

When Cobra Kai Zombies attack the heroes, Nate joins immediatly to fight back against them and steers the others clear of the Gumms Gumms even as Dee Dee uses a flail to deal with the Gumms Gumms admitting she had it for a while. Afterwards, Nate and Dee Dee both want a normal camping trip spot to tell their friends which thankfully is recopirated by Lydia, Lincoln, Truman and others agree with him on this.

Arriving at Camp Mastodon, Nate prepares for his next few days as he can actually relax and Neuman promises this to him as well. His answers regarding Dee Dee and their own universe are resolved when Anti Cosmo and Bender arrive with Lydia and Lincoln and Dee Dee recongizes the two as they and her worked against the Cartel and Milton Midas. Nate wants answers about what caused Dee Dee to feel such trauma and shock and She gives them now that Bender and AC are on the case explaining what happened to her parents and herself which Nate understands and asks if he can still actually relax. Which Lincoln, Lydia and the others agree to.

Part 9[]

After said time, Nate decides he has to ask what is really going on with the situation at hand to Dee Dee as does Erica, she tells the two that Bender, Anti Cosmo, Lincoln's sister Luan and AC's boss Slade helped her deal with the Cartel and got her parents saved from being turned into a meal. She says the matters are way too graphic to describe but it was a very stressful time due to the gravity of the situation, hence why she'll stay as mission control instead of risking herself. Nate can get this and explains why she has been so quiet about things.

He stays as mission control and is saved by Steve and Krel when it comes to Bean attacking them duing to Cate's compelling powers who use a baseball bat and flail to insure Bean doesn't kill them as Cate orders her to. Nate and Dee Dee are able to use this to help corner and knock sense into Bean. Upon Receiving a warning at the hands of Tom Lucifor, Nate decides to accompany Dee Dee and his team to help his friends deal with what Dee Dee, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Lincoln, Lydia, Toby, Steve, Krel and AAAARRRGGHH!! had to deal with a while ago regarding if it's Holden or what N.Tropy is up to as he discovered their own deals with the Corrupt Judge as he was informed by Toby, Lincoln and Lydia of this. Once Bender and Anti Cosmo discover the grave danger they are in, they inform him and Dee Dee on what they found in particular.

Chapter 4[]

Nate and Dee Dee join up with the Resistance again as they decide to help Professor Membrane in trying to relocate Victoria Neuman after figuring out she was on the run. This leads into a situation where some of his friends are kidnapped by Gunmar and Richfield where he decides to split away from Peacemaker and the main members to save them

Chapter 5[]

Nate, Dee Dee and Professor Membrane are help to pull a succesful rescue mission of Jim, Claire and Blinky though he also discovers that N.Tropy's forces stole a machine and have fired it off with it's reality warping abiltiies to bring Ucumu back and he informs the Streaming Resistance of it. Nate and the others find Lincoln and Lydia and the rest of the team and arrive to help Team Free WIll deal with Judge Holden as well as find Bender, Slade and The Boys who have arrived to deal with the rise of Ucumu as Pungari insisted to happen.

Chapter 6[]

With the demon on the rise and his lava demon army, Nate and The Streaming Resitance help fight them alongside Team Free Will as they work to prevent the end of the world at his hands or more importantly N.Tropy's hands. The Streaming Resistance is able to do this and when they visit Neuman with Bender, Anti Cosmo, Sid, Ford, Lydia and Lincoln, Nate and the others discover what Neuman really knows on the situation and how much things have been going on and what they are going into.

He and the Streaming Resistance are later knighted and make an alliance with Team Free Will

Book 2: Interlude[]

Nate's Pokemon

Hissuian Typhlosion



HIssuian Electrode


