Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Luther is the main villain of The Warriors.

During a midnight summit of all New York area gangs, Luther kills Cyrus, the leader of the most powerful gang in New York City, and framed The Warriors. This causes that every gang in NYC is after the Warriors. At the end, the innocence of The Warriors is prove and The Riffs going to kill Luther and The Rogues.

LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour[]

Somehow, Luther escapes and join BlackGarurumon to get his revenge in The Warriors. He is present with the others and wonders what his master is up to . Skekung explains that it's something destructive, Luther decides to help Issacs uncover the mutagen Dna that he and Shaw are looking for. Luther overhears Unalaq state the simple decision, When Ares leaves to do his own thing, Nililus annoyed with why Ares is doing this, Luther points out how the hell should he know.

Dipper with Salem, Patty, Dan and Biyomon are showering in the prison where Luther offers to be a friend in that no one has jumped them yet. The five refuse and Luther points he likes a fight which could mean prison rape.The Children of Blackgurumon members led by Cronus make an ambush on the heroes such like Anarky knew would happen. Luther is poisoned by Bender and Discord and as a result alongside Le Fou, Evil Buzz, Motherfucker, Lady Tremaine, Gaston, Morgana ,Sam Issacs and all of Blackgurumon's armies and they all are killed.

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