Angewomon, Angel of Light and Hope.
Menslady125 is the creator of Legends of the Multi-Universe. She role-plays as Angewomon.
Race: Half Kryptonian, half Digimon
- Father: MagnaAngemon (open)
- Mother: Supergirl (BatgirlDarkNitexx)
- Sisters: She-ra (sailorangel1033), Sailor Moon (TheITINFITisBack)
- Sister-in-law: Princess Zelda *married to Link* (open)
- Cousins: Ghost Rider (xGhostxRiderx1), Zoey (midnight47o)
- Lover: Buzz Lightyear (bobobobobofan)
- Adopted son: Tails (supermegaman88)
- High priest of the temple of the Autobots: Mickey Mouse (open)
- Best friends: Godzilla (open), Lara Croft (open)
- Head of historical archives: Indiana Jones (open)
- Head of science team: Commander Keen (open)
- Head military tactician: Luke Skywalker (open)
- Chief medical officer: Dr. McCoy (open)
Other heroes[]
- Timmy Turner (open)
- Cosmo (nuii700)
- Wanda (open)
- Poof (open, if desired)
- Jorgen von Strangle (open)
- Captain Kirk (open)
- Mr. Spock (open)
- The Doctor (open)
- Xion (sailorangel1033)
- Kamen Rider Nephlim (lastswordfighter)
- Ikari (TheIkariSama)
- Shadow the Hedgehog (ABBIsCHANNEL)