Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
The Loud House Luna Nickelodeon

"I know it's only rock and roll, but I like it." - Luna Loud

Luna Loud is a character from The Loud House. She is the third eldest and an aspiring musician who quotes musicians. Also many a Loud House's Fan Favorite Sister among the sisters of Lincoln

Allies and enemies[]

Best Friends: Lana Loud, Luan Loud (roommate), Lincoln Loud, Chunk, Mick Swagger, Tabby, Sam (love interest), Her family and siblings, Marceline, Bender, Finn, Hobie Brown (Spider Punk)

Friends: Clyde McBride, Ronnie Ann, Her Siblings, Lydia, Bender, Skipper, Starfire, Jorgen Von Strangle, Jimmy, Finn, Marceline, Axel, Phineas, Isabella, Twilight, Discord, Amanda, Rick Sanchez, Steven Universe, Connie, StanFord, Star, Marco, Antauri, Mallow, Uncle Grandpa, Pizza Steve, Mr. Gus,

Enemies: Bill Cipher, Bill Cipher's Cult, Eobard Thawne, Deathstroke, The Joker, Toffee, The Legion of Past, Present and Future Evil, Flip, Tetherby

The B Team Storyline[]


Lincolin and his sisters make friends with Lydia who was separated from her friends and they help her get back while being friends all through the journey. This get into a battle with Deathstroke who is after them and they manage to deal with him with help of Amanda and Stanford. Lincoln though does save Deathstroke from potentially falling, this comes back to help him later when Deathstroke spares him and his sisters from the spear's effects. He joins Bender, Skipper, Lydia, Rick, Twilight and Marcus afterwards and joins forces with Deathstroke to defeat Thawne

Luna and her sisters wait for Lincoln and the others as Toffee nearly kills them. Luna asks about what nearly happened to Lincoln and he mentions that a triangle dorito with demon powers and Toffee nearly killed them and that they still need to stop Toffee from accomplishing his goals. Once everything is discussed with regards to the two, Luna joins her sisters Lola, Lynn and Luan in going to Mewni and learning more on Toffee which is cut a bit short by Toffee invading Mewni and she defends Mewni with Music and loud music to deafen and distract villains and uses her instruments to give punishment beat downs on them and notices Guzma and Deathstroke running after Toffee and goes after them.

Luna, Guzma and Deathstroke even watch Toffee impale Moon with a beam saber and get back to the others and note what just happening. Luna joins her sisters in their endeavors against the others. Luna assists her sisters and Mike in defeating Khan and bringing the cult down of their resources. After The Spear is used, she joins her siblings Lincoln, Lynn and Luna in going to Aruba with Bender.

Anglesmith Origins[]

Luna doesn't get involved in the main storyline but she is essential to Luan's storyline alongside Luan's Boyfriend to help Bender out.


Upon hearing her sister trying to rail her family to help get Bender from Mexico upon being shocked what happened to him. Luna does convince Luan to go against the family and go find the robot as does Luan's Boyfriend Benny. Luna gives Luan her chopper she made with a hand me down to go rally those M.O.D.A.B Guys for possible help.


Luan sneaks back into her and Luna's room and tells her about the adventure, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo and herself all got involved. Luna also discovers Luan still has her heart shaped herb power which Luan tells her it will wear off.

The Bad Guys and The Boys[]

Luna is brought into the fold by Spider Punk with Sam who Punk arrived to get. Luna knows him as he stopped her from being take away from the authorities when The Bad Luck Loud House events occured.  Armed with her Ace Savry Alias Night Club as Punk managed to find some way to get his hands on it, Luna and Sam both join Hobie. Luna, Hobie and Sam meet Dakota, Cavendish and Thawne and go to the Quantlum Realm where the 3 tell them about Kang respectively and what he is up

Joining with the others they go through Kang and his other forces mainly Doc Ock who is working on the plan with Kang to achieve his plan. Luna apologizes for Sam to get her involved  which Sam states she's glad to get involved if it means helping Luna. Luna and Hobie both lead the way through the base and proceed to help deal with Kang and Octopus. They discover what Kang seeks respectively and work with Dakota to free his servants

Working with other allies, who arrive they head back from the Realm and find The Bad Guys and The Boys and join up with them against Kang. Luna then helps Hobie go against Octopus and they take her away respectively. Hobie brings both Luna and Sam home, so they can get back to normal life while he puts the spies on a case of their own

War of The Streams[]

Luna returns to help Hobie Brown and his attempts against Frank Underwood and his cabinet/cartel group. Luna regroups with her Sister and B Team allies who Luna joins up with in turn to stop the Cartel from getting the upperhand and exposing Slade's Empire as well as Bender and her sister Luan's involvement with them. On top of that Luna and Hobie are privy to alternate multiverses as they work with alternate verisons of Lincoln, Hilda and Lydia respectively.

Luna learns what's going with Lincoln and Luan respectively in regards to Lydia and Bender and isn't surprised to hear about it, all the while suspecting as such with their activies and Hobie decides to go looking for the two seeing answers within her little bro.


Chapter 1[]

Part 2[]

Luna joined her mentor Spider Punk/Hobie Brown on the way to the Mcbride Residence as she told him where they were.Luna reunites with her grand parents and meets Hilda who is supscious of her due to The No Such Luck Events

She tries to convince Hilda she isn't like that and is trying to do good by Lincoln, Hilda thinks on keeping her on a leash after being told of what Luna has to deal with after The No Suck Luck Events when public due to the CSM

Part 3[]

Pop Pop, Myrtle, Luna, Clyde all manage to learn where Chandler got the package and it came from Puppy Co. This seems like a confusing thing admittingly since why would a company that works in dog work have something that works in supernatural work. Clyde, Pop Pop and Myrtle do come to a conclusion that there is some dark truth behind it. Luna agrees in part to what she knows on Horner when he attempted to take control of Lynn's restaruant

This is when Hilda and the others all come back from relaxing though there it still some tension considering what happened with Johanna and Astrid. Hobie asks Luna had she figured out where it came from and Luna tells Hobie about her investgation and Hobie can tell it's a dark cover and it's Cartel Work. Hilda, Pop Pop, Myrtle, Clyde and the others question this. Hobie mentions he faced the Cartel under Frank Underwood after Don Eladio was killed and Horner was part of and was using his bakery business as a front. Hobie also mention show plenty of former cartel members joined up together not to avenge him but under someone who Spot is wokring with. He explains who Spot is to them as well.

Hobie talks with Luna on this about the situation  asking she wants to see her bro, Hobie can make this happen with his ability to travel through dimensions. He can take her there but he feels Hilda will need some help with what is befalling Jaune. Luna asks what does he mean, Hobie states it's fairy sickness and he knows Johanna knows the truth about it. He knows that Johanna is uncomfortable with it, but she will eventually need to reveal the truth.

Anders arrives and questions them, Hobie states they're talking about Jaune and Johanna and traveling. Anders offers to keep an eye on them while they do so.

Luna and Hobie are on their way to the Streaming Resistance base and they meet Will who informs of what she knows on the Fairy Isles and what it's going on. She tells Phinium and Lydia about what she has known respectively.

Chapter 2[]

Luna arrives with Hobie to find the Streaming Resistance and informs them of what they dealt with Hilda, her friends and that Spider Frog thingly. Luna is informed of Lincoln being with them as well as Lydia like Hobie said. When she asked about her bro's whereabouts. Penny tells her that brother, Lydia and Lincoln once again decided to sneak out to Galar, Penny thinks she is lucky to have a brother like him, Luna agrees

When Will, Blinky, Lydia and Lincoln return from the Galar Region, Luna is glad to see her bro okay and how she was worried about him. Luna tells Lincoln, their grandparents are helping them get him and Lydia back from the Streamverse. She does admit that the british blue haired girl does have her on a leash in regards to that unmentionable event and other reasons, which she feels is a  little unfair as she has apologized to Lincoln.

She is brought with the others to Wednesday's meeting about Nevermore their situation and what they need to do respectively in their time there. When Lydia and Lincoln are curious how Hobie and Luna met with each other, Luna was nearly taken away from her family like Lincoln by The Smoking Man exposing the Louds, but she was saved by Hobie who took her during the events of Countdown and kept her safe. After the event was over, Luna was returned home, but she took the role of his sidekick when Hobie went on missions. Luna even admits that she thought about her family and that her apology to Lincoln was in part to her time with the Spider Punk.

Luna arrived with the others at Nevermore and learns of what Wednesday and Enid have looked into in the reemergence of Thoryn and Wendesday's former love interest Tyler. Luna is briefed about what they tired before and with the former trying to bring back Crackstone to get rid of outcasts. Luna takes offense to this as does the others. Upon planning what to do next, Luna and Hobie decide to split the work with Luna going with Wednesday and co while Hobie sticks to working with her brother. Luna gets his word that he will insure no harm happens to Lincoln. Luna also seemed privy to her brother's attempt to emancipate himself and questions his reasons.

Part 2[]

Luna, Cuphead, Mugman and Miss Chalice go outside and near the lake to investigate outside when Cuphead is entranced by the sound of a mermaid and he goes after it. Luna knows something is up and follows with Mugman ad Chalice not that far behind

It turns out to be Chelesa who also drowns Cuphead, but is saved by Miss.Chalice, Mugman and Luna who decide to take her with Luna getting her super hero alias Night Club ready as they fight her with the trident empowered. Luna uses an electric guitar, that has a club as the head, with which she can produce powerful shock waves, and a jetpack to fly to attack while Mugman and Cuphead use an air plane with Miss.Chalice to fight her off. While the 4 do succeed in defeating her, Chelesa managed to distract them long enough to insurer N.Tropy can continue with his plans with Joesph Crackstone and they head off with the others to find Wednesday.

Everyone meets back up back together and are in the woods and this is where everyone comes. Luna decides to help Wednesday take on Joesph Crackstone like many of ther friends by using her Night Club Alias to insure his defeat.Luna and Hobie decide to head back to help Hilda respectfully contend that Lincoln and Lydia are fine to tell Hilda and her mom. Luna tells Lincoln to take care as she and Hobie will come back to help them and the Streaming Resistance soon enough. She has no lost faith in him as she tells him

Part 3[]

Luna arrives in Trolberg with Hobie intent to wait for Hilda to arrive suspecting she will come back there respectively

Chapter 3[]

Luna was present with Ruby and David and manages to see the others while playing with the dogs as Hilda birefs her and the others on what happened.Luna and Hobie both are already suspcison of something going on by sheer detection of something off in what turns out to be Volo using Hoopa. She and Hobie decide to accompany Hilda and her friend on a camping expedition.

Luna suspects something is going to happen in part to the quiet, too quiet cliche and is proven right when the villains do arrive and she has to be in her Night Club act to fight off what they forces all brought. Working with Ruby she manages to keep them from chasing them too much by using her loud rock music and Ruby's Kraken armor.

Part 2[]

Luna and the others begin to go find Hilda and she uses her hero alias to deal with Tyler when he tries to amush her and the others. She also runs into Chandler who tries to run her off into getting lost. This she ignores as she heads to Trolberg with the others

Luna and her grandparents meet back up and learns what they did. Luna considering going in to save Lincoln, but her grandparents stop her informing her that they need to get the rest of the gang too. When the detonator goes off, Luna is taken inside the Neisse Zone with the others to wait for the blast residue to fade from the attack.

Chapter 4[]

Turns out Pop Pop and Luna managed to ultimately find some traces of the streamverse and learn that Trolberg is actually part of it and so is Royal Woods as well, Pop Pop also discovered that Lydia has family that's part of the streamverse as well. It surprises him that anyone with a tie to a streaming platform is part of it and has the streamverse is assessable as long as a few people are form there which explains how Ford and others were able to join the crew in going to Hawkins. Scudsworth confirms this as well. Royal Woods is merely an extension due to being both on and off at it.

Luna sees Hilda return and is relieved she is fine, and heads with the others back to Flying Rhino

Part 2[]

Luna and the others head to Flying Rhino Junior High and find that despise what she was told by Lincoln, it's actually being rebuild and refurbished which Mulder and Scully tell her and the others about

Luna though unlike some of the others, believes what Lydia told them about the school as she has dealt with this kind of stuff before and does she had a pet rat respectfully. Deciding to investigate the school, Luna joins her friends and ends up getting caught in the middle of The computer malfunctioning and dealing with many of the situations Marcus as well as Lydia dealt with respectfully

She though manages to be a crucial help to them and Mulder and Scully as she knows while a bit about coding respectfully and figuring out who the culprits are respectfully. Upon their return to the adults upon fixing the problem, Luna helps figure where Hilda's grandparents are with The Time Agents respectfully.

Chapter 5[]

Luna is ambushed by Spot's forces and she heads back to the boiler room and gets in her night club costume to fight what Spots forces have led against them all respectfully

She does her most capable ability to fight back against them and is helped by The Streaming Resistance as well as Hilda's group coming back from Area 51. She also reunites with Lydia and Lincoln who return and Lincoln apologizes to her about wanting to leave as he didn't mean it. Luna doesn't understand what Lincoln means but it's just nice to see him fine.

Luna stays in side as Lincoln proceeds to go after The Spot who has just arrived at the school

Chapter 6[]

Luna and her friends all rush to get away from False Groudon and head to try and reverse the monster's energy and goes with her friends. Pop Pop and Myrtle give themselves up for her and Lincoln and in turn she does for Lincoln to save everyone with his friends

Luna is eventually brought back with the others and congrautes Lincoln for saving everyone giving the encouragement he needs. She is taken back home by Pop Pop and Myrtle alongside Lincoln and Lydia as well as Clyde.


Book 1: Overture[]

Chapter 1[]

Part 1[]

Bender arrives in Royal Woods and he sees Luan who says she'll be with him in a minute as she is sorting her business with Luna and Benny. Luna asks what kind of house Bender is getting, Bender tells her he's getting a big house belonging to a kingpin in the crime underworld. Lisa arrives asking him if there is  a way he can put a good word for her, which he says that he had business at Lynn's Table

Lisa, Luan and Luna end up discussing what is going on, as Luan tells the two she is a bit scared to set into China Town as she and her friends dub considering what happened to her and Bender down there. Luna and Lisa both seem aware it's a cesspool, though Luan says that's all she can say at the time.

Chapter 3[]

Part 8[]

Bender and Anti Cosmo both decide to get her help when it comes to their infiltration with Tek Knight's manor to use as music as a distraction.

Part 9[]

She and her band manage to infiltrate successfully the manor and help conduct the music, thought they are careful not to play rock music too much here. Luna does start playing the music when chaos does start happening and she notes what the Supes are going to do and she decides to Night Club on them and ends up escaping with Lisa, Bender and Anti Cosmo as the latter three went to get her too and she is able to escape with Hobie Brown appearing to help her out of this jam.




‘Play it Loud’ by Luna Loud 🎶 Official Music Video REALLY LOUD MUSIC Loud House Special Nick
