Lydia is the wife of Phinium, mother of Johanna and grandmother of Hilda and mother-in-law of Jaune.
She and Philnum meet Mulder at some point before the story and nursed him back to health and told him about Johanna after Mulder indirectly mentioned her.She and her husband were next seen spying on Johanna, Jaune, Lincoln, Lydia, Hilda, Frida, David, Clyde and Anders respectively noting the situation. However they run off when realizing Crocker is the area and he's after fairies.
Chapter 1[]
Part 3[]
Alongside her husband, she was keeping an eye on Hilda and her friends respectively a few times in Toftoen respectively. She stopped him from revealing himself to Hilda the last time. While Hilda and the others don't suspect anything of them, Hobie is very much on to them and their connection to Johanna and Hilda.
Luna and Hobie are on their way to the Streaming Resistance base and they meet Will who informs of what she knows on the Fairy Isles and what it's going on. She tells Phinium and Lydia about what she has known respectively.
Chapter 2[]
Part 2[]

Will returns to Phillinum, Astrid and Lydia and informs of their prodigal grand daughter returning like they wanted. She hopes that Hobie is working to keep the timeline preserved and Lydia questions why is Will so determined to keep the timeline preserved and not damaged, Will states that she has her own reasons as does her ally Hobie but they are working to insure the multiverse's timeline is at peace.
Chapter 3[]
Part 2[]
Lydia and Philnium manage to rescue Hilda from falling off the bell tower in accordance to Spot and Volo. She begins to note that Trolberg is collapsing and that they have to take HIlda out of Trolberg but aren't able to get too far outside the boarder, With Crocker being able to detect their magic.
Chapter 4[]
Lydia makes her presence known with Philinium to meet her grand daughter and her friends as they go through the fairy mound
Lincoln, Lydia Lopez and Hilda all discover Phinum and Lydia's own history with Johanna and Astrid as well as Hilda. Like Anders, they were tailing Lincoln and Lydia as well in part to their connection to their granddaughter working with Hobie, Will and Gwen.
Lydia Lopez dresses her down for abandoning Johanna praising her daughter for her character and that why they never tried to find her. Phinium admits he was wrong to her and can read that Lopez has parental abandonment issues to him which Lydia can tell due to her being associated with Mulder, she admits that Vecna was the cause of the abadonment to the trio which does calm her down. He is glad that Johanna had such interest in such a head strong girl like her. Which Robot confirms
She also talks with the the others, and talks to Lopez about her own relationship with Lincoln and that it's just a dance and it ain't the end of the world to go to one and briefs Hilda and Lincoln respectivelyMr.Crocker, The Spider Frog and the Robotoid ambush and attack the fairy realm and she fights with Phinum to protect Hilda and her friends respectfully. While they do a fairly good job, Crocker eventually captures both her and Phinium who tells Hilda to go get Johanna and Astrid.
Part 2[]
As She and Phinium are being captured, their power gets used by Melvin Borg and Dr.Moro to their own ends through cloning their DNA and using it for Mr.Crocker. They are placed in the machine so N.Tropy can start to put his truly malevolent plans to work.
Chapter 5[]
She and Phinium have been forced to give Crocker assess to magic and Moro decides to have them killed with Volo while sending their treacherous allies to Area 51 and assigns the 4 treacherous allies to do so before killing themselves
The two are in bad shape and aren't able to do much to fight back against them, which requires their rescue at Johanna and Astrid's hands
Both of them are still weak but are able to stand and are brought to safety as Hilda, Jaune, Mulder and Scully manage to deal with the rest of Spot's forces and are brought into the car to recover some of their strength
Phinium and Lydia both start to recover as they arrive at The Flying Rhino Junior High school and both get involved in the ongoing struggle with N.Tropy's allies with the Streaming Resisitance as well trying to help Mark, Eve and Allen deal with Kregg

The two and the others regroup only to learn Spot is now in the vinciity. They offer to help Hilda and her friends as well the Streaming Resistance deal with this. But Hilda declines saying this is something that have to do themselves.
Chapter 6[]
With The False Groudon now, in display, Phinium and Lydia (Hilda) tell Johanna, Jaune and Hilda to do what they can to try and stop what is out there and they will deal with the rest.
However Hilda, Lydia Lopez and Lincoln tell them that they should help regardless in case and they agree. They go into Crocker's Detection van as he explains how they can reverse the polarity of it as well what Hilda and Johanna can do
Lydia (Hilda), Phinium and Astrid all use their magic to hurt False Groudon though it does just keep walking and baffling them that it doesn't work. False Groudon catches them with it's tentacles as they stop Johanna, Jaune and Hilda from being caught by the monster
Once it is dealt with, She returns with the others and manages to reunite with Hilda and Johanna officially. Despite what has happened, She is allowed as is Astrid and Lydia to walk among humanity after working with Lydia Lopez and Lincoln to use the infinity stones as Frida suggested to try and heal Trolberg. Turns Lydia Lopez also listened to her advise and asked Lincoln to Sadie Hawkins with his blessing.
Mulder mentions how he has been trying to help Astrid, Phinium and Lydia try to blend into society and how Jaune decides to help out with this. She arrives with Phinium and Astrid to help Hilda, Johanna, Jaune, Pippi and Ruby with setting everything up respectfully. She seems disappointed that Ruby isn't able to stay hence why she wasn't on the list
As mother of the bride, she has her set of responsbilities she shares with her husband. Lydia learns that Johanna decided to make Lincoln the best man and Jaune made Lydia Lopez the maid of honor. Unlike her husband she gets it, and would have done so, as Phinium fought Mulder and Scully should have had the role. She also is estatic to learn Lydia Lopez swallowed her pride for a moment to ask Lincoln to the big Sadie Hawkins Dance, that she talked sense into her.
Lydia and Phinium help Johanna when the big day comes and help her by talking her into what to say and do in turn As they watch all of their guests arrive respectfully. She and Phinium wander where Jaune's parents are hoping the invites didn't get lost until they are seen with Peacemaker who arrives and they go down to meet them. With help from Pippi as well, They walk Johanna down the aisle where Jaune, The Robot, Lincoln and Lydia are waiting for Johanna as they take their seats for the Robot to officate it.
Afterwards, Lydia enjoys the sweets and food Pippi made and dances with her husband to the music that Hobie is playing with his guitar and band from back from his universe
Book 1: Overture[]
Lydia at some point went on vacation with her family to Arcadia and at some point she was attacked and turned into a stone statue with her family as discovered by Mulder and Scully.

Her Husband
Her Daughter

Her Grand Daughter
Her Sister in Law
Lincoln Loud[]
She meets Lincoln in the latter half of Streamverse when he helps HIlda find them in The Fairy Mound with Lydia, Will Robinson, The Robot and Hobie. She likes the kid plenty and she was part of why Lincoln swallowed his pride and went to the Sadie Hawkins Dance
Lydia Lopez[]
She meets Lydia in the latter half of Streamverse, They initally have a frothy start due to Lydia being angered at her and Phiniium for abadoning Johanna but they patch things up after learning the reason. She had a hand in Lydia finally deciding to go the Sadie Hawkins Dance.