Madame Kassandra is the main antagonist of the 2023 video game SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake, based on the SpongeBob SquarePants franchise.
She is a mysterious mermaid fortune-teller and sorceress that sells magical items, who secretly plots to overthrow King Neptune and conquer the world using Cosmic Jelly. To this end, she sells Neptune's wish-granting bubble soap to SpongeBob and Patrick, who accidentally destroy reality with its power, and tasks them with collecting Cosmic Jelly for her under the guise of wanting to help them repair the world, before revealing her true colors.
Book 1: Overture[]
Part 3[]
She is introduced spying on Lincoln, Lydia and Will Robinson's team who have met away with Ruby and Chelesa. She radios into N.Tropy. N.Tropy learns that Chelesa is among them and that he was aware Chelesa was a traitor to him and now he can go after her now that he knows where she is. Fifi and Ham Hand decide to accompany her with her plans which N.Tropy agrees to and has Levy make a portal to do so.
Maddame Kassandra is visted by Rufus Dupus and Dr.Dabble who was brought by Alternate N.Tropy to help her with their next plan. Alternate N.Tropy and Dr.Dabble unleash Chaos Bots that the former got from their creator in a payment deal for them. Dr.Dabble had constructed a new manison as well with Rufus using the Cosmic Jelly with Cassandra to use for their other cover. Madame Cassandra is taking this a bit to take control. This is witnessed by Bruce, Selina and the Robot as The Robot detected something unsusal and went after it. The Robot ambushes Madame Cassandra and shocks her. Dr.Dabble knows who this thing is and orders the chaos bots to attack The Robot. Bruce chases after Dr.Dabble and Rufus Dupus as Selina goes into to help The Robot deal with the Chaos Bots that were brought in.
Part 4[]
Her cosmic Jelly contimates the rest of Bikini Bottom and she is found by Selina Kyle and The Robot who engage against her. She is almost able to deactivate The Robot as she fights him, while able to hold her own, she is eventually electroctured and shocked by The Robot. Forcing her to go on the run afterwards.
However N.Tropy decided her usefulness is done and he and his alternate counterpart killed her just to get her cosmic jelly.