Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Mandy is a girl from Endsville who is a member of the Bonez Alliance along with Mojo Jojo, Imakandi, Duncan, Mr. Freeze, Douglas Davenport, & Grim.


As a baby, Mandy was shown to have never smiled, even in her mother's womb she was visibly unhappy. When she does smile, however, it throws off the natural order of the universe as seen in My Fair Mandy. Although, this does not apply in some earlier episodes as she is seen smiling numerous times.

In The Problem with Billy, she first met her best friend Billy when they were both still in diapers. Billy had rung her doorbell several times until she was bothered enough to answer. When she did, he immediately pointed out that she had no nose and shoved an ice cream cone into her face after she had asked him if he was "some kinda idiot,". She punched him, called him a creep, and slammed the door in his face. To which he simply giggled and said, "She digs me." in response. 

She and Billy had met Grim on the day of the tenth birthday of Billy's pet hamster Mr. Snuggles in the first episode of the series, Meet the Reaper. Grim had appeared to take Mr. Snuggles away as it was about time for the hamster to "kick the bucket" as Mandy had said earlier in the episode, but neither the hamster nor the duo would give in. So, they made a bet. If Grim was to beat them in a game of limbo he would reap Mr. Snuggles' soul. However, if Mandy and Billy won, they would get to keep Mr. Snuggles and Grim would be their best friend forever. In the end, Billy and Mandy had won--though not in a completely fair way--and Grim has been stuck with them since. 

The Ultimate Story[]

While Mandy did not make an official appearance in the story, she does make a number of cameo appearances in flashback sequences. Many years ago, she was able to learn of the Realm of Nightmares, the realm that was the lair of the Descendants of Darkness. She was able to figure out how to enter it and met with the leader, the Shadow Queen. She offered to become a member of the Descendants of Darkness. While this request was a shock, even for the queen, she accepted her offer. Her motives remained unknown and she had been a mystery to the other members.

In Ultimate Story 7, it was revealed that her world was destroyed during the Rifter, but she watched the events unfold without any emotions. The only other person to survive was Grim. He was startled by how she was able to remain uneffected by their world being swallowed up by darkness and how she was able to escape. However, he was able to figure out that Mandy was not a mere little girl but a far worse form of evil taking on a temperary form. Before he could reveal her true name, she attempted to obliterate Grim, but he was able to escape into another dimension with his life barely hanging by a thread. Her motives were also revealed in the final chapter of the Ultimate Story.

Personality and Characteristics[]

Mandy is cold-hearted, brutish, bitter, and behaves in a far more superior manner compared to most of the characters on the show. She aspires to dominate the planet with an iron fist and to stay as far away from Irwin as possible. 

While Billy usually gets the trio into trouble, she is usually the one to get them out of it, along with Grim who--without her force--would not even bother trying to help. Billy claims she has an irrational fear of figure skaters, but she denies this by saying she "doesn't trust the way they spin is all." Mandy also has an intelligence and strength not to be reckoned with. She has an almost superhuman force as she is able to battle monsters with ease as well as being able to understand complex theories of the world when referring to her intelligence, despite being a child. She also never misses a chance to exploit the stupid, which more or less justifies her attachment to Billy.
