May is a character from the Pokemon anime and a Pokemon trainer.
She is voiced by Veronica Taylor.
Friends: Ash, Isabella, Castiel, Louise, Dawn, James Rogers (Boyfriend), Lincoln Loud, Lydia Lopez, Team Free Will
Fire Rebellion Storyline[]
"One the best members of the Order. May has some good skills with her Pokemon."
- Church's outlook on May.
May joined the Order of the Just after Ash mentioned it to her once and at Briggs' request. She is one of the best members for her skills in Pokemon training and coordinating. He rank in the Order is Lance Corporal as of February 2012.
Fire Rebellion Reboot Storyline[]
Fire Rebellion II[]
May travels to Erewhon via dimensional portal, as it is the only way to enter the island of Auroa safely. She joins the other heroes on behalf of James McCracken and Natsuki to help Mark's team stop Walker and his mystery superior. She would also supply the Beast Morphers Rangers with their Beast-X Visors.
The B Team Storyline[]
LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour[]
May first appears in a boat with Shark Boy, Lava Girl and Sylvester and others who she nearly hits Isabella who gets mad but she makes friends with them. May and the three tell her about their searching for the sea temple and the apples of Eden as well as Jesse who May is after. May and co find the temple and use natural ability or magic to reach there where She works alongside some of her other pals in the temple regarding the Apples of Eden. When Doc explains the apples were meant to be placed in seals where they power the temple allowing it to float or leave the sea. Once the Templars and Assassins began battling over them, the temple sunk into the sea, and that the vessel is important info that could be useful.
May and the others make it to that part where they read off the predictions regarding what's to come in the later parts of the story. May sees the vampires and she uses Glaceon with Isabella's Delphox and Colress' Klinklang to distract the vampires with a blizzard, fire spin and a zap cannon combo. She, Isabella and Sylvester decide to go get them. They end up meeting Jesse who explains a lot about his plan and tries to offer Isabella a way to his side, though she refuses. Unalaq and Shaw crash their way as Sylvester points to her. May and Isabella join back up again to get the Trigger and she explains about Jesse's manipulations leading to the fall of heaven and that one angel was spared it and he's another person who can help. Doc's detector is picking up the Trigger's influence.
May mentions that Isabella said Jesse knew about a act against non human species that hunts them into extinction. and that she thought he was lying to justify himself, but apparently he was right. The group arrives and finds waterways for Isabella to get through which Isabella is happy as there's so much water in the universe though Sylvester reminds her that it wasn't always this way which Bianca asks does he knows why and he doesn't know as nothing was said about it in the temple. May and the group make their way to where they were picked and meet up with Cas. Castiel and May both show up on Jack Welker, Hans and Philip and have him distracted while they have Isabella search for the trigger though they have Blue do it too. May is given announcement on Jesse's location and she using slaying weapons given to her by Bass while she helps Isabella and Castiel. Castiel and May get the others all ready to stall the angels and demons of Jesse with the weaponry provided by Bass as they help Isabella reach Jesse but they see Jesse gave the cure Bender and co made so she can fight evenly with him refusing to take a simple victory. May also helps Isabella and Cas fight Jesse.
After stopping Jesse, she, Isabella and Castiel with their friends find Discord and they all lead an attack against Peter Pan who Discord leads them to and she has the angels on her side through the use of the Apples of Eden she has May and Castiel help Isabella find the now teenaged Stardash and they ask what is going on with her. Afterwards she and Cas talk with their friends and she meets his new recruit James who May finds herself developing a crush on him. Cas and May take operatives of their groups to the west where they look around and get in trouble with Buford who Cas dances to Billy Jean to dump wine on when Cas tries to handle his liquor. James complements May on her beauty and looks for a young kid her age in addition, making her think James likes her. May helps Castiel track down Buford and they end up catching him after dismantling of a robot made by GBF Jr and Evil Carl. May afterwards goes after Isabella to see if she's fine where she helps with Dukat, she helps Isabella with putting it it back. May like Sora has trouble admitting to liking James Rogers and Stardash calls them on this and wants to give them some confidence and sex appeal which May refuses as she already has it. May joins up with the rest of the heroes and destroys the Internment camp, burning it to the ground with "Another Brick in the Wall" while killing any army remaining. May arrives in Springfield and gets to Bart, Black Star and Colonel Star and Stripes as they all head to the Simpsons Household and begin planning what to do though Marceline figures them out and they all begin talking with her after him, Heloise, Bender, Suede and Jesse were attacked by Jack Whiteists.
She also notices Discord with a candle to use to get an upper hand on Pan. May and the others work with Castiel and Jack as well as Dib in stopping CSMs Plans. Castiel and his friends are on the same mission as Bender and his buddies which is use the ocarina to open a door as Sylvester gave one to them. Castiel and Free Will Members get to the entrance where Lydia who has the ocarina uses it to open the door with Zelda's Lullaby.
May aids her friends with against BlackGarurumon and saves Phineas and James from dying with Baron Zemo and joins up against BlackGarurumon and the Niburu.
May decides to help Isabella, Castiel, Bender and Slade against the True Templar Orders since she overhears Slade and Bender talking about their fights with Haythem Kenway and Anarky. With Cas jumping on board she agrees to as well.
Future Warfare[]
May returns and helps Castiel, Isabella, Bender, Skipper, Heloise, Phineas, Suede, Jack Bauer, Gohan, Sora, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Mr. Gold, Discord and Stardash again against this time the Red Lotus and The Viking Alliance
Return of The Weirdmageddon Cult[]
Chapter 1[]
May is one of Team Free Will's members that joins Lydia, Lincoln and Ford in their battle against Toffee and his Neo Cult of followers devoted to the evil nacho isosceles known as Bill Cipher.
Rick did manage to get his hands on Blssina, Filmore, Dawn, Jin, James Rogers, Shark Boy, Qui Gon, May, Lava Girl and Louise. Rick mentions how they seem like a tag of misfits but somehow get the job done which was why Cas vouched for them as Castiel required Rick to do so. Castiel greets his others friends and decides to infrom of what Rick and Ford told him.
Chapter 2[]
May and Dawn also show up aggrivated by Louise's sea gull noise and Louise states it woke them up.
Ronnie Anne, Sid, May, Dawn and Louise explain to Lydia and Lincolin what Ford, Amanda and Cleo have told them and came up as well as Bill appearing in Ford's head. Lincolin states that he felt stuck in his dreams, and that he saw some truly disturbing things and felt like he was seeing the future. Louise dismisses Lincolin for just trying to find a reason to sleep in, though Lydia believes Lincolin may be on to something which Ronnie Anne agrees with and ask the others to leave them.
Castiel, Blissina, Filmore, Craft, Crowley, Dawn, Doc, James Rogers, Jin, Shark Boy, Lava Girl ,Louise Beltcher, May, Qui Gon, Ronnie Anne and Sid Chang all take a lead to grasslands as that is the most likely place to find it with May and Dawn leading the way using one of their Pokemon to guide the way for any one else who will come.
In the Grass lands, May is using her Beautifly and Dawn is using her Buneary to lead the way for them, Ronnie Anne, Sid, Louise, James Rogers and FIlmore where they discuss Lincolin and his sights and how true they could be. None of them truly think Linc is crazy but James Rogers and Dawn think they is something unnatural about him having visions about it and how vague they are, Louise thinks they're cool and she may have been wrong about Lincolin being just some normie. May and Filmore though don't be suprised that Lydia would believe Lincolin and she always seems to believe what he says, and that Lydia could be deluding herself because it's Lincolin which ROnnie Anne does take some offense though May does aploogize for this. Sid does notice that Bunary and Beautifly found something and goes after it unknown to the others.
May and Dawn use Piplup and Warotle to spray Lalo back and Blaziken and Quilava to attack the Gang Green Gang. This was after recovering from Lalo and The Ganggreen Gang going after him
After wards, they run into Lydia, Lincolin, Ford, Rick and Amanda who noticed Cleo saved them and the symbol
Chapter 3[]
Louise, May and Dawn stay in the ship as they try to get a contact to Sid's location but aren't getting any sucess. Louise believes that that wherever Sid is, it's far and distant. When questioned, she feels that Sid wouldn't be killed as she gives off a weird expression for people to want to kill her which May points out is just like Louise which she denies and points how she is still smart despite this. Dawn is more successful and is just about to lock a location when the power goes out. Louise and May begin to look outside and see the Sergant/Warden who has the place surrounded and is ready to make his enterance to grab them when she fratically starts to press buttons which May tries to get a hold of her of it. May then notices Shark Boy, Lava Girl, Craft and James all coming to the ship to take on the Warden's soliders.
Chapter 4[]
Cleo is playing cards with May and Dawn as she discusses she has jealously issues with Amanda for being better than her. She points out Amanda is stronger, more attractive than her, and suspects Lydia likes Amanda more than her while she dealing with baggage with Emma and Rikki being brainwashed into attacking her. Dawn who is setting ups Rips for the crew as a way to mourn states to Cleo that didn't she and Amanda use to be closer friends. Cleo mentioned she was closer to Amanda before she went off with Finn, they were like sisters but once she did and changed into what she is now, she felt a bit more questioned about her friendship with her. May then asks about Lydia, why is not the case with her, Cleo mentions that Lydia is young and that it there one thing that the two will be at odds at it will be her, but knows Amanda does care about Lydia
Amanda have returned from her execrises tells Cleo that she is going down a dark path potentially and warns her with a story of a vengeful sea spirit who took over the sea a long time and it was caused by the loss of her love and that she was once human and gave it up to become a mermaid who eventually became consumed with power after finding out about her love dying while she went looking for him and was only stopped by being impaled by humans. She believes Cleo could do something like that, even mentioned her brief glowing eyes before they attacked each other. Cleo realizes her mistakes and does aplogize to Amanda, Amanda tells Cleo that isn't anything wrong with a little competiton and Cleo could do some stuff to get closer to Amanda in power, while pointing out beauty is subjective. Which May and Dawn both nod in agreement and May even points out that both of them lose when it comes to Lydia, which Amanda questions her on. May states that Lincolin will be always 1st when it comes to Lydia, as them and even Ford will be 2nd to her as he is her partner in crime.
On the another part of the station, It turns out Dawn is chasing Ushari on an airplane who has basically caught May in his coils and he requests Lord Dominator's assistance to basically shoot the girl down, and he has also taken her Pokeballs too so she can't attack. Dawn puts 5 of her balls down as she continues to chase the snake across The Future Fun Land area. The First part is a Spacedust Alley which is a brighty colored vally with tunnels, palm trees, stalgamites and stalacities where Lord Dominator tries to bring down Dawn and her pilotship as Ushari continues to speed up away from Dawn as Dominator continues to stall.
The second part is an cavern is in an enclosed area, featuring many tunnels and craters. In segments of the course, spaceships shoot beams at particular locations, serving as obstacles which ends up being really tricky for both sides respectfuly due to the sharp turns needed to be made and this allows Dawn to start catching up to the snake
The third and last part is full of narrow corrdiors and with a lo of sharp turns and fans and as soon as Dawn catchs up to Ushari, Lord Dominator brings the entire power on Dawn which did work this time but as Dawn falls, she does get Togekiss to save her and that when Ford and the rest of crew show up to stop Ushari from delivering May to the ship and shooting him down. Ford picks them up and states he will go with Amanda and Cleo to find Rick, Castiel and Louise while he's waiting on Lydia and Lincolin to hear back from them.
Chapter 5[]
Lydia, Lincolin, Ford, Amanda, Cleo, Castiel, Rick, Crowley, Blissina, Shark Boy, Lava Girl, Ronnie Anne, Louise, May, Dawn, Doc and James Rogers Arrive at Newtopia. Ford and Rick lecture the group about Amphibia and that this is a new land to all them and to be extra careful.
May and Dawn send out their pokemon and use them to hold off Immortus's army and the toad army that Sasha and Grime sent with intends of stopping them from getting any further and they stand in front of the Newtopia Musuem as Immortus's troops get ever closer and Immortus is keeping a calm deposition as more of his soliders and toads go down. May and Dawn both try to find some more ways to attack than just their 12 pokemon and this is when the two have a plan and use their pokemon to start a fire to keep Immortus distracted as they leave and the henchmen are being burned alive. May and Dawn return their pokemon away and decide to get back to the castle when May falls over and Dawn learns that Ushari used his venom on her as well.
Chapter 10 (Final Chapter)[]
May was finally woken up by her friends and was told of Castiel's death and she seems saddened by his safrice and wonders how Team Free Will will move on without him. Though she is reassured that there may be hope yet in the near future.
The Unown Threat[]
May returns in this story to deal with the emergence of the Unown and gets a contact over to Ford, Luz and Anne and others.
Countdown To Chang's Guide To The Galaxy[]
Chapter 4[]
May was called by Dawn to help with the situation and she rides a bicycle to the port to see Dawn, she agreed to help in regards when she learned of The Smoking Man's return and The Unowns possibly remeging. Though she questions why only Lincoln, Lydia and Doc Brown know about this and why the rest of Team Free Will isn't aware
Chapter 5[]
May picks up the others and just like Lydia she has been looking into the Unown as she tells Dawn like Lydia tells Lincoln. They are told of her task of the legendaries and plates where she teams up with Dawn
May is also briefed by Dawn, Lincoln, Lydia and Doc Brown about what happened to Team Free Will in actual detail as the 3 were just mentioned. May swears to do what she can to help Lincoln, Lydia and Doc against The Smoking Man. This was done as Doc and her agree to retire from adventuring admittingly.
May and Dawn are given custom Master Balls by Doc to help capture legendary pokemon and find the plates. They manage to succeed in turn, and capture Articuno, Zapdos and Crecesilla. They also learn where Moltres was and Professor Elm told them that detail.
May asks Lincoln and Lydia if Doc told them what she and him talked about and learns they did.
Chapter 6[]
May is informed of what has transpired by Dawn and Professor Rown about what took place at The Lakes. Deciding to speed up the process, they head to Battle Arena to find Heatran and The other 2 plates. May notices now Lydia wants to stay behind with Lincoln and needles her why as she has figured out their affair going on. This info she shares with Doc and Dawn heading there respectfully.
Upon arriving there, the group heads out and she uses her pokemon with Dawn to protect Brenner from CSM's Forces looking to kill him. Succeeding the 1st time though failing the 2nd time though Brenner choose to protect the kids respectfully.
May learns of Lydia's idea to have The Unown side with them in trying to stop The Smoking Man, which May thinks won't work as they hate them, Lincoln and Dawn. She is proven wrong by this and concedes to this as they set off to Veilstone City.
May is given Crescilla to use respectfully which she uses in leu with her team, exchanging out her Beautifly for it and uses it on the Team Galactic Grunts at Veilstone as she, Lincoln, Lydia, Dawn and Doc go to rescue the Lake Trio from Charon. When the Browns and Cassie go to stop the time eater, May notices how certain pokemon are attacking and sees the other legendaries with Kelly, Dawn and Cassie using theirs and uses Crescilla's psychic powers to attack the Time Eater
After dispatching The Time Eater and The CSM are taken out, May releases the other legendaries with the others on Professsor Rowan's advice and she gets her Beautifly back
May helps Cassie dye her hair and change her style so she can shine as her own girl more between her and her other girl friendsMay deciding on stopping with her multiverse adventures with Doc decides to take a 6 day tropical vacation with Doc, Jules, Verne, Dawn, Lincoln and Lydia.
May says goodbye to Lincoln and Lydia asking if they're anywhere in Hoenn call her up.
Chronicles of Zaragoza[]
Chapter 5: Return Of The Heroes/Raven Beak Strikes Again[]
After the Unown were defeated, May as well as some of her friends are brought into the future respectfully. May questions how this happening again when Ford tells them, as she did deal with this as well a long time ago with Meowth of all people. An E.N.M.I chases after May and her friends, and May tries to use her Glaceon to attack though it just shrugs it off. As they escape, Bruce talks the group into taking down this chozo Dictator while trying to find a way home and she agrees.
May works on the time travel theory with Ford and Sid are how to get back as they discuss the E.M.M.Is. May then runs with the others and uses her pokemon to keep the 1st one from entering using Blaziken's fire attacks to do so.
When Bruce and Ford manage to take out of the 1st one, They go looking for the other 6 and Fleet Commander tries to go after them with the 2nd one which she notices is different respectfully.
While they manage to lose the second E.M.M.I, it took a lot longer to get away from it and to get to the control room where Anne and Sprig deal with it and then the 2nd E.M.M.I. The Fleet Commander attacks Team Free Will and though he is resistant Ford and Anne manage to beat him respectfully. They head to try to find the 3rd control room. While a tough find it eventually is found and Bruce with May takes out the 3rd control brain. Sid then gets the Omega Blaster and after melting off the chasis, takes a shot and destroys it.
However this is when Psy-Crow and The Dominators arrive and capture them. putting everyone but Ford under the Dominators
May is broken out of her control by Ford and Psy-Crow who decides to side with Ford helping him break the others out of their control and directing to where the 4th E.M.M.I is.
Joined by Psy-Crow, Ford, Anne, Luz, Sid, Bruce, Ronnie Anne, May and Sprig go after the 4th one which goes at super fast speed which becomes a challenge for them due to them not being exactly athletes. They were nearly killed but Psy-Crow manages to stop this and get them to the chamber room where the 4th control system which they manage to kill it. Being chased again, Ronnie Anne uses the opporunity to use the OMega Blaster to destory it
Venturing further, when they find the 5th one which is blue and it can freeze anyone that gets in their visual cones which is done to Sprig, nearly killing him. They manage to escape and once they thaw out the frog, Ford finds the 5th E.M.M.I Control room and has the others all go to destroy it. Before they can deal with it, Scroop and Kro go after them and using their wits, they manage to escape. after getting the Deviants off them and dealing a crucial blow to Scroop. This is when the 5th one makes it's move and Anne manages to destory it with the Blaster to avenge Sprig.
PsyCrow uses his secret bug to find out where the 6th one is and once spotted it fires a paraylzing beam towards Ford which nearly kills him and everyone carries him to get Ford to Safety. Though they destory it, they still have to deal with curing Ford of his paraysis. Sid takes the charge and destroys the 6th one, when asked of the last one, Ford realizes Raven Beak moved it.
Ford finally breaks out of his paraysis as the Martians arrive and kill Psy-Crow. After burying the Crow, the 8 of them go after the rest of Raven Beak's forces intending to distract and take out his forces. With Ford using his weapons, Anne using her sword and tennis raquet, Sprig his Slingshot, Luz and Sid using Magic, Bruce using his skill and Martial Arts, May using her pokemon and Ronnie Anne using her wit to deal with them
After dealing with the remains of his army a wormhole opens up and Sucks the 8 of them into it and this when they see Doc, Dawn, Lincoln, Lydia, Truman X and Selina who were working on a way to get them back to their timeline, after King told them about what happened. When told of what happened, Ford tells the others of what he and his 7 comrades were dealing with. When talking with Dawn, they share their experience about how they dealt with time travel respectfully and that May decides she needs a break from all this respectively and Dawn agrees.
Chapter 1[]
Part 2[]
May after the events of Countdown went to Aloha on vacation like said in one of Lincoln and Lydia's flashbacks With Doc and his family, Lincoln, Lydia and Dawn. Some wormholes end up openning contains the Ultra Beasts, Which Doc looks see happen and Doc admits he has been fasicanted by the Ultra Beasts and their alien like orgins. He gets his hands on Beast Balls and hands the Kids them to help him contain them. May went with Dawn to Verdant Cavern so she can go after and capture Pheromosa while Dawn went to catch Buzzwhole. Afterwards they regroup with Doc's family, Lincoln and Lydia to capture Stakataka and Blacephalon as they already got Nilhago and Poipole
Chapter 5[]
N.Tropy and his Alternate Self killed her and the vast majority of Team Free Will and threw their bodies at the time bureau to send a message to both Lincoln Loud and Lydia Lopez. She and Doc Brown were the first victims of N.Tropy to prove a point.
Fire Rebellion Storyline[]
Ultimate Story[]
May has been part of the story since the events of Ultimate Story 2. She is close friends with Ash and seems to be best friends with another of his friends, Dawn.
She is another ally in the Fairies of Kalos. She arrived with another close friends of hers, Brenden, who is the son of Professor Birch, the Hoenn region's lead professor.