Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Milton Midas is a major antagonist in the Canadian animated television series The Raccoons.

He is a minor antagonist in the season four episode "The Headline Hunter!" and the foremost antagonist of season five, serving as the main antagonist of the episodes "Stress Test!" and "The One That Got Away!" He is the current arch-nemesis of Bert Raccoon and The Pigs.

He was voiced by the late Len Carlson, who voiced several other characters on the show,

Midas is a selfish, greedy and underhanded businessman and scam artist. He does not care about the well-being of others at all, and is not above lying to and throwing others under a bus to get what he wants.

He is really dishonest and money-hungry and shows downright criminal lack of care for others especially the environment, Despite appearing 3 times in the show, he proved to be the most evil character in the shoe eclipsing Cyril Sneer and others who just commit unethical acts. Cyril was the one who even brought him to justice in his final episode.

Moral Ranking: Pure Evil

Double Life Emergence[]

Act 1[]

Milton Midas is the main antagonist of the D.L.E story and is after the group with the intent to do what Chakai and Kostas Becker failed to do. He is also someone who has history in China Town and with Darkwing's girlfriend.

Episode 2[]


Midas has aligned himself with his Cartel associate Professor Chang who he aligned with for his money making and scam artist like typhoon ways. Similar to Don Eladio he works to make more money and has taken over the school for young supes in The Boys Universe which he and Chang are working on some personal projects with the latter.

Episode 3[]

During a meeting he has with Don Bolsa, Milton has earned his keep as Eladio's top earner and has aquired his favor to the ire of his other cartel leaders who are unhappy with Midas's success. This is especially with Hector Salamanca who tries to look into what he and Chang are doing and sabotage it. Using his resources, he was able to provide Professor Chang with guinea pigs to use for the superhuman experiements they tried to use in the Cartel's war with Slade's Empire and The B Team.

During his time, he made a deal with the Eww Corporation and decided to market the Flavor Blasted Beardly Yum Yums they made to make their customers into eating machines for profit, Midas having some spare waste to get of uses it into the product to make more. Caring about more the profit it'll make than anything else. He hears of the Shadow Cheateau opening and attends which makes Morgana afraid and silent as he arrives. Joined by Glowface and Lorenzo he has the spy villains sit down as he decides to work on plan he had with the Flavor Blasted Beardly Yum Yums. He sabotages the food and uses the Flavor Blasted Beardly Yum Yums powder to mix it into the food to use for his advantage. This does not go unnoticed by WIle E Coyote or Dee Dee who alert the others of it as they take effects. Midas's actions even shock Glowface and Lorenzo that Midas takes evil to such a callous extent. He forces them to help him as he leaves unnoticed, though he does get spotted by Bender and Luan during their fight and mentioned by Deathstroke when the two and Wile E call him up.

His operations with the Flavor Blasted Beardly Yum Yums went so far to make way to Lydia and LIncoln on the trip to The Book of Life Universe as he has snack machines sent to the schools and offices for consumption. He toasts to his success with Chang as they have the samples needed and have become safe under Eladio as much as they can be as his top earner.

The Space Bandits, Wile E and Nacho are able to decieve Midas with a business meeting with Bender so the robot can discover what his intentions are and get to the bottom of his actions.

Episode 4[]

Milton sets a meeting with Bender to discuss everything where Bender bugs him on the info and action he takes, Milton confesses what he has done as he straight out doesn't care and his past with Morgana is a bit brought up as Morgana and Milton were associated with each other for a while as the former was building her business about 8 months ago and she cut ties with him after his intents were environmentally damaging. Midas attempts to bribe him but this doesn't go underway and he has his own kid to look after.

After this, he had came to realize someone fed Bender this and realizing who was snooping around the university and having had set up a track record on phone usage, figures out it was Deathstroke and co that did this and trespassed on his property. He decides to sue and put a lawsuit on them in retailation and on Lorenzo's request hires Tom Hagen to represent him at the trial.

Midas's actions are brought in court and he deflects and claims they were accidents and he also goes on to say how they broke onto his property and leaked unauthorized infomation which was slander to him to a source. Though Midas is gulity of the charges, he manages to win the case through bribery and pointing how Deathstroke has criminals on his payroll. that being said he does have to take a fine to pay before he can resume his business. He decides to finish loose ends and has Pablo put in jail so he can keep his eye on Deathstroke's arrested associates and kill them when done

Despite the loss, Don Eladio accepts and toasts to the success Midas has against their opposition even as his machines have being tossed out and destoryed by Bender and the others. Midas decides it's time to persue his next grand scheme for the Don. He tells his men to take advantage of the drought and to divert natural resources to him so he can sell it for his own desires.

Episode 5[]

He is over seeing a project at the biggest body of water in Mexico and he has the Salamancas on him to help him and guard him. Midas is out to create a distrution of the water which he used in his reservoir plans and that he has his proxy ready in Pi-Pi an eccentric businessman that runs a water park as well. H

His actions have caused Doug Judy as well as Bunny and Claude to try and bring his plan down to how sheer ruthless his plans are and how he almost flushed Bender, Dee Dee, Mop Girl and Wile E earlier. It also turns he got Eladio's approval for this plan too when Frank and Hector both try to tell Bolsa on him and his actions.

It was also revealed that Milton decided to combine tobacco plants with tomato plants to make Tomacco to use for getting people to be hooked on them as produce, but in reality they are drugs which he can extort money out of people while he builds his plan with water.

Episode 6[]

Midas decides to try and keep the cops on the heroes and upon realizing his conspiracy will be uncovered, he decides to place the authorities figures under them so Pablo can also clean up loose ends unthreatened. He does though realize that Zix, Travoltron and Tee are looking into something and pulls off Yates and Chief of Police for the time being so he can have them arrested from discovering some of his plans he and Pi-PI are up to.

Through Bunny and Claude's espionage, Midas was up against the Multiversal Resistance a while ago and he had them killed using his goons who he took control a while ago before they broke out of his control. Midas does seem to admit that not all of them are gone but after his actions he has insured that no one will stand in his way if the Multiversal Resistance couldn't stop him as well as Deathstroke's associates being on restraining orders, then Bender's friends and Slade's empire won't stop him,

Using his police connections, he is able to bring in the water comissioner to him who has been on his payroll to an extent, though he went up against Midas because of his attmept to use climate change to get what he wants. Midas even discovers his water comissioner even threw hands in with Stan, Wendy and Morgana to try and expose his corrupt business practices and actions. Midas decides to seek out a 55 page warrant so he can detain his most determined adversary as he can tell Bender is very much out to get him because he's a typcoon and salesman. Titan, Lorenzo, Riff Raff and Glowface all point out his childish vendetta and try to tell him to just let this be inpersonal as he will likely be sinking money on defeating Bender and lose favor with Eladio while reminding him of how Bender played a part in Becker and Chakai's defeats/deaths. Midas ignores this, as he decides he is the best choice maker and he will take the robot down unlike the other cartel members.

Midas then has Jack Horner, El Mar Verde and Rocky and Mugsy kill the commissioner as he has talked to the group and to get rid of the body, asking for them to be creative while doing so by using those brains of theirs for something useful for once.

Doug Stamper arrives back to him with a detailed file on what he asked for, saying it wasn't too simple but he found that 55 page warrant he wanted.

Act 2[]

Episode 7[]

With Professor Chang, Frank Underwood, Doug Stamper, Rocky and Mugsy, Milton Midas arrives at Lake Chapula to oversee his activites and this causes Bender to hide from him, in order to insure the eagle doesn't know he's on to him. Milton Midas is more less pleased to see the development of his plan as he informs Pi-Pi of the water park plans and water wars, that he will conduct in for more profit.

Unknown to him, Frank Underwood and Doug Stamper dealt with G-Lo and Biceps as well and known the heroes are investigating as Underwood tells Midas to expect some hiccups in what he has planned. Midas tries to question Frank on this, Frank just keeps this to himself, though he murmurs to watch his back as is he a hunter or is he being hunted himself. Midas takes a phone call as some of his associates managed to get a hold of what he has asked.

With Pablo joining Midas, Milton meets up with his colleague Verminous Skumm who hands a bag of something that will interest the Top Don. Midas is provided Rat Rot, Bliss and the keys to an abandoned factory to use for coal to make some acid rain for controlling the weather. All this for a cut of the profit, Midas unwilling to share though has Verminous killed with Pablo hence why he brought him as his body guard. Providing the Bliss to Don Eladio, Midas explains what he heard his former colleague told him, Eladio is upset Midas dealt with an outsdie but if his stuff is really that good for hauling money, he'll overlook it.

He does discover though Malcolm and Guzma have escaped holding and knows that they have aligned with Slade and Bender's forces so he needs to do something and now. Despite not having any information that it was done due to Mike's competency and Tom Hagen's warnings. Midas deploys the cops to arrest them.

Episode 8[]

Milton Midas begins to advertise Bliss as a way of helping others to relax and take things more gently as he is aware of the times and how stressful things really are. He has Professor Chang, Machine Head and Pablo give them like candy, as he wants the first hit free so he can charge for more of them. Unaware to him, Luan and her friends find out about the latter two and so does Frank Underwood and Doug Stamper.

Tom Hagen then delivers a note to Midas who is with Chang and Norton and discovers that Deathstroke is counter suing him for his crimes in the cell he made and placed Merlyn and Guzma in. He and Tom both end up going against Deathstroke, Saul Goodman and Felciity Smoak. Midas this time loses the case as it he was defrauding the court and conducting illegal actions. He does need to pay a fine but still gets to walk free due to his cops pulling some strings. In Vengeance, he drugs Daffy and Maria Rivera to let off some steam.

Midas now with the knowledge of the addictive traits of Bliss, deicdes to collect his farmland and laces his company's products with tobacco and bliss as he intends to control his customers and use them to kill the heroes with Machine Head and Pablo reporting this as with Deathstroke's group, Bender's team and Slade's Empire all now knowing about this, they'll have to keep closing things off like the lab. He tries to convince Jack Horner to use Bliss, but Horner does turn this down the pies and baking goods usage as he cares about quality to keep the money going in

Episode 9[]

Midas has with his criminals his plan to use the Slurry which is done by dumping the rest of the residue with his associates.

Deathstroke and his posse use their authority to get the drugs on the street from where Mike and Leon are able to get this from. Pablo and Machine Head are the drug dealers for Midas who report this as Deathstroke has his henchmen claim the drugs off them and goes so far to refund them not wanting more homelessness in his time as the president

Midas decides that he will have more Bliss developed and that he will order the deaths of Bender and his friends to the teen and kids he is hooking up on this and shows his other products to them. Pi Pi asks about the come longing plan and he is seen with Spot having to help with what Midas has in mind as Midas says he'll have to wait so they can transport a portion of the water to Pi-Pi .

Bender and Slade's group go to look around for the bliss to destroy it, only to run into teens and kids on Bliss who are out to kill them as Midas has ordered their deaths and even gave them firearms with Pablo and Machine Head leading this. It turns into an all out Mexican stand off between the heroes, Midas Pablo and Machine Head, Hector and The Cousins and Big Jack Horner. Throughout the struggle, Bender notices Midas and chases him with Wile E following as well as Stan, Wendy and Luan. As Bender decides to keep building the case against him as well as Wile E and The Robot is pretty much out to insure he gets everything Midas has done recorded so he can take him out right there and then. Luan, Stan and Wendy join when it comes to loyalty and the fact Stan and Wendy take Midas's environmental damage seriously

Bender, Luan, Stan, Wile E and Wendy corner Milton Midas and go to rip him apart and corner him for his plans. As Midas is called by Lorenzo about their farm plans. The 5 decide to take down Midas, though Midas is able to insure they back off from him by referring to the kids and teens who are overdosing. Slade, Anti  Cosmo, Harry and the others finish their showdown with their Cartel foes, though it's for some naught. As Midas gloats about there are more kids to put this through and he'll keep it making Bliss as he still has the recipe to use for his own uses.

Milton is building a case to have Bender and Slade both detained and arrested with the cops and their actions. He discovers from his henchmen that his Slurry and Bliss work was destroyed and it was those meddling green kids as he put it that ruined it. He decides to orchestrate a hit on them in turn . Midas has the formula to make acid rain as it turns out as well and he'll use it on anyone refusing his request. As he has his goons set up their territory on the farmland, with Midas's intent to destroy Morgana's farm for refusing him, as he says she knows what she did.

Midas received the component for his plans to force the rest of the farmers off their land or to sell it to him particularly Morgana with Chang and Anton's help. Bolsa does call this out as Midas is acting way too much into greed to the point where he will get people out of the game

Episode 10[]

At the farm Land where Midas and his goons are all setting on their farmland that they have claimed and He has Professor Chang and Hector help him with this as Professor Chang got his hand on a special chemical that makes rain which Professor Chang managed to create for Midas. Tom Hagen warns Midas that his plan is disapproved by Bolsa, and that it can lead to even more consequences for not just his money, but his position and all that. Midas tells Tom Hagen that those environmentalists keep running business by complaining too much and could cause his own money operations to go belly up and Hagen suggests to just balance it. Which Midas refuses as he needs to insure he controls the water supply so he can sell it for his own ends.

Midas desires to drain and control the pockets of everyone who relies on lake water as well as the farm land itself as The Space Bandits and Dee Dee discover.

Midas gloats to Gus, Deathstroke, Felciity and Merlyn that he is going take revenge on them using his acid rain machine for costing him out of his pocket. Deathstroke calling Midas a coward, questioning why does he just go after them now. Midas says because he and the boys have been creating something to destroy infrastructure and it's just about time for the storm to begin. Felcity looks outside and she nots it's raining but not any rain. it's melting another building.

Bender, Anti Cosmo, Stan and Morgana's team all arrive at Morgana's farm and they do indeed find Plasmius and how Midas brought chemical waste to her Morgana's farm which breaks her and Midas shows up asking how she likes his makeover to her farm. Morgana threatens to turn him in mush and she is taunted that she shouldn't stress by Midas as it's back for the kid. Bender, Anti Cosmo, Stan and the others notice these words. Midas has Plasmius attack them.

Elfo, Luci and Morgana discover that what Midas and his cronies have been up to is that they are creating an acid rain storm thanks to two sources one with Midas's tech and another location that the Iron Masked Marruader and Ardos are working on and Morgana knows exactly what Midas is doing with this for one. Midas arrives ready to break the masquerade and Morgana has to have Elfo and Luci step in front of her holding daggers against him due to her fear of him. Midas melts Morgana's farm with the acid rain and says that he will do this to anyone who resists his buying plans.

He abandons Tom Hagen and considering firing his incompetent cops in his eyes with Professor Chang which Underwood spies on.

Episode 11[]

Milton Midas reports to Don Bolsa about the loss of his lawyer and that he will rat on them due to scruples. Bolsa orders Hagen to be found and taken out only to keep their operations safe.

Arnold Flass and Warden Norton arrive with a new attorney who is more willing to bend rules and this is what Midas would like in Gavin. Midas has Gavin sign off on his plots to auction off water and start the bidding. As he needs it sanctioned with a truly amoral lawyer and that Midas will sell the water for high prices and could also use this for protection purposes for this as well.  

Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Luan, Wile E, G-Lo, Bicep and Captain Putty all manage to enter the auctions being held by Midas. As they come ready to secure some resources for themselves and Deathstroke. Dee Dee, Wendy and Stan are all in Bender's chest cavity hiding there so they can help get into this. The Cops are all present for this to serve as security as Midas feels the heroes will go after him. Machine Head, Jack Horner and Pablo are there to buy as well so they can insure Midas can keep his water, as Pi-Pi serves as the auctioneer as Gavin and Midas sign the agreement to do it

As the auctions go underway, the heroes are noticing the cops are watching them and that they have to tread carefully. Slade and Wile E manage to bargain and get their hands on a few quarts, . Bender , Anti Cosmo and Slade suspect Midas really had no interest to give his supply as he has his own allies serve as auctioneer bidders

Midas annoyed by the lack of efficency of the police decides to have Byron and Officer Affable bring in Yates and The Chief of Police in so he can terminate their contacts with him. The two officers bring the other two to Midas as Warden Norton, Frank Underwood and Doug Stamper decides to keep his eyes on the heroes at the auction. He discussed his plans with Don Eladio who agreed with this as both noted how Bender, Luan, Slade and Anti Cosmo still walk free to thwart their plans.

Bringing in Yates and Chief of Police, Anton kills the latter for failing Midas and Eladio and decidies to send Yates back to jail until he can do better. Professor Chang has a new cop and a more efficient one to bring into their operations that Midas had waiting in the wings. Officer Tenpenny who can be more than trusted with this mission. Eladio approves Midas's decision to do this and so does Norton. He also signs off on the Dark Pokémon being made.

Milton Midas is discussing his plans with Professor Chang and Officer Tenpenny about how he will run the Cartel when he takes over from Eladio. They are the ones who in particular made it possible as he has kept the heroes off his radar for dealing with this. Once he does, he will make moves against Hector Salamanca, Jack Horner and Frank Underwood. Tenpenny and Chang advise him that Horner and Salamanca are too preoccupied to deal with him, but Frank is on to him


Anton hangs up to tell Midas that Eladio and Bolsa wanted to see him on something. Milton Midas decides to put his plot into action now, with Professor Chang

Episode 12[]

Milton Midas and Professor Chang arrive at Eladio's poolside and Midas has Chang meet with them as he uses some vital he has on something. Eladio and Bolsa inform him about what Frank Underwood has accused him of in his actions to betray the Cartel for himself to go on his own. Midas denies claims of this and just tells them that Frank is acting out of not being the top dog and that he is trying to sabotage him. Eladio and Bolsa ask about Midas's projects which Midas explains he is doing this to increase profits for them and that Underwood needs to be taught a lesson in team work. Eladio does agree and says that he is aware Midas is using his ability to make money is without equal, but he needs to know who is boss and  instructs Bolsa to keep a eye on Midas. Midas agrees until he slaps Don Eladio into his own pool. This horrifies Bolsa that Midas just attacked Don Eladio and Midas says he is going to take over the cartel and tells Chang to throw Bolsa in which he does and the two swear to kill him. However Midas just says they will enjoy their new life as rats and the two are turned into rats

Pablo, Gavin and Tenpenny arrive and place the rats in cages as Midas says it's time for a new leader and he sanctioned it off with Gavin and Tenpenny. Milton reveals he tried it before with a rot that turns people into pigs in the water supply and that he watched 4 adults turn into pigs. He tells Pablo and Professor Chang to follow him to to do this and Tenpenny to chase down the heroes on his orders so he can bring them down and kill Tom Hagen. He needs a message he needs to send to Frank Underwood. Frank and Doug discover Midas pulled one over them and has left Eladio and Bolsa incapacitated and that Frank failed to get one over him and now he's in charge. Frank stares down Midas as he taunts him and Midas has Underwood watch to see what he can do and what he will for those who work against him like Frank and Doug Stamper. Midas has Flass arrest Jack Horner and keeps him locked in his business to continue working for him.

Midas sends a phone to gloat to Hector how he has taken over his Cartel who was imprisoned in jail and now he has one more loose end to take care of. Milton releases the rat rot into the river and pollutes the  rivers with his poison and decides that he will spreading the rumors of what has happened here with the river and then he places the rats in a contraption to make rat's milk. He is also given 4 pigs, which are  Lincoln's parents and Lydia's parents that were the first test subjects of his rot before he went for Rat Rot. He was also discovered to have covered up the deaths of M.O.D.A.B Members and Multiversal Resistance Members that he did under Chakai. He even manages to ratify Doug Judy and Bunny and Claude for the treachery they committed.

Midas gets the cops around to help with this plot of their own to finish his gambit as he decides to set up a fall out guy for his plot as someone has now discovered what he is going  to do and he isn't going to let this fly. The Cops question who he has in mind and Midas that he and Putty have set up the perfect patsy to use as who they will set up to take the fall. Affable is uneasy with all this as while the Chief is gone, he feels in a worse place, in the belly of the beast.

Milton Midas arrives with Tenpenny at Don Eladio's house and he isn't surprised to see Bender snoop on his house. Wile E and Dee Dee question Midas on why he is doing this water plan, this food plan all this for adding how much money he has, and why does he need more and how much better does he need to live it. Midas explains that he is doing for the future and that the future is the vision he has and sees everything as a necessary for himself to make himself more rich and powerful. Bender then decides to throw Morgana's defilement at Midas and how that was necessary as the reason Bender decided to help Harry was because he roofied her that night they met. Midas tells Bender that he has the gaul to not blame himself for that and that he tells  Bender that a robot like him should fully understand that morality and rules are not mandatory and that people just don't realize that without that, they can do anything. Bender, Harry, Elfo, Mop Girl, Dee Dee and Wile E are disgusted with this. Tenpenny and Milton Midas then force them to drive the two to see Morgana

As Morgana is about ready to leave for town, this is when Bender, Elfo, Mop Girl, Harrison, Wile E and Dee Dee all arrive to where and this is where Putty, Hadley, Flass, Doug Stamper and Affable are as they decide to arrest Bender and Harrison for withholding evidence handcuffing them by the leg and arm. Midas approaches Morgana and says that did she really think  she was going to leave without him knowing about his child and that she is Midas's as well and that she needs to be reasonable and pointing how disturbed she is when Morgana tells him to get away and forgoes magic to draw a pistol on him. Morgana then shoots Midas and drives off and this is when the police decide to fire at her with Hadley and Flass taking shots at the car and missing thanks to Bender and Harry restraining them down after Wile E gets their legs uncuffed. Stamper just rolls his eyes and decides to just shoot Morgana to deny Midas a victory which he does and through the eye. The Car stops and honks and Dee Dee, Elfo and Mop Girl check with the former screaming in terror as Morgana's body just drops. Bender, Harry and Wile E catch up and Officer Affable calls for a hopsital and his men to turn Bender and Harry loose as Midas mocking shows horror and just grabs the girl. Bender tries to go after Midas for this as his torment led to this with WIle E and Mop Girl holding him back as Midas gloats that thanks to Putty, that there are still the other kids he lives with that he can pop off if he needs to keep Bender in line.

Milton Midas and Professor Chang have analyzed the situation and Midas has kidnapped Darkwing's own adopted daugher to serve as a drug dealer to his work and he has decided to take advantage of the kidnapping. Professor Chang and Anton decide to go on an ambush with this plan as Midas tells  them that targeting Slade and Anti Cosmo could be an idea though he admits the two are on to them already. Chang has something else in mind as he leaves

Midas decides to call in his personal favors to make sure that anyone who tries to escape afterwards will have to do deal with him as he has Putty follow Bender on his temp trip out.

Act 3[]


Episode 13[]

Milton Midas has Professor Chang go to blackmail Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade to get a superweapon for them all as he decides now with himself in charge he can do what he want. Midas threatens to do something to Bender's friends and expose Slade's Empire for the stuff he and Anti Cosmo have done prior. He is also able to find Frank Underwood, and decides despite being a rival, he will keep him for his cunning.

He decides to get his Russian contact involved that he is getting some patsies here to come for the superweapon. To go further with this, Midas decides to get other contacts to insure the heroes don't try anything funny or to kill a few if he needs to as he decides to use Gosalyn to peddle his drugs to the public which she does as her dad is under threat to him. He sends off Tenpenny, Spot and to do just that, whie allowing Norton to sanction off with Gavin the stuff he has Pablo and Putty doing.

Midas has some point captured Jack Sullivan's friends and used them for his own uses as well to help with his own plans. He also takes control of Gus, Hector and Jack Horner's business to start his own for nefarious ends.

Midas is in contact with The Spot and Carol Lineuas who have been working with the superweapon and warns them that Bender managed to deal with their own operatives with Slade. Pi-Pi even wonders why he even got them to do the job knowing how dangerous they are. Midas says that he had faith in them to hopefully sink them as he wants to hurt Bender, Luan, Anti Cosmo and Slade were it hurts. By Still trying to hurt Bender's M.O.D.A.B friends and is still hell bent to make Slade's Empire be exposed even after this due to how personal this is.

Little Nina tells him that they have arrived in Russia and prepares to take some actions that are needed at Midas's instructions. He decided to get his own farm established using Morgana's previous work and took Don Eladio and Don Bolsa and made them work to produce rat milk. He also got his hand on Lincoln and Lydia's parents as pigs and put them in the farm to feed them with the intent to eat them and kill them after fattening them up. Though, he also has any trespassers turned into a pig through some assistance from Dr.Lineus.

He then also sends the government to go after Lincoln, Lydia and their group in Russia realizing they're in Russia as well.

Episode 14[]

Vostok and Lineus report to Midas about Bender and the others, their encounter with Solider Boy and what had all happened there. Midas just informs the scientists to keep their own work and look into the other projects Chang did.

After this meeting, Milton Midas begins to set up his business work and decides to dismiss Pi-Pi and extends an offer to keep him well paid for his work to keep him on his side as he decides to set up concession stands too. So he can start peddling his food to the people and hands instructions for the cooking to his employees. He also sends off Rocky, Mugsy and Nasty Canasta to go after Deathstroke and Stan's team as they are trying to stop his operations of using rat milk and other operations. Midas then holds up an egg sandwich and saying that this will be the particular key he will use for his ventures and revenge plan as he observes some locations, Captain Putty gave him.

He is also revealed to have decided to fatten up The Louds and Lopezs as Pigs and then either kill them and serve them at his business or to use this as a way to torment the kids as he tries to have them arrested with his forces while sending his men to make 2 attempts to bring Solider Boy to him, upon realizing Bender make an alliance with Solider Boy to go after him which he sees as cheating on his deal, despite what he himself did earlier.

Episode 15[]

Milton Midas with help from John Rogerduck, Jeeves and Gavin set up his fast food project and set up conecssion stands for people to try as he has his goons  set up more places. He didn't care about his own work onn Morgana's farm as he has gotten a lot of inventory to use. He also has Machine Head bring Gosalyn to him who he had pursue the Underwoods about Herogasm and heads him the money that Midas wanted. He observes that while hooking people on the remains of his own previous products, he will ultimately pull his ultimate scam as he looks at a Chickdatyl

Midas had decided to sent his cops to raid Star Labs to find Fire Storm's DNA and abilites which Chang will use on Vostok without needing a fusion host.

Midas is happy his plot is working as people are coming back for more and more, He also learns from the cops that Mike, Stan and Wendy also bought some of his food and yet didn't eat it on the camera. Midas also discovers that Putty was unable to relocate M.O.D.A.B again  and to Putty and the cops's surprise, Midas doesn't bat an eye and says that with how much he is making, he can place his new food establishments were they are hiding and then can use to his advantage and sends off the police to do just that. Midas and Gavin come to realize Mike, Stan and Wendy were buying from them and are likely going to try and expose what he is up to. He also covers himself by having Kurbitz and El Mar Verde go to deal with Bender and his crew to prevent them from returning back

Midas and Chang provide their scientists with what has acquired from the Firestorm project and fight Frank and Doug who have bugged them back after what Gosalyn did to them as Midas had her bug Frank. He gets rid of the Salamancasa by making them chickdatcyls with his food. He then sends Anton to go after the team considering they know too much

Episode 16[]

Midas continues his work to take over businesses and learns that Darkwing is tailing him from Captain Putty which is what Midas desires. He tells Putty to keep an eye and that he will have his goons claim those who eat at his restaurant when they chow down enough eggs. After learning of both the restaruant burning and chicken theft, he tries to have Bender and Slade arrested by the cops knowing they did this.

He also orchestrates A fight with Solider Boy as he keeps his eye on that Lydia and Lincoln are also looking into his own business as well.

Episode 17[]

Midas has Operation Firestorm continue to go underway as he intends to kill the heroes using this. He also then has Anton try to kill the kids as they have discovered the truth of what he is peddling to the masses and that he is turning customers into Chickadatyls with a nefarious intention. Midas schemes to make a second profit to turn them into fried chicken with the intent to send them from the fryer to the frying pan.

He makes this intent to Bender, when Bender threatens to close his business down. It becomes obvious that Midas has gotten his hands on the rest of M.O.D.A.B turned into these creatues and made them attack Bender and his gang. He laters also has Putty capture Dark wing and his friends too to engage in his vendetta against the robot. While agreeing to have Officer Affable killed for telling the heroes too much

Episode 18[]

He gloats again about what he did to Bender and then has Chang do the same to Slade and Anti Cosmo later on. He then loses his slaughter house due to Lincoln, Lydia and their group which when Midas proceeds to go into end game against the heroes.

Act 4[]

Episode 19[]


Midas decides to sent off his pawns to do the work for him as he co-ops with Professor Chang and the others to make a mech for himself to use against the heroes and to take his revenge on Bender. He also orders Darkwing and his friends sodomized and killed, Jimmy Neutron to get his brain stolen and decides to throw the Chickdatyls he made out of Dib, Bubbles, Lizbeth, Blossom, Buttercup, Boomer, Edd, Nina and Starfire to the heroes so then he can attempt to distract the group

Episode 20[]

Upon learning of Bender's exposure of him deciding he has enough of Midas and that Carmen and Juni also did so. Midas begins to learn about the fact that all his crimes are now coming to light and that Bender was playing the long game against him. Midas's mech is made and he decides to that he will use it to kill Bender in revenge again, ignoring the fact that Midas himself was to blame by provoking Bender as well as Slade's Empire by going out of his way to hurt him. Midas learns of Pi-Pi's arrest and decides to try and hide all his money from who is targeting him.

Episode 21[]

He is found by Bender, Luan and WIle E Coyote. Midas having had enough albeit not in a breakdown state of mind as he intends to crush them all. He spefically targets Bender during their fight as Bender has Wile E and Luan also help out with their own gear. Midas also tries to break Wile E as well during their fight as he unleashes powerful energy particles on the trio as they try to damage Midas's mech.

As the Trio fight, Midas is eventually defeated and he begs mercy from Bender. Bender ties him up and also Luan handcuffs him and reveals that he was actually bugging him for the whole time and that he found footage on his assault on Morgana. Bender makes it clear he will expose this as well if Midas doesn't follow through with his end to leave him and his friends alone. Luan and Bender also make a point to say that he must turn himself in as well. Midas refuses and tries to get a shot at Bender and Luan, though this was anticapted by the two and Bender shoots Midas in the leg and puts a Roadrunner costume on him and has Wile E capture him to give him closure.

Then his head gets cut off by Bender and Wile E who warned him and Midas refused to heed the warning.

While Brutal like Bender tells to Luan and apologizes about this. Luan admits that Midas deserved this and that Bender did try to merciful but he refused to listen. His head is then brought back to Dreamland and used as a safe.
